mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:10:55 -04:00
Added drag & drop file support on the remote desktop tab.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ NoMeshesPanel img {
padding: 4px;
#bigok {
#bigok, #p11bigok, #p13bigok {
width: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
@ -1161,9 +1161,10 @@ NoMeshesPanel img {
text-align: center;
font-size: 1600%;
color: #AAAAAA;
z-index: 99999;
#bigfail {
#bigfail, #p11bigfail, #p13bigfail {
width: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
@ -1172,6 +1173,7 @@ NoMeshesPanel img {
text-align: center;
font-size: 1600%;
color: #AAAAAA;
z-index: 99999;
.chartViewCanvas {
@ -2760,28 +2762,6 @@ a {
height: calc(100vh - 349px);
#p13bigok {
width: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
left: 337px;
top: 200px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1600%;
color: #AAA;
#p13bigfail {
width: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
left: 337px;
top: 200px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 1600%;
color: #AAA;
.fulldesk #p14title {
margin-left: 16px;
margin-right: 16px;
@ -670,6 +670,8 @@
<div id=deskarea3x>
<div id="p11bigok" style="display:none"><b>✓</b></div>
<div id="p11bigfail" style="display:none"><b>✗</b></div>
<div id=DeskFocus oncontextmenu="return false" onmousedown=dmousedown(event) onmouseup=dmouseup(event) onmousemove=dmousemove(event)></div>
<div id=DeskParent>
<canvas id=Desk width=640 height=480 oncontextmenu="return false" onmousedown=dmousedown(event) onmouseup=dmouseup(event) onmousemove=dmousemove(event) onmousewheel=dmousewheel(event)></canvas>
@ -1631,7 +1633,7 @@
for (var j = 1; j < 5; j++) { Q('devViewButton' + j).classList.remove('viewSelectorSel'); }
Q('devViewButton' + Q('viewselect').value).classList.add('viewSelectorSel');
// Setup upload drag & drop
// Setup upload drag & drop for server files
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('drop', p5fileDragDrop, false);
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('dragover', p5fileDragOver, false);
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('dragleave', p5fileDragLeave, false);
@ -1639,7 +1641,12 @@
//Q('p5fileCatchAllInput').addEventListener('dragover', p5fileDragOver, false);
//Q('p5fileCatchAllInput').addEventListener('dragleave', p5fileDragLeave, false);
// Setup upload drag & drop
// Setup drag & drop for device desktop
Q('deskarea0').addEventListener('drop', p11fileDragDrop, false);
Q('deskarea0').addEventListener('dragover', p11fileDragOver, false);
Q('deskarea0').addEventListener('dragleave', p11fileDragLeave, false);
// Setup upload drag & drop for device files
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('drop', p13fileDragDrop, false);
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('dragover', p13fileDragOver, false);
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('dragleave', p13fileDragLeave, false);
@ -5731,13 +5738,23 @@
var wintype = false, linuxtype = false, agenttype = false;
for (var i in options.nodeids) {
var n = getNodeFromId(options.nodeids[i]);
if (n.agent) { if ((GetNodeRights(n) & 24) == 24) { agenttype = true; } if ((n.agent.id > 0) && (n.agent.id < 5)) { wintype = true; } else { linuxtype = true; } }
if (n.agent) { if ((GetNodeRights(n) & 24) == 24) { agenttype = true; }
if ((n.agent.id > 0) && (n.agent.id < 5)) { wintype = true; } else { linuxtype = true; } }
if ((wintype == true) || (linuxtype == true) || (agenttype == true)) {
// Fetch run options
var runopt = { type:1, runAs:0, source:1, cmd:'' };
try { runopt = JSON.parse(getstore('runopt', runopt)); } catch (ex) {}
if (options.selectedFile) {
var filename = options.selectedFile.name.toLowerCase();
console.log('filename', filename);
if (filename.endsWith('.bat')) { runopt.type = 1; }
if (filename.endsWith('.ps1')) { runopt.type = 2; }
if (filename.endsWith('.sh')) { runopt.type = 3; }
if (filename.endsWith('.agentconsole')) { runopt.type = 4; }
var x = '';
if (options.title) { x += options.title + '<br />'; }
x += '<select id=d2cmdtype onclick=d2runCommandValidate() style=width:100%;margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:4px>';
@ -5746,48 +5763,59 @@
if (agenttype == true) { x += '<option value=4' + ((runopt.type == 4)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Agent Console" + '</option>'; } // MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL & MESHRIGHT_AGENTCONSOLE are needed
x += '</select>';
x += '<select id=d2cmduser style=width:100%;margin-bottom:4px><option value=0' + ((runopt.runAs == 0)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Run as agent" + '</option><option value=1' + ((runopt.runAs == 1)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Run as user, agent if no user" + '</option><option value=2' + ((runopt.runAs == 2)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Must run as user" + '</option></select>';
x += '<select id=d2cmdsource onclick=d2runCommandValidate() style=width:100%;margin-bottom:4px><option value=0' + ((runopt.source == 0)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from text box" + '</option><option value=1' + ((runopt.source == 1)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from file" + '</option>';
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { x += '<option value=2' + ((runopt.source == 2)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from file on server" + '</option>'; }
x += '</select><textarea id=d2runcmd onkeyup=d2runCommandValidate() style=background-color:#fcf3cf;width:100%;height:200px;resize:none;overflow-y:scroll>' + (runopt.cmd ? EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(runopt.cmd)) : '') + '</textarea>';
x += '<div id=d2runfile style=display:none><input id=d2runfileex type=file onchange=d2runCommandValidate() id=d2localFile name=files onchange=d2runCommandValidate() /></div>';
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { x += '<div id=d2runsfile style=display:none><div id=d2serveraction valign=bottom><input type=button id=p2FolderUp disabled="disabled" onclick=d3folderup() value="Up" /> <span id=p2CurrentFolder></span></div><div id=d2serverfiles></div></div>'; }
if (options.selectedFile == null) {
x += '<select id=d2cmdsource onclick=d2runCommandValidate() style=width:100%;margin-bottom:4px><option value=0' + ((runopt.source == 0)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from text box" + '</option><option value=1' + ((runopt.source == 1)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from file" + '</option>';
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { x += '<option value=2' + ((runopt.source == 2)?' selected':'') + '>' + "Commands from file on server" + '</option>'; }
x += '</select><textarea id=d2runcmd onkeyup=d2runCommandValidate() style=background-color:#fcf3cf;width:100%;height:200px;resize:none;overflow-y:scroll>' + (runopt.cmd ? EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(runopt.cmd)) : '') + '</textarea>';
x += '<div id=d2runfile style=display:none><input id=d2runfileex type=file onchange=d2runCommandValidate() id=d2localFile name=files onchange=d2runCommandValidate() /></div>';
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { x += '<div id=d2runsfile style=display:none><div id=d2serveraction valign=bottom><input type=button id=p2FolderUp disabled="disabled" onclick=d3folderup() value="Up" /> <span id=p2CurrentFolder></span></div><div id=d2serverfiles></div></div>'; }
setDialogMode(2, "Run Commands", 3, d2groupActionFunctionRunCommands, x, options);
if (options.selectedFile == null) {
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { d3fileoptions = { dialog: 2, files: 'd2serverfiles', folderup: 'p2FolderUp', currentFolder: 'p2CurrentFolder', func: null }; d3updatefiles(); } // Update the server files
if (userinfo.siteadmin & 8) { d3fileoptions = { dialog: 2, files: 'd2serverfiles', folderup: 'p2FolderUp', currentFolder: 'p2CurrentFolder', func: null }; d3updatefiles(); } // Update the server files
function d2runCommandValidate() {
QV('d2cmduser', Q('d2cmdtype').value < 4);
QV('d2runcmd', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0);
QV('d2runfile', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1);
QV('d2runsfile', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2);
var ok = false;
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0) { if (Q('d2runcmd').value.length > 0) { ok = true; } } // From text box
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1) { if (Q('d2runfileex').files.length == 1) { ok = true; } } // From file
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2) { ok = false; } // From server file
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
if (xxdialogTag.selectedFile == null) {
QV('d2runcmd', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0);
QV('d2runfile', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1);
QV('d2runsfile', Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2);
var ok = false;
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0) { if (Q('d2runcmd').value.length > 0) { ok = true; } } // From text box
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1) { if (Q('d2runfileex').files.length == 1) { ok = true; } } // From file
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2) { ok = false; } // From server file
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
} else {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
function d2groupActionFunctionRunCommands(b, options) {
var type = 3;
try { type = parseInt(Q('d2cmdtype').value); } catch (ex) { }
putstore('runopt', JSON.stringify({ type: type, runAs: parseInt(Q('d2cmduser').value), source: parseInt(Q('d2cmdsource').value), cmd: encodeURIComponent(Q('d2runcmd').value) })); // Save run options
if (options.selectedFile == null) { putstore('runopt', JSON.stringify({ type: type, runAs: parseInt(Q('d2cmduser').value), source: parseInt(Q('d2cmdsource').value), cmd: encodeURIComponent(Q('d2runcmd').value) })); } // Save run options
var cmd = { action: 'runcommands', nodeids: options.nodeids, type: type, runAsUser: parseInt(Q('d2cmduser').value) };
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0) {
if (options.selectedFile) {
// Drag & drop file
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) { cmd.cmds = e.target.result; meshserver.send(cmd); if (options.func) { options.func(); } }
} else if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 0) {
// From text box
cmd.cmds = Q('d2runcmd').value;
if (options.func) { options.func(); }
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1) {
} else if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 1) {
// From file
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) { cmd.cmds = e.target.result; meshserver.send(cmd); if (options.func) { options.func(); } }
if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2) {
} else if (Q('d2cmdsource').value == 2) {
// From server file
var files = d3getFileSel();
if (files.length != 1) return;
@ -7706,7 +7734,7 @@
// Run commands on current device
function runDeviceCmd(nodeid) { if (xxdialogMode) return; d2runCommandDialog({ nodeids: [ decodeURIComponent(nodeid ? nodeid : currentNode._id) ] }); }
function runDeviceCmd(nodeid) { if (xxdialogMode) return; d2runCommandDialog({ nodeids: [ nodeid ? decodeURIComponent(nodeid) : currentNode._id ] }); }
function writeDeviceEvent(nodeid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
@ -9312,6 +9340,42 @@
function p11fileDragDrop(e) {
QV('p11bigfail', false);
QV('p11bigok', false);
if ((xxdialogMode != null) || (desktop == null) || (desktop.State != 3) || (e.dataTransfer == null) || (e.dataTransfer.files.length == 0)) return;
var file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
var filename = file.name.toLowerCase();
if (filename.endsWith('.bat') || filename.endsWith('.ps1') || filename.endsWith('.sh') || filename.endsWith('.agentconsole')) {
d2runCommandDialog({ nodeids: [ currentNode._id ], selectedFile: file });
} else if (filename.endsWith('.txt')) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) { showDeskType(e.target.result); }
var p11dragtimer = null;
function p11fileDragOver(e) {
if (p11dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(p11dragtimer); p11dragtimer = null; }
var ac = ((xxdialogMode == null) && (desktop != null) && (desktop.State == 3));
QV('p11bigok', ac);
QV('p11bigfail', !ac);
function p11fileDragLeave(e) {
if (e.target.id != 'Desk') {
QV('p11bigfail', false);
QV('p11bigok', false);
} else {
p11dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('p11bigfail',false); QV('p11bigok',false); p11dragtimer = null; }, 10);
// Desktop Shortcut Keys
@ -9557,11 +9621,11 @@
// Remote desktop typing
function showDeskType() {
function showDeskType(text) {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
var x = '<div>' + "Enter text and click OK to remotely type it. Make sure to place the remote cursor at the correct position before proceeding." + '<div>';
x += '<textarea id=d2typeText style="margin-top:5px;width:100%;height:184px;resize:none" maxlength=2000></textarea>';
x += '<textarea id=d2typeText style="margin-top:5px;width:100%;height:184px;resize:none" maxlength=2000>' + (text ? EscapeHtml(text) : '') + '</textarea>';
setDialogMode(2, "Remote Keyboard Entry", 3, showDeskTypeEx, x);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user