mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:30:07 -05:00
Added edituser action to meshctrl.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ try { require('ws'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "ws", type "npm
var settings = {};
const crypto = require('crypto');
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const possibleCommands = ['listusers', 'listusersessions', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'editdevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config', 'movetodevicegroup', 'deviceinfo', 'addusergroup', 'listusergroups', 'removeusergroup', 'runcommand', 'shell', 'upload', 'download', 'deviceopenurl', 'devicemessage', 'devicetoast', 'addtousergroup', 'removefromusergroup', 'removeallusersfromusergroup'];
const possibleCommands = ['edituser', 'listusers', 'listusersessions', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'editdevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config', 'movetodevicegroup', 'deviceinfo', 'addusergroup', 'listusergroups', 'removeusergroup', 'runcommand', 'shell', 'upload', 'download', 'deviceopenurl', 'devicemessage', 'devicetoast', 'addtousergroup', 'removefromusergroup', 'removeallusersfromusergroup'];
if (args.proxy != null) { try { require('https-proxy-agent'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "https-proxy-agent", type "npm install https-proxy-agent" to install it.'); return; } }
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" DeviceInfo - Show information about a device.");
console.log(" Config - Perform operation on config.json file.");
console.log(" AddUser - Create a new user account.");
console.log(" EditUser - Change a user account.");
console.log(" RemoveUser - Delete a user account.");
console.log(" AddUserGroup - Create a new user group.");
console.log(" RemoveUserGroup - Delete a user group.");
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" --loginkey [hex] - Server login key in hex.");
console.log(" --loginkeyfile [file] - File containing server login key in hex.");
console.log(" --logindomain [domainid] - Domain id, default is empty, only used with loginkey.");
console.log(" --proxy [http://proxy:1] - Specify an HTTP proxy.");
console.log(" --proxy [http://proxy:123] - Specify an HTTP proxy.");
} else {
settings.cmd = args['_'][0].toLowerCase();
@ -144,6 +145,11 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
else { ok = true; }
case 'edituser': {
if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Edit account user missing, use --userid [id]"); }
else { ok = true; }
case 'removeuser': {
if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove account userid missing, use --userid [id]"); }
else { ok = true; }
@ -366,22 +372,37 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
case 'adduser': {
console.log("Add a new user account, Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --pass newpassword");
console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --randompass --rights full");
console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --user [name] - New account name.");
console.log(" --pass [password] - New account password.");
console.log(" --randompass - Create account with a random password.");
console.log(" --user [name] - New account name.");
console.log(" --pass [password] - New account password.");
console.log(" --randompass - Create account with a random password.");
console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --email [email] - New account email address.");
console.log(" --emailverified - New account email is verified.");
console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login.");
console.log(" --siteadmin - Create the account as full site administrator.");
console.log(" --manageusers - Allow this account to manage server users.");
console.log(" --fileaccess - Allow this account to store server files.");
console.log(" --serverupdate - Allow this account to update the server.");
console.log(" --locked - This account will be locked.");
console.log(" --nonewgroups - Account will not be allowed to create device groups.");
console.log(" --notools - Account not see MeshCMD download links.");
console.log(" --domain [domain] - Account domain, only for cross-domain admins.");
console.log(" --domain [domain] - Account domain, only for cross-domain admins.");
console.log(" --email [email] - New account email address.");
console.log(" --emailverified - New account email is verified.");
console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login.");
console.log(" --realname [name] - Set the real name for this account.");
console.log(" --phone [number] - Set the account phone number.");
console.log(" --rights [none|full|a,b,c] - Comma seperated list of server permissions. Possible values:");
console.log(" manageusers,backup,restore,update,fileaccess,locked,nonewgroups,notools,usergroups,recordings,locksettings,allevents");
case 'edituser': {
console.log("Edit a user account, Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl EditUser --userid user --rights locked,locksettings");
console.log(" MeshCtrl EditUser --userid user --realname Jones");
console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --userid [name] - User account identifier.");
console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --domain [domain] - Account domain, only for cross-domain admins.");
console.log(" --email [email] - Account email address.");
console.log(" --emailverified - Account email is verified.");
console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login.");
console.log(" --realname [name] - Set the real name for this account.");
console.log(" --phone [number] - Set the account phone number.");
console.log(" --rights [none|full|a,b,c] - Comma seperated list of server permissions. Possible values:");
console.log(" manageusers,backup,restore,update,fileaccess,locked,nonewgroups,notools,usergroups,recordings,locksettings,allevents");
case 'removeuser': {
@ -982,20 +1003,32 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'adduser': {
var siteadmin = 0;
if (args.siteadmin) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
if (args.manageusers) { siteadmin |= 2; }
if (args.fileaccess) { siteadmin |= 8; }
if (args.serverupdate) { siteadmin |= 16; }
if (args.locked) { siteadmin |= 32; }
if (args.nonewgroups) { siteadmin |= 64; }
if (args.notools) { siteadmin |= 128; }
var siteadmin = getSiteAdminRights(args);
if (args.randompass) { args.pass = getRandomAmtPassword(); }
var op = { action: 'adduser', username: args.user, pass: args.pass, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
if (args.email) { op.email = args.email; if (args.emailverified) { op.emailVerified = true; } }
if (args.resetpass) { op.resetNextLogin = true; }
if (siteadmin != 0) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; }
if (siteadmin != -1) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; }
if (args.domain) { op.domain = args.domain; }
if (args.phone === true) { op.phone = ''; }
if (typeof args.phone == 'string') { op.phone = args.phone; }
if (typeof args.realname == 'string') { op.realname = args.realname; }
case 'edituser': {
var userid = args.userid;
if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { userid = 'user/' + args.domain + '/' + userid; }
var siteadmin = getSiteAdminRights(args);
var op = { action: 'edituser', userid: userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
if (args.email) { op.email = args.email; if (args.emailverified) { op.emailVerified = true; } }
if (args.resetpass) { op.resetNextLogin = true; }
if (siteadmin != -1) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; }
if (args.domain) { op.domain = args.domain; }
if (args.phone === true) { op.phone = ''; }
if (typeof args.phone == 'string') { op.phone = args.phone; }
if (typeof args.realname == 'string') { op.realname = args.realname; }
if (args.realname === true) { op.realname = ''; }
@ -1269,6 +1302,39 @@ function serverConnect() {
function getSiteAdminRights(args) {
var siteadmin = -1;
if (typeof args.rights == 'number') {
siteadmin = args.rights;
} else if (typeof args.rights == 'string') {
siteadmin = 0;
var srights = args.rights.toLowerCase().split(',');
if (srights.indexOf('full') != -1) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
if (srights.indexOf('none') != -1) { siteadmin = 0x00000000; }
if (srights.indexOf('backup') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000001; }
if (srights.indexOf('manageusers') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000002; }
if (srights.indexOf('restore') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000004; }
if (srights.indexOf('fileaccess') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000008; }
if (srights.indexOf('update') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000010; }
if (srights.indexOf('locked') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000020; }
if (srights.indexOf('nonewgroups') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000040; }
if (srights.indexOf('notools') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000080; }
if (srights.indexOf('usergroups') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000100; }
if (srights.indexOf('recordings') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000200; }
if (srights.indexOf('locksettings') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000400; }
if (srights.indexOf('allevents') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000800; }
if (args.siteadmin) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
if (args.manageusers) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 2; }
if (args.fileaccess) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 8; }
if (args.serverupdate) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 16; }
if (args.locked) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 32; }
if (args.nonewgroups) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 64; }
if (args.notools) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 128; }
return siteadmin;
ws.on('close', function() { process.exit(); });
ws.on('error', function (err) {
if (err.code == 'ENOTFOUND') { console.log('Unable to resolve ' + url); }
@ -1360,6 +1426,7 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'msg': // SHELL
case 'toast': // TOAST
case 'adduser': // ADDUSER
case 'edituser': // EDITUSER
case 'deleteuser': // REMOVEUSER
case 'createmesh': // ADDDEVICEGROUP
case 'deletemesh': // REMOVEDEVICEGROUP
@ -1931,6 +1931,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (command.email != null) { newuser.email = command.email.toLowerCase(); if (command.emailVerified === true) { newuser.emailVerified = true; } } // Email
if (command.resetNextLogin === true) { newuser.passchange = -1; } else { newuser.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); }
if (user.groups) { newuser.groups = user.groups; } // New accounts are automatically part of our groups (Realms).
if (common.validateString(command.realname, 1, 256)) { newuser.realname = command.realname; }
if ((command.consent != null) && (typeof command.consent == 'number')) { if (command.consent == 0) { delete chguser.consent; } else { newuser.consent = command.consent; } change = 1; }
if ((command.phone != null) && (typeof command.phone == 'string') && ((command.phone == '') || isPhoneNumber(command.phone))) { if (command.phone == '') { delete newuser.phone; } else { newuser.phone = command.phone; } change = 1; }
// Auto-join any user groups
if (typeof newuserdomain.newaccountsusergroups == 'object') {
@ -1997,8 +2000,37 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Must be user administrator or edit self.
if (((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) && (user._id != command.id)) break;
// User the username as userid if needed
if ((typeof command.username == 'string') && (command.userid == null)) { command.userid = command.username; }
if ((typeof command.id == 'string') && (command.userid == null)) { command.userid = command.id; }
// Edit a user account
var err = null, editusersplit, edituserid, edituser, edituserdomain;
try {
if ((user.siteadmin & 2) == 0) { err = 'Permission denied'; }
else if (common.validateString(command.userid, 1, 2048) == false) { err = 'Invalid userid'; }
else {
if (command.userid.indexOf('/') < 0) { command.userid = 'user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.userid; }
editusersplit = command.userid.split('/');
edituserid = command.userid;
edituser = parent.users[edituserid];
if (edituser == null) { err = 'User does not exists'; }
else if ((obj.crossDomain !== true) && ((editusersplit.length != 3) || (editusersplit[1] != domain.id))) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
else if ((edituser.siteadmin === SITERIGHT_ADMIN) && (user.siteadmin != SITERIGHT_ADMIN)) { err = 'Permission denied'; } // Need full admin to remote another administrator
else if ((obj.crossDomain !== true) && (user.groups != null) && (user.groups.length > 0) && ((edituser.groups == null) || (findOne(edituser.groups, user.groups) == false))) { err = 'Invalid user group'; } // Can only perform this operation on other users of our group.
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) {
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'edituser', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { }
// Edit a user account, may involve changing email or administrator permissions
var chguser = parent.users[command.id];
var chguser = parent.users[edituserid];
change = 0;
if (chguser) {
// If the target user is admin and we are not admin, no changes can be made.
@ -2010,7 +2042,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Fetch and validate the user domain
var edituserdomainid = command.id.split('/')[1];
var edituserdomainid = edituserid.split('/')[1];
if ((obj.crossDomain !== true) && (edituserdomainid != domain.id)) break;
var edituserdomain = parent.parent.config.domains[edituserdomainid];
if (edituserdomain == null) break;
@ -2023,7 +2055,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Validate and change realm name
// Validate and change real name
if (common.validateString(command.realname, 0, 256) && (chguser.realname != command.realname)) {
if (command.realname == '') { delete chguser.realname; } else { chguser.realname = command.realname; }
change = 1;
@ -2032,6 +2064,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Make changes
if ((command.emailVerified === true || command.emailVerified === false) && (chguser.emailVerified != command.emailVerified)) { chguser.emailVerified = command.emailVerified; change = 1; }
if ((common.validateInt(command.quota, 0) || command.quota == null) && (command.quota != chguser.quota)) { chguser.quota = command.quota; if (chguser.quota == null) { delete chguser.quota; } change = 1; }
if (command.resetNextLogin === true) { chguser.passchange = -1; }
if ((command.consent != null) && (typeof command.consent == 'number')) { if (command.consent == 0) { delete chguser.consent; } else { chguser.consent = command.consent; } change = 1; }
if ((command.phone != null) && (typeof command.phone == 'string') && ((command.phone == '') || isPhoneNumber(command.phone))) { if (command.phone == '') { delete chguser.phone; } else { chguser.phone = command.phone; } change = 1; }
@ -2089,6 +2122,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([chguser._id], obj, 'close'); // Disconnect all this user's sessions
// OK Response
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'edituser', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
case 'usergroups':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user