mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 00:33:40 -04:00
Added free ntfy.sh notification service integration.
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,6 +71,13 @@
// For ntfy
"messaging": {
"ntfy": true
// Construct a messaging server object
@ -196,7 +203,7 @@ module.exports.CreateServer = function (parent) {
// CallMeBot client setup
// CallMeBot client setup (https://www.callmebot.com/)
if (parent.config.messaging.callmebot) {
obj.callMeBotClient = true;
obj.providers += 16; // Enable CallMeBot messaging
@ -215,6 +222,12 @@ module.exports.CreateServer = function (parent) {
// ntfy client setup (https://ntfy.sh/)
if (parent.config.messaging.ntfy) {
obj.ntfyClient = true;
obj.providers += 64; // Enable ntfy messaging
// Send a direct message to a specific userid
async function discordSendMsg(userId, message) {
const user = await obj.discordClient.users.fetch(userId).catch(function () { return null; });
@ -278,6 +291,10 @@ module.exports.CreateServer = function (parent) {
const Pushover = require('node-pushover');
const push = new Pushover({ token: parent.config.messaging.pushover.token, user: to.substring(9) });
push.send(domain.title ? domain.title : 'MeshCentral', msg, function (err, res) { if (func != null) { func(err == null); } });
} else if ((to.startsWith('ntfy:')) && (obj.ntfyClient != null)) { // ntfy
const req = require('https').request(new URL('https://ntfy.sh/' + encodeURIComponent(to.substring(5))), { method: 'POST' }, function (res) { if (func != null) { func(true); } });
req.on('error', function (err) { if (func != null) { func(false); } });
} else {
// No providers found
func(false, "No messaging providers found for this message.");
@ -6702,6 +6702,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if ((command.service == 8) && ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 8) != 0)) { handle = 'xmpp:' + command.handle; }
if ((command.service == 16) && ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 16) != 0)) { handle = parent.parent.msgserver.callmebotUrlToHandle(command.handle); }
if ((command.service == 32) && ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 32) != 0)) { handle = 'pushover:' + command.handle; }
if ((command.service == 64) && ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 64) != 0)) { handle = 'ntfy:' + command.handle; }
if (handle == null) return;
// Send a verification message
@ -6841,11 +6842,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
} else {
if (cmdData.cmdargs['_'].length != 2) {
var r = [];
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 1) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"telegram:@UserHandle\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 2) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"signal:UserHandle\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 4) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"discord:Username#0000\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 8) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"xmpp:username@server.com\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 32) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"pushover:userkey\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 1) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"telegram:[@UserHandle]\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 2) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"signal:[UserHandle]\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 4) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"discord:[Username#0000]\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 8) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"xmpp:[username@server.com]\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 32) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"pushover:[userkey]\" \"Message\"."); }
if ((parent.parent.msgserver.providers & 64) != 0) { r.push("Usage: MSG \"ntfy:[topic]\" \"Message\"."); }
cmdData.result = r.join('\r\n');
} else {
parent.parent.msgserver.sendMessage(cmdData.cmdargs['_'][0], cmdData.cmdargs['_'][1], domain, function (status, msg) {
@ -11987,12 +11987,15 @@
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 8) != 0) { y += '<option value=8>' + "XMPP" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 16) != 0) { y += '<option value=16>' + "CallMeBot" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 32) != 0) { y += '<option value=32>' + "Pushover" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 64) != 0) { y += '<option value=64>' + "ntfy" + '</option>'; }
y += '</select>';
x += '<table><tr><td>' + "Service" + '<td>' + y;
x += '<tr><td>' + "Handle" + '<td><input maxlength=1024 style=width:160px;margin-left:8px id=d2handleinput onKeyUp=account_manageMessagingValidate() onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') account_manageMessagingValidate(1)">';
x += '</table>';
if (serverinfo.discordUrl) { x += '<div id=d2discordurl style=display:none><br /><a href=' + serverinfo.discordUrl + ' target="_discord">' + "Join this Discord server to receive notifications." + '</a></div>'; }
x += '<div id=d2callmebotinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-signal-send-messages/ target="_callmebot">' + "Signal" + '</a>, <a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-whatsapp-messages/ target="_callmebot">' + "Whatsapp" + '</a>, <a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-facebook-messenger/ target="_callmebot">' + "Facebook" + '</a></div>';
x += '<div id=d2pushoverinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://pushover.net/ target="_pushover">' + "Information at Pushover.net" + '</a></div>';
x += '<div id=d2ntfyinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://ntfy.sh/ target="_ntfy">' + "Free service at ntfy.sh" + '</a></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Messaging Notifications", 3, account_manageMessagingAdd, x, 'verifyMessaging');
@ -12002,10 +12005,13 @@
function account_manageMessagingValidate(x) {
if (serverinfo.discordUrl) { QV('d2discordurl', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 4); }
QV('d2callmebotinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 16);
QV('d2pushoverinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 32);
QV('d2ntfyinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 64);
if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 4) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Username:0000"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 8) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "username@server.com"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 16) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "https://api.callmebot.com/..."; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 32) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "User key"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 64) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Topic"; }
else { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Username"; }
var ok = (Q('d2handleinput').value.length > 0); QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok); if ((x == 1) && ok) { dialogclose(1); }
@ -15870,12 +15876,15 @@
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 8) != 0) { y += '<option value=8>' + "XMPP" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 16) != 0) { y += '<option value=16>' + "CallMeBot" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 32) != 0) { y += '<option value=32>' + "Pushover" + '</option>'; }
if ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 64) != 0) { y += '<option value=64>' + "ntfy" + '</option>'; }
y += '</select>';
x += '<table style=margin-top:12px><tr><td>' + "Service" + '<td>' + y;
x += '<tr><td>' + "Handle" + '<td><input maxlength=1024 style=width:160px;margin-left:8px id=d2handleinput onKeyUp=p30editMessagingValidate() onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p30editMessagingValidate(1)">';
x += '</table>';
if (serverinfo.discordUrl) { x += '<div id=d2discordurl style=display:none><br /><a href=' + serverinfo.discordUrl + ' target="_discord">' + "Join this Discord server to receive notifications." + '</a></div>' }
x += '<div id=d2callmebotinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-signal-send-messages/ target="_callmebot">' + "Signal" + '</a>, <a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-whatsapp-messages/ target="_callmebot">' + "Whatsapp" + '</a>, <a href=https://www.callmebot.com/blog/free-api-facebook-messenger/ target="_callmebot">' + "Facebook" + '</a></div>';
x += '<div id=d2pushoverinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://pushover.net/ target="_pushover">' + "Information at Pushover.net" + '</a></div>';
x += '<div id=d2ntfyinfo style=display:none><br /><a href=https://ntfy.sh/ target="_ntfy">' + "Free service at ntfy.sh" + '</a></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Messaging Notifications", 3, p30editMessagingEx, x, 'verifyMessaging');
if (userinfo.msghandle) {
@ -15890,6 +15899,7 @@
if ((toData[0] == 'facebook') && (toData.length == 2)) { Q('d2handleinput').value = 'https://api.callmebot.com/facebook/send.php?apikey=' + decodeURIComponent(toData[1]); }
if (userinfo.msghandle.startsWith('pushover:') && ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 32) != 0)) { Q('d2serviceselect').value = 32; Q('d2handleinput').value = userinfo.msghandle.substring(9); }
if (userinfo.msghandle.startsWith('ntfy:') && ((serverinfo.userMsgProviders & 64) != 0)) { Q('d2serviceselect').value = 64; Q('d2handleinput').value = userinfo.msghandle.substring(5); }
@ -15898,11 +15908,14 @@
QE('d2handleinput', Q('d2serviceselect').value != 0);
if (serverinfo.discordUrl) { QV('d2discordurl', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 4); }
QV('d2callmebotinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 16);
QV('d2pushoverinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 32);
QV('d2ntfyinfo', Q('d2serviceselect').value == 64);
if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 0) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = ''; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 4) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Username:0000"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 8) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "username@server.com"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 16) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "https://api.callmebot.com/..."; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 32) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "User key"; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 64) { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Topic"; }
else { Q('d2handleinput')['placeholder'] = "Username"; }
if (x == 1) { dialogclose(1); }
@ -15915,6 +15928,8 @@
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 4) { handle = 'discord:' + Q('d2handleinput').value; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 8) { handle = 'xmpp:' + Q('d2handleinput').value; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 16) { handle = 'callmebot:' + Q('d2handleinput').value; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 32) { handle = 'pushover:' + Q('d2handleinput').value; }
else if (Q('d2serviceselect').value == 64) { handle = 'ntfy:' + Q('d2handleinput').value; }
if (handle != null) { meshserver.send({ action: 'edituser', id: currentUser._id, msghandle: handle }); }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user