mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:10:05 -05:00
Completed work on host-based AMT ACM TLS activation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ function amt_heci() {
// Send the command
this.sendCommand(139, data, function (header, fn, opt) {
if (header.Status == 0) {
if ((header.Status == 0) && (header.Data != null)) {
var amtHash = null;
if (header.Data[0] == 2) { amtHash = header.Data.slice(1, 33); } // SHA256
if (header.Data[0] == 3) { amtHash = header.Data.slice(1, 49); } // SHA384
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ function amt_heci() {
opt.unshift({ status: header.Status });
fn.apply(this, opt);
}, func, optional);
}, func, optional);
@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
case 'startTlsHostConfig':
if (dev.acmTlsInfo == null) break;
if ((typeof jsondata.value != 'object') || (typeof jsondata.value.status != 'number') || (jsondata.value.status != 0)) {
removeAmtDevice(dev, 2); // Failed to start TLS configuration
if ((typeof jsondata.value != 'object') || (typeof jsondata.value.status != 'number')) {
removeAmtDevice(dev, 2); // Invalid startTlsHostConfig response
} else {
activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx(dev, jsondata.value); // Start TLS activation.
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
// Check if we have an ACM activation policy, but the device is in CCM
if (((dev.policy.amtPolicy == 3) || (dev.policy.amtPolicy == 4)) && ((dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Flags & 2) != 0)) {
if (((dev.policy.amtPolicy == 3) || (dev.policy.amtPolicy == 4)) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.ProvisioningState == 2) && ((dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Flags & 2) != 0)) {
// This device in is CCM, check if we can upgrade to ACM
if (activateIntelAmt(dev) == false) return; // If this return true, the platform is in CCM and can't go to ACM, keep going with management.
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
// Handle the case where the Intel AMT relay or LMS is connected (connType 1 or 2)
// Check to see if CIRA is connected on this server.
var ciraconn = dev.mpsConnection;
if ((ciraconn == null) || (ciraconn.tag == null) || (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts == null)) { console.log('r2'); removeAmtDevice(dev, 11); return; } // Relay connection not valid
if ((ciraconn == null) || (ciraconn.tag == null) || (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts == null)) { removeAmtDevice(dev, 11); return; } // Relay connection not valid
// See what user/pass to try.
var user = null, pass = null;
@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
// Connect now
var comm;
if (dev.tlsfail !== true) {
parent.debug('amt', dev.name, (dev.connType == 1) ? 'Relay-Connect' : 'LMS-Connect', "TLS", user, pass);
parent.debug('amt', dev.name, (dev.connType == 1) ? 'Relay-Connect' : 'LMS-Connect', "TLS", user);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16993, user, pass, 1, null, ciraconn); // Perform TLS
comm.xtlsFingerprint = 0; // Perform no certificate checking
} else {
parent.debug('amt', dev.name, (dev.connType == 1) ? 'Relay-Connect' : 'LMS-Connect', "NoTLS", user, pass);
parent.debug('amt', dev.name, (dev.connType == 1) ? 'Relay-Connect' : 'LMS-Connect', "NoTLS", user);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16992, user, pass, 0, null, ciraconn); // No TLS
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
@ -951,7 +951,11 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
if (certInstanceId == null) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to get TLS certificate identifier."); removeAmtDevice(dev, 25); return; }
// Set the TLS certificate
dev.setTlsSecurityPendingCalls = 3;
if (dev.hbacmtls == 1) {
dev.setTlsSecurityPendingCalls = 2; // Set remote port only
} else {
dev.setTlsSecurityPendingCalls = 3; // Set local and remote port
if (dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext.length > 0) {
// Modify the current context
var newTLSCredentialContext = Clone(dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext[0]);
@ -979,9 +983,18 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
xxTlsSettings2[localNdx]['Enabled'] = true;
delete xxTlsSettings2[localNdx]['TrustedCN'];
// Update TLS settings
dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[0], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[0]);
dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[1], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[1]);
if (dev.hbacmtls == 1) {
// If we are doing Host-based TLS ACM activation, you need to only enable the remote port with TLS.
// If you enable on local port, the commit() will succeed but be ignored.
dev.consoleMsg("Enabling TLS on remote port...");
if (remoteNdx == 0) { dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[0], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[0]); }
else { dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[1], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[1]); }
delete dev.hbacmtls; // Remove this indication
} else {
// Update TLS settings
dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[0], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[0]);
dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSSettingData', xxTlsSettings2[1], amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1, xxTlsSettings2[1]);
}, responses.Body['KeyPair']['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector']['Value']);
@ -1003,11 +1016,12 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
// Check if all the calls are done & perform a commit
if ((--dev.setTlsSecurityPendingCalls) == 0) {
dev.consoleMsg("Performing Commit()...");
dev.amtstack.AMT_SetupAndConfigurationService_CommitChanges(null, function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed perform commit (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev, 27); return; }
dev.consoleMsg("Enabled TLS, holding 5 seconds...");
dev.consoleMsg("Enabled TLS, holding 10 seconds...");
// Update device in the database
dev.intelamt.tls = dev.aquired.tls = 1;
@ -1022,7 +1036,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
// Wait 5 seconds before attempting to manage this device some more
var f = function doManage() { if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev)) { devTaskCompleted(doManage.dev); } }
f.dev = dev;
setTimeout(f, 5000);
setTimeout(f, 10000);
@ -1816,7 +1830,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
if ((cert.cn == '*') || (cert.cn == trustedFqdn)) {
for (var j in deviceHashes) {
var hashInfo = deviceHashes[j];
if (hashInfo.isActive == 1) {
if ((hashInfo != null) && (hashInfo.isActive == 1)) {
if ((hashInfo.hashAlgorithmStr == 'SHA256') && (hashInfo.certificateHash.toLowerCase() == cert.sha256)) { return { cert: cert, fqdn: trustedFqdn, hash: cert.sha256 }; } // Found a match
else if ((hashInfo.hashAlgorithmStr == 'SHA1') && (hashInfo.certificateHash.toLowerCase() == cert.sha1)) { return { cert: cert, fqdn: trustedFqdn, hash: cert.sha1 }; } // Found a match
@ -1858,17 +1872,17 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
} else {
// Setup the WSMAN stack, no TLS
dev.consoleMsg("Attempting TLS connection...");
var comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16993, 'admin', '', 1, { cert: dev.acmTlsInfo.certs.join(''), key: dev.acmTlsInfo.signkey }, dev.mpsConnection); // TLS with client certificate chain and key.
comm.xtlsFingerprint = startConfigData.hash.toLowerCase(); // Intel AMT leaf TLS cert need to match this hash (SHA256 or SHA384)
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack);
dev.amtstack.dev = dev;
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx1);
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', 'CIM_SoftwareIdentity', '*AMT_SetupAndConfigurationService'], activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx1);
function activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx1(stack, name, responses, status) {
console.log('activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx1', status, responses);
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
@ -1877,31 +1891,105 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
dev.consoleMsg("Failed to perform ACM TLS connection.");
//activateIntelAmtAcm(dev); // It's possible to fallback to legacy WSMAN ACM activation here if we needed to..
// Fetch the Intel AMT version from WSMAN
if ((responses != null) && (responses['CIM_SoftwareIdentity'] != null) && (responses['CIM_SoftwareIdentity'].responses != null)) {
var amtlogicalelements = [];
amtlogicalelements = responses['CIM_SoftwareIdentity'].responses;
if (responses['AMT_SetupAndConfigurationService'] != null && responses['AMT_SetupAndConfigurationService'].response != null) {
if (amtlogicalelements.length > 0) {
var vs = getInstance(amtlogicalelements, 'AMT')['VersionString'];
if (vs != null) {
dev.aquired.version = vs;
dev.aquired.versionmajor = parseInt(dev.aquired.version.split('.')[0]);
dev.aquired.versionminor = parseInt(dev.aquired.version.split('.')[1]);
// Fetch the Intel AMT version from HTTP stack
if ((dev.amtversionstr == null) && (stack.wsman.comm.amtVersion != null)) {
var s = stack.wsman.comm.amtVersion.split('.');
if (s.length >= 3) {
dev.aquired.version = s[0] + '.' + s[1] + '.' + s[2];
dev.aquired.versionmajor = parseInt(s[0]);
dev.aquired.versionminor = parseInt(s[1]);
// If we can't get the Intel AMT version, stop here.
if (dev.aquired.version == null) { dev.consoleMsg('Could not get Intel AMT version.'); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // Could not get Intel AMT version, disconnect();
// Get the digest realm
if (responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'] && responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response && (typeof responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response['DigestRealm'] == 'string')) {
// Set the realm in the stack since we are not doing HTTP digest and this will be checked later by different code.
dev.aquired.realm = dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.digestRealm = responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response['DigestRealm'];
} else {
// TODO!!!
dev.consoleMsg('Could not get Intel AMT digest realm.'); removeAmtDevice(dev); return;
// Looks like we are doing well.
dev.consoleMsg('Succesful TLS connection, Intel AMT v' + dev.aquired.version);
// Log this activation event
var event = { etype: 'node', action: 'amtactivate', nodeid: dev.nodeid, domain: dev.domainid, msgid: 111, msgArgs: [dev.temp.acminfo.fqdn], msg: 'Device requested Intel(R) AMT ACM TLS activation, FQDN: ' + dev.temp.acminfo.fqdn };
if (parent.db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the node. Another event will come.
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(dev.meshid, [dev.nodeid]), obj, event);
// Log the activation request, logging is a required step for activation.
var domain = parent.config.domains[dev.domainid];
if (domain == null) { dev.consoleMsg("Invalid domain."); removeAmtDevice(dev, 41); return; }
if (parent.certificateOperations.logAmtActivation(domain, { time: new Date(), action: 'acmactivate-tls', domain: dev.domainid, amtUuid: dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.UUID, amtRealm: dev.aquired.realm, user: 'admin', password: dev.temp.pass, ipport: dev.mpsConnection.remoteAddr + ':' + dev.mpsConnection.remotePort, nodeid: dev.nodeid, meshid: dev.meshid, computerName: dev.name }) == false) {
dev.consoleMsg("Unable to log operation."); removeAmtDevice(dev, 42); return;
// See what admin password to use
dev.aquired.user = 'admin';
dev.aquired.pass = dev.temp.password;
// Set the account password
if (typeof dev.temp.mebxpass == 'string') {
// Set the new MEBx password
dev.consoleMsg('Setting MEBx password...');
dev.amtstack.AMT_SetupAndConfigurationService_SetMEBxPassword(dev.temp.mebxpass, activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx2);
} else {
// Set the admin password
dev.consoleMsg('Setting admin password...');
dev.amtstack.AMT_AuthorizationService_SetAdminAclEntryEx(dev.aquired.user, hex_md5(dev.aquired.user + ':' + dev.aquired.realm + ':' + dev.aquired.pass), activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx3);
// Response from setting MEBx password
function activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx2(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg('Failed to set MEBx password, status=' + status + '.'); destroyDevice(dev); return; }
dev.consoleMsg('MEBx password set. Setting admin password...');
// Set the admin password
dev.amtstack.AMT_AuthorizationService_SetAdminAclEntryEx(dev.aquired.user, hex_md5(dev.aquired.user + ':' + dev.aquired.realm + ':' + dev.aquired.pass), activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx3);
// Response from setting admin password
function activateIntelAmtTlsAcmEx3(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg('Failed to set admin password, status=' + status + '.'); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
dev.consoleMsg('Admin password set.');
// Switch the state of Intel AMT.
if ((dev.mpsConnection != null) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag != null) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState != null)) { dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.ProvisioningState = 2; }
dev.aquired.controlMode = 2; // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM
dev.aquired.state = 2; // Activated
dev.hbacmtls = 1; // Indicate that we are doing a Host
// Proceed to going the normal Intel AMT sync. This will trigger a commit when the TLS cert is setup.
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], attemptLocalConnectResponse);
// Attempt Intel AMT ACM activation
function activateIntelAmtAcm(dev, password, acminfo) {
@ -2008,7 +2096,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
delete dev.temp;
// Wait 10 seconds before attempting to manage this device in CCM
// Wait 10 seconds before attempting to manage this device in ACM
var f = function doManage() { if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev)) { attemptInitialContact(doManage.dev); } }
f.dev = dev;
setTimeout(f, 10000);
@ -2096,6 +2184,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
function getRandomAmtPassword() { var p; do { p = Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); } while (checkAmtPassword(p) == false); return p; }
function getRandomPassword() { return Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); }
function getRandomLowerCase(len) { var r = '', random = parent.crypto.randomBytes(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { r += String.fromCharCode(97 + (random[i] % 26)); } return r; }
function getInstance(x, y) { for (var i in x) { if (x[i]['InstanceID'] == y) return x[i]; } return null; }
function hex_md5(str) { return parent.crypto.createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex'); }
function Clone(v) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(v)); }
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -11641,7 +11641,8 @@
107: "Account login from {0}, {1}, {2}",
108: "User login attempt with incorrect 2nd factor from {0}, {1}, {2}",
109: "User login attempt on locked account from {0}, {1}, {2}",
110: "Invalid user login attempt from {0}, {1}, {2}"
110: "Invalid user login attempt from {0}, {1}, {2}",
111: "Device requested Intel(R) AMT ACM TLS activation, FQDN: {0}"
// Highlights the device being hovered
Reference in New Issue
Block a user