mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Started work on local device group.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2975,7 +2975,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Create mesh
else if (common.validateString(command.meshname, 1, 128) == false) { err = 'Invalid group name'; } // Meshname is between 1 and 64 characters
else if ((command.desc != null) && (common.validateString(command.desc, 0, 1024) == false)) { err = 'Invalid group description'; } // Mesh description is between 0 and 1024 characters
else if ((command.meshtype !== 1) && (command.meshtype !== 2)) { err = 'Invalid group type'; }
else if ((command.meshtype < 1) && (command.meshtype > 3)) { err = 'Invalid group type'; } // Device group types are 1 = AMT, 2 = Agent, 3 = Local
else if ((parent.args.wanonly == true) && (command.meshtype == 3)) { err = 'Invalid group type'; } // Local device group type is not allowed in WAN mode
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
@ -3615,6 +3616,37 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (agent.dbMeshKey == command.meshid) { agent.sendUpdatedIntelAmtPolicy(amtpolicy); }
case 'addlocaldevice':
if (args.wanonly == true) return; // This is a WAN-only server, local Intel AMT computers can't be added
if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) break; // Check meshid
if ((command.meshid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.meshid.split('/')[1] != domain.id)) return; // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
if (common.validateString(command.devicename, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check device name
if (common.validateString(command.hostname, 1, 256) == false) break; // Check hostname
if ((command.type != 4) && (command.type != 6) && (command.type != 29)) break; // Check device type
// Get the mesh
mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid];
if (mesh) {
if (mesh.mtype != 3) return; // This operation is only allowed for mesh type 3, local device agentless mesh.
// Check if this user has rights to do this
if ((parent.GetMeshRights(user, mesh) & MESHRIGHT_MANAGECOMPUTERS) == 0) return;
// Create a new nodeid
parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) {
// Create the new node
nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + buf.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
var device = { type: 'node', _id: nodeid, meshid: command.meshid, name: command.devicename, host: command.hostname, domain: domain.id, mtype: 3, agent: { id: command.type, caps: 0 } };
// Event the new node
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(parent.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(command.meshid, [nodeid]), obj, { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'addnode', node: parent.CloneSafeNode(device), msgid: 84, msgArgs: [command.devicename, mesh.name], msg: 'Added device ' + command.devicename + ' to device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id });
case 'addamtdevice':
@ -3642,7 +3674,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Create a new nodeid
parent.crypto.randomBytes(48, function (err, buf) {
// create the new node
// Create the new node
nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + buf.toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
var device = { type: 'node', _id: nodeid, meshid: command.meshid, name: command.devicename, host: command.hostname, domain: domain.id, intelamt: { user: command.amtusername, pass: command.amtpassword, tls: command.amttls } };
@ -3397,7 +3397,7 @@
x += '</table><br />';
// Show action button, only show if we have permissions 4, 8, 64
if ((meshrights & (4 + 8 + 64)) != 0) { x += '<input type=button value="' + "Actions" + '" onclick=deviceActionFunction() />'; }
if (((meshrights & (4 + 8 + 64)) != 0) && (node.mtype != 3)) { x += '<input type=button value="' + "Actions" + '" onclick=deviceActionFunction() />'; }
x += '<input type=button value=Notes onclick=showNotes(' + ((meshrights & 128) == 0) + ',"' + encodeURIComponent(node._id) + '") />';
//if ((connectivity & 1) && (meshrights & 8) && (node.agent.id < 5)) { x += '<input type=button value=Toast onclick=deviceToastFunction() />'; }
@ -3496,8 +3496,8 @@
) { menus.push({ n: "Terminal", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(5)' }); }
if ((currentDevicePanel != 2) && (currentNode != null) && (meshrights & 8) && ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 1024) == 0)) && ((currentNode.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 4))) { menus.push({ n: "Files", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(2)' }); }
if ((currentDevicePanel != 3) && (currentNode != null)) { menus.push({ n: "Details", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(3)' }); }
if ((currentDevicePanel != 4) && (currentNode != null) && (meshrights & 0x00000010)) { menus.push({ n: "Console", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(4)' }); }
if ((currentDevicePanel != 3) && (currentNode != null) && (currentNode.mtype != 3)) { menus.push({ n: "Details", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(3)' }); }
if ((currentDevicePanel != 4) && (currentNode != null) && (meshrights & 0x00000010) && (currentNode.mtype == 2)) { menus.push({ n: "Console", f: 'setupDeviceMenu(4)' }); }
if (currentDevicePanel == 1) { deskAdjust(); }
@ -3695,6 +3695,7 @@
var extra = '';
if (view == 2) { r += '<tr><td colspan=5>'; }
if (meshes[node.meshid] && (meshes[node.meshid].mtype == 1)) { extra = '<span class=devHeaderx>' + ", Intel® AMT only" + '</span>'; }
if (meshes[node.meshid] && (meshes[node.meshid].mtype == 3)) { extra = '<span class=devHeaderx>' + ", Local Devices" + '</span>'; }
if ((view == 1) && (current != null)) { if (c == 2) { r += '<td><div style=width:301px></div></td>'; } if (r != '') { r += '</tr></table>'; } }
if (view == 2) { r += '<div>'; }
r += '<div class=DevSt style=width:100%;padding-top:4px><span style=float:right>';
@ -3849,13 +3850,16 @@
r += getMeshActions(mesh, meshrights);
r += '</span></td></tr><tr>';
if (mesh.mtype == 1) {
r += '<td><div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No Intel® AMT devices in this mesh";
r += '<td><div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No Intel® AMT devices in this device group";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return addDeviceToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "add one" + '</a>'; }
} else if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
r += '<td>';
r += '<div id=DevxCol' + deviceHeaderId2 + ((collapsed === true)?' style=display:none':'') + '>'; // Open collapse div
r += '<div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No devices in this group";
r += '<div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No devices in this device group";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return addAgentToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "add one" + '</a>'; }
} else if (mesh.mtype == 3) {
r += '<td><div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No local devices in this device group";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return addLocalDeviceToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "add one" + '</a>'; }
r += '.</i></div></td>';
r += '</div>'; // End collapsing area
@ -4418,16 +4422,41 @@
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:small title="' + "Perform Intel® AMT activation and configuration." + '" onclick=\'return showAmtSetup("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "Setup" + '</a>';
if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
if (mesh.mtype == 2) { // Agent device group
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:small title="' + "Add a new computer to this device group by installing the mesh agent." + '" onclick=\'return addAgentToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "Add Agent" + '</a>';
if ((features & 2) == 0) { r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:small title="' + "Invite someone to install the mesh agent on this device group." + '" onclick=\'return inviteAgentToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "Invite" + '</a>'; }
if ((mesh.mtype == 3) && ((features & 1) == 0)) { // Local device group & if not WAN-Only
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:small title="' + "Add device located on the local network." + '" onclick=\'return addLocalDeviceToMesh("' + mesh._id + '")\'>' + "Add Device" + '</a>';
//if (mesh.amt && (mesh.amt.type > 2)) { // ACM activation or Full Automatic
// r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:small title="' + "Switch Intel AMT to Admin Control Mode (ACM)." + '" onclick=\'return showAmtAcmSetup()\'>' + "ACM" + '</a>';
return r;
function addLocalDeviceToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var mesh = meshes[meshid];
var x = format("Add a local device to device group \"{0}\".", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Device Name", '<input id=dp1devicename style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=off onchange=validateLocalDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateLocalDeviceToMesh() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Hostname", '<input id=dp1hostname style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=off placeholder="' + "Same as device name" + '" onchange=validateLocalDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateLocalDeviceToMesh() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<select id=dp1type style=width:236px><option value=4>' + "Windows (RDP)" + '</option><option value=6>' + "Linux (SSH/SCP/VNC)" + '</option><option value=29>' + "macOS (SSH/SCP/VNC)" + '</option></select>');
setDialogMode(2, "Add local device", 3, addLocalDeviceToMeshEx, x, meshid);
function validateLocalDeviceToMesh() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('dp1devicename').value.length > 0);
function addLocalDeviceToMeshEx(button, meshid) {
var host = Q('dp1hostname').value;
if (host == '') host = Q('dp1devicename').value;
meshserver.send({ action: 'addlocaldevice', meshid: meshid, devicename: Q('dp1devicename').value, hostname: host, type: Q('dp1type').value });
function addDeviceToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var mesh = meshes[meshid];
@ -6284,7 +6313,7 @@
if (node.users && node.conn && (node.users.length > 0) && (node.conn & 1)) { x += addDeviceAttribute(((node.users.length > 1)?'Active Users':'Active User'), EscapeHtml(node.users.join(', '))); }
// Display device user consent
if ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.id != 14)) {
if ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.id != 14) && (node.mtype != 3)) {
var meshFeatures = [];
var consent = 0;
if (node.consent) { consent = node.consent; }
@ -6323,7 +6352,7 @@
x += '</table><br />';
// Show action button, only show if we have permissions 4, 8, 64
if ((meshrights & (4 + 8 + 64)) != 0) { x += '<input type=button value="' + "Actions" + '" title="' + "Perform power actions on the device" + '" onclick=deviceActionFunction() />'; }
if (((meshrights & (4 + 8 + 64)) != 0) && (node.mtype != 3)) { x += '<input type=button value="' + "Actions" + '" title="' + "Perform power actions on the device" + '" onclick=deviceActionFunction() />'; }
x += '<input type=button value="' + "Notes" + '" title="' + "View notes about this device" + '" onclick=showNotes(' + ((meshrights & 128) == 0) + ',"' + encodeURIComponentEx(node._id) + '") />';
x += '<input type=button value="' + "Log Event" + '" title="' + "Write an event for this device" + '" onclick=writeDeviceEvent("' + encodeURIComponentEx(node._id) + '") />';
if ((meshrights & 8) && ((connectivity & 1) || ((node.pmt == 1) && ((features2 & 2) != 0)))) { x += '<input type=button value="' + "Message" + '" title="' + "Display a text message on the remote device" + '" onclick=deviceMessageFunction() />'; }
@ -6364,7 +6393,7 @@
x += ' <a href=# onclick=p10showDeleteNodeDialog("' + node._id + '") title="' + "Remove this device" + '">' + "Delete Device" + '</a>';
x += '</div><div class="p10html3left">';
if (node.agent) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showNodeNetInfoDialog("' + node._id + '") title="' + "Show device network interface information" + '">' + "Interfaces" + '</a> ';
if ((node.agent) && (node.mtype != 3)) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showNodeNetInfoDialog("' + node._id + '") title="' + "Show device network interface information" + '">' + "Interfaces" + '</a> ';
if ((features & 0x00008000) && (xxmap != null)) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showNodeLocationDialog("' + node._id + '") title="' + "Show device locations information" + '">' + "Location" + '</a> ';
if ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 128) == 0)) { // Check if we should view tools
if ((terminalAccess) && ((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (node.agent != null) && (node.agent.id != 14)) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showMeshCmdDialog(1,"' + node._id + '") title="' + "Traffic router used to connect to a device thru this server" + '.">' + "MeshCmd" + '</a> ';
@ -6445,7 +6474,7 @@
if (consoleRights) { setupConsole(); } else { if (panel == 15) { panel = 10; } }
// Show or hide the tabs
// mesh.mtype: 1 = Intel AMT only, 2 = Mesh Agent
// mesh.mtype: 1 = Intel AMT only, 2 = Mesh Agent, 3 = Local Device
// node.agent.caps (bitmask): 1 = Desktop, 2 = Terminal, 4 = Files, 8 = Console
QV('MainDevDesktop', desktopAccess && ((((node.agent == null) && ((typeof node.intelamt.sku !== 'number') || ((node.intelamt.sku & 8) != 0)))
|| ((node.agent != null) && ((node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 1) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2)))))
@ -6453,6 +6482,7 @@
QV('MainDevTerminal', (((node.agent == null) && (node.intelamt != null)) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 2) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2))) && (meshrights & 8) && terminalAccess);
QV('MainDevFiles', (node.agent != null) && (node.agent.caps != null) && ((node.agent.caps & 4) != 0) && (meshrights & 8) && fileAccess);
QV('MainDevInfo', (node.mtype != 3));
QV('MainDevAmt', (node.intelamt != null) && ((node.intelamt.state == 2) || (node.conn & 2)) && (meshrights & 8) && amtAccess);
QV('MainDevConsole', (consoleRights && ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.caps != null) && ((node.agent.caps & 8) != 0))) && (meshrights & 8));
QV('MainDevPlugins', false);
@ -10354,9 +10384,10 @@
if ((features & 0x00040000) && (count2factoraAuths() == 0)) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access this feature until two-factor authentication is enabled. This is required for extra security. Go to the \"My Account\" tab and look at the \"Account Security\" section."); return false; }
// We are allowed, let's prompt to information
var x = "Create a new device group using the options below." + '<br /><br />';
var x = "Create a new device group using the options below." + '<br /><br />', localGroupType = '';
x += addHtmlValue("Name", '<input id=dp2meshname style=width:230px maxlength=128 onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,1) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2meshtype style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=2>' + "Manage using a software agent" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Intel® AMT only, no agent" + '</option></select></div>');
if ((features & 1) == 0) { localGroupType += '<option value=3>' + "Local devices, no agent" + '</option>'; }
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2meshtype style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=2>' + "Manage using a software agent" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Intel® AMT only, no agent" + '</option>' + localGroupType + '</select></div>');
x += addHtmlValue("Description", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><textarea id=dp2meshdesc maxlength=1024 style=width:100%;resize:none></textarea></div>');
setDialogMode(2, "New Device Group", 3, account_createMeshEx, x);
@ -10585,6 +10616,7 @@
var meshtype = format("Unknown #{0}", currentMesh.mtype);
if (currentMesh.mtype == 1) meshtype = "Intel® AMT only, no agent";
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) meshtype = "Managed using a software agent";
if (currentMesh.mtype == 3) meshtype = "Local devices, no agent";
var x = '';
if ((args.hide & 8) != 0) { x += addHtmlValue("Name", mname); } // If title bar is hidden, display the mesh name here
@ -10635,15 +10667,17 @@
x += addHtmlValue("User Consent", addLinkConditional(meshFeatures, 'p20editmeshconsent(1)', meshrights & 1));
if ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 1024) == 0)) {
// Display user notification
var meshNotify = 0, meshNotifyStr = [];
if (userinfo.links && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id] && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify) { meshNotify = userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify; }
if (meshNotify & 2) { meshNotifyStr.push("Connect"); }
if (meshNotify & 4) { meshNotifyStr.push("Disconnect"); }
if (meshNotify & 8) { meshNotifyStr.push("Intel® AMT"); }
if (meshNotifyStr.length == 0) { meshNotifyStr.push('<i>' + "None" + '</i>'); }
x += addHtmlValue("Notifications", addLink(meshNotifyStr.join(', '), 'p20editMeshNotify()'));
if (currentMesh.mtype != 3) {
if ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 1024) == 0)) {
// Display user notification
var meshNotify = 0, meshNotifyStr = [];
if (userinfo.links && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id] && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify) { meshNotify = userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify; }
if (meshNotify & 2) { meshNotifyStr.push("Connect"); }
if (meshNotify & 4) { meshNotifyStr.push("Disconnect"); }
if (meshNotify & 8) { meshNotifyStr.push("Intel® AMT"); }
if (meshNotifyStr.length == 0) { meshNotifyStr.push('<i>' + "None" + '</i>'); }
x += addHtmlValue("Notifications", addLink(meshNotifyStr.join(', '), 'p20editMeshNotify()'));
// Display invitation codes
@ -10654,7 +10688,7 @@
// If the Intel AMT manager is active on the server, show the Intel AMT policy edit box.
if ((features2 & 1) != 0) {
if ((currentMesh.mtype != 3) && ((features2 & 1) != 0)) {
// Intel AMT setup
var intelAmtPolicy = "No Policy";
if (currentMesh.amt) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user