mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:55 -04:00
More work on RDP NLA.
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,6 +116,21 @@ function compute_response_v2(response_key_nt, response_key_lm, server_challenge,
function kx_key_v2(session_base_key, _lm_challenge_response, _server_challenge) { return session_base_key; }
function rc4k(key, data) { return crypto.createCipheriv('rc4', key, null).update(data); }
function mac(rc4_handle, signing_key, seq_num, data) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(4);
buf.writeInt32LE(seq_num, 0);
var signature = hmacmd5(signing_key, Buffer.concat([buf, data]));
return message_signature_ex(rc4_handle.update(signature.slice(0, 8)), seq_num);
function message_signature_ex(check_sum, seq_num) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(16);
buf.writeInt32LE(1, 0); // Version
if (check_sum) { check_sum.copy(buf, 4, 0, 8); } // check_sum
if (seq_num) { buf.writeInt32LE(seq_num, 12); } // seq_num
return buf;
/// Compute a signature of all data exchange during NTLMv2 handshake
function mic(exported_session_key, negotiate_message, challenge_message, authenticate_message) { return hmacmd5(exported_session_key, Buffer.concat([negotiate_message, challenge_message, authenticate_message])); }
@ -139,6 +154,66 @@ function seal_key(exported_session_key, is_client) {
/// We are now able to build a security interface
/// that will be used by the CSSP manager to cipherring message (private keys)
/// To detect MITM attack
function build_security_interface(ntlm) {
const obj = {};
if (ntlm) {
obj.signing_key = sign_key(ntlm.exported_session_key, true);
obj.verify_key = sign_key(ntlm.exported_session_key, false);
const client_sealing_key = seal_key(ntlm.exported_session_key, true);
const server_sealing_key = seal_key(ntlm.exported_session_key, false);
obj.encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv('rc4', client_sealing_key, null);
obj.decrypt = crypto.createCipheriv('rc4', server_sealing_key, null);
obj.seq_num = 0;
obj.gss_wrapex = function (data) {
const encrypted_data = obj.encrypt.update(data);
const signature = mac(obj.encrypt, obj.signing_key, obj.seq_num, data);
return Buffer.concat([ signature, encrypted_data ] );
obj.gss_unwrapex = function(data) {
const version = data.readInt32LE(0);
const checksum = data.slice(4, 12);
const seqnum = data.readInt32LE(12);
const payload = data.slice(16);
const plaintext_payload = obj.decrypt.update(payload);
const plaintext_checksum = obj.decrypt.update(checksum);
const seqnumbuf = Buffer.alloc(4);
seqnumbuf.writeInt32LE(seqnum, 0);
const computed_checksum = hmacmd5(obj.verify_key, Buffer.concat([ seqnumbuf, plaintext_payload ])).slice(0, 8);
if (!plaintext_checksum.equals(computed_checksum)) { console.log("Invalid checksum on NTLMv2"); }
return plaintext_payload.toString();
return obj;
function Create_Ntlm() {
return {
/// Microsoft Domain for Active Directory
domain: "", //String,
/// Username
user: "", //String,
/// Password
password: "", // String,
/// Key generated from NTLM hash
response_key_nt: null, // Buffer
/// Key generated from NTLM hash
response_key_lm: null, // Buffer
/// Keep trace of each messages to compute a final hash
negotiate_message: null, // Buffer
/// Key use to ciphering messages
exported_session_key: crypto.randomBytes(16), // Buffer
/// True if session use unicode
is_unicode: false // Boolean
function authenticate_message(lm_challenge_response, nt_challenge_response, domain, user, workstation, encrypted_random_session_key, flags) {
const payload = Buffer.concat([lm_challenge_response, nt_challenge_response, domain, user, workstation, encrypted_random_session_key]);
const offset = ((flags & NegotiateFlags.NtlmsspNegociateVersion) == 0) ? 80 : 88;
@ -175,7 +250,7 @@ function authenticate_message(lm_challenge_response, nt_challenge_response, doma
return [buf, payload];
function read_challenge_message(derBuffer, user, pass, domain, negotiate_message) {
function read_challenge_message(ntlm, derBuffer) {
const headerSignature = derBuffer.slice(0, 8);
if (headerSignature.toString('hex') != '4e544c4d53535000') { console.log('BAD SIGNATURE'); }
const messageType = derBuffer.readInt32LE(8);
@ -195,8 +270,8 @@ function read_challenge_message(derBuffer, user, pass, domain, negotiate_message
const timestamp = targetInfo[7];
if (timestamp == null) { console.log('NO TIMESTAMP'); }
const clientChallenge = crypto.randomBytes(8);
const response_key_nt = ntowfv2(pass, user, domain); // Password, Username, Domain
const response_key_lm = lmowfv2(pass, user, domain); // Password, Username, Domain
const response_key_nt = ntowfv2(ntlm.password, ntlm.user, ntlm.domain); // Password, Username, Domain
const response_key_lm = lmowfv2(ntlm.password, ntlm.user, ntlm.domain); // Password, Username, Domain
var resp = compute_response_v2(response_key_nt, response_key_lm, serverChallenge, clientChallenge, timestamp, targetName);
const nt_challenge_response = resp[0];
@ -204,18 +279,17 @@ function read_challenge_message(derBuffer, user, pass, domain, negotiate_message
const session_base_key = resp[2];
const key_exchange_key = kx_key_v2(session_base_key, lm_challenge_response, serverChallenge);
const exported_session_key = crypto.randomBytes(16);
const encrypted_random_session_key = rc4k(key_exchange_key, exported_session_key);
const encrypted_random_session_key = rc4k(key_exchange_key, ntlm.exported_session_key);
const is_unicode = ((negotiateFlags & 1) != 0)
ntlm.is_unicode = ((negotiateFlags & 1) != 0)
var xdomain = null;
var xuser = null;
if (is_unicode) {
xdomain = toUnicode(domain);
xuser = toUnicode(user);
if (ntlm.is_unicode) {
xdomain = toUnicode(ntlm.domain);
xuser = toUnicode(ntlm.user);
} else {
xdomain = Buffer.from(domain, 'utf8');
xuser = Buffer.from(domain, 'utf8');
xdomain = Buffer.from(ntlm.domain, 'utf8');
xuser = Buffer.from(ntlm.user, 'utf8');
const auth_message_compute = authenticate_message(lm_challenge_response, nt_challenge_response, xdomain, xuser, zeroBuffer(0), encrypted_random_session_key, negotiateFlags);
@ -223,7 +297,7 @@ function read_challenge_message(derBuffer, user, pass, domain, negotiate_message
// Write a tmp message to compute MIC and then include it into final message
const tmp_final_auth_message = Buffer.concat([auth_message_compute[0], zeroBuffer(16), auth_message_compute[1]]);
const signature = mic(exported_session_key, negotiate_message, derBuffer, tmp_final_auth_message);
const signature = mic(ntlm.exported_session_key, ntlm.negotiate_message, derBuffer, tmp_final_auth_message);
return Buffer.concat([auth_message_compute[0], signature, auth_message_compute[1]]);
@ -236,13 +310,19 @@ const asn1 = forge.asn1;
const pki = forge.pki;
const entireBuffer = Buffer.from('3081b2a003020106a181aa3081a73081a4a081a104819e4e544c4d53535000020000000e000e003800000035828a62f2290572b3cac375000000000000000058005800460000000a00614a0000000f430045004e005400520041004c0002000e00430045004e005400520041004c0001000e00430045004e005400520041004c0004000e00430065006e007400720061006c0003000e00430065006e007400720061006c0007000800afbc2c2a9256d80100000000', 'hex').toString('binary');
const ntml = Create_Ntlm();
ntml.domain = "";
ntml.user = "default";
ntml.password = "";
ntml.negotiate_message = Buffer.from('4e544c4d53535000010000003582086000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex');
// We have a full ASN1 data block, decode it now
const der = asn1.fromDer(entireBuffer.toString('binary'));
const derNum = der.value[0].value[0].value.charCodeAt(0);
const derBuffer = Buffer.from(der.value[1].value[0].value[0].value[0].value[0].value, 'binary');
const negotiate_message = Buffer.from('4e544c4d53535000010000003582086000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex');
const client_challenge = read_challenge_message(derBuffer, "default", "", "", negotiate_message);
const client_challenge = read_challenge_message(ntml, derBuffer);
console.log('client_challenge', client_challenge.toString('hex'));
const NTLMv2SecurityInterface = build_security_interface(ntml);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user