mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 14:59:11 -05:00
New MeshCmd, fixes MeshAgent registry values
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -84,15 +84,14 @@ function objToString(x, p, ret) {
function addPad(p, ret) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < p; i++) { r += ' '; } return r; }
// Parse the incoming arguments
function run(argv)
function run(argv) {
if (meshCmdVersion[0] == '*') { meshCmdVersion = ''; } else { meshCmdVersion = ' v' + meshCmdVersion; }
var args = parceArguments(argv);
//console.log('addedModules = ' + JSON.stringify(addedModules));
var actionpath = 'meshaction.txt';
if (args.actionfile != null) { actionpath = args.actionfile; }
// Load the action file
var actionfile = null;
@ -134,10 +133,10 @@ function run(argv)
console.log('\r\nValid local actions:');
console.log(' SMBios - Display System Management BIOS tables for this computer.');
console.log(' RawSMBios - Display RAW System Management BIOS tables for this computer.');
console.log(' MicroLMS - Run MicroLMS, allowing local access to Intel AMT.');
console.log(' AmtInfo - Show Intel AMT version and activation state.');
console.log(' AmtVersions - Show all Intel ME version information.');
console.log(' AmtHashes - Show all Intel AMT trusted activation hashes.');
console.log(' AmtLMS - Run MicroLMS, allowing local access to Intel AMT.');
console.log(' AmtCCM - Activate Intel AMT into Client Control Mode.');
console.log(' AmtDeactivate - Deactivate Intel AMT if activated in Client Control mode.');
console.log('\r\nValid local or remote actions:');
@ -176,10 +175,12 @@ function run(argv)
console.log('AmtVersions will display all version information about Intel AMT on this computer. The command must be run on a computer with Intel AMT, must run as administrator and the Intel management driver must be installed. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd amtversions');
} else if (action == 'amthashes') {
console.log('Amthashes will display all trusted activations hashes for Intel AMT on this computer. The command must be run on a computer with Intel AMT, must run as administrator and the Intel management driver must be installed. These certificates hashes are used by Intel AMT when performing activation into ACM mode. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd amthashes');
} else if (action == 'amtlms') {
console.log('AmtLMS will state MicroLMS on this computer, allowing local access to Intel AMT on TCP ports 16992 and 16993 when applicable. The command must be run on a computer with Intel AMT, must run as administrator and the Intel management driver must be installed. These certificates hashes are used by Intel AMT when performing activation into ACM mode. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd amtlms');
} else if ((action == 'microlms') || (action == 'lms') || (action == 'amtlms')) {
console.log('Starts MicroLMS on this computer, allowing local access to Intel AMT on TCP ports 16992 and 16993 when applicable. The command must be run on a computer with Intel AMT, must run as administrator and the Intel management driver must be installed. These certificates hashes are used by Intel AMT when performing activation into ACM mode. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd microlms');
console.log('\r\nPossible arguments:\r\n');
console.log(' --noconsole MeshCommander for LMS will no be available on port 16994.');
console.log('\r\nRun as a background service:\r\n');
console.log(' microlms install/uninstall/start/stop.');
} else if (action == 'amtccm') {
console.log('AmtCCM will attempt to activate Intel AMT on this computer into client control mode (CCM). The command must be run on a computer with Intel AMT, must run as administrator and the Intel management driver must be installed. Intel AMT must be in "pre-provisioning" state for this command to work and a administrator password must be provided. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd amtccm --pass mypassword');
} else if (action == 'amtdeactivate') {
@ -232,6 +233,8 @@ function run(argv)
console.log('This action launched a local web server that hosts MeshCommander, a Intel AMT management console.');
console.log('\r\nPossible arguments:\r\n');
console.log(' --localport [port] Local port used for the web server, 3000 is default.');
console.log('\r\nRun as a background service:\r\n');
console.log(' meshcommander install/uninstall/start/stop.');
} else if (action == 'amtauditlog') {
console.log('AmtAuditLog action will fetch the local or remote audit log. If used localy, no username/password is required. Example usage:\r\n\r\n meshcmd amtauditlog --host --user admin --pass mypassword --tls --output audit.json');
console.log('\r\nPossible arguments:\r\n');
@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ function run(argv)
else if (mestate.ProvisioningState.stateStr == 'POST') { if (mestate.ProvisioningMode.modeStr == 'ENTERPRISE') { str += ', activated in ' + ["none", "client control mode", "admin control mode", "remote assistance mode"][mestate.controlmode.controlMode]; } else { str += ', activated in ' + mestate.ProvisioningMode.modeStr; } }
if (mestate.ehbc.EHBC == true) { str += ', EHBC enabled'; }
str += '.';
if (mestate.net0 != null) { str += '\r\nWired ' + ((mestate.net0.enabled == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') + ((mestate.net0.dhcpEnabled == 1) ? ', DHCP' : ', Static') + ', ' + mestate.net0.mac + (mestate.net0.address == ''?'':(', ' + mestate.net0.address)); }
if (mestate.net0 != null) { str += '\r\nWired ' + ((mestate.net0.enabled == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') + ((mestate.net0.dhcpEnabled == 1) ? ', DHCP' : ', Static') + ', ' + mestate.net0.mac + (mestate.net0.address == '' ? '' : (', ' + mestate.net0.address)); }
if (mestate.net1 != null) { str += '\r\nWireless ' + ((mestate.net1.enabled == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') + ((mestate.net1.dhcpEnabled == 1) ? ', DHCP' : ', Static') + ', ' + mestate.net1.mac + (mestate.net1.address == '' ? '' : (', ' + mestate.net1.address)); }
console.log(str + '.');
@ -357,10 +360,10 @@ function run(argv)
settings.localport = 16992;
debug(1, "Settings: " + JSON.stringify(settings));
} else if (settings.action == 'amtlms') {
} else if ((settings.action == 'microlms') || (settings.action == 'amtlms') || (settings.action == 'lms')) {
// Start Intel AMT MicroLMS
startLms(function (state) {
console.log(['MicroLMS did not start. MicroLMS must run as administrator or LMS any already be active.', 'MicroLMS started.', 'MicroLMS started, MeshCommander on HTTP/16994.', 'MEI error'][state]); console.log('Press ctrl-c to exit.'); if (state == 0) { exit(0); }
console.log(['MicroLMS did not start. Must run as administrator or LMS already active.', 'MicroLMS started.', 'MicroLMS started, MeshCommander on HTTP/16994.', 'MEI error'][state]); console.log('Press ctrl-c to exit.'); if (state == 0) { exit(0); }
} else if (settings.action == 'amtscript') {
// Start running a MEScript
@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ function readAmtAuditLogEx2(stack, response, status) {
} else {
var out = '';
for (var i in response) {
var name = ((response[i].Initiator != '')?(response[i].Initiator + ': '):'')
var name = ((response[i].Initiator != '') ? (response[i].Initiator + ': ') : '')
out += (response[i].Time + ' - ' + name + response[i].Event + '\r\n');
if (settings.output == null) { console.log(out); } else { var file = fs.openSync(settings.output, 'w'); fs.writeSync(file, new Buffer(out, 'utf8')); fs.closeSync(file); }
@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ function activeToCCMEx(state) {
function activeToCCMEx2(stack, name, responses, status) {
if (status != 200) { console.log('Failed to fetch activation status, status ' + status); exit(1); }
else if (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response['AllowedControlModes'].length != 2) { console.log('Client control mode activation not allowed'); exit(1); }
else { osamtstack.IPS_HostBasedSetupService_Setup(2, md5hex('admin:' + responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response['DigestRealm'] + ':' + settings.password).substring(0,32), null, null, null, null, activeToCCMEx3); }
else { osamtstack.IPS_HostBasedSetupService_Setup(2, md5hex('admin:' + responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response['DigestRealm'] + ':' + settings.password).substring(0, 32), null, null, null, null, activeToCCMEx3); }
function activeToCCMEx3(stack, name, responses, status) {
@ -624,7 +627,7 @@ function startMeScriptEx() {
try { scriptData = fs.readFileSync(settings.script); } catch (e) { console.log('Unable to read script file (1): ' + settings.script + '.'); exit(1); return; }
} else {
scriptData = settings.scriptJSON;
if (scriptData == null) { console.log('Unable to read script file (2): ' + settings.script + '.'); exit(1); return; }
try { scriptData = JSON.parse(scriptData); } catch (e) { console.log('Unable to read script file (3): ' + settings.script + '.'); exit(1); return; }
if (scriptData.mescript == null) { console.log('Unable to read script file (4): ' + settings.script + '.'); exit(1); return; }
@ -634,7 +637,7 @@ function startMeScriptEx() {
var script = scriptModule.setup(scriptData, {})
script.amtstack = amtstack;
script.onCompleted = function () { exit(1);}
script.onCompleted = function () { exit(1); }
@ -651,7 +654,7 @@ function saveEntireAmtState() {
var transport = require('amt-wsman-duk');
var wsman = require('amt-wsman');
var amt = require('amt');
wsstack = new wsman(transport, settings.hostname, settings.tls?16993:16992, settings.username, settings.password, settings.tls);
wsstack = new wsman(transport, settings.hostname, settings.tls ? 16993 : 16992, settings.username, settings.password, settings.tls);
amtstack = new amt(wsstack);
amtstack.onProcessChanged = onWsmanProcessChanged;
//var AllWsman = "AMT_GeneralSystemDefenseCapabilities".split(',');
@ -769,7 +772,6 @@ function startLms(func) {
amtLms = new lme_heci({ debug: settings.lmsdebug });
amtLms.on('error', function (e) {
console.log('LME connection failed', e);
setupMeiOsAdmin(func, amtLms.connected == false ? 0 : 3);
amtLms.on('notify', function (data, options, str, code) {
@ -843,7 +845,7 @@ function startLms(func) {
tempTimer = setTimeout(function () { delete tempTimer; setupMeiOsAdmin(func, 1); }, 100);
@ -957,7 +959,7 @@ function processLmsControlData(data) {
case 2: // Intel AMT MEI Unprovision (CMD = 2)
{ if (data.length < 6) break; amtMei.unprovision(data.readUInt32LE(2), function (status, socket) { var data = new Buffer(6); data.writeUInt16LE(2, 0); data.writeUInt32LE(status, 2); socket.write(data); }, this); break; }
case 3: // Intel AMT MEI GetLocalSystemAccount (CMD = 3)
{ amtMei.getLocalSystemAccount(function (account, socket) {socket.write(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('030000000000', 'hex'), account.raw])); }, this); break; }
{ amtMei.getLocalSystemAccount(function (account, socket) { socket.write(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('030000000000', 'hex'), account.raw])); }, this); break; }
case 4: // Instruct Intel AMT to start remote configuration (CMD = 4)
{ amtMei.startConfiguration(function (status, socket) { var data = new Buffer(6); data.writeUInt16LE(7, 0); data.writeUInt32LE(status, 2); socket.write(data); }, this); break; }
case 5: // Instruct Intel AMT to stop remote configuration (CMD = 5)
@ -1150,7 +1152,7 @@ function getAmtStorage(func, noretry) {
// Fetch the Intel AMT storage document
function pushToStorage(name, linkname, data, func, ptr) {
if (ptr == null) { ptr = 0; }
var req = digest.request({ protocol: settings.protocol, method: "PUT", host: settings.hostname, path: ("/amt-storage/" + name + ((ptr != 0) ? '?append=' : '')), port: settings.localport } );
var req = digest.request({ protocol: settings.protocol, method: "PUT", host: settings.hostname, path: ("/amt-storage/" + name + ((ptr != 0) ? '?append=' : '')), port: settings.localport });
req.on('error', function (e) { console.log("Error occured: " + JSON.stringify(e)); if (func != null) { func(null); } });
req.on('response', function (response) {
debug(1, 'Chunk Done', data.length, ptr);
@ -1178,7 +1180,7 @@ function verifyStorage(name, data, func) {
// Fetch the Intel AMT storage document
function deleteStorage(name, func, noretry) {
var req = digest.request({ protocol: settings.protocol, method: "DELETE", host: settings.hostname, path: "/amt-storage/" + name, port: settings.localport } );
var req = digest.request({ protocol: settings.protocol, method: "DELETE", host: settings.hostname, path: "/amt-storage/" + name, port: settings.localport });
req.on('error', function (e) { if ((e == 'Error: Socket was unexpectedly closed') && (noretry != true)) { deleteStorage(name, func, true); } else { if (func != null) { if (e.statusCode) { func(e.statusCode); } else { func(null); } } } });
req.on('response', function (response) { if (func != null) { func(response.statusCode); } });
@ -1203,69 +1205,39 @@ function removeItemFromArray(array, element) {
var serviceName = null;
var serviceOpSpecified = 0;
for (var i in process.argv)
if(process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'amtlms')
serviceName = 'MeshCmd_Lms';
if(process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'meshcommander')
serviceName = 'MeshCmd_Commander';
for (var i in process.argv) {
if ((process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'microlms') || (process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'amtlms') || (process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'lms')) { serviceName = 'MicroLMS'; break; }
if ((process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'meshcommander') || (process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'commander')) { serviceName = 'MeshCommander'; break; }
if (serviceName == null)
for (var i in process.argv)
if (process.argv[i] == '-install' || process.argv[i] == '-uninstall')
console.log('In order to Install/Uninstall, a service type must be specified');
if (serviceName == null) {
for (var i in process.argv) {
if ((process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'install') || (process.argv[i].toLowerCase() == 'uninstall')) {
console.log('In order to install/uninstall, a service type must be specified.');
serviceName = 'MeshCmd_Lms';
else if(process.execPath.includes('MeshCmd_Commander'))
serviceName = 'MeshCmd_Commander';
serviceName = 'not_a_service';
if (process.execPath.includes('MicroLMS')) { serviceName = 'MicroLMS'; }
else if (process.execPath.includes('MeshCommander')) { serviceName = 'MeshCommander'; }
else { serviceName = 'not_a_service'; }
var serviceHost = require('serviceHost');
var meshcmdService = new serviceHost({ name: serviceName, startType: 'AUTO_START' });
meshcmdService.on('serviceStart', function onStart()
if (process.execPath.includes('MeshCmd_Lms'))
run([process.execPath, 'AmtLms']);
else if(process.execPath.includes('MeshCmd_Commander'))
run([process.execPath, 'MeshCommander']);
console.log('Aborting Service Start, because unknown binary: ' + process.execPath);
meshcmdService.on('serviceStop', function onStop() { console.log('LMS Stopping'); process.exit(); });
meshcmdService.on('normalStart', function onNormalStart()
try { run(process.argv); } catch (e) { console.log('ERROR: ' + e); }
// Called when the background service is started.
meshcmdService.on('serviceStart', function onStart() {
console.setDestination(console.Destinations.DISABLED); // Disable console.log().
if (process.execPath.includes('MicroLMS')) { run([process.execPath, 'microlms']); } //
else if (process.execPath.includes('MeshCommander')) { run([process.execPath, 'meshcommander']); }
else { console.log('Aborting Service Start, because unknown binary: ' + process.execPath); process.exit(1); }
// Called when the background service is stopping
meshcmdService.on('serviceStop', function onStop() { console.log('Stopping service'); process.exit(); }); // The console.log() is for debugging, will be ignored unless "console.setDestination()" is set.
// Called when the executable is not running as a service, run normally.
meshcmdService.on('normalStart', function onNormalStart() { try { run(process.argv); } catch (e) { console.log('ERROR: ' + e); } });
@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
var SERVICE_WIN32 = 0x00000010 | 0x00000020;
var SERVICE_STATE = { STOPPED: 0x00000001, SERVICE_START_PENDING: 0x00000002, SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: 0x00000003, RUNNING: 0x00000004 };
var NO_ERROR = 0;
var serviceManager = require('serviceManager');
function serviceHost(serviceName)
function serviceHost(serviceName) {
this._ObjectID = 'serviceHost';
var emitterUtils = require('events').inherits(this);
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
this.GM = require('_GenericMarshal');
this.Advapi = this.GM.CreateNativeProxy('Advapi32.dll');
this.Advapi.CreateMethod({ method: 'StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA', threadDispatch: 1 });
@ -33,8 +31,7 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
this._ServiceMain = this.GM.GetGenericGlobalCallback(2);
this._ServiceMain.Parent = this;
this._ServiceMain.GM = this.GM;
this._ServiceMain.on('GlobalCallback', function onGlobalCallback(argc, argv)
this._ServiceMain.on('GlobalCallback', function onGlobalCallback(argc, argv) {
//ToDo: Check to make sure this is for us
this.Parent._ServiceStatus = this.GM.CreateVariable(28);
@ -52,8 +49,7 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
this.Parent._ServiceStatus.toBuffer().writeUInt32LE(SERVICE_STATE.SERVICE_STOPPED, 4);
this.Parent._ServiceStatusHandle = this.Parent.Advapi.RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA(this.Parent._ServiceName, this.Parent._ServiceControlHandler);
if(this.Parent._ServiceStatusHandle.Val == 0)
if (this.Parent._ServiceStatusHandle.Val == 0) {
@ -67,8 +63,7 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
this.Parent.Advapi.SetServiceStatus(this.Parent._ServiceStatusHandle, this.Parent._ServiceStatus);
this.Parent.Ole32.CoInitializeEx(0, 2);
this.Parent.on('~', function OnServiceHostFinalizer()
this.Parent.on('~', function OnServiceHostFinalizer() {
var GM = require('_GenericMarshal');
var Advapi = GM.CreateNativeProxy('Advapi32.dll');
@ -92,10 +87,8 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
this._ServiceControlHandler = this.GM.GetGenericGlobalCallback(1);
this._ServiceControlHandler.Parent = this;
this._ServiceControlHandler.GM = this.GM;
this._ServiceControlHandler.on('GlobalCallback', function onServiceControlHandler(code)
switch (code.Val)
this._ServiceControlHandler.on('GlobalCallback', function onServiceControlHandler(code) {
switch (code.Val) {
@ -113,54 +106,42 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
throw ('Must specify either ServiceName or Options');
if (!this._ServiceOptions.servicePath)
if (!this._ServiceOptions.servicePath) {
this._ServiceOptions.servicePath = process.execPath;
this.run = function run()
this.run = function run() {
var serviceOperation = 0;
for(var i = 0; i<process.argv.length; ++i)
case '-install':
for (var i = 0; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
switch (process.argv[i].toLowerCase()) {
case 'install':
if (!this._svcManager) { this._svcManager = new serviceManager(); }
try {
} catch (e) {
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
// Only do this on Windows, becuase Linux is async... It'll complete later
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' installed');
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' installed.');
i = process.argv.length;
serviceOperation = 1;
case '-uninstall':
case 'uninstall':
if (!this._svcManager) { this._svcManager = new serviceManager(); }
try {
} catch (e) {
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
// Only do this on Windows, becuase Linux is async... It'll complete later
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' uninstalled');
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' uninstalled.');
i = process.argv.length;
@ -170,55 +151,46 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
case '-d':
if (!this._svcManager) { this._svcManager = new serviceManager(); }
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' starting...');
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' starting.');
case 'stop':
case '-s':
if (!this._svcManager) { this._svcManager = new serviceManager(); }
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' stopping...');
console.log(this._ServiceOptions.name + ' stopping.');
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
var serviceTable = this.GM.CreateVariable(4 * this.GM.PointerSize);
this._ServiceMain.pointerBuffer().copy(serviceTable.toBuffer(), this.GM.PointerSize);
this._sscd = this.Advapi.StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(serviceTable);
this._sscd.parent = this;
this._sscd.on('done', function OnStartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(retVal) {
if (retVal.Val == 0)
if (retVal.Val == 0) { this.parent.emit('normalStart'); }
var moduleName = this._ServiceOptions ? this._ServiceOptions.name : process.execPath.substring(1 + process.execPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
for (var i = 0; i < process.argv.length; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
switch (process.argv[i].toLowerCase()) {
case 'start':
case '-d':
var child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [moduleName], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.DETACHED });
var pstream = null;
try {
pstream = require('fs').createWriteStream('/var/run/' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'w' });
catch (e) {
if (pstream == null)
if (pstream == null) {
pstream = require('fs').createWriteStream('.' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'w' });
@ -229,33 +201,26 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
case 'stop':
case '-s':
var pid = null;
try {
pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('/var/run/' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' }));
require('fs').unlinkSync('/var/run/' + moduleName + '.pid');
catch (e) {
if(pid == null)
if (pid == null) {
try {
pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('.' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' }));
require('fs').unlinkSync('.' + moduleName + '.pid');
catch (e) {
if (pid) {
console.log(moduleName + ' stopped');
else {
console.log(moduleName + ' not running');
@ -263,56 +228,30 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
if(serviceOperation == 0)
if (serviceOperation == 0) {
// This is non-windows, so we need to check how this binary was started to determine if this was a service start
// Start by checking if we were started with start/stop
var pid = null;
pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('/var/run/' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' }));
catch (e)
if (pid == null)
pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('.' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' }));
catch (e)
if (pid != null && pid == process.pid)
try { pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('/var/run/' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' })); } catch (e) { }
if (pid == null) { try { pid = parseInt(require('fs').readFileSync('.' + moduleName + '.pid', { flags: 'r' })); } catch (e) { } }
if (pid != null && pid == process.pid) {
} else {
// Now we need to check if we were started with systemd
if (require('processManager').getProcessInfo(1).Name == 'systemd')
if (require('processManager').getProcessInfo(1).Name == 'systemd') {
this._checkpid = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM });
this._checkpid.result = '';
this._checkpid.parent = this;
this._checkpid.on('exit', function onCheckPIDExit()
this._checkpid.on('exit', function onCheckPIDExit() {
var lines = this.result.split('\r\n');
for (i in lines)
if(lines[i].startsWith(' Main PID:'))
for (i in lines) {
if (lines[i].startsWith(' Main PID:')) {
var tokens = lines[i].split(' ');
if (parseInt(tokens[3]) == process.pid)
if (parseInt(tokens[3]) == process.pid) {
} else {
delete this.parent._checkpid;
@ -326,8 +265,7 @@ function serviceHost(serviceName)
this._checkpid.stdin.write("systemctl status " + moduleName + " | grep 'Main PID:'\n");
else {
// This isn't even a systemd platform, so this couldn't have been a service start
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
function parseServiceStatus(token)
function parseServiceStatus(token) {
var j = {};
var serviceType = token.Deref(0, 4).IntVal;
j.isFileSystemDriver = ((serviceType & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002);
@ -9,8 +8,7 @@ function parseServiceStatus(token)
j.isSharedProcess = ((serviceType & 0x00000020) == 0x00000020);
j.isOwnProcess = ((serviceType & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010);
j.isInteractive = ((serviceType & 0x00000100) == 0x00000100);
switch (token.Deref((1 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE())
switch (token.Deref((1 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE()) {
case 0x00000005:
@ -35,8 +33,7 @@ function parseServiceStatus(token)
var controlsAccepted = token.Deref((2 * 4), 4).toBuffer().readUInt32LE();
j.controlsAccepted = [];
if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010)
if ((controlsAccepted & 0x00000010) == 0x00000010) {
@ -54,10 +51,8 @@ function parseServiceStatus(token)
return (j);
function serviceManager()
if (process.platform == 'win32')
function serviceManager() {
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
this.GM = require('_GenericMarshal');
this.proxy = this.GM.CreateNativeProxy('Advapi32.dll');
@ -83,40 +78,31 @@ function serviceManager()
var AdministratorsGroup = this.GM.CreatePointer();
var admin = false;
if (this.proxy.AllocateAndInitializeSid(NTAuthority, 2, 32, 544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, AdministratorsGroup).Val != 0)
if (this.proxy.AllocateAndInitializeSid(NTAuthority, 2, 32, 544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, AdministratorsGroup).Val != 0) {
var member = this.GM.CreateInteger();
if (this.proxy.CheckTokenMembership(0, AdministratorsGroup.Deref(), member).Val != 0)
if (this.proxy.CheckTokenMembership(0, AdministratorsGroup.Deref(), member).Val != 0) {
if (member.toBuffer().readUInt32LE() != 0) { admin = true; }
return admin;
this.getServiceFolder = function getServiceFolder()
this.getServiceFolder = function getServiceFolder() {
var destinationFolder = null;
if (require('os').arch() == 'x64')
if (require('os').arch() == 'x64') {
// 64 bit Windows
if (this.GM.PointerSize == 4)
if (this.GM.PointerSize == 4) {
// 32 Bit App
destinationFolder = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
} else {
// 64 bit App
destinationFolder = process.env['ProgramFiles'];
} else {
// 32 bit Windows
destinationFolder = process.env['ProgramFiles'];
return (destinationFolder + '\\mesh');
return (destinationFolder + '\\Open Source\\MeshCmd');
this.enumerateService = function () {
@ -129,9 +115,7 @@ function serviceManager()
var resumeHandle = this.GM.CreatePointer();
//var services = this.proxy.CreateVariable(262144);
var success = this.proxy.EnumServicesStatusExA(handle, 0, 0x00000030, 0x00000003, 0x00, 0x00, bytesNeeded, servicesReturned, resumeHandle, 0x00);
if (bytesNeeded.IntVal <= 0) {
throw ('error enumerating services');
if (bytesNeeded.IntVal <= 0) { throw('Error enumerating services'); }
var sz = bytesNeeded.IntVal;
var services = this.GM.CreateVariable(sz);
this.proxy.EnumServicesStatusExA(handle, 0, 0x00000030, 0x00000003, services, sz, bytesNeeded, servicesReturned, resumeHandle, 0x00);
@ -157,7 +141,7 @@ function serviceManager()
var ptr = this.GM.CreatePointer();
var bytesNeeded = this.GM.CreateVariable(ptr._size);
var handle = this.proxy.OpenSCManagerA(0x00, 0x00, 0x0001 | 0x0004 | 0x0020 | 0x0010);
if (handle.Val == 0) { throw ('could not open ServiceManager'); }
if (handle.Val == 0) { throw('Could not open ServiceManager'); }
var h = this.proxy.OpenServiceA(handle, serviceName, 0x0004 | 0x0020 | 0x0010 | 0x00010000);
if (h.Val != 0) {
var success = this.proxy.QueryServiceStatusEx(h, 0, 0, 0, bytesNeeded);
@ -182,51 +166,46 @@ function serviceManager()
else {
throw ('cannot call ' + this.name + '.stop(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state);
throw ('Cannot call ' + this.name + '.stop(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state);
retVal.start = function () {
if (this.status.state == 'STOPPED') {
var success = this._proxy.StartServiceA(this._service, 0, 0);
if (success == 0) {
throw (this.name + '.start() failed');
else {
throw ('cannot call ' + this.name + '.start(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state);
if (success == 0) { throw (this.name + '.start() failed'); }
} else {
throw ('Cannot call ' + this.name + '.start(), when current state is: ' + this.status.state);
return (retVal);
else {
} else {
throw ('could not find service: ' + name);
throw ('Could not find service: ' + name);
this.installService = function installService(options)
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Installing as Service, requires admin'); }
this.installService = function installService(options) {
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Installing as Service, requires administrator permissions.'); }
// Before we start, we need to copy the binary to the right place
var folder = this.getServiceFolder();
if (!require('fs').existsSync(folder)) { require('fs').mkdirSync(folder); }
require('fs').copyFileSync(options.servicePath, folder + '\\' + options.name + '.exe');
options.servicePath = folder + '\\' + options.name + '.exe';
console.log('Installing to "' + options.servicePath + '"');
var servicePath = this.GM.CreateVariable('"' + options.servicePath + '"');
var handle = this.proxy.OpenSCManagerA(0x00, 0x00, 0x0002);
if (handle.Val == 0) { throw ('error opening SCManager'); }
if (handle.Val == 0) { throw ('Error opening SCManager'); }
var serviceName = this.GM.CreateVariable(options.name);
var displayName = this.GM.CreateVariable(options.name);
var allAccess = 0x000F01FF;
var serviceType;
switch (options.startType) {
case 'BOOT_START':
@ -264,13 +243,11 @@ function serviceManager()
return (this.getService(options.name));
if(process.platform == 'linux')
switch (this.getServiceType())
if (process.platform == 'linux') {
switch (this.getServiceType()) {
case 'init':
require('fs').copyFileSync(options.servicePath, '/etc/init.d/' + options.name);
console.log('copying ' + options.servicePath);
console.log('Copying ' + options.servicePath);
var m = require('fs').statSync('/etc/init.d/' + options.name).mode;
m |= (require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXUSR | require('fs').CHMOD_MODES.S_IXGRP);
require('fs').chmodSync('/etc/init.d/' + options.name, m);
@ -305,40 +282,25 @@ function serviceManager()
this.uninstallService = function uninstallService(name)
this.uninstallService = function uninstallService(name) {
if (typeof (name) == 'object') { name = name.name; }
if (process.platform == 'win32')
if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Uninstalling a service, requires admin'); }
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
if (!this.isAdmin()) { throw ('Uninstalling a service, requires administrator permissions.'); }
var service = this.getService(name);
if (service.status.state == undefined || service.status.state == 'STOPPED')
if (this.proxy.DeleteService(service._service) == 0)
if (service.status.state == undefined || service.status.state == 'STOPPED') {
if (this.proxy.DeleteService(service._service) == 0) {
throw ('Uninstall Service for: ' + name + ', failed with error: ' + this.proxy2.GetLastError());
require('fs').unlinkSync(this.getServiceFolder() + '\\' + name + '.exe');
} else {
try { require('fs').unlinkSync(this.getServiceFolder() + '\\' + name + '.exe'); } catch (e) { }
else {
throw ('Cannot uninstall service: ' + name + ', because it is: ' + service.status.state);
else if(process.platform == 'linux')
switch (this.getServiceType())
else if (process.platform == 'linux') {
switch (this.getServiceType()) {
case 'init':
this._update = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], { type: require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM });
this._update._svcname = name;
@ -346,11 +308,7 @@ function serviceManager()
try {
require('fs').unlinkSync('/etc/init.d/' + this._svcname);
console.log(this._svcname + ' uninstalled');
catch (e) {
console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled')
} catch (e) { console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled'); }
this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { });
@ -366,10 +324,7 @@ function serviceManager()
require('fs').unlinkSync('/usr/local/mesh/' + this._svcname);
require('fs').unlinkSync('/lib/systemd/system/' + this._svcname + '.service');
console.log(this._svcname + ' uninstalled');
catch (e) {
console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled')
} catch (e) { console.log(this._svcname + ' could not be uninstalled'); }
this._update.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { });
@ -382,10 +337,8 @@ function serviceManager()
if(process.platform == 'linux')
this.getServiceType = function getServiceType()
if (process.platform == 'linux') {
this.getServiceType = function getServiceType() {
return (require('processManager').getProcessInfo(1).Name);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.1.5-u",
"version": "0.1.5-v",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user