diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f5966821..00057982 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
- "version": "0.4.6-m",
+ "version": "0.4.6-n",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
diff --git a/public/images/c1.png b/public/images/c1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56f8cec6
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/c1.png differ
diff --git a/public/images/c2.png b/public/images/c2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8883ca4a
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/c2.png differ
diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars
index 61b1afb0..38cf5d9b 100644
--- a/views/default.handlebars
+++ b/views/default.handlebars
@@ -2785,6 +2785,7 @@
if (sort == 0) {
// Mesh header
if (node.meshid != current) {
+ if ((view == 1) && (current != null)) { r += ''; } // Close collapse div
var extra = '';
if (view == 2) { r += '
'; }
@@ -2793,11 +2794,15 @@
if (view == 2) { r += ''; }
r += ' ';
r += '' + extra;
- r += '' + EscapeHtml(meshes[node.meshid].name) + '' + getMeshActions(mesh2, meshrights) + ' ';
+ r += '';
+ var collapsed = CollapsedGroups[node.meshid];
+ r += '  '; // Collapse action
+ r += ' ' + EscapeHtml(meshes[node.meshid].name) + '' + getMeshActions(mesh2, meshrights) + ' ';
if (view == 2) { r += ''; }
current = node.meshid;
displayedMeshes[current] = 1;
c = 0;
+ if (view == 1) { r += ''; } // Open collapse div
} else if (sort == 1) {
// Power header
@@ -2876,6 +2881,8 @@
if (typeof deviceHeaderCount[node.state] == 'undefined') { deviceHeaderCount[node.state] = 1; } else { deviceHeaderCount[node.state]++; }
+ if ((view == 1) && (current != null)) { r += ' '; } // Close collapse div
// Above 32 devices, gray out the auto connect feature.
if (kvmDivs.length >= 32) { Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked = false; }
QE('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox', kvmDivs.length < 32);
@@ -2908,13 +2915,21 @@
// Display all empty device groups, we need to do this because users can add devices to these at any time.
if ((sort == 0) && (Q('SearchInput').value == '') && (view < 3)) {
+ var deviceHeaderId2 = deviceHeaderId;
for (var i in meshes) {
var mesh = meshes[i], meshlink = mesh.links[userinfo._id];
if (meshlink != null) {
var meshrights = meshlink.rights;
if (displayedMeshes[mesh._id] == null) {
if ((current != '') && (r != '')) { r += ' |
'; }
- r += '' + EscapeHtml(mesh.name) + '';
+ r += '';
+ // Collapsing header & start collapsing area
+ deviceHeaderId2++;
+ var collapsed = CollapsedGroups[mesh._id];
+ r += ' '; // Collapse action
+ r += '' + EscapeHtml(mesh.name) + '';
r += getMeshActions(mesh, meshrights);
r += ' | ';
if (mesh.mtype == 1) {
@@ -2922,10 +2937,14 @@
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', ' + "add one" + ''; }
if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
- r += '' + "No devices in this group";
+ r += '';
+ if (view == 1) { r += ''; } // Open collapse div
+ r += ' ' + "No devices in this group";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', ' + "add one" + ''; }
r += '. | ';
+ if (view == 1) { r += ' '; } // End collapsing area
current = mesh._id;
@@ -3036,6 +3055,14 @@
oldviewmode = view;
+ var CollapsedGroups = {};
+ function toggleCollapseGroup(id, id2) {
+ var x = (QS('DevxCol' + id)['display'] == 'none');
+ if (x) { delete CollapsedGroups[id2]; } else { CollapsedGroups[id2] = true; }
+ Q('DevxColImg' + id).src = x?'images/c2.png':'images/c1.png';
+ QV('DevxCol' + id, x);
+ }
function toggleKvmDevice(node) {
if (typeof node == 'string') { node = getNodeFromId(node); } // Convert nodeid to node if needed
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid], meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;