diff --git a/agents/MeshCmd-signed.exe b/agents/MeshCmd-signed.exe
index e5f0438b..d890cd2b 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshCmd-signed.exe and b/agents/MeshCmd-signed.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/MeshCmd64-signed.exe b/agents/MeshCmd64-signed.exe
index fda74e0e..f0af15a3 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshCmd64-signed.exe and b/agents/MeshCmd64-signed.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/MeshService-signed.exe b/agents/MeshService-signed.exe
index ab995005..73f6c4c3 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshService-signed.exe and b/agents/MeshService-signed.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/MeshService.exe b/agents/MeshService.exe
index bdae7768..d0a34826 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshService.exe and b/agents/MeshService.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/MeshService64-signed.exe b/agents/MeshService64-signed.exe
index 19f0eb6f..c38c6015 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshService64-signed.exe and b/agents/MeshService64-signed.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/MeshService64.exe b/agents/MeshService64.exe
index 2426b160..e16a7b14 100644
Binary files a/agents/MeshService64.exe and b/agents/MeshService64.exe differ
diff --git a/agents/meshcore-multipipe.js b/agents/meshcore-multipipe.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1247722..00000000
--- a/agents/meshcore-multipipe.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3789 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2018-2020 Intel Corporation
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-process.on('uncaughtException', function (ex) {
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: "uncaughtException1: " + ex });
-// NOTE: This seems to cause big problems, don't enable the debugger in the server's meshcore.
-//attachDebugger({ webport: 9999, wait: 1 }).then(function (prt) { console.log('Point Browser for Debug to port: ' + prt); });
-// Mesh Rights
-var MNG_ERROR = 65;
-var MESHRIGHT_NOAMT = 2048;
-function createMeshCore(agent) {
- var obj = {};
- if (process.platform == 'win32' && require('user-sessions').isRoot()) {
- // Check the Agent Uninstall MetaData for correctness, as the installer may have written an incorrect value
- try {
- var writtenSize = 0, actualSize = Math.floor(require('fs').statSync(process.execPath).size / 1024);
- try { writtenSize = require('win-registry').QueryKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MeshCentralAgent', 'EstimatedSize'); } catch (e) { }
- if (writtenSize != actualSize) { try { require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MeshCentralAgent', 'EstimatedSize', actualSize); } catch (e) { } }
- } catch (x) { }
- // Check to see if we are the Installed Mesh Agent Service, if we are, make sure we can run in Safe Mode
- try {
- var meshCheck = false;
- try { meshCheck = require('service-manager').manager.getService('Mesh Agent').isMe(); } catch (e) { }
- if (meshCheck && require('win-bcd').isSafeModeService && !require('win-bcd').isSafeModeService('Mesh Agent')) { require('win-bcd').enableSafeModeService('Mesh Agent'); }
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- if (process.platform == 'darwin' && !process.versions) {
- // This is an older MacOS Agent, so we'll need to check the service definition so that Auto-Update will function correctly
- var child = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh']);
- child.stdout.str = '';
- child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this.str += chunk.toString(); });
- child.stdin.write("cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagent_osx64_LaunchDaemon.plist | tr '\n' '\.' | awk '{split($0, a, \"KeepAlive\"); split(a[2], b, \"<\"); split(b[2], c, \">\"); ");
- child.stdin.write(" if(c[1]==\"dict\"){ split(a[2], d, \"\"); if(split(d[1], truval, \"\")>1) { split(truval[1], kn1, \"\"); split(kn1[2], kn2, \"\"); print kn2[1]; } }");
- child.stdin.write(" else { split(c[1], ka, \"/\"); if(ka[1]==\"true\") {print \"ALWAYS\";} } }'\nexit\n");
- child.waitExit();
- if (child.stdout.str.trim() == 'Crashed') {
- child = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh']);
- child.stdout.str = '';
- child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this.str += chunk.toString(); });
- child.stdin.write("launchctl list | grep 'meshagent' | awk '{ if($3==\"meshagent\"){print $1;}}'\nexit\n");
- child.waitExit();
- if (parseInt(child.stdout.str.trim()) == process.pid) {
- // The currently running MeshAgent is us, so we can continue with the update
- var plist = require('fs').readFileSync('/Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagent_osx64_LaunchDaemon.plist').toString();
- var tokens = plist.split('KeepAlive');
- if (tokens[1].split('>')[0].split('<')[1] == 'dict') {
- var tmp = tokens[1].split('');
- tmp.shift();
- tokens[1] = '\n ' + tmp.join('');
- tokens = tokens.join('KeepAlive');
- require('fs').writeFileSync('/Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagent_osx64_LaunchDaemon.plist', tokens);
- var fix = '';
- fix += ("function macosRepair()\n");
- fix += ("{\n");
- fix += (" var child = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh']);\n");
- fix += (" child.stdout.str = '';\n");
- fix += (" child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this.str += chunk.toString(); });\n");
- fix += (" child.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) { });\n");
- fix += (" child.stdin.write('launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagent_osx64_LaunchDaemon.plist\\n');\n");
- fix += (" child.stdin.write('launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagent_osx64_LaunchDaemon.plist\\n');\n");
- fix += (" child.stdin.write('rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagentRepair.plist\\n');\n");
- fix += (" child.stdin.write('rm " + process.cwd() + "/macosRepair.js\\n');\n");
- fix += (" child.stdin.write('launchctl stop meshagentRepair\\nexit\\n');\n");
- fix += (" child.waitExit();\n");
- fix += ("}\n");
- fix += ("macosRepair();\n");
- fix += ("process.exit();\n");
- require('fs').writeFileSync(process.cwd() + '/macosRepair.js', fix);
- var plist = '\n';
- plist += '\n';
- plist += '\n';
- plist += ' \n';
- plist += ' Label\n';
- plist += (' meshagentRepair\n');
- plist += ' ProgramArguments\n';
- plist += ' \n';
- plist += (' ' + process.execPath + '\n');
- plist += ' macosRepair.js\n';
- plist += ' \n';
- plist += ' WorkingDirectory\n';
- plist += (' ' + process.cwd() + '\n');
- plist += ' RunAtLoad\n';
- plist += ' \n';
- plist += ' \n';
- plist += '';
- require('fs').writeFileSync('/Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagentRepair.plist', plist);
- child = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh']);
- child.stdout.str = '';
- child.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) { this.str += chunk.toString(); });
- child.stdin.write("launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/meshagentRepair.plist\nexit\n");
- child.waitExit();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Create Secure IPC for Diagnostic Agent Communications
- obj.DAIPC = require('net').createServer();
- if (process.platform != 'win32') { try { require('fs').unlinkSync(process.cwd() + '/DAIPC'); } catch (e) { } }
- obj.DAIPC.IPCPATH = process.platform == 'win32' ? ('\\\\.\\pipe\\' + require('_agentNodeId')() + '-DAIPC') : (process.cwd() + '/DAIPC');
- try { obj.DAIPC.listen({ path: obj.DAIPC.IPCPATH, writableAll: true, maxConnections: 5 }); } catch (e) { }
- obj.DAIPC._daipc = [];
- obj.DAIPC.on('connection', function (c) {
- c._send = function (j) {
- var data = JSON.stringify(j);
- var packet = Buffer.alloc(data.length + 4);
- packet.writeUInt32LE(data.length + 4, 0);
- Buffer.from(data).copy(packet, 4);
- this.write(packet);
- };
- this._daipc.push(c);
- c.parent = this;
- c.on('end', function () { removeRegisteredApp(this); });
- c.on('data', function (chunk) {
- if (chunk.length < 4) { this.unshift(chunk); return; }
- var len = chunk.readUInt32LE(0);
- if (len > 8192) { removeRegisteredApp(this); this.end(); return; }
- if (chunk.length < len) { this.unshift(chunk); return; }
- var data = chunk.slice(4, len);
- try { data = JSON.parse(data.toString()); } catch (e) { }
- if ((data == null) || (typeof data.cmd != 'string')) return;
- try {
- switch (data.cmd) {
- case 'requesthelp':
- if (this._registered == null) return;
- sendConsoleText('Request Help (' + this._registered + '): ' + data.value);
- var help = {};
- help[this._registered] = data.value;
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'help', value: help }); } catch (e) { }
- MeshServerLogEx(98, [this._registered, data.value], "Help Requested, user: " + this._registered + ", details: " + data.value, null);
- break;
- case 'cancelhelp':
- if (this._registered == null) return;
- sendConsoleText('Cancel Help (' + this._registered + ')');
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'help', value: {} }); } catch (e) { }
- break;
- case 'register':
- if (typeof data.value == 'string') {
- this._registered = data.value;
- var apps = {};
- apps[data.value] = 1;
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'app', value: apps }); } catch (e) { }
- this._send({ cmd: 'serverstate', value: meshServerConnectionState, url: require('MeshAgent').ConnectedServer });
- this._send({ cmd: 'sessions', sessions: tunnelUserCount });
- }
- break;
- case 'query':
- switch (data.value) {
- case 'connection':
- data.result = require('MeshAgent').ConnectedServer;
- this._send(data);
- break;
- case 'descriptors':
- require('ChainViewer').getSnapshot().then(function (f)
- {
- this.tag.payload.result = f;
- this.tag.ipc._send(this.tag.payload);
- }).parentPromise.tag = { ipc: this, payload: data };
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'sessions':
- this._send({ cmd: 'sessions', sessions: tunnelUserCount });
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (e) { removeRegisteredApp(this); this.end(); return; }
- });
- });
- // Send this object to all registered local applications
- function broadcastToRegisteredApps(x) {
- if ((obj.DAIPC == null) || (obj.DAIPC._daipc == null)) return;
- for (var i in obj.DAIPC._daipc) { if (obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered != null) { obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._send(x); } }
- }
- // Send list of registered apps to the server
- function updateRegisteredAppsToServer() {
- if ((obj.DAIPC == null) || (obj.DAIPC._daipc == null)) return;
- var apps = {};
- for (var i in obj.DAIPC._daipc) { if (apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered] == null) { apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered] = 1; } else { apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered]++; } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'app', value: apps }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- // Remove a registered app
- function removeRegisteredApp(pipe) {
- for (var i = obj.DAIPC._daipc.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (obj.DAIPC._daipc[i] === pipe) { obj.DAIPC._daipc.splice(i, 1); } }
- if (pipe._registered != null) updateRegisteredAppsToServer();
- }
- function diagnosticAgent_uninstall() {
- require('service-manager').manager.uninstallService('meshagentDiagnostic');
- require('task-scheduler').delete('meshagentDiagnostic/periodicStart');
- };
- function diagnosticAgent_installCheck(install) {
- try {
- var diag = require('service-manager').manager.getService('meshagentDiagnostic');
- return (diag);
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- if (!install) { return (null); }
- var svc = null;
- try {
- require('service-manager').manager.installService(
- {
- name: 'meshagentDiagnostic',
- displayName: "Mesh Agent Diagnostic Service",
- description: "Mesh Agent Diagnostic Service",
- servicePath: process.execPath,
- parameters: ['-recovery']
- //files: [{ newName: 'diagnostic.js', _buffer: Buffer.from('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', 'base64') }]
- });
- svc = require('service-manager').manager.getService('meshagentDiagnostic');
- }
- catch (e) {
- return (null);
- }
- var proxyConfig = require('global-tunnel').proxyConfig;
- var cert = require('MeshAgent').GenerateAgentCertificate('CN=MeshNodeDiagnosticCertificate');
- var nodeid = require('tls').loadCertificate(cert.root).getKeyHash().toString('base64');
- ddb = require('SimpleDataStore').Create(svc.appWorkingDirectory().replace('\\', '/') + '/meshagentDiagnostic.db');
- ddb.Put('disableUpdate', '1');
- ddb.Put('MeshID', Buffer.from(require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.MeshID, 'hex'));
- ddb.Put('ServerID', require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ServerID);
- ddb.Put('MeshServer', require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ServerUri);
- if (cert.root.pfx) { ddb.Put('SelfNodeCert', cert.root.pfx); }
- if (cert.tls) { ddb.Put('SelfNodeTlsCert', cert.tls.pfx); }
- if (proxyConfig) {
- ddb.Put('WebProxy', proxyConfig.host + ':' + proxyConfig.port);
- } else {
- ddb.Put('ignoreProxyFile', '1');
- }
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'diagnostic', value: { command: 'register', value: nodeid } });
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: "Diagnostic Agent Registered [" + nodeid.length + "/" + nodeid + "]" });
- delete ddb;
- // Set a recurrent task, to run the Diagnostic Agent every 2 days
- require('task-scheduler').create({ name: 'meshagentDiagnostic/periodicStart', daily: 2, time: require('tls').generateRandomInteger('0', '23') + ':' + require('tls').generateRandomInteger('0', '59').padStart(2, '0'), service: 'meshagentDiagnostic' });
- //require('task-scheduler').create({ name: 'meshagentDiagnostic/periodicStart', daily: '1', time: '17:16', service: 'meshagentDiagnostic' });
- return (svc);
- }
- // Monitor the file 'batterystate.txt' in the agent's folder and sends battery update when this file is changed.
- if ((require('fs').existsSync(process.cwd() + 'batterystate.txt')) && (require('fs').watch != null)) {
- // Setup manual battery monitoring
- require('MeshAgent')._batteryFileWatcher = require('fs').watch(process.cwd(), function () {
- if (require('MeshAgent')._batteryFileTimer != null) return;
- require('MeshAgent')._batteryFileTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- try {
- require('MeshAgent')._batteryFileTimer = null;
- var data = null;
- try { data = require('fs').readFileSync(process.cwd() + 'batterystate.txt').toString(); } catch (e) { }
- if ((data != null) && (data.length < 10)) {
- data = data.split(',');
- if ((data.length == 2) && ((data[0] == 'ac') || (data[0] == 'dc'))) {
- var level = parseInt(data[1]);
- if ((level >= 0) && (level <= 100)) { require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'battery', state: data[0], level: level }); }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }, 1000);
- });
- } else {
- // Setup normal battery monitoring
- if (require('identifiers').isBatteryPowered && require('identifiers').isBatteryPowered()) {
- require('MeshAgent')._battLevelChanged = function _battLevelChanged(val) {
- _battLevelChanged.self._currentBatteryLevel = val;
- _battLevelChanged.self.SendCommand({ action: 'battery', state: _battLevelChanged.self._currentPowerState, level: val });
- };
- require('MeshAgent')._battLevelChanged.self = require('MeshAgent');
- require('MeshAgent')._powerChanged = function _powerChanged(val) {
- _powerChanged.self._currentPowerState = (val == 'AC' ? 'ac' : 'dc');
- _powerChanged.self.SendCommand({ action: 'battery', state: (val == 'AC' ? 'ac' : 'dc'), level: _powerChanged.self._currentBatteryLevel });
- };
- require('MeshAgent')._powerChanged.self = require('MeshAgent');
- require('MeshAgent').on('Connected', function (status) {
- if (status == 0) {
- require('power-monitor').removeListener('acdc', this._powerChanged);
- require('power-monitor').removeListener('batteryLevel', this._battLevelChanged);
- } else {
- require('power-monitor').on('acdc', this._powerChanged);
- require('power-monitor').on('batteryLevel', this._battLevelChanged);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- /*
- function borderController() {
- this.container = null;
- this.Start = function Start(user) {
- if (this.container == null) {
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- try {
- this.container = require('ScriptContainer').Create({ processIsolation: 1, sessionId: user.SessionId });
- } catch (e) {
- this.container = require('ScriptContainer').Create({ processIsolation: 1 });
- }
- } else {
- this.container = require('ScriptContainer').Create({ processIsolation: 1, sessionId: user.uid });
- }
- this.container.parent = this;
- this.container.addModule('monitor-info', getJSModule('monitor-info'));
- this.container.addModule('monitor-border', getJSModule('monitor-border'));
- this.container.addModule('promise', getJSModule('promise'));
- this.container.once('exit', function (code) { sendConsoleText('Border Process Exited with code: ' + code); this.parent.container = this.parent._container = null; });
- this.container.ExecuteString("var border = require('monitor-border'); border.Start();");
- }
- }
- this.Stop = function Stop() {
- if (this.container != null) {
- this._container = this.container;
- this._container.parent = this;
- this.container = null;
- this._container.exit();
- }
- }
- }
- obj.borderManager = new borderController();
- */
- // MeshAgent JavaScript Core Module. This code is sent to and running on the mesh agent.
- var meshCoreObj = { action: 'coreinfo', value: (require('MeshAgent').coreHash ? ('MeshCore CRC-' + crc32c(require('MeshAgent').coreHash)) : ('MeshCore v6')), caps: 14 }; // Capability bitmask: 1 = Desktop, 2 = Terminal, 4 = Files, 8 = Console, 16 = JavaScript, 32 = Temporary Agent, 64 = Recovery Agent
- // Get the operating system description string
- try { require('os').name().then(function (v) { meshCoreObj.osdesc = v; }); } catch (e) { }
- var meshServerConnectionState = 0;
- var tunnels = {};
- var lastMeInfo = null;
- var lastNetworkInfo = null;
- var lastPublicLocationInfo = null;
- var selfInfoUpdateTimer = null;
- var http = require('http');
- var net = require('net');
- var fs = require('fs');
- var rtc = require('ILibWebRTC');
- var amt = null;
- var processManager = require('process-manager');
- var wifiScannerLib = null;
- var wifiScanner = null;
- var networkMonitor = null;
- var amtscanner = null;
- var nextTunnelIndex = 1;
- var amtPolicy = null;
- var apftunnel = null;
- var tunnelUserCount = { terminal: {}, files: {}, tcp: {}, udp: {}, msg: {} }; // List of userid->count sessions for terminal, files and TCP/UDP routing
- // Add to the server event log
- function MeshServerLog(msg, state) {
- if (typeof msg == 'string') { msg = { action: 'log', msg: msg }; } else { msg.action = 'log'; }
- if (state) {
- if (state.userid) { msg.userid = state.userid; }
- if (state.username) { msg.username = state.username; }
- if (state.sessionid) { msg.sessionid = state.sessionid; }
- if (state.remoteaddr) { msg.remoteaddr = state.remoteaddr; }
- }
- mesh.SendCommand(msg);
- }
- // Add to the server event log, use internationalized events
- function MeshServerLogEx(id, args, msg, state) {
- var msg = { action: 'log', msgid: id, msgArgs: args, msg: msg };
- if (state) {
- if (state.userid) { msg.userid = state.userid; }
- if (state.username) { msg.username = state.username; }
- if (state.sessionid) { msg.sessionid = state.sessionid; }
- if (state.remoteaddr) { msg.remoteaddr = state.remoteaddr; }
- }
- mesh.SendCommand(msg);
- }
- // If we are running in Duktape, agent will be null
- if (agent == null) {
- // Running in native agent, Import libraries
- db = require('SimpleDataStore').Shared();
- sha = require('SHA256Stream');
- mesh = require('MeshAgent');
- childProcess = require('child_process');
- if (mesh.hasKVM == 1) { // if the agent is compiled with KVM support
- // Check if this computer supports a desktop
- try
- {
- if ((process.platform == 'win32') || (process.platform == 'darwin') || (require('monitor-info').kvm_x11_support))
- {
- meshCoreObj.caps |= 1;
- }
- else if(process.platform == 'linux' || process.platform == 'freebsd')
- {
- require('monitor-info').on('kvmSupportDetected', function (value)
- {
- meshCoreObj.caps |= 1;
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- });
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- } else {
- // Running in nodejs
- meshCoreObj.value += '-NodeJS';
- meshCoreObj.caps = 8;
- mesh = agent.getMeshApi();
- }
- mesh.DAIPC = obj.DAIPC;
- /*
- var AMTScanner = require("AMTScanner");
- var scan = new AMTScanner();
- scan.on("found", function (data) {
- if (typeof data === 'string') {
- console.log(data);
- } else {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, " "));
- }
- });
- scan.scan("", 1000);
- scan.scan("", 1000);
- scan.scan("", 2000);
- */
- /*
- // Try to load up the network monitor
- try {
- networkMonitor = require('NetworkMonitor');
- networkMonitor.on('change', function () { sendNetworkUpdateNagle(); });
- networkMonitor.on('add', function (addr) { sendNetworkUpdateNagle(); });
- networkMonitor.on('remove', function (addr) { sendNetworkUpdateNagle(); });
- } catch (e) { networkMonitor = null; }
- */
- // Try to load up the Intel AMT scanner
- try {
- var AMTScannerModule = require('amt-scanner');
- amtscanner = new AMTScannerModule();
- //amtscanner.on('found', function (data) { if (typeof data != 'string') { data = JSON.stringify(data, null, " "); } sendConsoleText(data); });
- } catch (e) { amtscanner = null; }
- // Fetch the SMBios Tables
- var SMBiosTables = null;
- var SMBiosTablesRaw = null;
- try {
- var SMBiosModule = null;
- try { SMBiosModule = require('smbios'); } catch (e) { }
- if (SMBiosModule != null) {
- SMBiosModule.get(function (data) {
- if (data != null) {
- SMBiosTablesRaw = data;
- SMBiosTables = require('smbios').parse(data)
- if (mesh.isControlChannelConnected) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'smbios', value: SMBiosTablesRaw }); }
- // If SMBios tables say that Intel AMT is present, try to connect MEI
- if (SMBiosTables.amtInfo && (SMBiosTables.amtInfo.AMT == true))
- {
- var amtmodule = require('amt-manage');
- amt = new amtmodule(mesh, db, false);
- amt.on('portBinding_LMS', function (map)
- {
- var j = { action: 'lmsinfo', value: { ports: map.keys() } };
- mesh.SendCommand(j);
- });
- amt.on('stateChange_LMS', function (v)
- {
- if (!meshCoreObj.intelamt) { meshCoreObj.intelamt = {}; }
- switch(v)
- {
- case 0:
- meshCoreObj.intelamt.microlms = 'DISABLED';
- break;
- case 1:
- meshCoreObj.intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTING';
- break;
- case 2:
- meshCoreObj.intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTED';
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- });
- amt.onStateChange = function (state) { if (state == 2) { sendPeriodicServerUpdate(1); } }
- if (amtPolicy != null) { amt.setPolicy(amtPolicy); }
- amt.start();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- } catch (e) { sendConsoleText("ex1: " + e); }
- // Try to load up the WIFI scanner
- try {
- var wifiScannerLib = require('wifi-scanner');
- wifiScanner = new wifiScannerLib();
- wifiScanner.on('accessPoint', function (data) { sendConsoleText("wifiScanner: " + data); });
- } catch (e) { wifiScannerLib = null; wifiScanner = null; }
- // Get our location (lat/long) using our public IP address
- var getIpLocationDataExInProgress = false;
- var getIpLocationDataExCounts = [0, 0];
- function getIpLocationDataEx(func) {
- if (getIpLocationDataExInProgress == true) { return false; }
- try {
- getIpLocationDataExInProgress = true;
- getIpLocationDataExCounts[0]++;
- var options = http.parseUri("http://ipinfo.io/json");
- options.method = 'GET';
- http.request(options, function (resp) {
- if (resp.statusCode == 200) {
- var geoData = '';
- resp.data = function (geoipdata) { geoData += geoipdata; };
- resp.end = function () {
- var location = null;
- try {
- if (typeof geoData == 'string') {
- var result = JSON.parse(geoData);
- if (result.ip && result.loc) { location = result; }
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- if (func) { getIpLocationDataExCounts[1]++; func(location); }
- }
- } else { func(null); }
- getIpLocationDataExInProgress = false;
- }).end();
- return true;
- }
- catch (e) { return false; }
- }
- // Remove all Gateway MAC addresses for interface list. This is useful because the gateway MAC is not always populated reliably.
- function clearGatewayMac(str) {
- if (str == null) return null;
- var x = JSON.parse(str);
- for (var i in x.netif) { if (x.netif[i].gatewaymac) { delete x.netif[i].gatewaymac } }
- return JSON.stringify(x);
- }
- function getIpLocationData(func) {
- // Get the location information for the cache if possible
- var publicLocationInfo = db.Get('publicLocationInfo');
- if (publicLocationInfo != null) { publicLocationInfo = JSON.parse(publicLocationInfo); }
- if (publicLocationInfo == null) {
- // Nothing in the cache, fetch the data
- getIpLocationDataEx(function (locationData) {
- if (locationData != null) {
- publicLocationInfo = {};
- publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr = lastNetworkInfo;
- publicLocationInfo.locationData = locationData;
- var x = db.Put('publicLocationInfo', JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo)); // Save to database
- if (func) func(locationData); // Report the new location
- } else {
- if (func) func(null); // Report no location
- }
- });
- } else {
- // Check the cache
- if (clearGatewayMac(publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr) == clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo)) {
- // Cache match
- if (func) func(publicLocationInfo.locationData);
- } else {
- // Cache mismatch
- getIpLocationDataEx(function (locationData) {
- if (locationData != null) {
- publicLocationInfo = {};
- publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr = lastNetworkInfo;
- publicLocationInfo.locationData = locationData;
- var x = db.Put('publicLocationInfo', JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo)); // Save to database
- if (func) func(locationData); // Report the new location
- } else {
- if (func) func(publicLocationInfo.locationData); // Can't get new location, report the old location
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Polyfill String.endsWith
- if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
- String.prototype.endsWith = function (searchString, position) {
- var subjectString = this.toString();
- if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > subjectString.length) { position = subjectString.length; }
- position -= searchString.length;
- var lastIndex = subjectString.lastIndexOf(searchString, position);
- return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
- };
- }
- // Polyfill path.join
- obj.path = {
- join: function () {
- var x = [];
- for (var i in arguments) {
- var w = arguments[i];
- if (w != null) {
- while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); }
- if (i != 0) {
- while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); }
- }
- x.push(w);
- }
- }
- if (x.length == 0) return '/';
- return x.join('/');
- }
- };
- // Replace a string with a number if the string is an exact number
- function toNumberIfNumber(x) { if ((typeof x == 'string') && (+parseInt(x) === x)) { x = parseInt(x); } return x; }
- // Convert decimal to hex
- function char2hex(i) { return (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase(); }
- // Convert a raw string to a hex string
- function rstr2hex(input) { var r = '', i; for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { r += char2hex(input.charCodeAt(i)); } return r; }
- // Convert a buffer into a string
- function buf2rstr(buf) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { r += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return r; }
- // Convert a hex string to a raw string // TODO: Do this using Buffer(), will be MUCH faster
- function hex2rstr(d) {
- if (typeof d != "string" || d.length == 0) return '';
- var r = '', m = ('' + d).match(/../g), t;
- while (t = m.shift()) r += String.fromCharCode('0x' + t);
- return r
- }
- // Convert an object to string with all functions
- function objToString(x, p, pad, ret) {
- if (ret == undefined) ret = '';
- if (p == undefined) p = 0;
- if (x == null) { return '[null]'; }
- if (p > 8) { return '[...]'; }
- if (x == undefined) { return '[undefined]'; }
- if (typeof x == 'string') { if (p == 0) return x; return '"' + x + '"'; }
- if (typeof x == 'buffer') { return '[buffer]'; }
- if (typeof x != 'object') { return x; }
- var r = '{' + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' ');
- for (var i in x) { if (i != '_ObjectID') { r += (addPad(p + 2, pad) + i + ': ' + objToString(x[i], p + 2, pad, ret) + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' ')); } }
- return r + addPad(p, pad) + '}';
- }
- // Return p number of spaces
- function addPad(p, ret) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < p; i++) { r += ret; } return r; }
- // Split a string taking into account the quoats. Used for command line parsing
- function splitArgs(str) {
- var myArray = [], myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi;
- do { var match = myRegexp.exec(str); if (match != null) { myArray.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]); } } while (match != null);
- return myArray;
- }
- // Parse arguments string array into an object
- function parseArgs(argv) {
- var results = { '_': [] }, current = null;
- for (var i = 1, len = argv.length; i < len; i++) {
- var x = argv[i];
- if (x.length > 2 && x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-') {
- if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
- current = x.substring(2);
- } else {
- if (current != null) { results[current] = toNumberIfNumber(x); current = null; } else { results['_'].push(toNumberIfNumber(x)); }
- }
- }
- if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
- return results;
- }
- // Get server target url with a custom path
- function getServerTargetUrl(path) {
- var x = mesh.ServerUrl;
- //sendConsoleText("mesh.ServerUrl: " + mesh.ServerUrl);
- if (x == null) { return null; }
- if (path == null) { path = ''; }
- x = http.parseUri(x);
- if (x == null) return null;
- return x.protocol + '//' + x.host + ':' + x.port + '/' + path;
- }
- // Get server url. If the url starts with "*/..." change it, it not use the url as is.
- function getServerTargetUrlEx(url) {
- if (url.substring(0, 2) == '*/') { return getServerTargetUrl(url.substring(2)); }
- return url;
- }
- // Send a wake-on-lan packet
- function sendWakeOnLan(hexMac) {
- hexMac = hexMac.split(':').join('');
- var count = 0;
- try {
- var interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces();
- var magic = 'FFFFFFFFFFFF';
- for (var x = 1; x <= 16; ++x) { magic += hexMac; }
- var magicbin = Buffer.from(magic, 'hex');
- for (var adapter in interfaces) {
- if (interfaces.hasOwnProperty(adapter)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < interfaces[adapter].length; ++i) {
- var addr = interfaces[adapter][i];
- if ((addr.family == 'IPv4') && (addr.mac != '00:00:00:00:00:00')) {
- try {
- var socket = require('dgram').createSocket({ type: 'udp4' });
- socket.bind({ address: addr.address });
- socket.setBroadcast(true);
- socket.setMulticastInterface(addr.address);
- socket.setMulticastTTL(1);
- socket.send(magicbin, 7, '');
- socket.descriptorMetadata = 'WoL (' + addr.address + ' => ' + hexMac + ')';
- count++;
- }
- catch (e) { }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- return count;
- }
- // Handle a mesh agent command
- function handleServerCommand(data) {
- if (typeof data == 'object') {
- // If this is a console command, parse it and call the console handler
- switch (data.action) {
- case 'msg': {
- switch (data.type) {
- case 'console': { // Process a console command
- if (data.value && data.sessionid) {
- MeshServerLogEx(17, [data.value], "Processing console command: " + data.value, data);
- var args = splitArgs(data.value);
- processConsoleCommand(args[0].toLowerCase(), parseArgs(args), data.rights, data.sessionid);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'tunnel': {
- if (data.value != null) { // Process a new tunnel connection request
- // Create a new tunnel object
- var xurl = getServerTargetUrlEx(data.value);
- if (xurl != null) {
- xurl = xurl.split('$').join('%24').split('@').join('%40'); // Escape the $ and @ characters
- var woptions = http.parseUri(xurl);
- woptions.perMessageDeflate = false;
- if (typeof data.perMessageDeflate == 'boolean') { woptions.perMessageDeflate = data.perMessageDeflate; }
- woptions.rejectUnauthorized = 0;
- //sendConsoleText(JSON.stringify(woptions));
- //sendConsoleText('TUNNEL: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- var tunnel = http.request(woptions);
- tunnel.upgrade = onTunnelUpgrade;
- tunnel.on('error', function (e) { sendConsoleText("ERROR: Unable to connect relay tunnel to: " + this.url + ", " + JSON.stringify(e)); });
- tunnel.sessionid = data.sessionid;
- tunnel.rights = data.rights;
- tunnel.consent = data.consent;
- tunnel.privacybartext = data.privacybartext ? data.privacybartext : "Sharing desktop with: {0}";
- tunnel.username = data.username + (data.guestname ? (' - ' + data.guestname) : '');
- tunnel.realname = (data.realname ? data.realname : data.username) + (data.guestname ? (' - ' + data.guestname) : '');
- tunnel.userid = data.userid;
- tunnel.remoteaddr = data.remoteaddr;
- tunnel.state = 0;
- tunnel.url = xurl;
- tunnel.protocol = 0;
- tunnel.soptions = data.soptions;
- tunnel.tcpaddr = data.tcpaddr;
- tunnel.tcpport = data.tcpport;
- tunnel.udpaddr = data.udpaddr;
- tunnel.udpport = data.udpport;
- tunnel.end();
- // Put the tunnel in the tunnels list
- var index = nextTunnelIndex++;
- tunnel.index = index;
- tunnels[index] = tunnel;
- //sendConsoleText('New tunnel connection #' + index + ': ' + tunnel.url + ', rights: ' + tunnel.rights, data.sessionid);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'messagebox': {
- // Display a message box
- if (data.title && data.msg) {
- MeshServerLogEx(18, [data.title, data.msg], "Displaying message box, title=" + data.title + ", message=" + data.msg, data);
- data.msg = data.msg.split('\r').join('\\r').split('\n').join('\\n');
- try { require('message-box').create(data.title, data.msg, 120); } catch (e) { }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'ps': {
- // Return the list of running processes
- if (data.sessionid) {
- processManager.getProcesses(function (plist) {
- mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'ps', value: JSON.stringify(plist), sessionid: data.sessionid });
- });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'pskill': {
- // Kill a process
- if (data.value) {
- MeshServerLogEx(19, [data.value], "Killing process " + data.value, data);
- try { process.kill(data.value); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText("pskill: " + JSON.stringify(e)); }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'services': {
- // Return the list of installed services
- var services = null;
- try { services = require('service-manager').manager.enumerateService(); } catch (e) { }
- if (services != null) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'services', value: JSON.stringify(services), sessionid: data.sessionid }); }
- break;
- }
- case 'serviceStop': {
- // Stop a service
- try {
- var service = require('service-manager').manager.getService(data.serviceName);
- if (service != null) { service.stop(); }
- } catch (e) { }
- break;
- }
- case 'serviceStart': {
- // Start a service
- try {
- var service = require('service-manager').manager.getService(data.serviceName);
- if (service != null) { service.start(); }
- } catch (e) { }
- break;
- }
- case 'serviceRestart': {
- // Restart a service
- try {
- var service = require('service-manager').manager.getService(data.serviceName);
- if (service != null) { service.restart(); }
- } catch (e) { }
- break;
- }
- case 'deskBackground':
- {
- // Toggle desktop background
- try {
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- var stype = require('user-sessions').getProcessOwnerName(process.pid).tsid == 0 ? 1 : 0;
- var sid = undefined;
- if (stype == 1) {
- if (require('MeshAgent')._tsid != null) {
- stype = 5;
- sid = require('MeshAgent')._tsid;
- }
- }
- var id = require('user-sessions').getProcessOwnerName(process.pid).tsid == 0 ? 1 : 0;
- var child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('\\').pop(), '-b64exec', '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'], { type: stype, uid: sid });
- child.stdout.str = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); });
- child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
- child.waitExit();
- var current = child.stdout.str.trim();
- if (current != '') { require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper = current; }
- child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('\\').pop(), '-b64exec', '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', current != '' ? '""' : require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper], { type: stype, uid: sid });
- child.stdout.str = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); });
- child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
- child.waitExit();
- } else {
- var id = require('user-sessions').consoleUid();
- var current = require('linux-gnome-helpers').getDesktopWallpaper(id);
- if (current != '/dev/null') { require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper = current; }
- require('linux-gnome-helpers').setDesktopWallpaper(id, current != '/dev/null' ? undefined : require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- sendConsoleText(e);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'openUrl': {
- // Open a local web browser and return success/fail
- MeshServerLogEx(20, [data.url], "Opening: " + data.url, data);
- sendConsoleText("OpenURL: " + data.url);
- if (data.url) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'openUrl', url: data.url, sessionid: data.sessionid, success: (openUserDesktopUrl(data.url) != null) }); }
- break;
- }
- case 'getclip': {
- // Send the load clipboard back to the user
- //sendConsoleText('getClip: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- if (require('MeshAgent').isService) {
- require('clipboard').dispatchRead().then(function (str) {
- if (str) {
- MeshServerLogEx(21, [str.length], "Getting clipboard content, " + str.length + " byte(s)", data);
- mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'getclip', sessionid: data.sessionid, data: str, tag: data.tag });
- }
- });
- } else {
- require("clipboard").read().then(function (str) {
- if (str) {
- MeshServerLogEx(21, [str.length], "Getting clipboard content, " + str.length + " byte(s)", data);
- mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'getclip', sessionid: data.sessionid, data: str, tag: data.tag });
- }
- });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'setclip': {
- // Set the load clipboard to a user value
- //sendConsoleText('setClip: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- if (typeof data.data == 'string') {
- MeshServerLogEx(22, [data.data.length], "Setting clipboard content, " + data.data.length + " byte(s)", data);
- if (require('MeshAgent').isService) { require('clipboard').dispatchWrite(data.data); } else { require("clipboard")(data.data); } // Set the clipboard
- mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'setclip', sessionid: data.sessionid, success: true });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'userSessions': {
- // Send back current user sessions list, this is Windows only.
- //sendConsoleText('userSessions: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- if (process.platform != 'win32') break;
- var p = require('user-sessions').enumerateUsers();
- p.sessionid = data.sessionid;
- p.then(function (u) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'userSessions', sessionid: data.sessionid, data: u, tag: data.tag }); });
- break;
- }
- default:
- // Unknown action, ignore it.
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'acmactivate': {
- if (amt != null) {
- MeshServerLogEx(23, null, "Attempting Intel AMT ACM mode activation", data);
- amt.setAcmResponse(data);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'wakeonlan': {
- // Send wake-on-lan on all interfaces for all MAC addresses in data.macs array. The array is a list of HEX MAC addresses.
- sendConsoleText("Server requesting wake-on-lan for: " + data.macs.join(', '));
- for (var i in data.macs) { sendWakeOnLan(data.macs[i]); }
- break;
- }
- case 'runcommands': {
- if (mesh.cmdchild != null) { sendConsoleText("Run commands can't execute, already busy."); break; }
- sendConsoleText("Run commands (" + data.runAsUser + "): " + data.cmds);
- // data.runAsUser: 0=Agent,1=UserOrAgent,2=UserOnly
- var options = {};
- if (data.runAsUser > 0) {
- try { options.uid = require('user-sessions').consoleUid(); } catch (e) { }
- options.type = require('child_process').SpawnTypes.TERM;
- }
- if (data.runAsUser == 2) {
- if (options.uid == null) break;
- if (((require('user-sessions').minUid != null) && (options.uid < require('user-sessions').minUid()))) break; // This command can only run as user.
- }
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (data.type == 1) {
- // Windows command shell
- mesh.cmdchild = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['cmd'], options);
- mesh.cmdchild.descriptorMetadata = 'UserCommandsShell';
- mesh.cmdchild.stdout.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stderr.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stdin.write(data.cmds + '\r\nexit\r\n');
- mesh.cmdchild.on('exit', function () { sendConsoleText("Run commands completed."); delete mesh.cmdchild; });
- } else if (data.type == 2) {
- // Windows Powershell
- mesh.cmdchild = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', ['powershell', '-noprofile', '-nologo', '-command', '-'], options);
- mesh.cmdchild.descriptorMetadata = 'UserCommandsPowerShell';
- mesh.cmdchild.stdout.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stderr.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stdin.write(data.cmds + '\r\nexit\r\n');
- mesh.cmdchild.on('exit', function () { sendConsoleText("Run commands completed."); delete mesh.cmdchild; });
- }
- } else if (data.type == 3) {
- // Linux shell
- mesh.cmdchild = require('child_process').execFile('/bin/sh', ['sh'], options);
- mesh.cmdchild.descriptorMetadata = 'UserCommandsShell';
- mesh.cmdchild.stdout.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stderr.on('data', function (c) { sendConsoleText(c.toString()); });
- mesh.cmdchild.stdin.write(data.cmds.split('\r').join('') + '\nexit\n');
- mesh.cmdchild.on('exit', function () { sendConsoleText("Run commands completed."); delete mesh.cmdchild; });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'uninstallagent':
- // Uninstall this agent
- var agentName = process.platform == 'win32' ? 'Mesh Agent' : 'meshagent';
- if (require('service-manager').manager.getService(agentName).isMe()) {
- try { diagnosticAgent_uninstall(); } catch (e) { }
- var js = "require('service-manager').manager.getService('" + agentName + "').stop(); require('service-manager').manager.uninstallService('" + agentName + "'); process.exit();";
- this.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.platform == 'win32' ? (process.execPath.split('\\').pop()) : (process.execPath.split('/').pop()), '-b64exec', Buffer.from(js).toString('base64')], { type: 4, detached: true });
- }
- break;
- case 'poweraction': {
- // Server telling us to execute a power action
- if ((mesh.ExecPowerState != undefined) && (data.actiontype)) {
- var forced = 0;
- if (data.forced == 1) { forced = 1; }
- data.actiontype = parseInt(data.actiontype);
- MeshServerLogEx(25, [data.actiontype, forced], "Performing power action=" + data.actiontype + ", forced=" + forced, data);
- sendConsoleText("Performing power action=" + data.actiontype + ", forced=" + forced + '.');
- var r = mesh.ExecPowerState(data.actiontype, forced);
- sendConsoleText("ExecPowerState returned code: " + r);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'iplocation': {
- // Update the IP location information of this node. Only do this when requested by the server since we have a limited amount of time we can call this per day
- getIpLocationData(function (location) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'iplocation', type: 'publicip', value: location }); });
- break;
- }
- case 'toast': {
- // Display a toast message
- if (data.title && data.msg) {
- MeshServerLogEx(26, [data.title, data.msg], "Displaying toast message, title=" + data.title + ", message=" + data.msg, data);
- data.msg = data.msg.split('\r').join('\\r').split('\n').join('\\n');
- try { require('toaster').Toast(data.title, data.msg); } catch (e) { }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'openUrl': {
- // Open a local web browser and return success/fail
- //sendConsoleText('OpenURL: ' + data.url);
- MeshServerLogEx(20, [data.url], "Opening: " + data.url, data);
- if (data.url) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'openUrl', url: data.url, sessionid: data.sessionid, success: (openUserDesktopUrl(data.url) != null) }); }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtPolicy': {
- // Store the latest Intel AMT policy
- amtPolicy = data.amtPolicy;
- if (data.amtPolicy != null) { db.Put('amtPolicy', JSON.stringify(data.amtPolicy)); } else { db.Put('amtPolicy', null); }
- if (amt != null) { amt.setPolicy(amtPolicy, true); }
- break;
- }
- case 'getScript': {
- // Received a configuration script from the server
- sendConsoleText('getScript: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- break;
- }
- case 'sysinfo': {
- // Fetch system information
- getSystemInformation(function (results) {
- if ((results != null) && (data.hash != results.hash)) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sysinfo', sessionid: this.sessionid, data: results }); }
- });
- break;
- }
- case 'ping': { mesh.SendCommand('{"action":"pong"}'); break; }
- case 'pong': { break; }
- case 'plugin': {
- try { require(data.plugin).consoleaction(data, data.rights, data.sessionid, this); } catch (e) { throw e; }
- break;
- }
- case 'coredump':
- // Set the current agent coredump situation.
- if (data.value === true) {
- // TODO: This replace() below is not ideal, would be better to remove the .exe at the end instead of replace.
- process.coreDumpLocation = (process.platform == 'win32') ? (process.execPath.replace('.exe', '.dmp')) : (process.execPath + '.dmp');
- } else if (data.value === false) {
- process.coreDumpLocation = null;
- }
- break;
- case 'getcoredump':
- // Ask the agent if a core dump is currently available, if yes, also return the hash of the agent.
- var r = { action: 'getcoredump', value: (process.coreDumpLocation != null) };
- var coreDumpPath = null;
- if (process.platform == 'win32') { coreDumpPath = process.coreDumpLocation; } else { coreDumpPath = (process.cwd() != '//') ? fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + 'core') : null; }
- if ((coreDumpPath != null) && (fs.existsSync(coreDumpPath))) { r.exists = (db.Get('CoreDumpTime') != require('fs').statSync(coreDumpPath).mtime); }
- if (r.exists == true) { r.agenthashhex = getSHA384FileHash(process.execPath).toString('hex'); }
- mesh.SendCommand(JSON.stringify(r));
- default:
- // Unknown action, ignore it.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Called when a file changed in the file system
- /*
- function onFileWatcher(a, b) {
- console.log('onFileWatcher', a, b, this.path);
- var response = getDirectoryInfo(this.path);
- if ((response != undefined) && (response != null)) { this.tunnel.s.write(JSON.stringify(response)); }
- }
- */
- function getSystemInformation(func) {
- try {
- var results = { hardware: require('identifiers').get() }; // Hardware info
- if (results.hardware && results.hardware.windows) {
- // Remove extra entries and things that change quickly
- var x = results.hardware.windows.osinfo;
- try { delete x.FreePhysicalMemory; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.FreeSpaceInPagingFiles; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.FreeVirtualMemory; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.LocalDateTime; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.MaxProcessMemorySize; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.TotalVirtualMemorySize; } catch (e) { }
- try { delete x.TotalVisibleMemorySize; } catch (e) { }
- try {
- if (results.hardware.windows.memory) { for (var i in results.hardware.windows.memory) { delete results.hardware.windows.memory[i].Node; } }
- if (results.hardware.windows.osinfo) { delete results.hardware.windows.osinfo.Node; }
- if (results.hardware.windows.partitions) { for (var i in results.hardware.windows.partitions) { delete results.hardware.windows.partitions[i].Node; } }
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- if (process.platform == 'win32') { results.pendingReboot = require('win-info').pendingReboot(); } // Pending reboot
- /*
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- var defragResult = function (r) {
- if (typeof r == 'object') { results[this.callname] = r; }
- if (this.callname == 'defrag') {
- var pr = require('win-info').installedApps(); // Installed apps
- pr.callname = 'installedApps';
- pr.sessionid = data.sessionid;
- pr.then(defragResult, defragResult);
- }
- else {
- results.winpatches = require('win-info').qfe(); // Windows patches
- results.hash = require('SHA384Stream').create().syncHash(JSON.stringify(results)).toString('hex');
- func(results);
- }
- }
- var pr = require('win-info').defrag({ volume: 'C:' }); // Defrag TODO
- pr.callname = 'defrag';
- pr.sessionid = data.sessionid;
- pr.then(defragResult, defragResult);
- } else {
- */
- results.hash = require('SHA384Stream').create().syncHash(JSON.stringify(results)).toString('hex');
- func(results);
- //}
- } catch (e) { func(null, e); }
- }
- // Get a formated response for a given directory path
- function getDirectoryInfo(reqpath) {
- var response = { path: reqpath, dir: [] };
- if (((reqpath == undefined) || (reqpath == '')) && (process.platform == 'win32')) {
- // List all the drives in the root, or the root itself
- var results = null;
- try { results = fs.readDrivesSync(); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Anyway to get drive total size and free space? Could draw a progress bar.
- if (results != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
- var drive = { n: results[i].name, t: 1 };
- if (results[i].type == 'REMOVABLE') { drive.dt = 'removable'; } // TODO: See if this is USB/CDROM or something else, we can draw icons.
- response.dir.push(drive);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // List all the files and folders in this path
- if (reqpath == '') { reqpath = '/'; }
- var results = null, xpath = obj.path.join(reqpath, '*');
- //if (process.platform == "win32") { xpath = xpath.split('/').join('\\'); }
- try { results = fs.readdirSync(xpath); } catch (e) { }
- if (results != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
- if ((results[i] != '.') && (results[i] != '..')) {
- var stat = null, p = obj.path.join(reqpath, results[i]);
- //if (process.platform == "win32") { p = p.split('/').join('\\'); }
- try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Get file size/date
- if ((stat != null) && (stat != undefined)) {
- if (stat.isDirectory() == true) {
- response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 2, d: stat.mtime });
- } else {
- response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 3, s: stat.size, d: stat.mtime });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- // Tunnel callback operations
- function onTunnelUpgrade(response, s, head) {
- this.s = s;
- s.httprequest = this;
- s.end = onTunnelClosed;
- s.tunnel = this;
- s.descriptorMetadata = "MeshAgent_relayTunnel";
- if (require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout != null)
- {
- s.setTimeout(require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout * 1000);
- s.on('timeout', function ()
- {
- this.ping();
- this.setTimeout(require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout * 1000);
- });
- }
- //sendConsoleText('onTunnelUpgrade - ' + this.tcpport + ' - ' + this.udpport);
- if (this.tcpport != null) {
- // This is a TCP relay connection, pause now and try to connect to the target.
- s.pause();
- s.data = onTcpRelayServerTunnelData;
- var connectionOptions = { port: parseInt(this.tcpport) };
- if (this.tcpaddr != null) { connectionOptions.host = this.tcpaddr; } else { connectionOptions.host = ''; }
- s.tcprelay = net.createConnection(connectionOptions, onTcpRelayTargetTunnelConnect);
- s.tcprelay.peerindex = this.index;
- // Add the TCP session to the count and update the server
- if (s.httprequest.userid != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid]++; }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'tcp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- } if (this.udpport != null) {
- // This is a UDP relay connection, get the UDP socket setup. // TODO: ***************
- s.data = onUdpRelayServerTunnelData;
- s.udprelay = require('dgram').createSocket({ type: 'udp4' });
- s.udprelay.bind({ port: 0 });
- s.udprelay.peerindex = this.index;
- s.udprelay.on('message', onUdpRelayTargetTunnelConnect);
- s.udprelay.udpport = this.udpport;
- s.udprelay.udpaddr = this.udpaddr;
- s.udprelay.first = true;
- // Add the UDP session to the count and update the server
- if (s.httprequest.userid != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid]++; }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'udp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- } else {
- // This is a normal connect for KVM/Terminal/Files
- s.data = onTunnelData;
- }
- }
- // Called when UDP relay data is received // TODO****
- function onUdpRelayTargetTunnelConnect(data) {
- var peerTunnel = tunnels[this.peerindex];
- peerTunnel.s.write(data);
- }
- // Called when we get data from the server for a TCP relay (We have to skip the first received 'c' and pipe the rest)
- function onUdpRelayServerTunnelData(data) {
- if (this.udprelay.first === true) {
- delete this.udprelay.first; // Skip the first 'c' that is received.
- } else {
- this.udprelay.send(data, parseInt(this.udprelay.udpport), this.udprelay.udpaddr ? this.udprelay.udpaddr : '');
- }
- }
- // Called when the TCP relay target is connected
- function onTcpRelayTargetTunnelConnect() {
- var peerTunnel = tunnels[this.peerindex];
- this.pipe(peerTunnel.s); // Pipe Target --> Server
- peerTunnel.s.first = true;
- peerTunnel.s.resume();
- }
- // Called when we get data from the server for a TCP relay (We have to skip the first received 'c' and pipe the rest)
- function onTcpRelayServerTunnelData(data) {
- if (this.first == true) {
- this.first = false;
- this.pipe(this.tcprelay, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // Pipe Server --> Target (don't pipe text type websocket frames)
- }
- }
- function onTunnelClosed() {
- var tunnel = tunnels[this.httprequest.index];
- if (tunnel == null) return; // Stop duplicate calls.
- // If this is a routing session, clean up and send the new session counts.
- if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.tcpport != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'tcp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
- } else if (this.httprequest.udpport != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'udp', value: tunnelUserCount.udp }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- }
- // Sent tunnel statistics to the server, only send this if compression was used.
- if ((this.bytesSent_uncompressed) && (this.bytesSent_uncompressed.toString() != this.bytesSent_actual.toString())) {
- mesh.SendCommand({
- action: 'tunnelCloseStats',
- url: tunnel.url,
- userid: tunnel.userid,
- protocol: tunnel.protocol,
- sessionid: tunnel.sessionid,
- sent: this.bytesSent_uncompressed.toString(),
- sentActual: this.bytesSent_actual.toString(),
- sentRatio: this.bytesSent_ratio,
- received: this.bytesReceived_uncompressed.toString(),
- receivedActual: this.bytesReceived_actual.toString(),
- receivedRatio: this.bytesReceived_ratio
- });
- }
- //sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " closed. Sent -> " + this.bytesSent_uncompressed + ' bytes (uncompressed), ' + this.bytesSent_actual + ' bytes (actual), ' + this.bytesSent_ratio + '% compression', this.httprequest.sessionid);
- if (this.httprequest.index) { delete tunnels[this.httprequest.index]; }
- /*
- // Close the watcher if required
- if (this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) {
- //console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
- //this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
- delete this.httprequest.watcher;
- }
- */
- // If there is a upload or download active on this connection, close the file
- if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); delete this.httprequest.uploadFile; delete this.httprequest.uploadFileid; delete this.httprequest.uploadFilePath; }
- if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) { delete this.httprequest.downloadFile; }
- // Clean up WebRTC
- if (this.webrtc != null) {
- if (this.webrtc.rtcchannel) { try { this.webrtc.rtcchannel.close(); } catch (e) { } this.webrtc.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners('data'); this.webrtc.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners('end'); delete this.webrtc.rtcchannel; }
- if (this.webrtc.websocket) { delete this.webrtc.websocket; }
- try { this.webrtc.close(); } catch (e) { }
- this.webrtc.removeAllListeners('connected');
- this.webrtc.removeAllListeners('disconnected');
- this.webrtc.removeAllListeners('dataChannel');
- delete this.webrtc;
- }
- // Clean up WebSocket
- this.removeAllListeners('data');
- }
- function onTunnelSendOk() { /*sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.index + " SendOK.", this.sessionid);*/ }
- function onTunnelData(data) {
- //console.log("OnTunnelData");
- //sendConsoleText('OnTunnelData, ' + data.length + ', ' + typeof data + ', ' + data);
- // If this is upload data, save it to file
- if ((this.httprequest.uploadFile) && (typeof data == 'object') && (data[0] != 123)) {
- // Save the data to file being uploaded.
- if (data[0] == 0) {
- // If data starts with zero, skip the first byte. This is used to escape binary file data from JSON.
- try { fs.writeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile, data, 1, data.length - 1); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('FileUpload Error'); this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror' }))); return; } // Write to the file, if there is a problem, error out.
- } else {
- // If data does not start with zero, save as-is.
- try { fs.writeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile, data); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('FileUpload Error'); this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror' }))); return; } // Write to the file, if there is a problem, error out.
- }
- this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadack', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); // Ask for more data.
- return;
- }
- if (this.httprequest.state == 0) {
- // Check if this is a relay connection
- if ((data == 'c') || (data == 'cr')) { this.httprequest.state = 1; /*sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " now active", this.httprequest.sessionid);*/ }
- }
- else
- {
- // Handle tunnel data
- if (this.httprequest.protocol == 0) { // 1 = Terminal (admin), 2 = Desktop, 5 = Files, 6 = PowerShell (admin), 7 = Plugin Data Exchange, 8 = Terminal (user), 9 = PowerShell (user), 10 = FileTransfer
- // Take a look at the protocol
- if ((data.length > 3) && (data[0] == '{')) { onTunnelControlData(data, this); return; }
- this.httprequest.protocol = parseInt(data);
- if (typeof this.httprequest.protocol != 'number') { this.httprequest.protocol = 0; }
- if (this.httprequest.protocol == 10) {
- //
- // Basic file transfer
- //
- var stats = null;
- if ((process.platform != 'win32') && (this.httprequest.xoptions.file.startsWith('/') == false)) { this.httprequest.xoptions.file = '/' + this.httprequest.xoptions.file; }
- try { stats = require('fs').statSync(this.httprequest.xoptions.file) } catch (e) { }
- try { if (stats) { this.httprequest.downloadFile = fs.createReadStream(this.httprequest.xoptions.file, { flags: 'rbN' }); } } catch (e) { }
- if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) {
- //sendConsoleText('BasicFileTransfer, ok, ' + this.httprequest.xoptions.file + ', ' + JSON.stringify(stats));
- this.write(JSON.stringify({ op: 'ok', size: stats.size }));
- this.httprequest.downloadFile.pipe(this);
- this.httprequest.downloadFile.end = function () { }
- } else {
- //sendConsoleText('BasicFileTransfer, cancel, ' + this.httprequest.xoptions.file);
- this.write(JSON.stringify({ op: 'cancel' }));
- }
- }
- else if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 9))
- {
- //
- // Remote Terminal
- //
- // Check user access rights for terminal
- if (((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) == 0) || ((this.httprequest.rights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_NOTERMINAL) != 0))) {
- // Disengage this tunnel, user does not have the rights to do this!!
- this.httprequest.protocol = 999999;
- this.httprequest.s.end();
- sendConsoleText("Error: No Terminal Control Rights.");
- return;
- }
- this.descriptorMetadata = "Remote Terminal";
- if (process.platform == 'win32')
- {
- if (!require('win-terminal').PowerShellCapable() && (this.httprequest.protocol == 6 || this.httprequest.protocol == 9))
- {
- this.httprequest.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: 'PowerShell is not supported on this version of windows', msgid: 1 }));
- this.httprequest.s.end();
- return;
- }
- }
- var prom = require('promise');
- this.httprequest.tpromise = new prom(function (res, rej) { this._res = res; this._rej = rej; });
- this.httprequest.tpromise.that = this;
- this.httprequest.tpromise.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.end = function ()
- {
- if (this.httprequest.tpromise._consent) { this.httprequest.tpromise._consent.close(); }
- if (this.httprequest.connectionPromise) { this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Closed'); }
- // Remove the terminal session to the count to update the server
- if (this.httprequest.userid != null)
- {
- if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'terminal', value: tunnelUserCount.terminal }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- if (process.platform == 'win32')
- {
- // Unpipe the web socket
- this.unpipe(this.httprequest._term);
- if (this.httprequest._term) { this.httprequest._term.unpipe(this); }
- // Unpipe the WebRTC channel if needed (This will also be done when the WebRTC channel ends).
- if (this.rtcchannel)
- {
- this.rtcchannel.unpipe(this.httprequest._term);
- if (this.httprequest._term) { this.httprequest._term.unpipe(this.rtcchannel); }
- }
- // Clean up
- if (this.httprequest._term) { this.httprequest._term.end(); }
- this.httprequest._term = null;
- }
- };
- // Perform User-Consent if needed.
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 16))
- {
- this.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: "Waiting for user to grant access...", msgid: 1 }));
- var consentMessage = this.httprequest.username + " requesting remote terminal access. Grant access?", consentTitle = 'MeshCentral';
- if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle != null) { consentTitle = this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle; }
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgTerminal != null) { consentMessage = this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgTerminal.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.username); }
- }
- this.httprequest.tpromise._consent = require('message-box').create(consentTitle, consentMessage, 30);
- this.httprequest.tpromise._consent.retPromise = this.httprequest.tpromise;
- this.httprequest.tpromise._consent.then(
- function ()
- {
- // Success
- MeshServerLogEx(27, null, "Local user accepted remote terminal request (" + this.retPromise.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.retPromise.that.httprequest);
- this.retPromise.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: null, msgid: 0 }));
- this.retPromise._consent = null;
- this.retPromise._res();
- },
- function (e)
- {
- // Denied
- MeshServerLogEx(28, null, "Local user rejected remote terminal request (" + this.retPromise.that.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.retPromise.that.httprequest);
- this.retPromise.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- this.retPromise._rej(e.toString());
- });
- }
- else
- {
- // User-Consent is not required, so just resolve this promise
- this.httprequest.tpromise._res();
- }
- this.httprequest.tpromise.then(
- function ()
- {
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise = new prom(function (res, rej) { this._res = res; this._rej = rej; });
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise.ws = this.that;
- // Start Terminal
- if(process.platform == 'win32')
- {
- try
- {
- var cols = 80, rows = 25;
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions)
- {
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { rows = this.httprequest.xoptions.rows; }
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { cols = this.httprequest.xoptions.cols; }
- }
- if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6))
- {
- // Admin Terminal
- if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported)
- {
- // ConPTY PseudoTerminal
- // this.httprequest._term = require('win-virtual-terminal')[this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'](80, 25);
- // The above line is commented out, because there is a bug with ClosePseudoConsole() API, so this is the workaround
- this.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ modules: [{ name: 'win-virtual-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-virtual-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-virtual-terminal', method: (this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
- this.httprequest._dispatcher.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c)
- {
- if (this.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed)
- {
- c.end();
- }
- else
- {
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(c);
- }
- });
- }
- else
- {
- // Legacy Terminal
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(require('win-terminal')[this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'](cols, rows));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Logged in user
- var userPromise = require('user-sessions').enumerateUsers();
- userPromise.that = this;
- userPromise.then(function (u)
- {
- var that = this.that;
- if (u.Active.length > 0)
- {
- var username = u.Active[0].Username;
- if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported)
- {
- // ConPTY PseudoTerminal
- that.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ user: username, modules: [{ name: 'win-virtual-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-virtual-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-virtual-terminal', method: (that.httprequest.protocol == 9 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
- }
- else
- {
- // Legacy Terminal
- that.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ user: username, modules: [{ name: 'win-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-terminal', method: (that.httprequest.protocol == 9 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
- }
- that.httprequest._dispatcher.ws = that;
- that.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c)
- {
- if (this.ws.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed)
- {
- c.end();
- }
- else
- {
- this.ws.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(c);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, ' + e.toString());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- var bash = fs.existsSync('/bin/bash') ? '/bin/bash' : false;
- var sh = fs.existsSync('/bin/sh') ? '/bin/sh' : false;
- var login = process.platform == 'linux' ? '/bin/login' : '/usr/bin/login';
- var env = { HISTCONTROL: 'ignoreboth' };
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions)
- {
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { env.LINES = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.rows); }
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { env.COLUMNS = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.cols); }
- }
- var options = { type: childProcess.SpawnTypes.TERM, uid: (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) ? require('user-sessions').consoleUid() : null, env: env };
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions && this.httprequest.xoptions.requireLogin)
- {
- if (!require('fs').existsSync(login)) { throw ('Unable to spawn login process'); }
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(childProcess.execFile(login, ['login'], options)); // Start login shell
- }
- else if (bash)
- {
- var p = childProcess.execFile(bash, ['bash'], options); // Start bash
- // Spaces at the beginning of lines are needed to hide commands from the command history
- if (process.platform == 'linux') { p.stdin.write(' alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\';clear\n'); }
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(p);
- }
- else if (sh)
- {
- var p = childProcess.execFile(sh, ['sh'], options); // Start sh
- // Spaces at the beginning of lines are needed to hide commands from the command history
- if (process.platform == 'linux') { p.stdin.write(' alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\';clear\n'); }
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(p);
- }
- else
- {
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, no shell found');
- }
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, ' + e.toString());
- }
- }
- this.httprequest.connectionPromise.then(
- function (term)
- {
- var stdoutstream;
- var stdinstream;
- if (process.platform == 'win32')
- {
- this.ws.httprequest._term = term;
- this.ws.httprequest._term.tunnel = this.ws;
- stdoutstream = stdinstream = term;
- }
- else
- {
- term.descriptorMetadata = 'Remote Terminal';
- this.ws.httprequest.process = term;
- this.ws.httprequest.process.tunnel = this.ws;
- term.stderr.stdout = term.stdout;
- term.stderr.on('data', function (c) { this.stdout.write(c); });
- stdoutstream = term.stdout;
- stdinstream = term.stdin;
- this.ws.prependListener('end', function () { this.httprequest.process.kill(); });
- term.prependListener('exit', function () { this.tunnel.end(); });
- }
- this.ws.removeAllListeners('data');
- this.ws.on('data', onTunnelControlData);
- stdoutstream.pipe(this.ws, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- this.ws.pipe(stdinstream, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- // Add the terminal session to the count to update the server
- if (this.ws.httprequest.userid != null)
- {
- if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid]++; }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'terminal', value: tunnelUserCount.terminal }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- // Toast Notification, if required
- if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 2))
- {
- // User Notifications is required
- var notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.username + " started a remote terminal session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle != null) { notifyTitle = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle; }
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgTerminal != null) { notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgTerminal.replace('{0}', this.ws.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.ws.httprequest.username); }
- }
- try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage); } catch (e) { }
- }
- },
- function (e)
- {
- // FAILED to connect terminal
- this.ws.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- this.ws.end();
- });
- },
- function (e)
- {
- // DO NOT start terminal
- this.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- this.that.end();
- });
- }
- else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2)
- {
- //
- // Remote KVM
- //
- // Check user access rights for desktop
- if ((((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) == 0) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW) == 0)) || ((this.httprequest.rights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_NODESKTOP) != 0))) {
- // Disengage this tunnel, user does not have the rights to do this!!
- this.httprequest.protocol = 999999;
- this.httprequest.s.end();
- sendConsoleText("Error: No Desktop Control Rights.");
- return;
- }
- this.descriptorMetadata = "Remote KVM";
- // Look for a TSID
- var tsid = null;
- if ((this.httprequest.xoptions != null) && (typeof this.httprequest.xoptions.tsid == 'number')) { tsid = this.httprequest.xoptions.tsid; }
- require('MeshAgent')._tsid = tsid;
- // Remote desktop using native pipes
- this.httprequest.desktop = { state: 0, kvm: mesh.getRemoteDesktopStream(tsid), tunnel: this };
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.parent = this.httprequest.desktop;
- this.desktop = this.httprequest.desktop;
- // Add ourself to the list of remote desktop sessions
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels == null) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels = []; }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels.push(this);
- // Send a metadata update to all desktop sessions
- var users = {};
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels != null) {
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { var userid = this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].httprequest.userid; if (users[userid] == null) { users[userid] = 1; } else { users[userid]++; } } catch (e) { } }
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'metadata', users: users })); } catch (e) { } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'kvm', value: users }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- this.end = function () {
- --this.desktop.kvm.connectionCount;
- // Remove ourself from the list of remote desktop session
- var i = this.desktop.kvm.tunnels.indexOf(this);
- if (i >= 0) { this.desktop.kvm.tunnels.splice(i, 1); }
- // Send a metadata update to all desktop sessions
- var users = {};
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels != null) {
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { var userid = this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].httprequest.userid; if (users[userid] == null) { users[userid] = 1; } else { users[userid]++; } } catch (e) { } }
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'metadata', users: users })); } catch (e) { } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'kvm', value: users }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- // Unpipe the web socket
- try
- {
- this.unpipe(this.httprequest.desktop.kvm);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(this);
- }
- catch(e) { }
- // Unpipe the WebRTC channel if needed (This will also be done when the WebRTC channel ends).
- if (this.rtcchannel)
- {
- try
- {
- this.rtcchannel.unpipe(this.httprequest.desktop.kvm);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(this.rtcchannel);
- }
- catch(e) { }
- }
- // Place wallpaper back if needed
- // TODO
- if (this.desktop.kvm.connectionCount == 0) {
- // Display a toast message. This may not be supported on all platforms.
- // try { require('toaster').Toast('MeshCentral', 'Remote Desktop Control Ended.'); } catch (e) { }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end();
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.removeAllListeners('close');
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.close();
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar = null;
- }
- } else {
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users) {
- if ((this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users[i] == this.httprequest.username) && this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- for (var j in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers) { if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers[j] == this.httprequest.realname) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.splice(j, 1); break; } }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.splice(i, 1);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.removeAllListeners('close');
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.close();
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar = require('notifybar-desktop')(this.httprequest.privacybartext.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.join(', ')).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.join(', ')), require('MeshAgent')._tsid);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.on('close', function () {
- MeshServerLogEx(29, null, "Remote Desktop Connection forcefully closed by local user (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams[i].end();
- }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end();
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.hasOwnProperty('connectionCount')) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount++;
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.push(this.httprequest.realname);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.push(this.httprequest.username);
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.sort();
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.sort();
- } else {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount = 1;
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers = [this.httprequest.realname];
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users = [this.httprequest.username];
- }
- if ((this.httprequest.rights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) != 0) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTEVIEW) == 0))) {
- // If we have remote control rights, pipe the KVM input
- this.pipe(this.httprequest.desktop.kvm, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text. Pipe the Browser --> KVM input.
- } else {
- // We need to only pipe non-mouse & non-keyboard inputs.
- //sendConsoleText('Warning: No Remote Desktop Input Rights.');
- // TODO!!!
- }
- // Perform notification if needed. Toast messages may not be supported on all platforms.
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 8))
- {
- // User Consent Prompt is required
- // Send a console message back using the console channel, "\n" is supported.
- this.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: "Waiting for user to grant access...", msgid: 1 }));
- var consentMessage = this.httprequest.realname + " requesting remote desktop access. Grant access?", consentTitle = 'MeshCentral';
- if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle != null) { consentTitle = this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle; }
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgDesktop != null) { consentMessage = this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgDesktop.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.username); }
- }
- var pr = require('message-box').create(consentTitle, consentMessage, 30, null, tsid);
- pr.ws = this;
- this.pause();
- this._consentpromise = pr;
- this.prependOnceListener('end', function () { if (this._consentpromise && this._consentpromise.close) { this._consentpromise.close(); }});
- pr.then(
- function ()
- {
- // Success
- this.ws._consentpromise = null;
- MeshServerLogEx(30, null, "Starting remote desktop after local user accepted (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- this.ws.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: null, msgid: 0 }));
- if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 1)) {
- // User Notifications is required
- var notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.realname + " started a remote desktop session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle != null) { notifyTitle = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle; }
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgDesktop != null) { notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgDesktop.replace('{0}', this.ws.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.ws.httprequest.username); }
- }
- try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage, tsid); } catch (e) { }
- }
- if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 0x40)) {
- // Connection Bar is required
- if (this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.removeAllListeners('close');
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.close();
- }
- try {
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar = require('notifybar-desktop')(this.ws.httprequest.privacybartext.replace('{0}', this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.join(', ')).replace('{1}', this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.join(', ')), require('MeshAgent')._tsid);
- MeshServerLogEx(31, null, "Remote Desktop Connection Bar Activated/Updated (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (process.platform != 'darwin') {
- MeshServerLogEx(32, null, "Remote Desktop Connection Bar Failed or Not Supported (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- }
- }
- if (this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.httprequest = this.ws.httprequest;
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.on('close', function () {
- MeshServerLogEx(33, null, "Remote Desktop Connection forcefully closed by local user (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams[i].end();
- }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end();
- });
- }
- }
- this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(this.ws, { dataTypeSkip: 1 });
- this.ws.resume();
- },
- function (e)
- {
- // User Consent Denied/Failed
- this.ws._consentpromise = null;
- MeshServerLogEx(34, null, "Failed to start remote desktop after local user rejected (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- this.ws.end(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- });
- } else {
- // User Consent Prompt is not required
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 1)) {
- // User Notifications is required
- MeshServerLogEx(35, null, "Started remote desktop with toast notification (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- var notifyMessage = this.httprequest.realname + " started a remote desktop session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
- if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle != null) { notifyTitle = this.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle; }
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgDesktop != null) { notifyMessage = this.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgDesktop.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.username); }
- }
- try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage, tsid); } catch (e) { }
- } else {
- MeshServerLogEx(36, null, "Started remote desktop without notification (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- }
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 0x40)) {
- // Connection Bar is required
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.removeAllListeners('close');
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.close();
- }
- try {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar = require('notifybar-desktop')(this.httprequest.privacybartext.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.rusers.join(', ')).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.users.join(', ')), require('MeshAgent')._tsid);
- MeshServerLogEx(37, null, "Remote Desktop Connection Bar Activated/Updated (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- }
- catch (e) {
- MeshServerLogEx(38, null, "Remote Desktop Connection Bar Failed or not Supported (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- }
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionBar.on('close', function () {
- MeshServerLogEx(39, null, "Remote Desktop Connection forcefully closed by local user (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams) {
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm._pipedStreams[i].end();
- }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end();
- });
- }
- }
- this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(this, { dataTypeSkip: 1 });
- }
- this.removeAllListeners('data');
- this.on('data', onTunnelControlData);
- //this.write('MeshCore KVM Hello!1');
- } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 5) {
- //
- // Remote Files
- //
- // Check user access rights for files
- if (((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_REMOTECONTROL) == 0) || ((this.httprequest.rights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((this.httprequest.rights & MESHRIGHT_NOFILES) != 0))) {
- // Disengage this tunnel, user does not have the rights to do this!!
- this.httprequest.protocol = 999999;
- this.httprequest.s.end();
- sendConsoleText("Error: No files control rights.");
- return;
- }
- this.descriptorMetadata = "Remote Files";
- // Add the files session to the count to update the server
- if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]++; }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'files', value: tunnelUserCount.files }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- this.end = function () {
- // Remove the files session from the count to update the server
- if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
- if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'files', value: tunnelUserCount.files }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- };
- // Perform notification if needed. Toast messages may not be supported on all platforms.
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 32)) {
- // User Consent Prompt is required
- // Send a console message back using the console channel, "\n" is supported.
- this.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: "Waiting for user to grant access...", msgid: 1 }));
- var consentMessage = this.httprequest.realname + " requesting remote file Access. Grant access?", consentTitle = 'MeshCentral';
- if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle != null) { consentTitle = this.httprequest.soptions.consentTitle; }
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgFiles != null) { consentMessage = this.httprequest.soptions.consentMsgFiles.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.username); }
- }
- var pr = require('message-box').create(consentTitle, consentMessage, 30);
- pr.ws = this;
- this.pause();
- this._consentpromise = pr;
- this.prependOnceListener('end', function () { if (this._consentpromise && this._consentpromise.close) { this._consentpromise.close(); } });
- pr.then(
- function ()
- {
- // Success
- this.ws._consentpromise = null;
- MeshServerLogEx(40, null, "Starting remote files after local user accepted (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- this.ws.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: null }));
- if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 4)) {
- // User Notifications is required
- var notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.realname + " started a remote file session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle != null) { notifyTitle = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle; }
- if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgFiles != null) { notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgFiles.replace('{0}', this.ws.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.ws.httprequest.username); }
- }
- try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage); } catch (e) { }
- }
- this.ws.resume();
- },
- function (e)
- {
- // User Consent Denied/Failed
- this.ws._consentpromise = null;
- MeshServerLogEx(41, null, "Failed to start remote files after local user rejected (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
- this.ws.end(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- });
- } else {
- // User Consent Prompt is not required
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 4)) {
- // User Notifications is required
- MeshServerLogEx(42, null, "Started remote files with toast notification (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- var notifyMessage = this.httprequest.realname + " started a remote file session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
- if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle != null) { notifyTitle = this.httprequest.soptions.notifyTitle; }
- if (this.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgFiles != null) { notifyMessage = this.httprequest.soptions.notifyMsgFiles.replace('{0}', this.httprequest.realname).replace('{1}', this.httprequest.username); }
- }
- try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage); } catch (e) { }
- } else {
- MeshServerLogEx(43, null, "Started remote files without notification (" + this.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.httprequest);
- }
- this.resume();
- }
- // Setup files
- // NOP
- }
- } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 1) {
- // Send data into terminal stdin
- //this.write(data); // Echo back the keys (Does not seem to be a good idea)
- } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2) {
- // Send data into remote desktop
- if (this.httprequest.desktop.state == 0) {
- this.write(Buffer.from(String.fromCharCode(0x11, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4D, 0x45, 0x53, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02)));
- this.httprequest.desktop.state = 1;
- } else {
- this.httprequest.desktop.write(data);
- }
- } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 5) {
- // Process files commands
- var cmd = null;
- try { cmd = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { };
- if (cmd == null) { return; }
- if ((cmd.ctrlChannel == '102938') || ((cmd.type == 'offer') && (cmd.sdp != null))) { onTunnelControlData(cmd, this); return; } // If this is control data, handle it now.
- if (cmd.action == undefined) { return; }
- //sendConsoleText('CMD: ' + JSON.stringify(cmd));
- if ((cmd.path != null) && (process.platform != 'win32') && (cmd.path[0] != '/')) { cmd.path = '/' + cmd.path; } // Add '/' to paths on non-windows
- //console.log(objToString(cmd, 0, ' '));
- switch (cmd.action) {
- case 'ls': {
- /*
- // Close the watcher if required
- var samepath = ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (cmd.path == this.httprequest.watcher.path));
- if ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (samepath == false)) {
- //console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
- //this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
- delete this.httprequest.watcher;
- }
- */
- // Send the folder content to the browser
- var response = getDirectoryInfo(cmd.path);
- if (cmd.reqid != undefined) { response.reqid = cmd.reqid; }
- this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(response)));
- /*
- // Start the directory watcher
- if ((cmd.path != '') && (samepath == false)) {
- var watcher = fs.watch(cmd.path, onFileWatcher);
- watcher.tunnel = this.httprequest;
- watcher.path = cmd.path;
- this.httprequest.watcher = watcher;
- //console.log('Starting watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
- }
- */
- break;
- }
- case 'mkdir': {
- // Create a new empty folder
- fs.mkdirSync(cmd.path);
- MeshServerLogEx(44, [cmd.path], "Create folder: \"" + cmd.path + "\"", this.httprequest);
- break;
- }
- case 'rm': {
- // Delete, possibly recursive delete
- for (var i in cmd.delfiles) {
- var p = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.delfiles[i]), delcount = 0;
- try { delcount = deleteFolderRecursive(p, cmd.rec); } catch (e) { }
- if ((delcount == 1) && !cmd.rec) {
- MeshServerLogEx(45, [p], "Delete: \"" + p + "\"", this.httprequest);
- } else {
- if (cmd.rec) {
- MeshServerLogEx(46, [p, delcount], "Delete recursive: \"" + p + "\", " + delcount + " element(s) removed", this.httprequest);
- } else {
- MeshServerLogEx(47, [p, delcount], "Delete: \"" + p + "\", " + delcount + " element(s) removed", this.httprequest);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'markcoredump': {
- // If we are asking for the coredump file, set the right path.
- var coreDumpPath = null;
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (fs.existsSync(process.coreDumpLocation)) { coreDumpPath = process.coreDumpLocation; }
- } else {
- if ((process.cwd() != '//') && fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + 'core')) { coreDumpPath = process.cwd() + 'core'; }
- }
- if (coreDumpPath != null) { db.Put('CoreDumpTime', require('fs').statSync(coreDumpPath).mtime); }
- break;
- }
- case 'rename': {
- // Rename a file or folder
- var oldfullpath = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.oldname);
- var newfullpath = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.newname);
- MeshServerLogEx(48, [oldfullpath, cmd.newname], 'Rename: \"' + oldfullpath + '\" to \"' + cmd.newname + '\"', this.httprequest);
- try { fs.renameSync(oldfullpath, newfullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
- break;
- }
- case 'download': {
- // Download a file
- var sendNextBlock = 0;
- if (cmd.sub == 'start') { // Setup the download
- if ((cmd.path == null) && (cmd.ask == 'coredump')) { // If we are asking for the coredump file, set the right path.
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (fs.existsSync(process.coreDumpLocation)) { cmd.path = process.coreDumpLocation; }
- } else {
- if ((process.cwd() != '//') && fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + 'core')) { cmd.path = process.cwd() + 'core'; }
- }
- }
- MeshServerLogEx(49, [cmd.path], 'Download: \"' + cmd.path + '\"', this.httprequest);
- if ((cmd.path == null) || (this.filedownload != null)) { this.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
- this.filedownload = { id: cmd.id, path: cmd.path, ptr: 0 }
- try { this.filedownload.f = fs.openSync(this.filedownload.path, 'rbN'); } catch (e) { this.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
- if (this.filedownload) { this.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: cmd.id }); }
- } else if ((this.filedownload != null) && (cmd.id == this.filedownload.id)) { // Download commands
- if (cmd.sub == 'startack') { sendNextBlock = ((typeof cmd.ack == 'number') ? cmd.ack : 8); } else if (cmd.sub == 'stop') { delete this.filedownload; } else if (cmd.sub == 'ack') { sendNextBlock = 1; }
- }
- // Send the next download block(s)
- while (sendNextBlock > 0) {
- sendNextBlock--;
- var buf = Buffer.alloc(16384);
- var len = fs.readSync(this.filedownload.f, buf, 4, 16380, null);
- this.filedownload.ptr += len;
- if (len < 16380) { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000001, 0); fs.closeSync(this.filedownload.f); delete this.filedownload; sendNextBlock = 0; } else { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000000, 0); }
- this.write(buf.slice(0, len + 4)); // Write as binary
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- case 'download': {
- // Packet download of a file, agent to browser
- if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
- var filepath = cmd.name ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.name) : cmd.path;
- //console.log('Download: ' + filepath);
- try { this.httprequest.downloadFile = fs.openSync(filepath, 'rbN'); } catch (e) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'downloaderror', reqid: cmd.reqid }))); break; }
- this.httprequest.downloadFileId = cmd.reqid;
- this.httprequest.downloadFilePtr = 0;
- if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'downloadstart', reqid: this.httprequest.downloadFileId }))); }
- break;
- }
- case 'download2': {
- // Stream download of a file, agent to browser
- if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
- var filepath = cmd.name ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.name) : cmd.path;
- try { this.httprequest.downloadFile = fs.createReadStream(filepath, { flags: 'rbN' }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
- this.httprequest.downloadFile.pipe(this);
- this.httprequest.downloadFile.end = function () { }
- break;
- }
- */
- case 'upload': {
- // Upload a file, browser to agent
- if (this.httprequest.uploadFile != null) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); delete this.httprequest.uploadFile; }
- if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
- var filepath = cmd.name ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.name) : cmd.path;
- this.httprequest.uploadFilePath = filepath;
- MeshServerLogEx(50, [filepath], 'Upload: \"' + filepath + '\"', this.httprequest);
- try { this.httprequest.uploadFile = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wbN'); } catch (e) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror', reqid: cmd.reqid }))); break; }
- this.httprequest.uploadFileid = cmd.reqid;
- if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadstart', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); }
- break;
- }
- case 'uploaddone': {
- // Indicates that an upload is done
- if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) {
- fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile);
- this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaddone', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); // Indicate that we closed the file.
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFile;
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFileid;
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFilePath;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'uploadcancel': {
- // Indicates that an upload is canceled
- if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) {
- fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile);
- fs.unlinkSync(this.httprequest.uploadFilePath);
- this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadcancel', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid }))); // Indicate that we closed the file.
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFile;
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFileid;
- delete this.httprequest.uploadFilePath;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'copy': {
- // Copy a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
- for (var i in cmd.names) {
- var sc = obj.path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = obj.path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
- MeshServerLogEx(51, [sc, ds], 'Copy: \"' + sc + '\" to \"' + ds + '\"', this.httprequest);
- if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); } catch (e) { } }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'move': {
- // Move a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
- for (var i in cmd.names) {
- var sc = obj.path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = obj.path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
- MeshServerLogEx(52, [sc, ds], 'Move: \"' + sc + '\" to \"' + ds + '\"', this.httprequest);
- if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); fs.unlinkSync(sc); } catch (e) { } }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'zip':
- // Zip a bunch of files
- if (this.zip != null) return; // Zip operating is currently running, exit now.
- // Check that the specified files exist & build full paths
- var fp, stat, p = [];
- for (var i in cmd.files) { fp = cmd.path + '/' + cmd.files[i]; stat = null; try { stat = fs.statSync(fp); } catch (e) { } if (stat != null) { p.push(fp); } }
- if (p.length == 0) return; // No files, quit now.
- // Setup file compression
- var ofile = cmd.path + '/' + cmd.output;
- this.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'dialogmessage', msg: 'zipping' })));
- this.zipfile = ofile;
- delete this.zipcancel;
- var out = require('fs').createWriteStream(ofile, { flags: 'wb' });
- out.xws = this;
- out.on('close', function () {
- this.xws.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'dialogmessage', msg: null })));
- this.xws.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'refresh' })));
- if (this.xws.zipcancel === true) { fs.unlinkSync(this.xws.zipfile); } // Delete the complete file.
- delete this.xws.zipcancel;
- delete this.xws.zipfile;
- delete this.xws.zip;
- });
- this.zip = require('zip-writer').write({ files: p, basePath: cmd.path });
- this.zip.xws = this;
- this.zip.on('progress', require('events').moderated(function (name, p) { this.xws.write(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ action: 'dialogmessage', msg: 'zippingFile', file: ((process.platform == 'win32') ? (name.split('/').join('\\')) : name), progress: p }))); }, 1000));
- this.zip.pipe(out);
- break;
- case 'cancel':
- // Cancel zip operation if present
- try { this.zipcancel = true; this.zip.cancel(function () { }); } catch (e) { }
- this.zip = null;
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown action, ignore it.
- break;
- }
- } else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 7) { // Plugin data exchange
- var cmd = null;
- try { cmd = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { };
- if (cmd == null) { return; }
- if ((cmd.ctrlChannel == '102938') || ((cmd.type == 'offer') && (cmd.sdp != null))) { onTunnelControlData(cmd, this); return; } // If this is control data, handle it now.
- if (cmd.action == undefined) return;
- switch (cmd.action) {
- case 'plugin': {
- try { require(cmd.plugin).consoleaction(cmd, null, null, this); } catch (e) { throw e; }
- break;
- }
- default: {
- // probably shouldn't happen, but just in case this feature is expanded
- }
- }
- }
- //sendConsoleText("Got tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " data: " + data, this.httprequest.sessionid);
- }
- }
- // Delete a directory with a files and directories within it
- function deleteFolderRecursive(path, rec) {
- var count = 0;
- if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
- if (rec == true) {
- fs.readdirSync(obj.path.join(path, '*')).forEach(function (file, index) {
- var curPath = obj.path.join(path, file);
- if (fs.statSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse
- count += deleteFolderRecursive(curPath, true);
- } else { // delete file
- fs.unlinkSync(curPath);
- count++;
- }
- });
- }
- fs.unlinkSync(path);
- count++;
- }
- return count;
- };
- // Called when receiving control data on WebRTC
- function onTunnelWebRTCControlData(data) {
- if (typeof data != 'string') return;
- var obj;
- try { obj = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('Invalid control JSON on WebRTC: ' + data); return; }
- if (obj.type == 'close') {
- //sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + this.xrtc.websocket.tunnel.index + ' WebRTC control close');
- try { this.close(); } catch (e) { }
- try { this.xrtc.close(); } catch (e) { }
- }
- }
- // Called when receiving control data on websocket
- function onTunnelControlData(data, ws) {
- var obj;
- if (ws == null) { ws = this; }
- if (typeof data == 'string') { try { obj = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('Invalid control JSON: ' + data); return; } }
- else if (typeof data == 'object') { obj = data; } else { return; }
- //sendConsoleText('onTunnelControlData(' + ws.httprequest.protocol + '): ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- //console.log('onTunnelControlData: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
- if (obj.action) {
- switch (obj.action) {
- case 'lock': {
- // Lock the current user out of the desktop
- try {
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- MeshServerLogEx(53, null, "Locking remote user out of desktop", ws.httprequest);
- var child = require('child_process');
- child.execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['/c', 'RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation'], { type: 1 });
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- break;
- }
- default:
- // Unknown action, ignore it.
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- switch (obj.type) {
- case 'options': {
- // These are additional connection options passed in the control channel.
- //sendConsoleText('options: ' + JSON.stringify(obj));
- delete obj.type;
- ws.httprequest.xoptions = obj;
- // Set additional user consent options if present
- if ((obj != null) && (typeof obj.consent == 'number')) { ws.httprequest.consent |= obj.consent; }
- break;
- }
- case 'close': {
- // We received the close on the websocket
- //sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + ws.tunnel.index + ' WebSocket control close');
- try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { }
- break;
- }
- case 'termsize': {
- // Indicates a change in terminal size
- if (process.platform == 'win32')
- {
- if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher == null) return;
- //sendConsoleText('Win32-TermSize: ' + obj.cols + 'x' + obj.rows);
- if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke) { ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke('resizeTerminal', [obj.cols, obj.rows]); }
- } else
- {
- if (ws.httprequest.process == null || ws.httprequest.process.pty == 0) return;
- //sendConsoleText('Linux Resize: ' + obj.cols + 'x' + obj.rows);
- if (ws.httprequest.process.tcsetsize) { ws.httprequest.process.tcsetsize(obj.rows, obj.cols); }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'webrtc0': { // Browser indicates we can start WebRTC switch-over.
- if (ws.httprequest.protocol == 1) { // Terminal
- // This is a terminal data stream, unpipe the terminal now and indicate to the other side that terminal data will no longer be received over WebSocket
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- ws.httprequest._term.unpipe(ws);
- } else {
- ws.httprequest.process.stdout.unpipe(ws);
- ws.httprequest.process.stderr.unpipe(ws);
- }
- } else if (ws.httprequest.protocol == 2) { // Desktop
- // This is a KVM data stream, unpipe the KVM now and indicate to the other side that KVM data will no longer be received over WebSocket
- ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(ws);
- } else {
- // Switch things around so all WebRTC data goes to onTunnelData().
- ws.rtcchannel.httprequest = ws.httprequest;
- ws.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners('data');
- ws.rtcchannel.on('data', onTunnelData);
- }
- ws.write("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc1\"}"); // End of data marker
- break;
- }
- case 'webrtc1': {
- if ((ws.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (ws.httprequest.protocol == 6)) { // Terminal
- // Switch the user input from websocket to webrtc at this point.
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest._term);
- ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest._term, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- } else {
- ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin);
- ws.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.process.stdin, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- }
- ws.resume(); // Resume the websocket to keep receiving control data
- } else if (ws.httprequest.protocol == 2) { // Desktop
- // Switch the user input from websocket to webrtc at this point.
- ws.unpipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm);
- try { ws.webrtc.rtcchannel.pipe(ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); } catch (e) { sendConsoleText('EX2'); } // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- ws.resume(); // Resume the websocket to keep receiving control data
- }
- ws.write('{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc2\"}'); // Indicates we will no longer get any data on websocket, switching to WebRTC at this point.
- break;
- }
- case 'webrtc2': {
- // Other side received websocket end of data marker, start sending data on WebRTC channel
- if ((ws.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (ws.httprequest.protocol == 6)) { // Terminal
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- ws.httprequest._term.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- } else {
- ws.httprequest.process.stdout.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- ws.httprequest.process.stderr.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- }
- } else if (ws.httprequest.protocol == 2) { // Desktop
- ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(ws.webrtc.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'offer': {
- // This is a WebRTC offer.
- if ((ws.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (ws.httprequest.protocol == 6)) return; // TODO: Terminal is currently broken with WebRTC. Reject WebRTC upgrade for now.
- ws.webrtc = rtc.createConnection();
- ws.webrtc.websocket = ws;
- ws.webrtc.on('connected', function () { /*sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + this.websocket.tunnel.index + ' WebRTC connected');*/ });
- ws.webrtc.on('disconnected', function () { /*sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + this.websocket.tunnel.index + ' WebRTC disconnected');*/ });
- ws.webrtc.on('dataChannel', function (rtcchannel) {
- //sendConsoleText('WebRTC Datachannel open, protocol: ' + this.websocket.httprequest.protocol);
- rtcchannel.maxFragmentSize = 32768;
- rtcchannel.xrtc = this;
- rtcchannel.websocket = this.websocket;
- this.rtcchannel = rtcchannel;
- this.websocket.rtcchannel = rtcchannel;
- this.websocket.rtcchannel.on('data', onTunnelWebRTCControlData);
- this.websocket.rtcchannel.on('end', function () {
- // The WebRTC channel closed, unpipe the KVM now. This is also done when the web socket closes.
- //sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + this.websocket.tunnel.index + ' WebRTC data channel closed');
- if (this.websocket.desktop && this.websocket.desktop.kvm)
- {
- try
- {
- this.unpipe(this.websocket.desktop.kvm);
- this.websocket.httprequest.desktop.kvm.unpipe(this);
- }
- catch (e) { }
- }
- });
- this.websocket.write('{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"webrtc0\"}'); // Indicate we are ready for WebRTC switch-over.
- });
- var sdp = null;
- try { sdp = ws.webrtc.setOffer(obj.sdp); } catch (e) { }
- if (sdp != null) { ws.write({ type: 'answer', ctrlChannel: '102938', sdp: sdp }); }
- break;
- }
- case 'ping': {
- ws.write("{\"ctrlChannel\":\"102938\",\"type\":\"pong\"}"); // Send pong response
- break;
- }
- case 'pong': { // NOP
- break;
- }
- case 'rtt': {
- ws.write({ type: 'rtt', ctrlChannel: '102938', time: obj.time });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Console state
- var consoleWebSockets = {};
- var consoleHttpRequest = null;
- // Console HTTP response
- function consoleHttpResponse(response) {
- response.data = function (data) { sendConsoleText(rstr2hex(buf2rstr(data)), this.sessionid); consoleHttpRequest = null; }
- response.close = function () { sendConsoleText('httprequest.response.close', this.sessionid); consoleHttpRequest = null; }
- };
- // Open a web browser to a specified URL on current user's desktop
- function openUserDesktopUrl(url) {
- if ((url.toLowerCase().startsWith('http://') == false) && (url.toLowerCase().startsWith('https://') == false)) { return null; }
- var child = null;
- try {
- switch (process.platform) {
- case 'win32':
- var user = require('user-sessions').getUsername(require('user-sessions').consoleUid());
- child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['cmd']);
- child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
- child.stdout.on('data', function () { });
- child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /CREATE /F /TN MeshChatTask /SC ONCE /ST 00:00 /RU ' + user + ' /TR "' + process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe /C START ' + url + '"\r\n');
- child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /RUN /TN MeshChatTask\r\n');
- child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN MeshChatTask\r\n');
- child.stdin.write('exit\r\n');
- child.waitExit();
- break;
- case 'linux':
- child = require('child_process').execFile('/usr/bin/xdg-open', ['xdg-open', url], { uid: require('user-sessions').consoleUid() });
- break;
- case 'darwin':
- child = require('child_process').execFile('/usr/bin/open', ['open', url], { uid: require('user-sessions').consoleUid() });
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown platform, ignore this command.
- break;
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- return child;
- }
- // Process a mesh agent console command
- function processConsoleCommand(cmd, args, rights, sessionid) {
- try {
- var response = null;
- switch (cmd) {
- case 'help': { // Displays available commands
- var fin = '', f = '', availcommands = 'coredump,service,fdsnapshot,fdcount,startupoptions,alert,agentsize,versions,help,info,osinfo,args,print,type,dbkeys,dbget,dbset,dbcompact,eval,parseuri,httpget,nwslist,plugin,wsconnect,wssend,wsclose,notify,ls,ps,kill,amt,netinfo,location,power,wakeonlan,setdebug,smbios,rawsmbios,toast,lock,users,sendcaps,openurl,amtreset,amtccm,amtacm,amtdeactivate,amtpolicy,getscript,getclip,setclip,log,av,cpuinfo,sysinfo,apf,scanwifi,scanamt,wallpaper,agentmsg';
- if (process.platform == 'win32') { availcommands += ',safemode,wpfhwacceleration,uac'; }
- if (process.platform != 'freebsd') { availcommands += ',vm';}
- if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize != null) { availcommands += ',kvmmode'; }
- try { require('zip-reader'); availcommands += ',zip,unzip'; } catch (e) { }
- availcommands = availcommands.split(',').sort();
- while (availcommands.length > 0) {
- if (f.length > 90) { fin += (f + ',\r\n'); f = ''; }
- f += (((f != '') ? ', ' : ' ') + availcommands.shift());
- }
- if (f != '') { fin += f; }
- response = "Available commands: \r\n" + fin + ".";
- break;
- }
- case 'agentmsg': {
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = "Proper usage:\r\n agentmsg add \"[message]\" [iconIndex]\r\n agentmsg remove [index]\r\n agentmsg list"; // Display usage
- } else {
- if ((args['_'][0] == 'add') && (args['_'].length > 1)) {
- var msgIndex = 1, iconIndex = 0;
- while (tunnelUserCount.msg[msgIndex] != null) { msgIndex++; }
- if (args['_'].length >= 3) { try { iconIndex = parseInt(args['_'][2]); } catch (e) { } }
- if (typeof iconIndex != 'number') { iconIndex = 0; }
- tunnelUserCount.msg[msgIndex] = { msg: args['_'][1], icon: iconIndex };
- response = 'Agent message ' + msgIndex + ' added.';
- } else if ((args['_'][0] == 'remove') && (args['_'].length > 1)) {
- var msgIndex = 0;
- try { msgIndex = parseInt(args['_'][1]); } catch (x) { }
- if (tunnelUserCount.msg[msgIndex] == null) { response = "Message not found."; } else { delete tunnelUserCount.msg[msgIndex]; response = "Message removed."; }
- } else if (args['_'][0] == 'list') {
- response = JSON.stringify(tunnelUserCount.msg, null, 2);
- }
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (x) { }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'clearagentmsg': {
- tunnelUserCount.msg = {};
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (x) { }
- break;
- }
- case 'coredump':
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = "Proper usage: coredump on|off|status|clear"; // Display usage
- } else {
- switch (args['_'][0].toLowerCase())
- {
- case 'on':
- process.coreDumpLocation = (process.platform == 'win32') ? (process.execPath.replace('.exe', '.dmp')) : (process.execPath + '.dmp');
- response = 'coredump is now on';
- break;
- case 'off':
- process.coreDumpLocation = null;
- response = 'coredump is now off';
- break;
- case 'status':
- response = 'coredump is: ' + ((process.coreDumpLocation == null) ? 'off' : 'on');
- if (process.coreDumpLocation != null) {
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (fs.existsSync(process.coreDumpLocation)) { response += '\r\n CoreDump present at: ' + process.coreDumpLocation; }
- } else {
- if ((process.cwd() != '//') && fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + 'core')) { response += '\r\n CoreDump present at: ' + process.cwd() + 'core'; }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'clear':
- db.Put('CoreDumpTime', null);
- response = 'coredump db cleared';
- break;
- default:
- response = "Proper usage: coredump on|off|status"; // Display usage
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'service':
- if (args['_'].length != 1)
- {
- response = "Proper usage: service status|restart"; // Display usage
- }
- else
- {
- var s = require('service-manager').manager.getService(process.platform == 'win32' ? 'Mesh Agent' : 'meshagent');
- switch(args['_'][0].toLowerCase())
- {
- case 'status':
- response = 'Service ' + (s.isRunning() ? (s.isMe() ? '[SELF]' : '[RUNNING]') : ('[NOT RUNNING]'));
- break;
- case 'restart':
- if (s.isMe())
- {
- s.restart();
- }
- else
- {
- response = 'Restarting another agent instance is not allowed';
- }
- break;
- default:
- response = "Proper usage: service status|restart"; // Display usage
- break;
- }
- if (process.platform == 'win32') { s.close(); }
- }
- break;
- case 'zip':
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = "Proper usage: zip (output file name), input1 [, input n]"; // Display usage
- } else {
- var p = args['_'].join(' ').split(',');
- var ofile = p.shift();
- sendConsoleText('Writing ' + ofile + '...');
- var out = require('fs').createWriteStream(ofile, { flags: 'wb' });
- out.fname = ofile;
- out.sessionid = sessionid;
- out.on('close', function () { sendConsoleText('DONE writing ' + this.fname, this.sessionid); });
- var zip = require('zip-writer').write({ files: p });
- zip.pipe(out);
- }
- break;
- case 'unzip':
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = "Proper usage: unzip input, destination"; // Display usage
- } else {
- var p = args['_'].join(' ').split(',');
- if (p.length != 2) { response = "Proper usage: unzip input, destination"; break; } // Display usage
- var prom = require('zip-reader').read(p[0]);
- prom._dest = p[1];
- prom.self = this;
- prom.sessionid = sessionid;
- prom.then(function (zipped) {
- sendConsoleText('Extracting to ' + this._dest + '...', this.sessionid);
- zipped.extractAll(this._dest).then(function () { sendConsoleText('finished unzipping', this.sessionid); }, function (e) { sendConsoleText('Error unzipping: ' + e, this.sessionid); }).parentPromise.sessionid = this.sessionid;
- }, function (e) { sendConsoleText('Error unzipping: ' + e, this.sessionid); });
- }
- break;
- case 'setbattery':
- // require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'battery', state: 'dc', level: 55 });
- if ((args['_'].length > 0) && ((args['_'][0] == 'ac') || (args['_'][0] == 'dc'))) {
- var b = { action: 'battery', state: args['_'][0] };
- if (args['_'].length == 2) { b.level = parseInt(args['_'][1]); }
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand(b);
- } else {
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'battery' });
- }
- break;
- case 'fdsnapshot':
- require('ChainViewer').getSnapshot().then(function (c) { sendConsoleText(c, this.sessionid); }).parentPromise.sessionid = sessionid;
- break;
- case 'fdcount':
- require('DescriptorEvents').getDescriptorCount().then(
- function (c)
- {
- sendConsoleText('Descriptor Count: ' + c, this.sessionid);
- }, function (e)
- {
- sendConsoleText('Error fetching descriptor count: ' + e, this.sessionid);
- }).parentPromise.sessionid = sessionid;
- break;
- case 'uac':
- if (process.platform != 'win32')
- {
- response = 'Unknown command "uac", type "help" for list of avaialble commands.';
- break;
- }
- if (args['_'].length != 1)
- {
- response = 'Proper usage: uac [get|interactive|secure]';
- }
- else
- {
- switch(args['_'][0].toUpperCase())
- {
- case 'GET':
- var secd = require('win-registry').QueryKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop');
- response = "UAC mode: " + (secd == 0 ? "Interactive Desktop" : "Secure Desktop");
- break;
- try
- {
- require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop', 0);
- response = 'UAC mode changed to: Interactive Desktop';
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- response = "Unable to change UAC Mode";
- }
- break;
- case 'SECURE':
- try
- {
- require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop', 1);
- response = 'UAC mode changed to: Secure Desktop';
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- response = "Unable to change UAC Mode";
- }
- break;
- default:
- response = 'Proper usage: uac [get|interactive|secure]';
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'vm':
- response = 'Virtual Machine = ' + require('identifiers').isVM();
- break;
- case 'startupoptions':
- response = JSON.stringify(require('MeshAgent').getStartupOptions());
- break;
- case 'kvmmode':
- if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == null)
- {
- response = "Unknown command \"kvmmode\", type \"help\" for list of avaialble commands.";
- }
- else
- {
- if(require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == 0)
- {
- response = 'KVM Mode: Full JUMBO';
- }
- else
- {
- response = 'KVM Mode: ' + (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize <= 65500 ? 'NO JUMBO' : 'Partial JUMBO');
- response += (', TileLimit: ' + (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize < 1024 ? (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize + ' bytes') : (Math.round(require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize/1024) + ' Kbytes')));
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'alert':
- if (args['_'].length == 0)
- {
- response = "Proper usage: alert TITLE, CAPTION [, TIMEOUT]"; // Display usage
- }
- else
- {
- var p = args['_'].join(' ').split(',');
- if(p.length<2)
- {
- response = "Proper usage: alert TITLE, CAPTION [, TIMEOUT]"; // Display usage
- }
- else
- {
- this._alert = require('message-box').create(p[0], p[1], p.length==3?parseInt(p[2]):9999,1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'agentsize':
- var actualSize = Math.floor(require('fs').statSync(process.execPath).size / 1024);
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- // Check the Agent Uninstall MetaData for correctness, as the installer may have written an incorrect value
- var writtenSize = 0;
- try { writtenSize = require('win-registry').QueryKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MeshCentralAgent', 'EstimatedSize'); } catch (e) { response = e; }
- if (writtenSize != actualSize) {
- response = "Size updated from: " + writtenSize + " to: " + actualSize;
- try { require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MeshCentralAgent', 'EstimatedSize', actualSize); } catch (e) { response = e; }
- } else { response = "Agent Size: " + actualSize + " kb"; }
- } else { response = "Agent Size: " + actualSize + " kb"; }
- break;
- case 'versions':
- response = JSON.stringify(process.versions, null, ' ');
- break;
- case 'wpfhwacceleration':
- if (process.platform != 'win32') { throw ("wpfhwacceleration setting is only supported on Windows"); }
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = "Proper usage: wpfhwacceleration (ON|OFF|STATUS)"; // Display usage
- }
- else {
- var reg = require('win-registry');
- var uname = require('user-sessions').getUsername(require('user-sessions').consoleUid());
- var key = reg.usernameToUserKey(uname);
- switch (args['_'][0].toUpperCase()) {
- default:
- response = "Proper usage: wpfhwacceleration (ON|OFF|STATUS|DEFAULT)"; // Display usage
- break;
- case 'ON':
- try {
- reg.WriteKey(reg.HKEY.Users, key + '\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Avalon.Graphics', 'DisableHWAcceleration', 0);
- response = "OK";
- } catch (e) { response = "FAILED"; }
- break;
- case 'OFF':
- try {
- reg.WriteKey(reg.HKEY.Users, key + '\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Avalon.Graphics', 'DisableHWAcceleration', 1);
- response = 'OK';
- } catch (e) { response = 'FAILED'; }
- break;
- case 'STATUS':
- var s;
- try { s = reg.QueryKey(reg.HKEY.Users, key + '\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Avalon.Graphics', 'DisableHWAcceleration') == 1 ? 'DISABLED' : 'ENABLED'; } catch (e) { s = 'DEFAULT'; }
- response = "WPF Hardware Acceleration: " + s;
- break;
- case 'DEFAULT':
- try { reg.DeleteKey(reg.HKEY.Users, key + '\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Avalon.Graphics', 'DisableHWAcceleration'); } catch (e) { }
- response = 'OK';
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'tsid':
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = "TSID: " + (require('MeshAgent')._tsid == null ? "console" : require('MeshAgent')._tsid);
- } else {
- var i = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
- require('MeshAgent')._tsid = (isNaN(i) ? null : i);
- response = "TSID set to: " + (require('MeshAgent')._tsid == null ? "console" : require('MeshAgent')._tsid);
- }
- } else { response = "TSID command only supported on Windows"; }
- break;
- case 'activeusers':
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- var p = require('user-sessions').enumerateUsers();
- p.sessionid = sessionid;
- p.then(function (u) {
- var v = [];
- for (var i in u) {
- if (u[i].State == 'Active') { v.push({ tsid: i, type: u[i].StationName, user: u[i].Username, domain: u[i].Domain }); }
- }
- sendConsoleText(JSON.stringify(v, null, 1), this.sessionid);
- });
- } else { response = "activeusers command only supported on Windows"; }
- break;
- case 'wallpaper':
- if (process.platform != 'win32' && !(process.platform == 'linux' && require('linux-gnome-helpers').available)) {
- response = "wallpaper command not supported on this platform";
- }
- else {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: wallpaper (GET|TOGGLE)'; // Display usage
- }
- else {
- switch (args['_'][0].toUpperCase()) {
- default:
- response = 'Proper usage: wallpaper (GET|TOGGLE)'; // Display usage
- break;
- case 'GET':
- case 'TOGGLE':
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- var id = require('user-sessions').getProcessOwnerName(process.pid).tsid == 0 ? 1 : 0;
- var child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('\\').pop(), '-b64exec', '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'], { type: id });
- child.stdout.str = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); });
- child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
- child.waitExit();
- var current = child.stdout.str.trim();
- if (args['_'][0].toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
- response = current;
- break;
- }
- if (current != '') {
- require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper = current;
- response = 'Wallpaper cleared';
- } else {
- response = 'Wallpaper restored';
- }
- child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.execPath.split('\\').pop(), '-b64exec', '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', current != '' ? '""' : require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper], { type: id });
- child.stdout.str = ''; child.stdout.on('data', function (c) { this.str += c.toString(); });
- child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
- child.waitExit();
- }
- else {
- var id = require('user-sessions').consoleUid();
- var current = require('linux-gnome-helpers').getDesktopWallpaper(id);
- if (args['_'][0].toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
- response = current;
- break;
- }
- if (current != '/dev/null') {
- require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper = current;
- response = 'Wallpaper cleared';
- } else {
- response = 'Wallpaper restored';
- }
- require('linux-gnome-helpers').setDesktopWallpaper(id, current != '/dev/null' ? undefined : require('MeshAgent')._wallpaper);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'safemode':
- if (process.platform != 'win32') {
- response = 'safemode only supported on Windows Platforms'
- }
- else {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: safemode (ON|OFF|STATUS)'; // Display usage
- }
- else {
- switch (args['_'][0].toUpperCase()) {
- default:
- response = 'Proper usage: safemode (ON|OFF|STATUS)'; // Display usage
- break;
- case 'ON':
- require('win-bcd').setKey('safeboot', 'Network');
- require('win-bcd').enableSafeModeService('Mesh Agent');
- break;
- case 'OFF':
- require('win-bcd').deleteKey('safeboot');
- break;
- case 'STATUS':
- var nextboot = require('win-bcd').getKey('safeboot');
- if (nextboot) {
- switch (nextboot) {
- case 'Network':
- case 'network':
- nextboot = 'SAFE_MODE_NETWORK';
- break;
- default:
- nextboot = 'SAFE_MODE';
- break;
- }
- }
- response = 'Current: ' + require('win-bcd').bootMode + ', NextBoot: ' + (nextboot ? nextboot : 'NORMAL');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- case 'border':
- {
- if ((args['_'].length == 1) && (args['_'][0] == 'on')) {
- if (meshCoreObj.users.length > 0) {
- obj.borderManager.Start(meshCoreObj.users[0]);
- response = 'Border blinking is on.';
- } else {
- response = 'Cannot turn on border blinking, no logged in users.';
- }
- } else if ((args['_'].length == 1) && (args['_'][0] == 'off')) {
- obj.borderManager.Stop();
- response = 'Border blinking is off.';
- } else {
- response = 'Proper usage: border "on|off"'; // Display correct command usage
- }
- }
- break;
- */
- case 'av':
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- // Windows Command: "wmic /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct get /FORMAT:CSV"
- response = JSON.stringify(require('win-info').av(), null, 1);
- } else {
- response = 'Not supported on the platform';
- }
- break;
- case 'log':
- if (args['_'].length != 1) { response = 'Proper usage: log "sample text"'; } else { MeshServerLog(args['_'][0]); response = 'ok'; }
- break;
- case 'getclip':
- if (require('MeshAgent').isService) {
- require('clipboard').dispatchRead().then(function (str) { sendConsoleText(str, sessionid); });
- } else {
- require("clipboard").read().then(function (str) { sendConsoleText(str, sessionid); });
- }
- break;
- case 'setclip': {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: setclip "sample text"';
- } else {
- if (require('MeshAgent').isService) {
- require('clipboard').dispatchWrite(args['_'][0]);
- response = 'Setting clipboard to: "' + args['_'][0] + '"';
- }
- else {
- require("clipboard")(args['_'][0]); response = 'Setting clipboard to: "' + args['_'][0] + '"';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtreset': {
- if (amt != null) { amt.reset(); response = 'Done.'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtlmsreset': {
- if (amt != null) { amt.lmsreset(); response = 'Done.'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtccm': {
- if (amt == null) { response = 'Intel AMT not supported.'; } else {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) { response = 'Proper usage: amtccm (adminPassword)'; } // Display usage
- else { amt.setPolicy({ type: 0 }); amt.activeToCCM(args['_'][0]); }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtacm': {
- if (amt == null) { response = 'Intel AMT not supported.'; } else {
- amt.setPolicy({ type: 0 });
- amt.getAmtInfo(function (meinfo) { amt.activeToACM(meinfo); });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtdeactivate': {
- if (amt == null) { response = 'Intel AMT not supported.'; } else { amt.setPolicy({ type: 0 }); amt.deactivateCCM(); }
- break;
- }
- case 'amtpolicy': {
- if (amtPolicy == null) {
- response = 'No Intel(R) AMT policy.';
- } else {
- response = JSON.stringify(amtPolicy);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'openurl': {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) { response = 'Proper usage: openurl (url)'; } // Display usage
- else { if (openUserDesktopUrl(args['_'][0]) == null) { response = 'Failed.'; } else { response = 'Success.'; } }
- break;
- }
- case 'users': {
- if (meshCoreObj.users == null) { response = 'Active users are unknown.'; } else { response = 'Active Users: ' + meshCoreObj.users.join(', ') + '.'; }
- require('user-sessions').enumerateUsers().then(function (u) { for (var i in u) { sendConsoleText(u[i]); } });
- break;
- }
- case 'toast': {
- if (args['_'].length < 1) { response = 'Proper usage: toast "message"'; } else {
- if (require('MeshAgent')._tsid == null) {
- require('toaster').Toast('MeshCentral', args['_'][0]).then(sendConsoleText, sendConsoleText);
- }
- else {
- require('toaster').Toast('MeshCentral', args['_'][0], require('MeshAgent')._tsid).then(sendConsoleText, sendConsoleText);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'setdebug': {
- if (args['_'].length < 1) { response = 'Proper usage: setdebug (target), 0 = Disabled, 1 = StdOut, 2 = This Console, * = All Consoles, 4 = WebLog, 8 = Logfile'; } // Display usage
- else { if (args['_'][0] == '*') { console.setDestination(2); } else { console.setDestination(parseInt(args['_'][0]), sessionid); } }
- break;
- }
- case 'ps': {
- processManager.getProcesses(function (plist) {
- var x = '';
- for (var i in plist) { x += i + ((plist[i].user) ? (', ' + plist[i].user) : '') + ', ' + plist[i].cmd + '\r\n'; }
- sendConsoleText(x, sessionid);
- });
- break;
- }
- case 'kill': {
- if ((args['_'].length < 1)) {
- response = 'Proper usage: kill [pid]'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- process.kill(parseInt(args['_'][0]));
- response = 'Killed process ' + args['_'][0] + '.';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'smbios': {
- if (SMBiosTables == null) { response = 'SMBios tables not available.'; } else { response = objToString(SMBiosTables, 0, ' ', true); }
- break;
- }
- case 'rawsmbios': {
- if (SMBiosTablesRaw == null) { response = 'SMBios tables not available.'; } else {
- response = '';
- for (var i in SMBiosTablesRaw) {
- var header = false;
- for (var j in SMBiosTablesRaw[i]) {
- if (SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].length > 0) {
- if (header == false) { response += ('Table type #' + i + ((require('smbios').smTableTypes[i] == null) ? '' : (', ' + require('smbios').smTableTypes[i]))) + '\r\n'; header = true; }
- response += (' ' + SMBiosTablesRaw[i][j].toString('hex')) + '\r\n';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'eval': { // Eval JavaScript
- if (args['_'].length < 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: eval "JavaScript code"'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- response = JSON.stringify(mesh.eval(args['_'][0])); // This can only be run by trusted administrator.
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'uninstallagent': // Uninstall this agent
- var agentName = process.platform == 'win32' ? 'Mesh Agent' : 'meshagent';
- if (!require('service-manager').manager.getService(agentName).isMe()) {
- response = 'Uininstall failed, this instance is not the service instance';
- } else {
- try { diagnosticAgent_uninstall(); } catch (e) { }
- var js = "require('service-manager').manager.getService('" + agentName + "').stop(); require('service-manager').manager.uninstallService('" + agentName + "'); process.exit();";
- this.child = require('child_process').execFile(process.execPath, [process.platform == 'win32' ? (process.execPath.split('\\').pop()) : (process.execPath.split('/').pop()), '-b64exec', Buffer.from(js).toString('base64')], { type: 4, detached: true });
- }
- break;
- case 'notify': { // Send a notification message to the mesh
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: notify "message" [--session]'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- var notification = { action: 'msg', type: 'notify', value: args['_'][0], tag: 'console' };
- if (args.session) { notification.sessionid = sessionid; } // If "--session" is specified, notify only this session, if not, the server will notify the mesh
- mesh.SendCommand(notification); // no sessionid or userid specified, notification will go to the entire mesh
- response = "ok";
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'cpuinfo': { // Return system information
- // CPU & memory utilization
- pr = require('sysinfo').cpuUtilization();
- pr.sessionid = sessionid;
- pr.then(function (data) {
- sendConsoleText(JSON.stringify({ cpu: data, memory: require('sysinfo').memUtilization() }, null, 1), this.sessionid);
- }, function (e) {
- sendConsoleText(e);
- });
- break;
- }
- case 'sysinfo': { // Return system information
- getSystemInformation(function (results, err) {
- if (results == null) { sendConsoleText(err, this.sessionid); } else {
- sendConsoleText(JSON.stringify(results, null, 1), this.sessionid);
- }
- });
- break;
- }
- case 'info': { // Return information about the agent and agent core module
- response = 'Current Core: ' + meshCoreObj.value + '\r\nAgent Time: ' + Date() + '.\r\nUser Rights: 0x' + rights.toString(16) + '.\r\nPlatform: ' + process.platform + '.\r\nCapabilities: ' + meshCoreObj.caps + '.\r\nServer URL: ' + mesh.ServerUrl + '.';
- if (amt != null) { response += '\r\nBuilt-in LMS: ' + ['Disabled', 'Connecting..', 'Connected'][amt.lmsstate] + '.'; }
- if (meshCoreObj.osdesc) { response += '\r\nOS: ' + meshCoreObj.osdesc + '.'; }
- response += '\r\nModules: ' + addedModules.join(', ') + '.';
- response += '\r\nServer Connection: ' + mesh.isControlChannelConnected + ', State: ' + meshServerConnectionState + '.';
- response += '\r\lastMeInfo: ' + lastMeInfo + '.';
- var oldNodeId = db.Get('OldNodeId');
- if (oldNodeId != null) { response += '\r\nOldNodeID: ' + oldNodeId + '.'; }
- if (process.platform == 'linux' || process.platform == 'freebsd') { response += '\r\nX11 support: ' + require('monitor-info').kvm_x11_support + '.'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'osinfo': { // Return the operating system information
- var i = 1;
- if (args['_'].length > 0) { i = parseInt(args['_'][0]); if (i > 8) { i = 8; } response = 'Calling ' + i + ' times.'; }
- for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- var pr = require('os').name();
- pr.sessionid = sessionid;
- pr.then(function (v) {
- sendConsoleText("OS: " + v + (process.platform == 'win32' ? (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported ? ' [ConPTY: YES]' : ' [ConPTY: NO]') : ''), this.sessionid);
- });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'sendcaps': { // Send capability flags to the server
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = 'Proper usage: sendcaps (number)'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- meshCoreObj.caps = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- response = JSON.stringify(meshCoreObj);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'sendosdesc': { // Send OS description
- if (args['_'].length > 0) {
- meshCoreObj.osdesc = args['_'][0];
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- response = JSON.stringify(meshCoreObj);
- } else {
- response = 'Proper usage: sendosdesc [os description]'; // Display correct command usage
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'args': { // Displays parsed command arguments
- response = 'args ' + objToString(args, 0, ' ', true);
- break;
- }
- case 'print': { // Print a message on the mesh agent console, does nothing when running in the background
- var r = [];
- for (var i in args['_']) { r.push(args['_'][i]); }
- console.log(r.join(' '));
- response = 'Message printed on agent console.';
- break;
- }
- case 'type': { // Returns the content of a file
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = 'Proper usage: type (filepath) [maxlength]'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- var max = 4096;
- if ((args['_'].length > 1) && (typeof args['_'][1] == 'number')) { max = args['_'][1]; }
- if (max > 4096) max = 4096;
- var buf = Buffer.alloc(max), fd = fs.openSync(args['_'][0], "r"), r = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, max); // Read the file content
- response = buf.toString();
- var i = response.indexOf('\n');
- if ((i > 0) && (response[i - 1] != '\r')) { response = response.split('\n').join('\r\n'); }
- if (r == max) response += '...';
- fs.closeSync(fd);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'dbkeys': { // Return all data store keys
- response = JSON.stringify(db.Keys);
- break;
- }
- case 'dbget': { // Return the data store value for a given key
- if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: dbget (key)'; // Display the value for a given database key
- } else {
- response = db.Get(args['_'][0]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'dbset': { // Set a data store key and value pair
- if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
- if (args['_'].length != 2) {
- response = 'Proper usage: dbset (key) (value)'; // Set a database key
- } else {
- var r = db.Put(args['_'][0], args['_'][1]);
- response = 'Key set: ' + r;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'dbcompact': { // Compact the data store
- if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
- var r = db.Compact();
- response = 'Database compacted: ' + r;
- break;
- }
- case 'httpget': {
- if (consoleHttpRequest != null) {
- response = 'HTTP operation already in progress.';
- } else {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Proper usage: httpget (url)';
- } else {
- var options = http.parseUri(args['_'][0]);
- options.method = 'GET';
- if (options == null) {
- response = 'Invalid url.';
- } else {
- try { consoleHttpRequest = http.request(options, consoleHttpResponse); } catch (e) { response = 'Invalid HTTP GET request'; }
- consoleHttpRequest.sessionid = sessionid;
- if (consoleHttpRequest != null) {
- consoleHttpRequest.end();
- response = 'HTTPGET ' + options.protocol + '//' + options.host + ':' + options.port + options.path;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'wslist': { // List all web sockets
- response = '';
- for (var i in consoleWebSockets) {
- var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
- response += 'Websocket #' + i + ', ' + httprequest.url + '\r\n';
- }
- if (response == '') { response = 'no websocket sessions.'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'wsconnect': { // Setup a web socket
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = 'Proper usage: wsconnect (url)\r\nFor example: wsconnect wss://localhost:443/meshrelay.ashx?id=abc'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- var httprequest = null;
- try {
- var options = http.parseUri(args['_'][0].split('$').join('%24').split('@').join('%40')); // Escape the $ and @ characters in the URL
- options.rejectUnauthorized = 0;
- httprequest = http.request(options);
- } catch (e) { response = 'Invalid HTTP websocket request'; }
- if (httprequest != null) {
- httprequest.upgrade = onWebSocketUpgrade;
- httprequest.on('error', function (e) { sendConsoleText("ERROR: Unable to connect to: " + this.url + ", " + JSON.stringify(e)); });
- var index = 1;
- while (consoleWebSockets[index]) { index++; }
- httprequest.sessionid = sessionid;
- httprequest.index = index;
- httprequest.url = args['_'][0];
- consoleWebSockets[index] = httprequest;
- response = 'New websocket session #' + index;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'wssend': { // Send data on a web socket
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = 'Proper usage: wssend (socketnumber)\r\n'; // Display correct command usage
- for (var i in consoleWebSockets) {
- var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
- response += 'Websocket #' + i + ', ' + httprequest.url + '\r\n';
- }
- } else {
- var i = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
- var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
- if (httprequest != undefined) {
- httprequest.s.write(args['_'][1]);
- response = 'ok';
- } else {
- response = 'Invalid web socket number';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'wsclose': { // Close a websocket
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
- response = 'Proper usage: wsclose (socketnumber)'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- var i = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
- var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
- if (httprequest != undefined) {
- if (httprequest.s != null) { httprequest.s.end(); } else { httprequest.end(); }
- response = 'ok';
- } else {
- response = 'Invalid web socket number';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'tunnels': { // Show the list of current tunnels
- response = '';
- for (var i in tunnels) { response += 'Tunnel #' + i + ', ' + tunnels[i].url + '\r\n'; }
- if (response == '') { response = 'No websocket sessions.'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'ls': { // Show list of files and folders
- response = '';
- var xpath = '*';
- if (args['_'].length > 0) { xpath = obj.path.join(args['_'][0], '*'); }
- response = 'List of ' + xpath + '\r\n';
- var results = fs.readdirSync(xpath);
- for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
- var stat = null, p = obj.path.join(args['_'][0], results[i]);
- try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { }
- if ((stat == null) || (stat == undefined)) {
- response += (results[i] + "\r\n");
- } else {
- response += (results[i] + " " + ((stat.isDirectory()) ? "(Folder)" : "(File)") + "\r\n");
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'lsx': { // Show list of files and folders
- response = objToString(getDirectoryInfo(args['_'][0]), 0, ' ', true);
- break;
- }
- case 'lock': { // Lock the current user out of the desktop
- if (process.platform == 'win32') { var child = require('child_process'); child.execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['/c', 'RunDll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation'], { type: 1 }); response = 'Ok'; }
- else { response = 'Not supported on the platform'; }
- break;
- }
- case 'amt': { // Show Intel AMT status
- if (amt != null) {
- amt.getAmtInfo(function (state) {
- var resp = 'Intel AMT not detected.';
- if (state != null) { resp = objToString(state, 0, ' ', true); }
- sendConsoleText(resp, sessionid);
- });
- } else {
- response = 'Intel AMT not detected.';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'netinfo': { // Show network interface information
- var interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces();
- response = objToString(interfaces, 0, ' ', true);
- break;
- }
- case 'wakeonlan': { // Send wake-on-lan
- if ((args['_'].length != 1) || (args['_'][0].length != 12)) {
- response = 'Proper usage: wakeonlan [mac], for example "wakeonlan 010203040506".';
- } else {
- var count = sendWakeOnLan(args['_'][0]);
- response = 'Sent wake-on-lan on ' + count + ' interface(s).';
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'sendall': { // Send a message to all consoles on this mesh
- sendConsoleText(args['_'].join(' '));
- break;
- }
- case 'power': { // Execute a power action on this computer
- if (mesh.ExecPowerState == undefined) {
- response = 'Power command not supported on this agent.';
- } else {
- if ((args['_'].length == 0) || isNaN(Number(args['_'][0]))) {
- response = 'Proper usage: power (actionNumber), where actionNumber is:\r\n LOGOFF = 1\r\n SHUTDOWN = 2\r\n REBOOT = 3\r\n SLEEP = 4\r\n HIBERNATE = 5\r\n DISPLAYON = 6\r\n KEEPAWAKE = 7\r\n BEEP = 8\r\n CTRLALTDEL = 9\r\n VIBRATE = 13\r\n FLASH = 14'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- var r = mesh.ExecPowerState(Number(args['_'][0]), Number(args['_'][1]));
- response = 'Power action executed with return code: ' + r + '.';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'location': {
- getIpLocationData(function (location) {
- sendConsoleText(objToString({ action: 'iplocation', type: 'publicip', value: location }, 0, ' '));
- });
- break;
- }
- case 'parseuri': {
- response = JSON.stringify(http.parseUri(args['_'][0]));
- break;
- }
- case 'scanwifi': {
- if (wifiScanner != null) {
- var wifiPresent = wifiScanner.hasWireless;
- if (wifiPresent) { response = "Perfoming Wifi scan..."; wifiScanner.Scan(); } else { response = "Wifi absent."; }
- } else { response = "Wifi module not present."; }
- break;
- }
- case 'scanamt': {
- if (amtscanner != null) {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = 'Usage examples:\r\n scanamt\r\n scanamt\r\n scanamt\r\n'; // Display correct command usage
- } else {
- response = 'Scanning: ' + args['_'][0] + '...';
- amtscanner.scan(args['_'][0], 2000, function (data) {
- if (data.length > 0) {
- var r = '', pstates = ['NotActivated', 'InActivation', 'Activated'];
- for (var i in data) {
- var x = data[i];
- if (r != '') { r += '\r\n'; }
- r += x.address + ' - Intel AMT v' + x.majorVersion + '.' + x.minorVersion;
- if (x.provisioningState < 3) { r += (', ' + pstates[x.provisioningState]); }
- if (x.provisioningState == 2) { r += (', ' + x.openPorts.join(', ')); }
- r += '.';
- }
- } else {
- r = 'No Intel AMT found.';
- }
- sendConsoleText(r);
- });
- }
- } else { response = "Intel AMT scanner module not present."; }
- break;
- }
- case 'modules': {
- response = JSON.stringify(addedModules);
- break;
- }
- case 'listservices': {
- var services = require('service-manager').manager.enumerateService();
- response = JSON.stringify(services, null, 1);
- break;
- }
- case 'getscript': {
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
- response = "Proper usage: getscript [scriptNumber].";
- } else {
- mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'getScript', type: args['_'][0] });
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'diagnostic':
- {
- if (!mesh.DAIPC.listening) {
- response = 'Unable to bind to Diagnostic IPC, most likely because the path (' + process.cwd() + ') is not on a local file system';
- break;
- }
- var diag = diagnosticAgent_installCheck();
- if (diag) {
- if (args['_'].length == 1 && args['_'][0] == 'uninstall') {
- diagnosticAgent_uninstall();
- response = 'Diagnostic Agent uninstalled';
- }
- else {
- response = 'Diagnostic Agent installed at: ' + diag.appLocation();
- }
- }
- else {
- if (args['_'].length == 1 && args['_'][0] == 'install') {
- diag = diagnosticAgent_installCheck(true);
- if (diag) {
- response = 'Diagnostic agent was installed at: ' + diag.appLocation();
- }
- else {
- response = 'Diagnostic agent installation failed';
- }
- }
- else {
- response = 'Diagnostic Agent Not installed. To install: diagnostic install';
- }
- }
- if (diag) { diag.close(); diag = null; }
- break;
- }
- case 'apf': {
- if (meshCoreObj.intelamt !== null) {
- if (args['_'].length == 1) {
- if (args['_'][0] == 'on') {
- response = "Starting APF tunnel";
- var apfarg = {
- mpsurl: mesh.ServerUrl.replace('agent.ashx', 'apf.ashx'),
- mpsuser: Buffer.from(mesh.ServerInfo.MeshID, 'hex').toString('base64').substring(0, 16),
- mpspass: Buffer.from(mesh.ServerInfo.MeshID, 'hex').toString('base64').substring(0, 16),
- mpskeepalive: 60000,
- clientname: require('os').hostname(),
- clientaddress: '',
- clientuuid: meshCoreObj.intelamt.uuid,
- conntype: 2 // 0 = CIRA, 1 = Relay, 2 = LMS. The correct value is 2 since we are performing an LMS relay, other values for testing.
- };
- if ((apfarg.clientuuid == null) || (apfarg.clientuuid.length != 36)) {
- response = "Unable to get Intel AMT UUID: " + apfarg.clientuuid;
- } else {
- var tobj = { debug: false };
- apftunnel = require('apfclient')(tobj, apfarg);
- try {
- apftunnel.connect();
- response += "...success";
- } catch (e) {
- response += JSON.stringify(e);
- }
- }
- } else if (args['_'][0] == 'off') {
- response = "Stopping APF tunnel";
- try {
- apftunnel.disconnect();
- response += "..success";
- } catch (e) {
- response += JSON.stringify(e);
- }
- apftunnel = null;
- } else {
- response = "Invalid command.\r\nCmd syntax: apf on|off";
- }
- } else {
- response = "APF tunnel is " + (apftunnel == null ? "off" : "on");
- }
- } else {
- response = "APF tunnel requires Intel AMT";
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'plugin': {
- if (typeof args['_'][0] == 'string') {
- try {
- // Pass off the action to the plugin
- // for plugin creators, you'll want to have a plugindir/modules_meshcore/plugin.js
- // to control the output / actions here.
- response = require(args['_'][0]).consoleaction(args, rights, sessionid, mesh);
- } catch (e) {
- response = "There was an error in the plugin (" + e + ")";
- }
- } else {
- response = "Proper usage: plugin [pluginName] [args].";
- }
- break;
- }
- default: { // This is an unknown command, return an error message
- response = "Unknown command \"" + cmd + "\", type \"help\" for list of avaialble commands.";
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { response = "Command returned an exception error: " + e; console.log(e); }
- if (response != null) { sendConsoleText(response, sessionid); }
- }
- // Send a mesh agent console command
- function sendConsoleText(text, sessionid) {
- if (typeof text == 'object') { text = JSON.stringify(text); }
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: text, sessionid: sessionid });
- }
- // Called before the process exits
- //process.exit = function (code) { console.log("Exit with code: " + code.toString()); }
- // Called when the server connection state changes
- function handleServerConnection(state) {
- meshServerConnectionState = state;
- if (meshServerConnectionState == 0) {
- // Server disconnected
- if (selfInfoUpdateTimer != null) { clearInterval(selfInfoUpdateTimer); selfInfoUpdateTimer = null; }
- lastSelfInfo = null;
- } else {
- // Server connected, send mesh core information
- var oldNodeId = db.Get('OldNodeId');
- if (oldNodeId != null) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'mc1migration', oldnodeid: oldNodeId }); }
- // Update the server with basic info, logged in users and more.
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- // Send SMBios tables if present
- if (SMBiosTablesRaw != null) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'smbios', value: SMBiosTablesRaw }); }
- // Update the server on more advanced stuff, like Intel ME and Network Settings
- meInfoStr = null;
- sendPeriodicServerUpdate();
- if (selfInfoUpdateTimer == null) { selfInfoUpdateTimer = setInterval(sendPeriodicServerUpdate, 1200000); } // 20 minutes
- // Send any state messages
- if (Object.keys(tunnelUserCount.msg).length > 0) {
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- // Send update of registered applications to the server
- updateRegisteredAppsToServer();
- }
- // Send server state update to registered applications
- broadcastToRegisteredApps({ cmd: 'serverstate', value: meshServerConnectionState, url: require('MeshAgent').ConnectedServer });
- }
- // Update the server with the latest network interface information
- var sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer = null;
- function sendNetworkUpdateNagle() { if (sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer != null) { clearTimeout(sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer); sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer = null; } sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer = setTimeout(sendNetworkUpdate, 5000); }
- function sendNetworkUpdate(force) {
- sendNetworkUpdateNagleTimer = null;
- // Update the network interfaces information data
- var netInfo = { netif2: require('os').networkInterfaces() };
- if (netInfo.netif2) {
- netInfo.action = 'netinfo';
- var netInfoStr = JSON.stringify(netInfo);
- if ((force == true) || (clearGatewayMac(netInfoStr) != clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo))) { mesh.SendCommand(netInfo); lastNetworkInfo = netInfoStr; }
- }
- }
- // Called periodically to check if we need to send updates to the server
- function sendPeriodicServerUpdate(flags) {
- if (meshServerConnectionState == 0) return; // Not connected to server, do nothing.
- if (!flags) { flags = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
- if ((flags & 1) && (amt != null)) {
- // If we have a connected MEI, get Intel ME information
- amt.getAmtInfo(function (meinfo) {
- try {
- if (meinfo == null) return;
- var intelamt = {};
- if (amt != null)
- {
- switch(amt.lmsstate)
- {
- case 0: intelamt.microlms = 'DISABLED'; break;
- case 1: intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTING'; break;
- case 2: intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTED'; break;
- default: intelamt.microlms = 'unknown'; break;
- }
- }
- var p = false;
- if ((meinfo.Versions != null) && (meinfo.Versions.AMT != null)) { intelamt.ver = meinfo.Versions.AMT; p = true; if (meinfo.Versions.Sku != null) { intelamt.sku = parseInt(meinfo.Versions.Sku); } }
- if (meinfo.ProvisioningState != null) { intelamt.state = meinfo.ProvisioningState; p = true; }
- if (meinfo.Flags != null) { intelamt.flags = meinfo.Flags; p = true; }
- if (meinfo.OsHostname != null) { intelamt.host = meinfo.OsHostname; p = true; }
- if (meinfo.UUID != null) { intelamt.uuid = meinfo.UUID; p = true; }
- if ((meinfo.ProvisioningState == 0) && (meinfo.net0 != null) && (meinfo.net0.enabled == 1)) { // If not activated, look to see if we have wired net working.
- // Not activated and we have wired ethernet, look for the trusted DNS
- var dns = meinfo.DNS;
- if (dns == null) {
- // Trusted DNS not set, let's look for the OS network DNS suffix
- var interfaces = require('os').networkInterfaces();
- for (var i in interfaces) {
- for (var j in interfaces[i]) {
- if ((interfaces[i][j].mac == mestate.net0.mac) && (interfaces[i][j].fqdn != null) && (interfaces[i][j].fqdn != '')) { dns = interfaces[i][j].fqdn; }
- }
- }
- }
- if (intelamt.dns != dns) { intelamt.dns = dns; p = true; }
- } else { if (intelamt.dns != null) { delete intelamt.dns; p = true; } }
- if (p == true) {
- var meInfoStr = JSON.stringify(intelamt);
- if (meInfoStr != lastMeInfo) {
- meshCoreObj.intelamt = intelamt;
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- lastMeInfo = meInfoStr;
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- });
- }
- if (flags & 2) {
- // Update network information
- sendNetworkUpdateNagle(false);
- }
- if ((flags & 4) && (process.platform == 'win32')) {
- // Update anti-virus information
- // Windows Command: "wmic /Namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct get /FORMAT:CSV"
- var av, pr;
- try { av = require('win-info').av(); } catch (e) { av = null; } // Antivirus
- //if (process.platform == 'win32') { try { pr = require('win-info').pendingReboot(); } catch (e) { pr = null; } } // Pending reboot
- if ((meshCoreObj.av == null) || (JSON.stringify(meshCoreObj.av) != JSON.stringify(av))) { meshCoreObj.av = av; mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj); }
- }
- }
- // Starting function
- obj.start = function () {
- // Setup the mesh agent event handlers
- mesh.AddCommandHandler(handleServerCommand);
- mesh.AddConnectHandler(handleServerConnection);
- // Parse input arguments
- //var args = parseArgs(process.argv);
- //console.log(args);
- //resetMicroLms();
- // Setup logged in user monitoring (THIS IS BROKEN IN WIN7)
- try {
- var userSession = require('user-sessions');
- userSession.on('changed', function onUserSessionChanged() {
- userSession.enumerateUsers().then(function (users) {
- var u = [], a = users.Active;
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- var un = a[i].Domain ? (a[i].Domain + '\\' + a[i].Username) : (a[i].Username);
- if (u.indexOf(un) == -1) { u.push(un); } // Only push users in the list once.
- }
- meshCoreObj.users = u;
- mesh.SendCommand(meshCoreObj);
- });
- });
- userSession.emit('changed');
- //userSession.on('locked', function (user) { sendConsoleText('[' + (user.Domain ? user.Domain + '\\' : '') + user.Username + '] has LOCKED the desktop'); });
- //userSession.on('unlocked', function (user) { sendConsoleText('[' + (user.Domain ? user.Domain + '\\' : '') + user.Username + '] has UNLOCKED the desktop'); });
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- obj.stop = function () {
- mesh.AddCommandHandler(null);
- mesh.AddConnectHandler(null);
- }
- function onWebSocketClosed() { sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.httprequest.index + " closed.", this.httprequest.sessionid); delete consoleWebSockets[this.httprequest.index]; }
- function onWebSocketData(data) { sendConsoleText("Got WebSocket #" + this.httprequest.index + " data: " + data, this.httprequest.sessionid); }
- function onWebSocketSendOk() { sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.index + " SendOK.", this.sessionid); }
- function onWebSocketUpgrade(response, s, head) {
- sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.index + " connected.", this.sessionid);
- this.s = s;
- s.httprequest = this;
- s.end = onWebSocketClosed;
- s.data = onWebSocketData;
- }
- return obj;
-// Module startup
-try {
- var xexports = null, mainMeshCore = null;
- try { xexports = module.exports; } catch (e) { }
- if (xexports != null) {
- // If we are running within NodeJS, export the core
- module.exports.createMeshCore = createMeshCore;
- } else {
- // If we are not running in NodeJS, launch the core
- mainMeshCore = createMeshCore();
- mainMeshCore.start(null);
- }
-} catch (e) {
- require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: "uncaughtException2: " + ex });
diff --git a/agents/meshcore.js b/agents/meshcore.js
index 5de1928a..9b8fbb4c 100644
--- a/agents/meshcore.js
+++ b/agents/meshcore.js
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
obj.DAIPC = require('net').createServer();
if (process.platform != 'win32') { try { require('fs').unlinkSync(process.cwd() + '/DAIPC'); } catch (e) { } }
obj.DAIPC.IPCPATH = process.platform == 'win32' ? ('\\\\.\\pipe\\' + require('_agentNodeId')() + '-DAIPC') : (process.cwd() + '/DAIPC');
- try { obj.DAIPC.listen({ path: obj.DAIPC.IPCPATH, writableAll: true }); } catch (e) { }
+ try { obj.DAIPC.listen({ path: obj.DAIPC.IPCPATH, writableAll: true, maxConnections: 5 }); } catch (e) { }
+ obj.DAIPC._daipc = [];
obj.DAIPC.on('connection', function (c) {
c._send = function (j) {
var data = JSON.stringify(j);
@@ -147,17 +148,13 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
Buffer.from(data).copy(packet, 4);
- this._daipc = c;
+ this._daipc.push(c);
c.parent = this;
- c.on('end', function () {
- this.end(); // TODO: Must call end() on self to close the named pipe correctly.
- this.parent._daipc = null;
- if (this._registered != null) { try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'app', value: {} }); } catch (e) { } }
- });
+ c.on('end', function () { removeRegisteredApp(this); });
c.on('data', function (chunk) {
if (chunk.length < 4) { this.unshift(chunk); return; }
var len = chunk.readUInt32LE(0);
- if (len > 8192) { this.parent._daipc = null; this.end(); return; }
+ if (len > 8192) { removeRegisteredApp(this); this.end(); return; }
if (chunk.length < len) { this.unshift(chunk); return; }
var data = chunk.slice(4, len);
@@ -195,18 +192,48 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'descriptors':
- require('ChainViewer').getSnapshot().then(function (f) {
+ require('ChainViewer').getSnapshot().then(function (f)
+ {
this.tag.payload.result = f;
}).parentPromise.tag = { ipc: this, payload: data };
+ case 'sessions':
+ this._send({ cmd: 'sessions', sessions: tunnelUserCount });
+ break;
- catch (e) { this.parent._daipc = null; this.end(); return; }
+ catch (e) { removeRegisteredApp(this); this.end(); return; }
+ // Send current sessions to registered apps
+ function broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps(x) {
+ broadcastToRegisteredApps({ cmd: 'sessions', sessions: tunnelUserCount });
+ }
+ // Send this object to all registered local applications
+ function broadcastToRegisteredApps(x) {
+ if ((obj.DAIPC == null) || (obj.DAIPC._daipc == null)) return;
+ for (var i in obj.DAIPC._daipc) { if (obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered != null) { obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._send(x); } }
+ }
+ // Send list of registered apps to the server
+ function updateRegisteredAppsToServer() {
+ if ((obj.DAIPC == null) || (obj.DAIPC._daipc == null)) return;
+ var apps = {};
+ for (var i in obj.DAIPC._daipc) { if (apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered] == null) { apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered] = 1; } else { apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc[i]._registered]++; } }
+ try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'app', value: apps }); } catch (e) { }
+ }
+ // Remove a registered app
+ function removeRegisteredApp(pipe) {
+ for (var i = obj.DAIPC._daipc.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (obj.DAIPC._daipc[i] === pipe) { obj.DAIPC._daipc.splice(i, 1); } }
+ if (pipe._registered != null) updateRegisteredAppsToServer();
+ }
function diagnosticAgent_uninstall() {
@@ -405,12 +432,16 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
childProcess = require('child_process');
if (mesh.hasKVM == 1) { // if the agent is compiled with KVM support
// Check if this computer supports a desktop
- try {
- if ((process.platform == 'win32') || (process.platform == 'darwin') || (require('monitor-info').kvm_x11_support)) {
+ try
+ {
+ if ((process.platform == 'win32') || (process.platform == 'darwin') || (require('monitor-info').kvm_x11_support))
+ {
meshCoreObj.caps |= 1;
- else if (process.platform == 'linux' || process.platform == 'freebsd') {
- require('monitor-info').on('kvmSupportDetected', function (value) {
+ else if(process.platform == 'linux' || process.platform == 'freebsd')
+ {
+ require('monitor-info').on('kvmSupportDetected', function (value)
+ {
meshCoreObj.caps |= 1;
@@ -473,16 +504,20 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (mesh.isControlChannelConnected) { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'smbios', value: SMBiosTablesRaw }); }
// If SMBios tables say that Intel AMT is present, try to connect MEI
- if (SMBiosTables.amtInfo && (SMBiosTables.amtInfo.AMT == true)) {
+ if (SMBiosTables.amtInfo && (SMBiosTables.amtInfo.AMT == true))
+ {
var amtmodule = require('amt-manage');
amt = new amtmodule(mesh, db, false);
- amt.on('portBinding_LMS', function (map) {
+ amt.on('portBinding_LMS', function (map)
+ {
var j = { action: 'lmsinfo', value: { ports: map.keys() } };
- amt.on('stateChange_LMS', function (v) {
+ amt.on('stateChange_LMS', function (v)
+ {
if (!meshCoreObj.intelamt) { meshCoreObj.intelamt = {}; }
- switch (v) {
+ switch(v)
+ {
case 0:
meshCoreObj.intelamt.microlms = 'DISABLED';
@@ -1189,9 +1224,11 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
s.tunnel = this;
s.descriptorMetadata = "MeshAgent_relayTunnel";
- if (require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout != null) {
+ if (require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout != null)
+ {
s.setTimeout(require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout * 1000);
- s.on('timeout', function () {
+ s.on('timeout', function ()
+ {
this.setTimeout(require('MeshAgent').idleTimeout * 1000);
@@ -1212,6 +1249,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (s.httprequest.userid != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.tcp[s.httprequest.userid]++; }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'tcp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
} if (this.udpport != null) {
// This is a UDP relay connection, get the UDP socket setup. // TODO: ***************
@@ -1228,6 +1266,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (s.httprequest.userid != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.udp[s.httprequest.userid]++; }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'udp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
} else {
// This is a normal connect for KVM/Terminal/Files
@@ -1261,7 +1300,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
// Called when we get data from the server for a TCP relay (We have to skip the first received 'c' and pipe the rest)
function onTcpRelayServerTunnelData(data) {
if (this.first == true) {
- this.first = false;
+ this.first = false;
this.pipe(this.tcprelay, { dataTypeSkip: 1 }); // Pipe Server --> Target (don't pipe text type websocket frames)
@@ -1275,9 +1314,11 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (this.httprequest.tcpport != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.tcp[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'tcp', value: tunnelUserCount.tcp }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
} else if (this.httprequest.udpport != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.udp[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'udp', value: tunnelUserCount.udp }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
@@ -1351,7 +1392,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
// Check if this is a relay connection
if ((data == 'c') || (data == 'cr')) { this.httprequest.state = 1; /*sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " now active", this.httprequest.sessionid);*/ }
- else {
+ else
+ {
// Handle tunnel data
if (this.httprequest.protocol == 0) { // 1 = Terminal (admin), 2 = Desktop, 5 = Files, 6 = PowerShell (admin), 7 = Plugin Data Exchange, 8 = Terminal (user), 9 = PowerShell (user), 10 = FileTransfer
// Take a look at the protocol
@@ -1376,7 +1418,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.write(JSON.stringify({ op: 'cancel' }));
- else if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 9)) {
+ else if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 9))
+ {
// Remote Terminal
@@ -1392,8 +1435,10 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.descriptorMetadata = "Remote Terminal";
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- if (!require('win-terminal').PowerShellCapable() && (this.httprequest.protocol == 6 || this.httprequest.protocol == 9)) {
+ if (process.platform == 'win32')
+ {
+ if (!require('win-terminal').PowerShellCapable() && (this.httprequest.protocol == 6 || this.httprequest.protocol == 9))
+ {
this.httprequest.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: 'PowerShell is not supported on this version of windows', msgid: 1 }));
@@ -1405,23 +1450,28 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.httprequest.tpromise.that = this;
this.httprequest.tpromise.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.end = function () {
+ this.end = function ()
+ {
if (this.httprequest.tpromise._consent) { this.httprequest.tpromise._consent.close(); }
if (this.httprequest.connectionPromise) { this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Closed'); }
// Remove the terminal session to the count to update the server
- if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
+ if (this.httprequest.userid != null)
+ {
if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'terminal', value: tunnelUserCount.terminal }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
+ if (process.platform == 'win32')
+ {
// Unpipe the web socket
if (this.httprequest._term) { this.httprequest._term.unpipe(this); }
// Unpipe the WebRTC channel if needed (This will also be done when the WebRTC channel ends).
- if (this.rtcchannel) {
+ if (this.rtcchannel)
+ {
if (this.httprequest._term) { this.httprequest._term.unpipe(this.rtcchannel); }
@@ -1433,7 +1483,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
// Perform User-Consent if needed.
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 16)) {
+ if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 16))
+ {
this.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: "Waiting for user to grant access...", msgid: 1 }));
var consentMessage = this.httprequest.username + " requesting remote terminal access. Grant access?", consentTitle = 'MeshCentral';
if (this.httprequest.soptions != null) {
@@ -1443,85 +1494,106 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.httprequest.tpromise._consent = require('message-box').create(consentTitle, consentMessage, 30);
this.httprequest.tpromise._consent.retPromise = this.httprequest.tpromise;
- function () {
+ function ()
+ {
// Success
MeshServerLogEx(27, null, "Local user accepted remote terminal request (" + this.retPromise.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.retPromise.that.httprequest);
this.retPromise.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: null, msgid: 0 }));
this.retPromise._consent = null;
- function (e) {
+ function (e)
+ {
// Denied
MeshServerLogEx(28, null, "Local user rejected remote terminal request (" + this.retPromise.that.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.retPromise.that.httprequest);
this.retPromise.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- else {
+ else
+ {
// User-Consent is not required, so just resolve this promise
- function () {
+ function ()
+ {
this.httprequest.connectionPromise = new prom(function (res, rej) { this._res = res; this._rej = rej; });
this.httprequest.connectionPromise.ws = this.that;
// Start Terminal
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
- try {
+ if(process.platform == 'win32')
+ {
+ try
+ {
var cols = 80, rows = 25;
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions) {
+ if (this.httprequest.xoptions)
+ {
if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { rows = this.httprequest.xoptions.rows; }
if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { cols = this.httprequest.xoptions.cols; }
- if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6)) {
+ if ((this.httprequest.protocol == 1) || (this.httprequest.protocol == 6))
+ {
// Admin Terminal
- if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported) {
+ if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported)
+ {
// ConPTY PseudoTerminal
// this.httprequest._term = require('win-virtual-terminal')[this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'](80, 25);
// The above line is commented out, because there is a bug with ClosePseudoConsole() API, so this is the workaround
this.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ modules: [{ name: 'win-virtual-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-virtual-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-virtual-terminal', method: (this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
this.httprequest._dispatcher.httprequest = this.httprequest;
- this.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c) {
- if (this.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed) {
+ this.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c)
+ {
+ if (this.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed)
+ {
- else {
+ else
+ {
- else {
+ else
+ {
// Legacy Terminal
this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(require('win-terminal')[this.httprequest.protocol == 6 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'](cols, rows));
- else {
+ else
+ {
// Logged in user
var userPromise = require('user-sessions').enumerateUsers();
userPromise.that = this;
- userPromise.then(function (u) {
+ userPromise.then(function (u)
+ {
var that = this.that;
- if (u.Active.length > 0) {
+ if (u.Active.length > 0)
+ {
var username = u.Active[0].Username;
- if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported) {
+ if (require('win-virtual-terminal').supported)
+ {
// ConPTY PseudoTerminal
that.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ user: username, modules: [{ name: 'win-virtual-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-virtual-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-virtual-terminal', method: (that.httprequest.protocol == 9 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
- else {
+ else
+ {
// Legacy Terminal
that.httprequest._dispatcher = require('win-dispatcher').dispatch({ user: username, modules: [{ name: 'win-terminal', script: getJSModule('win-terminal') }], launch: { module: 'win-terminal', method: (that.httprequest.protocol == 9 ? 'StartPowerShell' : 'Start'), args: [cols, rows] } });
that.httprequest._dispatcher.ws = that;
- that.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c) {
- if (this.ws.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed) {
+ that.httprequest._dispatcher.on('connection', function (c)
+ {
+ if (this.ws.httprequest.connectionPromise.completed)
+ {
- else {
+ else
+ {
@@ -1529,58 +1601,70 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
- catch (e) {
+ catch (e)
+ {
this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, ' + e.toString());
- else {
- try {
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
var bash = fs.existsSync('/bin/bash') ? '/bin/bash' : false;
var sh = fs.existsSync('/bin/sh') ? '/bin/sh' : false;
var login = process.platform == 'linux' ? '/bin/login' : '/usr/bin/login';
var env = { HISTCONTROL: 'ignoreboth' };
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions) {
+ if (this.httprequest.xoptions)
+ {
if (this.httprequest.xoptions.rows) { env.LINES = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.rows); }
if (this.httprequest.xoptions.cols) { env.COLUMNS = ('' + this.httprequest.xoptions.cols); }
var options = { type: childProcess.SpawnTypes.TERM, uid: (this.httprequest.protocol == 8) ? require('user-sessions').consoleUid() : null, env: env };
- if (this.httprequest.xoptions && this.httprequest.xoptions.requireLogin) {
+ if (this.httprequest.xoptions && this.httprequest.xoptions.requireLogin)
+ {
if (!require('fs').existsSync(login)) { throw ('Unable to spawn login process'); }
this.httprequest.connectionPromise._res(childProcess.execFile(login, ['login'], options)); // Start login shell
- else if (bash) {
+ else if (bash)
+ {
var p = childProcess.execFile(bash, ['bash'], options); // Start bash
// Spaces at the beginning of lines are needed to hide commands from the command history
if (process.platform == 'linux') { p.stdin.write(' alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\';clear\n'); }
- else if (sh) {
+ else if (sh)
+ {
var p = childProcess.execFile(sh, ['sh'], options); // Start sh
// Spaces at the beginning of lines are needed to hide commands from the command history
if (process.platform == 'linux') { p.stdin.write(' alias ls=\'ls --color=auto\';clear\n'); }
- else {
+ else
+ {
this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, no shell found');
- catch (e) {
+ catch (e)
+ {
this.httprequest.connectionPromise._rej('Failed to start remote terminal session, ' + e.toString());
- function (term) {
+ function (term)
+ {
var stdoutstream;
var stdinstream;
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
+ if (process.platform == 'win32')
+ {
this.ws.httprequest._term = term;
this.ws.httprequest._term.tunnel = this.ws;
stdoutstream = stdinstream = term;
- else {
+ else
+ {
term.descriptorMetadata = 'Remote Terminal';
this.ws.httprequest.process = term;
this.ws.httprequest.process.tunnel = this.ws;
@@ -1599,13 +1683,16 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.ws.pipe(stdinstream, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false }); // 0 = Binary, 1 = Text.
// Add the terminal session to the count to update the server
- if (this.ws.httprequest.userid != null) {
+ if (this.ws.httprequest.userid != null)
+ {
if (tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.terminal[this.ws.httprequest.userid]++; }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'terminal', value: tunnelUserCount.terminal }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
// Toast Notification, if required
- if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 2)) {
+ if (this.ws.httprequest.consent && (this.ws.httprequest.consent & 2))
+ {
// User Notifications is required
var notifyMessage = this.ws.httprequest.username + " started a remote terminal session.", notifyTitle = "MeshCentral";
if (this.ws.httprequest.soptions != null) {
@@ -1615,19 +1702,22 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
try { require('toaster').Toast(notifyTitle, notifyMessage); } catch (e) { }
- function (e) {
+ function (e)
+ {
// FAILED to connect terminal
this.ws.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- function (e) {
+ function (e)
+ {
// DO NOT start terminal
this.that.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: e.toString(), msgid: 2 }));
- });
+ });
- else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2) {
+ else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2)
+ {
// Remote KVM
@@ -1662,7 +1752,9 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels != null) {
for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { var userid = this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].httprequest.userid; if (users[userid] == null) { users[userid] = 1; } else { users[userid]++; } } catch (e) { } }
for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'metadata', users: users })); } catch (e) { } }
+ tunnelUserCount.desktop = users;
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'kvm', value: users }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
this.end = function () {
@@ -1677,23 +1769,28 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels != null) {
for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { var userid = this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].httprequest.userid; if (users[userid] == null) { users[userid] = 1; } else { users[userid]++; } } catch (e) { } }
for (var i in this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels) { try { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnels[i].write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'metadata', users: users })); } catch (e) { } }
+ tunnelUserCount.desktop = users;
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'kvm', value: users }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
// Unpipe the web socket
- try {
+ try
+ {
- catch (e) { }
+ catch(e) { }
// Unpipe the WebRTC channel if needed (This will also be done when the WebRTC channel ends).
- if (this.rtcchannel) {
- try {
+ if (this.rtcchannel)
+ {
+ try
+ {
- catch (e) { }
+ catch(e) { }
// Place wallpaper back if needed
@@ -1752,7 +1849,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
// Perform notification if needed. Toast messages may not be supported on all platforms.
- if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 8)) {
+ if (this.httprequest.consent && (this.httprequest.consent & 8))
+ {
// User Consent Prompt is required
// Send a console message back using the console channel, "\n" is supported.
this.write(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'console', msg: "Waiting for user to grant access...", msgid: 1 }));
@@ -1765,9 +1863,10 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
pr.ws = this;
this._consentpromise = pr;
- this.prependOnceListener('end', function () { if (this._consentpromise && this._consentpromise.close) { this._consentpromise.close(); } });
+ this.prependOnceListener('end', function () { if (this._consentpromise && this._consentpromise.close) { this._consentpromise.close(); }});
- function () {
+ function ()
+ {
// Success
this.ws._consentpromise = null;
MeshServerLogEx(30, null, "Starting remote desktop after local user accepted (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
@@ -1810,7 +1909,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.ws.httprequest.desktop.kvm.pipe(this.ws, { dataTypeSkip: 1 });
- function (e) {
+ function (e)
+ {
// User Consent Denied/Failed
this.ws._consentpromise = null;
MeshServerLogEx(34, null, "Failed to start remote desktop after local user rejected (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
@@ -1881,6 +1981,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] == null) { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] = 1; } else { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]++; }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'files', value: tunnelUserCount.files }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
this.end = function () {
@@ -1888,6 +1989,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
if (this.httprequest.userid != null) {
if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] != null) { tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]--; if (tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid] <= 0) { delete tunnelUserCount.files[this.httprequest.userid]; } }
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'files', value: tunnelUserCount.files }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
@@ -1907,7 +2009,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this._consentpromise = pr;
this.prependOnceListener('end', function () { if (this._consentpromise && this._consentpromise.close) { this._consentpromise.close(); } });
- function () {
+ function ()
+ {
// Success
this.ws._consentpromise = null;
MeshServerLogEx(40, null, "Starting remote files after local user accepted (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
@@ -1923,7 +2026,8 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
- function (e) {
+ function (e)
+ {
// User Consent Denied/Failed
this.ws._consentpromise = null;
MeshServerLogEx(41, null, "Failed to start remote files after local user rejected (" + this.ws.httprequest.remoteaddr + ")", this.ws.httprequest);
@@ -2289,11 +2393,13 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'termsize': {
// Indicates a change in terminal size
- if (process.platform == 'win32') {
+ if (process.platform == 'win32')
+ {
if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher == null) return;
//sendConsoleText('Win32-TermSize: ' + obj.cols + 'x' + obj.rows);
if (ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke) { ws.httprequest._dispatcher.invoke('resizeTerminal', [obj.cols, obj.rows]); }
- } else {
+ } else
+ {
if (ws.httprequest.process == null || ws.httprequest.process.pty == 0) return;
//sendConsoleText('Linux Resize: ' + obj.cols + 'x' + obj.rows);
@@ -2374,8 +2480,10 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
this.websocket.rtcchannel.on('end', function () {
// The WebRTC channel closed, unpipe the KVM now. This is also done when the web socket closes.
//sendConsoleText('Tunnel #' + this.websocket.tunnel.index + ' WebRTC data channel closed');
- if (this.websocket.desktop && this.websocket.desktop.kvm) {
- try {
+ if (this.websocket.desktop && this.websocket.desktop.kvm)
+ {
+ try
+ {
@@ -2452,7 +2560,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'help': { // Displays available commands
var fin = '', f = '', availcommands = 'coredump,service,fdsnapshot,fdcount,startupoptions,alert,agentsize,versions,help,info,osinfo,args,print,type,dbkeys,dbget,dbset,dbcompact,eval,parseuri,httpget,nwslist,plugin,wsconnect,wssend,wsclose,notify,ls,ps,kill,amt,netinfo,location,power,wakeonlan,setdebug,smbios,rawsmbios,toast,lock,users,sendcaps,openurl,amtreset,amtccm,amtacm,amtdeactivate,amtpolicy,getscript,getclip,setclip,log,av,cpuinfo,sysinfo,apf,scanwifi,scanamt,wallpaper,agentmsg';
if (process.platform == 'win32') { availcommands += ',safemode,wpfhwacceleration,uac'; }
- if (process.platform != 'freebsd') { availcommands += ',vm'; }
+ if (process.platform != 'freebsd') { availcommands += ',vm';}
if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize != null) { availcommands += ',kvmmode'; }
try { require('zip-reader'); availcommands += ',zip,unzip'; } catch (e) { }
@@ -2484,19 +2592,22 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
response = JSON.stringify(tunnelUserCount.msg, null, 2);
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (x) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
case 'clearagentmsg': {
tunnelUserCount.msg = {};
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (x) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
case 'coredump':
if (args['_'].length != 1) {
response = "Proper usage: coredump on|off|status|clear"; // Display usage
} else {
- switch (args['_'][0].toLowerCase()) {
+ switch (args['_'][0].toLowerCase())
+ {
case 'on':
process.coreDumpLocation = (process.platform == 'win32') ? (process.execPath.replace('.exe', '.dmp')) : (process.execPath + '.dmp');
response = 'coredump is now on';
@@ -2526,20 +2637,25 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'service':
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
+ if (args['_'].length != 1)
+ {
response = "Proper usage: service status|restart"; // Display usage
- else {
+ else
+ {
var s = require('service-manager').manager.getService(process.platform == 'win32' ? 'Mesh Agent' : 'meshagent');
- switch (args['_'][0].toLowerCase()) {
+ switch(args['_'][0].toLowerCase())
+ {
case 'status':
response = 'Service ' + (s.isRunning() ? (s.isMe() ? '[SELF]' : '[RUNNING]') : ('[NOT RUNNING]'));
case 'restart':
- if (s.isMe()) {
+ if (s.isMe())
+ {
- else {
+ else
+ {
response = 'Restarting another agent instance is not allowed';
@@ -2596,41 +2712,51 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'fdcount':
- function (c) {
+ function (c)
+ {
sendConsoleText('Descriptor Count: ' + c, this.sessionid);
- }, function (e) {
+ }, function (e)
+ {
sendConsoleText('Error fetching descriptor count: ' + e, this.sessionid);
}).parentPromise.sessionid = sessionid;
case 'uac':
- if (process.platform != 'win32') {
+ if (process.platform != 'win32')
+ {
response = 'Unknown command "uac", type "help" for list of avaialble commands.';
- if (args['_'].length != 1) {
+ if (args['_'].length != 1)
+ {
response = 'Proper usage: uac [get|interactive|secure]';
- else {
- switch (args['_'][0].toUpperCase()) {
+ else
+ {
+ switch(args['_'][0].toUpperCase())
+ {
case 'GET':
var secd = require('win-registry').QueryKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop');
response = "UAC mode: " + (secd == 0 ? "Interactive Desktop" : "Secure Desktop");
- try {
+ try
+ {
require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop', 0);
response = 'UAC mode changed to: Interactive Desktop';
- catch (e) {
+ catch (e)
+ {
response = "Unable to change UAC Mode";
case 'SECURE':
- try {
+ try
+ {
require('win-registry').WriteKey(require('win-registry').HKEY.LocalMachine, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System', 'PromptOnSecureDesktop', 1);
response = 'UAC mode changed to: Secure Desktop';
- catch (e) {
+ catch(e)
+ {
response = "Unable to change UAC Mode";
@@ -2640,37 +2766,45 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
- case 'vm':
- response = 'Virtual Machine = ' + require('identifiers').isVM();
- break;
+ case 'vm':
+ response = 'Virtual Machine = ' + require('identifiers').isVM();
+ break;
case 'startupoptions':
response = JSON.stringify(require('MeshAgent').getStartupOptions());
case 'kvmmode':
- if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == null) {
+ if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == null)
+ {
response = "Unknown command \"kvmmode\", type \"help\" for list of avaialble commands.";
- else {
- if (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == 0) {
+ else
+ {
+ if(require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize == 0)
+ {
response = 'KVM Mode: Full JUMBO';
- else {
+ else
+ {
response = 'KVM Mode: ' + (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize <= 65500 ? 'NO JUMBO' : 'Partial JUMBO');
- response += (', TileLimit: ' + (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize < 1024 ? (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize + ' bytes') : (Math.round(require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize / 1024) + ' Kbytes')));
+ response += (', TileLimit: ' + (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize < 1024 ? (require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize + ' bytes') : (Math.round(require('MeshAgent').maxKvmTileSize/1024) + ' Kbytes')));
case 'alert':
- if (args['_'].length == 0) {
+ if (args['_'].length == 0)
+ {
response = "Proper usage: alert TITLE, CAPTION [, TIMEOUT]"; // Display usage
- else {
+ else
+ {
var p = args['_'].join(' ').split(',');
- if (p.length < 2) {
+ if(p.length<2)
+ {
response = "Proper usage: alert TITLE, CAPTION [, TIMEOUT]"; // Display usage
- else {
- this._alert = require('message-box').create(p[0], p[1], p.length == 3 ? parseInt(p[2]) : 9999, 1);
+ else
+ {
+ this._alert = require('message-box').create(p[0], p[1], p.length==3?parseInt(p[2]):9999,1);
@@ -3043,7 +3177,7 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
case 'info': { // Return information about the agent and agent core module
- response = 'Current Core: ' + meshCoreObj.value + '\r\nAgent Time: ' + Date() + '.\r\nUser Rights: 0x' + rights.toString(16) + '.\r\nPlatform: ' + process.platform + '.\r\nCapabilities: ' + meshCoreObj.caps + '.\r\nServer URL: ' + mesh.ServerUrl + '.';
+ response = 'Current Core: ' + meshCoreObj.value + '\r\nAgent Time: ' + Date() + '.\r\nUser Rights: 0x' + rights.toString(16) + '.\r\nPlatform: ' + process.platform + '.\r\nCapabilities: ' + meshCoreObj.caps + '.\r\nServer URL: ' + mesh.ServerUrl + '.';
if (amt != null) { response += '\r\nBuilt-in LMS: ' + ['Disabled', 'Connecting..', 'Connected'][amt.lmsstate] + '.'; }
if (meshCoreObj.osdesc) { response += '\r\nOS: ' + meshCoreObj.osdesc + '.'; }
response += '\r\nModules: ' + addedModules.join(', ') + '.';
@@ -3507,18 +3641,15 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
// Send any state messages
if (Object.keys(tunnelUserCount.msg).length > 0) {
try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'msg', value: tunnelUserCount.msg }); } catch (e) { }
+ broadcastSessionsToRegisteredApps();
+ // Send update of registered applications to the server
+ updateRegisteredAppsToServer();
- // Send update to the registered application
- if ((obj.DAIPC._daipc != null) && (obj.DAIPC._daipc._registered != null)) {
- if (state == 1) {
- var apps = {};
- apps[obj.DAIPC._daipc._registered] = 1;
- try { mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'sessions', type: 'app', value: apps }); } catch (e) { }
- }
- obj.DAIPC._daipc._send({ cmd: 'serverstate', value: meshServerConnectionState, url: require('MeshAgent').ConnectedServer });
- }
+ // Send server state update to registered applications
+ broadcastToRegisteredApps({ cmd: 'serverstate', value: meshServerConnectionState, url: require('MeshAgent').ConnectedServer });
// Update the server with the latest network interface information
@@ -3547,8 +3678,10 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
try {
if (meinfo == null) return;
var intelamt = {};
- if (amt != null) {
- switch (amt.lmsstate) {
+ if (amt != null)
+ {
+ switch(amt.lmsstate)
+ {
case 0: intelamt.microlms = 'DISABLED'; break;
case 1: intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTING'; break;
case 2: intelamt.microlms = 'CONNECTED'; break;