mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Module dependency cleanup.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1606,23 +1606,16 @@ function InstallModules(modules, func) {
// Check if a module is present and install it if missing
var InstallModuleChildProcess = null;
function InstallModule(modulename, func, tag1, tag2) {
try {
var module = require(modulename);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Installing ' + modulename + '...');
var child_process = require('child_process');
// Looks like we need to keep a global reference to the child process object for this to work correctly.
InstallModuleChildProcess = child_process.exec('npm install ' + modulename + ' --no-optional --save', { maxBuffer: 512000, timeout: 10000 }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
InstallModuleChildProcess = null;
if (error != null) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to install missing package \'' + modulename + '\', make sure npm is installed: ' + error); process.exit(); return; }
func(tag1, tag2);
console.log('Installing ' + modulename + '...');
var child_process = require('child_process');
// Looks like we need to keep a global reference to the child process object for this to work correctly.
InstallModuleChildProcess = child_process.exec('npm install ' + modulename + ' --no-optional --save', { maxBuffer: 512000, timeout: 10000 }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
InstallModuleChildProcess = null;
if (error != null) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to install missing package \'' + modulename + '\', make sure npm is installed: ' + error); process.exit(); return; }
func(tag1, tag2);
func(tag1, tag2);
// Detect CTRL-C on Linux and stop nicely
@ -1640,10 +1633,12 @@ function mainStart(args) {
var config = getConfig(false);
if (config == null) { process.exit(); }
// Check is Windows SSPI will be used
// Check is Windows SSPI and YubiKey OTP will be used
var sspi = false;
var allsspi = true;
if (require('os').platform() == 'win32') { for (var i in config.domains) { if (config.domains[i].auth == 'sspi') { sspi = true; } else { allsspi = false; } } }
var yubikey = false;
if (require('os').platform() == 'win32') { for (var i in config.domains) { if (config.domains[i].auth == 'sspi') { sspi = true; } else { allsspi = false; } } } else { allsspi = false; }
for (var i in config.domains) { if (config.domains[i].yubikey != null) { yubikey = true; } }
// Build the list of required modules
var modules = ['ws', 'nedb', 'https', 'yauzl', 'xmldom', 'express', 'archiver', 'multiparty', 'node-forge', 'express-ws', 'compression', 'body-parser', 'connect-redis', 'express-handlebars'];
@ -1651,6 +1646,7 @@ function mainStart(args) {
if (config.letsencrypt != null) { modules.push('greenlock'); modules.push('le-store-certbot'); modules.push('le-challenge-fs'); modules.push('le-acme-core'); } // Add Greenlock Modules
if (config.settings.mongodb != null) { modules.push('mongojs'); } // Add MongoDB
if (config.smtp != null) { modules.push('nodemailer'); } // Add SMTP support
if (yubikey == true) { modules.push('yubikeyotp'); } // Add YubiKey OTP support
// Get the current node version
var nodeVersion = Number(process.version.match(/^v(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]);
@ -1658,9 +1654,9 @@ function mainStart(args) {
// If running NodeJS < 8, install "util.promisify"
if (nodeVersion < 8) { modules.push('util.promisify'); }
// if running NodeJS 8 or higher, we can install WebAuthn/FIDO2 support
if ((nodeVersion >= 8) && (allsspi == false)) { modules.push('@davedoesdev/fido2-lib'); }
// if not all SSPI, WebAuthn/FIDO2 or U2F support depending on the NodeJS version. FIDO2 does not work below NodeJS 8.x
if (allsspi == false) { modules.push('otplib'); if (nodeVersion >= 8) { modules.push('@davedoesdev/fido2-lib'); } else { modules.push('authdog'); } }
// Install any missing modules and launch the server
InstallModules(modules, function () { meshserver = CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args); meshserver.Start(); });
@ -1670,4 +1666,4 @@ if (require.main === module) {
mainStart(require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2))); // Called directly, launch normally.
} else {
module.exports.mainStart = mainStart; // Required as a module, useful for winservice.js
@ -1773,7 +1773,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if (twoStepLoginSupported) {
// Request a one time password to be setup
const otplib = require('otplib');
var otplib = null;
try { otplib = require('otplib'); } catch (ex) { }
if (otplib == null) { break; }
const secret = otplib.authenticator.generateSecret(); // TODO: Check the random source of this value.
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otpauth-request', secret: secret, url: otplib.authenticator.keyuri(user.name, parent.certificates.CommonName, secret) }));
@ -1785,7 +1787,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if (twoStepLoginSupported) {
// Perform the one time password setup
const otplib = require('otplib');
var otplib = null;
try { otplib = require('otplib'); } catch (ex) { }
if (otplib == null) { break; }
otplib.authenticator.options = { window: 2 }; // Set +/- 1 minute window
if (otplib.authenticator.check(command.token, command.secret) === true) {
// Token is valid, activate 2-step login on this account.
@ -1853,8 +1857,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'otp-hkey-get':
// Check is 2-step login is supported
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if (twoStepLoginSupported == false) break;
@ -1887,10 +1889,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add':
// Yubico API id and signature key can be requested from https://upgrade.yubico.com/getapikey/
var yubikeyotp = null;
try { yubikeyotp = require('yubikeyotp'); } catch (ex) { }
// Check is 2-step login is supported
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if ((twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (typeof command.otp != 'string')) {
if ((yubikeyotp == null) || (twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (typeof command.otp != 'string')) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add', result: false, name: command.name }));
@ -1904,7 +1908,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// TODO: Check if command.otp is modhex encoded, reject if not.
// Query the YubiKey server to validate the OTP
var yubikeyotp = require('yubikeyotp');
var request = { otp: command.otp, id: domain.yubikey.id, key: domain.yubikey.secret, timestamp: true }
if (domain.yubikey.proxy) { request.requestParams = { proxy: domain.yubikey.proxy }; }
yubikeyotp.verifyOTP(request, function (err, results) {
@ -1934,16 +1937,19 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'otp-hkey-setup-request':
var authdoglib = null;
try { authdoglib = require('authdog'); } catch (ex) { }
// Check is 2-step login is supported
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if (twoStepLoginSupported == false) break;
if ((authdoglib == null) || (twoStepLoginSupported == false)) break;
// Build list of known keys
var knownKeys = [];
if (user.otphkeys != null) { for (var i = 0; i < user.otphkeys.length; i++) { if (user.otphkeys[i].type == 1) { knownKeys.push(user.otphkeys[i]); } } }
// Build a key registration request and send it over
require('authdog').startRegistration('https://' + parent.parent.certificates.CommonName, knownKeys, { requestId: 556, timeoutSeconds: 100 }).then(function (registrationRequest) {
authdoglib.startRegistration('https://' + parent.parent.certificates.CommonName, knownKeys, { requestId: 556, timeoutSeconds: 100 }).then(function (registrationRequest) {
// Save registration request to session for later use
obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest = registrationRequest;
@ -1957,12 +1963,15 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'otp-hkey-setup-response':
var authdoglib = null;
try { authdoglib = require('authdog'); } catch (ex) { }
// Check is 2-step login is supported
const twoStepLoginSupported = ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (parent.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (args.lanonly !== true) && (args.nousers !== true));
if ((twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (command.response == null) || (command.name == null) || (obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest == null)) break;
if ((authdoglib == null) || (twoStepLoginSupported == false) || (command.response == null) || (command.name == null) || (obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest == null)) break;
// Check the key registration request
require('authdog').finishRegistration(obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest, command.response).then(function (registrationStatus) {
authdoglib.finishRegistration(obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest, command.response).then(function (registrationStatus) {
var keyIndex = parent.crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0);
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'otp-hkey-setup-response', result: true, name: command.name, index: keyIndex }));
if (user.otphkeys == null) { user.otphkeys = []; }
package - Copy.json
Normal file
package - Copy.json
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.3.0-x",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
"Active Management",
"Remote Desktop"
"homepage": "http://meshcommander.com",
"description": "Web based remote computer management and file server",
"author": "Ylian Saint-Hilaire <ysainthilaire@hotmail.com>",
"main": "meshcentral.js",
"bin": {
"meshcentral": "./bin/meshcentral"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"files": [
"dependencies": {
"archiver": "^3.0.0",
"authdog": "^0.1.1",
"body-parser": "^1.18.2",
"compression": "^1.7.3",
"connect-redis": "^3.4.0",
"cookie-session": "^2.0.0-beta.3",
"express": "^4.16.4",
"express-handlebars": "^3.0.0",
"express-ws": "^4.0.0",
"ipcheck": "^0.1.0",
"meshcentral": "*",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"mongojs": "^2.6.0",
"multiparty": "^4.2.1",
"nedb": "^1.8.0",
"node-forge": "^0.7.6",
"otplib": "^10.0.1",
"ws": "^6.1.2",
"xmldom": "^0.1.27",
"yauzl": "^2.10.0",
"yubikeyotp": "^0.2.0"
"devDependencies": {},
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/Ylianst/MeshCentral.git"
"readme": "readme.txt"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.3.0-u",
"version": "0.3.0-y",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"dependencies": {
"archiver": "^3.0.0",
"authdog": "^0.1.1",
"body-parser": "^1.18.2",
"compression": "^1.7.3",
"connect-redis": "^3.4.0",
@ -41,11 +40,9 @@
"multiparty": "^4.2.1",
"nedb": "^1.8.0",
"node-forge": "^0.7.6",
"otplib": "^10.0.1",
"ws": "^6.1.2",
"xmldom": "^0.1.27",
"yauzl": "^2.10.0",
"yubikeyotp": "^0.2.0"
"yauzl": "^2.10.0"
"devDependencies": {},
"repository": {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
npm install archiver authdog body-parser compression connect-redis cookie-session express express-handlebars express-ws ipcheck minimist mongojs multiparty nedb node-forge otplib ws xmldom yauzl yubikeyotp
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -287,7 +287,34 @@
if ('{{loginmode}}' == '4') {
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && (hardwareKeyChallenge.type == 'webAuthn')) {
hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge = Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge), c => c.charCodeAt(0)).buffer;
const publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions = { challenge: hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, allowCredentials: [], timeout: hardwareKeyChallenge.timeout }
for (var i = 0; i < hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds.length; i++) {
{ id: Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds[i]), c => c.charCodeAt(0)), type: 'public-key', transports: ['usb', 'ble', 'nfc'], }
// New WebAuthn hardware keys
navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions }).then(
function (rawAssertion) {
var assertion = {
id: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.rawId))),
clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON))),
userHandle: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.userHandle))),
signature: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.signature))),
authenticatorData: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData))),
Q('hwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(assertion);
QE('tokenOkButton', true);
function (error) { console.log('credentials-get error', error); }
} else if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
// Old U2F hardware keys
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if ((currentpanel == 4) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('hwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
@ -300,7 +327,34 @@
if ('{{loginmode}}' == '5') {
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && (hardwareKeyChallenge.type == 'webAuthn')) {
hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge = Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge), c => c.charCodeAt(0)).buffer;
const publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions = { challenge: hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, allowCredentials: [], timeout: hardwareKeyChallenge.timeout }
for (var i = 0; i < hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds.length; i++) {
{ id: Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds[i]), c => c.charCodeAt(0)), type: 'public-key', transports: ['usb', 'ble', 'nfc'], }
// New WebAuthn hardware keys
navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions }).then(
function (rawAssertion) {
var assertion = {
id: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.rawId))),
clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON))),
userHandle: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.userHandle))),
signature: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.signature))),
authenticatorData: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData))),
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(assertion);
QE('resetTokenOkButton', true);
function (error) { console.log('credentials-get error', error); }
} else if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
// Old U2F hardware keys
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if ((currentpanel == 5) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
@ -386,11 +386,11 @@
navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions }).then(
function (rawAssertion) {
var assertion = {
id: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.rawId))), //base64encode(rawAssertion.rawId),
clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON))), //arrayBufferToString(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON),
userHandle: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.userHandle))), //base64encode(rawAssertion.response.userHandle),
signature: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.signature))), //base64encode(rawAssertion.response.signature),
authenticatorData: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData))), //base64encode(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData)
id: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.rawId))),
clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON))),
userHandle: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.userHandle))),
signature: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.signature))),
authenticatorData: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData))),
Q('hwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(assertion);
QE('tokenOkButton', true);
@ -412,7 +412,34 @@
if ('{{loginmode}}' == '5') {
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && (hardwareKeyChallenge.type == 'webAuthn')) {
hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge = Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge), c => c.charCodeAt(0)).buffer;
const publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions = { challenge: hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, allowCredentials: [], timeout: hardwareKeyChallenge.timeout }
for (var i = 0; i < hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds.length; i++) {
{ id: Uint8Array.from(atob(hardwareKeyChallenge.keyIds[i]), c => c.charCodeAt(0)), type: 'public-key', transports: ['usb', 'ble', 'nfc'], }
// New WebAuthn hardware keys
navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions }).then(
function (rawAssertion) {
var assertion = {
id: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.rawId))),
clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.clientDataJSON))),
userHandle: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.userHandle))),
signature: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.signature))),
authenticatorData: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAssertion.response.authenticatorData))),
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(assertion);
QE('resetTokenOkButton', true);
function (error) { console.log('credentials-get error', error); }
} else if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
// Old U2F hardware keys
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if ((currentpanel == 5) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
const constants = (obj.crypto.constants ? obj.crypto.constants : require('constants')); // require('constants') is deprecated in Node 11.10, use require('crypto').constants instead.
// Setup WebAuthn / FIDO2
try { const { Fido2Lib } = require("@davedoesdev/fido2-lib"); obj.f2l = new Fido2Lib({ attestation: "none" }); } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); }
try { const { Fido2Lib } = require("@davedoesdev/fido2-lib"); obj.f2l = new Fido2Lib({ attestation: "none" }); } catch (ex) { }
// Variables
obj.parent = parent;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user