mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 04:24:14 -04:00
Removed public/translations
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
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<select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
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var recFile = null;
var recFilePtr = 0;
var recFileStartTime = 0;
var recFileLastTime = 0;
var recFileEndTime = 0;
var recFileMetadata = null;
var recFileProtocol = 0;
var agentDesktop = null;
var amtDesktop = null;
var playing = false;
var readState = 0;
var waitTimer = null;
var waitTimerArgs = null;
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
function start() {
window.onresize = deskAdjust;
document.ondrop = ondrop;
document.ondragover = ondragover;
document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;
function readNextBlock(func) {
if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr2 = new FileReader();
fr2.onload = function () {
recFilePtr += (16 + size);
if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
// File pointer progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
} else {
// Time progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
func(type, flags, time, this.result);
fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));
function readLastBlock(func) {
if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));
function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }
function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
if (value == null) return '';
return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>: <span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';
function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
recFileProtocol = 0;
if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
var x = '';
x += addInfo("Čas", recFileMetadata.time);
if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("Trvání", format("{0} sekund{1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
x += addInfo("Uživatel", recFileMetadata.username);
x += addInfo("Uživatelské ID", recFileMetadata.userid);
x += addInfo("SessionID", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("Adresy", format("{0} na {1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("Název zařízení", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentral terminal"; }
else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentral plocha"; }
else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel® AMT WSMAN"; }
else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel® AMT přesměrování"; }
x += addInfoNoEsc("Protokol", p);
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral remote terminal
recFileProtocol = 1;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Zmáčkni [mezerník] pro spuštění/pauzu." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral remote desktop
recFileProtocol = 2;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Zmáčkni [mezerník] pro spuštění/pauzu." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
agentDesktop.State = 3;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT Redirection
recFileProtocol = 101;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', x);
QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);
function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
if (waitTime < 5) {
processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
} else {
waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);
function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
if (playing == false) return;
var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;
// Update the clock
var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))
if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
} else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
// We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
readState = 1;
if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
} else if (readState == 1) {
} else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
recFileLastTime = time;
if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }
function cleanup() {
recFile = null;
recFilePtr = 0;
recFileMetadata = null;
playing = false;
if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
readState = 0;
waitTimerArgs = null;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
recFileEndTime = 0;
agentTerminal = null;
if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
QH('deskstatus', '');
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Drag & drop soubor .mcrec nebo klikni na \"Otevřít soubor...\"" + '</span>');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
function ondrop(e) {
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
var dragtimer = null;
function ondragover(e) {
if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true;
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
function ondragleave(e) {
dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);
function onkeypress(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }
function openfile() {
var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
setDialogMode(2, "Otevřít soubor...", 3, openfileEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function openfileEx() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
function openfileChanged() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);
function togglePause() {
if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;
function play() {
if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
playing = true;
QV('metadatadiv', false);
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', true);
QE('RestartButton', false);
if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
QV('DeskParent', false);
QV('TermParent', true);
agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
agentTerminal.State = 3;
function pause() {
if (playing == false) return;
playing = false;
QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
if (waitTimer != null) {
waitTimer = null;
processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
waitTimerArgs = null;
function restart() {
if (playing == true) return;
recFilePtr = 0;
readState = 0;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (agentDesktop) {
agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
} else if (amtDesktop) {
amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
} else if (agentTerminal) {
agentTerminal = null;
function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
//QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('Desk').height = null;
//} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
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<span id="deskstatus"></span>
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<select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
<option value="4">1/4 vitesse</option>
<option value="2">1/2 vitesse</option>
<option value="1" selected="">Vitesse normale</option>
<option value="0.5">2x vitesse</option>
<option value="0.25">4x vitesse</option>
<option value="0.1">10x vitesse</option>
<div id="dialog" class="noselect" style="display:none">
<div id="dialogHeader">
<div tabindex="0" id="id_dialogclose" onclick="setDialogMode()" onkeypress="if (event.key == 'Enter') setDialogMode()">✖</div>
<div id="id_dialogtitle"></div>
<div id="dialogBody">
<div id="dialog1">
<div id="id_dialogMessage" style=""></div>
<div id="dialog2" style="">
<div id="id_dialogOptions"></div>
<div id="idx_dlgButtonBar">
<input id="idx_dlgCancelButton" type="button" value="Annuler" style="" onclick="dialogclose(0)">
<input id="idx_dlgOkButton" type="button" value="OK" style="" onclick="dialogclose(1)">
<div><input id="idx_dlgDeleteButton" type="button" value="Delete" style="display:none" onclick="dialogclose(2)"></div>
var recFile = null;
var recFilePtr = 0;
var recFileStartTime = 0;
var recFileLastTime = 0;
var recFileEndTime = 0;
var recFileMetadata = null;
var recFileProtocol = 0;
var agentDesktop = null;
var amtDesktop = null;
var playing = false;
var readState = 0;
var waitTimer = null;
var waitTimerArgs = null;
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
function start() {
window.onresize = deskAdjust;
document.ondrop = ondrop;
document.ondragover = ondragover;
document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;
function readNextBlock(func) {
if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr2 = new FileReader();
fr2.onload = function () {
recFilePtr += (16 + size);
if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
// File pointer progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
} else {
// Time progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
func(type, flags, time, this.result);
fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));
function readLastBlock(func) {
if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));
function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }
function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
if (value == null) return '';
return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>: <span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';
function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
recFileProtocol = 0;
if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
var x = '';
x += addInfo("Temps", recFileMetadata.time);
if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("Duration", format("{0} second{1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
x += addInfo("Nom d'utilisateur", recFileMetadata.username);
x += addInfo("Identifiant d'utilisateur", recFileMetadata.userid);
x += addInfo("ID de session", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("Addresses", format("{0} to {1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("Device Name", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentral Terminal"; }
else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentral Desktop"; }
else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel® AMT WSMAN"; }
else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel® AMT Redirection"; }
x += addInfoNoEsc("Protocole", p);
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral remote terminal
recFileProtocol = 1;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Appuyez sur [espace] pour jouer/mettre en pause." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral remote desktop
recFileProtocol = 2;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Appuyez sur [espace] pour jouer/mettre en pause." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
agentDesktop.State = 3;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT Redirection
recFileProtocol = 101;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', x);
QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);
function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
if (waitTime < 5) {
processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
} else {
waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);
function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
if (playing == false) return;
var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;
// Update the clock
var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))
if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
} else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
// We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
readState = 1;
if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
} else if (readState == 1) {
} else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
recFileLastTime = time;
if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }
function cleanup() {
recFile = null;
recFilePtr = 0;
recFileMetadata = null;
playing = false;
if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
readState = 0;
waitTimerArgs = null;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
recFileEndTime = 0;
agentTerminal = null;
if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
QH('deskstatus', '');
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Drag & drop a .mcrec file or click \"Open File...\"" + '</span>');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
function ondrop(e) {
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
var dragtimer = null;
function ondragover(e) {
if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true;
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
function ondragleave(e) {
dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);
function onkeypress(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }
function openfile() {
var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
setDialogMode(2, "Open File...", 3, openfileEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function openfileEx() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
function openfileChanged() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);
function togglePause() {
if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;
function play() {
if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
playing = true;
QV('metadatadiv', false);
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', true);
QE('RestartButton', false);
if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
QV('DeskParent', false);
QV('TermParent', true);
agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
agentTerminal.State = 3;
function pause() {
if (playing == false) return;
playing = false;
QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
if (waitTimer != null) {
waitTimer = null;
processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
waitTimerArgs = null;
function restart() {
if (playing == true) return;
recFilePtr = 0;
readState = 0;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (agentDesktop) {
agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
} else if (amtDesktop) {
amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
} else if (agentTerminal) {
agentTerminal = null;
function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
//QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('Desk').height = null;
//} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-terminal-0.0.2.js"></script>
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<body style="overflow:hidden;background-color:black">
<div id="p11" class="noselect" style="overflow:hidden">
<div id="deskarea0">
<div id="deskarea1" class="areaHead">
<div class="toright2">
<div class="deskareaicon" title="表示モードの切り替え" onclick="toggleAspectRatio(1)">⇲</div>
<input id="OpenFileButton" type="button" value="ファイルを開く..." onclick="openfile()">
<span id="deskstatus"></span>
<div id="deskarea2" style="">
<div class="areaProgress"><div id="progressbar" style=""></div></div>
<div id="deskarea3x" style="max-height:calc(100vh - 54px);height:calc(100vh - 54px);" onclick="togglePause()">
<div id="bigok" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✓</b></div>
<div id="bigfail" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✗</b></div>
<div id="metadatadiv" style="padding:20px;color:lightgrey;text-align:left;display:none"></div>
<div id="DeskParent">
<canvas id="Desk" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
<div id="TermParent" style="display:none">
<pre id="Term"></pre>
<div id="p11DeskConsoleMsg" style="display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;left:30px;top:17px;color:yellow;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);padding:10px;border-radius:5px" onclick="clearConsoleMsg()"></div>
<div id="deskarea4" class="areaFoot">
<div class="toright2">
<div id="timespan" style="padding-top:4px;padding-right:4px">00:00:00</div>
<input id="PlayButton" type="button" value="遊びます" disabled="disabled" onclick="play()">
<input id="PauseButton" type="button" value="一時停止" disabled="disabled" onclick="pause()">
<input id="RestartButton" type="button" value="再起動" disabled="disabled" onclick="restart()">
<select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
<option value="4">1/4スピード</option>
<option value="2">1/2速度</option>
<option value="1" selected="">通常速度</option>
<option value="0.5">2倍速</option>
<option value="0.25">4倍速</option>
<option value="0.1">10倍速</option>
<div id="dialog" class="noselect" style="display:none">
<div id="dialogHeader">
<div tabindex="0" id="id_dialogclose" onclick="setDialogMode()" onkeypress="if (event.key == 'Enter') setDialogMode()">✖</div>
<div id="id_dialogtitle"></div>
<div id="dialogBody">
<div id="dialog1">
<div id="id_dialogMessage" style=""></div>
<div id="dialog2" style="">
<div id="id_dialogOptions"></div>
<div id="idx_dlgButtonBar">
<input id="idx_dlgCancelButton" type="button" value="キャンセル" style="" onclick="dialogclose(0)">
<input id="idx_dlgOkButton" type="button" value="OK" style="" onclick="dialogclose(1)">
<div><input id="idx_dlgDeleteButton" type="button" value="削除する" style="display:none" onclick="dialogclose(2)"></div>
var recFile = null;
var recFilePtr = 0;
var recFileStartTime = 0;
var recFileLastTime = 0;
var recFileEndTime = 0;
var recFileMetadata = null;
var recFileProtocol = 0;
var agentDesktop = null;
var amtDesktop = null;
var playing = false;
var readState = 0;
var waitTimer = null;
var waitTimerArgs = null;
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
function start() {
window.onresize = deskAdjust;
document.ondrop = ondrop;
document.ondragover = ondragover;
document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;
function readNextBlock(func) {
if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr2 = new FileReader();
fr2.onload = function () {
recFilePtr += (16 + size);
if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
// File pointer progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
} else {
// Time progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
func(type, flags, time, this.result);
fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));
function readLastBlock(func) {
if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));
function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }
function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
if (value == null) return '';
return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>: <span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';
function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
recFileProtocol = 0;
if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
var x = '';
x += addInfo("時間", recFileMetadata.time);
if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("期間", format("{0}秒{1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
x += addInfo("ユーザー名", recFileMetadata.username);
x += addInfo("ユーザーID", recFileMetadata.userid);
x += addInfo("セッションID", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("住所", format("{0}から{1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("装置名", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentralターミナル"; }
else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentralデスクトップ"; }
else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel® AMT WSMAN"; }
else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel® AMTリダイレクト"; }
x += addInfoNoEsc("プロトコル", p);
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral remote terminal
recFileProtocol = 1;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "[スペース]を押して再生/一時停止します。" + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral remote desktop
recFileProtocol = 2;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "[スペース]を押して再生/一時停止します。" + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
agentDesktop.State = 3;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT Redirection
recFileProtocol = 101;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', x);
QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);
function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
if (waitTime < 5) {
processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
} else {
waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);
function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
if (playing == false) return;
var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;
// Update the clock
var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))
if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
} else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
// We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
readState = 1;
if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
} else if (readState == 1) {
} else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
recFileLastTime = time;
if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }
function cleanup() {
recFile = null;
recFilePtr = 0;
recFileMetadata = null;
playing = false;
if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
readState = 0;
waitTimerArgs = null;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
recFileEndTime = 0;
agentTerminal = null;
if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
QH('deskstatus', '');
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + ".mcrecファイルをドラッグアンドドロップするか、[ファイルを開く...]をクリックします" + '</span>');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
function ondrop(e) {
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
var dragtimer = null;
function ondragover(e) {
if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true;
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
function ondragleave(e) {
dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);
function onkeypress(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }
function openfile() {
var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
setDialogMode(2, "ファイルを開く...", 3, openfileEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function openfileEx() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
function openfileChanged() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);
function togglePause() {
if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;
function play() {
if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
playing = true;
QV('metadatadiv', false);
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', true);
QE('RestartButton', false);
if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
QV('DeskParent', false);
QV('TermParent', true);
agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
agentTerminal.State = 3;
function pause() {
if (playing == false) return;
playing = false;
QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
if (waitTimer != null) {
waitTimer = null;
processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
waitTimerArgs = null;
function restart() {
if (playing == true) return;
recFilePtr = 0;
readState = 0;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (agentDesktop) {
agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
} else if (amtDesktop) {
amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
} else if (agentTerminal) {
agentTerminal = null;
function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
//QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('Desk').height = null;
//} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/common-0.0.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-terminal-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/zlib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/zlib-inflate.js"></script>
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<body style="overflow:hidden;background-color:black">
<div id="p11" class="noselect" style="overflow:hidden">
<div id="deskarea0">
<div id="deskarea1" class="areaHead">
<div class="toright2">
<div class="deskareaicon" title="Schakel weergavemodus" onclick="toggleAspectRatio(1)">⇲</div>
<input id="OpenFileButton" type="button" value="Open bestand..." onclick="openfile()">
<span id="deskstatus"></span>
<div id="deskarea2" style="">
<div class="areaProgress"><div id="progressbar" style=""></div></div>
<div id="deskarea3x" style="max-height:calc(100vh - 54px);height:calc(100vh - 54px);" onclick="togglePause()">
<div id="bigok" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✓</b></div>
<div id="bigfail" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✗</b></div>
<div id="metadatadiv" style="padding:20px;color:lightgrey;text-align:left;display:none"></div>
<div id="DeskParent">
<canvas id="Desk" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
<div id="TermParent" style="display:none">
<pre id="Term"></pre>
<div id="p11DeskConsoleMsg" style="display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;left:30px;top:17px;color:yellow;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);padding:10px;border-radius:5px" onclick="clearConsoleMsg()"></div>
<div id="deskarea4" class="areaFoot">
<div class="toright2">
<div id="timespan" style="padding-top:4px;padding-right:4px">00:00:00</div>
<input id="PlayButton" type="button" value="Afspelen" disabled="disabled" onclick="play()">
<input id="PauseButton" type="button" value="Pause" disabled="disabled" onclick="pause()">
<input id="RestartButton" type="button" value="Herstarten" disabled="disabled" onclick="restart()">
<select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
<option value="4">1/4 snelheid</option>
<option value="2">1/2 snelheid</option>
<option value="1" selected="">Normale snelheid</option>
<option value="0.5">2x Snelheid</option>
<option value="0.25">4x snelheid</option>
<option value="0.1">10x Snelheid</option>
<div id="dialog" class="noselect" style="display:none">
<div id="dialogHeader">
<div tabindex="0" id="id_dialogclose" onclick="setDialogMode()" onkeypress="if (event.key == 'Enter') setDialogMode()">✖</div>
<div id="id_dialogtitle"></div>
<div id="dialogBody">
<div id="dialog1">
<div id="id_dialogMessage" style=""></div>
<div id="dialog2" style="">
<div id="id_dialogOptions"></div>
<div id="idx_dlgButtonBar">
<input id="idx_dlgCancelButton" type="button" value="Afbreken" style="" onclick="dialogclose(0)">
<input id="idx_dlgOkButton" type="button" value="Oke" style="" onclick="dialogclose(1)">
<div><input id="idx_dlgDeleteButton" type="button" value="Verwijderen" style="display:none" onclick="dialogclose(2)"></div>
var recFile = null;
var recFilePtr = 0;
var recFileStartTime = 0;
var recFileLastTime = 0;
var recFileEndTime = 0;
var recFileMetadata = null;
var recFileProtocol = 0;
var agentDesktop = null;
var amtDesktop = null;
var playing = false;
var readState = 0;
var waitTimer = null;
var waitTimerArgs = null;
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
function start() {
window.onresize = deskAdjust;
document.ondrop = ondrop;
document.ondragover = ondragover;
document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;
function readNextBlock(func) {
if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr2 = new FileReader();
fr2.onload = function () {
recFilePtr += (16 + size);
if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
// File pointer progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
} else {
// Time progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
func(type, flags, time, this.result);
fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));
function readLastBlock(func) {
if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));
function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }
function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
if (value == null) return '';
return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>: <span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';
function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
recFileProtocol = 0;
if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
var x = '';
x += addInfo("Tijd", recFileMetadata.time);
if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("Looptijd", format("{0} seconde {1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
x += addInfo("Gebruikersnaam", recFileMetadata.username);
x += addInfo("GebruikersID", recFileMetadata.userid);
x += addInfo("SessieID", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("Adressen", format("{0} tot {1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("Apparaat naam", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentral Terminal"; }
else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentral Desktop"; }
else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel® AMT WSMAN"; }
else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel® AMT omleiding"; }
x += addInfoNoEsc("Protocol", p);
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral remote terminal
recFileProtocol = 1;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Druk op [spatie] om te spelen / pauzeren." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral remote desktop
recFileProtocol = 2;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Druk op [spatie] om te spelen / pauzeren." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
agentDesktop.State = 3;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT Redirection
recFileProtocol = 101;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', x);
QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);
function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
if (waitTime < 5) {
processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
} else {
waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);
function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
if (playing == false) return;
var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;
// Update the clock
var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))
if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
} else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
// We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
readState = 1;
if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
} else if (readState == 1) {
} else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
recFileLastTime = time;
if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }
function cleanup() {
recFile = null;
recFilePtr = 0;
recFileMetadata = null;
playing = false;
if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
readState = 0;
waitTimerArgs = null;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
recFileEndTime = 0;
agentTerminal = null;
if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
QH('deskstatus', '');
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Sleep een .mcrec-bestand of klik op \"Bestand openen ...\"" + '</span>');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
function ondrop(e) {
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
var dragtimer = null;
function ondragover(e) {
if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true;
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
function ondragleave(e) {
dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);
function onkeypress(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }
function openfile() {
var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
setDialogMode(2, "Open bestand...", 3, openfileEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function openfileEx() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
function openfileChanged() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);
function togglePause() {
if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;
function play() {
if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
playing = true;
QV('metadatadiv', false);
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', true);
QE('RestartButton', false);
if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
QV('DeskParent', false);
QV('TermParent', true);
agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
agentTerminal.State = 3;
function pause() {
if (playing == false) return;
playing = false;
QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
if (waitTimer != null) {
waitTimer = null;
processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
waitTimerArgs = null;
function restart() {
if (playing == true) return;
recFilePtr = 0;
readState = 0;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (agentDesktop) {
agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
} else if (amtDesktop) {
amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
} else if (agentTerminal) {
agentTerminal = null;
function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
//QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('Desk').height = null;
//} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/common-0.0.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/amt-terminal-0.0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/zlib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/zlib-inflate.js"></script>
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<body style="overflow:hidden;background-color:black">
<div id="p11" class="noselect" style="overflow:hidden">
<div id="deskarea0">
<div id="deskarea1" class="areaHead">
<div class="toright2">
<div class="deskareaicon" title="Alternar modo de exibição" onclick="toggleAspectRatio(1)">⇲</div>
<input id="OpenFileButton" type="button" value="Abrir arquivo..." onclick="openfile()">
<span id="deskstatus"></span>
<div id="deskarea2" style="">
<div class="areaProgress"><div id="progressbar" style=""></div></div>
<div id="deskarea3x" style="max-height:calc(100vh - 54px);height:calc(100vh - 54px);" onclick="togglePause()">
<div id="bigok" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✓</b></div>
<div id="bigfail" style="display:none;left:calc((100vh / 2))"><b>✗</b></div>
<div id="metadatadiv" style="padding:20px;color:lightgrey;text-align:left;display:none"></div>
<div id="DeskParent">
<canvas id="Desk" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
<div id="TermParent" style="display:none">
<pre id="Term"></pre>
<div id="p11DeskConsoleMsg" style="display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;left:30px;top:17px;color:yellow;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);padding:10px;border-radius:5px" onclick="clearConsoleMsg()"></div>
<div id="deskarea4" class="areaFoot">
<div class="toright2">
<div id="timespan" style="padding-top:4px;padding-right:4px">00:00:00</div>
<input id="PlayButton" type="button" value="Play" disabled="disabled" onclick="play()">
<input id="PauseButton" type="button" value="Pausa" disabled="disabled" onclick="pause()">
<input id="RestartButton" type="button" value="Reiniciar" disabled="disabled" onclick="restart()">
<select id="PlaySpeed" onchange="this.blur();">
<option value="4">1/4 de velocidade</option>
<option value="2">1/2 velocidade</option>
<option value="1" selected="">Velocidade normal</option>
<option value="0.5">2x velocidade</option>
<option value="0.25">4x velocidade</option>
<option value="0.1">10x Velocidade</option>
<div id="dialog" class="noselect" style="display:none">
<div id="dialogHeader">
<div tabindex="0" id="id_dialogclose" onclick="setDialogMode()" onkeypress="if (event.key == 'Enter') setDialogMode()">✖</div>
<div id="id_dialogtitle"></div>
<div id="dialogBody">
<div id="dialog1">
<div id="id_dialogMessage" style=""></div>
<div id="dialog2" style="">
<div id="id_dialogOptions"></div>
<div id="idx_dlgButtonBar">
<input id="idx_dlgCancelButton" type="button" value="Cancelar" style="" onclick="dialogclose(0)">
<input id="idx_dlgOkButton" type="button" value="Ok" style="" onclick="dialogclose(1)">
<div><input id="idx_dlgDeleteButton" type="button" value="Deletar" style="display:none" onclick="dialogclose(2)"></div>
var recFile = null;
var recFilePtr = 0;
var recFileStartTime = 0;
var recFileLastTime = 0;
var recFileEndTime = 0;
var recFileMetadata = null;
var recFileProtocol = 0;
var agentDesktop = null;
var amtDesktop = null;
var playing = false;
var readState = 0;
var waitTimer = null;
var waitTimerArgs = null;
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
var currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
function start() {
window.onresize = deskAdjust;
document.ondrop = ondrop;
document.ondragover = ondragover;
document.ondragleave = ondragleave;
document.onkeypress = onkeypress;
Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1;
function readNextBlock(func) {
if ((recFilePtr + 16) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((recFilePtr + 16 + size) > recFile.size) { QS('progressbar').width = '100%'; func(-1); } else {
var fr2 = new FileReader();
fr2.onload = function () {
recFilePtr += (16 + size);
if (recFileEndTime == 0) {
// File pointer progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(100 * (recFilePtr / recFile.size)) + '%';
} else {
// Time progress bar
QS('progressbar').width = Math.floor(((recFileLastTime - recFileStartTime) / (recFileEndTime - recFileStartTime)) * 100) + '%';
func(type, flags, time, this.result);
fr2.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr + 16, recFilePtr + 16 + size));
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFilePtr, recFilePtr + 16));
function readLastBlock(func) {
if (recFile.size < 32) { func(-1); } else {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var type = ReadShort(this.result, 0);
var flags = ReadShort(this.result, 2);
var size = ReadInt(this.result, 4);
var time = (ReadInt(this.result, 8) << 32) + ReadInt(this.result, 12);
if ((type == 3) && (size == 16) && (this.result.substring(16, 32) == 'MeshCentralMCREC')) { func(type, flags, time); } else { func(-1); }
fr.readAsBinaryString(recFile.slice(recFile.size - 32, recFile.size));
function addInfo(name, value) { if (value == null) return ''; return addInfoNoEsc(name, EscapeHtml(value)); }
function addInfoNoEsc(name, value) {
if (value == null) return '';
return '<span style=color:gray>' + EscapeHtml(name) + '</span>: <span style=font-size:20px>' + value + '</span><br/>';
function processFirstBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
recFileProtocol = 0;
if ((type != 1) || (flags != 0)) { cleanup(); return; }
try { recFileMetadata = JSON.parse(data) } catch (ex) { cleanup(); return; }
if ((recFileMetadata == null) || (recFileMetadata.magic != 'MeshCentralRelaySession') || (recFileMetadata.ver != 1)) { cleanup(); return; }
var x = '';
x += addInfo("Tempo", recFileMetadata.time);
if (recFileEndTime != 0) { var secs = Math.floor((recFileEndTime - time) / 1000); x += addInfo("Duração", format("{0} segundo{1}", secs, (secs > 1) ? 's' : '')); }
x += addInfo("Nome de usuário", recFileMetadata.username);
x += addInfo("ID do usuário", recFileMetadata.userid);
x += addInfo("ID da sessão", recFileMetadata.sessionid);
if (recFileMetadata.ipaddr1 && recFileMetadata.ipaddr2) { x += addInfo("Endereços", format("{0} para {1}", recFileMetadata.ipaddr1, recFileMetadata.ipaddr2)); }
if (recFileMetadata.devicename) { x += addInfo("Nome do Dispositivo", recFileMetadata.devicename); }
x += addInfo("NodeID", recFileMetadata.nodeid);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol) {
var p = recFileMetadata.protocol;
if (p == 1) { p = "MeshCentral Terminal"; }
else if (p == 2) { p = "MeshCentral Desktop"; }
else if (p == 100) { p = "Intel® AMT WSMAN"; }
else if (p == 101) { p = "Intel® Redirecionamento AMT"; }
x += addInfoNoEsc("Protocolo", p);
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral remote terminal
recFileProtocol = 1;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Pressione [espaço] para reproduzir / pausar." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral remote desktop
recFileProtocol = 2;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Pressione [espaço] para reproduzir / pausar." + '</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
agentDesktop = CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk');
agentDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
agentDesktop.State = 3;
else if (recFileMetadata.protocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT Redirection
recFileProtocol = 101;
x += '<br /><br /><span style=color:gray>Press [space] to play/pause.</span>';
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
recFileStartTime = recFileLastTime = time;
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', x);
QH('deskstatus', recFile.name);
function processBlock(type, flags, time, data) {
if (type < 0) { pause(); return; }
var waitTime = Math.round((time - recFileLastTime) * parseFloat(Q('PlaySpeed').value));
if (waitTime < 5) {
processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data);
} else {
waitTimerArgs = [type, flags, time, data]
waitTimer = setTimeout(function () { waitTimer = null; processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]); }, waitTime);
function processBlockEx(type, flags, time, data) {
if (playing == false) return;
var flagBinary = (flags & 1) != 0, flagUser = (flags & 2) != 0;
// Update the clock
var deltaTimeTotalSec = Math.floor((time - recFileStartTime) / 1000);
if (currentDeltaTimeTotalSec != deltaTimeTotalSec) {
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = deltaTimeTotalSec;
var deltaTimeHours = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 3600);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 3600)
var deltaTimeMinutes = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec / 60);
deltaTimeTotalSec -= (deltaTimeHours * 60)
var deltaTimeSeconds = Math.floor(deltaTimeTotalSec);
QH('timespan', pad2(deltaTimeHours) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeMinutes) + ':' + pad2(deltaTimeSeconds))
if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && !flagUser) {
// Device --> User data
if (recFileProtocol == 1) {
// MeshCentral Terminal
} else if (recFileProtocol == 2) {
// MeshCentral Remote Desktop
} else if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if ((readState == 0) && (rstr2hex(data) == '4100000000000000')) {
// We are not authenticated, KVM data starts here.
readState = 1;
if (data.length > 8) { amtDesktop.ProcessData(data.substring(8)); }
} else if (readState == 1) {
} else if ((type == 2) && flagBinary && flagUser) {
// User --> Device data
if (recFileProtocol == 101) {
// Intel AMT KVM
if (rstr2hex(data) == '0000000008080001000700070003050200000000') { amtDesktop.bpp = 1; } // Switch to 1 byte per pixel.
recFileLastTime = time;
if (playing) { readNextBlock(processBlock); }
function cleanup() {
recFile = null;
recFilePtr = 0;
recFileMetadata = null;
playing = false;
if (agentDesktop != null) { agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height); agentDesktop = null; }
if (amtDesktop != null) { amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height); amtDesktop = null; }
readState = 0;
waitTimerArgs = null;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
recFileEndTime = 0;
agentTerminal = null;
if (waitTimer != null) { clearTimeout(waitTimer); waitTimer = null; }
QH('deskstatus', '');
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QH('metadatadiv', '<span style=\"font-family:Arial,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:28px\">MeshCentral Session Player</span><br /><br /><span style=color:gray>' + "Arraste e solte um arquivo .mcrec ou clique em \"Abrir arquivo...\"" + '</span>');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
function ondrop(e) {
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) {
if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].type != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) {
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
var dragtimer = null;
function ondragover(e) {
if (dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true;
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
function ondragleave(e) {
dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail', false); QV('bigok', false); dragtimer = null; }, 10);
function onkeypress(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.key == ' ') { togglePause(); haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '1') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 4; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '2') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 2; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '3') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '4') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.5; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '5') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.25; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '6') { Q('PlaySpeed').value = 0.1; haltEvent(e); }
if (e.key == '0') { pause(); restart(); haltEvent(e); }
function openfile() {
var x = '<input type=file name=files id=p2fileinput style=width:100% accept=".mcrec" onchange="openfileChanged()" />';
setDialogMode(2, "Abrir arquivo...", 3, openfileEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function openfileEx() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
recFile = files[0];
recFilePtr = 0;
readLastBlock(function (type, flags, time) { if (type == 3) { recFileEndTime = time; } else { recFileEndTime = 0; } });
function openfileChanged() {
var xfiles = Q('p2fileinput').files;
if (xfiles != null) { var files = []; for (var i in xfiles) { if ((xfiles[i].type != null) && (xfiles[i].size != null) && (xfiles[i].size != 0) && (xfiles[i].name.endsWith('.mcrec'))) { files.push(xfiles[i]); } } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', files.length == 1);
function togglePause() {
if (recFile != null) { if (playing == true) { pause(); } else { if (recFilePtr != recFile.size) { play(); } } } return false;
function play() {
if ((playing == true) || (recFileProtocol == 0)) return;
playing = true;
QV('metadatadiv', false);
QE('PlayButton', false);
QE('PauseButton', true);
QE('RestartButton', false);
if ((recFileProtocol == 1) && (agentTerminal == null)) {
QV('DeskParent', false);
QV('TermParent', true);
agentTerminal = CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', {});
agentTerminal.State = 3;
function pause() {
if (playing == false) return;
playing = false;
QE('PlayButton', recFilePtr != recFile.size);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', recFilePtr != 0);
if (waitTimer != null) {
waitTimer = null;
processBlockEx(waitTimerArgs[0], waitTimerArgs[1], waitTimerArgs[2], waitTimerArgs[3]);
waitTimerArgs = null;
function restart() {
if (playing == true) return;
recFilePtr = 0;
readState = 0;
currentDeltaTimeTotalSec = 0;
QV('metadatadiv', true);
QE('PlayButton', true);
QE('PauseButton', false);
QE('RestartButton', false);
QS('progressbar').width = '0px';
QH('timespan', '00:00:00');
QV('DeskParent', true);
QV('TermParent', false);
if (agentDesktop) {
agentDesktop.Canvas.clearRect(0, 0, agentDesktop.CanvasId.width, agentDesktop.CanvasId.height);
} else if (amtDesktop) {
amtDesktop.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, amtDesktop.CanvasId.width, amtDesktop.CanvasId.height);
amtDesktop = CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk');
amtDesktop.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
amtDesktop.State = 3;
} else if (agentTerminal) {
agentTerminal = null;
function clearConsoleMsg() { QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', ''); }
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); }
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
//QS('Desk')['margin-left'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('Desk').height = null;
//} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
Reference in New Issue
Block a user