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synced 2025-03-30 09:13:39 -04:00
bootstrap: more fixes and icon changes
Signed-off-by: si458 <simonsmith5521@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
@ -487,7 +487,10 @@
<input type="button" onclick="showMultiDesktopSettings()" value="Settings" />
<input id=KvmSearchInput type=search placeholder=Filter onchange=onDeviceSearchChanged(event) onclick=onDeviceSearchChanged(event) onkeyup=onDeviceSearchChanged(event) autocomplete=off onfocus=onSearchFocus(1) onblur=onSearchFocus(0) />
<span id=KvmSearchInputClearButton style="display:none;position:relative">
<img src="images/x16.png" type="button" onclick="clearDeviceSearch()" style="position:absolute;cursor:pointer;left:-18px;top:-8px" srcset="images/x32.png 2x" />
<span class="fa-layers fa-fw" role="button" onclick="clearDeviceSearch()" style="position:absolute;left:-25px;top:-15px">
<i class="fa-solid fa-circle" style="color:var(--bs-secondary-bg)"></i>
<i class="fa-solid fa-xmark" style="color:var(--bs-body-color)"></i>
<div id=devMapToolbar class=style14 style="display:none">
@ -644,7 +647,7 @@
<div id=p2logintokens></div>
<strong>Device Groups</strong>
<span id="p2createMeshLink1"> - <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="return account_createMesh()"> <i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-plus-circle"></i>New</button></span>
<span id="p2createMeshLink1"> - <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="return account_createMesh()"><i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-plus-circle"></i> New</button></span>
<br /><br />
<div id=p2meshes></div>
<div id=p2noMeshFound style="display:none">No device groups.<span id="p2createMeshLink2"> <a href=#
@ -709,8 +712,8 @@
<div style="float:right">
<input type=button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm m-1"
onclick=showUserBroadcastDialog() style=margin-right:6px value="Broadcast" />
<a href=# onclick=p4downloadUserInfo()><i class="fa-solid fa-download" title="Download user information" style="cursor:pointer"></i></a>
<a href=# onclick=p4batchAccountCreate()><img id=p4UserBatchCreate style="cursor:pointer;display:none" title="Batch create many user accounts" src="images/link6.png" /></a>
<a href=# onclick=p4downloadUserInfo()><i role=button class="fa-solid fa-download" title="Download user information"></i></a>
<a href=# onclick=p4batchAccountCreate()><i role=button id=p4UserBatchCreate style="display:none" title="Batch create many user accounts" class="fa-solid fa-upload"></i></a>
<i style="cursor:pointer;margin-top:3px;margin-left:6px" id=usersListToolbarSettings class="fa-solid fa-cog" title="Settings" onclick="onUsersViewSettings()"></i>
@ -1977,10 +1980,10 @@
<div id=dialog4 style="">
<input id="d4WrapButton" type="button" value="Wrap On" onclick="d4ToggleWrap()" />
<input id="d4SizeButton" type="button" value="Small" onclick="d4ToggleSize()" />
<input id="d4EncodingButton" type="button" value="Raw" onclick="d4ToggleEncoding()" />
<input id="d4LineBreakButton" type="button" value="Windows" onclick="d4ToggleLineBreak()" />
<input id="d4WrapButton" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" type="button" value="Wrap On" onclick="d4ToggleWrap()" />
<input id="d4SizeButton" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" type="button" value="Small" onclick="d4ToggleSize()" />
<input id="d4EncodingButton" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" type="button" value="Raw" onclick="d4ToggleEncoding()" />
<input id="d4LineBreakButton" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" type="button" value="Windows" onclick="d4ToggleLineBreak()" />
<textarea id=d4editorarea autocomplete="off" style="height:calc(100vh - 286px);width:100%;overflow:scroll;resize:none;white-space:pre"></textarea>
<div id=dialog7 style="">
@ -3581,7 +3584,7 @@
showModal('xxAddAgentModal', 'idx_dlgOkButton');
} else {
var x = '<div class="dialogText dialogTextLog"><pre id=d2ServerErrorsLogPre>' + EscapeHtml(message.data) + '</pre></div>';
x += '<br /><div style=float:right><img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="' + "Download error log" + '" style=cursor:pointer onclick=d2CopyServerErrorsToClip()></div>';
x += '<br /><div style=float:right><i role=button class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-download fa-sm" title="' + "Download error log" + '" onclick=d2CopyServerErrorsToClip()></i></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=d2clearErrorsCheck type=checkbox class="form-check-input me-2" onclick=server_showErrorsDlgUpdate() /> ' + "Check and click OK to clear error log." + '</label></div>';
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'MeshCentral Server Errors', x);
showModal('xxAddAgentModal', 'idx_dlgOkButton', server_showErrorsDlgEx);
@ -3595,12 +3598,9 @@
if (message.data == null) {
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'Server Configuration', 'Server has no config file.', 'extra-large');
} else {
var x = '<input id="d4WrapButton" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" type="button" value="Wrap: ON" onclick="d4ToggleWrap()">';
x += '<input id="d4SizeButton" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" value="Size: 100%" onclick="d4ToggleSize()">';
x += '<input id="d4EncodingButton" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary me-2 mb-2" value="Encoding: RAW" onclick="d4ToggleEncoding()" style="display: none;">';
x += '<textarea id="d4editorarea" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" style="height: calc(-286px + 100vh); width: 100%; overflow: auto; resize: none; font-size: 100%;" readonly="readonly"></textarea>';
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'Server Configuration', x, 'extra-large');
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'Server Configuration', 4, 'extra-large');
QV('d4EncodingButton', false);
QV('d4LineBreakButton', false);
Q('d4editorarea').value = message.data;
Q('d4editorarea').setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
@ -6494,6 +6494,7 @@
xxModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById(modalId));
document.getElementById(modalId).addEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', function (event) {
if (xxModal) { xxModal.dispose(); xxModal = null; }
if (xxdialogMode != 0) { xxdialogMode = 0; }
@ -10039,6 +10040,8 @@
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '';
var y = '';
var v = currentNode[showEditNodeValueDialog_modes2[mode]];
if (v == null) v = '';
if (mode == 3) {
// Get a list of all possible device tags
x = '<select id=dp10devicevalue multiple class="form-control" maxlength=' + showEditNodeValueDialog_modes4[mode] + ' class=form-control>';
@ -10065,14 +10068,12 @@
} else {
x = addHtmlFormFloating(showEditNodeValueDialog_modes[mode], '<input id=dp10devicevalue class="form-control" maxlength=' + showEditNodeValueDialog_modes4[mode] + ' placeholder="' + showEditNodeValueDialog_modes3[mode] + '" onchange=p10editdevicevalueValidate(' + mode + ',event) onkeyup=p10editdevicevalueValidate(' + mode + ',event) class=form-control/>');
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'Edit Device', x);
if (Array.isArray(v)) { v = v.join(', '); }
Q('dp10devicevalue').value = v;
showModal('xxAddAgentModal', 'idx_dlgOkButton', function () {
showEditNodeValueDialogEx(3, mode);
var v = currentNode[showEditNodeValueDialog_modes2[mode]];
if (v == null) v = '';
if (Array.isArray(v)) { v = v.join(', '); }
Q('dp10devicevalue').value = v;
showModal('xxAddAgentModal', 'idx_dlgOkButton', function () { showEditNodeValueDialogEx(3, mode); });
@ -14534,7 +14535,8 @@
function updateLoginTokens() {
var x = '', count = 1;
if ((loginTokens != null) && (loginTokens.length > 0)) {
x += '<p><strong>' + "Active Login Tokens" + '</strong> - <span id="p2createMeshLink1"> <a href=# onclick="return account_createLoginToken()" class="newMeshBtn"> ' + "New" + '</a></span></p><div style=margin-left:40px><table class="table table-hover"><tbody><tr class="table-active"><th scope=col style=text-align:left;width:430px>' + "Name" + '</th><th scope=col style=text-align:left>' + "Username" + '</th></tr>';
x += '<p><strong>' + "Active Login Tokens" + '</strong> - <span id="p2createMeshLink1"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="return account_createLoginToken()"><i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-plus-circle"></i> ' + "New" + '</button></span></p>';
x += '<div style=margin-left:40px><table class="table table-hover"><tbody><tr class="table-active"><th scope=col style=text-align:left;width:430px>' + "Name" + '</th><th scope=col style=text-align:left>' + "Username" + '</th></tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < loginTokens.length; i++) {
var ltoken = loginTokens[i];
var trash = '<a href=# onclick=\'return p2removeLoginToken(event,"' + encodeURIComponentEx(ltoken.tokenUser) + '")\' title="' + "Remove login token" + '" style=cursor:pointer><i class="fa-solid fa-trash text-danger hoverButton"></i></a>';
@ -14625,6 +14627,7 @@
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
xxdialogMode = 2; xxdialogTag = 'MeshCentralServerUpdate';
setModalContent('xxAddAgent', 'MeshCentral Version', 'Loading...');
showModal('xxAddAgentModal', 'idx_dlgOkButton');
meshserver.send({ action: 'serverversion' });
return false;
@ -16832,7 +16835,7 @@
function addUserHtml(user, sessions) {
var x = '', gray = ' gray', icon = 'm2', msg = '', self = (user._id != userinfo._id), lastAccess = '', permissions = '';
var x = '', gray = ' gray', msg = '', self = (user._id != userinfo._id), lastAccess = '', permissions = '';
if (sessions != null) {
gray = '';
if (self) {
@ -16889,11 +16892,11 @@
if ((user.otpsecret > 0) || (user.otphkeys > 0) || ((user.otpekey == 1) && (features & 0x00800000)) || ((user.phone != null) && (features & 0x04000000))) { username += ' <i class="fa-solid fa-key" title="' + "2nd factor authentication enabled" + '" style="margin-top:2px"></i>'; }
if (user.phone != null) { username += ' <i class="fa-solid fa-mobile-screen" title="' + "Verified phone number" + '" style="margin-top:2px"></i>'; }
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { username += ' <img src="images/padlock12.png" height=12 width=8 title="' + "Account is locked" + '" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
if ((user.msghandle != null) && (features2 & 0x02000000)) { username += ' <img src="images/messaging12.png" height=12 width=12 title="' + "Verified messaging account" + '" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
if ((user.msghandle != null) && (features2 & 0x02000000)) { username += ' <i class="fa-solid fa-comment fa-xs" title="' + "Verified messaging account" + '" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
x += '<tr tabindex=0 onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoUser(\'' + encodeURIComponentEx(user._id) + '\')"><td>';
x += '<div>';
x += '<div class=baricon><input class="UserCheckbox form-check-input me-2" value=' + encodeURIComponentEx(user._id) + ' onclick=p3updateInfo() type=checkbox' + ((user._id == userinfo._id) ? ' disabled' : '') + '></div><div style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoUser("' + encodeURIComponentEx(user._id) + '",false,event)>';
x += '<div class=baricon><div class="' + icon + gray + '"></div></div>';
x += '<div class=baricon><i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-user ' + gray + '"></i></div>';
x += '<div>';
x += '<div><span style=line-height:24px>' + username + '</span>' + msg + '</div></div><td style=text-align:center>' + groups + '<td style=text-align:center>' + lastAccess + '<td style=text-align:center>' + permissions;
return x;
@ -17548,7 +17551,7 @@
var x = '<tr tabindex=0 onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoUserGroup(\'' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '\')"><td style=cursor:pointer>';
x += '<div style=width:100%>';
x += '<div class=baricon><input class="form-check-input me-2 UserGroupCheckbox" value=' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + ' onclick=p50updateInfo() type=checkbox></div>';
x += '<div class=baricon onclick=gotoUserGroup("' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '")><div class=m4></div></div>';
x += '<div class=baricon onclick=gotoUserGroup("' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '")><i class="fa-solid fa-users"></i></div>';
x += '<div onclick=gotoUserGroup("' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '")></div><div onclick=gotoUserGroup("' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '")></div>';
x += '<div style=line-height:24px onclick=gotoUserGroup("' + encodeURIComponentEx(group._id) + '")><span style=font-size:16px>' + name + '</span></div></div><td style=text-align:center>' + usercount + '<td style=text-align:center>' + meshcount + '<td style=text-align:center>' + devicecount;
return x;
@ -17742,7 +17745,7 @@
if (currentUserGroup.membershipType == null) { trash = '<a href=# onclick=\'return p51deleteUser(event,"' + encodeURIComponentEx(sortedusers[i].id) + '")\' title="' + "Remove user rights to this device group" + '" style=cursor:pointer><img src=images/trash.png border=0 height=10 width=10></a>'; }
var username = EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(sortedusers[i].name));
if (users != null) { username = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoUser("' + encodeURIComponentEx(sortedusers[i].id) + '");haltEvent(event);\'>' + username + '</a>'; }
x += '<tr ' + (((count % 2) == 0) ? 'style=background-color:#DDD' : '') + '><td><div title="' + "User" + '" class=m2></div><div> ' + username + '<div></div></div></td><td><div style=float:right>' + trash + '</div></td></tr>';
x += '<tr ' + (((count % 2) == 0) ? 'style=background-color:#DDD' : '') + '><td><i class="fa-solid fa-user fa-fw" title="' + "User" + '"></i> ' + username + '</td><td><div style=float:right>' + trash + '</div></td></tr>';
@ -18736,8 +18739,8 @@
x += '<div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:20px><i>' + "No recordings." + '</i></div>';
} else {
// Display the users using the sorted list
x += '<table class=p3usersTable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';
x += '<th>' + "Session" + '<th style=width:110px>' + nobreak("Start Time") + '<th style=width:110px>' + "Duration" + '<th style=width:110px>' + "Size";
x += '<table class="table table-hover" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><thead class="text-center"><tr>';
x += '<th>' + "Session" + '</th><th style=width:110px>' + nobreak("Start Time") + '</th><th style=width:110px>' + "Duration" + '</th><th style=width:110px>' + "Size" + '</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
if (p52recordings != null) {
var recdate = null;
for (var i in p52recordings) {
@ -18746,7 +18749,7 @@
x += addRecordingHtml(i, rec);
x += '</table>';
x += '</tbody></table>';
QH('p52recordings', x);
@ -18793,17 +18796,17 @@
if (rec.protocol == 101) { sessionName += ' - ' + "Intel® AMT Redirection"; }
if (rec.protocol == 200) { sessionName += ' - ' + "Messenger"; }
var actions = '', icon = 'm0';
var actions = '', icon = 'fa-circle-xmark text-danger';
if (rec.present == 1) {
icon = 'm1';
actions = '<div style=cursor:pointer;float:right><a onclick=downloadFile("recordings.ashx?file=' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '")><img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="Download Recording"></a> </div>';
actions += '<div style=cursor:pointer;float:right><a href="player.htm?stream=' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '") rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"mcplay-' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '\"><img src=images/link7.png height=10 width=10 title="Play Recording"></a> </div>';
icon = 'fa-circle-check text-success';
actions = '<div style=cursor:pointer;float:right><a onclick=downloadFile("recordings.ashx?file=' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '")><i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-download fa-sm" title="Download Recording"></i></a> </div>';
actions += '<div style=cursor:pointer;float:right><a href="player.htm?stream=' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '") rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"mcplay-' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '\"><i class="fa-fw fa-solid fa-play fa-sm" title="Play Recording"></i></a> </div>';
var x = '<tr tabindex=0 onmouseover=userMouseHover2(this,1) onmouseout=userMouseHover2(this,0) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') showRecordingDialog(event,\'' + i + '\')"><td style=cursor:pointer>';
x += '<div class=bar style=width:100%>';
//x += '<div class=baricon><input class=RecordingCheckbox value="' + encodeURIComponentEx(rec.filename) + '" onclick=p52updateInfo() type=checkbox></div>';
x += '<div></div>';
x += '<div class=baricon onclick=showRecordingDialog(event,"' + i + '")><div class=' + icon + '></div></div>';
x += '<div class=baricon onclick=showRecordingDialog(event,"' + i + '")><i class="fa-fw fa-solid ' + icon + '"></i></div>';
x += '<div class=g1 onclick=showRecordingDialog(event,"' + i + '")></div><div class=g2 onclick=showRecordingDialog("' + i + '")></div>';
x += '<div style=line-height:24px onclick=showRecordingDialog(event,"' + i + '")>' + actions + '<div style=font-size:16px>' + sessionName + '</div></div></div><td style=text-align:center>' + sessionStartStr + '<td style=text-align:center>' + sessionLengthStr + '<td style=text-align:center>' + sessionSize;
return x;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user