Updated tinycore to support bare minimum diagnostic

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Roe 2021-01-24 16:17:25 -08:00
parent 1a65fd5ab6
commit 6fcdbe3d4c

View File

@ -14,54 +14,163 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
function createMeshCore(agent) {
var obj = {};
// MeshAgent JavaScript Core Module. This code is sent to and running on the mesh agent.
obj.meshCoreInfo = "TinyCore v1";
if (agent == null) {
// If we are running in Duktape, agent will be null
var mesh = require('MeshAgent');
} else {
// Running in nodejs
var mesh = agent.getMeshApi();
var obj = { meshCoreInfo: 'TinyCore v1' };
var mesh = null;
// Handle a mesh agent command
function handleServerCommand(data) {
if ((typeof data == 'object') && (data.action == 'msg') && (data.type == 'console') && data.value && data.sessionid) {
mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "msg", "type": "console", "value": "Tiny core: " + data.value, "sessionid": data.sessionid });
// Replace a string with a number if the string is an exact number
function toNumberIfNumber(x) { if ((typeof x == 'string') && (+parseInt(x) === x)) { x = parseInt(x); } return x; }
// Split a string taking into account the quoats. Used for command line parsing
function splitArgs(str)
var myArray = [], myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi;
do { var match = myRegexp.exec(str); if (match != null) { myArray.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]); } } while (match != null);
return myArray;
// Parse arguments string array into an object
function parseArgs(argv)
var results = { '_': [] }, current = null;
for (var i = 1, len = argv.length; i < len; i++)
var x = argv[i];
if (x.length > 2 && x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-')
if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
current = x.substring(2);
} else
if (current != null) { results[current] = toNumberIfNumber(x); current = null; } else { results['_'].push(toNumberIfNumber(x)); }
// Called when the server connection state changes
function handleServerConnection(state) {
if (state == 1) { mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "coreinfo", "value": obj.meshCoreInfo }); } // Server connected, send mesh core information
obj.start = function() {
// Hook up mesh agent events
mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "coreinfo", "value": obj.meshCoreInfo }); // TODO: Check if connected before sending
obj.stop = function() {
return obj;
if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
return results;
function sendConsoleText(msg, sessionid)
if (sessionid != null)
require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: msg, sessionid: sessionid });
require('MeshAgent').SendCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: msg });
function processConsoleCommand(cmd, args, rights, sessionid)
var response = null;
switch (cmd)
case 'help':
response = "Available commands are: eval, osinfo, setdebug, versions.";
case 'versions':
response = JSON.stringify(process.versions, null, ' ');
case 'eval':
{ // Eval JavaScript
if (args['_'].length < 1)
response = 'Proper usage: eval "JavaScript code"'; // Display correct command usage
} else
response = JSON.stringify(require('MeshAgent').eval(args['_'][0])); // This can only be run by trusted administrator.
case 'setdebug':
if (args['_'].length < 1) { response = 'Proper usage: setdebug (target), 0 = Disabled, 1 = StdOut, 2 = This Console, * = All Consoles, 4 = WebLog, 8 = Logfile'; } // Display usage
else { if (args['_'][0] == '*') { console.setDestination(2); } else { console.setDestination(parseInt(args['_'][0]), sessionid); } }
case 'osinfo': { // Return the operating system information
var i = 1;
if (args['_'].length > 0) { i = parseInt(args['_'][0]); if (i > 8) { i = 8; } response = 'Calling ' + i + ' times.'; }
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
var pr = require('os').name();
pr.sessionid = sessionid;
pr.then(function (v)
sendConsoleText("OS: " + v, this.sessionid);
default: { // This is an unknown command, return an error message
response = 'Unknown command \"' + cmd + '\", type \"help\" for list of available commands.';
} catch (e) { response = "Command returned an exception error: " + e; console.log(e); }
if (response != null) { sendConsoleText(response, sessionid); }
// Handle a mesh agent command
function handleServerCommand(data)
if ((typeof data == 'object') && (data.action == 'msg') && (data.type == 'console') && data.value && data.sessionid)
if (data.value && data.sessionid)
var args = splitArgs(data.value);
processConsoleCommand(args[0].toLowerCase(), parseArgs(args), data.rights, data.sessionid);
// Called when the server connection state changes
function handleServerConnection(state)
if (state == 1) { mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "coreinfo", "value": obj.meshCoreInfo }); } // Server connected, send mesh core information
obj.start = function ()
// Hook up mesh agent events
mesh.SendCommand({ action: 'coreinfo', value: "TinyCore", caps: 0 });
obj.stop = function ()
var xexports = null;
try { xexports = module.exports; } catch (e) { }
if (xexports != null) {
if (xexports != null)
// If we are running within NodeJS, export the core
module.exports.createMeshCore = createMeshCore;
} else {
// If we are not running in NodeJS, launch the core
module.exports.createMeshCore = function (agent) { mesh = agent.getMeshApi(); return (obj); };
// If we are not running in NodeJS, launch the core
sendConsoleText('TinyCore Started...');
mesh = require('MeshAgent');