mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:20:07 -05:00
Added command handlers for updateAgents,report
This commit is contained in:
@ -4318,12 +4318,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'updateAgents': {
// Update agents for selected devices
if (common.validateStrArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeids
for (var i in command.nodeids) { routeCommandToNode({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', nodeid: command.nodeids[i], value: 'agentupdate' }, MESHRIGHT_ADMIN, 0); }
case 'previousLogins': {
// TODO: Make a better database call to get filtered data.
if (command.userid == null) {
@ -4659,158 +4653,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'report': {
// Report request. Validate the input
if (common.validateInt(command.type, 1, 2) == false) break; // Validate type
if (common.validateInt(command.groupBy, 1, 3) == false) break; // Validate groupBy: 1 = User, 2 = Device, 3 = Day
if ((typeof command.start != 'number') || (typeof command.end != 'number') || (command.start >= command.end)) break; // Validate start and end time
const manageAllDeviceGroups = ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (parent.parent.config.settings.managealldevicegroups.indexOf(user._id) >= 0));
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (manageAllDeviceGroups == false) && ((user.links == null) || (user.links[command.devGroup] == null))) break; // Asking for a device group that is not allowed
const msgIdFilter = [5, 10, 11, 12, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126];
if (command.type == 1) { // This is the remote session report. Shows desktop, terminal, files...
// If we are not user administrator on this site, only search for events with our own user id.
var ids = [user._id];
if ((user.siteadmin & SITERIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) != 0) {
if (command.devGroup != null) {
ids = [ user._id, command.devGroup ];
} else {
if (manageAllDeviceGroups) { ids = ['*']; } else if (user.links) { for (var i in user.links) { ids.push(i); } }
// Get the events in the time range
// MySQL or MariaDB query will ignore the MsgID filter.
db.GetEventsTimeRange(ids, domain.id, msgIdFilter, new Date(command.start * 1000), new Date(command.end * 1000), function (err, docs) {
if (err != null) return;
var data = { groups: {} };
var guestNamePresent = false;
// Columns
if (command.groupBy == 1) {
data.groupFormat = 'user';
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'datetime' }, { id: 'nodeid', title: "device", format: 'node' }, { id: 'meshid', title: "devgroup", format: 'mesh' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) {
data.groupFormat = 'nodemesh';
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'datetime' }, { id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
} else if (command.groupBy == 3) {
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'time' }, { id: 'nodeid', title: "device", format: 'node' }, { id: 'meshid', title: "devgroup", format: 'mesh' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
// Add traffic columns
if (command.showTraffic) {
data.columns.push({ id: 'bytesin', title: "bytesin", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' });
data.columns.push({ id: 'bytesout', title: "bytesout", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' });
// Rows
for (var i in docs) {
// If MySQL or MariaDB query, we can't filter on MsgID, so we have to do it here.
if (msgIdFilter.indexOf(docs[i].msgid) < 0) continue;
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (docs[i].ids != null) && (docs[i].ids.indexOf(command.devGroup) == -1)) continue;
var entry = { time: docs[i].time.valueOf() };
// UserID
if (command.groupBy != 1) { entry.userid = docs[i].userid; }
if (command.groupBy != 2) { entry.nodeid = docs[i].nodeid; }
entry.protocol = docs[i].protocol;
// Device Group
if (docs[i].ids != null) { for (var j in docs[i].ids) { if (docs[i].ids[j].startsWith('mesh/')) { entry.meshid = docs[i].ids[j]; } } }
// Add traffic data
if (command.showTraffic) { entry.bytesin = docs[i].bytesin; entry.bytesout = docs[i].bytesout; }
// Add guest name if present
if (docs[i].guestname != null) { entry.guestname = docs[i].guestname; guestNamePresent = true; }
// Session length
if (((docs[i].msgid >= 10) && (docs[i].msgid <= 12)) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[3] == 'number')) { entry.length = docs[i].msgArgs[3]; }
else if ((docs[i].msgid >= 122) && (docs[i].msgid <= 126) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[0] == 'number')) { entry.length = docs[i].msgArgs[0]; }
if (command.groupBy == 1) { // Add entry to per user
if (data.groups[docs[i].userid] == null) { data.groups[docs[i].userid] = { entries: [] }; }
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) { // Add entry to per mesh+device
if (entry.meshid != null) {
var k = docs[i].nodeid + '/' + entry.meshid;
if (data.groups[k] == null) { data.groups[k] = { entries: [] }; }
} else {
if (data.groups[docs[i].nodeid] == null) { data.groups[docs[i].nodeid] = { entries: [] }; }
} else if (command.groupBy == 3) { // Add entry to per day
var day;
if ((typeof command.l == 'string') && (typeof command.tz == 'string')) {
day = new Date(docs[i].time).toLocaleDateString(command.l, { timeZone: command.tz });
} else {
day = docs[i].time; // TODO
if (data.groups[day] == null) { data.groups[day] = { entries: [] }; }
// Remove guest column if not needed
if (guestNamePresent == false) {
if ((command.groupBy == 1) || (command.groupBy == 3)) {
data.columns.splice(3, 1);
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) {
data.columns.splice(2, 1);
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'report', data: data })); } catch (ex) { }
if (command.type == 2) { // This is the user traffic usage report.
// If we are not user administrator on this site, only search for events with our own user id.
var ids = [user._id]; // If we are nto user administrator, only count our own traffic.
if ((user.siteadmin & SITERIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) != 0) { ids = ['*']; } // If user administrator, count traffic of all users.
// Get the events in the time range
// MySQL or MariaDB query will ignore the MsgID filter.
db.GetEventsTimeRange(ids, domain.id, msgIdFilter, new Date(command.start * 1000), new Date(command.end * 1000), function (err, docs) {
if (err != null) return;
var data = { groups: { 0: { entries: [] } } };
data.columns = [{ id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: true }, { id: 'bytesin', title: "bytesin", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: true }, { id: 'bytesout', title: "bytesout", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: true }];
var userEntries = {};
// Sum all entry logs for each user
for (var i in docs) {
// If MySQL or MariaDB query, we can't filter on MsgID, so we have to do it here.
if (msgIdFilter.indexOf(docs[i].msgid) < 0) continue;
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (docs[i].ids != null) && (docs[i].ids.indexOf(command.devGroup) == -1)) continue;
// Fetch or create the user entry
var userEntry = userEntries[docs[i].userid];
if (userEntry == null) { userEntry = { userid: docs[i].userid, length: 0, bytesin: 0, bytesout: 0}; }
if (docs[i].bytesin) { userEntry.bytesin += docs[i].bytesin; }
if (docs[i].bytesout) { userEntry.bytesout += docs[i].bytesout; }
// Session length
if (((docs[i].msgid >= 10) && (docs[i].msgid <= 12)) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[3] == 'number')) { userEntry.length += docs[i].msgArgs[3]; }
else if ((docs[i].msgid >= 122) && (docs[i].msgid <= 126) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[0] == 'number')) { userEntry.length += docs[i].msgArgs[0]; }
// Set the user entry
userEntries[docs[i].userid] = userEntry;
var userEntries2 = [];
for (var i in userEntries) { userEntries2.push(userEntries[i]); }
data.groups[0].entries = userEntries2;
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'report', data: data })); } catch (ex) { }
case 'endDesktopMultiplex': {
var err = null, xuser = null;
try {
@ -4879,6 +4721,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
'print': serverCommandPrint,
'removePhone': serverCommandremovePhone,
'removeuserfromusergroup': serverCommandRemoveUserFromUserGroup,
'report': serverCommandReport,
'serverclearerrorlog': serverCommandServerClearErrorLog,
'serverconsole': serverCommandServerConsole,
'servererrors': serverCommandServerErrors,
@ -4889,7 +4732,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
'setClip': serverCommandSetClip,
'smsuser': serverCommandSmsUser,
'trafficdelta': serverCommandTrafficDelta,
'trafficstats': serverCommandtrafficStats,
'trafficstats': serverCommandTrafficStats,
'updateAgents': serverCommandUpdateAgents,
'updateUserImage': serverCommandUpdateUserImage,
'urlargs': serverCommandUrlArgs,
'users': serverCommandUsers,
@ -5956,6 +5800,156 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removeuserfromusergroup', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
function serverCommandReport(command) {
if (common.validateInt(command.type, 1, 2) == false) return; // Validate type
if (common.validateInt(command.groupBy, 1, 3) == false) return; // Validate groupBy: 1 = User, 2 = Device, 3 = Day
if ((typeof command.start != 'number') || (typeof command.end != 'number') || (command.start >= command.end)) return; // Validate start and end time
const manageAllDeviceGroups = ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (parent.parent.config.settings.managealldevicegroups.indexOf(user._id) >= 0));
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (manageAllDeviceGroups == false) && ((user.links == null) || (user.links[command.devGroup] == null))) return; // Asking for a device group that is not allowed
const msgIdFilter = [5, 10, 11, 12, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126];
if (command.type == 1) { // This is the remote session report. Shows desktop, terminal, files...
// If we are not user administrator on this site, only search for events with our own user id.
var ids = [user._id];
if ((user.siteadmin & SITERIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) != 0) {
if (command.devGroup != null) {
ids = [ user._id, command.devGroup ];
} else {
if (manageAllDeviceGroups) { ids = ['*']; } else if (user.links) { for (var i in user.links) { ids.push(i); } }
// Get the events in the time range
// MySQL or MariaDB query will ignore the MsgID filter.
db.GetEventsTimeRange(ids, domain.id, msgIdFilter, new Date(command.start * 1000), new Date(command.end * 1000), function (err, docs) {
if (err != null) return;
var data = { groups: {} };
var guestNamePresent = false;
// Columns
if (command.groupBy == 1) {
data.groupFormat = 'user';
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'datetime' }, { id: 'nodeid', title: "device", format: 'node' }, { id: 'meshid', title: "devgroup", format: 'mesh' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) {
data.groupFormat = 'nodemesh';
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'datetime' }, { id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
} else if (command.groupBy == 3) {
data.columns = [{ id: 'time', title: "time", format: 'time' }, { id: 'nodeid', title: "device", format: 'node' }, { id: 'meshid', title: "devgroup", format: 'mesh' }, { id: 'guestname', title: "guest", align: 'center' }, { id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'protocol', title: "session", format: 'protocol', align: 'center' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' } ];
// Add traffic columns
if (command.showTraffic) {
data.columns.push({ id: 'bytesin', title: "bytesin", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' });
data.columns.push({ id: 'bytesout', title: "bytesout", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: 'protocol' });
// Rows
for (var i in docs) {
// If MySQL or MariaDB query, we can't filter on MsgID, so we have to do it here.
if (msgIdFilter.indexOf(docs[i].msgid) < 0) continue;
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (docs[i].ids != null) && (docs[i].ids.indexOf(command.devGroup) == -1)) continue;
var entry = { time: docs[i].time.valueOf() };
// UserID
if (command.groupBy != 1) { entry.userid = docs[i].userid; }
if (command.groupBy != 2) { entry.nodeid = docs[i].nodeid; }
entry.protocol = docs[i].protocol;
// Device Group
if (docs[i].ids != null) { for (var j in docs[i].ids) { if (docs[i].ids[j].startsWith('mesh/')) { entry.meshid = docs[i].ids[j]; } } }
// Add traffic data
if (command.showTraffic) { entry.bytesin = docs[i].bytesin; entry.bytesout = docs[i].bytesout; }
// Add guest name if present
if (docs[i].guestname != null) { entry.guestname = docs[i].guestname; guestNamePresent = true; }
// Session length
if (((docs[i].msgid >= 10) && (docs[i].msgid <= 12)) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[3] == 'number')) { entry.length = docs[i].msgArgs[3]; }
else if ((docs[i].msgid >= 122) && (docs[i].msgid <= 126) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[0] == 'number')) { entry.length = docs[i].msgArgs[0]; }
if (command.groupBy == 1) { // Add entry to per user
if (data.groups[docs[i].userid] == null) { data.groups[docs[i].userid] = { entries: [] }; }
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) { // Add entry to per mesh+device
if (entry.meshid != null) {
var k = docs[i].nodeid + '/' + entry.meshid;
if (data.groups[k] == null) { data.groups[k] = { entries: [] }; }
} else {
if (data.groups[docs[i].nodeid] == null) { data.groups[docs[i].nodeid] = { entries: [] }; }
} else if (command.groupBy == 3) { // Add entry to per day
var day;
if ((typeof command.l == 'string') && (typeof command.tz == 'string')) {
day = new Date(docs[i].time).toLocaleDateString(command.l, { timeZone: command.tz });
} else {
day = docs[i].time; // TODO
if (data.groups[day] == null) { data.groups[day] = { entries: [] }; }
// Remove guest column if not needed
if (guestNamePresent == false) {
if ((command.groupBy == 1) || (command.groupBy == 3)) {
data.columns.splice(3, 1);
} else if (command.groupBy == 2) {
data.columns.splice(2, 1);
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'report', data: data })); } catch (ex) { }
if (command.type == 2) { // This is the user traffic usage report.
// If we are not user administrator on this site, only search for events with our own user id.
var ids = [user._id]; // If we are nto user administrator, only count our own traffic.
if ((user.siteadmin & SITERIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) != 0) { ids = ['*']; } // If user administrator, count traffic of all users.
// Get the events in the time range
// MySQL or MariaDB query will ignore the MsgID filter.
db.GetEventsTimeRange(ids, domain.id, msgIdFilter, new Date(command.start * 1000), new Date(command.end * 1000), function (err, docs) {
if (err != null) return;
var data = { groups: { 0: { entries: [] } } };
data.columns = [{ id: 'userid', title: "user", format: 'user' }, { id: 'length', title: "length", format: 'seconds', align: 'center', sumBy: true }, { id: 'bytesin', title: "bytesin", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: true }, { id: 'bytesout', title: "bytesout", format: 'bytes', align: 'center', sumBy: true }];
var userEntries = {};
// Sum all entry logs for each user
for (var i in docs) {
// If MySQL or MariaDB query, we can't filter on MsgID, so we have to do it here.
if (msgIdFilter.indexOf(docs[i].msgid) < 0) continue;
if ((command.devGroup != null) && (docs[i].ids != null) && (docs[i].ids.indexOf(command.devGroup) == -1)) continue;
// Fetch or create the user entry
var userEntry = userEntries[docs[i].userid];
if (userEntry == null) { userEntry = { userid: docs[i].userid, length: 0, bytesin: 0, bytesout: 0}; }
if (docs[i].bytesin) { userEntry.bytesin += docs[i].bytesin; }
if (docs[i].bytesout) { userEntry.bytesout += docs[i].bytesout; }
// Session length
if (((docs[i].msgid >= 10) && (docs[i].msgid <= 12)) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[3] == 'number')) { userEntry.length += docs[i].msgArgs[3]; }
else if ((docs[i].msgid >= 122) && (docs[i].msgid <= 126) && (docs[i].msgArgs != null) && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs == 'object') && (typeof docs[i].msgArgs[0] == 'number')) { userEntry.length += docs[i].msgArgs[0]; }
// Set the user entry
userEntries[docs[i].userid] = userEntry;
var userEntries2 = [];
for (var i in userEntries) { userEntries2.push(userEntries[i]); }
data.groups[0].entries = userEntries2;
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'report', data: data })); } catch (ex) { }
function serverCommandServerClearErrorLog(command) {
// Clear the server error log if user has site update permissions
if (userHasSiteUpdate()) { fs.unlink(parent.parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'), function (err) { }); }
@ -6076,10 +6070,16 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'trafficdelta', delta: stats.delta })); } catch (ex) { }
function serverCommandtrafficStats(command) {
function serverCommandTrafficStats(command) {
try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'trafficstats', stats: parent.getTrafficStats() })); } catch (ex) { }
function serverCommandUpdateAgents(command) {
// Update agents for selected devices
if (common.validateStrArray(command.nodeids, 1) == false) break; // Check nodeids
for (var i in command.nodeids) { routeCommandToNode({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', nodeid: command.nodeids[i], value: 'agentupdate' }, MESHRIGHT_ADMIN, 0); }
function serverCommandUpdateUserImage(command) {
if (req.session.loginToken != null) return; // Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
Reference in New Issue
Block a user