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synced 2025-03-12 20:50:08 -04:00
Added Intel AMT ACM activation using CIRA-LMS.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
'use strict';
module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function (parent) {
var obj = {};
obj.parent = parent;
obj.amtDevices = {}; // Nodeid --> [ dev ]
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
function isAmtDeviceValid(dev) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid];
if (devices == null) return false;
return (devices.indexOf(dev) >= 0)
return (devices.indexOf(dev) >= 0)
// Add an Intel AMT managed device
@ -529,15 +529,15 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
function UpdateDevice(dev) {
// Check that the mesh exists
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { removeAmtDevice(dev); console.log('y3'); return false; }
if (mesh == null) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return false; }
// Get the node and change it if needed
parent.db.Get(dev.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { console.log('y1'); return false; }
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) return false;
const device = nodes[0];
var changes = [], change = 0, log = 0;
var domain = parent.config.domains[device.domain];
if (domain == null) { console.log('y2'); return false; }
if (domain == null) return false;
// Check if anything changes
if (device.intelamt == null) { device.intelamt = {}; }
@ -557,10 +557,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
if (typeof device.intelamt.flags == 'number') { flags = device.intelamt.flags; }
if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 1) { if ((flags & 4) != 0) { flags -= 4; } if ((flags & 2) == 0) { flags += 2; } } // CCM
if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 2) { if ((flags & 4) == 0) { flags += 4; } if ((flags & 2) != 0) { flags -= 2; } } // ACM
if (device.intelamt.flags != flags) {
console.log('ChangeFlags', flags);
change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.flags = flags; changes.push('AMT flags');
if (device.intelamt.flags != flags) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.flags = flags; changes.push('AMT flags'); }
// If there are changes, event the new device
if (change == 1) {
@ -866,7 +863,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed perform commit (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
dev.consoleMsg("Enabled TLS.");
dev.consoleMsg("Enabled TLS, holding 5 seconds...");
// Update device in the database
dev.aquired.tls = 1;
@ -877,7 +874,11 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
// Switch our communications to TLS (Restart our management of this node)
dev.switchToTls = 1;
delete dev.tlsfail;
// Wait 5 seconds before attempting to manage this device some more
var f = function doManage() { if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev)) { devTaskCompleted(doManage.dev); } }
f.dev = dev;
setTimeout(f, 5000);
@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
if (dev.policy.ciraPolicy == 2) {
// Check that we have a random environment detection
if (domains.length == 0) { editEnvironmentDetectionTmp = [ Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(6), 'binary').toString('hex') ]; changes = true; }
if (domains.length == 0) { editEnvironmentDetectionTmp = [Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(6), 'binary').toString('hex')]; changes = true; }
} else if (dev.policy.ciraPolicy == 1) {
// Check environment detection is clear
if (domains.length != 0) { editEnvironmentDetectionTmp = []; changes = true; }
@ -1230,7 +1231,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
x.netmask = wired.SubnetMask;
x.mac = wired.MACAddress.split('-').join(':').toUpperCase();
x.gateway = wired.DefaultGateway;
net.netif2['Ethernet'] = [ x ];
net.netif2['Ethernet'] = [x];
if (wireless != null) {
@ -1241,7 +1242,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
x.netmask = wireless.SubnetMask;
x.mac = wireless.MACAddress.split('-').join(':').toUpperCase();
x.gateway = wireless.DefaultGateway;
net.netif2['Wireless'] = [ x ];
net.netif2['Wireless'] = [x];
net.updateTime = Date.now();
@ -1375,7 +1376,15 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
if (mesh.amt != null) { if (mesh.amt.type) { amtPolicy = mesh.amt.type; } }
if ((typeof dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsAdmin != 'object') || (typeof dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsAdmin.user != 'string') || (typeof dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsAdmin.pass != 'string')) { amtPolicy = 0; }
if (amtPolicy == 0) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // Do nothing, we should not have gotten this CIRA-LMS connection.
if (amtPolicy == 2) { activateIntelAmtCcm(dev, mesh.amt.password); }
if (amtPolicy == 2) { activateIntelAmtCcm(dev, mesh.amt.password); } // Activate to CCM policy
if (amtPolicy == 3) { // Activate to ACM policy
var acminfo = checkAcmActivation(dev);
if (acminfo == null) {
activateIntelAmtCcm(dev, mesh.amt.password); // No ACM certificate found, fallback to CCM.
} else {
activateIntelAmtAcm(dev, mesh.amt.password, acminfo); // Found a certificate, activate to ACM.
function activateIntelAmtCcm(dev, password) {
@ -1419,6 +1428,7 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
dev.aquired.lastContact = Date.now();
dev.aquired.state = 2; // Activated
delete dev.acctry;
delete dev.temp;
// Success, switch to managing this device
@ -1431,6 +1441,128 @@ module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
setTimeout(f, 10000);
// Check if this device has any way to be activated in ACM using our server certificates.
function checkAcmActivation(dev) {
var domain = parent.config.domains[dev.domainid];
if ((domain == null) || (domain.amtacmactivation == null) || (domain.amtacmactivation.certs == null) || (domain.amtacmactivation.certs.length == 0)) return null;
const activationCerts = domain.amtacmactivation.certs;
if ((dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState == null) || (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Hashes == null) || (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Hashes.length == 0)) return null;
const deviceHashes = dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Hashes;
// Get the trusted FQDN of the device
var trustedFqdn = null;
if (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsDnsSuffix != null) { trustedFqdn = dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsDnsSuffix; }
if (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.DnsSuffix != null) { trustedFqdn = dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.DnsSuffix; }
if (trustedFqdn == null) return null;
// Find a matching certificate
for (var i in activationCerts) {
var cert = activationCerts[i];
if ((cert.cn == '*') || (cert.cn == trustedFqdn)) {
for (var j in deviceHashes) {
var hashInfo = deviceHashes[j];
if (hashInfo.isActive == 1) {
if ((hashInfo.hashAlgorithmStr == 'SHA256') && (hashInfo.certificateHash.toLowerCase() == cert.sha256)) { return { cert: cert, fqdn: trustedFqdn, hash: cert.sha256 }; } // Found a match
else if ((hashInfo.hashAlgorithmStr == 'SHA1') && (hashInfo.certificateHash.toLowerCase() == cert.sha1)) { return { cert: cert, fqdn: trustedFqdn, hash: cert.sha1 }; } // Found a match
return null; // Did not find a match
// Attempt Intel AMT ACM activation
function activateIntelAmtAcm(dev, password, acminfo) {
// Generate a random Intel AMT password if needed
if ((password == null) || (password == '')) { password = getRandomAmtPassword(); }
dev.temp = { pass: password, acminfo: acminfo };
// Setup the WSMAN stack, no TLS
var comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16992, dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsAdmin.user, dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsAdmin.pass, 0, null, dev.mpsConnection); // No TLS
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack);
dev.amtstack.dev = dev;
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], activateIntelAmtAcmEx1);
function activateIntelAmtAcmEx1(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to get Intel AMT state."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Sign the Intel AMT ACM activation request
var info = { nonce: responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response['ConfigurationNonce'], realm: responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response['DigestRealm'], fqdn: dev.temp.acminfo.fqdn, hash: dev.temp.acminfo.hash, uuid: dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.UUID };
var acmdata = parent.certificateOperations.signAcmRequest(parent.config.domains[dev.domainid], info, 'admin', dev.temp.pass, obj.remoteaddrport, dev.nodeid, dev.meshid, dev.name, 0);
if ((acmdata == null) || (acmdata.error != null)) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to sign ACM nonce."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Log this activation event
var event = { etype: 'node', action: 'amtactivate', nodeid: dev.nodeid, domain: dev.domainid, msgid: 58, msgArgs: [ dev.temp.acminfo.fqdn ], msg: 'Device requested Intel(R) AMT ACM activation, FQDN: ' + dev.temp.acminfo.fqdn };
if (parent.db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the node. Another event will come.
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(dev.meshid, [dev.nodeid]), obj, event);
// Start the activation process
dev.temp.acmdata = acmdata;
dev.temp.acmdata.index = 0;
dev.consoleMsg("Performing ACM activation...");
// Recursive function to inject the provisioning certificates into AMT in the proper order and completes ACM activation
function activateIntelAmtAcmEx2(dev) {
var acmdata = dev.temp.acmdata;
var leaf = (acmdata.index == 0), root = (acmdata.index == (acmdata.certs.length - 1));
if ((acmdata.index < acmdata.certs.length) && (acmdata.certs[acmdata.index] != null)) {
dev.amtstack.IPS_HostBasedSetupService_AddNextCertInChain(acmdata.certs[acmdata.index], leaf, root,
function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to set ACM certificate chain (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
if (responses['Body']['ReturnValue'] != 0) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to set ACM certificate chain (ERR/" + responses['Body']['ReturnValue'] + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Move to the next activation operation
} else {
dev.amtstack.IPS_HostBasedSetupService_AdminSetup(2, acmdata.password, acmdata.nonce, 2, acmdata.signature,
function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to complete ACM activation (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
if (responses['Body']['ReturnValue'] != 0) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to complete ACM activation (ERR/" + responses['Body']['ReturnValue'] + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Success, switch to managing this device
obj.parent.mpsserver.SendJsonControl(dev.mpsConnection, { action: 'mestate' }); // Request an MEI state refresh
dev.consoleMsg("Succesfully activated in ACM mode, holding 10 seconds...");
// Update the device
dev.aquired = {};
dev.aquired.controlMode = 2; // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM
var verSplit = dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.amtVersion.split('.');
if (verSplit.length >= 3) { dev.aquired.version = verSplit[0] + '.' + verSplit[1] + '.' + verSplit[2]; dev.aquired.majorver = parseInt(verSplit[0]); dev.aquired.minorver = parseInt(verSplit[1]); }
if ((typeof dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsHostname == 'string') && (typeof dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsDnsSuffix == 'string')) {
dev.aquired.host = dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsHostname + '.' + dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.OsDnsSuffix;
dev.aquired.realm = dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.digestRealm;
dev.intelamt.user = dev.aquired.user = 'admin';
dev.intelamt.pass = dev.aquired.pass = dev.temp.pass;
dev.intelamt.tls = dev.aquired.tls = 0;
dev.aquired.lastContact = Date.now();
dev.aquired.state = 2; // Activated
delete dev.acctry;
delete dev.temp;
// Wait 10 seconds before attempting to manage this device in CCM
var f = function doManage() { if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev)) { attemptInitialContact(doManage.dev); } }
f.dev = dev;
setTimeout(f, 10000);
// Intel AMT CCM deactivation
Reference in New Issue
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