mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Updated clickonce, password hint is configurable.
This commit is contained in:
@ -789,7 +789,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Check if this is an existing user
var newuser = { type: 'user', _id: newuserid, name: newusername, creation: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), domain: domain.id };
if (command.email != null) { newuser.email = command.email; } // Email
if (command.resetNextLogin === true) { newuser.passchange = -1; } else { newuser.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); }
obj.parent.users[newuserid] = newuser;
// Create a user, generate a salt and hash the password
require('./pass').hash(command.pass, function (err, salt, hash) {
if (err) throw err;
@ -830,7 +832,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
// Change our own password
if (obj.common.validateString(command.oldpass, 1, 256) == false) break;
if (obj.common.validateString(command.newpass, 1, 256) == false) break;
if (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false) break;
if ((command.hint != null) && (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break;
if (obj.common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.newpass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements
// Start by checking the old password
@ -843,11 +845,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
displayNotificationMessage('Error, password not changed.');
} else {
// Change the password
var hint = command.hint;
if (hint.length > 250) hint = hint.substring(0, 250);
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true) && (command.hint != null)) {
var hint = command.hint;
if (hint.length > 250) { hint = hint.substring(0, 250); }
user.passhint = hint;
user.salt = salt;
user.hash = hash;
user.passhint = hint;
user.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
delete user.passtype;
@ -870,7 +874,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) break;
if (obj.common.validateString(command.user, 1, 256) == false) break;
if (obj.common.validateString(command.pass, 1, 256) == false) break;
if (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false) break;
if ((command.hint != null) && (obj.common.validateString(command.hint, 0, 256) == false)) break;
if (typeof command.removeMultiFactor != 'boolean') break;
if (obj.common.checkPasswordRequirements(command.pass, domain.passwordrequirements) == false) break; // Password does not meet requirements
@ -881,8 +885,12 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (!err) {
chguser.salt = salt;
chguser.hash = hash;
chguser.passhint = command.hint;
if (command.resetNextLogin == true) { chguser.passchange = -1; } else { chguser.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); }
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true) && (command.hint != null)) {
var hint = command.hint;
if (hint.length > 250) { hint = hint.substring(0, 250); }
chguser.passhint = hint;
if (command.resetNextLogin === true) { chguser.passchange = -1; } else { chguser.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); }
delete chguser.passtype; // Remove the password type if one was present.
if (command.removeMultiFactor == true) {
if (chguser.otpsecret) { delete chguser.otpsecret; }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.2.9-h",
"version": "0.2.9-i",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
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<!-- UAC Manifest Options
If you want to change the Windows User Account Control level replace the
requestedExecutionLevel node with one of the following.
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
<requestedExecutionLevel level="highestAvailable" uiAccess="false" />
Specifying requestedExecutionLevel node will disable file and registry virtualization.
If you want to utilize File and Registry Virtualization for backward
compatibility then delete the requestedExecutionLevel node.
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />
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<compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
<!-- A list of all Windows versions that this application is designed to work with. Windows will automatically select the most compatible environment.-->
<!-- If your application is designed to work with Windows 7, uncomment the following supportedOS node-->
<!--<supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>-->
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ FONT.key {font-weight: bold; color: darkgreen}
<!-- Begin AppInfo -->
<TABLE><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Name:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD>MeshCentral Mini-Router</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Version:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Publisher:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD>Meshcentral.com</TD></TR><tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr></TABLE>
<TABLE><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Name:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD>MeshCentral Mini-Router</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Version:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3"> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B>Publisher:</B></TD><TD WIDTH="5"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH="10" /></TD><TD>Meshcentral.com</TD></TR><tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr></TABLE>
<!-- End AppInfo -->
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
var x = "<form action='" + domainUrl + "changepassword' method=post><table style=margin-left:10px><tr>";
x += "<td align=right>Password:</td><td><input id=apassword1 type=password name=apassword1 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /> <b><span id=dxPassWarn></span></b></td>";
x += "</tr><tr><td align=right>Password:</td><td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=apassword2 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td>";
x += "</tr><tr><td align=right>Hint:</td><td><input id=apasswordhint name=apasswordhint maxlength=250 type=text autocomplete=off /></td>";
if (features & 0x00010000) { x += "</tr><tr><td align=right>Hint:</td><td><input id=apasswordhint name=apasswordhint maxlength=250 type=text autocomplete=off /></td>"; }
x += '</tr></table><div style=padding:10px;margin-bottom:4px>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgCancelButton type=button value=Cancel style=float:right;width:80px;margin-left:5px onclick=dialogclose(0)>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgOkButton type=submit value=OK style="float:right;width:80px" onclick=dialogclose(1)>';
@ -5593,9 +5593,13 @@
x += "<tr><td align=right>Old password:</td><td><input id=apassword0 type=password name=apassword0 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /> <b></b></td></tr>";
x += "<tr><td align=right>New password:</td><td><input id=apassword1 type=password name=apassword1 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /> <b><span id=dxPassWarn></span></b></td></tr>";
x += "<tr><td align=right>New password:</td><td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=apassword2 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td></tr>";
x += "<tr><td align=right>Password hint:</td><td><input id=apasswordhint name=apasswordhint maxlength=250 type=text autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td></tr>";
if (features & 0x00010000) { x += "<tr><td align=right>Password hint:</td><td><input id=apasswordhint name=apasswordhint maxlength=250 type=text autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td></tr>"; }
x += '</table>'
if (passRequirements) { var r = []; for (var i in passRequirements) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); } x += '<br /><span style=font-size:x-small>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</span>'; }
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<br /><span style=font-size:x-small>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</span>'; }
x += '<br />';
//x += '<br /><div style=padding:10px;margin-bottom:4px>';
//x += '<input id=account_dlgCancelButton type=button value=Cancel style=float:right;width:80px;margin-left:5px onclick=dialogclose(0)>';
@ -5608,7 +5612,9 @@
function account_showChangePasswordEx() {
if (Q('apassword1').value == Q('apassword2').value) {
meshserver.send({ action: 'changepassword', oldpass: Q('apassword0').value, newpass: Q('apassword1').value, hint: Q('apasswordhint').value });
var r = { action: 'changepassword', oldpass: Q('apassword0').value, newpass: Q('apassword1').value };
if (features & 0x00010000) { r.hint = Q('apasswordhint').value; }
@ -6487,7 +6493,14 @@
x += addHtmlValue('Email', '<input id=p4email style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
x += addHtmlValue('Password', '<input id=p4pass1 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
x += addHtmlValue('Password', '<input id=p4pass2 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
if (passRequirements) { var r = []; for (var i in passRequirements) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); } x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</div>'; }
x += '<div><input id=p4resetNextLogin type=checkbox />Force password reset on next login.</div>';
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</div>'; }
setDialogMode(2, "Create Account", 3, showCreateNewAccountDialogEx, x);
@ -6501,7 +6514,7 @@
function showCreateNewAccountDialogEx() {
meshserver.send({ action: 'adduser', username: Q('p4name').value, email: Q('p4email').value, pass: Q('p4pass1').value });
meshserver.send({ action: 'adduser', username: Q('p4name').value, email: Q('p4email').value, pass: Q('p4pass1').value, resetNextLogin: Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked });
function showUserAdminDialog(e, userid) {
@ -6689,8 +6702,14 @@
var x = '';
x += addHtmlValue('Password', '<input id=p4pass1 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate(1) onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate(1)></input>');
x += addHtmlValue('Password', '<input id=p4pass2 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate(1) onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate(1)></input>');
x += addHtmlValue('Password hint', '<input id=p4hint type=text style=width:230px maxlength=256></input>');
if (passRequirements) { var r = []; for (var i in passRequirements) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); } x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</div>'; }
if (features & 0x00010000) { x += addHtmlValue('Password hint', '<input id=p4hint type=text style=width:230px maxlength=256></input>'); }
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>Requirements: ' + r.join(', ') + '.</div>'; }
x += '<div><input id=p4resetNextLogin type=checkbox />Force password reset on next login.</div>';
if (multiFactor == 1) { x += '<div><input id=p4twoFactorRemove type=checkbox />Remove all 2nd factor authentication.</div>'; }
setDialogMode(2, "Change Password for " + EscapeHtml(currentUser.name), 3, p30showUserChangePassDialogEx, x, multiFactor);
@ -6701,7 +6720,11 @@
function p30showUserChangePassDialogEx(b, tag) {
var removeMultiFactor = false;
if ((tag == 1) && (Q('p4twoFactorRemove').checked == true)) { removeMultiFactor = true; }
if (Q('p4pass1').value == Q('p4pass2').value) { meshserver.send({ action: 'changeuserpass', user: currentUser.name, pass: Q('p4pass1').value, hint: Q('p4hint').value, removeMultiFactor: removeMultiFactor, resetNextLogin: Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked }); }
if (Q('p4pass1').value == Q('p4pass2').value) {
var r = { action: 'changeuserpass', user: currentUser.name, pass: Q('p4pass1').value, removeMultiFactor: removeMultiFactor, resetNextLogin: Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked };
if (features & 0x00010000) { r.hint = Q('p4hint').value; }
function p30showDeleteUserDialog() {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<td align=right>Password:</td>
<td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=password2 autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validateCreate(4) onkeyup=validateCreate(4,event) /></td>
<tr id="createPanelHint" style="display:none">
<td align=right>Pass Hint:</td>
<td><input id=apasswordhint type=text name=apasswordhint autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validateCreate(5) onkeyup=validateCreate(5,event) /></td>
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
<td align=right width=100>Login token:</td>
<input id=tokenInput type=text name=token maxlength=50 onchange=checkToken(event) onkeyup=checkToken(event) onkeydown=checkToken(event) />
<input id=tokenInput type=text name=token maxlength=50 onchange=checkToken(event) onkeyup=checkToken(event) onkeydown=checkToken(event) onfocus=checkTokenTimer(1) onblur=checkTokenTimer(0) />
<input id=hwtokenInput type=text name=hwtoken style="display:none" />
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
<td id="rnuPass2" align=right>Password:</td>
<td><input id=rapassword2 type=password name=rpassword2 autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validatePassReset(4,event) onkeyup=validatePassReset(4,event) /></td>
<tr id="resetpasswordpanelHint" style="display:none">
<td id="rnuHint" align=right>Password Hint:</td>
<td><input id=rapasswordhint type=text name=rpasswordhint autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validatePassReset(5,event) onkeyup=validatePassReset(5,event) /></td>
@ -258,8 +258,10 @@
var emailCheck = ('{{{emailcheck}}}' == 'true');
var features = parseInt('{{{features}}}');
var passRequirements = "{{{passRequirements}}}";
if (passRequirements != "") { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); }
if (passRequirements != "") { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); } else { passRequirements = {}; }
var passRequirementsEx = ((passRequirements.min != null) || (passRequirements.max != null) || (passRequirements.upper != null) || (passRequirements.lower != null) || (passRequirements.numeric != null) || (passRequirements.nonalpha != null));
var hardwareKeyChallenge = '{{{hkey}}}';
var currentpanel = 0;
function startup() {
if ((features & 32) == 0) {
@ -269,13 +271,16 @@
if (top != self && (loc == null || top.active == false)) { top.location = self.location; return; }
QV('createPanelHint', passRequirements.hint === true);
QV('resetpasswordpanelHint', passRequirements.hint === true);
window.onresize = center;
if ('{{loginmode}}' != '') { go(parseInt('{{loginmode}}')); } else { go(1); }
QV('newAccountDiv', ('{{{newAccount}}}' != '0') && ('{{{newAccount}}}' != 'false')); // If new accounts are not allowed, don't display the new account link.
if ((passhint != null) && (passhint.length > 0)) { QV("showPassHintLink", true); }
if ((passRequirements.hint === true) && (passhint != null) && (passhint.length > 0)) { QV("showPassHintLink", true); }
QV("newAccountPass", (newAccountPass == 1));
QV("resetAccountDiv", (emailCheck == true));
QV("hrAccountDiv", (emailCheck == true) || (newAccountPass == 1));
@ -284,7 +289,7 @@
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if (authResponse.signatureData) {
if ((currentpanel == 4) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('hwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
QE('tokenOkButton', true);
@ -297,7 +302,7 @@
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if (authResponse.signatureData) {
if ((currentpanel == 5) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
QE('resetTokenOkButton', true);
@ -308,7 +313,7 @@
function showPassHint() {
messagebox("Password Hint", passhint);
if (passRequirements.hint === true) { messagebox("Password Hint", passhint); }
function xgo(x) {
@ -322,6 +327,7 @@
function go(x) {
currentpanel = x;
QV("showPassHintLink", false);
QV('loginpanel', x == 1);
@ -354,7 +360,7 @@
QH('passWarning', '');
QV('passwordPolicyCallout', false);
} else {
if (passRequirements == null || passRequirements == '') {
if (!passRequirementsEx) {
// No password requirements, display password strength
var passStrength = checkPasswordStrength(Q('apassword1').value);
if (passStrength >= 80) { QH('passWarning', '<span style=color:green><b>Strong Password</b><span>'); }
@ -402,7 +408,7 @@
QH('rpassWarning', '');
QV('rpasswordPolicyCallout', false);
} else {
if (passRequirements == null || passRequirements == '') {
if (!passRequirementsEx) {
// No password requirements, display password strength
var passStrength = checkPasswordStrength(Q('rapassword1').value);
if (passStrength >= 80) { QH('rpassWarning', '<span style=color:green><b>Strong Password</b><span>'); }
@ -491,16 +497,20 @@
return counts;
var xcheckTokenTimer = null;
function checkTokenTimer(enter) {
if ((enter == 0) && (xcheckTokenTimer != null)) { clearInterval(xcheckTokenTimer); xcheckTokenTimer = null; }
if ((enter == 1) && (xcheckTokenTimer == null)) { xcheckTokenTimer = setInterval(checkToken, 200); }
function checkToken() {
var t1 = Q('tokenInput').value;
var t2 = t1.split(' ').join('');
var t1 = Q('tokenInput').value, t2 = t1.split(' ').join('');
if (t1 != t2) { Q('tokenInput').value = t2; }
QE('tokenOkButton', (Q('tokenInput').value.length == 6) || (Q('tokenInput').value.length == 8) || (Q('tokenInput').value.length == 44));
function resetCheckToken() {
var t1 = Q('resetTokenInput').value;
var t2 = t1.split(' ').join('');
var t1 = Q('resetTokenInput').value, t2 = t1.split(' ').join('');
if (t1 != t2) { Q('resetTokenInput').value = t2; }
QE('resetTokenOkButton', (Q('resetTokenInput').value.length == 6) || (Q('resetTokenInput').value.length == 8) || (Q('resetTokenInput').value.length == 44));
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
<td id="nuPass2" align=right>Password:</td>
<td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=password2 autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validateCreate(4,event) onkeyup=validateCreate(4,event) /></td>
<tr id="createPanelHint" style="display:none">
<td id="nuHint" align=right>Password Hint:</td>
<td><input id=apasswordhint type=text name=apasswordhint autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validateCreate(5,event) onkeyup=validateCreate(5,event) /></td>
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
<td id="rnuPass2" align=right>Password:</td>
<td><input id=rapassword2 type=password name=rpassword2 autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validatePassReset(4,event) onkeyup=validatePassReset(4,event) /></td>
<tr id="resetpasswordpanelHint" style="display:none">
<td id="rnuHint" align=right>Password Hint:</td>
<td><input id=rapasswordhint type=text name=rpasswordhint autocomplete=off maxlength=256 onkeydown=haltReturn(event) onchange=validatePassReset(5,event) onkeyup=validatePassReset(5,event) /></td>
@ -333,12 +333,14 @@
var emailCheck = ('{{{emailcheck}}}' == 'true');
var passRequirements = "{{{passRequirements}}}";
var hardwareKeyChallenge = '{{{hkey}}}';
if (passRequirements != "") { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); }
if (passRequirements != "") { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); } else { passRequirements = {}; }
var passRequirementsEx = ((passRequirements.min != null) || (passRequirements.max != null) || (passRequirements.upper != null) || (passRequirements.lower != null) || (passRequirements.numeric != null) || (passRequirements.nonalpha != null));
var features = parseInt('{{{features}}}');
var webPageFullScreen = getstore('webPageFullScreen', true);
if (webPageFullScreen == 'false') { webPageFullScreen = false; }
if (webPageFullScreen == 'true') { webPageFullScreen = true; }
var welcomeText = decodeURIComponent("{{{welcometext}}}");
var currentpanel = 0;
function startup() {
@ -349,6 +351,9 @@
if (top != self && (loc == null || top.active == false)) { top.location = self.location; return; }
QV('createPanelHint', passRequirements.hint === true);
QV('resetpasswordpanelHint', passRequirements.hint === true);
// Display the welcome text
if (welcomeText) { QH('welcomeText', welcomeText); }
QV('welcomeText', true);
@ -369,7 +374,7 @@
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if (authResponse.signatureData) {
if ((currentpanel == 4) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('hwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
QE('tokenOkButton', true);
@ -382,7 +387,7 @@
try { if (hardwareKeyChallenge.length > 0) { hardwareKeyChallenge = JSON.parse(hardwareKeyChallenge); } else { hardwareKeyChallenge = null; } } catch (ex) { hardwareKeyChallenge = null }
if ((hardwareKeyChallenge != null) && u2fSupported()) {
window.u2f.sign(hardwareKeyChallenge.appId, hardwareKeyChallenge.challenge, hardwareKeyChallenge.registeredKeys, function (authResponse) {
if (authResponse.signatureData) {
if ((currentpanel == 5) && authResponse.signatureData) {
Q('resetHwtokenInput').value = JSON.stringify(authResponse);
QE('resetTokenOkButton', true);
@ -407,6 +412,7 @@
function go(x) {
currentpanel = x;
QV("showPassHintLink", false);
QV('loginpanel', x == 1);
@ -451,7 +457,7 @@
QH('passWarning', '');
QV('passwordPolicyCallout', false);
} else {
if (passRequirements == null || passRequirements == '') {
if (!passRequirementsEx) {
// No password requirements, display password strength
var passStrength = checkPasswordStrength(Q('apassword1').value);
if (passStrength >= 80) { QH('passWarning', '<span style=color:green><b>Strong Password</b><span>'); }
@ -499,7 +505,7 @@
QH('rpassWarning', '');
QV('rpasswordPolicyCallout', false);
} else {
if (passRequirements == null || passRequirements == '') {
if (!passRequirementsEx) {
// No password requirements, display password strength
var passStrength = checkPasswordStrength(Q('rapassword1').value);
if (passStrength >= 80) { QH('rpassWarning', '<span style=color:green><b>Strong Password</b><span>'); }
@ -578,9 +578,8 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
req.session.loginmode = '2';
req.session.error = '<b style=color:#8C001A>Username already exists.</b>';
} else {
var hint = req.body.apasswordhint;
if (hint.length > 250) hint = hint.substring(0, 250);
var user = { type: 'user', _id: 'user/' + domain.id + '/' + req.body.username.toLowerCase(), name: req.body.username, email: req.body.email, creation: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), login: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), domain: domain.id, passhint: hint };
var user = { type: 'user', _id: 'user/' + domain.id + '/' + req.body.username.toLowerCase(), name: req.body.username, email: req.body.email, creation: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), login: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), domain: domain.id };
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true) && (req.body.apasswordhint)) { var hint = req.body.apasswordhint; if (hint.length > 250) { hint = hint.substring(0, 250); } user.passhint = hint; }
var usercount = 0;
for (var i in obj.users) { if (obj.users[i].domain == domain.id) { usercount++; } }
if (usercount == 0) { user.siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (domain.newaccounts === 2) { domain.newaccounts = 0; } } // If this is the first user, give the account site admin.
@ -655,7 +654,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (err) throw err;
user.salt = salt;
user.hash = hash;
user.passhint = req.body.rpasswordhint;
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true)) { var hint = req.body.rpasswordhint; if (hint.length > 250) { hint = hint.substring(0, 250); } user.passhint = hint; } else { delete user.passhint; }
user.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
delete user.passtype;
@ -812,7 +811,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
userinfo.hash = hash;
delete userinfo.passtype;
userinfo.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
userinfo.passhint = null;
delete userinfo.passhint;
//delete userinfo.otpsecret; // Currently a email password reset will turn off 2-step login.
@ -925,11 +924,9 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Update the password
require('./pass').hash(req.body.apassword1, function (err, salt, hash) {
if (err) throw err;
var hint = req.body.apasswordhint;
if (hint.length > 250) hint = hint.substring(0, 250);
user.salt = salt;
user.hash = hash;
user.passhint = req.body.apasswordhint;
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true) && (req.body.apasswordhint)) { var hint = req.body.apasswordhint; if (hint.length > 250) hint = hint.substring(0, 250); user.passhint = hint; } else { delete user.passhint; }
user.passchange = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
delete user.passtype;
@ -1070,22 +1067,23 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Give the web page a list of supported server features
features = 0;
if (obj.args.wanonly == true) { features += 0x0001; } // WAN-only mode
if (obj.args.lanonly == true) { features += 0x0002; } // LAN-only mode
if (obj.args.nousers == true) { features += 0x0004; } // Single user mode
if (domain.userQuota == -1) { features += 0x0008; } // No server files mode
if (obj.args.mpstlsoffload) { features += 0x0010; } // No mutual-auth CIRA
if ((parent.config != null) && (parent.config.settings != null) && (parent.config.settings.allowframing == true)) { features += 0x0020; } // Allow site within iframe
if ((obj.parent.mailserver != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != 'un-configured') && (obj.args.lanonly != true)) { features += 0x0040; } // Email invites
if (obj.args.webrtc == true) { features += 0x0080; } // Enable WebRTC (Default false for now)
if (obj.args.clickonce !== false) { features += 0x0100; } // Enable ClickOnce (Default true)
if (obj.args.allowhighqualitydesktop == true) { features += 0x0200; } // Enable AllowHighQualityDesktop (Default false)
if (obj.args.lanonly == true || obj.args.mpsport == 0) { features += 0x0400; } // No CIRA
if ((obj.parent.serverSelfWriteAllowed == true) && (user != null) && (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { features += 0x0800; } // Server can self-write (Allows self-update)
if ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != 'un-configured') && (obj.args.nousers !== true)) { features += 0x1000; } // 2-step login supported
if (domain.agentnoproxy === true) { features += 0x2000; } // Indicates that agents should be installed without using a HTTP proxy
if (domain.yubikey && domain.yubikey.id && domain.yubikey.secret) { features += 0x4000; } // Indicates Yubikey support
if (domain.geolocation == true) { features += 0x8000; } // Enable geo-location features
if (obj.args.wanonly == true) { features += 0x00000001; } // WAN-only mode
if (obj.args.lanonly == true) { features += 0x00000002; } // LAN-only mode
if (obj.args.nousers == true) { features += 0x00000004; } // Single user mode
if (domain.userQuota == -1) { features += 0x00000008; } // No server files mode
if (obj.args.mpstlsoffload) { features += 0x00000010; } // No mutual-auth CIRA
if ((parent.config != null) && (parent.config.settings != null) && (parent.config.settings.allowframing == true)) { features += 0x00000020; } // Allow site within iframe
if ((obj.parent.mailserver != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != 'un-configured') && (obj.args.lanonly != true)) { features += 0x00000040; } // Email invites
if (obj.args.webrtc == true) { features += 0x00000080; } // Enable WebRTC (Default false for now)
if (obj.args.clickonce !== false) { features += 0x00000100; } // Enable ClickOnce (Default true)
if (obj.args.allowhighqualitydesktop == true) { features += 0x00000200; } // Enable AllowHighQualityDesktop (Default false)
if (obj.args.lanonly == true || obj.args.mpsport == 0) { features += 0x00000400; } // No CIRA
if ((obj.parent.serverSelfWriteAllowed == true) && (user != null) && (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { features += 0x00000800; } // Server can self-write (Allows self-update)
if ((domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != 'un-configured') && (obj.args.nousers !== true)) { features += 0x00001000; } // 2-step login supported
if (domain.agentnoproxy === true) { features += 0x00002000; } // Indicates that agents should be installed without using a HTTP proxy
if (domain.yubikey && domain.yubikey.id && domain.yubikey.secret) { features += 0x00004000; } // Indicates Yubikey support
if (domain.geolocation == true) { features += 0x00008000; } // Enable geo-location features
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true)) { features += 0x00010000; } // Enable password hints
// Create a authentication cookie
const authCookie = obj.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: user._id, domainid: domain.id }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
@ -1151,7 +1149,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (req.session != null) {
err = req.session.error;
msg = req.session.success;
passhint = req.session.passhint;
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true)) { passhint = EscapeHtml(req.session.passhint); }
delete req.session.error;
delete req.session.success;
delete req.session.passhint;
@ -1159,7 +1157,6 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
var message = '';
if (err != null) message = '<p class="msg error">' + err + '</p>';
if (msg != null) message = '<p class="msg success">' + msg + '</p>';
if (passhint != null) passhint = EscapeHtml(passhint);
var emailcheck = ((obj.parent.mailserver != null) && (domain.auth != 'sspi'));
if (obj.args.minify && !req.query.nominify) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user