mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 13:02:55 -04:00
Added improved KVM support to MeshCmd.exe and MeshAgent
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ function startLms(func) {
amtLms.on('notify', function (data, options, str, code) {
if (code == 'iAMT0052-3') {
} else if (str != null) {
var notify = { date: Date.now(), str: str, code: code };
@ -960,11 +960,18 @@ function setupMeiOsAdmin(func, state) {
if (func) { func(state); }
//var AllWsman = "CIM_SoftwareIdentity,IPS_SecIOService,IPS_ScreenSettingData,IPS_ProvisioningRecordLog,IPS_HostBasedSetupService,IPS_HostIPSettings,IPS_IPv6PortSettings".split(',');
//osamtstack.BatchEnum(null, AllWsman, startLmsWsmanResponse, null, true);
//tempTimer = setInterval(function () { kvmGetData(true); }, 2000);
//kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'restart', ver: 1 }));
// Setup KVM data channel if this is Intel AMT 12 or above
amtMei.getVersion(function (x) {
var amtver = null;
try { for (var i in x.Versions) { if (x.Versions[i].Description == 'AMT') amtver = parseInt(x.Versions[i].Version.split('.')[0]); } } catch (e) {}
if ((amtver != null) && (amtver >= 12)) {
kvmGetData('skip'); // Clear any previous data, this is a dummy read to about handling old data.
tempTimer = setInterval(function () { kvmGetData(); }, 2000); // Start polling for KVM data.
kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'restart', ver: 1 })); // Send a restart command to advise the console if present that MicroLMS just started.
@ -973,20 +980,19 @@ function kvmGetData(tag) {
function kvmDataGetResponse(stack, name, response, status, tag) {
if ((tag == true) && (status == 200) && (response.Body.ReturnValue == 0)) {
if ((tag != 'skip') && (status == 200) && (response.Body.ReturnValue == 0)) {
var val = null;
try { val = Buffer.from(response.Body.DataMessage, 'base64').toString(); } catch (e) { return }
if (val != null) kvmProcessData(response.Body.RealmsBitmap, response.Body.MessageId, val);
if (val != null) { kvmProcessData(response.Body.RealmsBitmap, response.Body.MessageId, val); }
var webRtcDesktop = null;
function kvmProcessData(realms, messageId, val) {
//console.log('kvmProcessData', val);
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(val) } catch (e) { }
if ((data != null) && (data.action)) {
if (data.action == 'present') { kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'present', ver: 1 })); }
if (data.action == 'present') { kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'present', ver: 1, platform: process.platform })); }
if (data.action == 'offer') {
webRtcDesktop = {};
var rtc = require('ILibWebRTC');
@ -997,9 +1003,10 @@ function kvmProcessData(realms, messageId, val) {
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel = rtcchannel;
var kvmmodule = require('meshDesktop');
webRtcDesktop.kvm = kvmmodule.getRemoteDesktopStream();
webRtcDesktop.kvm.pipe(webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel, { end: false });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.pipe(webRtcDesktop.kvm, { end: false });
webRtcDesktop.kvm.pipe(webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('end', function () { webRtcCleanUp(); });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('data', function (x) { kvmCtrlData(this, x); });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.pipe(webRtcDesktop.kvm, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false });
//webRtcDesktop.kvm.on('end', function () { console.log('WebRTC DataChannel closed2'); webRtcCleanUp(); });
//webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('data', function (data) { console.log('WebRTC data: ' + data); });
@ -1008,6 +1015,190 @@ function kvmProcessData(realms, messageId, val) {
// Polyfill path.join
var path = {
join: function () {
var x = [];
for (var i in arguments) {
var w = arguments[i];
if (w != null) {
while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); }
if (i != 0) {
while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); }
if (x.length == 0) return '/';
return x.join('/');
// Get a formated response for a given directory path
function getDirectoryInfo(reqpath) {
var response = { path: reqpath, dir: [] };
if (((reqpath == undefined) || (reqpath == '')) && (process.platform == 'win32')) {
// List all the drives in the root, or the root itself
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readDrivesSync(); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Anyway to get drive total size and free space? Could draw a progress bar.
//console.log('a', objToString(results, 0, ' '));
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
var drive = { n: results[i].name, t: 1 };
if (results[i].type == 'REMOVABLE') { drive.dt = 'removable'; } // TODO: See if this is USB/CDROM or something else, we can draw icons.
} else {
// List all the files and folders in this path
if (reqpath == '') { reqpath = '/'; }
var xpath = path.join(reqpath, '*');
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readdirSync(xpath); } catch (e) { }
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
if ((results[i] != '.') && (results[i] != '..')) {
var stat = null, p = path.join(reqpath, results[i]);
try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Get file size/date
if ((stat != null) && (stat != undefined)) {
if (stat.isDirectory() == true) {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 2, d: stat.mtime });
} else {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 3, s: stat.size, d: stat.mtime });
return response;
// Process KVM control channel data
function kvmCtrlData(channel, cmd) {
if (cmd.length > 0 && cmd.charCodeAt(0) != 123) {
// This is upload data
if (this.fileupload != null) {
cmd = Buffer.from(cmd, 'base64');
var header = cmd.readUInt32BE(0);
if ((header == 0x01000000) || (header == 0x01000001)) {
fs.writeSync(this.fileupload.fp, cmd.slice(4));
channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'ack', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid });
if (header == 0x01000001) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); this.fileupload = null; } // Close the file
//console.log('KVM Ctrl Data', cmd);
try { cmd = JSON.parse(cmd); } catch (ex) { console.error('Invalid JSON: ' + cmd); return; }
if ((cmd.path != null) && (process.platform != 'win32') && (cmd.path[0] != '/')) { cmd.path = '/' + cmd.path; } // Add '/' to paths on non-windows
switch (cmd.action) {
case 'ls': {
// Close the watcher if required
var samepath = ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (cmd.path == this.httprequest.watcher.path));
if ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (samepath == false)) {
//console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
//this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
delete this.httprequest.watcher;
// Send the folder content to the browser
var response = getDirectoryInfo(cmd.path);
if (cmd.reqid != undefined) { response.reqid = cmd.reqid; }
// Start the directory watcher
if ((cmd.path != '') && (samepath == false)) {
var watcher = fs.watch(cmd.path, onFileWatcher);
watcher.tunnel = this.httprequest;
watcher.path = cmd.path;
this.httprequest.watcher = watcher;
//console.log('Starting watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
case 'mkdir': {
// Create a new empty folder
case 'rm': {
// Remove many files or folders
for (var i in cmd.delfiles) {
var fullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.delfiles[i]);
try { fs.unlinkSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'rename': {
// Rename a file or folder
var oldfullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.oldname);
var newfullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.newname);
try { fs.renameSync(oldfullpath, newfullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'download': {
// Download a file, to browser
var sendNextBlock = 0;
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { // Setup the download
if (this.filedownload != null) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
this.filedownload = { id: cmd.id, path: cmd.path, ptr: 0 }
try { this.filedownload.f = fs.openSync(this.filedownload.path, 'rbN'); } catch (e) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
if (this.filedownload) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: cmd.id }); }
} else if ((this.filedownload != null) && (cmd.id == this.filedownload.id)) { // Download commands
if (cmd.sub == 'startack') { sendNextBlock = 8; } else if (cmd.sub == 'stop') { delete this.filedownload; } else if (cmd.sub == 'ack') { sendNextBlock = 1; }
// Send the next download block(s)
while (sendNextBlock > 0) {
var buf = new Buffer(4096);
var len = fs.readSync(this.filedownload.f, buf, 4, 4092, null);
this.filedownload.ptr += len;
if (len < 4092) { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000001, 0); fs.closeSync(this.filedownload.f); delete this.filedownload; sendNextBlock = 0; } else { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000000, 0); }
channel.write(buf.slice(0, len + 4).toString('base64')); // Write as Base64
case 'upload': {
// Upload a file, from browser
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { // Start the upload
if (this.fileupload != null) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); }
if (!cmd.path || !cmd.name) break;
this.fileupload = { reqid: cmd.reqid };
var filepath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.name);
try { this.fileupload.fp = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wbN'); } catch (e) { }
if (this.fileupload.fp) { channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'start', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid }); } else { this.fileupload = null; channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'error', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid }); }
else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { // Stop the upload
if (this.fileupload != null) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); this.fileupload = null; }
case 'copy': {
// Copy a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for (var i in cmd.names) {
var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); } catch (e) { } }
case 'move': {
// Move a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for (var i in cmd.names) {
var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); fs.unlinkSync(sc); } catch (e) { } }
function webRtcCleanUp() {
if (webRtcDesktop == null) return;
if (webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel) {
@ -1335,12 +1335,16 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
var lme_heci = require('amt-lme');
amtLmsState = 1;
amtLms = new lme_heci();
amtLms.on('error', function (e) { amtLmsState = 0; amtLms = null; });
amtLms.on('connect', function () { amtLmsState = 2; });
amtLms.on('error', function (e) { amtLmsState = 0; amtLms = null; obj.setupMeiOsAdmin(null, 1); });
amtLms.on('connect', function () { amtLmsState = 2; obj.setupMeiOsAdmin(null, 2); });
//amtLms.on('bind', function (map) { });
amtLms.on('notify', function (data, options, str) {
if (str != null) { sendConsoleText('Intel AMT LMS: ' + str); }
amtLms.on('notify', function (data, options, str, code) {
if (code == 'iAMT0052-3') {
} else {
//if (str != null) { sendConsoleText('Intel AMT LMS: ' + str); }
} catch (e) { amtLmsState = -1; amtLms = null; }
@ -1369,10 +1373,288 @@ function createMeshCore(agent) {
s.end = onWebSocketClosed;
s.data = onWebSocketData;
// KVM Data Channel
obj.setupMeiOsAdmin = function(func, state) {
amtMei.getLocalSystemAccount(function (x) {
var transport = require('amt-wsman-duk');
var wsman = require('amt-wsman');
var amt = require('amt');
oswsstack = new wsman(transport, '', 16992, x.user, x.pass, false);
obj.osamtstack = new amt(oswsstack);
if (func) { func(state); }
//var AllWsman = "CIM_SoftwareIdentity,IPS_SecIOService,IPS_ScreenSettingData,IPS_ProvisioningRecordLog,IPS_HostBasedSetupService,IPS_HostIPSettings,IPS_IPv6PortSettings".split(',');
//obj.osamtstack.BatchEnum(null, AllWsman, startLmsWsmanResponse, null, true);
// Setup KVM data channel if this is Intel AMT 12 or above
amtMei.getVersion(function (x) {
var amtver = null;
try { for (var i in x.Versions) { if (x.Versions[i].Description == 'AMT') amtver = parseInt(x.Versions[i].Version.split('.')[0]); } } catch (e) { }
if ((amtver != null) && (amtver >= 12)) {
obj.kvmGetData('skip'); // Clear any previous data, this is a dummy read to about handling old data.
obj.kvmTempTimer = setInterval(function () { obj.kvmGetData(); }, 2000); // Start polling for KVM data.
obj.kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'restart', ver: 1 })); // Send a restart command to advise the console if present that MicroLMS just started.
obj.kvmGetData = function(tag) {
obj.osamtstack.IPS_KVMRedirectionSettingData_DataChannelRead(obj.kvmDataGetResponse, tag);
obj.kvmDataGetResponse = function (stack, name, response, status, tag) {
if ((tag != 'skip') && (status == 200) && (response.Body.ReturnValue == 0)) {
var val = null;
try { val = Buffer.from(response.Body.DataMessage, 'base64').toString(); } catch (e) { return }
if (val != null) { obj.kvmProcessData(response.Body.RealmsBitmap, response.Body.MessageId, val); }
var webRtcDesktop = null;
obj.kvmProcessData = function (realms, messageId, val) {
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(val) } catch (e) { }
if ((data != null) && (data.action)) {
if (data.action == 'present') { obj.kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'present', ver: 1, platform: process.platform })); }
if (data.action == 'offer') {
webRtcDesktop = {};
var rtc = require('ILibWebRTC');
webRtcDesktop.webrtc = rtc.createConnection();
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.on('connected', function () { });
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.on('disconnected', function () { webRtcCleanUp(); });
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.on('dataChannel', function (rtcchannel) {
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel = rtcchannel;
webRtcDesktop.kvm = mesh.getRemoteDesktopStream();
webRtcDesktop.kvm.pipe(webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('end', function () { obj.webRtcCleanUp(); });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('data', function (x) { obj.kvmCtrlData(this, x); });
webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.pipe(webRtcDesktop.kvm, { dataTypeSkip: 1, end: false });
//webRtcDesktop.kvm.on('end', function () { console.log('WebRTC DataChannel closed2'); webRtcCleanUp(); });
//webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.on('data', function (data) { console.log('WebRTC data: ' + data); });
obj.kvmSetData(JSON.stringify({ action: 'answer', ver: 1, sdp: webRtcDesktop.webrtc.setOffer(data.sdp) }));
// Polyfill path.join
var path = {
join: function () {
var x = [];
for (var i in arguments) {
var w = arguments[i];
if (w != null) {
while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); }
if (i != 0) { while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); } }
if (x.length == 0) return '/';
return x.join('/');
// Get a formated response for a given directory path
obj.getDirectoryInfo = function(reqpath) {
var response = { path: reqpath, dir: [] };
if (((reqpath == undefined) || (reqpath == '')) && (process.platform == 'win32')) {
// List all the drives in the root, or the root itself
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readDrivesSync(); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Anyway to get drive total size and free space? Could draw a progress bar.
//console.log('a', objToString(results, 0, ' '));
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
var drive = { n: results[i].name, t: 1 };
if (results[i].type == 'REMOVABLE') { drive.dt = 'removable'; } // TODO: See if this is USB/CDROM or something else, we can draw icons.
} else {
// List all the files and folders in this path
if (reqpath == '') { reqpath = '/'; }
var xpath = path.join(reqpath, '*');
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readdirSync(xpath); } catch (e) { }
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
if ((results[i] != '.') && (results[i] != '..')) {
var stat = null, p = path.join(reqpath, results[i]);
try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Get file size/date
if ((stat != null) && (stat != undefined)) {
if (stat.isDirectory() == true) {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 2, d: stat.mtime });
} else {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 3, s: stat.size, d: stat.mtime });
return response;
// Process KVM control channel data
obj.kvmCtrlData = function(channel, cmd) {
if (cmd.length > 0 && cmd.charCodeAt(0) != 123) {
// This is upload data
if (this.fileupload != null) {
cmd = Buffer.from(cmd, 'base64');
var header = cmd.readUInt32BE(0);
if ((header == 0x01000000) || (header == 0x01000001)) {
fs.writeSync(this.fileupload.fp, cmd.slice(4));
channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'ack', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid });
if (header == 0x01000001) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); this.fileupload = null; } // Close the file
//console.log('KVM Ctrl Data', cmd);
try { cmd = JSON.parse(cmd); } catch (ex) { console.error('Invalid JSON: ' + cmd); return; }
if ((cmd.path != null) && (process.platform != 'win32') && (cmd.path[0] != '/')) { cmd.path = '/' + cmd.path; } // Add '/' to paths on non-windows
switch (cmd.action) {
case 'ls': {
// Close the watcher if required
var samepath = ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (cmd.path == this.httprequest.watcher.path));
if ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (samepath == false)) {
//console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
//this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
delete this.httprequest.watcher;
// Send the folder content to the browser
var response = getDirectoryInfo(cmd.path);
if (cmd.reqid != undefined) { response.reqid = cmd.reqid; }
// Start the directory watcher
if ((cmd.path != '') && (samepath == false)) {
var watcher = fs.watch(cmd.path, onFileWatcher);
watcher.tunnel = this.httprequest;
watcher.path = cmd.path;
this.httprequest.watcher = watcher;
//console.log('Starting watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
case 'mkdir': {
// Create a new empty folder
case 'rm': {
// Remove many files or folders
for (var i in cmd.delfiles) {
var fullpath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.delfiles[i]);
try { fs.unlinkSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'rename': {
// Rename a file or folder
try { fs.renameSync(path.join(cmd.path, cmd.oldname), path.join(cmd.path, cmd.newname)); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'download': {
// Download a file, to browser
var sendNextBlock = 0;
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { // Setup the download
if (this.filedownload != null) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
this.filedownload = { id: cmd.id, path: cmd.path, ptr: 0 }
try { this.filedownload.f = fs.openSync(this.filedownload.path, 'rbN'); } catch (e) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: this.filedownload.id }); delete this.filedownload; }
if (this.filedownload) { channel.write({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: cmd.id }); }
} else if ((this.filedownload != null) && (cmd.id == this.filedownload.id)) { // Download commands
if (cmd.sub == 'startack') { sendNextBlock = 8; } else if (cmd.sub == 'stop') { delete this.filedownload; } else if (cmd.sub == 'ack') { sendNextBlock = 1; }
// Send the next download block(s)
while (sendNextBlock > 0) {
var buf = new Buffer(4096);
var len = fs.readSync(this.filedownload.f, buf, 4, 4092, null);
this.filedownload.ptr += len;
if (len < 4092) { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000001, 0); fs.closeSync(this.filedownload.f); delete this.filedownload; sendNextBlock = 0; } else { buf.writeInt32BE(0x01000000, 0); }
channel.write(buf.slice(0, len + 4).toString('base64')); // Write as Base64
case 'upload': {
// Upload a file, from browser
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { // Start the upload
if (this.fileupload != null) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); }
if (!cmd.path || !cmd.name) break;
this.fileupload = { reqid: cmd.reqid };
var filepath = path.join(cmd.path, cmd.name);
try { this.fileupload.fp = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wbN'); } catch (e) { }
if (this.fileupload.fp) { channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'start', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid }); } else { this.fileupload = null; channel.write({ action: 'upload', sub: 'error', reqid: this.fileupload.reqid }); }
else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { // Stop the upload
if (this.fileupload != null) { fs.closeSync(this.fileupload.fp); this.fileupload = null; }
case 'copy': {
// Copy a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for (var i in cmd.names) {
var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); } catch (e) { } }
case 'move': {
// Move a bunch of files from scpath to dspath
for (var i in cmd.names) {
var sc = path.join(cmd.scpath, cmd.names[i]), ds = path.join(cmd.dspath, cmd.names[i]);
if (sc != ds) { try { fs.copyFileSync(sc, ds); fs.unlinkSync(sc); } catch (e) { } }
obj.webRtcCleanUp = function() {
if (webRtcDesktop == null) return;
if (webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel) {
try { webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.close(); } catch (e) { }
try { webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners('data'); } catch (e) { }
try { webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel.removeAllListeners('end'); } catch (e) { }
delete webRtcDesktop.rtcchannel;
if (webRtcDesktop.webrtc) {
try { webRtcDesktop.webrtc.close(); } catch (e) { }
try { webRtcDesktop.webrtc.removeAllListeners('connected'); } catch (e) { }
try { webRtcDesktop.webrtc.removeAllListeners('disconnected'); } catch (e) { }
try { webRtcDesktop.webrtc.removeAllListeners('dataChannel'); } catch (e) { }
delete webRtcDesktop.webrtc;
if (webRtcDesktop.kvm) {
try { webRtcDesktop.kvm.end(); } catch (e) { }
delete webRtcDesktop.kvm;
webRtcDesktop = null;
obj.kvmSetData = function(x) {
obj.osamtstack.IPS_KVMRedirectionSettingData_DataChannelWrite(Buffer.from(x).toString('base64'), function () { });
return obj;
// Module startup
var xexports = null, mainMeshCore = null;
try { xexports = module.exports; } catch (e) { }
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ CheckInstallAgent() {
# echo "Detecting computer type..."
machinetype=$( uname -m )
if [ $machinetype == 'x86_64' ]
if [ $machinetype == 'x86_64' ] || [ $machinetype == 'amd64' ]
# Linux x86, 64 bit
if [ $machinetype == 'x86' ]
if [ $machinetype == 'x86' ] || [ $machinetype == 'i686' ]
# Linux x86, 32 bit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* @description WSMAN communication using duktape http
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @version v0.2.0c
// Construct a WSMAN communication object
function CreateWsmanComm(/*host, port, user, pass, tls, extra*/)
var obj = {};
obj.PendingAjax = []; // List of pending AJAX calls. When one frees up, another will start.
obj.ActiveAjaxCount = 0; // Number of currently active AJAX calls
obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount = 1; // Maximum number of activate AJAX calls at the same time.
obj.FailAllError = 0; // Set this to non-zero to fail all AJAX calls with that error status, 999 causes responses to be silent.
obj.digest = null;
obj.RequestCount = 0;
if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arguments[0] == 'object'))
obj.host = arguments[0].host;
obj.port = arguments[0].port;
obj.authToken = arguments[0].authToken;
obj.tls = arguments[0].tls;
obj.host = arguments[0];
obj.port = arguments[1];
obj.user = arguments[2];
obj.pass = arguments[3];
obj.tls = arguments[4];
// Private method
// pri = priority, if set to 1, the call is high priority and put on top of the stack.
obj.PerformAjax = function (postdata, callback, tag, pri, url, action) {
if ((obj.ActiveAjaxCount == 0 || ((obj.ActiveAjaxCount < obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount) && (obj.challengeParams != null))) && obj.PendingAjax.length == 0) {
// There are no pending AJAX calls, perform the call now.
obj.PerformAjaxEx(postdata, callback, tag, url, action);
} else {
// If this is a high priority call, put this call in front of the array, otherwise put it in the back.
if (pri == 1) { obj.PendingAjax.unshift([postdata, callback, tag, url, action]); } else { obj.PendingAjax.push([postdata, callback, tag, url, action]); }
// Private method
obj.PerformNextAjax = function () {
if (obj.ActiveAjaxCount >= obj.MaxActiveAjaxCount || obj.PendingAjax.length == 0) return;
var x = obj.PendingAjax.shift();
obj.PerformAjaxEx(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]);
// Private method
obj.PerformAjaxEx = function (postdata, callback, tag, url, action) {
if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { if (obj.FailAllError != 999) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: obj.FailAllError }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); } return; }
if (!postdata) postdata = "";
//console.log("SEND: " + postdata); // DEBUG
// We are in a DukTape environement
if (obj.digest == null)
if (obj.authToken)
obj.digest = require('http-digest').create({ authToken: obj.authToken });
obj.digest = require('http-digest').create(obj.user, obj.pass);
obj.digest.http = require('http');
var request = { protocol: (obj.tls == 1 ? 'https:' : 'http:'), method: 'POST', host: obj.host, path: '/wsman', port: obj.port, rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: function (cert) { console.log('checkServerIdentity', JSON.stringify(cert)); } };
var req = obj.digest.request(request);
//console.log('Request ' + (obj.RequestCount++));
req.on('error', function (e) { obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: 600 }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]); });
req.on('response', function (response) {
//console.log('Response: ' + response.statusCode);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
//console.log('ERR:' + JSON.stringify(response));
obj.gotNextMessagesError({ status: response.statusCode }, 'error', null, [postdata, callback, tag]);
} else {
response.acc = '';
response.on('data', function (data2) { this.acc += data2; });
response.on('end', function () { obj.gotNextMessages(response.acc, 'success', { status: response.statusCode }, [postdata, callback, tag]); });
// Send POST body, this work with binary.
return req;
// AJAX specific private method
obj.pendingAjaxCall = [];
// Private method
obj.gotNextMessages = function (data, status, request, callArgs) {
if (obj.FailAllError == 999) return;
//console.log("RECV: " + data); // DEBUG
if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { callArgs[1](null, obj.FailAllError, callArgs[2]); return; }
if (request.status != 200) { callArgs[1](null, request.status, callArgs[2]); return; }
callArgs[1](data, 200, callArgs[2]);
// Private method
obj.gotNextMessagesError = function (request, status, errorThrown, callArgs) {
if (obj.FailAllError == 999) return;
if (obj.FailAllError != 0) { callArgs[1](null, obj.FailAllError, callArgs[2]); return; }
//if (status != 200) { console.log("ERROR, status=" + status + "\r\n\r\nreq=" + callArgs[0]); } // Debug: Display the request & response if something did not work.
if (obj.FailAllError != 999) { callArgs[1]({ Header: { HttpError: request.status } }, request.status, callArgs[2]); }
// Cancel all pending queries with given status
obj.CancelAllQueries = function (s) {
while (obj.PendingAjax.length > 0) { var x = obj.PendingAjax.shift(); x[1](null, s, x[2]); }
return obj;
module.exports = CreateWsmanComm;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* @description Intel(r) AMT WSMAN Stack
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @version v0.2.0
// Construct a MeshServer object
function WsmanStackCreateService(/*CreateWsmanComm, host, port, user, pass, tls, extra*/)
var obj = {_ObjectID: 'WSMAN'};
//obj.onDebugMessage = null; // Set to a function if you want to get debug messages.
obj.NextMessageId = 1; // Next message number, used to label WSMAN calls.
obj.Address = '/wsman';
obj.xmlParser = require('amt-xml');
if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof (arguments[0] == 'object'))
var CreateWsmanComm = arguments[0].transport;
if (CreateWsmanComm) { obj.comm = new CreateWsmanComm(arguments[0]); }
var CreateWsmanComm = arguments[0];
if (CreateWsmanComm) { obj.comm = new CreateWsmanComm(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); }
obj.PerformAjax = function PerformAjax(postdata, callback, tag, pri, namespaces) {
if (namespaces == null) namespaces = '';
obj.comm.PerformAjax('<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:a="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing" xmlns:w="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman.xsd" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope\" ' + namespaces + '><Header><a:Action>' + postdata, function (data, status, tag) {
if (status != 200) { callback(obj, null, { Header: { HttpError: status } }, status, tag); return; }
var wsresponse = obj.xmlParser.ParseWsman(data);
if (!wsresponse || wsresponse == null) { callback(obj, null, { Header: { HttpError: status } }, 601, tag); } else { callback(obj, wsresponse.Header["ResourceURI"], wsresponse, 200, tag); }
}, tag, pri);
// Private method
//obj.Debug = function (msg) { /*console.log(msg);*/ }
// Cancel all pending queries with given status
obj.CancelAllQueries = function CancelAllQueries(s) { obj.comm.CancelAllQueries(s); }
// Get the last element of a URI string
obj.GetNameFromUrl = function (resuri) {
var x = resuri.lastIndexOf("/");
return (x == -1)?resuri:resuri.substring(x + 1);
// Perform a WSMAN Subscribe operation
obj.ExecSubscribe = function ExecSubscribe(resuri, delivery, url, callback, tag, pri, selectors, opaque, user, pass) {
var digest = "", digest2 = "", opaque = "";
if (user != null && pass != null) { digest = '<t:IssuedTokens xmlns:t="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust" xmlns:se="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"><t:RequestSecurityTokenResponse><t:TokenType>http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#UsernameToken</t:TokenType><t:RequestedSecurityToken><se:UsernameToken><se:Username>' + user + '</se:Username><se:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd#PasswordText">' + pass + '</se:Password></se:UsernameToken></t:RequestedSecurityToken></t:RequestSecurityTokenResponse></t:IssuedTokens>'; digest2 = '<w:Auth Profile="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman/secprofile/http/digest"/>'; }
if (opaque != null) { opaque = '<a:ReferenceParameters><m:arg>' + opaque + '</m:arg></a:ReferenceParameters>'; }
if (delivery == 'PushWithAck') { delivery = 'dmtf.org/wbem/wsman/1/wsman/PushWithAck'; } else if (delivery == 'Push') { delivery = 'xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/eventing/DeliveryModes/Push'; }
var data = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/eventing/Subscribe</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectors) + digest + '</Header><Body><e:Subscribe><e:Delivery Mode="http://schemas.' + delivery + '"><e:NotifyTo><a:Address>' + url + '</a:Address>' + opaque + '</e:NotifyTo>' + digest2 + '</e:Delivery></e:Subscribe>';
obj.PerformAjax(data + "</Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri, 'xmlns:e="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/eventing" xmlns:m="http://x.com"');
// Perform a WSMAN UnSubscribe operation
obj.ExecUnSubscribe = function ExecUnSubscribe(resuri, callback, tag, pri, selectors) {
var data = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/eventing/Unsubscribe</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectors) + '</Header><Body><e:Unsubscribe/>';
obj.PerformAjax(data + "</Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri, 'xmlns:e="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/eventing"');
// Perform a WSMAN PUT operation
obj.ExecPut = function ExecPut(resuri, putobj, callback, tag, pri, selectors) {
var data = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Put</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60.000S</w:OperationTimeout>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectors) + '</Header><Body>' + _PutObjToBodyXml(resuri, putobj);
obj.PerformAjax(data + "</Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN CREATE operation
obj.ExecCreate = function ExecCreate(resuri, putobj, callback, tag, pri, selectors) {
var objname = obj.GetNameFromUrl(resuri);
var data = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Create</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectors) + "</Header><Body><g:" + objname + " xmlns:g=\"" + resuri + "\">";
for (var n in putobj) { data += "<g:" + n + ">" + putobj[n] + "</g:" + n + ">" }
obj.PerformAjax(data + "</g:" + objname + "></Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN DELETE operation
obj.ExecDelete = function ExecDelete(resuri, putobj, callback, tag, pri) {
var data = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Delete</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(putobj) + "</Header><Body /></Envelope>";
obj.PerformAjax(data, callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN GET operation
obj.ExecGet = function ExecGet(resuri, callback, tag, pri) {
obj.PerformAjax("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Get</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout></Header><Body /></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN method call operation
obj.ExecMethod = function ExecMethod(resuri, method, args, callback, tag, pri, selectors) {
var argsxml = "";
for (var i in args) { if (args[i] != null) { if (Array.isArray(args[i])) { for (var x in args[i]) { argsxml += "<r:" + i + ">" + args[i][x] + "</r:" + i + ">"; } } else { argsxml += "<r:" + i + ">" + args[i] + "</r:" + i + ">"; } } }
obj.ExecMethodXml(resuri, method, argsxml, callback, tag, pri, selectors);
// Perform a WSMAN method call operation. The arguments are already formatted in XML.
obj.ExecMethodXml = function ExecMethodXml(resuri, method, argsxml, callback, tag, pri, selectors) {
obj.PerformAjax(resuri + "/" + method + "</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout>" + _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectors) + "</Header><Body><r:" + method + '_INPUT' + " xmlns:r=\"" + resuri + "\">" + argsxml + "</r:" + method + "_INPUT></Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN ENUM operation
obj.ExecEnum = function ExecEnum(resuri, callback, tag, pri) {
obj.PerformAjax("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration/Enumerate</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout></Header><Body><Enumerate xmlns=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration\" /></Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
// Perform a WSMAN PULL operation
obj.ExecPull = function ExecPull(resuri, enumctx, callback, tag, pri) {
obj.PerformAjax("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration/Pull</a:Action><a:To>" + obj.Address + "</a:To><w:ResourceURI>" + resuri + "</w:ResourceURI><a:MessageID>" + (obj.NextMessageId++) + "</a:MessageID><a:ReplyTo><a:Address>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous</a:Address></a:ReplyTo><w:OperationTimeout>PT60S</w:OperationTimeout></Header><Body><Pull xmlns=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/enumeration\"><EnumerationContext>" + enumctx + "</EnumerationContext><MaxElements>999</MaxElements><MaxCharacters>99999</MaxCharacters></Pull></Body></Envelope>", callback, tag, pri);
function _PutObjToBodyXml(resuri, putObj) {
if (!resuri || putObj == null) return '';
var objname = obj.GetNameFromUrl(resuri);
var result = '<r:' + objname + ' xmlns:r="' + resuri + '">';
for (var prop in putObj) {
if (!putObj.hasOwnProperty(prop) || prop.indexOf('__') === 0 || prop.indexOf('@') === 0) continue;
if (putObj[prop] == null || typeof putObj[prop] === 'function') continue;
if (typeof putObj[prop] === 'object' && putObj[prop]['ReferenceParameters']) {
result += '<r:' + prop + '><a:Address>' + putObj[prop].Address + '</a:Address><a:ReferenceParameters><w:ResourceURI>' + putObj[prop]['ReferenceParameters']["ResourceURI"] + '</w:ResourceURI><w:SelectorSet>';
var selectorArray = putObj[prop]['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector'];
if (Array.isArray(selectorArray)) {
for (var i=0; i< selectorArray.length; i++) {
result += '<w:Selector' + _ObjectToXmlAttributes(selectorArray[i]) + '>' + selectorArray[i]['Value'] + '</w:Selector>';
else {
result += '<w:Selector' + _ObjectToXmlAttributes(selectorArray) + '>' + selectorArray['Value'] + '</w:Selector>';
result += '</w:SelectorSet></a:ReferenceParameters></r:' + prop + '>';
else {
if (Array.isArray(putObj[prop])) {
for (var i = 0; i < putObj[prop].length; i++) {
result += '<r:' + prop + '>' + putObj[prop][i].toString() + '</r:' + prop + '>';
} else {
result += '<r:' + prop + '>' + putObj[prop].toString() + '</r:' + prop + '>';
result += '</r:' + objname + '>';
return result;
{ @Name: 'InstanceID', @AttrName: 'Attribute Value'}
' Name="InstanceID" AttrName="Attribute Value" '
function _ObjectToXmlAttributes(objWithAttributes) {
if(!objWithAttributes) return '';
var result = ' ';
for (var propName in objWithAttributes) {
if (!objWithAttributes.hasOwnProperty(propName) || propName.indexOf('@') !== 0) continue;
result += propName.substring(1) + '="' + objWithAttributes[propName] + '" ';
return result;
function _PutObjToSelectorsXml(selectorSet) {
if (!selectorSet) return '';
if (typeof selectorSet == 'string') return selectorSet;
if (selectorSet['InstanceID']) return "<w:SelectorSet><w:Selector Name=\"InstanceID\">" + selectorSet['InstanceID'] + "</w:Selector></w:SelectorSet>";
var result = '<w:SelectorSet>';
for(var propName in selectorSet) {
if (!selectorSet.hasOwnProperty(propName)) continue;
result += '<w:Selector Name="' + propName + '">';
if (selectorSet[propName]['ReferenceParameters']) {
result += '<a:EndpointReference>';
result += '<a:Address>' + selectorSet[propName]['Address'] + '</a:Address><a:ReferenceParameters><w:ResourceURI>' + selectorSet[propName]['ReferenceParameters']['ResourceURI'] + '</w:ResourceURI><w:SelectorSet>';
var selectorArray = selectorSet[propName]['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector'];
if (Array.isArray(selectorArray)) {
for (var i = 0; i < selectorArray.length; i++) {
result += '<w:Selector' + _ObjectToXmlAttributes(selectorArray[i]) + '>' + selectorArray[i]['Value'] + '</w:Selector>';
} else {
result += '<w:Selector' + _ObjectToXmlAttributes(selectorArray) + '>' + selectorArray['Value'] + '</w:Selector>';
result += '</w:SelectorSet></a:ReferenceParameters></a:EndpointReference>';
} else {
result += selectorSet[propName];
result += '</w:Selector>';
result += '</w:SelectorSet>';
return result;
return obj;
module.exports = WsmanStackCreateService;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) {
if (typeof msg == 'object') { msg = msg.toString('binary'); } // TODO: Could change this entire method to use Buffer instead of binary string
if (obj.authenticated == 2) { // We are authenticated
if (msg.charCodeAt(0) == 123) { processAgentData(msg); }
if ((obj.agentUpdate == null) && (msg.charCodeAt(0) == 123)) { processAgentData(msg); } // Only process JSON messages if meshagent update is not in progress
if (msg.length < 2) return;
var cmdid = obj.common.ReadShort(msg, 0);
if (cmdid == 11) { // MeshCommand_CoreModuleHash
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.1.8-g",
"version": "0.1.8-k",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 218 B |
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
<td style=width:auto valign=top>
<div id="p10title">
<h1><span id=p10deviceName></span> - General</h1>
<h1>General - <span id=p10deviceName></span></h1>
<div id=p10html></div>
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
<div id=p11 style=display:none>
<div id="p11title">
<h1 id=p11deviceNameHeader><span id=p11deviceName></span> - Desktop</h1>
<h1 id=p11deviceNameHeader>Desktop - <span id=p11deviceName></span></h1>
<div id="p14warning" style='max-width:100%;display:none;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:5px' onclick="showFeaturesDlg()">
<div class=icon2 style="float:left;margin:7px"></div>
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
<div id=p12 style=display:none>
<div id="p12title"><h1><span id=p12deviceName></span> - Terminal</h1></div>
<div id="p12title"><h1>Terminal - <span id=p12deviceName></span></h1></div>
<div id="p12warning" style='max-width:100%;display:none;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:5px' onclick=showFeaturesDlg()>
<div class="icon2" style="float:left;margin:7px"></div>
<div style='width:auto;border-radius:8px;padding:8px;background-color:lightsalmon'>Intel® AMT Redirection port or KVM feature is disabled<span id="p14warninga">, click here to enable it.</span></div>
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
<div id=p13 style=display:none>
<div id="p13title"><h1><span id=p13deviceName></span> - Files</h1></div>
<div id="p13title"><h1>Files - <span id=p13deviceName></span></h1></div>
<table id="p13toolbar" style="width: 100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="background-color:#C0C0C0;border-bottom:2px solid black;padding:2px">
@ -518,11 +518,11 @@
<div id=p14 style=display:none>
<div id="p14title"><h1><span id=p14deviceName></span> - Intel® AMT</h1></div>
<div id="p14title"><h1>Intel® AMT - <span id=p14deviceName></span></h1></div>
<iframe id=p14iframe style="width:100%;height:650px;border:0;overflow:hidden" src="/commander.htm"></iframe>
<div id=p15 style=display:none>
<div id="p15title"><h1><span id=p15deviceName></span> - Console</h1></div>
<div id="p15title"><h1>Console - <span id=p15deviceName></span></h1></div>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="width:100%;padding:0px;padding:0px;margin-top:0px">
<td style=background:#C0C0C0>
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
<div id=p16 style=display:none>
<div id="p16title"><h1><span id=p16deviceName></span> - Events</h1></div>
<div id="p16title"><h1>Events - <span id=p16deviceName></span></h1></div>
<div style=width:100%;height:24px;background-color:#d3d9d6;margin-bottom:4px>
<div class=style7 style=width:16px;height:100%;float:left> </div>
<div class=h1 style=height:100%;float:left> </div>
@ -2116,20 +2116,22 @@
if (x == '') {
for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = true; }
} else {
var rs = x.split(/\s+/).join('|'), rx = new RegExp(rs);
for (var d in nodes) {
nodes[d].v = (rx.test(nodes[d].name.toLowerCase())) || (nodes[d].rnamel != null && rx.test(nodes[d].rnamel.toLowerCase()));
if ((nodes[d].v == false) && nodes[d].tags) {
for (var s in nodes[d].tags) {
if (rx.test(nodes[d].tags[s].toLowerCase())) {
nodes[d].v = true;
} else {
nodes[d].v = false;
try {
var rs = x.split(/\s+/).join('|'), rx = new RegExp(rs); // In some cases (like +), this can throw an exception.
for (var d in nodes) {
nodes[d].v = (rx.test(nodes[d].name.toLowerCase())) || (nodes[d].rnamel != null && rx.test(nodes[d].rnamel.toLowerCase()));
if ((nodes[d].v == false) && nodes[d].tags) {
for (var s in nodes[d].tags) {
if (rx.test(nodes[d].tags[s].toLowerCase())) {
nodes[d].v = true;
} else {
nodes[d].v = false;
} catch (ex) { for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = true; } }
@ -2819,7 +2821,7 @@
// Add node name
var nname = EscapeHtml(node.name);
if (nname.length == 0) { nname = '<i>None</i>'; }
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { nname = '<span onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(0) style=cursor:pointer>' + nname + '</span>'; }
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { nname = '<span title="Click here to edit the server-side device name" onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(0) style=cursor:pointer>' + nname + ' <img src="images/link5.png" /></span>'; }
QH('p10deviceName', nname);
QH('p11deviceName', nname);
QH('p12deviceName', nname);
@ -4084,7 +4086,7 @@
QV('p13bigfail', false);
QV('p13bigok', false);
} else {
p13dragtimer = setTimeout("QV('p13bigfail',false);QV('p13bigok',false);p13dragtimer=null;", 200);
p13dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('p13bigfail',false); QV('p13bigok',false); p13dragtimer=null; }, 10);
@ -5041,7 +5043,7 @@
QV('bigok', false);
//QV('p5fileCatchAllInput', false);
} else {
p5dragtimer = setTimeout("QV('bigfail',false);QV('bigok',false);p5dragtimer=null;", 200);
p5dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail',false); QV('bigok',false); p5dragtimer=null; }, 10);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user