mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 21:12:53 -04:00
MeshMessenger customization improvements.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ function openUserDesktopUrl(url) {
child = require('child_process').execFile(process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe', ['cmd']);
child.stderr.on('data', function () { });
child.stdout.on('data', function () { });
child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /CREATE /F /TN MeshChatTask /SC ONCE /ST 00:00 /RU ' + user + ' /TR "' + process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe /C START ' + url + '"\r\n');
child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /CREATE /F /TN MeshChatTask /SC ONCE /ST 00:00 /RU ' + user + ' /TR "' + process.env['windir'] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe /C START ' + url.split('&').join('^&') + '"\r\n');
child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /RUN /TN MeshChatTask\r\n');
child.stdin.write('SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN MeshChatTask\r\n');
@ -1140,6 +1140,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) {
// Process incoming agent JSON data
function processAgentData(msg) {
if (obj.agentInfo == null) return;
var i, str = msg.toString('utf8'), command = null;
if (str[0] == '{') {
try { command = JSON.parse(str); } catch (ex) {
@ -2727,9 +2727,9 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
var httpsPort = ((args.aliasport == null) ? args.port : args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified
var xdomain = (domain.dns == null) ? domain.id : '';
if (xdomain != '') xdomain += "/";
var url = "https://" + parent.getWebServerName(domain) + ":" + httpsPort + "/" + xdomain + "messenger?id=meshmessenger/" + encodeURIComponent(command.nodeid) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(user.name);
var url = "https://" + parent.getWebServerName(domain) + ":" + httpsPort + "/" + xdomain + "messenger?id=meshmessenger/" + encodeURIComponent(command.nodeid) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(user._id);
// Create the notification message
// Open a web page on the remote device
routeCommandToNode({ 'action': 'openUrl', 'nodeid': command.nodeid, 'userid': user._id, 'username': user.name, 'url': url });
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
getUserMediaSupport(function (x) { userMediaSupport = x; })
var meshMessengerTitle = '{{{meshMessengerTitle}}}';
var meshMessengerImage = '{{{meshMessengerImage}}}';
var remoteUserName = '{{{username}}}';
var remoteUserId = '{{{userid}}}';
var webrtcconfiguration = '{{{webrtconfig}}}';
if (webrtcconfiguration == '') { webrtcconfiguration = null; } else { try { webrtcconfiguration = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(webrtcconfiguration)); } catch (ex) { console.log('Invalid WebRTC config: "' + webrtcconfiguration + '".'); webrtcconfiguration = null; } }
var windowFocus = true;
@ -101,8 +103,11 @@
// Set the title
if (args.title) { QH('xtitle', EscapeHtml(args.title).split(' ').join(' ')); document.title = document.title + ' - ' + args.title; }
else if (meshMessengerTitle == '!') { QH('xtitle', EscapeHtml("MeshMessenger")); } else { QH('xtitle', meshMessengerTitle); }
var newTitle = '';
if (args.title) { newTitle = decodeURIComponent(args.title); document.title = document.title + ' - ' + decodeURIComponent(args.title); }
else if (meshMessengerTitle == '!') { newTitle = "MeshMessenger"; } else { newTitle = decodeURIComponent(meshMessengerTitle); }
newTitle = newTitle.split('{0}').join(decodeURIComponent(remoteUserName)).split('{1}').join(decodeURIComponent(remoteUserId));
QH('xtitle', EscapeHtml(newTitle).split(' ').join(' '));
// Setup web notifications
if (Notification) { QV('notifyButton', Notification.permission != 'granted'); }
@ -2309,111 +2309,112 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// If a user exists and is logged in, serve the default app, otherwise server the login app.
if (req.session && req.session.userid && obj.users[req.session.userid]) {
var user = obj.users[req.session.userid];
if (req.session.domainid != domain.id) { // Check if the session is for the correct domain
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: incorrect domain.');
req.session = null;
res.redirect(domain.url + getQueryPortion(req)); // BAD***
// Check if this is a locked account
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
// Locked account
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: locked account.');
delete req.session.userid;
delete req.session.domainid;
delete req.session.currentNode;
delete req.session.passhint;
delete req.session.cuserid;
req.session.messageid = 110; // Account locked.
res.redirect(domain.url + getQueryPortion(req)); // BAD***
var viewmode = 1;
if (req.session.viewmode) {
viewmode = req.session.viewmode;
delete req.session.viewmode;
} else if (req.query.viewmode) {
viewmode = req.query.viewmode;
var currentNode = '';
if (req.session.currentNode) {
currentNode = req.session.currentNode;
delete req.session.currentNode;
} else if (req.query.node) {
currentNode = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + req.query.node;
var logoutcontrols = {};
if (obj.args.nousers != true) { logoutcontrols.name = user.name; }
// Give the web page a list of supported server features
features = 0;
features2 = 0;
if (obj.args.wanonly == true) { features += 0x00000001; } // WAN-only mode
if (obj.args.lanonly == true) { features += 0x00000002; } // LAN-only mode
if (obj.args.nousers == true) { features += 0x00000004; } // Single user mode
if (domain.userQuota == -1) { features += 0x00000008; } // No server files mode
if (obj.args.mpstlsoffload) { features += 0x00000010; } // No mutual-auth CIRA
if ((parent.config.settings.allowframing != null) || (domain.allowframing != null)) { features += 0x00000020; } // Allow site within iframe
if ((obj.parent.mailserver != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly != true)) { features += 0x00000040; } // Email invites
if (obj.args.webrtc == true) { features += 0x00000080; } // Enable WebRTC (Default false for now)
// 0x00000100 --> This feature flag is free for future use.
if (obj.args.allowhighqualitydesktop !== false) { features += 0x00000200; } // Enable AllowHighQualityDesktop (Default true)
if ((obj.args.lanonly == true) || (obj.args.mpsport == 0)) { features += 0x00000400; } // No CIRA
if ((obj.parent.serverSelfWriteAllowed == true) && (user != null) && (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { features += 0x00000800; } // Server can self-write (Allows self-update)
if ((parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) && (domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.nousers !== true) && (user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) { features += 0x00001000; } // 2FA login supported
if (domain.agentnoproxy === true) { features += 0x00002000; } // Indicates that agents should be installed without using a HTTP proxy
if ((parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) && domain.yubikey && domain.yubikey.id && domain.yubikey.secret && (user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) { features += 0x00004000; } // Indicates Yubikey support
if (domain.geolocation == true) { features += 0x00008000; } // Enable geo-location features
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true)) { features += 0x00010000; } // Enable password hints
if (parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) { features += 0x00020000; } // Enable WebAuthn/FIDO2 support
if ((obj.args.nousers != true) && (domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.force2factor === true) && (user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) {
// Check if we can skip 2nd factor auth because of the source IP address
var skip2factor = false;
if ((req != null) && (req.clientIp != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor != null)) {
for (var i in domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor) {
if (require('ipcheck').match(req.clientIp, domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor[i]) === true) { skip2factor = true; }
const user = obj.users[req.session.userid];
const xdbGetFunc = function dbGetFunc(err, states) {
if (dbGetFunc.req.session.domainid != domain.id) { // Check if the session is for the correct domain
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: incorrect domain.');
dbGetFunc.req.session = null;
dbGetFunc.res.redirect(domain.url + getQueryPortion(dbGetFunc.req)); // BAD***
if (skip2factor == false) { features += 0x00040000; } // Force 2-factor auth
if ((domain.auth == 'sspi') || (domain.auth == 'ldap')) { features += 0x00080000; } // LDAP or SSPI in use, warn that users must login first before adding a user to a group.
if (domain.amtacmactivation) { features += 0x00100000; } // Intel AMT ACM activation/upgrade is possible
if (domain.usernameisemail) { features += 0x00200000; } // Username is email address
if (parent.mqttbroker != null) { features += 0x00400000; } // This server supports MQTT channels
if (((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.email2factor != false)) && (parent.mailserver != null)) { features += 0x00800000; } // using email for 2FA is allowed
if (domain.agentinvitecodes == true) { features += 0x01000000; } // Support for agent invite codes
if (parent.smsserver != null) { features += 0x02000000; } // SMS messaging is supported
if ((parent.smsserver != null) && ((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.sms2factor != false))) { features += 0x04000000; } // SMS 2FA is allowed
if (domain.sessionrecording != null) { features += 0x08000000; } // Server recordings enabled
if (domain.urlswitching === false) { features += 0x10000000; } // Disables the URL switching feature
if (domain.novnc === false) { features += 0x20000000; } // Disables noVNC
if (domain.mstsc !== true) { features += 0x40000000; } // Disables MSTSC.js
if (obj.isTrustedCert(domain) == false) { features += 0x80000000; } // Indicate we are not using a trusted certificate
if (obj.parent.amtManager != null) { features2 += 1; } // Indicates that the Intel AMT manager is active
// Create a authentication cookie
const authCookie = obj.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: user._id, domainid: domain.id, ip: req.clientIp }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
const authRelayCookie = obj.parent.encodeCookie({ ruserid: user._id, domainid: domain.id }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
// Check if this is a locked account
if ((dbGetFunc.user.siteadmin != null) && ((dbGetFunc.user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (dbGetFunc.user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
// Locked account
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: locked account.');
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.userid;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.domainid;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.currentNode;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.passhint;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.cuserid;
dbGetFunc.req.session.messageid = 110; // Account locked.
dbGetFunc.res.redirect(domain.url + getQueryPortion(dbGetFunc.req)); // BAD***
// Send the main web application
var extras = (req.query.key != null) ? ('&key=' + req.query.key) : '';
if ((!obj.args.user) && (obj.args.nousers != true) && (nologout == false)) { logoutcontrols.logoutUrl = (domain.url + 'logout?' + Math.random() + extras); } // If a default user is in use or no user mode, don't display the logout button
var httpsPort = ((obj.args.aliasport == null) ? obj.args.port : obj.args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified
var viewmode = 1;
if (dbGetFunc.req.session.viewmode) {
viewmode = dbGetFunc.req.session.viewmode;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.viewmode;
} else if (dbGetFunc.req.query.viewmode) {
viewmode = dbGetFunc.req.query.viewmode;
var currentNode = '';
if (dbGetFunc.req.session.currentNode) {
currentNode = dbGetFunc.req.session.currentNode;
delete dbGetFunc.req.session.currentNode;
} else if (dbGetFunc.req.query.node) {
currentNode = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + dbGetFunc.req.query.node;
var logoutcontrols = {};
if (obj.args.nousers != true) { logoutcontrols.name = user.name; }
// Clean up the U2F challenge if needed
if (req.session.u2fchallenge) { delete req.session.u2fchallenge; };
// Give the web page a list of supported server features
features = 0;
features2 = 0;
if (obj.args.wanonly == true) { features += 0x00000001; } // WAN-only mode
if (obj.args.lanonly == true) { features += 0x00000002; } // LAN-only mode
if (obj.args.nousers == true) { features += 0x00000004; } // Single user mode
if (domain.userQuota == -1) { features += 0x00000008; } // No server files mode
if (obj.args.mpstlsoffload) { features += 0x00000010; } // No mutual-auth CIRA
if ((parent.config.settings.allowframing != null) || (domain.allowframing != null)) { features += 0x00000020; } // Allow site within iframe
if ((obj.parent.mailserver != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName != null) && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.lanonly != true)) { features += 0x00000040; } // Email invites
if (obj.args.webrtc == true) { features += 0x00000080; } // Enable WebRTC (Default false for now)
// 0x00000100 --> This feature flag is free for future use.
if (obj.args.allowhighqualitydesktop !== false) { features += 0x00000200; } // Enable AllowHighQualityDesktop (Default true)
if ((obj.args.lanonly == true) || (obj.args.mpsport == 0)) { features += 0x00000400; } // No CIRA
if ((obj.parent.serverSelfWriteAllowed == true) && (dbGetFunc.user != null) && (dbGetFunc.user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { features += 0x00000800; } // Server can self-write (Allows self-update)
if ((parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) && (domain.auth != 'sspi') && (obj.parent.certificates.CommonName.indexOf('.') != -1) && (obj.args.nousers !== true) && (dbGetFunc.user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) { features += 0x00001000; } // 2FA login supported
if (domain.agentnoproxy === true) { features += 0x00002000; } // Indicates that agents should be installed without using a HTTP proxy
if ((parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) && domain.yubikey && domain.yubikey.id && domain.yubikey.secret && (dbGetFunc.user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) { features += 0x00004000; } // Indicates Yubikey support
if (domain.geolocation == true) { features += 0x00008000; } // Enable geo-location features
if ((domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.hint === true)) { features += 0x00010000; } // Enable password hints
if (parent.config.settings.no2factorauth !== true) { features += 0x00020000; } // Enable WebAuthn/FIDO2 support
if ((obj.args.nousers != true) && (domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.force2factor === true) && (dbGetFunc.user._id.split('/')[2][0] != '~')) {
// Check if we can skip 2nd factor auth because of the source IP address
var skip2factor = false;
if ((dbGetFunc.req != null) && (dbGetFunc.req.clientIp != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements != null) && (domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor != null)) {
for (var i in domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor) {
if (require('ipcheck').match(dbGetFunc.req.clientIp, domain.passwordrequirements.skip2factor[i]) === true) { skip2factor = true; }
if (skip2factor == false) { features += 0x00040000; } // Force 2-factor auth
if ((domain.auth == 'sspi') || (domain.auth == 'ldap')) { features += 0x00080000; } // LDAP or SSPI in use, warn that users must login first before adding a user to a group.
if (domain.amtacmactivation) { features += 0x00100000; } // Intel AMT ACM activation/upgrade is possible
if (domain.usernameisemail) { features += 0x00200000; } // Username is email address
if (parent.mqttbroker != null) { features += 0x00400000; } // This server supports MQTT channels
if (((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.email2factor != false)) && (parent.mailserver != null)) { features += 0x00800000; } // using email for 2FA is allowed
if (domain.agentinvitecodes == true) { features += 0x01000000; } // Support for agent invite codes
if (parent.smsserver != null) { features += 0x02000000; } // SMS messaging is supported
if ((parent.smsserver != null) && ((typeof domain.passwordrequirements != 'object') || (domain.passwordrequirements.sms2factor != false))) { features += 0x04000000; } // SMS 2FA is allowed
if (domain.sessionrecording != null) { features += 0x08000000; } // Server recordings enabled
if (domain.urlswitching === false) { features += 0x10000000; } // Disables the URL switching feature
if (domain.novnc === false) { features += 0x20000000; } // Disables noVNC
if (domain.mstsc !== true) { features += 0x40000000; } // Disables MSTSC.js
if (obj.isTrustedCert(domain) == false) { features += 0x80000000; } // Indicate we are not using a trusted certificate
if (obj.parent.amtManager != null) { features2 += 1; } // Indicates that the Intel AMT manager is active
// Intel AMT Scanning options
var amtscanoptions = '';
if (typeof domain.amtscanoptions == 'string') { amtscanoptions = encodeURIComponent(domain.amtscanoptions); }
else if (obj.common.validateStrArray(domain.amtscanoptions)) { domain.amtscanoptions = domain.amtscanoptions.join(','); amtscanoptions = encodeURIComponent(domain.amtscanoptions); }
// Create a authentication cookie
const authCookie = obj.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: dbGetFunc.user._id, domainid: domain.id, ip: req.clientIp }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
const authRelayCookie = obj.parent.encodeCookie({ ruserid: dbGetFunc.user._id, domainid: domain.id }, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
// Send the main web application
var extras = (dbGetFunc.req.query.key != null) ? ('&key=' + dbGetFunc.req.query.key) : '';
if ((!obj.args.user) && (obj.args.nousers != true) && (nologout == false)) { logoutcontrols.logoutUrl = (domain.url + 'logout?' + Math.random() + extras); } // If a default user is in use or no user mode, don't display the logout button
var httpsPort = ((obj.args.aliasport == null) ? obj.args.port : obj.args.aliasport); // Use HTTPS alias port is specified
// Clean up the U2F challenge if needed
if (dbGetFunc.req.session.u2fchallenge) { delete dbGetFunc.req.session.u2fchallenge; };
// Intel AMT Scanning options
var amtscanoptions = '';
if (typeof domain.amtscanoptions == 'string') { amtscanoptions = encodeURIComponent(domain.amtscanoptions); }
else if (obj.common.validateStrArray(domain.amtscanoptions)) { domain.amtscanoptions = domain.amtscanoptions.join(','); amtscanoptions = encodeURIComponent(domain.amtscanoptions); }
// Fetch the web state
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: success.');
// Fetch the web state
parent.debug('web', 'handleRootRequestEx: success.');
obj.db.Get('ws' + user._id, function (err, states) {
var webstate = '';
if ((err == null) && (states != null) && (Array.isArray(states)) && (states.length == 1) && (states[0].state != null)) { webstate = obj.filterUserWebState(states[0].state); }
if ((webstate == '') && (typeof domain.defaultuserwebstate == 'object')) { webstate = JSON.stringify(domain.defaultuserwebstate); } // User has no web state, use defaults.
@ -2445,7 +2446,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Refresh the session
render(req, res, getRenderPage('default', req, domain), getRenderArgs({
render(dbGetFunc.req, dbGetFunc.res, getRenderPage('default', dbGetFunc.req, domain), getRenderArgs({
authCookie: authCookie,
authRelayCookie: authRelayCookie,
viewmode: viewmode,
@ -2468,8 +2469,12 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
webstate: encodeURIComponent(webstate).replace(/'/g, '%27'),
amtscanoptions: amtscanoptions,
pluginHandler: (parent.pluginHandler == null) ? 'null' : parent.pluginHandler.prepExports()
}, req, domain));
}, dbGetFunc.req, domain));
xdbGetFunc.req = req;
xdbGetFunc.res = res;
xdbGetFunc.user = user;
obj.db.Get('ws' + user._id, xdbGetFunc);
} else {
// Send back the login application
// If this is a 2 factor auth request, look for a hardware key challenge.
@ -2748,6 +2753,18 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
var options = { webrtconfig: webRtcConfig };
if (typeof domain.meshmessengertitle == 'string') { options.meshMessengerTitle = domain.meshmessengertitle; } else { options.meshMessengerTitle = '!'; }
// Get the userid and name
if ((domain.meshmessengertitle != null) && (req.query.id != null) && (req.query.id.startsWith('meshmessenger/node'))) {
var idSplit = decodeURIComponent(req.query.id).split('/');
if (idSplit.length == 7) {
const user = obj.users[idSplit[4] + '/' + idSplit[5] + '/' + idSplit[6]];
if (user != null) {
if (domain.meshmessengertitle.indexOf('{0}') >= 0) { options.username = encodeURIComponent(user.name ? user.name : user._id.split('/')[2]).replace(/'/g, '%27'); }
if (domain.meshmessengertitle.indexOf('{1}') >= 0) { options.userid = encodeURIComponent(user._id.split('/')[2]).replace(/'/g, '%27'); }
// Render the page
res.set({ 'Cache-Control': 'no-store' });
render(req, res, getRenderPage('messenger', req, domain), getRenderArgs(options, req, domain));
@ -4134,18 +4151,18 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if ((obj.parent.config.settings != null) && ((obj.parent.config.settings.lockagentdownload == true) || (domain.lockagentdownload == true)) && (req.session.userid == null)) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
if ((req.query.meshinstall != null) && (req.query.id != null)) {
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Check 3FA URL key
// Send meshagent with included self installer for a specific platform back
// Start by getting the .msh for this request
var meshsettings = getMshFromRequest(req, res, domain);
if (meshsettings == null) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
if (meshsettings == null) { try { res.sendStatus(401); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// Get the interactive install script, this only works for non-Windows agents
var agentid = parseInt(req.query.meshinstall);
var argentInfo = obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[agentid];
var scriptInfo = obj.parent.meshAgentInstallScripts[6];
if ((argentInfo == null) || (scriptInfo == null) || (argentInfo.platform == 'win32')) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((argentInfo == null) || (scriptInfo == null) || (argentInfo.platform == 'win32')) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// Change the .msh file into JSON format and merge it into the install script
var tokens, msh = {}, meshsettingslines = meshsettings.split('\r').join('').split('\n');
@ -4162,18 +4179,27 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
} else if (req.query.id != null) {
// Send a specific mesh agent back
var argentInfo = obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[req.query.id];
if (argentInfo == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (argentInfo == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// Download PDB debug files, only allowed for administrator or accounts with agent dump access
if (req.query.pdb == 1) {
if ((req.session == null) || (req.session.userid == null)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((req.session == null) || (req.session.userid == null)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
var user = obj.users[req.session.userid];
if (user == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (user == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
if ((user != null) && ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((Array.isArray(obj.parent.config.settings.agentcoredumpusers)) && (obj.parent.config.settings.agentcoredumpusers.indexOf(user._id) >= 0)))) {
if (argentInfo.id == 3) { setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshService.pdb', null, 'MeshService.pdb'); res.sendFile(argentInfo.path.split('MeshService-signed.exe').join('MeshService.pdb')); return; }
if (argentInfo.id == 4) { setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshService64.pdb', null, 'MeshService64.pdb'); res.sendFile(argentInfo.path.split('MeshService64-signed.exe').join('MeshService64.pdb')); return; }
if (argentInfo.id == 3) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshService.pdb', null, 'MeshService.pdb');
try { res.sendFile(argentInfo.path.split('MeshService-signed.exe').join('MeshService.pdb')); } catch (ex) { }
if (argentInfo.id == 4) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshService64.pdb', null, 'MeshService64.pdb');
try { res.sendFile(argentInfo.path.split('MeshService64-signed.exe').join('MeshService64.pdb')); } catch (ex) { }
res.sendStatus(404); return;
try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { }
if ((req.query.meshid == null) || (argentInfo.platform != 'win32')) {
@ -4181,7 +4207,8 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
var meshagentFilename = argentInfo.rname;
if ((domain.agentcustomization != null) && (typeof domain.agentcustomization.filename == 'string')) { meshagentFilename = domain.agentcustomization.filename; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', meshagentFilename, null, 'meshagent');
if (argentInfo.data == null) { res.sendFile(argentInfo.path); } else { res.end(argentInfo.data); }
if (argentInfo.data == null) { res.sendFile(argentInfo.path); } else { res.send(argentInfo.data); }
} else {
// Check if the meshid is a time limited, encrypted cookie
var meshcookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(req.query.meshid, obj.parent.invitationLinkEncryptionKey);
@ -4190,11 +4217,11 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// We are going to embed the .msh file into the Windows executable (signed or not).
// First, fetch the mesh object to build the .msh file
var mesh = obj.meshes['mesh/' + domain.id + '/' + req.query.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
if (mesh == null) { try { res.sendStatus(401); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// If required, check if this user has rights to do this
if ((obj.parent.config.settings != null) && ((obj.parent.config.settings.lockagentdownload == true) || (domain.lockagentdownload == true))) {
if ((domain.id != mesh.domain) || ((obj.GetMeshRights(req.session.userid, mesh) & 1) == 0)) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
if ((domain.id != mesh.domain) || ((obj.GetMeshRights(req.session.userid, mesh) & 1) == 0)) { try { res.sendStatus(401); } catch (ex) { } return; }
var meshidhex = Buffer.from(req.query.meshid.replace(/\@/g, '+').replace(/\$/g, '/'), 'base64').toString('hex').toUpperCase();
@ -4241,13 +4268,14 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (parent.agentTranslations != null) { meshsettings += 'translation=' + parent.agentTranslations + '\r\n'; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', meshfilename, null, argentInfo.rname);
obj.parent.exeHandler.streamExeWithMeshPolicy({ platform: 'win32', sourceFileName: obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[req.query.id].path, destinationStream: res, msh: meshsettings, peinfo: obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[req.query.id].pe });
} else if (req.query.script != null) {
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Check 3FA URL key
// Send a specific mesh install script back
var scriptInfo = obj.parent.meshAgentInstallScripts[req.query.script];
if (scriptInfo == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (scriptInfo == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', scriptInfo.rname, null, 'script');
var data = scriptInfo.data;
var cmdoptions = { wgetoptionshttp: '', wgetoptionshttps: '', curloptionshttp: '-L ', curloptionshttps: '-L ' }
@ -4263,8 +4291,9 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
for (var i in cmdoptions) { data = data.split('{{{' + i + '}}}').join(cmdoptions[i]); }
} else if (req.query.meshcmd != null) {
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Check 3FA URL key
// Send meshcmd for a specific platform back
var agentid = parseInt(req.query.meshcmd);
@ -4287,7 +4316,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// No signed agents, we are going to merge a new MeshCmd.
if ((agentid < 10000) && (obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[agentid + 10000] != null)) { agentid += 10000; } // Avoid merging javascript to a signed mesh agent.
var argentInfo = obj.parent.meshAgentBinaries[agentid];
if ((argentInfo == null) || (obj.parent.defaultMeshCmd == null)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((argentInfo == null) || (obj.parent.defaultMeshCmd == null)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'meshcmd' + ((req.query.meshcmd <= 4) ? '.exe' : ''), null, 'meshcmd');
res.statusCode = 200;
if (argentInfo.signedMeshCmdPath != null) {
@ -4298,12 +4327,12 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
obj.parent.exeHandler.streamExeWithJavaScript({ platform: argentInfo.platform, sourceFileName: argentInfo.path, destinationStream: res, js: Buffer.from(obj.parent.defaultMeshCmd, 'utf8'), peinfo: argentInfo.pe });
} else if (req.query.meshaction != null) {
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Check 3FA URL key
var user = obj.users[req.session.userid];
if (user == null) {
// Check if we have an authentication cookie
var c = obj.parent.decodeCookie(req.query.auth, obj.parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
if (c == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (c == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// Download tools using a cookie
if (c.download == req.query.meshaction) {
@ -4311,32 +4340,35 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralRouter.exe');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralRouter.exe', null, 'MeshCentralRouter.exe');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'winassistant') {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe', null, 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'macrouter') {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg', null, 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
// Check if the cookie authenticates a user
if (c.userid == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (c.userid == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
user = obj.users[c.userid];
if (user == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (user == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
if ((req.query.meshaction == 'route') && (req.query.nodeid != null)) {
obj.db.Get(req.query.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if (nodes.length != 1) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
if (nodes.length != 1) { try { res.sendStatus(401); } catch (ex) { } return; }
var node = nodes[0];
// Create the meshaction.txt file for meshcmd.exe
@ -4360,6 +4392,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'meshaction.txt', null, 'meshaction.txt');
res.send(JSON.stringify(meshaction, null, ' '));
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'generic') {
var meshaction = {
@ -4375,36 +4408,41 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (obj.args.lanonly != true) { meshaction.serverUrl = 'wss://' + obj.getWebServerName(domain) + ':' + httpsPort + '/' + ((domain.id == '') ? '' : ('/' + domain.id)) + 'meshrelay.ashx'; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'meshaction.txt', null, 'meshaction.txt');
res.send(JSON.stringify(meshaction, null, ' '));
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'winrouter') {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralRouter.exe');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralRouter.exe', null, 'MeshCentralRouter.exe');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'winassistant') {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe', null, 'MeshCentralAssistant.exe');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
} else if (req.query.meshaction == 'macrouter') {
var p = obj.path.join(__dirname, 'agents', 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg');
if (obj.fs.existsSync(p)) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg', null, 'MeshCentralRouter.dmg');
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (e) { res.sendStatus(404); }
} else { res.sendStatus(404); }
try { res.sendFile(p); } catch (ex) { }
} else { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } }
} else {
try { res.sendStatus(401); } catch (ex) { }
} else {
domain = checkUserIpAddress(req, res); // Recheck the domain to apply user IP filtering.
if (domain == null) return;
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((req.session == null) || (req.session.userid == null)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((domain.loginkey != null) && (domain.loginkey.indexOf(req.query.key) == -1)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; } // Check 3FA URL key
if ((req.session == null) || (req.session.userid == null)) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
var user = null, coreDumpsAllowed = false;
if (typeof req.session.userid == 'string') { user = obj.users[req.session.userid]; }
if (user == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (user == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
// Check if this user has access to agent core dumps
if ((obj.parent.config.settings.agentcoredump === true) && ((user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((Array.isArray(obj.parent.config.settings.agentcoredumpusers)) && (obj.parent.config.settings.agentcoredumpusers.indexOf(user._id) >= 0)))) {
@ -4417,7 +4455,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', req.query.dldump, null, 'file.bin');
res.sendFile(dumpFile); return;
} else {
res.sendStatus(404); return;
try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return;
@ -4488,7 +4526,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (req.query.dlcore != null) {
// Download mesh core
var bin = parent.defaultMeshCores[req.query.dlcore];
if (bin == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (bin == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', req.query.dlcore + '.js', null, 'meshcore.js');
@ -4497,7 +4535,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (req.query.dlccore != null) {
// Download compressed mesh core
var bin = parent.defaultMeshCoresDeflate[req.query.dlccore];
if (bin == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (bin == null) { try { res.sendStatus(404); } catch (ex) { } return; }
setContentDispositionHeader(res, 'application/octet-stream', req.query.dlccore + '.js.deflate', null, 'meshcore.js.deflate');
@ -4524,6 +4562,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
if (coreDumpsAllowed) { response += '<a href="' + originalUrl + '?dumps=1' + (req.query.key ? ('&key=' + req.query.key) : '') + '">MeshAgent Crash Dumps</a>'; }
response += '</body></html>';
@ -4932,6 +4971,26 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Extend the session time by forcing a change to the session every minute.
if (req.session.userid != null) { req.session.nowInMinutes = Math.floor(Date.now() / 60e3); } else { delete req.session.nowInMinutes; }
// Debugging code, this will stop the agent from crashing if two responses are made to the same request.
const render = res.render;
const send = res.send;
res.render = function renderWrapper(...args) {
return render.apply(this, args);
res.send = function sendWrapper(...args) {
try {
send.apply(this, args);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error in res.send | ${err.code} | ${err.message} | ${res.stack}`);
try {
var errlogpath = null;
if (typeof parent.args.mesherrorlogpath == 'string') { errlogpath = parent.path.join(parent.args.mesherrorlogpath, 'mesherrors.txt'); } else { errlogpath = parent.getConfigFilePath('mesherrors.txt'); }
parent.fs.appendFileSync(errlogpath, new Date().toLocaleString() + ': ' + `Error in res.send | ${err.code} | ${err.message} | ${res.stack}` + '\r\n');
} catch (ex) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to write to mesherrors.txt.'); }
// Continue processing the request
return next();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user