diff --git a/views/default.handlebars b/views/default.handlebars
index 24e18248..4e86737a 100644
--- a/views/default.handlebars
+++ b/views/default.handlebars
@@ -6737,7 +6737,7 @@
// ###BEGIN###{DesktopInbandFiles}
QV('go24', true); // Files
- downloadFile = null;
+ gdownloadFile = null;
p24files = webRtcDesktop.softdesktop;
p24targetpath = '';
webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.onControlMsg = onFilesControlData;
@@ -7977,7 +7977,7 @@
// Server link
//link = '' + shortname + '';
// Server link
- link = '' + shortname + '';
+ link = '' + shortname + '';
h = '
@@ -8170,51 +8170,51 @@
- var downloadFile; // Global state for file download
+ var gdownloadFile; // Global state for file download
// Called by the html page to start a download, arguments are: path, file name and file size.
function p13downloadfile(x, y, z, tag) {
- if (xxdialogMode || downloadFile || !files) return;
- downloadFile = { path: decodeURIComponent(x), file: decodeURIComponent(y), size: z, tsize: 0, data: '', state: 0, id: Math.random(), tag: tag }
- //console.log('p13downloadFileCancel', downloadFile);
- files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: downloadFile.id, path: downloadFile.path });
- setDialogMode(2, "Download File", 10, p13downloadFileCancel, '' + downloadFile.file + '
+ if (xxdialogMode || !files) return;
+ gdownloadFile = { path: decodeURIComponent(x), file: decodeURIComponent(y), size: z, tsize: 0, data: '', state: 0, id: Math.random(), tag: tag }
+ //console.log('p13downloadFileCancel', gdownloadFile);
+ files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: gdownloadFile.id, path: gdownloadFile.path });
+ setDialogMode(2, "Download File", 10, p13downloadFileCancel, '' + gdownloadFile.file + '
// Called by the html page to cancel the download
- function p13downloadFileCancel() { setDialogMode(0); files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: downloadFile.id }); downloadFile = null; }
+ function p13downloadFileCancel() { setDialogMode(0); files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: gdownloadFile.id }); gdownloadFile = null; }
// Called by the transport when download control command is received
function p13gotDownloadCommand(cmd) {
//console.log('p13gotDownloadCommand', cmd);
- if ((downloadFile == null) || (cmd.id != downloadFile.id)) return;
- if (cmd.sub == 'start') { downloadFile.state = 1; files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: downloadFile.id }); }
- else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); }
+ if ((gdownloadFile == null) || (cmd.id != gdownloadFile.id)) return;
+ if (cmd.sub == 'start') { gdownloadFile.state = 1; files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: gdownloadFile.id }); }
+ else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { gdownloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); }
// Called by the transport when binary data is received
function p13gotDownloadBinaryData(data) {
- if (!downloadFile || downloadFile.state == 0) return;
+ if (!gdownloadFile || gdownloadFile.state == 0) return;
if (data.length > 4) {
- downloadFile.tsize += (data.length - 4); // Add to the total bytes received
- downloadFile.data += data.substring(4); // Append the data
- Q('d2progressBar').value = downloadFile.tsize; // Change the progress bar
+ gdownloadFile.tsize += (data.length - 4); // Add to the total bytes received
+ gdownloadFile.data += data.substring(4); // Append the data
+ Q('d2progressBar').value = gdownloadFile.tsize; // Change the progress bar
if ((ReadInt(data, 0) & 1) != 0) { // Check end flag
- if (downloadFile.tag == 'viewer') {
+ if (gdownloadFile.tag == 'viewer') {
// View the file in the dialog box
- setDialogMode(4, EscapeHtml(downloadFile.file), 3, p13editSaveBack, null, downloadFile.file);
+ setDialogMode(4, EscapeHtml(gdownloadFile.file), 3, p13editSaveBack, null, gdownloadFile.file);
QS('dialog').width = 'auto';
QS('dialog').bottom = '80px';
QS('dialog').top = QS('dialog').left = QS('dialog').right = '100px';
- Q('d4editorarea').value = downloadFile.data;
- downloadFile = null;
+ Q('d4editorarea').value = gdownloadFile.data;
+ gdownloadFile = null;
} else {
// Save the file to disk
- saveAs(data2blob(downloadFile.data), downloadFile.file); downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); // Save the file
+ saveAs(data2blob(gdownloadFile.data), gdownloadFile.file); gdownloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); // Save the file
} else {
- files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: downloadFile.id }); // Send the ACK
+ files.sendText({ action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: gdownloadFile.id }); // Send the ACK
@@ -13667,7 +13667,7 @@
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', link);
element.setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer noopener');
- if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0) { element.setAttribute('download', name?name:''); } else { element.setAttribute('target', 'fileDownloadFrame'); }
+ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0) { element.setAttribute('download', decodeURIComponent(name?name:'')); } else { element.setAttribute('target', 'fileDownloadFrame'); }