mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Improved MeshCtrl.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
const crypto = require('crypto');
var settings = {};
const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const possibleCommands = ['listusers', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config'];
const possibleCommands = ['listusers', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config'];
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" RemoveDeviceGroup - Delete a device group.");
console.log(" AddUserToDeviceGroup - Add a user to a device group.");
console.log(" RemoveUserFromDeviceGroup - Remove a user from a device group.");
console.log(" AddUserToDevice - Add a user to a device.");
console.log(" RemoveUserFromDevice - Remove a user from a device.");
console.log(" SendInviteEmail - Send an agent install invitation email.");
console.log(" GenerateInviteLink - Create an invitation link.");
console.log(" Broadcast - Display a message to all online users.");
@ -68,6 +70,18 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
else { ok = true; }
case 'addusertodevice': {
if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Add user to device missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); }
else if (args.id == null) { console.log("Add user to device missing device id, use --id [deviceid]"); }
else { ok = true; }
case 'removeuserfromdevice': {
if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove user from device missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); }
else if (args.id == null) { console.log("Remove user from device missing device id, use --id [deviceid]"); }
else { ok = true; }
case 'adddevicegroup': {
if (args.name == null) { console.log("Message group name, use --name [name]"); }
else { ok = true; }
@ -262,6 +276,14 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" --noterminal - Hide the terminal tab from this user.");
console.log(" --nofiles - Hide the files tab from this user.");
console.log(" --noamt - Hide the Intel AMT tab from this user.");
console.log(" --limitedevents - User can only see his own events.");
console.log(" --chatnotify - Allow chat and notification options.");
console.log(" --uninstall - Allow remote uninstall of the agent.");
if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; }
if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; }
if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; }
if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; }
case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': {
@ -272,11 +294,43 @@ if (args['_'].length == 0) {
console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier.");
case 'addusertodevice': {
console.log("Add a user to a device, Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDevice --id deviceid --userid userid --fullrights");
console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDevice --id deviceid --userid userid --remotecontrol");
console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier.");
console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier.");
console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --fullrights - Allow full rights over this device.");
console.log(" --remotecontrol - Allow device remote control operations.");
console.log(" --agentconsole - Allow agent console operations.");
console.log(" --serverfiles - Allow access to group server files.");
console.log(" --wakedevices - Allow device wake operation.");
console.log(" --notes - Allow editing of device notes.");
console.log(" --desktopviewonly - Restrict user to view-only remote desktop.");
console.log(" --limiteddesktop - Limit remote desktop keys.");
console.log(" --noterminal - Hide the terminal tab from this user.");
console.log(" --nofiles - Hide the files tab from this user.");
console.log(" --noamt - Hide the Intel AMT tab from this user.");
console.log(" --limitedevents - User can only see his own events.");
console.log(" --chatnotify - Allow chat and notification options.");
console.log(" --uninstall - Allow remote uninstall of the agent.");
case 'removeuserfromdevice': {
console.log("Remove a user from a device, Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl RemoveuserFromDeviceGroup --id deviceid --userid userid");
console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier.");
console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier.");
case 'broadcast': {
console.log("Display a message to all logged in users, Example usages:\r\n");
console.log(" MeshCtrl Broadcast --msg \"This is a test\"");
console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n");
console.log(" --msg [message] - Message to display.");
console.log(" --msg [message] - Message to display.");
default: {
@ -532,6 +586,9 @@ function serverConnect() {
if (args.nofiles) { meshrights |= 1024; }
if (args.noamt) { meshrights |= 2048; }
if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; }
if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; }
if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; }
if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; }
var op = { action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], meshadmin: meshrights, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
@ -541,13 +598,38 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'addusertodevice': {
var meshrights = 0;
if (args.fullrights) { meshrights = (8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 16384 + 32768); }
if (args.remotecontrol) { meshrights |= 8; }
if (args.agentconsole) { meshrights |= 16; }
if (args.serverfiles) { meshrights |= 32; }
if (args.wakedevices) { meshrights |= 64; }
if (args.notes) { meshrights |= 128; }
if (args.desktopviewonly) { meshrights |= 256; }
if (args.noterminal) { meshrights |= 512; }
if (args.nofiles) { meshrights |= 1024; }
if (args.noamt) { meshrights |= 2048; }
if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; }
if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; }
if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; }
if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; }
var op = { action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], rights: meshrights, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
case 'removeuserfromdevice': {
var op = { action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], rights: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' };
case 'sendinviteemail': {
var op = { action: "inviteAgent", meshid: args.id, email: args.email, name: "", os: "0", responseid: 'meshctrl' }
var op = { action: 'inviteAgent', meshid: args.id, email: args.email, name: '', os: '0', responseid: 'meshctrl' }
case 'generateinvitelink': {
var op = { action: "createInviteLink", meshid: args.id, expire: args.hours, flags: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' }
var op = { action: 'createInviteLink', meshid: args.id, expire: args.hours, flags: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' }
@ -604,6 +686,7 @@ function serverConnect() {
case 'addmeshuser': //
case 'removemeshuser': //
case 'inviteAgent': //
case 'adddeviceuser': //
case 'userbroadcast': { // BROADCAST
if (data.responseid == 'meshctrl') {
if (data.meshid) { console.log(data.result, data.meshid); }
@ -2392,16 +2392,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
for (var i in command.usernames) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()); }
var unknownUsers = [], removedCount = 0, failCount = 0;
var unknownUsers = [], successCount = 0, failCount = 0, msgs = [];
for (var i in command.userids) {
// Check if the user exists
var newuserid = command.userids[i], newuser = null;
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) { newuser = parent.users[newuserid]; }
else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { newuser = parent.userGroups[newuserid]; }
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = parent.users[i]._id; break; } }
if (newuser != null) {
// Can't add or modify self
if (newuserid == obj.user._id) { continue; }
if (newuserid == obj.user._id) { errors.push("Can't add self."); continue; }
// Add mesh to user or user group
if (newuser.links == null) { newuser.links = {}; }
@ -2432,19 +2438,23 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
var event = { etype: 'mesh', username: newuser.name, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name: mesh.name, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Added user ' + newuser.name + ' to mesh ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id, invite: mesh.invite };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', mesh._id, user._id, newuserid], obj, event);
msgs.push("Added user " + newuser._id.split('/')[2]);
} else {
msgs.push("Unknown user " + newuserid._id.split('/')[2]);
if ((successCount == 0) && (failCount == 0)) { msgs.push("Nothing done"); }
if (unknownUsers.length > 0) {
// Send error back, user not found.
displayNotificationMessage('User' + ((unknownUsers.length > 1) ? 's' : '') + ' ' + EscapeHtml(unknownUsers.join(', ')) + ' not found.', 'Device Group', 'ServerNotify');
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok', removed: removedCount, failed: failCount })); } catch (ex) { } }
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: msgs.join(', '), success: successCount, failed: failCount })); } catch (ex) { } }
case 'adddeviceuser': {
@ -2456,7 +2466,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
else if ((command.rights & 7) != 0) { err = 'Invalid rights'; } // EDITMESH, MANAGEUSERS or MANAGECOMPUTERS rights can't be assigned to a user to device link
else if ((common.validateStrArray(command.usernames, 1, 64) == false) && (common.validateStrArray(command.userids, 1, 128) == false)) { err = 'Invalid usernames'; } // Username is between 1 and 64 characters
else {
if (command.nodeid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + command.meshid; }
if (command.nodeid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + command.nodeid; }
else if ((command.nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != domain.id)) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
@ -2487,6 +2497,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
for (var i in command.userids) {
var newuserid = command.userids[i];
var newuser = parent.users[newuserid];
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = newuser._id; break; } }
if (newuser != null) {
// Add this user to the dispatch target list
@ -2537,6 +2554,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(dispatchTargets, obj, event);
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
@ -2569,6 +2588,13 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
var deluserid = command.userid, deluser = null;
if (deluserid.startsWith('user/')) { deluser = parent.users[deluserid]; }
else if (deluserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { deluser = parent.userGroups[deluserid]; }
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((deluser == null) && (deluserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = deluserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { deluser = parent.users[i]; command.userid = deluserid = deluser._id; break; } }
if (deluser != null) {
// Remove mesh from user
if (deluser.links != null && deluser.links[command.meshid] != null) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "meshcentral",
"version": "0.5.0-x",
"version": "0.5.0-y",
"keywords": [
"Remote Management",
"Intel AMT",
@ -27870,4 +27870,4 @@
@ -3125,7 +3125,9 @@
// If there is nothing to display, explain the problem
var viewNothing = false;
if ((r == '') && (nodes.length > 0) && (Q('SearchInput').value != '')) {
viewNothing = true;
if (sort == 3) {
r = '<div style="margin:30px">' + "No devices are included in any groups, click on a device\'s \"Groups\" to add to a group." + '</div>';
} else {
@ -3172,7 +3174,7 @@
if (r != '') {
if ((r != '') && (viewNothing == false)) {
r += '</table>';
if (view == 2) {
// This height of 1 div at the end to fix a problem in Linux firefox browsers
@ -9587,20 +9589,24 @@
if ((user.otpsecret > 0) || (user.otphkeys > 0)) { username += ' <img src="images/key12.png" height=12 width=11 title="' + "2nd factor authentication enabled" + '" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { username += ' <img src="images/padlock12.png" height=12 width=8 title="' + "Account is locked" + '" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
x += '<tr tabindex=0 onmouseover=userMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=userMouseHover(this,0) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoUser(\'' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\')"><td style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoUser(\"' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\")>';
x += '<tr tabindex=0 onmouseover=userMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=userMouseHover(this,0) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoUser(\'' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\')"><td>';
x += '<div class=bar>';
x += '<div class=baricon><input type=checkbox></div><div style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoUser(\"' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\")>';
x += '<div class=baricon><div class="' + icon + gray + '"></div></div>';
x += '<div class=g1></div><div class=g2></div>';
x += '<div class=g1></div><div class=g2></div><div>';
x += '<div><span>' + username + '</span>' + msg + '</div></div><td style=text-align:center>' + groups + '<td style=text-align:center>' + lastAccess + '<td style=text-align:center>' + permissions;
return x;
// Highlights the user being hovered
function userMouseHover(element, over) {
var e = element.children[0].children[0];
var e = element.children[0].children[0].children[1];
if (over == 1) { e.children[1].classList.add('g1s'); e.children[2].classList.add('g2s'); }
if (over == 1) {
element.children[0].children[0].style['background-color'] = ((over == 0) ? '#c9c9c9' : '#b9b9b9');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user