mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 14:59:11 -05:00
Added customized keyboard shortcuts on mobile site.
This commit is contained in:
@ -658,6 +658,14 @@
<div id=p10dialog style="z-index:1000;background-color:#EEE;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #666;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;border-radius:5px;position:fixed;top:30px;width:300px;left:30px;display:none">
<div style="width:100%;background-color:#003366;color:#FFF;border-radius:5px 5px 0 0">
<div style=padding:5px>Keyboard Shortcuts Customization</div>
<div style=width:100%;margin:6px></div>
<div style="margin-right:16px;margin-left:8px"><div id=p10dialog2 style="margin:auto;margin:3px"></div></div>
<div style="padding:10px;margin-bottom:20px"><input type="button" value="OK" style="float:right;width:80px" onclick="deskCustomizeKeysEx()"></div>
<div id=p10general style="overflow-y:scroll;position:absolute;top:55px;bottom:0px;width:100%">
<div class="deviceNotifyLargeDot">
<img id="p10deviceStar" class=deviceNotifyLargeDotSub src=images/icon-star-notify-40.png width=35 height=35>
@ -670,7 +678,6 @@
<div id=p10html2></div>
<div id=p10html3></div>
<img id="deskkeybutton1" src="images/mobile-desk-exit.png" class="deskButton" style="top:10px;display:none" onclick="exitButton()" />
<img id="deskkeybutton3a" src="images/mobile-desk-menu-open.png" class="deskButton" style="top:60px;display:none" onclick="toggleMenu(false)" />
<img id="deskkeybutton3b" src="images/mobile-desk-menu-close.png" class="deskButton" style="top:60px;display:none" onclick="toggleMenu(true)" />
@ -683,22 +690,7 @@
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:200;opacity:0;width:1px;height:1px">
<input id="softKeyboard" autocomplete="off" type="password" style="z-index:200;opacity:0;width:1px;height:1px" onfocus="keyboardFocusChange()" onblur="keyboardFocusChange()" onkeypress="return ondeskkeypress(event)" onkeydown="return ondeskkeydown(event)" onkeyup="return ondeskkeyup(event)" />
<div id="deskButtonMenu" style="display:none;position:absolute;top:10px;left:10px;right:55px;bottom:10px;z-index:1000">
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x100000)">Win</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x0A0053)">Ctrl-Alt-Del</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x00001B)">ESC</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x100028)">WIN + Down</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x100026)">WIN + Up</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x10004C)">WIN + L</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x10004D)">WIN + M</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x11004D)">Shift + WIN + M</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x100052)">WIN + R</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x020073)">ALT + F4</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x080057)">CTRL + W</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x020009)">ALT + TAB</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x000009)">TAB</div>
<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(0x010079)">Shift + F10</div>
<div id="deskButtonMenu" style="display:none;position:absolute;top:10px;left:10px;right:55px;bottom:10px;z-index:1000"></div>
<div id=p10desktop style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:55px;bottom:0px;width:100%;display:none">
<div id=deskarea1 style="position:absolute;top:0px;width:100%;height:32px">
<div style="padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;background:#C0C0C0;height:32px">
@ -982,6 +974,7 @@
if (passRequirements != '') { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); }
var sessionActivity = Date.now();
var deskPinchZoom;
var deskKeyboardShortcuts = [];
function startup() {
if ((features & 32) == 0) {
@ -1028,6 +1021,12 @@
// Session Refresh Timer
if (sessionTime >= 10) { sessionRefreshTimer = setTimeout(refreshCookieSession, Math.round((sessionTime * 60000) * 0.8)); }
// Set the user's desktop shortcut keys
deskKeyboardShortcuts = [];
var deskKeyboardShortcutsStr = getstore('deskKeyShortcuts', '0x0A002E,0x100000,0x100028,0x100026,0x10004C,0x10004D,0x11004D,0x100052,0x020073,0x080057,0x020009,0x100025,0x100027').split(',');
for (var i in deskKeyboardShortcutsStr) { deskKeyboardShortcuts.push(parseInt(deskKeyboardShortcutsStr[i])); }
function refreshCookieSession() {
@ -1348,6 +1347,14 @@
if (Q('SearchInput').value == '*') { onSearchInputChanged(); }
if (currentNode) { refreshDevice(currentNode._id); }
// Set the user's desktop shortcut keys
if (webstate.deskKeyShortcuts != null) {
deskKeyboardShortcuts = [];
var deskKeyboardShortcutsStr = webstate.deskKeyShortcuts.split(',');
for (var i in deskKeyboardShortcutsStr) { deskKeyboardShortcuts.push(parseInt(deskKeyboardShortcutsStr[i])); }
@ -3328,6 +3335,7 @@
var keyboardShownTimer = null;
var fullScreenMode = false;
function toggleKeyboard() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (keyboardShownTimer != null) { clearTimeout(keyboardShownTimer); }
if (keyboardShown) { Q('softKeyboard').blur(); keyboardShown = false; } else { Q('softKeyboard').focus(); keyboardShown = true; }
QV('deskkeybutton2a', fullscreen && !keyboardShown);
@ -3352,6 +3360,7 @@
function exitButton() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
QV('deskButtonMenu', false);
@ -3364,15 +3373,180 @@
fullScreenMode = false;
function deskMenuButton(x) { toggleMenu(true); deskSendKeys(x); }
function deskMenuButton(x) {
// Desktop Shortcut Keys
function updateDeskShortcutKeys() {
var x = '<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(-1)">' + "Customize" + '</div>';
for (var i in deskKeyboardShortcuts) { x += '<div class="menuButton" onclick="deskMenuButton(' + deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] + ')">' + keyShortcutTotext(deskKeyboardShortcuts[i]) + '</div>'; }
QH('deskButtonMenu', x);
var keyStrings = { 8: "BackSpace", 9: "Tab", 13: "Enter", 27: "Escape", 45: "Insert", 46: "Del", 36: "Home", 35: "End", 33: "Page Up", 34: "Page Down", 37: "Left", 38: "Up", 39: "Right", 40: "Down", 0: "None" }
function keyShortcutTotext(n) {
var x = [];
if (n & 0x010000) { x.push("Shift"); }
if (n & 0x020000) { x.push("Alt"); }
if (n & 0x080000) { x.push("Ctrl"); }
if (n & 0x100000) { x.push("Win"); }
n = (n & 0xFFFF);
if ((n >= 112) && (n <= 123)) { x.push('F' + (n - 111)); } // Fx keys
else if ((n != 0) && (keyStrings[n])) { x.push(keyStrings[n]); }
else { if (n != 0) { x.push(String.fromCharCode(n)); } }
return x.join(' + ');
// Customize keyboard shortcuts
function deskCustomizeKeys() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '<div id=d2shortcuts style="width:100%;height:180px;padding:4px;overflow-y:auto;border:1px solid gray"></div><div style=width:100%;padding:5px>';
x += '<label><input id=d1kshift type=checkbox /> ' + "Shift" + '</label><label> <input id=d1kalt type=checkbox /> ' + "Alt" + '</label><label> <input id=d1kctrl type=checkbox /> ' + "Ctrl" + '</label> <input id=d1kwin type=checkbox /> ' + "Win" + '</label>';
x += ' <select id=d2keySelect>';
for (var i in keyStrings) { x += '<option value=' + i + '>' + keyStrings[i] + '</option>'; }
for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { x += '<option value=' + (i + 111) + '>F' + i + '</option>'; }
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { x += '<option value=' + (i + 48) + '>' + i + '</option>'; }
for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { x += '<option value=' + (i + 65) + '>' + String.fromCharCode(i + 65) + '</option>'; }
x += '</select> <input type=button value=' + "Add" + ' onclick=addDeskCustomizeKey() /></div>';
QH('p10dialog2', x);
xxdialogMode = 2;
QV('p10dialog', true);
function deskCustomizeKeysEx() {
QV('p10dialog', false);
xxdialogMode = 0;
putstore('deskKeyShortcuts', deskKeyboardShortcuts.join(','));
function deskUpdateShortcutList() {
var x = '';
for (var i in deskKeyboardShortcuts) {
var kt = keyShortcutTotext(deskKeyboardShortcuts[i]), orderButtons = '';
if (i != (deskKeyboardShortcuts.length - 1)) { orderButtons += '<img width=8 height=8 style=float:right;cursor:pointer;padding:3px src="images/c2.png" onclick=deskCustomizeKeyDown(' + deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] + ')>'; }
if (i != 0) { orderButtons += '<img width=8 height=8 style=float:right;cursor:pointer;padding:3px src="images/c3.png" onclick=deskCustomizeKeyUp(' + deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] + ')>'; }
x += '<div style="width:100%;background-color:#AAA;border-radius:4px;margin-bottom:4px;padding:4px;text-align:left;box-sizing:border-box" value=' + deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] + '>' + kt + '<img width=10 height=10 style=float:right;cursor:pointer;padding:2px;margin-left:8px src="images/trash.png" onclick=removeDeskCustomizeKey(' + deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] + ')>' + orderButtons + '</div>';
if (x == '') { x = '<i>' + "No keyboard shortcuts defined" + '</i>'; }
QH('d2shortcuts', x);
function deskCustomizeKeyDown(k) {
var i = deskKeyboardShortcuts.indexOf(k), x = deskKeyboardShortcuts[i + 1];
deskKeyboardShortcuts[i + 1] = deskKeyboardShortcuts[i];
deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] = x;
function deskCustomizeKeyUp(k) {
var i = deskKeyboardShortcuts.indexOf(k), x = deskKeyboardShortcuts[i];
deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] = deskKeyboardShortcuts[i - 1];
deskKeyboardShortcuts[i - 1] = x;
function removeDeskCustomizeKey(k) {
var na = [];
for (var i in deskKeyboardShortcuts) { if (deskKeyboardShortcuts[i] != k) { na.push(deskKeyboardShortcuts[i]); } }
deskKeyboardShortcuts = na;
function addDeskCustomizeKey() {
var k = parseInt(Q('d2keySelect').value);
if (Q('d1kshift').checked) { k |= 0x010000; }
if (Q('d1kalt').checked) { k |= 0x020000; }
if (Q('d1kctrl').checked) { k |= 0x080000; }
if (Q('d1kwin').checked) { k |= 0x100000; }
if ((k > 0) && (deskKeyboardShortcuts.indexOf(k) == -1)) { deskKeyboardShortcuts.push(k); deskUpdateShortcutList(); }
// Remote desktop special key combos for Windows
function deskSendKeys(ks) {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
// Construct the key command
if (ks == -1) { deskCustomizeKeys(); return; } // Customize
if (ks == 0x0A002E) { desktop.m.sendcad(); return; } // CTRL-ALT-DEL
if ((desktop.contype == 1) && (ks == 0x100052)) { desktop.sendCtrlMsg('{"action":"lock"}'); return; } // Lock desktop
var flags = (ks & 0xFF0000) >> 16, key = (ks & 0xFFFF), keyArray = [], keyArray2 = [];
var amtTranslate = {
8: 0xff08, // BackSpace
9: 0xff09, // Tab
13: 0xff0d, // Return or Enter
27: 0xff1b, // Escape
45: 0xff63, // Insert
46: 0xffff, // Delete
36: 0xff50, // Home
35: 0xff57, // End
33: 0xff55, // Page Up
34: 0xff56, // Page Down
37: 0xff51, // Left arrow
38: 0xff52, // Up arrow
39: 0xff53, // Right arrow
40: 0xff54, // Down arrow
112: 0xffbe, // F1
113: 0xffbf, // F2
114: 0xffc0, // F3
115: 0xffc1, // F4
116: 0xffc2, // F5
117: 0xffc3, // F6
118: 0xffc4, // F7
119: 0xffc5, // F8
120: 0xffc6, // F9
121: 0xffc7, // F10
122: 0xffc8, // F11
123: 0xffc9 // F12
// 0x010000 = Shift
// 0x020000 = Left-Alt
// 0x080000 = Ctrl
// 0x100000 = Window
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
// Intel AMT
if (flags & 1) { keyArray.push([0xffe1, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe1, 0]); } // Shift
if (flags & 2) { keyArray.push([0xffe9, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe9, 0]); } // Left-alt
if (flags & 8) { keyArray.push([0xffe3, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe3, 0]); } // Ctrl
if (flags & 16) { keyArray.push([0xffe7, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe7, 0]); } // Windows key
if (amtTranslate[key]) { key = amtTranslate[key]; }
if ((key >= 65) && (key <= 90)) { key += 32; }
if (key != 0) { keyArray.push([key, 1]); keyArray2.push([key, 0]); }
for (var i = 0; i < keyArray2.length; i++) { keyArray.push(keyArray2[i]); }
} else {
// Agent desktop
if (flags & 1) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 16]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); } // Shift
if (flags & 2) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 18]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 18]); } // Left-alt
if (flags & 8) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 17]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 17]); } // Ctrl
if (flags & 16) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B]); } // Windows key
if (key != 0) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, key]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, key]); }
for (var i = 0; i < keyArray2.length; i++) { keyArray.push(keyArray2[i]); }
function toggleMenu(x) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
QV('deskButtonMenu', fullscreen && !x);
QV('deskkeybutton3a', fullscreen && x);
QV('deskkeybutton3b', fullscreen && !x);
function deskChangeMouseButton(x) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (desktop == null) return;
desktop.m.SwapMouse = !desktop.m.SwapMouse;
QV('deskkeybutton4a', fullscreen && (!desktop.m.SwapMouse));
@ -3380,6 +3554,7 @@
function deskChangeFullscreenZoom() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (desktop == null) return;
if (fullscreenzoom == 1) { fullscreenzoom = 0.5; } else { fullscreenzoom = 1; }
QV('deskkeybutton5a', fullscreen && (fullscreenzoom == 1));
@ -3480,91 +3655,6 @@
// Remote desktop special key combos for Windows
function deskSendKeys(xkey) {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
// Construct the key command
var ks = xkey ? xkey : parseInt(Q('deskkeys').value);
if (ks == 0x0A0053) { desktop.m.sendcad(); return; } // CTRL-ALT-DEL
if ((desktop.contype == 1) && (ks == 0x100052)) { desktop.sendCtrlMsg('{"action":"lock"}'); return; } // Lock desktop
var flags = (ks & 0xFF0000) >> 16, key = (ks & 0xFFFF), keyArray = [], keyArray2 = [];
var amtTranslate = {
8: 0xff08, // BackSpace
9: 0xff09, // Tab
13: 0xff0d, // Return or Enter
27: 0xff1b, // Escape
45: 0xff63, // Insert
46: 0xffff, // Delete
36: 0xff50, // Home
35: 0xff57, // End
33: 0xff55, // Page Up
34: 0xff56, // Page Down
37: 0xff51, // Left arrow
38: 0xff52, // Up arrow
39: 0xff53, // Right arrow
40: 0xff54, // Down arrow
112: 0xffbe, // F1
113: 0xffbf, // F2
114: 0xffc0, // F3
115: 0xffc1, // F4
116: 0xffc2, // F5
117: 0xffc3, // F6
118: 0xffc4, // F7
119: 0xffc5, // F8
120: 0xffc6, // F9
121: 0xffc7, // F10
122: 0xffc8, // F11
123: 0xffc9 // F12
// 0x010000 = Shift
// 0x020000 = Left-Alt
// 0x080000 = Ctrl
// 0x100000 = Window
// Examples:
// WIN+DOWN = 0x100028
// WIN+UP = 0x100026
// WIN+L = 0x10004C
// WIN+M = 0x10004D
// Shift+WIN+M = 0x11004D
// WIN = 0x100000
// WIN+R = 0x100052
// ALT+F4 = 0x020073
// CTRL+W = 0x080057
// ALT+TAB = 0x020009
// CTRL-ALT-DEL = 0x0A0053
// WIN-LEFT = 0x100025
// WIN-RIGHT = 0x100027
// SHIFT+F10 = 0x010079
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
// Intel AMT
if (flags & 1) { keyArray.push([0xffe1, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe1, 0]); } // Shift
if (flags & 2) { keyArray.push([0xffe9, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe9, 0]); } // Left-alt
if (flags & 8) { keyArray.push([0xffe3, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe3, 0]); } // Ctrl
if (flags & 16) { keyArray.push([0xffe7, 1]); keyArray2.push([0xffe7, 0]); } // Windows key
if (amtTranslate[key]) { key = amtTranslate[key]; }
if ((key >= 65) && (key <= 90)) { key += 32; }
if (key != 0) { keyArray.push([key, 1]); keyArray2.push([key, 0]); }
for (var i = 0; i < keyArray2.length; i++) { keyArray.push(keyArray2[i]); }
} else {
// Agent desktop
if (flags & 1) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 16]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); } // Shift
if (flags & 2) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 18]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 18]); } // Left-alt
if (flags & 8) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 17]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 17]); } // Ctrl
if (flags & 16) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B]); } // Windows key
if (key != 0) { keyArray.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, key]); keyArray2.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, key]); }
for (var i = 0; i < keyArray2.length; i++) { keyArray.push(keyArray2[i]); }
function sendSpecialKeys() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
setDialogMode(3, "Special Keys", 3, deskSendKeys);
@ -7431,6 +7431,10 @@
// Desktop Shortcut Keys
function updateDeskShortcutKeys() {
var x = '', v = parseInt(Q('deskkeys').value);
if ((v == '') && (deskKeyboardShortcuts.length > 0)) { v = deskKeyboardShortcuts[0]; }
@ -7439,22 +7443,7 @@
QH('deskkeys', x);
var keyStrings = {
8 : "BackSpace",
9 : "Tab",
13 : "Enter",
27 : "Escape",
45 : "Insert",
46 : "Del",
36 : "Home",
35 : "End",
33 : "Page Up",
34 : "Page Down",
37 : "Left",
38 : "Up",
39 : "Right",
40 : "Down"
var keyStrings = { 8 : "BackSpace", 9 : "Tab", 13 : "Enter", 27 : "Escape", 45 : "Insert", 46 : "Del", 36 : "Home", 35 : "End", 33 : "Page Up", 34 : "Page Down", 37 : "Left", 38 : "Up", 39 : "Right", 40 : "Down", 0 : "None" }
function keyShortcutTotext(n) {
var x = [];
@ -7464,7 +7453,7 @@
if (n & 0x100000) { x.push("Win"); }
n = (n & 0xFFFF);
if ((n >= 112) && (n <= 123)) { x.push('F' + (n - 111)); } // Fx keys
else if (keyStrings[n]) { x.push(keyStrings[n]); }
else if ((n != 0) && (keyStrings[n])) { x.push(keyStrings[n]); }
else { if (n != 0) { x.push(String.fromCharCode(n)); } }
return x.join(' + ');
@ -7528,7 +7517,7 @@
if (Q('d1kalt').checked) { k |= 0x020000; }
if (Q('d1kctrl').checked) { k |= 0x080000; }
if (Q('d1kwin').checked) { k |= 0x100000; }
if (deskKeyboardShortcuts.indexOf(k) == -1) { deskKeyboardShortcuts.push(k); deskUpdateShortcutList(); }
if ((k > 0) && (deskKeyboardShortcuts.indexOf(k) == -1)) { deskKeyboardShortcuts.push(k); deskUpdateShortcutList(); }
// Remote desktop special key combos for Windows
@ -7538,7 +7527,6 @@
// Construct the key command
var ks = parseInt(Q('deskkeys').value);
if (ks == -1) { deskCustomizeKeys(); return; }
if (ks == 0x0A002E) { desktop.m.sendcad(); return; } // CTRL-ALT-DEL
if ((desktop.contype == 1) && (ks == 0x100052)) { desktop.sendCtrlMsg('{"action":"lock"}'); return; } // Lock desktop
Reference in New Issue
Block a user