mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 21:12:53 -04:00
Early work on WebPowerSwitch support.
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ function CreateIPKVMManager(parent) {
// Run thru the list of device groups that require
for (var i in parent.webserver.meshes) {
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[i];
if ((mesh.mtype == 4) && (mesh.deleted == null)) { startManagement(mesh); }
// Start managing a IP KVM device
function startManagement(mesh) {
if ((mesh == null) || (mesh.mtype != 4) || (mesh.kvm == null) || (mesh.deleted != null) || (obj.managedGroups[mesh._id] != null)) return;
@ -68,8 +68,17 @@ function CreateIPKVMManager(parent) {
manager.onPortsChanged = onPortsChanged;
else if (mesh.kvm.model == 2) { // WebPowerSwitch 7
const manager = CreateWebPowerSwitch(obj, host, port, mesh.kvm.user, mesh.kvm.pass);
manager.meshid = mesh._id;
manager.domainid = mesh._id.split('/')[1];
obj.managedGroups[mesh._id] = manager;
manager.onStateChanged = onStateChanged;
manager.onPortsChanged = onPortsChanged;
// Stop managing a IP KVM device
function stopManagement(meshid) {
const manager = obj.managedGroups[meshid];
@ -86,24 +95,60 @@ function CreateIPKVMManager(parent) {
// Called when a KVM device changes state
function onStateChanged(sender, state) {
console.log('State: ' + ['Disconnected', 'Connecting', 'Connected'][state]);
if (state == 2) {
console.log('DeviceModel:', sender.deviceModel);
console.log('FirmwareVersion:', sender.firmwareVersion);
if (sender.deviceModel) { console.log('DeviceModel:', sender.deviceModel); }
if (sender.firmwareVersion) { console.log('FirmwareVersion:', sender.firmwareVersion); }
// Called when a KVM device changes state
function onPortsChanged(sender, updatedPorts) {
for (var i = 0; i < updatedPorts.length; i++) {
const port = sender.ports[updatedPorts[i]];
const nodeid = generateIpKvmNodeId(sender.meshid, port.PortId, sender.domainid);
if ((port.Status == 1) && (port.Class == 'KVM')) {
if ((port.Status == 1) && (port.Class == 'PDU')) {
//console.log(port.PortNumber + ', ' + port.PortId + ', ' + port.Name + ', ' + port.State);
if ((obj.managedPorts[nodeid] == null) || (obj.managedPorts[nodeid].name != port.Name)) {
parent.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if ((err != null) || (nodes == null)) return;
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[sender.meshid];
if (nodes.length == 0) {
// The device does not exist, create it
const device = { type: 'node', mtype: 4, _id: nodeid, icon: 1, meshid: sender.meshid, name: port.Name, rname: port.Name, domain: sender.domainid, portid: port.PortId, portnum: port.PortNumber };
// Event the new node
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(sender.meshid, [nodeid]), obj, { etype: 'node', action: 'addnode', nodeid: nodeid, node: device, msgid: 57, msgArgs: [port.Name, mesh.name], msg: ('Added device ' + port.Name + ' to device group ' + mesh.name), domain: sender.domainid });
} else {
// The device exists, update it
var changed = false;
const device = nodes[0];
if (device.rname != port.Name) { device.rname = port.Name; changed = true; } // Update the device port name
if ((mesh.flags) && (mesh.flags & 2) && (device.name != port.Name)) { device.name = port.Name; changed = true; } // Sync device name to port name
if (changed) {
// Update the database and event the node change
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(sender.meshid, [nodeid]), obj, { etype: 'node', action: 'changenode', nodeid: nodeid, node: device, domain: sender.domainid, nolog: 1 });
// Set the connectivity state if needed
if (obj.managedPorts[nodeid] == null) {
parent.SetConnectivityState(sender.meshid, nodeid, Date.now(), 1, port.State?1:6, null, null);
obj.managedPorts[nodeid] = { name: port.Name, meshid: sender.meshid, portid: port.PortId, portType: port.PortType, portNo: port.PortIndex };
} else {
// Update connectivity state
parent.SetConnectivityState(sender.meshid, nodeid, Date.now(), 1, port.State ? 1 : 6, null, null);
} else if ((port.Status == 1) && (port.Class == 'KVM')) {
//console.log(port.PortNumber + ', ' + port.PortId + ', ' + port.Name + ', ' + port.Type + ', ' + ((port.StatAvailable == 0) ? 'Idle' : 'Connected'));
if ((obj.managedPorts[nodeid] == null) || (obj.managedPorts[nodeid].name != port.Name)) {
parent.db.Get(nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
@ -247,6 +292,9 @@ function CreateIPKVMManager(parent) {
return obj;
// Create Raritan Dominion KX III Manager
function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
const https = require('https');
const obj = {};
@ -408,7 +456,7 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var parsed = parseJsScript(args[i]);
var v = parsed.J[0][1], vv = parseInt(v);
out[parsed.J[0][0]] = (v == vv)?vv:v;
out[parsed.J[0][0]] = (v == vv) ? vv : v;
return out;
@ -483,7 +531,7 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
return ((char >= 'A') && (char <= 'Z')) || ((char >= 'a') && (char <= 'z')) || ((char >= '0') && (char <= '9'));
obj.fetch = function(url, postdata, tag, func) {
obj.fetch = function (url, postdata, tag, func) {
if (obj.state == 0) return;
var data = [];
@ -493,7 +541,7 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
checkServerIdentity: onCheckServerIdentity,
path: url,
method: (postdata != null)?'POST':'GET',
method: (postdata != null) ? 'POST' : 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
'Cookie': 'pp_session_id=' + obj.authCookie
@ -611,7 +659,7 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
if (this.wsClient) {
try { this.wsClient.close(); } catch (ex) { }
try {
try {
if (this.wsClient.kvmport) {
delete this.wsClient.kvmport.wsClient;
delete this.wsClient.kvmport;
@ -644,17 +692,17 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
// Clean up
try {
if (this.wsBrowser) {
try { this.wsBrowser.close(); } catch (ex) { }
delete this.wsBrowser.wsClient; delete this.wsBrowser;
if (this.kvmport) { delete this.kvmport.wsClient; delete this.kvmport; }
if (this.wsBrowser) {
try { this.wsBrowser.close(); } catch (ex) { }
delete this.wsBrowser.wsClient; delete this.wsBrowser;
if (this.kvmport) { delete this.kvmport.wsClient; delete this.kvmport; }
} catch (ex) { console.log(ex); }
reqinfo.kvmport.wsClient.on('error', function (err) {
parent.parent.debug('relay', 'IPKVM: Relay websocket error: ' + err);
} catch (ex) { console.log(ex); }
@ -663,4 +711,195 @@ function CreateRaritanKX3Manager(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
return obj;
// Create WebPowerSwitch Manager
function CreateWebPowerSwitch(parent, hostname, port, username, password) {
port = 80;
const https = require('http');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const obj = {};
var updateTimer = null;
var retryTimer = null;
var challenge = null;
var challengeRetry = 0;
obj.state = 0; // 0 = Disconnected, 1 = Connecting, 2 = Connected
obj.ports = [];
obj.portCount = 0;
obj.started = false;
obj.onStateChanged = null;
obj.onPortsChanged = null;
function onCheckServerIdentity(cert) {
console.log('TODO: Certificate Check');
obj.start = function () {
if (obj.started) return;
obj.started = true;
if (obj.state == 0) connect();
obj.stop = function () {
if (!obj.started) return;
obj.started = false;
if (retryTimer != null) { clearTimeout(retryTimer); retryTimer = null; }
function setState(newState) {
if (obj.state == newState) return;
obj.state = newState;
if (obj.onStateChanged != null) { obj.onStateChanged(obj, newState); }
if ((newState == 2) && (updateTimer == null)) { updateTimer = setInterval(obj.update, 10000); }
if ((newState != 2) && (updateTimer != null)) { clearInterval(updateTimer); updateTimer = null; }
if ((newState == 0) && (obj.started == true) && (retryTimer == null)) { retryTimer = setTimeout(connect, 20000); }
function connect() {
if (obj.state != 0) return;
setState(1); // 1 = Connecting
obj.update = function() {
obj.fetch('/restapi/relay/outlets/all;/=name,physical_state/', 'GET', null, null, function (sender, tag, rdata, res) {
if (res.statusCode == 207) {
var rdata2 = null;
if (rdata != null) { try { rdata2 = JSON.parse(rdata); } catch (ex) { } }
if (Array.isArray(rdata2)) {
obj.portCount = (rdata2.length / 2);
setState(2); // 2 = Connected
const updatedPorts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < (rdata2.length / 2); i++) {
const portname = rdata2[i * 2];
const portstate = rdata2[(i * 2) + 1];
var portchanged = false;
if (obj.ports[i] == null) {
// Add the port
obj.ports[i] = { PortNumber: i, PortId: 'p' + i, Name: portname, Status: 1, State: portstate, Class: 'PDU' };
portchanged = true;
} else {
// Update the port
const port = obj.ports[i];
if (port.Name != portname) { port.Name = portname; portchanged = true; }
if (port.State != portstate) { port.State = portstate; portchanged = true; }
if (portchanged) { updatedPorts.push(i); }
if ((updatedPorts.length > 0) && (obj.onPortsChanged != null)) { obj.onPortsChanged(obj, updatedPorts); }
} else {
setState(0); // 0 = Disconnected
} else {
setState(0); // 0 = Disconnected
function setPowerState(port, state, func) {
obj.fetch('/restapi/relay/outlets/' + port + '/state/', 'PUT', 'value=' + state, null, function (sender, tag, rdata, res) {
console.log('DATA:', res.statusCode, rdata.toString());
obj.fetch = function (url, method, data, tag, func) {
//console.log('fetch', url, method, data, tag);
if (obj.state == 0) return;
if (typeof data == 'string') { data = Buffer.from(data); }
var rdata = [];
const options = {
hostname: hostname,
port: port,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
checkServerIdentity: onCheckServerIdentity,
path: url,
method: method,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'accept': 'application/json',
'X-CSRF': 'x'
if (data != null) { options.headers['Content-Length'] = data.length; }
if (challenge != null) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(10);
challenge.cnonce = crypto.randomFillSync(buf).toString('hex');
challenge.nc = '00000001';
const ha1 = crypto.createHash('md5');
ha1.update([username, challenge.realm, password].join(':'));
var xha1 = ha1.digest('hex')
const ha2 = crypto.createHash('md5');
ha2.update([options.method, options.path].join(':'));
var xha2 = ha2.digest('hex');
const response = crypto.createHash('md5');
response.update([xha1, challenge.nonce, challenge.nc, challenge.cnonce, challenge.qop, xha2].join(':'));
var requestParams = {
"username": username,
"realm": challenge.realm,
"nonce": challenge.nonce,
"uri": options.path,
"response": response.digest("hex"),
"cnonce": challenge.cnonce,
"opaque": challenge.opaque
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers.Authorization = renderDigest(requestParams) + ', algorithm=MD5, nc=' + challenge.nc + ', qop=' + challenge.qop;
const req = https.request(options, function (res) {
if (obj.state == 0) return;
//console.log('res.statusCode', res.statusCode);
//if (res.statusCode != 200) { console.log(res.statusCode, res.headers, Buffer.concat(data).toString()); setState(0); return; }
challengeRetry = 0;
res.on('data', function (d) { rdata.push(d); });
res.on('end', function () {
if (res.statusCode == 401) {
if (challengeRetry > 4) { setState(0); return; }
challenge = parseChallenge(res.headers['www-authenticate']);
obj.fetch(url, method, data, tag, func);
} else {
// This line is used for debugging only, used to swap a file.
func(obj, tag, Buffer.concat(rdata), res);
req.on('error', function (error) { console.log(error); setState(0); });
req.on('timeout', function () { setState(0); });
if (data) { req.write(data); }
function parseChallenge(header) {
header = header.replace('qop="auth,auth-int"', 'qop="auth"'); // We don't support auth-int yet, easiest way to get rid of it.
var prefix = 'Digest ';
var challenge = header.substr(header.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length);
var parts = challenge.split(',');
var length = parts.length;
var params = {};
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var part = parts[i].match(/^\s*?([a-zA-Z0-0]+)="(.*)"\s*?$/);
if (part && part.length > 2) { params[part[1]] = part[2]; }
return params;
function renderDigest(params) {
var parts = [];
for (var i in params) { parts.push(i + '="' + params[i] + '"'); }
return 'Digest ' + parts.join(', ');
return obj;
module.exports.CreateIPKVMManager = CreateIPKVMManager;
@ -1940,7 +1940,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
else if ((parent.args.wanonly == true) && (command.meshtype == 3)) { err = 'Invalid group type'; } // Local device group type is not allowed in WAN mode
else if ((domain.ipkvm == null) && (command.meshtype == 4)) { err = 'Invalid group type'; } // IP KVM device group type is not allowed unless enabled
if ((err == null) && (command.meshtype == 4)) {
if (command.kvmmodel !== 1) { err = 'Invalid KVM model'; }
if ((command.kvmmodel < 1) || (command.kvmmodel > 2)) { err = 'Invalid KVM model'; }
else if (common.validateString(command.kvmhost, 1, 128) == false) { err = 'Invalid KVM hostname'; }
else if (common.validateString(command.kvmuser, 1, 128) == false) { err = 'Invalid KVM username'; }
else if (common.validateString(command.kvmpass, 1, 128) == false) { err = 'Invalid KVM password'; }
@ -11361,7 +11361,7 @@
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2meshtype style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=2>' + "Manage using a software agent" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Intel® AMT only, no agent" + '</option>' + localGroupType + '</select></div>');
x += addHtmlValue("Description", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><textarea id=dp2meshdesc maxlength=1024 style=width:100%;resize:none></textarea></div>');
x += '<div id=d2ipkvm style=display:none><hr />';
x += addHtmlValue("Model", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2ipkvmmodel style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=1>' + "Raritan Dominion KX III" + '</option></select></div>');
x += addHtmlValue("Model", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2ipkvmmodel style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=1>' + "Raritan Dominion KX III" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Web Power Switch 7" + '</option></select></div>');
x += addHtmlValue("Hostname", '<input id=dp2ipkvmhost style=width:230px maxlength=128 onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,1) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Username", '<input id=dp2ipkvmuser style=width:230px maxlength=128 onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,1) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Password", '<input id=dp2ipkvmpass type=password style=width:230px maxlength=128 onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,1) />');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user