mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Added Firebase two-way push notification relay.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -803,6 +803,13 @@ function handleServerCommand(data) {
// Perform manual server TLS certificate checking based on the certificate hash given by the server.
woptions.rejectUnauthorized = 0;
woptions.checkServerIdentity = function checkServerIdentity(certs) {
try { sendConsoleText("certs[0].digest: " + certs[0].digest); } catch (ex) { sendConsoleText(ex); }
try { sendConsoleText("certs[0].fingerprint: " + certs[0].fingerprint); } catch (ex) { sendConsoleText(ex); }
try { sendConsoleText("control-digest: " + require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.digest); } catch (ex) { sendConsoleText(ex); }
try { sendConsoleText("control-fingerprint: " + require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.fingerprint); } catch (ex) { sendConsoleText(ex); }
// If the tunnel certificate matches the control channel certificate, accept the connection
try { if (require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.digest == certs[0].digest) return; } catch (ex) { }
try { if (require('MeshAgent').ServerInfo.ControlChannelCertificate.fingerprint == certs[0].fingerprint) return; } catch (ex) { }
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
module.exports.CreateFirebase = function (parent, senderid, serverkey) {
var obj = {};
obj.messageId = 0;
obj.relays = {};
obj.stats = {
mode: "Real",
sent: 0,
@ -36,17 +37,27 @@ module.exports.CreateFirebase = function (parent, senderid, serverkey) {
// Messages received from client (excluding receipts)
xcs.on('message', function (messageId, from, data, category) {
//console.log('Firebase-Message', messageId, from, data, category);
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-Message: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
// Lookup node information from the cache
var ninfo = tokenToNodeMap[from];
if (ninfo == null) { obj.stats.receivedNoRoute++; return; }
if ((data != null) && (data.con != null) && (data.s != null)) { // Console command
parent.webserver.routeAgentCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: data.con, sessionid: data.s }, ninfo.did, ninfo.nid, ninfo.mid);
if (typeof data.r == 'string') {
// Lookup push relay server
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-RelayRoute: ' + data.r);
const wsrelay = obj.relays[data.r];
if (wsrelay != null) {
delete data.r;
try { wsrelay.send(JSON.stringify({ from: from, data: data, category: category })); } catch (ex) { }
} else {
// Lookup node information from the cache
var ninfo = tokenToNodeMap[from];
if (ninfo == null) { obj.stats.receivedNoRoute++; return; }
if ((data != null) && (data.con != null) && (data.s != null)) { // Console command
parent.webserver.routeAgentCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: data.con, sessionid: data.s }, ninfo.did, ninfo.nid, ninfo.mid);
} else {
@ -102,6 +113,61 @@ module.exports.CreateFirebase = function (parent, senderid, serverkey) {
xcs.sendNoRetry(message, node.pmt, callback);
// Setup a two way relay
obj.setupRelay = function (ws) {
// Select and set a relay identifier
ws.relayId = getRandomPassword();
while (obj.relays[ws.relayId] != null) { ws.relayId = getRandomPassword(); }
obj.relays[ws.relayId] = ws;
// On message, parse it
ws.on('message', function (msg) {
parent.debug('email', 'FBWS-Data(' + this.relayId + '): ' + msg);
if (typeof msg == 'string') {
// Parse the incoming push request
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(msg) } catch (ex) { return; }
if (typeof data != 'object') return;
if (typeof data.pmt != 'string') return;
if (typeof data.payload != 'object') return;
if (typeof data.payload.notification == 'object') {
if (typeof data.payload.notification.title != 'string') return;
if (typeof data.payload.notification.body != 'string') return;
if (typeof data.options != 'object') return;
if ((data.options.priority != 'Normal') && (data.options.priority != 'High')) return;
if ((typeof data.options.timeToLive != 'number') || (data.options.timeToLive < 1)) return;
if (typeof data.payload.data != 'object') { data.payload.data = {}; }
data.payload.data.r = ws.relayId; // Set the relay id.
// Send the push notification
obj.sendToDevice({ pmt: data.pmt }, data.payload, data.options, function (id, err, errdesc) {
if (err == null) {
try { wsrelay.send(JSON.stringify({ sent: true })); } catch (ex) { }
} else {
try { wsrelay.send(JSON.stringify({ sent: false })); } catch (ex) { }
// If error, close the relay
ws.on('error', function (err) {
parent.debug('email', 'FBWS-Error(' + this.relayId + '): ' + err);
delete obj.relays[this.relayId];
// Close the relay
ws.on('close', function () {
parent.debug('email', 'FBWS-Close(' + this.relayId + ')');
delete obj.relays[this.relayId];
function getRandomPassword() { return Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); }
return obj;
@ -118,40 +184,102 @@ module.exports.CreateFirebaseRelay = function (parent, url, key) {
receivedNoRoute: 0,
receivedBadArgs: 0
obj.pushOnly = true;
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const https = require('https');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const relayUrl = require('url').parse(url);
parent.debug('email', 'CreateFirebaseRelay-Setup');
// Send an outbound push notification
obj.sendToDevice = function (node, payload, options, func) {
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-sendToDevice');
if ((node == null) || (typeof node.pmt != 'string')) return;
if (relayUrl.protocol == 'wss:') {
// Setup two-way push notification channel
obj.wsopen = false;
obj.tokenToNodeMap = {} // Token --> { nid: nodeid, mid: meshid }
obj.connectWebSocket = function () {
if (obj.wsclient != null) return;
obj.wsclient = new WebSocket(relayUrl.href + (key ? ('?key=' + key) : ''), { rejectUnauthorized: false })
obj.wsclient.on('open', function () { obj.wsopen = true; });
obj.wsclient.on('message', function (msg) {
parent.debug('email', 'FBWS-Data(' + msg.length + '): ' + msg);
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(msg) } catch (ex) { }
if (typeof data != 'object') return;
if (typeof data.from != 'string') return;
if (typeof data.data != 'object') return;
if (typeof data.category != 'string') return;
processMessage(data.messageId, data.from, data.data, data.category);
obj.wsclient.on('error', function (err) {
obj.wsclient = null;
obj.wsopen = false;
setTimeout(obj.connectWebSocket, 2000);
obj.wsclient.on('close', function () {
obj.wsclient = null;
obj.wsopen = false;
setTimeout(obj.connectWebSocket, 2000);
const querydata = querystring.stringify({ 'msg': JSON.stringify({ pmt: node.pmt, payload: payload, options: options }) });
function processMessage(messageId, from, data, category) {
// Lookup node information from the cache
var ninfo = obj.tokenToNodeMap[from];
if (ninfo == null) { obj.stats.receivedNoRoute++; return; }
// Send the message to the relay
const httpOptions = {
hostname: relayUrl.hostname,
port: relayUrl.port ? relayUrl.port : 443,
path: relayUrl.path + (key ? ('?key=' + key) : ''),
method: 'POST',
//rejectUnauthorized: false, // DEBUG
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': querydata.length
if ((data != null) && (data.con != null) && (data.s != null)) { // Console command
parent.webserver.routeAgentCommand({ action: 'msg', type: 'console', value: data.con, sessionid: data.s }, ninfo.did, ninfo.nid, ninfo.mid);
} else {
const req = https.request(httpOptions, function (res) {
if (res.statusCode == 200) { obj.stats.sent++; } else { obj.stats.sendError++; }
if (func != null) { func(++obj.messageId, (res.statusCode == 200) ? null : 'error'); }
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-sending');
req.on('error', function (error) { obj.stats.sent++; func(++obj.messageId, 'error'); });
obj.sendToDevice = function (node, payload, options, func) {
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-sendToDevice-webSocket');
if ((node == null) || (typeof node.pmt != 'string')) { func(0, 'error'); return; }
// Fill in our lookup table
if (node._id != null) { obj.tokenToNodeMap[node.pmt] = { nid: node._id, mid: node.meshid, did: node.domain } }
// If the web socket is open, send now
if (obj.wsopen == true) {
try { obj.wsclient.send(JSON.stringify({ pmt: node.pmt, payload: payload, options: options })); } catch (ex) { func(0, 'error'); return; }
} else {
// TODO: Buffer the push messages until TTL.
func(0, 'error');
} else if (relayUrl.protocol == 'https:') {
// Send an outbound push notification using an HTTPS POST
obj.pushOnly = true;
obj.sendToDevice = function (node, payload, options, func) {
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-sendToDevice-httpPost');
if ((node == null) || (typeof node.pmt != 'string')) return;
const querydata = querystring.stringify({ 'msg': JSON.stringify({ pmt: node.pmt, payload: payload, options: options }) });
// Send the message to the relay
const httpOptions = {
hostname: relayUrl.hostname,
port: relayUrl.port ? relayUrl.port : 443,
path: relayUrl.path + (key ? ('?key=' + key) : ''),
method: 'POST',
//rejectUnauthorized: false, // DEBUG
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': querydata.length
const req = https.request(httpOptions, function (res) {
if (res.statusCode == 200) { obj.stats.sent++; } else { obj.stats.sendError++; }
if (func != null) { func(++obj.messageId, (res.statusCode == 200) ? null : 'error'); }
parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-sending');
req.on('error', function (error) { obj.stats.sent++; func(++obj.messageId, 'error'); });
return obj;
@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) {
// Sent by the agent to update agent information
if ((obj.agentCoreUpdate === true) && (obj.agentExeInfo != null)) {
if ((obj.agentCoreUpdate === true) && (obj.agentExeInfo != null) && (typeof obj.agentExeInfo.url == 'string')) {
// Agent update. The recovery core was loaded in the agent, send a command to update the agent
parent.parent.taskLimiter.launch(function (argument, taskid, taskLimiterQueue) { // Medium priority task
// If agent disconnection, complete and exit now.
@ -1489,31 +1489,33 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshAgent = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain) {
case 'agentupdate': {
var func = function agentUpdateFunc(argument, taskid, taskLimiterQueue) { // Medium priority task
// If agent disconnection, complete and exit now.
if (obj.authenticated != 2) { parent.parent.taskLimiter.completed(taskid); return; }
if ((obj.agentExeInfo != null) && (typeof obj.agentExeInfo.url == 'string')) {
var func = function agentUpdateFunc(argument, taskid, taskLimiterQueue) { // Medium priority task
// If agent disconnection, complete and exit now.
if (obj.authenticated != 2) { parent.parent.taskLimiter.completed(taskid); return; }
// Agent is requesting an agent update
obj.agentCoreUpdateTaskId = taskid;
const url = '*' + require('url').parse(obj.agentExeInfo.url).path;
var cmd = { action: 'agentupdate', url: url, hash: obj.agentExeInfo.hashhex, sessionid: agentUpdateFunc.sessionid };
// Agent is requesting an agent update
obj.agentCoreUpdateTaskId = taskid;
const url = '*' + require('url').parse(obj.agentExeInfo.url).path;
var cmd = { action: 'agentupdate', url: url, hash: obj.agentExeInfo.hashhex, sessionid: agentUpdateFunc.sessionid };
// Add the hash
if (obj.agentExeInfo.fileHash != null) { cmd.hash = obj.agentExeInfo.fileHashHex; } else { cmd.hash = obj.agentExeInfo.hashhex; }
// Add the hash
if (obj.agentExeInfo.fileHash != null) { cmd.hash = obj.agentExeInfo.fileHashHex; } else { cmd.hash = obj.agentExeInfo.hashhex; }
// Add server TLS cert hash
if (isIgnoreHashCheck() == false) {
const tlsCertHash = parent.webCertificateFullHashs[domain.id];
if (tlsCertHash != null) { cmd.servertlshash = Buffer.from(tlsCertHash, 'binary').toString('hex'); }
// Add server TLS cert hash
if (isIgnoreHashCheck() == false) {
const tlsCertHash = parent.webCertificateFullHashs[domain.id];
if (tlsCertHash != null) { cmd.servertlshash = Buffer.from(tlsCertHash, 'binary').toString('hex'); }
// Send the agent update command
func.sessionid = command.sessionid;
// Send the agent update command
// Agent update. The recovery core was loaded in the agent, send a command to update the agent
parent.parent.taskLimiter.launch(func, null, 1);
func.sessionid = command.sessionid;
// Agent update. The recovery core was loaded in the agent, send a command to update the agent
parent.parent.taskLimiter.launch(func, null, 1);
case 'agentupdatedownloaded': {
@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
parent.debug('email', 'handleFirebasePushOnlyRelayRequest');
if ((req.body == null) || (req.body.msg == null) || (obj.parent.firebase == null)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (obj.parent.config.firebase.pushrelayserver == null) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((typeof obj.parent.config.firebase.pushrelayserver == 'string') && (req.query.key != obj.parent.firebase.pushrelayserver)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if ((typeof obj.parent.config.firebase.pushrelayserver == 'string') && (req.query.key != obj.parent.config.firebase.pushrelayserver)) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(req.body.msg) } catch (ex) { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
if (typeof data != 'object') { res.sendStatus(404); return; }
@ -1800,6 +1800,16 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Called to handle two-way push notification relay request
function handleFirebaseRelayRequest(ws, req) {
parent.debug('email', 'handleFirebaseRelayRequest');
if (obj.parent.firebase == null) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; }
if (obj.parent.firebase.setupRelay == null) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; }
if (obj.parent.config.firebase.relayserver == null) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; }
if ((typeof obj.parent.config.firebase.relayserver == 'string') && (req.query.key != obj.parent.config.firebase.relayserver)) { res.sendStatus(404); try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; }
// Called to process an agent invite request
function handleAgentInviteRequest(req, res) {
const domain = getDomain(req);
@ -5184,7 +5194,7 @@ module.exports.CreateWebServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates) {
// Setup firebase push only server
if ((obj.parent.firebase != null) && (obj.parent.config.firebase)) {
if (obj.parent.config.firebase.pushrelayserver) { parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-pushrelay-handler'); obj.app.post(url + 'firebaserelay.aspx', handleFirebasePushOnlyRelayRequest); }
if (obj.parent.config.firebase.relayserver) { parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-relay-handler'); /*obj.app.ws(url + 'firebaserelay.aspx', handleFirebaseRelayRequest);*/ }
if (obj.parent.config.firebase.relayserver) { parent.debug('email', 'Firebase-relay-handler'); obj.app.ws(url + 'firebaserelay.aspx', handleFirebaseRelayRequest); }
// Setup auth strategies using passport if needed
Reference in New Issue
Block a user