mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 22:44:13 -04:00
MeshMessenger Fixes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,29 @@ import Keyboard from "../core/input/keyboard.js";
import RFB from "../core/rfb.js";
import * as WebUtil from "./webutil.js";
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
// String validation
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isSafeString(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1) && (str.indexOf(':') == -1) && (str.indexOf('-') == -1)) };
// Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
function parseUriArgs() {
var href = window.document.location.href;
if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/);
parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
for (x in parsedUri) {
switch (x % 2) {
case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; }
case 1: {
r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]);
if (!isSafeString(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
} default: { break; }
return r;
var urlargs = parseUriArgs();
const UI = {
@ -1 +1 @@
function Q(t){return document.getElementById(t)}function QS(t){try{return Q(t).style}catch(t){}}function QE(t,r){try{Q(t).disabled=!r}catch(t){}}function QV(t,r){try{QS(t).display=r?"":"none"}catch(t){}}function QA(t,r){Q(t).innerHTML+=r}function QH(t,r){Q(t).innerHTML=r}function QC(t){try{return Q(t).classList}catch(t){}}function inputBoxFocus(t){Q(t).focus();var r=Q(t).value;Q(t).value="",Q(t).value=r}function ReadShort(t,r){return(t.charCodeAt(r)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(r+1)}function ReadShortX(t,r){return(t.charCodeAt(r+1)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(r)}function ReadInt(t,r){return 16777216*t.charCodeAt(r)+(t.charCodeAt(r+1)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(r+2)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(r+3)}function ReadSInt(t,r){return(t.charCodeAt(r)<<24)+(t.charCodeAt(r+1)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(r+2)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(r+3)}function ReadIntX(t,r){return 16777216*t.charCodeAt(r+3)+(t.charCodeAt(r+2)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(r+1)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(r)}function ShortToStr(t){return String.fromCharCode(t>>8&255,255&t)}function ShortToStrX(t){return String.fromCharCode(255&t,t>>8&255)}function IntToStr(t){return String.fromCharCode(t>>24&255,t>>16&255,t>>8&255,255&t)}function IntToStrX(t){return String.fromCharCode(255&t,t>>8&255,t>>16&255,t>>24&255)}function MakeToArray(t){return t&&null!=t&&"object"!=typeof t?[t]:t}function SplitArray(t){return t.split(",")}function Clone(t){return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))}function EscapeHtml(t){return"string"==typeof t?t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'"):"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t:void 0}function EscapeHtmlBreaks(t){return"string"==typeof t?t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\r/g,"<br />").replace(/\n/g,"").replace(/\t/g," "):"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t:void 0}function ArrayElementMove(t,r,n){t.splice(n,0,t.splice(r,1)[0])}function ObjectToStringEx(t,r){var n="";if(0!=t&&(!t||null==t))return"(Null)";if(t instanceof Array)for(var e in t)n+="<br />"+gap(r)+"Item #"+e+": "+ObjectToStringEx(t[e],r+1);else if(t instanceof Object)for(var e in t)n+="<br />"+gap(r)+e+" = "+ObjectToStringEx(t[e],r+1);else n+=EscapeHtml(t);return n}function ObjectToStringEx2(t,r){var n="";if(0!=t&&(!t||null==t))return"(Null)";if(t instanceof Array)for(var e in t)n+="\r\n"+gap2(r)+"Item #"+e+": "+ObjectToStringEx2(t[e],r+1);else if(t instanceof Object)for(var e in t)n+="\r\n"+gap2(r)+e+" = "+ObjectToStringEx2(t[e],r+1);else n+=EscapeHtml(t);return n}function gap(t){for(var r="",n=0;n<4*t;n++)r+=" ";return r}function gap2(t){for(var r="",n=0;n<4*t;n++)r+=" ";return r}function ObjectToString(t){return ObjectToStringEx(t,0)}function ObjectToString2(t){return ObjectToStringEx2(t,0)}function hex2rstr(t){if("string"!=typeof t||0==t.length)return"";for(var r,n="",e=(""+t).match(/../g);r=e.shift();)n+=String.fromCharCode("0x"+r);return n}function char2hex(t){return(t+256).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase()}function rstr2hex(t){var r,n="";for(r=0;r<t.length;r++)n+=char2hex(t.charCodeAt(r));return n}function encode_utf8(t){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(t))}function decode_utf8(t){return decodeURIComponent(escape(t))}function data2blob(t){for(var r=new Array(t.length),n=0;n<t.length;n++)r[n]=t.charCodeAt(n);return new Blob([new Uint8Array(r)])}function utf2blob(t){for(var r=[],n=unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)),e=0;e<n.length;e++)r.push(n.charCodeAt(e));return new Blob([new Uint8Array(r)])}function random(t){return Math.floor(Math.random()*t)}function trademarks(t){return t.replace(/\(R\)/g,"®").replace(/\(TM\)/g,"™")}function zeroPad(t,r){null==r&&(r=2);var n="00000000"+t;return n.substr(n.length-r)}String.prototype.startsWith||(String.prototype.startsWith=function(t){return 0===this.lastIndexOf(t,0)}),String.prototype.endsWith||(String.prototype.endsWith=function(t){return-1!==this.indexOf(t,this.length-t.length)})
function Q(t){return document.getElementById(t)}function QS(t){try{return Q(t).style}catch(t){}}function QE(t,n){try{Q(t).disabled=!n}catch(t){}}function QV(t,n){try{QS(t).display=n?"":"none"}catch(t){}}function QA(t,n){Q(t).innerHTML+=n}function QH(t,n){Q(t).innerHTML=n}function QC(t){try{return Q(t).classList}catch(t){}}function inputBoxFocus(t){Q(t).focus();var n=Q(t).value;Q(t).value="",Q(t).value=n}function ReadShort(t,n){return(t.charCodeAt(n)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(n+1)}function ReadShortX(t,n){return(t.charCodeAt(n+1)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(n)}function ReadInt(t,n){return 16777216*t.charCodeAt(n)+(t.charCodeAt(n+1)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(n+2)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(n+3)}function ReadSInt(t,n){return(t.charCodeAt(n)<<24)+(t.charCodeAt(n+1)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(n+2)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(n+3)}function ReadIntX(t,n){return 16777216*t.charCodeAt(n+3)+(t.charCodeAt(n+2)<<16)+(t.charCodeAt(n+1)<<8)+t.charCodeAt(n)}function ShortToStr(t){return String.fromCharCode(t>>8&255,255&t)}function ShortToStrX(t){return String.fromCharCode(255&t,t>>8&255)}function IntToStr(t){return String.fromCharCode(t>>24&255,t>>16&255,t>>8&255,255&t)}function IntToStrX(t){return String.fromCharCode(255&t,t>>8&255,t>>16&255,t>>24&255)}function MakeToArray(t){return t&&null!=t&&"object"!=typeof t?[t]:t}function SplitArray(t){return t.split(",")}function Clone(t){return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))}function EscapeHtml(t){return"string"==typeof t?t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'"):"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t:void 0}function EscapeHtmlBreaks(t){return"string"==typeof t?t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/>/g,">").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\r/g,"<br />").replace(/\n/g,"").replace(/\t/g," "):"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t:void 0}function ArrayElementMove(t,n,r){t.splice(r,0,t.splice(n,1)[0])}function ObjectToStringEx(t,n){var r="";if(0!=t&&(!t||null==t))return"(Null)";if(t instanceof Array)for(var e in t)r+="<br />"+gap(n)+"Item #"+e+": "+ObjectToStringEx(t[e],n+1);else if(t instanceof Object)for(var e in t)r+="<br />"+gap(n)+e+" = "+ObjectToStringEx(t[e],n+1);else r+=EscapeHtml(t);return r}function ObjectToStringEx2(t,n){var r="";if(0!=t&&(!t||null==t))return"(Null)";if(t instanceof Array)for(var e in t)r+="\r\n"+gap2(n)+"Item #"+e+": "+ObjectToStringEx2(t[e],n+1);else if(t instanceof Object)for(var e in t)r+="\r\n"+gap2(n)+e+" = "+ObjectToStringEx2(t[e],n+1);else r+=EscapeHtml(t);return r}function gap(t){for(var n="",r=0;r<4*t;r++)n+=" ";return n}function gap2(t){for(var n="",r=0;r<4*t;r++)n+=" ";return n}function ObjectToString(t){return ObjectToStringEx(t,0)}function ObjectToString2(t){return ObjectToStringEx2(t,0)}function hex2rstr(t){if("string"!=typeof t||0==t.length)return"";for(var n,r="",e=(""+t).match(/../g);n=e.shift();)r+=String.fromCharCode("0x"+n);return r}function char2hex(t){return(t+256).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase()}function rstr2hex(t){var n,r="";for(n=0;n<t.length;n++)r+=char2hex(t.charCodeAt(n));return r}function encode_utf8(t){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(t))}function decode_utf8(t){return decodeURIComponent(escape(t))}function data2blob(t){for(var n=new Array(t.length),r=0;r<t.length;r++)n[r]=t.charCodeAt(r);return new Blob([new Uint8Array(n)])}function utf2blob(t){for(var n=[],r=unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)),e=0;e<r.length;e++)n.push(r.charCodeAt(e));return new Blob([new Uint8Array(n)])}function random(t){return Math.floor(Math.random()*t)}function trademarks(t){return t.replace(/\(R\)/g,"®").replace(/\(TM\)/g,"™")}function zeroPad(t,n){null==n&&(n=2);var r="00000000"+t;return r.substr(r.length-n)}function isAlphaNumeric(t){return null!=t.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/)}function isSafeString(t){return"string"==typeof t&&-1==t.indexOf("<")&&-1==t.indexOf(">")&&-1==t.indexOf("&")&&-1==t.indexOf('"')&&-1==t.indexOf("'")&&-1==t.indexOf("+")&&-1==t.indexOf("(")&&-1==t.indexOf(")")&&-1==t.indexOf("#")&&-1==t.indexOf("%")&&-1==t.indexOf(":")&&-1==t.indexOf("-")}function parseUriArgs(){var t=window.document.location.href;t.endsWith("#")&&(t=t.substring(0,t.length-1));var n,r={},e=t.split(/[\?&|\=]/);for(o in e.splice(0,1),e)switch(o%2){case 0:n=decodeURIComponent(e[o]);break;case 1:if(r[n]=decodeURIComponent(e[o]),isSafeString(r[n])){var o=parseInt(r[n]);o==r[n]&&(r[n]=o)}else delete r[n]}return r}String.prototype.startsWith||(String.prototype.startsWith=function(t){return 0===this.lastIndexOf(t,0)}),String.prototype.endsWith||(String.prototype.endsWith=function(t){return-1!==this.indexOf(t,this.length-t.length)})
@ -110,4 +110,24 @@ function trademarks(x) { return x.replace(/\(R\)/g, '®').replace(/\(TM\)/g,
function zeroPad(num, c) { if (c == null) { c = 2; } var s = "00000000" + num; return s.substr(s.length - c); }
// String validation
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isSafeString(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1) && (str.indexOf(':') == -1) && (str.indexOf('-') == -1)) };
// Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
function parseUriArgs() {
var href = window.document.location.href;
if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/);
parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
for (x in parsedUri) {
switch (x % 2) {
case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; }
case 1: {
r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]);
if (!isSafeString(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
} default: { break; }
return r;
@ -1120,6 +1120,12 @@
"en": "256 colors",
"xloc": [
"cs": "2-faktorové ověřování zapnuto",
"de": "Zweifaktorauthentifizierung eingeschaltet",
@ -1472,6 +1478,12 @@
"en": "65536 colors",
"xloc": [
"cs": "Stav přihlášení za 7 dnů",
"de": "7-Tage-Anmelde-Status",
@ -5828,6 +5840,13 @@
"en": "Color Quality",
"xloc": [
"cs": "Sloupce",
"de": "Spalten",
@ -9286,7 +9305,7 @@
"ru": "Перетащите .mcrec файл или нажмите \\\"Открыть файл ... \\\"",
"zh-chs": "拖放.mcrec文件或單擊 “打開文件...”",
"xloc": [
@ -12831,7 +12850,7 @@
"ru": "Индексируется каждые {0} секунд",
"zh-chs": "每{0}秒索引一次",
"xloc": [
@ -13307,6 +13326,12 @@
"en": "Intel® AMT KVM",
"xloc": [
"cs": "Intel® AMT zásada",
"de": "Intel® AMT Regelwerk",
@ -19281,7 +19306,7 @@
"ru": "Открыть файл...",
"zh-chs": "打開文件...",
"xloc": [
@ -20618,8 +20643,8 @@
"ru": "Нажмите [пробел] для проигрывания/паузы.",
"zh-chs": "按[空格]播放/暫停。",
"xloc": [
@ -20716,7 +20741,7 @@
"zh-chs": "協議",
"xloc": [
@ -22862,7 +22887,7 @@
"ru": "Ищу",
"zh-chs": "尋求",
"xloc": [
@ -4212,7 +4212,6 @@
function joinPaths() { var x = []; for (var i in arguments) { var w = arguments[i]; if ((w != null) && (w != '')) { while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); } while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); } x.push(w); } } return x.join('/'); }
function focusTextBox(x) { setTimeout(function () { Q(x).selectionStart = Q(x).selectionEnd = 65535; Q(x).focus(); }, 0); }
var isFilenameValid = (function () { var x1 = /^[^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+$/, x2 = /^\./, x3 = /^(nul|prn|con|lpt[0-9]|com[0-9])(\.|$)/i; return function isFilenameValid(fname) { return x1.test(fname) && !x2.test(fname) && !x3.test(fname) && (fname[0] != '.'); } })();
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function printDate(d) { return d.toLocaleDateString(args.locale); }
function printTime(d) { return d.toLocaleTimeString(args.locale); }
function printDateTime(d) { return d.toLocaleString(args.locale); }
@ -12871,7 +12871,6 @@
function addHtmlValue2(t, v) { return '<div><div style=display:inline-block;float:right>' + v + '</div><div style=display:inline-block>' + t + '</div></div>'; }
function addHtmlValue3(t, v) { return '<div><b>' + t + '</b></div><div style=margin-left:16px>' + v + '</div>'; }
function addHtmlValue4(t, v) { return '<table style=width:100%><td style=width:120px>' + t + '<td style=text-align:right><b>' + v + '</b></table>'; }
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function focusTextBox(x) { setTimeout(function(){ Q(x).selectionStart = Q(x).selectionEnd = 65535; Q(x).focus(); }, 0); }
function validateEmail(v) { var emailReg = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return emailReg.test(v); } // New version
function isPrivateIP(a) { return (a.startsWith('10.') || a.startsWith('172.16.') || a.startsWith('192.168.')); }
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
'use strict';
var urlargs = parseUriArgs();
if (urlargs.key && (isAlphaNumeric(urlargs.key) == false)) { delete urlargs.key; }
var uiMode = parseInt(getstore('uiMode', 1));
var webPageStackMenu = false;
var webPageFullScreen = true;
@ -195,8 +196,6 @@
function putstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return; localStorage.setItem(name, val); } catch (e) { } }
function getstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return val; var v = localStorage.getItem(name); if ((v == null) || (v == null)) return val; return v; } catch (e) { return val; } }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
@ -854,7 +854,6 @@
function getstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return val; var v = localStorage.getItem(name); if ((v == null) || (v == null)) return val; return v; } catch (e) { return val; } }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
function addTextLink(subtext, text, link) { var i = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(subtext.toLowerCase()); if (i == -1) { return text; } return text.substring(0, i) + '<a href="' + link + '">' + subtext + '</a>' + text.substring(i + subtext.length); }
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function addHtmlValue(t, v) { return '<table><td style=width:120px;text-align:left>' + t + '<td><b>' + v + '</b></table>'; }
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
var currentFileDownload = null;
// Set the title
if (args.title) { QH('xtitle', args.title.split(' ').join(' ')); document.title = document.title + ' - ' + args.title; }
if (args.title) { QH('xtitle', EscapeHtml(args.title).split(' ').join(' ')); document.title = document.title + ' - ' + args.title; }
// Setup web notifications
if (Notification) { QV('notifyButton', Notification.permission != 'granted'); }
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
// Display a control message
function displayControl(msg) {
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div style="color:gray;float:left;margin-bottom:2px">' + msg + '</div><div></div></div>');
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div style="color:gray;float:left;margin-bottom:2px">' + EscapeHtml(msg) + '</div><div></div></div>');
Q('xmsg').scrollTop = Q('xmsg').scrollHeight;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
// Display a message from the remote user
function displayRemote(msg) {
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div class="remoteBubble">' + msg + '</div><div></div></div>');
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div class="remoteBubble">' + EscapeHtml(msg) + '</div><div></div></div>');
Q('xmsg').scrollTop = Q('xmsg').scrollHeight;
// If web notifications are granted, use it.
@ -185,14 +185,13 @@
var outtext = Q('xouttext').value;
if (outtext.length > 0) {
Q('xouttext').value = '';
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div class="localBubble">' + outtext + '</div><div></div></div>');
QA('xmsg', '<div style="clear:both"><div class="localBubble">' + EscapeHtml(outtext) + '</div><div></div></div>');
Q('xmsg').scrollTop = Q('xmsg').scrollHeight;
send({ action: 'chat', msg: outtext });
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function parseUriArgs() { var name, r = {}, parsedUri = window.document.location.href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
// Update user controls
function updateControls() {
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
var client = null;
var canvas = null;
var urlargs = parseUriArgs();
if (urlargs.key && (isAlphaNumeric(urlargs.key) == false)) { delete urlargs.key; }
var cookie = '{{{cookie}}}';
var name = decodeURIComponent('{{{name}}}');
if (name != '') { document.title = name + ' - ' + document.title; }
@ -105,9 +106,31 @@
function QA(x, y) { Q(x).innerHTML += y; } // "Q" append
function QH(x, y) { Q(x).innerHTML = y; } // "Q" html
function QC(x) { try { return Q(x).classList; } catch (x) { } } // "Q" class
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function EscapeHtml(x) { if (typeof x == 'string') return x.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, '''); if (typeof x == 'boolean') return x; if (typeof x == 'number') return x; }
function EscapeHtmlBreaks(x) { if (typeof x == 'string') return x.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/\r/g, '<br />').replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\t/g, ' '); if (typeof x == 'boolean') return x; if (typeof x == 'number') return x; }
// String validation
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isSafeString(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1) && (str.indexOf(':') == -1) && (str.indexOf('-') == -1)) };
// Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
function parseUriArgs() {
var href = window.document.location.href;
if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/);
parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
for (x in parsedUri) {
switch (x % 2) {
case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; }
case 1: {
r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]);
if (!isSafeString(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
} default: { break; }
return r;
<body onload='load()' style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0;left:0;bottom:0px">
@ -173,10 +173,8 @@
// Fix links if a loginKey if used
var urlargs = parseUriArgs();
if (urlargs.key) {
console.log('aa', urlargs.key);
Q('backLink').href += '?key=' + urlargs.key;
if (urlargs.key && (isAlphaNumeric(urlargs.key) == false)) { delete urlargs.key; }
if (urlargs.key) { Q('backLink').href += '?key=' + urlargs.key; }
// Setup logout control
var logoutControl = '';
@ -250,8 +248,6 @@
function putstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return; localStorage.setItem(name, val); } catch (e) { } }
function getstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return val; var v = localStorage.getItem(name); if ((v == null) || (v == null)) return val; return v; } catch (e) { return val; } }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
function parseUriArgs() { var href = window.document.location.href; if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); } var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
function start() {
// Parse any URL arguments
args = parseUriArgs();
if (args.key && (isAlphaNumeric(args.key) == false)) { delete args.key; }
// Connect to the mesh server
meshserver = MeshServerCreateControl(domainUrl, authCookie);
@ -303,7 +304,27 @@
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function pad2(num) { var s = '00' + num; return s.substr(s.length - 2); }
function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
function parseUriArgs() { var name, r = {}, parsedUri = window.document.location.href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function isAlphaNumeric(str) { return (str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != null); };
function isSafeString(str) { return ((typeof str == 'string') && (str.indexOf('<') == -1) && (str.indexOf('>') == -1) && (str.indexOf('&') == -1) && (str.indexOf('"') == -1) && (str.indexOf('\'') == -1) && (str.indexOf('+') == -1) && (str.indexOf('(') == -1) && (str.indexOf(')') == -1) && (str.indexOf('#') == -1) && (str.indexOf('%') == -1) && (str.indexOf(':') == -1) && (str.indexOf('-') == -1)) };
// Parse URL arguments, only keep safe values
function parseUriArgs() {
var href = window.document.location.href;
if (href.endsWith('#')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1); }
var name, r = {}, parsedUri = href.split(/[\?&|\=]/);
parsedUri.splice(0, 1);
for (x in parsedUri) {
switch (x % 2) {
case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; }
case 1: {
r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]);
if (!isSafeString(r[name])) { delete r[name]; } else { var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } }
} default: { break; }
return r;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user