2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
/ * *
2018-01-04 12:15:21 -08:00
* @ description MeshCentral database module
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire
2022-01-23 23:21:24 -08:00
* @ copyright Intel Corporation 2018 - 2022
2018-01-04 12:15:21 -08:00
* @ license Apache - 2.0
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
* @ version v0 . 0.2
* /
2018-08-29 17:40:30 -07:00
/*xjslint node: true */
/*xjslint plusplus: true */
/*xjslint maxlen: 256 */
/*jshint node: true */
/*jshint strict: false */
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
"use strict" ;
2018-08-27 12:24:15 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Construct Meshcentral database object
// The default database is NeDB
// https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb
// Alternativety, MongoDB can be used
// https://www.mongodb.com/
// Just run with --mongodb [connectionstring], where the connection string is documented here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
// The default collection is "meshcentral", but you can override it using --mongodbcol [collection]
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
module . exports . CreateDB = function ( parent , func ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var obj = { } ;
2018-08-29 17:40:30 -07:00
var Datastore = null ;
2020-03-16 13:30:12 -07:00
var expireEventsSeconds = ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 20 ) ; // By default, expire events after 20 days (1728000). (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days)
var expirePowerEventsSeconds = ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 ) ; // By default, expire power events after 10 days (864000). (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days)
var expireServerStatsSeconds = ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 ) ; // By default, expire power events after 30 days (2592000). (Seconds * Minutes * Hours * Days)
2019-07-10 14:27:38 -07:00
const common = require ( './common.js' ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
const DB _NEDB = 1 , DB _MONGOJS = 2 , DB _MONGODB = 3 , DB _MARIADB = 4 , DB _MYSQL = 5 , DB _POSTGRESQL = 6 , DB _ACEBASE = 7 , DB _SQLITE = 8 ;
const DB _LIST = [ 'None' , 'NeDB' , 'MongoJS' , 'MongoDB' , 'MariaDB' , 'MySQL' , 'PostgreSQL' , 'AceBase' , 'SQLite' ] ; //for the info command
let databaseName = 'meshcentral' ;
let datapathParentPath = path . dirname ( parent . datapath ) ;
let datapathFoldername = path . basename ( parent . datapath ) ;
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
const SQLITE _AUTOVACUUM = [ 'none' , 'full' , 'incremental' ] ;
const SQLITE _SYNCHRONOUS = [ 'off' , 'normal' , 'full' , 'extra' ] ;
obj . sqliteConfig = {
maintenance : '' ,
startupVacuum : false ,
autoVacuum : 'full' ,
incrementalVacuum : 100 ,
journalMode : 'delete' ,
journalSize : 4096000 ,
synchronous : 'full' ,
} ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . performingBackup = false ;
const BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE = 0x0001 ;
const BACKUPFAIL _ZIPMODULE = 0x0010 ;
const BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP = 0x0100 ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus = 0x0 ;
obj . newAutoBackupFile = null ;
obj . newDBDumpFile = null ;
2017-09-13 11:25:57 -07:00
obj . identifier = null ;
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
obj . dbKey = null ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . dbRecordsEncryptKey = null ;
obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey = null ;
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
obj . changeStream = false ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . pluginsActive = ( ( parent . config ) && ( parent . config . settings ) && ( parent . config . settings . plugins != null ) && ( parent . config . settings . plugins != false ) && ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . plugins != 'object' ) || ( parent . config . settings . plugins . enabled != false ) ) ) ;
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters = {
fileSet : 0 ,
fileRemove : 0 ,
powerSet : 0 ,
eventsSet : 0
2021-01-10 06:19:16 -08:00
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// MongoDB bulk operations state
if ( parent . config . settings . mongodbbulkoperations ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
// Added counters
obj . dbCounters . fileSetPending = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . fileSetBulk = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . fileRemovePending = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . fileRemoveBulk = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . powerSetPending = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . powerSetBulk = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . eventsSetPending = 0 ;
obj . dbCounters . eventsSetBulk = 0 ;
/// Added bulk accumulators
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . filePendingGet = null ;
obj . filePendingGets = null ;
obj . filePendingRemove = null ;
obj . filePendingRemoves = null ;
obj . filePendingSet = false ;
obj . filePendingSets = null ;
obj . filePendingCb = null ;
obj . filePendingCbs = null ;
obj . powerFilePendingSet = false ;
obj . powerFilePendingSets = null ;
obj . powerFilePendingCb = null ;
obj . powerFilePendingCbs = null ;
obj . eventsFilePendingSet = false ;
obj . eventsFilePendingSets = null ;
obj . eventsFilePendingCb = null ;
obj . eventsFilePendingCbs = null ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . SetupDatabase = function ( func ) {
// Check if the database unique identifier is present
// This is used to check that in server peering mode, everyone is using the same database.
obj . Get ( 'DatabaseIdentifier' , function ( err , docs ) {
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (Get DatabaseIdentifier): ' + err ) ; }
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . value != null ) ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . identifier = docs [ 0 ] . value ;
} else {
obj . identifier = Buffer . from ( require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 48 ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ;
obj . Set ( { _id : 'DatabaseIdentifier' , value : obj . identifier } ) ;
} ) ;
// Load database schema version and check if we need to update
obj . Get ( 'SchemaVersion' , function ( err , docs ) {
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (Get SchemaVersion): ' + err ) ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
var ver = 0 ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { ver = docs [ 0 ] . value ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
if ( ver == 1 ) { console . log ( 'This is an unsupported beta 1 database, delete it to create a new one.' ) ; process . exit ( 0 ) ; }
// TODO: Any schema upgrades here...
obj . Set ( { _id : 'SchemaVersion' , value : 2 } ) ;
func ( ver ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
// Perform database maintenance
obj . maintenance = function ( ) {
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Entering database maintenance' ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) { // NeDB will not remove expired records unless we try to access them. This will force the removal.
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
obj . powerfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
obj . serverstatsfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireServerStatsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) ) { // MariaDB or MySQL
2022-06-26 17:00:53 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE time < ?' , [ new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ] , function ( doc , err ) { } ) ; // Delete events older than expireEventsSeconds
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power WHERE time < ?' , [ new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ] , function ( doc , err ) { } ) ; // Delete events older than expirePowerSeconds
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM serverstats WHERE expire < ?' , [ new Date ( ) ] , function ( doc , err ) { } ) ; // Delete events where expiration date is in the past
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM smbios WHERE expire < ?' , [ new Date ( ) ] , function ( doc , err ) { } ) ; // Delete events where expiration date is in the past
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _ACEBASE ) { // AceBase
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
//console.log('Performing AceBase maintenance');
2022-09-16 22:50:12 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'time' , '<' , new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
obj . file . query ( 'stats' ) . filter ( 'time' , '<' , new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireServerStatsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
obj . file . query ( 'power' ) . filter ( 'time' , '<' , new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) {
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
//console.log('AceBase maintenance done');
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _SQLITE ) { // SQLite3
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
//sqlite does not return rows affected for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements, see https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_count_changes
obj . file . serialize ( function ( ) {
obj . file . run ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE time < ?' , [ new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ] ) ;
obj . file . run ( 'DELETE FROM power WHERE time < ?' , [ new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) ] ) ;
obj . file . run ( 'DELETE FROM serverstats WHERE expire < ?' , [ new Date ( ) ] ) ;
obj . file . run ( 'DELETE FROM smbios WHERE expire < ?' , [ new Date ( ) ] ) ;
obj . file . exec ( obj . sqliteConfig . maintenance , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) { console . log ( 'Maintenance error: ' + err . message ) } ;
if ( parent . config . settings . debug ) {
sqliteGetPragmas ( [ 'freelist_count' , 'page_size' , 'page_count' , 'cache_size' ] , function ( pragma , pragmaValue ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'SQLite Maintenance: ' + pragma + '=' + pragmaValue ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
2021-08-04 11:00:15 -07:00
obj . removeInactiveDevices ( ) ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
// Remove inactive devices
2021-09-01 22:21:39 -07:00
obj . removeInactiveDevices = function ( showall , cb ) {
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
// Get a list of domains and what their inactive device removal setting is
var removeInactiveDevicesPerDomain = { } , minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain = { } , minRemoveInactiveDevice = 9999 ;
for ( var i in parent . config . domains ) {
if ( typeof parent . config . domains [ i ] . autoremoveinactivedevices == 'number' ) {
var v = parent . config . domains [ i ] . autoremoveinactivedevices ;
2024-07-23 17:28:36 +01:00
if ( ( v >= 1 ) && ( v <= 2000 ) ) {
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
if ( v < minRemoveInactiveDevice ) { minRemoveInactiveDevice = v ; }
removeInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ i ] = v ;
minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ i ] = v ;
// Check if any device groups have a inactive device removal setting
for ( var i in parent . webserver . meshes ) {
if ( typeof parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . expireDevs == 'number' ) {
var v = parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . expireDevs ;
2024-07-23 17:28:36 +01:00
if ( ( v >= 1 ) && ( v <= 2000 ) ) {
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
if ( v < minRemoveInactiveDevice ) { minRemoveInactiveDevice = v ; }
if ( ( minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . domain ] == null ) || ( minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . domain ] > v ) ) {
minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . domain ] = v ;
} else {
delete parent . webserver . meshes [ i ] . expireDevs ;
// If there are no such settings for any domain, we can exit now.
2021-09-01 22:21:39 -07:00
if ( minRemoveInactiveDevice == 9999 ) { if ( cb ) { cb ( "No device removal policy set, nothing to do." ) ; } return ; }
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
const now = Date . now ( ) ;
// For each domain with a inactive device removal setting, get a list of last device connections
for ( var domainid in minRemoveInactiveDevicesPerDomain ) {
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField ( 'lastconnect' , domainid , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err != null ) || ( docs == null ) ) return ;
for ( var j in docs ) {
2021-09-01 22:21:39 -07:00
const days = Math . floor ( ( now - docs [ j ] . time ) / 86400000 ) ; // Calculate the number of inactive days
var expireDays = - 1 ;
if ( removeInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ docs [ j ] . domain ] ) { expireDays = removeInactiveDevicesPerDomain [ docs [ j ] . domain ] ; }
const mesh = parent . webserver . meshes [ docs [ j ] . meshid ] ;
2021-09-01 22:30:43 -07:00
if ( mesh && ( typeof mesh . expireDevs == 'number' ) ) { expireDays = mesh . expireDevs ; }
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
var remove = false ;
2021-09-01 22:30:43 -07:00
if ( expireDays > 0 ) {
if ( expireDays < days ) { remove = true ; }
if ( cb ) { if ( showall || remove ) { cb ( docs [ j ] . _id . substring ( 2 ) + ', ' + days + ' days, expire ' + expireDays + ' days' + ( remove ? ', removing' : '' ) ) ; } }
if ( remove ) {
// Check if this device is connected right now
const nodeid = docs [ j ] . _id . substring ( 2 ) ;
const conn = parent . GetConnectivityState ( nodeid ) ;
if ( conn == null ) {
// Remove the device
obj . Get ( nodeid , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err != null ) return ;
if ( ( docs == null ) || ( docs . length != 1 ) ) { obj . Remove ( 'lc' + nodeid ) ; return ; } // Remove last connect time
const node = docs [ 0 ] ;
// Delete this node including network interface information, events and timeline
obj . Remove ( node . _id ) ; // Remove node with that id
obj . Remove ( 'if' + node . _id ) ; // Remove interface information
obj . Remove ( 'nt' + node . _id ) ; // Remove notes
obj . Remove ( 'lc' + node . _id ) ; // Remove last connect time
obj . Remove ( 'si' + node . _id ) ; // Remove system information
obj . Remove ( 'al' + node . _id ) ; // Remove error log last time
if ( obj . RemoveSMBIOS ) { obj . RemoveSMBIOS ( node . _id ) ; } // Remove SMBios data
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents ( node . _id ) ; // Remove all events for this node
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode ( node . _id ) ; // Remove all power events for this node
if ( typeof node . pmt == 'string' ) { obj . Remove ( 'pmt_' + node . pmt ) ; } // Remove Push Messaging Token
obj . Get ( 'ra' + node . _id , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( ( nodes != null ) && ( nodes . length == 1 ) ) { obj . Remove ( 'da' + nodes [ 0 ] . daid ) ; } // Remove diagnostic agent to real agent link
obj . Remove ( 'ra' + node . _id ) ; // Remove real agent to diagnostic agent link
} ) ;
// Remove any user node links
if ( node . links != null ) {
for ( var i in node . links ) {
if ( i . startsWith ( 'user/' ) ) {
var cuser = parent . webserver . users [ i ] ;
if ( ( cuser != null ) && ( cuser . links != null ) && ( cuser . links [ node . _id ] != null ) ) {
// Remove the user link & save the user
delete cuser . links [ node . _id ] ;
if ( Object . keys ( cuser . links ) . length == 0 ) { delete cuser . links ; }
obj . SetUser ( cuser ) ;
// Notify user change
var targets = [ '*' , 'server-users' , cuser . _id ] ;
var event = { etype : 'user' , userid : cuser . _id , username : cuser . name , action : 'accountchange' , msgid : 86 , msgArgs : [ cuser . name ] , msg : 'Removed user device rights for ' + cuser . name , domain : node . domain , account : parent . webserver . CloneSafeUser ( cuser ) } ;
2021-09-15 08:25:05 -07:00
if ( obj . changeStream ) { event . noact = 1 ; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
2021-09-01 22:30:43 -07:00
parent . DispatchEvent ( targets , obj , event ) ;
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
2021-09-01 22:30:43 -07:00
// Event node deletion
var meshname = '(unknown)' ;
if ( ( parent . webserver . meshes [ node . meshid ] != null ) && ( parent . webserver . meshes [ node . meshid ] . name != null ) ) { meshname = parent . webserver . meshes [ node . meshid ] . name ; }
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'removenode' , nodeid : node . _id , msgid : 87 , msgArgs : [ node . name , meshname ] , msg : 'Removed device ' + node . name + ' from device group ' + meshname , domain : node . domain } ;
// TODO: We can't use the changeStream for node delete because we will not know the meshid the device was in.
2021-09-15 08:25:05 -07:00
//if (obj.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to remove the node. Another event will come.
2021-09-01 22:30:43 -07:00
parent . DispatchEvent ( parent . webserver . CreateNodeDispatchTargets ( node . meshid , node . _id ) , obj , event ) ;
} ) ;
2021-08-04 10:55:33 -07:00
} ) ;
2022-01-11 17:30:50 -08:00
// Remove all reference to a domain from the database
obj . removeDomain = function ( domainName , func ) {
var pendingCalls ;
// Remove all events, power events and SMBIOS data from the main collection. They are all in seperate collections now.
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _ACEBASE ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// AceBase
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
pendingCalls = 3 ;
obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainName ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainName ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . query ( 'power' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainName ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) ) {
2022-01-11 17:30:50 -08:00
// MariaDB, MySQL or PostgreSQL
pendingCalls = 2 ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE domain = $1' , [ domainName ] , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = $1' , [ domainName ] , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) {
2022-01-11 17:30:50 -08:00
// MongoDB
pendingCalls = 3 ;
obj . file . deleteMany ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . eventsfile . deleteMany ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . powerfile . deleteMany ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
} else {
// NeDB or MongoJS
pendingCalls = 3 ;
obj . file . remove ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . eventsfile . remove ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
obj . powerfile . remove ( { domain : domainName } , { multi : true } , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingCalls == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . cleanup = function ( func ) {
// TODO: Remove all mesh links to invalid users
// TODO: Remove all meshes that dont have any links
// Remove all events, power events and SMBIOS data from the main collection. They are all in seperate collections now.
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) ) {
2022-01-11 17:30:50 -08:00
// MariaDB, MySQL or PostgreSQL
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . RemoveAllOfType ( 'event' , function ( ) { } ) ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType ( 'power' , function ( ) { } ) ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType ( 'smbios' , function ( ) { } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) {
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// MongoDB
obj . file . deleteMany ( { type : 'event' } , { multi : true } ) ;
obj . file . deleteMany ( { type : 'power' } , { multi : true } ) ;
obj . file . deleteMany ( { type : 'smbios' } , { multi : true } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGOJS ) ) {
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// NeDB or MongoJS
obj . file . remove ( { type : 'event' } , { multi : true } ) ;
obj . file . remove ( { type : 'power' } , { multi : true } ) ;
obj . file . remove ( { type : 'smbios' } , { multi : true } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 18:52:44 -08:00
// List of valid identifiers
var validIdentifiers = { }
// Load all user groups
obj . GetAllType ( 'ugrp' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (GetAll user): ' + err ) ; }
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
// Add this as a valid user identifier
validIdentifiers [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = 1 ;
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
2022-09-05 01:40:43 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Fix all of the creating & login to ticks by seconds, not milliseconds.
obj . GetAllType ( 'user' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (GetAll user): ' + err ) ; }
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
var fixed = false ;
// Add this as a valid user identifier
validIdentifiers [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = 1 ;
// Fix email address capitalization
if ( docs [ i ] . email && ( docs [ i ] . email != docs [ i ] . email . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
docs [ i ] . email = docs [ i ] . email . toLowerCase ( ) ; fixed = true ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Fix account creation
if ( docs [ i ] . creation ) {
if ( docs [ i ] . creation > 1300000000000 ) { docs [ i ] . creation = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . creation / 1000 ) ; fixed = true ; }
if ( ( docs [ i ] . creation % 1 ) != 0 ) { docs [ i ] . creation = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . creation ) ; fixed = true ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Fix last account login
if ( docs [ i ] . login ) {
if ( docs [ i ] . login > 1300000000000 ) { docs [ i ] . login = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . login / 1000 ) ; fixed = true ; }
if ( ( docs [ i ] . login % 1 ) != 0 ) { docs [ i ] . login = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . login ) ; fixed = true ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Fix last password change
if ( docs [ i ] . passchange ) {
if ( docs [ i ] . passchange > 1300000000000 ) { docs [ i ] . passchange = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . passchange / 1000 ) ; fixed = true ; }
if ( ( docs [ i ] . passchange % 1 ) != 0 ) { docs [ i ] . passchange = Math . floor ( docs [ i ] . passchange ) ; fixed = true ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Fix subscriptions
if ( docs [ i ] . subscriptions != null ) { delete docs [ i ] . subscriptions ; fixed = true ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Save the user if needed
if ( fixed ) { obj . Set ( docs [ i ] ) ; }
2020-12-30 18:52:44 -08:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Remove all objects that have a "meshid" that no longer points to a valid mesh.
// Fix any incorrectly escaped user identifiers
obj . GetAllType ( 'mesh' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (GetAll mesh): ' + err ) ; }
var meshlist = [ ] ;
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
var meshChange = false ;
docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ;
meshlist . push ( docs [ i ] . _id ) ;
// Make sure all mesh types are number type, if not, fix it.
if ( typeof docs [ i ] . mtype == 'string' ) { docs [ i ] . mtype = parseInt ( docs [ i ] . mtype ) ; meshChange = true ; }
2021-05-21 09:01:06 -07:00
// If the device group is deleted, remove any invite codes
if ( docs [ i ] . deleted && docs [ i ] . invite ) { delete docs [ i ] . invite ; meshChange = true ; }
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Take a look at the links
if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) {
for ( var j in docs [ i ] . links ) {
if ( validIdentifiers [ j ] == null ) {
// This identifier is not known, let see if we can fix it.
var xid = j , xid2 = common . unEscapeFieldName ( xid ) ;
while ( ( xid != xid2 ) && ( validIdentifiers [ xid2 ] == null ) ) { xid = xid2 ; xid2 = common . unEscapeFieldName ( xid2 ) ; }
if ( validIdentifiers [ xid2 ] == 1 ) {
//console.log('Fixing id: ' + j + ' to ' + xid2);
docs [ i ] . links [ xid2 ] = docs [ i ] . links [ j ] ;
delete docs [ i ] . links [ j ] ;
meshChange = true ;
} else {
// TODO: here, we may want to clean up links to users and user groups that do not exist anymore.
//console.log('Unknown id: ' + j);
2020-12-30 18:52:44 -08:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// Save the updated device group if needed
if ( meshChange ) { obj . Set ( docs [ i ] ) ; }
2020-12-30 18:52:44 -08:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _SQLITE ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
// SQLite
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _ACEBASE ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// AceBase
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) {
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Postgres
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM Main WHERE ((extra != NULL) AND (extra LIKE (\'mesh/%\')) AND (extra != ANY ($1)))' , [ meshlist ] , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) ) {
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// MariaDB
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM Main WHERE (extra LIKE ("mesh/%") AND (extra NOT IN ?)' , [ meshlist ] , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) {
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// MongoDB
obj . file . deleteMany ( { meshid : { $exists : true , $nin : meshlist } } , { multi : true } ) ;
} else {
// NeDB or MongoJS
obj . file . remove ( { meshid : { $exists : true , $nin : meshlist } } , { multi : true } ) ;
2020-12-30 18:52:44 -08:00
2020-12-30 22:18:29 -08:00
// We are done
validIdentifiers = null ;
if ( func ) { func ( ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ;
// Get encryption key
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
obj . getEncryptDataKey = function ( password , salt , iterations ) {
if ( typeof password != 'string' ) return null ;
let key ;
try {
key = parent . crypto . pbkdf2Sync ( password , salt , iterations , 32 , 'sha384' ) ;
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
} catch ( ex ) {
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
// If this previous call fails, it's probably because older pbkdf2 did not specify the hashing function, just use the default.
key = parent . crypto . pbkdf2Sync ( password , salt , iterations , 32 ) ;
return key
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Encrypt data
obj . encryptData = function ( password , plaintext ) {
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
let encryptionVersion = 0x01 ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
let iterations = 100000
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
const iv = parent . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
var key = obj . getEncryptDataKey ( password , iv , iterations ) ;
if ( key == null ) return null ;
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
const aes = parent . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , key , iv ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
var ciphertext = aes . update ( plaintext ) ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
let versionbuf = Buffer . allocUnsafe ( 2 ) ;
versionbuf . writeUInt16BE ( encryptionVersion ) ;
let iterbuf = Buffer . allocUnsafe ( 4 ) ;
iterbuf . writeUInt32BE ( iterations ) ;
let encryptedBuf = aes . final ( ) ;
ciphertext = Buffer . concat ( [ versionbuf , iterbuf , aes . getAuthTag ( ) , iv , ciphertext , encryptedBuf ] ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
return ciphertext . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Decrypt data
obj . decryptData = function ( password , ciphertext ) {
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
// Adding an encryption version lets us avoid try catching in the future
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
let ciphertextBytes = Buffer . from ( ciphertext , 'base64' ) ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
let encryptionVersion = ciphertextBytes . readUInt16BE ( 0 ) ;
try {
switch ( encryptionVersion ) {
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
case 0x01 :
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
let iterations = ciphertextBytes . readUInt32BE ( 2 ) ;
let authTag = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 6 , 22 ) ;
const iv = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 22 , 38 ) ;
const data = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 38 ) ;
let key = obj . getEncryptDataKey ( password , iv , iterations ) ;
if ( key == null ) return null ;
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
const aes = parent . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , key , iv ) ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
aes . setAuthTag ( authTag ) ;
let plaintextBytes = Buffer . from ( aes . update ( data ) ) ;
plaintextBytes = Buffer . concat ( [ plaintextBytes , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return plaintextBytes ;
default :
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
return obj . oldDecryptData ( password , ciphertextBytes ) ;
2024-08-04 16:02:22 -07:00
2024-08-04 22:00:37 -07:00
} catch ( ex ) { return obj . oldDecryptData ( password , ciphertextBytes ) ; }
// Encrypt data
// The older encryption system uses CBC without integraty checking.
// This method is kept only for testing
obj . oldEncryptData = function ( password , plaintext ) {
let key = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( password ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
if ( key == null ) return null ;
const iv = parent . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , key , iv ) ;
var ciphertext = aes . update ( plaintext ) ;
ciphertext = Buffer . concat ( [ iv , ciphertext , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return ciphertext . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Decrypt data
// The older encryption system uses CBC without integraty checking.
// This method is kept only to convert the old encryption to the new one.
obj . oldDecryptData = function ( password , ciphertextBytes ) {
if ( typeof password != 'string' ) return null ;
try {
const iv = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 0 , 16 ) ;
const data = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 16 ) ;
let key = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( password ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , key , iv ) ;
let plaintextBytes = Buffer . from ( aes . update ( data ) ) ;
plaintextBytes = Buffer . concat ( [ plaintextBytes , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return plaintextBytes ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} catch ( ex ) { return null ; }
// Get the number of records in the database for various types, this is the slow NeDB way.
// WARNING: This is a terrible query for database performance. Only do this when needed. This query will look at almost every document in the database.
obj . getStats = function ( func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _ACEBASE ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// AceBase
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) {
2022-01-19 12:11:28 -08:00
// PostgreSQL
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) {
2022-01-19 12:11:28 -08:00
// MySQL
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) {
2022-01-19 12:11:28 -08:00
// MariaDB
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) {
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
// MongoDB
obj . file . aggregate ( [ { "$group" : { _id : "$type" , count : { $sum : 1 } } } ] ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) {
var counters = { } , totalCount = 0 ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . _id != null ) { counters [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = docs [ i ] . count ; totalCount += docs [ i ] . count ; } } }
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
func ( counters ) ;
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGOJS ) {
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
// MongoJS
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . file . aggregate ( [ { "$group" : { _id : "$type" , count : { $sum : 1 } } } ] , function ( err , docs ) {
var counters = { } , totalCount = 0 ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . _id != null ) { counters [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = docs [ i ] . count ; totalCount += docs [ i ] . count ; } } }
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
func ( counters ) ;
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// NeDB version
obj . file . count ( { type : 'node' } , function ( err , nodeCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'mesh' } , function ( err , meshCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'user' } , function ( err , userCount ) {
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
obj . file . count ( { type : 'sysinfo' } , function ( err , sysinfoCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'note' } , function ( err , noteCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'iploc' } , function ( err , iplocCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'ifinfo' } , function ( err , ifinfoCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'cfile' } , function ( err , cfileCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { type : 'lastconnect' } , function ( err , lastconnectCount ) {
obj . file . count ( { } , function ( err , totalCount ) {
func ( { node : nodeCount , mesh : meshCount , user : userCount , sysinfo : sysinfoCount , iploc : iplocCount , note : noteCount , ifinfo : ifinfoCount , cfile : cfileCount , lastconnect : lastconnectCount , total : totalCount } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// This is used to rate limit a number of operation per day. Returns a startValue each new days, but you can substract it and save the value in the db.
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
obj . getValueOfTheDay = function ( id , startValue , func ) { obj . Get ( id , function ( err , docs ) { var date = new Date ( ) , t = date . toLocaleDateString ( ) ; if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { var r = docs [ 0 ] ; if ( r . day == t ) { func ( { _id : id , value : r . value , day : t } ) ; return ; } } func ( { _id : id , value : startValue , day : t } ) ; } ) ; } ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . escapeBase64 = function escapeBase64 ( val ) { return ( val . replace ( /\+/g , '@' ) . replace ( /\//g , '$' ) ) ; }
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
// Encrypt an database object
obj . performRecordEncryptionRecode = function ( func ) {
var count = 0 ;
obj . GetAllType ( 'user' , function ( err , docs ) {
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( err != null ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'ERROR (performRecordEncryptionRecode): ' + err ) ; }
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { count ++ ; obj . Set ( docs [ i ] ) ; } }
obj . GetAllType ( 'node' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { count ++ ; obj . Set ( docs [ i ] ) ; } }
2020-08-27 16:57:39 -07:00
obj . GetAllType ( 'mesh' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { count ++ ; obj . Set ( docs [ i ] ) ; } }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) { // If we are using NeDB, compact the database.
2020-08-27 16:57:39 -07:00
obj . file . persistence . compactDatafile ( ) ;
obj . file . on ( 'compaction.done' , function ( ) { func ( count ) ; } ) ; // It's important to wait for compaction to finish before exit, otherwise NeDB may corrupt.
} else {
func ( count ) ; // For all other databases, normal exit.
} ) ;
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
// Encrypt an database object
function performTypedRecordDecrypt ( data ) {
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
if ( ( data == null ) || ( obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey == null ) || ( typeof data != 'object' ) ) return data ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
for ( var i in data ) {
2022-05-23 16:46:56 -07:00
if ( ( data [ i ] == null ) || ( typeof data [ i ] != 'object' ) ) continue ;
data [ i ] = performPartialRecordDecrypt ( data [ i ] ) ;
if ( ( data [ i ] . intelamt != null ) && ( typeof data [ i ] . intelamt == 'object' ) && ( data [ i ] . intelamt . _CRYPT ) ) { data [ i ] . intelamt = performPartialRecordDecrypt ( data [ i ] . intelamt ) ; }
if ( ( data [ i ] . amt != null ) && ( typeof data [ i ] . amt == 'object' ) && ( data [ i ] . amt . _CRYPT ) ) { data [ i ] . amt = performPartialRecordDecrypt ( data [ i ] . amt ) ; }
if ( ( data [ i ] . kvm != null ) && ( typeof data [ i ] . kvm == 'object' ) && ( data [ i ] . kvm . _CRYPT ) ) { data [ i ] . kvm = performPartialRecordDecrypt ( data [ i ] . kvm ) ; }
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
return data ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
// Encrypt an database object
function performTypedRecordEncrypt ( data ) {
if ( obj . dbRecordsEncryptKey == null ) return data ;
2020-08-16 11:10:02 -07:00
if ( data . type == 'user' ) { return performPartialRecordEncrypt ( Clone ( data ) , [ 'otpkeys' , 'otphkeys' , 'otpsecret' , 'salt' , 'hash' , 'oldpasswords' ] ) ; }
2022-05-10 11:57:01 -07:00
else if ( ( data . type == 'node' ) && ( data . ssh || data . rdp || data . intelamt ) ) {
var xdata = Clone ( data ) ;
if ( data . ssh || data . rdp ) { xdata = performPartialRecordEncrypt ( xdata , [ 'ssh' , 'rdp' ] ) ; }
2022-05-10 12:15:52 -07:00
if ( data . intelamt ) { xdata . intelamt = performPartialRecordEncrypt ( xdata . intelamt , [ 'pass' , 'mpspass' ] ) ; }
return xdata ;
else if ( ( data . type == 'mesh' ) && ( data . amt || data . kvm ) ) {
var xdata = Clone ( data ) ;
if ( data . amt ) { xdata . amt = performPartialRecordEncrypt ( xdata . amt , [ 'password' ] ) ; }
if ( data . kvm ) { xdata . kvm = performPartialRecordEncrypt ( xdata . kvm , [ 'pass' ] ) ; }
2022-05-10 11:57:01 -07:00
return xdata ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
return data ;
// Encrypt an object and return a buffer.
function performPartialRecordEncrypt ( plainobj , encryptNames ) {
if ( typeof plainobj != 'object' ) return plainobj ;
var enc = { } , enclen = 0 ;
2022-05-10 12:15:52 -07:00
for ( var i in encryptNames ) { if ( plainobj [ encryptNames [ i ] ] != null ) { enclen ++ ; enc [ encryptNames [ i ] ] = plainobj [ encryptNames [ i ] ] ; delete plainobj [ encryptNames [ i ] ] ; } }
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
if ( enclen > 0 ) { plainobj . _CRYPT = performRecordEncrypt ( enc ) ; } else { delete plainobj . _CRYPT ; }
return plainobj ;
// Encrypt an object and return a buffer.
function performPartialRecordDecrypt ( plainobj ) {
if ( ( typeof plainobj != 'object' ) || ( plainobj . _CRYPT == null ) ) return plainobj ;
var enc = performRecordDecrypt ( plainobj . _CRYPT ) ;
if ( enc != null ) { for ( var i in enc ) { plainobj [ i ] = enc [ i ] ; } }
delete plainobj . _CRYPT ;
return plainobj ;
// Encrypt an object and return a base64.
function performRecordEncrypt ( plainobj ) {
if ( obj . dbRecordsEncryptKey == null ) return null ;
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
const iv = parent . crypto . randomBytes ( 12 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , obj . dbRecordsEncryptKey , iv ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
var ciphertext = aes . update ( JSON . stringify ( plainobj ) ) ;
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
var cipherfinal = aes . final ( ) ;
ciphertext = Buffer . concat ( [ iv , aes . getAuthTag ( ) , ciphertext , cipherfinal ] ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
return ciphertext . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Takes a base64 and return an object.
function performRecordDecrypt ( ciphertext ) {
if ( obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey == null ) return null ;
const ciphertextBytes = Buffer . from ( ciphertext , 'base64' ) ;
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
const iv = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 0 , 12 ) ;
const data = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 28 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey , iv ) ;
2020-05-03 14:12:26 -07:00
aes . setAuthTag ( ciphertextBytes . slice ( 12 , 28 ) ) ;
2019-10-03 13:32:54 -07:00
var plaintextBytes , r ;
try {
plaintextBytes = Buffer . from ( aes . update ( data ) ) ;
plaintextBytes = Buffer . concat ( [ plaintextBytes , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
r = JSON . parse ( plaintextBytes . toString ( ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) { throw "Incorrect DbRecordsDecryptKey/DbRecordsEncryptKey or invalid database _CRYPT data: " + e ; }
return r ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
// Clone an object (TODO: Make this more efficient)
function Clone ( v ) { return JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( v ) ) ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2019-02-18 22:20:25 -08:00
// Read expiration time from configuration file
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
if ( typeof parent . args . dbexpire == 'object' ) {
if ( typeof parent . args . dbexpire . events == 'number' ) { expireEventsSeconds = parent . args . dbexpire . events ; }
if ( typeof parent . args . dbexpire . powerevents == 'number' ) { expirePowerEventsSeconds = parent . args . dbexpire . powerevents ; }
if ( typeof parent . args . dbexpire . statsevents == 'number' ) { expireServerStatsSeconds = parent . args . dbexpire . statsevents ; }
2019-02-18 22:20:25 -08:00
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
// If a DB record encryption key is provided, perform database record encryption
if ( ( typeof parent . args . dbrecordsencryptkey == 'string' ) && ( parent . args . dbrecordsencryptkey . length != 0 ) ) {
// Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption.
2020-08-27 16:57:39 -07:00
obj . dbRecordsEncryptKey = obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( parent . args . dbrecordsencryptkey ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
// If a DB record decryption key is provided, perform database record decryption
if ( ( typeof parent . args . dbrecordsdecryptkey == 'string' ) && ( parent . args . dbrecordsdecryptkey . length != 0 ) ) {
// Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption.
2020-08-27 16:57:39 -07:00
obj . dbRecordsDecryptKey = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( parent . args . dbrecordsdecryptkey ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
2021-04-22 20:06:08 -04:00
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
function createTablesIfNotExist ( dbname ) {
2021-04-22 20:06:08 -04:00
var useDatabase = 'USE ' + dbname ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbQuery ( useDatabase , null , function ( err , docs ) {
2021-04-24 17:22:39 -04:00
if ( err != null ) {
console . log ( "Unable to connect to database: " + err ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
2021-03-10 14:48:20 -08:00
if ( err == null ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Checking tables...' ) ;
sqlDbBatchExec ( [
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main (id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, type CHAR(32), domain CHAR(64), extra CHAR(255), extraex CHAR(255), doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))' ,
2022-01-11 17:30:50 -08:00
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, time DATETIME, domain CHAR(64), action CHAR(255), nodeid CHAR(255), userid CHAR(255), doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id), CHECK(json_valid(doc)))' ,
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS serverstats (time DATETIME, expire DATETIME, doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(time), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))' ,
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS power (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, time DATETIME, nodeid CHAR(255), doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))' ,
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS smbios (id CHAR(255), time DATETIME, expire DATETIME, doc JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id), CHECK (json_valid(doc)))' ,
2021-03-10 14:48:20 -08:00
] , function ( err ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Checking indexes...' ) ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxtypedomainextra ON main (type, domain, extra)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxextra ON main (extra)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxextraex ON main (extraex)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventstime ON events(time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventsusername ON events(domain, userid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventsdomainnodeidtime ON events(domain, nodeid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventids ON eventids(target)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstattime ON serverstats (time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstatexpire ON serverstats (expire)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxpowernodeidtime ON power (nodeid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiostime ON smbios (time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiosexpire ON smbios (expire)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
2021-03-10 14:48:20 -08:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ;
} ) ;
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
} ) ;
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( parent . args . sqlite3 ) {
// SQLite3 database setup
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _SQLITE ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
const sqlite3 = require ( 'sqlite3' ) ;
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
let configParams = parent . config . settings . sqlite3 ;
if ( typeof configParams == 'string' ) { databaseName = configParams } else { databaseName = configParams . name ? configParams . name : 'meshcentral' ; } ;
obj . sqliteConfig . startupVacuum = configParams . startupvacuum ? configParams . startupvacuum : false ;
obj . sqliteConfig . autoVacuum = configParams . autovacuum ? configParams . autovacuum . toLowerCase ( ) : 'incremental' ;
obj . sqliteConfig . incrementalVacuum = configParams . incrementalvacuum ? configParams . incrementalvacuum : 100 ;
obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode = configParams . journalmode ? configParams . journalmode . toLowerCase ( ) : 'delete' ;
//allowed modes, 'none' excluded because not usefull for this app, maybe also remove 'memory'?
if ( ! ( [ 'delete' , 'truncate' , 'persist' , 'memory' , 'wal' ] . includes ( obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode ) ) ) { obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode = 'delete' } ;
obj . sqliteConfig . journalSize = configParams . journalsize ? configParams . journalsize : 409600 ;
//wal can use the more performant 'normal' mode, see https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous
obj . sqliteConfig . synchronous = ( obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode == 'wal' ) ? 'normal' : 'full' ;
if ( obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode == 'wal' ) { obj . sqliteConfig . maintenance += 'PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(PASSIVE);' } ;
if ( obj . sqliteConfig . autoVacuum == 'incremental' ) { obj . sqliteConfig . maintenance += 'PRAGMA incremental_vacuum(' + obj . sqliteConfig . incrementalVacuum + ');' } ;
obj . sqliteConfig . maintenance += 'PRAGMA optimize;' ;
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'SQlite config options: ' + JSON . stringify ( obj . sqliteConfig , null , 4 ) ) ;
if ( obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode == 'memory' ) { console . log ( '[WARNING] journal_mode=memory: this can lead to database corruption if there is a crash during a transaction. See https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode' ) } ;
//.cached not usefull
obj . file = new sqlite3 . Database ( parent . path . join ( parent . datapath , databaseName + '.sqlite' ) , sqlite3 . OPEN _READWRITE , function ( err ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( err && ( err . code == 'SQLITE_CANTOPEN' ) ) {
// Database needs to be created
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . file = new sqlite3 . Database ( parent . path . join ( parent . datapath , databaseName + '.sqlite' ) , function ( err ) {
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
if ( err ) { console . log ( "SQLite Error: " + err ) ; process . exit ( 1 ) ; }
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . file . exec ( `
CREATE TABLE main ( id VARCHAR ( 256 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL , type CHAR ( 32 ) , domain CHAR ( 64 ) , extra CHAR ( 255 ) , extraex CHAR ( 255 ) , doc JSON ) ;
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
CREATE TABLE events ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , time TIMESTAMP , domain CHAR ( 64 ) , action CHAR ( 255 ) , nodeid CHAR ( 255 ) , userid CHAR ( 255 ) , doc JSON ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
CREATE TABLE eventids ( fkid INT NOT NULL , target CHAR ( 255 ) , CONSTRAINT fk _eventid FOREIGN KEY ( fkid ) REFERENCES events ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ) ;
CREATE TABLE serverstats ( time TIMESTAMP PRIMARY KEY , expire TIMESTAMP , doc JSON ) ;
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
CREATE TABLE power ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , time TIMESTAMP , nodeid CHAR ( 255 ) , doc JSON ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
CREATE TABLE smbios ( id CHAR ( 255 ) PRIMARY KEY , time TIMESTAMP , expire TIMESTAMP , doc JSON ) ;
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
CREATE INDEX ndxtypedomainextra ON main ( type , domain , extra ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxextra ON main ( extra ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxextraex ON main ( extraex ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxeventstime ON events ( time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxeventsusername ON events ( domain , userid , time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxeventsdomainnodeidtime ON events ( domain , nodeid , time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxeventids ON eventids ( target ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxserverstattime ON serverstats ( time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxserverstatexpire ON serverstats ( expire ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxpowernodeidtime ON power ( nodeid , time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiostime ON smbios ( time ) ;
CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiosexpire ON smbios ( expire ) ;
` , function (err) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
// Completed DB creation of SQLite3
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
sqliteSetOptions ( func ) ;
//setupFunctions could be put in the sqliteSetupOptions, but left after it for clarity
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
return ;
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
} else if ( err ) { console . log ( "SQLite Error: " + err ) ; process . exit ( 0 ) ; }
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//for existing db's
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
sqliteSetOptions ( ) ;
//setupFunctions could be put in the sqliteSetupOptions, but left after it for clarity
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( parent . args . acebase ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// AceBase database setup
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _ACEBASE ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const { AceBase } = require ( 'acebase' ) ;
// For information on AceBase sponsor: https://github.com/appy-one/acebase/discussions/100
obj . file = new AceBase ( 'meshcentral' , { sponsor : ( ( typeof parent . args . acebase == 'object' ) && ( parent . args . acebase . sponsor ) ) , logLevel : 'error' , storage : { path : parent . datapath } } ) ;
// Get all the databases ready
2022-08-14 12:09:09 -07:00
obj . file . ready ( function ( ) {
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
// Create AceBase indexes
2022-09-16 22:25:00 +02:00
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'meshcentral' , 'type' , { include : [ 'domain' , 'meshid' ] } ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'meshcentral' , 'email' ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'meshcentral' , 'meshid' ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'meshcentral' , 'intelamt.uuid' ) ;
2022-08-14 12:09:09 -07:00
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'events' , 'userid' , { include : [ 'action' ] } ) ;
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'events' , 'domain' , { include : [ 'nodeid' , 'time' ] } ) ;
2022-09-05 01:40:43 -07:00
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'events' , 'ids' , { include : [ 'time' ] } ) ;
2022-08-14 12:09:09 -07:00
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'events' , 'time' ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'power' , 'nodeid' , { include : [ 'time' ] } ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'power' , 'time' ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'stats' , 'time' ) ;
obj . file . indexes . create ( 'stats' , 'expire' ) ;
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
// Completed setup of AceBase
2022-08-14 12:09:09 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ;
2022-08-14 13:24:14 -07:00
} ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} else if ( parent . args . mariadb || parent . args . mysql ) {
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
var connectinArgs = ( parent . args . mariadb ) ? parent . args . mariadb : parent . args . mysql ;
2024-04-18 17:07:01 +01:00
if ( typeof connectinArgs == 'string' ) {
const parts = connectinArgs . split ( /[:@/]+/ ) ;
var connectionObject = {
"user" : parts [ 1 ] ,
"password" : parts [ 2 ] ,
"host" : parts [ 3 ] ,
"port" : parts [ 4 ] ,
"database" : parts [ 5 ]
} ;
var dbname = ( connectionObject . database != null ) ? connectionObject . database : 'meshcentral' ;
} else {
var dbname = ( connectinArgs . database != null ) ? connectinArgs . database : 'meshcentral' ;
// Including the db name in the connection obj will cause a connection faliure if it does not exist
var connectionObject = Clone ( connectinArgs ) ;
delete connectionObject . database ;
try {
if ( connectinArgs . ssl ) {
if ( connectinArgs . ssl . dontcheckserveridentity == true ) { connectionObject . ssl . checkServerIdentity = function ( name , cert ) { return undefined ; } } ;
if ( connectinArgs . ssl . cacertpath ) { connectionObject . ssl . ca = [ require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( connectinArgs . ssl . cacertpath , 'utf8' ) ] ; }
if ( connectinArgs . ssl . clientcertpath ) { connectionObject . ssl . cert = [ require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( connectinArgs . ssl . clientcertpath , 'utf8' ) ] ; }
if ( connectinArgs . ssl . clientkeypath ) { connectionObject . ssl . key = [ require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( connectinArgs . ssl . clientkeypath , 'utf8' ) ] ; }
} catch ( ex ) {
console . log ( 'Error loading SQL Connector certificate: ' + ex ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
if ( parent . args . mariadb ) {
// Use MariaDB
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _MARIADB ;
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
var tempDatastore = require ( 'mariadb' ) . createPool ( connectionObject ) ;
tempDatastore . getConnection ( ) . then ( function ( conn ) {
conn . query ( 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' + dbname ) . then ( function ( result ) {
conn . release ( ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( ex ) { console . log ( 'Auto-create database failed: ' + ex ) ; } ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( ex ) { console . log ( 'Auto-create database failed: ' + ex ) ; } ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { tempDatastore . end ( ) ; } , 2000 ) ;
connectionObject . database = dbname ;
Datastore = require ( 'mariadb' ) . createPool ( connectionObject ) ;
createTablesIfNotExist ( dbname ) ;
} else if ( parent . args . mysql ) {
// Use MySQL
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _MYSQL ;
2023-10-21 01:30:57 +01:00
var tempDatastore = require ( 'mysql2' ) . createPool ( connectionObject ) ;
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
tempDatastore . query ( 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' + dbname , function ( error ) {
if ( error != null ) {
console . log ( 'Auto-create database failed: ' + error ) ;
connectionObject . database = dbname ;
2023-10-21 01:30:57 +01:00
Datastore = require ( 'mysql2' ) . createPool ( connectionObject ) ;
2021-05-01 18:41:28 -04:00
createTablesIfNotExist ( dbname ) ;
} ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { tempDatastore . end ( ) ; } , 2000 ) ;
2021-11-02 19:44:41 -07:00
} else if ( parent . args . postgres ) {
// Postgres SQL
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
let connectinArgs = parent . args . postgres ;
connectinArgs . Database = ( databaseName = ( connectinArgs . database != null ) ? connectinArgs . database : 'meshcentral' ) ;
let DatastoreTest ;
obj . databaseType = DB _POSTGRESQL ;
const { Client } = require ( 'pg' ) ;
2024-03-31 19:20:15 +01:00
Datastore = new Client ( connectinArgs ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//Connect to and check pg db first to check if own db exists. Otherwise errors out on 'database does not exist'
connectinArgs . database = 'postgres' ;
DatastoreTest = new Client ( connectinArgs ) ;
DatastoreTest . connect ( ) ;
DatastoreTest . query ( 'SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = $1' , [ databaseName ] , function ( err , res ) { // check database exists first before creating
if ( res . rowCount != 0 ) { // database exists now check tables exists
DatastoreTest . end ( ) ;
Datastore . connect ( ) ;
Datastore . query ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ 'DatabaseIdentifier' ] , function ( err , res ) {
if ( err == null ) {
( res . rowCount == 0 ) ? postgreSqlCreateTables ( func ) : setupFunctions ( func )
} else
if ( err . code == '42P01' ) { //42P01 = undefined table, https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/errcodes-appendix.html
postgreSqlCreateTables ( func ) ;
} else {
console . log ( 'Postgresql database exists, other error: ' , err . message ) ; process . exit ( 0 ) ;
} ;
2022-09-06 12:48:02 -07:00
} ) ;
2024-03-31 19:20:15 +01:00
} else { // If not present, create the tables and indexes
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//not needed, just use a create db statement: const pgtools = require('pgtools');
DatastoreTest . query ( 'CREATE DATABASE ' + databaseName + ';' , [ ] , function ( err , res ) {
2024-03-31 19:20:15 +01:00
if ( err == null ) {
// Create the tables and indexes
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
DatastoreTest . end ( ) ;
Datastore . connect ( ) ;
2024-03-31 19:20:15 +01:00
postgreSqlCreateTables ( func ) ;
} else {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
console . log ( 'Postgresql database create error: ' , err . message ) ;
process . exit ( 0 ) ;
2024-03-31 19:20:15 +01:00
} ) ;
2022-01-19 12:21:50 -08:00
2021-11-02 19:44:41 -07:00
} ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
} else if ( parent . args . mongodb ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Use MongoDB
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _MONGODB ;
2022-09-05 01:40:43 -07:00
// If running an older NodeJS version, TextEncoder/TextDecoder is required
if ( global . TextEncoder == null ) { global . TextEncoder = require ( 'util' ) . TextEncoder ; }
if ( global . TextDecoder == null ) { global . TextDecoder = require ( 'util' ) . TextDecoder ; }
2024-08-24 00:12:14 +01:00
require ( 'mongodb' ) . MongoClient . connect ( parent . args . mongodb , { useNewUrlParser : true , useUnifiedTopology : true , enableUtf8Validation : false } , function ( err , client ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
if ( err != null ) { console . log ( "Unable to connect to database: " + err ) ; process . exit ( ) ; return ; }
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
Datastore = client ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Connected to MongoDB database...' ) ;
2019-05-20 18:03:14 -07:00
// Get the database name and setup the database client
var dbname = 'meshcentral' ;
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
if ( parent . args . mongodbname ) { dbname = parent . args . mongodbname ; }
const dbcollectionname = ( parent . args . mongodbcol ) ? ( parent . args . mongodbcol ) : 'meshcentral' ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
const db = client . db ( dbname ) ;
2020-07-08 15:35:35 -07:00
// Check the database version
db . admin ( ) . serverInfo ( function ( err , info ) {
if ( ( err != null ) || ( info == null ) || ( info . versionArray == null ) || ( Array . isArray ( info . versionArray ) == false ) || ( info . versionArray . length < 2 ) || ( typeof info . versionArray [ 0 ] != 'number' ) || ( typeof info . versionArray [ 1 ] != 'number' ) ) {
console . log ( 'WARNING: Unable to check MongoDB version.' ) ;
} else {
if ( ( info . versionArray [ 0 ] < 3 ) || ( ( info . versionArray [ 0 ] == 3 ) && ( info . versionArray [ 1 ] < 6 ) ) ) {
// We are running with mongoDB older than 3.6, this is not good.
parent . addServerWarning ( "Current version of MongoDB (" + info . version + ") is too old, please upgrade to MongoDB 3.6 or better." ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Setup MongoDB main collection and indexes
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . file = db . collection ( dbcollectionname ) ;
obj . file . indexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
2022-01-09 16:09:36 -08:00
if ( ( indexCount != 5 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'TypeDomainMesh1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'Email1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'Mesh1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'AmtUuid1' ] == null ) ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
console . log ( 'Resetting main indexes...' ) ;
obj . file . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
obj . file . createIndex ( { type : 1 , domain : 1 , meshid : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'TypeDomainMesh1' } ) ; // Speeds up GetAllTypeNoTypeField() and GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered()
obj . file . createIndex ( { email : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'Email1' } ) ; // Speeds up GetUserWithEmail() and GetUserWithVerifiedEmail()
obj . file . createIndex ( { meshid : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'Mesh1' } ) ; // Speeds up RemoveMesh()
2022-01-09 16:09:36 -08:00
obj . file . createIndex ( { 'intelamt.uuid' : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'AmtUuid1' } ) ; // Speeds up getAmtUuidMeshNode()
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
// Setup the changeStream on the MongoDB main collection if possible
2019-05-28 17:42:11 -07:00
if ( parent . args . mongodbchangestream == true ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . changeStream = { change : 0 , update : 0 , insert : 0 , delete : 0 } ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
if ( typeof obj . file . watch != 'function' ) {
console . log ( 'WARNING: watch() is not a function, MongoDB ChangeStream not supported.' ) ;
} else {
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
obj . fileChangeStream = obj . file . watch ( [ { $match : { $or : [ { 'fullDocument.type' : { $in : [ 'node' , 'mesh' , 'user' , 'ugrp' ] } } , { 'operationType' : 'delete' } ] } } ] , { fullDocument : 'updateLookup' } ) ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
obj . fileChangeStream . on ( 'change' , function ( change ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . changeStream . change ++ ;
2020-11-12 18:42:26 -08:00
if ( ( change . operationType == 'update' ) || ( change . operationType == 'replace' ) ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . changeStream . update ++ ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
switch ( change . fullDocument . type ) {
case 'node' : { dbNodeChange ( change , false ) ; break ; } // A node has changed
case 'mesh' : { dbMeshChange ( change , false ) ; break ; } // A device group has changed
case 'user' : { dbUserChange ( change , false ) ; break ; } // A user account has changed
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
case 'ugrp' : { dbUGrpChange ( change , false ) ; break ; } // A user account has changed
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
} else if ( change . operationType == 'insert' ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . changeStream . insert ++ ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
switch ( change . fullDocument . type ) {
case 'node' : { dbNodeChange ( change , true ) ; break ; } // A node has added
case 'mesh' : { dbMeshChange ( change , true ) ; break ; } // A device group has created
case 'user' : { dbUserChange ( change , true ) ; break ; } // A user account has created
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
case 'ugrp' : { dbUGrpChange ( change , true ) ; break ; } // A user account has created
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
} else if ( change . operationType == 'delete' ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . changeStream . delete ++ ;
2020-11-27 13:55:02 -08:00
if ( ( change . documentKey == null ) || ( change . documentKey . _id == null ) ) return ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
var splitId = change . documentKey . _id . split ( '/' ) ;
switch ( splitId [ 0 ] ) {
case 'node' : {
//Not Good: Problem here is that we don't know what meshid the node belonged to before the delete.
//parent.DispatchEvent(['*', node.meshid], obj, { etype: 'node', action: 'removenode', nodeid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1] });
break ;
case 'mesh' : {
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , change . documentKey . _id ] , obj , { etype : 'mesh' , action : 'deletemesh' , meshid : change . documentKey . _id , domain : splitId [ 1 ] } ) ;
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
break ;
case 'user' : {
//Not Good: This is not a perfect user removal because we don't know what groups the user was in.
//parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users'], obj, { etype: 'user', action: 'accountremove', userid: change.documentKey._id, domain: splitId[1], username: splitId[2] });
break ;
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
case 'ugrp' : {
parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , change . documentKey . _id ] , obj , { etype : 'ugrp' , action : 'deleteusergroup' , ugrpid : change . documentKey . _id , domain : splitId [ 1 ] } ) ;
break ;
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
2019-08-13 17:06:45 -07:00
} ) ;
obj . changeStream = true ;
2019-05-28 17:42:11 -07:00
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Setup MongoDB events collection and indexes
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
obj . eventsfile = db . collection ( 'events' ) ; // Collection containing all events
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . indexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
if ( ( indexCount != 5 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'UseridAction1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'DomainNodeTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'IdsAndTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting events indexes..." ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { userid : 1 , action : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'UseridAction1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { domain : 1 , nodeid : 1 , time : - 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'DomainNodeTime1' } ) ;
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { ids : 1 , time : - 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'IdsAndTime1' } ) ;
2020-02-02 15:31:30 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { time : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expireEventsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting events expire index..." ) ;
obj . eventsfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2020-02-02 15:31:30 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { time : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup MongoDB power events collection and indexes
obj . powerfile = db . collection ( 'power' ) ; // Collection containing all power events
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . powerfile . indexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
if ( ( indexCount != 3 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'NodeIdAndTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting power events indexes..." ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . powerfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
// Create all indexes
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { nodeid : 1 , time : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'NodeIdAndTime1' } ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expirePowerEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expirePowerEventsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting power events expire index..." ) ;
obj . powerfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Reset the expire power events index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expirePowerEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup MongoDB smbios collection, no indexes needed
obj . smbiosfile = db . collection ( 'smbios' ) ; // Collection containing all smbios information
// Setup MongoDB server stats collection
obj . serverstatsfile = db . collection ( 'serverstats' ) ; // Collection of server stats
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . indexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
if ( ( indexCount != 3 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting server stats indexes..." ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
// Create all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireServerStatsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'expire' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : 0 , name : 'ExpireTime2' } ) ; // Auto-expire events
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expireServerStatsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting server stats expire index..." ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
// Reset the expire server stats index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireServerStatsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
2019-10-30 04:17:17 -04:00
// Setup plugin info collection
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) { obj . pluginsfile = db . collection ( 'plugins' ) ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ; // Completed setup of MongoDB
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
} ) ;
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
} else if ( parent . args . xmongodb ) {
2019-05-20 18:03:14 -07:00
// Use MongoJS, this is the old system.
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _MONGOJS ;
2018-08-29 17:40:30 -07:00
Datastore = require ( 'mongojs' ) ;
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
var db = Datastore ( parent . args . xmongodb ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var dbcollection = 'meshcentral' ;
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
if ( parent . args . mongodbcol ) { dbcollection = parent . args . mongodbcol ; }
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
// Setup MongoDB main collection and indexes
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . file = db . collection ( dbcollection ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . file . getIndexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
2022-01-10 12:25:31 -08:00
if ( ( indexCount != 5 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'TypeDomainMesh1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'Email1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'Mesh1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'AmtUuid1' ] == null ) ) {
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting main indexes..." ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . file . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
obj . file . createIndex ( { type : 1 , domain : 1 , meshid : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'TypeDomainMesh1' } ) ; // Speeds up GetAllTypeNoTypeField() and GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered()
obj . file . createIndex ( { email : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'Email1' } ) ; // Speeds up GetUserWithEmail() and GetUserWithVerifiedEmail()
obj . file . createIndex ( { meshid : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'Mesh1' } ) ; // Speeds up RemoveMesh()
2022-01-10 12:25:31 -08:00
obj . file . createIndex ( { 'intelamt.uuid' : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'AmtUuid1' } ) ; // Speeds up getAmtUuidMeshNode()
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup MongoDB events collection and indexes
2019-02-18 18:29:13 -08:00
obj . eventsfile = db . collection ( 'events' ) ; // Collection containing all events
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . getIndexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
if ( ( indexCount != 5 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'UseridAction1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'DomainNodeTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'IdsAndTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting events indexes..." ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { userid : 1 , action : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'UseridAction1' } ) ;
2019-02-20 15:26:27 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { domain : 1 , nodeid : 1 , time : - 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'DomainNodeTime1' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { ids : 1 , time : - 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'IdsAndTime1' } ) ;
2020-02-02 13:37:19 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { time : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expireEventsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting events expire index..." ) ;
obj . eventsfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2020-02-02 13:37:19 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . createIndex ( { time : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup MongoDB power events collection and indexes
2019-02-18 18:29:13 -08:00
obj . powerfile = db . collection ( 'power' ) ; // Collection containing all power events
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . powerfile . getIndexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
if ( ( indexCount != 3 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'NodeIdAndTime1' ] == null ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting power events indexes..." ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . powerfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
// Create all indexes
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { nodeid : 1 , time : 1 } , { sparse : 1 , name : 'NodeIdAndTime1' } ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expirePowerEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expirePowerEventsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting power events expire index..." ) ;
obj . powerfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
// Reset the expire power events index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . powerfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expirePowerEventsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-02-16 12:56:33 -08:00
2019-02-25 11:13:13 -08:00
// Setup MongoDB smbios collection, no indexes needed
obj . smbiosfile = db . collection ( 'smbios' ) ; // Collection containing all smbios information
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
// Setup MongoDB server stats collection
obj . serverstatsfile = db . collection ( 'serverstats' ) ; // Collection of server stats
obj . serverstatsfile . getIndexes ( function ( err , indexes ) {
// Check if we need to reset indexes
var indexesByName = { } , indexCount = 0 ;
for ( var i in indexes ) { indexesByName [ indexes [ i ] . name ] = indexes [ i ] ; indexCount ++ ; }
2019-03-26 14:11:51 -07:00
if ( ( indexCount != 3 ) || ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] == null ) ) {
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
// Reset all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting server stats indexes..." ) ;
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . dropIndexes ( function ( err ) {
// Create all indexes
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireServerStatsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'expire' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : 0 , name : 'ExpireTime2' } ) ; // Auto-expire events
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
} ) ;
} else if ( indexesByName [ 'ExpireTime1' ] . expireAfterSeconds != expireServerStatsSeconds ) {
// Reset the timeout index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
console . log ( "Resetting server stats expire index..." ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . dropIndex ( 'ExpireTime1' , function ( err ) {
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
// Reset the expire server stats index
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . serverstatsfile . createIndex ( { 'time' : 1 } , { expireAfterSeconds : expireServerStatsSeconds , name : 'ExpireTime1' } ) ;
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2019-10-30 04:17:17 -04:00
// Setup plugin info collection
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) { obj . pluginsfile = db . collection ( 'plugins' ) ; }
2019-05-08 18:14:30 -07:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ; // Completed setup of MongoJS
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} else {
// Use NeDB (The default)
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . databaseType = DB _NEDB ;
2021-10-12 11:20:33 -07:00
try { Datastore = require ( '@yetzt/nedb' ) ; } catch ( ex ) { } // This is the NeDB with fixed security dependencies.
if ( Datastore == null ) { Datastore = require ( 'nedb' ) ; } // So not to break any existing installations, if the old NeDB is present, use it.
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
var datastoreOptions = { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral.db' ) , autoload : true } ;
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
// If a DB encryption key is provided, perform database encryption
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
if ( ( typeof parent . args . dbencryptkey == 'string' ) && ( parent . args . dbencryptkey . length != 0 ) ) {
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
// Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption.
2020-07-14 15:39:14 -07:00
obj . dbKey = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( parent . args . dbencryptkey ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
datastoreOptions . afterSerialization = function ( plaintext ) {
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
const iv = parent . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , obj . dbKey , iv ) ;
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
var ciphertext = aes . update ( plaintext ) ;
ciphertext = Buffer . concat ( [ iv , ciphertext , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return ciphertext . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
datastoreOptions . beforeDeserialization = function ( ciphertext ) {
const ciphertextBytes = Buffer . from ( ciphertext , 'base64' ) ;
const iv = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 0 , 16 ) ;
const data = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 16 ) ;
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
const aes = parent . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , obj . dbKey , iv ) ;
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
var plaintextBytes = Buffer . from ( aes . update ( data ) ) ;
plaintextBytes = Buffer . concat ( [ plaintextBytes , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return plaintextBytes . toString ( ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
// Start NeDB main collection and setup indexes
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
obj . file = new Datastore ( datastoreOptions ) ;
2020-07-08 11:59:20 -07:00
obj . file . persistence . setAutocompactionInterval ( 86400000 ) ; // Compact once a day
2019-02-16 12:56:33 -08:00
obj . file . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'type' } ) ;
obj . file . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'domain' } ) ;
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . file . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'meshid' , sparse : true } ) ;
obj . file . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'nodeid' , sparse : true } ) ;
obj . file . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'email' , sparse : true } ) ;
// Setup the events collection and setup indexes
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . eventsfile = new Datastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-events.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
2020-07-08 11:59:20 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . persistence . setAutocompactionInterval ( 86400000 ) ; // Compact once a day
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'ids' } ) ; // TODO: Not sure if this is a good index, this is a array field.
obj . eventsfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'nodeid' , sparse : true } ) ;
2020-07-08 14:29:32 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'time' , expireAfterSeconds : expireEventsSeconds } ) ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
// Setup the power collection and setup indexes
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . powerfile = new Datastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-power.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
2020-07-08 11:59:20 -07:00
obj . powerfile . persistence . setAutocompactionInterval ( 86400000 ) ; // Compact once a day
2019-02-18 14:32:55 -08:00
obj . powerfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'nodeid' } ) ;
2020-07-08 14:29:32 -07:00
obj . powerfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'time' , expireAfterSeconds : expirePowerEventsSeconds } ) ;
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . powerfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
2019-02-25 11:13:13 -08:00
2020-09-08 11:58:23 -07:00
// Setup the SMBIOS collection, for NeDB we don't setup SMBIOS since NeDB will corrupt the database. Remove any existing ones.
//obj.smbiosfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-smbios.db'), autoload: true, corruptAlertThreshold: 1 });
parent . fs . unlink ( parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-smbios.db' ) , function ( ) { } ) ;
2019-03-25 19:59:04 -07:00
// Setup the server stats collection and setup indexes
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile = new Datastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-stats.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
2020-07-08 11:59:20 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . persistence . setAutocompactionInterval ( 86400000 ) ; // Compact once a day
2020-07-08 14:29:32 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'time' , expireAfterSeconds : expireServerStatsSeconds } ) ;
2019-03-26 14:11:51 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . ensureIndex ( { fieldName : 'expire' , expireAfterSeconds : 0 } ) ; // Auto-expire events
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
obj . serverstatsfile . remove ( { time : { '$lt' : new Date ( Date . now ( ) - ( expireServerStatsSeconds * 1000 ) ) } } , { multi : true } ) ; // Force delete older events
2019-02-01 15:16:46 -08:00
2019-10-30 04:17:17 -04:00
// Setup plugin info collection
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
obj . pluginsfile = new Datastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-plugins.db' ) , autoload : true } ) ;
2020-07-08 11:59:20 -07:00
obj . pluginsfile . persistence . setAutocompactionInterval ( 86400000 ) ; // Compact once a day
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
setupFunctions ( func ) ; // Completed setup of NeDB
2024-11-10 15:04:17 +01:00
function sqliteSetOptions ( func ) {
//get current auto_vacuum mode for comparison
obj . file . get ( 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum;' , function ( err , current ) {
let pragma = 'PRAGMA journal_mode=' + obj . sqliteConfig . journalMode + ';' +
'PRAGMA synchronous=' + obj . sqliteConfig . synchronous + ';' +
'PRAGMA journal_size_limit=' + obj . sqliteConfig . journalSize + ';' +
'PRAGMA auto_vacuum=' + obj . sqliteConfig . autoVacuum + ';' +
'PRAGMA incremental_vacuum=' + obj . sqliteConfig . incrementalVacuum + ';' +
'PRAGMA optimize=0x10002;' ;
//check new autovacuum mode, if changing from or to 'none', a VACUUM needs to be done to activate it. See https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_auto_vacuum
if ( obj . sqliteConfig . startupVacuum
|| ( current . auto _vacuum == 0 && obj . sqliteConfig . autoVacuum != 'none' )
|| ( current . auto _vacuum != 0 && obj . sqliteConfig . autoVacuum == 'none' ) )
pragma += 'VACUUM;' ;
} ;
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Config statement: ' + pragma ) ;
obj . file . exec ( pragma ,
function ( err ) {
if ( err ) { parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Config pragma error: ' + ( err . message ) ) } ;
sqliteGetPragmas ( [ 'journal_mode' , 'journal_size_limit' , 'freelist_count' , 'auto_vacuum' , 'page_size' , 'wal_autocheckpoint' , 'synchronous' ] , function ( pragma , pragmaValue ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'PRAGMA: ' + pragma + '=' + pragmaValue ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function sqliteGetPragmas ( pragmas , func ) {
//pragmas can only be gotting one by one
pragmas . forEach ( function ( pragma ) {
obj . file . get ( 'PRAGMA ' + pragma + ';' , function ( err , res ) {
if ( pragma == 'auto_vacuum' ) { res [ pragma ] = SQLITE _AUTOVACUUM [ res [ pragma ] ] } ;
if ( pragma == 'synchronous' ) { res [ pragma ] = SQLITE _SYNCHRONOUS [ res [ pragma ] ] } ;
if ( func ) { func ( pragma , res [ pragma ] ) ; }
} ) ;
} ) ;
2022-09-06 12:48:02 -07:00
// Create the PostgreSQL tables
function postgreSqlCreateTables ( func ) {
// Database was created, create the tables
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Creating tables...' ) ;
sqlDbBatchExec ( [
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main (id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, type CHAR(32), domain CHAR(64), extra CHAR(255), extraex CHAR(255), doc JSON)' ,
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, time TIMESTAMP, domain CHAR(64), action CHAR(255), nodeid CHAR(255), userid CHAR(255), doc JSON)' ,
] , function ( results ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Creating indexes...' ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxtypedomainextra ON main (type, domain, extra)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxextra ON main (extra)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxextraex ON main (extraex)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventstime ON events(time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventsusername ON events(domain, userid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventsdomainnodeidtime ON events(domain, nodeid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxeventids ON eventids(target)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstattime ON serverstats (time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxserverstatexpire ON serverstats (expire)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxpowernodeidtime ON power (nodeid, time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiostime ON smbios (time)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'CREATE INDEX ndxsmbiosexpire ON smbios (expire)' , null , function ( err , response ) { } ) ;
setupFunctions ( func ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-10 13:46:50 -07:00
// Check the object names for a "."
2019-10-10 14:06:14 -07:00
function checkObjectNames ( r , tag ) {
2019-10-10 13:46:50 -07:00
if ( typeof r != 'object' ) return ;
for ( var i in r ) {
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
if ( i . indexOf ( '.' ) >= 0 ) { throw ( 'BadDbName (' + tag + '): ' + JSON . stringify ( r ) ) ; }
2019-10-10 14:06:14 -07:00
checkObjectNames ( r [ i ] , tag ) ;
2019-10-10 13:46:50 -07:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Query the database
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
function sqlDbQuery ( query , args , func , debug ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _SQLITE ) { // SQLite
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
if ( args == null ) { args = [ ] ; }
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . file . all ( query , args , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
if ( err != null ) { console . log ( query , args , err , docs ) ; }
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
if ( typeof docs [ i ] . doc == 'string' ) {
try { docs [ i ] = JSON . parse ( docs [ i ] . doc ) ; } catch ( ex ) {
console . log ( query , args , docs [ i ] ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( func ) { func ( err , docs ) ; }
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) { // MariaDB
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
Datastore . getConnection ( )
. then ( function ( conn ) {
conn . query ( query , args )
. then ( function ( rows ) {
conn . release ( ) ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
var docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in rows ) {
if ( rows [ i ] . doc ) {
docs . push ( performTypedRecordDecrypt ( ( typeof rows [ i ] . doc == 'object' ) ? rows [ i ] . doc : JSON . parse ( rows [ i ] . doc ) ) ) ;
} else if ( ( rows . length == 1 ) && ( rows [ i ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] != null ) ) {
// This is a SELECT COUNT() operation
docs = parseInt ( rows [ i ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] ) ;
2020-04-24 13:37:37 -07:00
if ( func ) try { func ( null , docs ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR1' , ex ) ; }
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
} )
2020-04-24 13:37:37 -07:00
. catch ( function ( err ) { conn . release ( ) ; if ( func ) try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR2' , ex ) ; } } ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR3' , ex ) ; } } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) { // MySQL
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
Datastore . query ( query , args , function ( error , results , fields ) {
if ( error != null ) {
2020-04-24 13:37:37 -07:00
if ( func ) try { func ( error ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR4' , ex ) ; }
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
} else {
var docs = [ ] ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
for ( var i in results ) {
if ( results [ i ] . doc ) {
2023-10-31 19:11:17 +00:00
if ( typeof results [ i ] . doc == 'string' ) {
docs . push ( JSON . parse ( results [ i ] . doc ) ) ;
} else {
docs . push ( results [ i ] . doc ) ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
} else if ( ( results . length == 1 ) && ( results [ i ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] != null ) ) {
// This is a SELECT COUNT() operation
docs = results [ i ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( func ) { try { func ( null , docs ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR5' , ex ) ; } }
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) { // Postgres SQL
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
Datastore . query ( query , args , function ( error , results ) {
if ( error != null ) {
if ( func ) try { func ( error ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR4' , ex ) ; }
} else {
var docs = [ ] ;
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
if ( ( results . command == 'INSERT' ) && ( results . rows != null ) && ( results . rows . length == 1 ) ) { docs = results . rows [ 0 ] ; }
else if ( results . command == 'SELECT' ) {
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
for ( var i in results . rows ) {
if ( results . rows [ i ] . doc ) {
if ( typeof results . rows [ i ] . doc == 'string' ) {
docs . push ( JSON . parse ( results . rows [ i ] . doc ) ) ;
} else {
docs . push ( results . rows [ i ] . doc ) ;
} else if ( results . rows [ i ] . count && ( results . rows . length == 1 ) ) {
// This is a SELECT COUNT() operation
docs = parseInt ( results . rows [ i ] . count ) ;
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
2022-01-19 11:52:51 -08:00
if ( func ) { try { func ( null , docs , results ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'SQLERR5' , ex ) ; } }
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
} ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Exec on the database
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
function sqlDbExec ( query , args , func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) { // MariaDB
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
Datastore . getConnection ( )
. then ( function ( conn ) {
conn . query ( query , args )
. then ( function ( rows ) {
conn . release ( ) ;
if ( func ) try { func ( null , rows [ 0 ] ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
} )
. catch ( function ( err ) { conn . release ( ) ; if ( func ) try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } ) ;
2021-11-02 19:44:41 -07:00
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) ) { // MySQL or Postgres SQL
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
Datastore . query ( query , args , function ( error , results , fields ) {
2021-11-02 19:44:41 -07:00
if ( func ) try { func ( error , results ? results [ 0 ] : null ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
} ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Execute a batch of commands on the database
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
function sqlDbBatchExec ( queries , func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) { // MariaDB
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
Datastore . getConnection ( )
. then ( function ( conn ) {
var Promises = [ ] ;
for ( var i in queries ) { if ( typeof queries [ i ] == 'string' ) { Promises . push ( conn . query ( queries [ i ] ) ) ; } else { Promises . push ( conn . query ( queries [ i ] [ 0 ] , queries [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ) ; } }
Promise . all ( Promises )
. then ( function ( rows ) { conn . release ( ) ; if ( func ) { try { func ( null ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } )
. catch ( function ( err ) { conn . release ( ) ; if ( func ) { try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } ) ;
} )
. catch ( function ( err ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) { // MySQL
2023-10-24 19:28:29 +01:00
Datastore . getConnection ( function ( err , connection ) {
if ( err ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( err ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } return ; }
var Promises = [ ] ;
for ( var i in queries ) { if ( typeof queries [ i ] == 'string' ) { Promises . push ( connection . promise ( ) . query ( queries [ i ] ) ) ; } else { Promises . push ( connection . promise ( ) . query ( queries [ i ] [ 0 ] , queries [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ) ; } }
Promise . all ( Promises )
. then ( function ( error , results , fields ) { connection . release ( ) ; if ( func ) { try { func ( error , results ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } )
. catch ( function ( error , results , fields ) { connection . release ( ) ; if ( func ) { try { func ( error ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } ) ;
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) { // Postgres
2023-11-06 13:54:17 +00:00
var Promises = [ ] ;
for ( var i in queries ) { if ( typeof queries [ i ] == 'string' ) { Promises . push ( Datastore . query ( queries [ i ] ) ) ; } else { Promises . push ( Datastore . query ( queries [ i ] [ 0 ] , queries [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ) ; } }
Promise . all ( Promises )
. then ( function ( error , results , fields ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( error , results ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } )
. catch ( function ( error , results , fields ) { if ( func ) { try { func ( error ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } } } ) ;
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
function setupFunctions ( func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _SQLITE ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
// Database actions on the main collection. SQLite3: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/getting-started-with-nodejs-sqlite/
obj . Set = function ( value , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
value = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( value ) ;
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO main VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET type = $2, domain = $3, extra = $4, extraex = $5, doc = $6;' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , JSON . stringify ( performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ) ] , func ) ;
obj . SetRaw = function ( value , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO main VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET type = $2, domain = $3, extra = $4, extraex = $5, doc = $6;' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , JSON . stringify ( performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ) ] , func ) ;
obj . Get = function ( _id , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ _id ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT domain, doc FROM main' , null , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = $1 AND domain = $2' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
if ( limit == 0 ) { limit = - 1 ; } // In SQLite, no limit is -1
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + ')) LIMIT $4 OFFSET $5' , [ id , type , domain , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( extrasids == null ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + ')) LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4' , [ type , domain , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
} ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} else {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND ((extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + ')) OR (id IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( extrasids ) + '))) LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4' , [ type , domain , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
obj . CountAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + '))' , [ id , type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
func ( err , ( err == null ) ? docs [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] : null ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( extrasids == null ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + '))' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
func ( err , ( err == null ) ? docs [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] : null ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND ((extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( meshes ) + ')) OR (id IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( extrasids ) + ')))' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
func ( err , ( err == null ) ? docs [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(doc)' ] : null ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( nodes ) + '))' , [ id , type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( nodes ) + '))' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = $1' , [ type ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) {
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + ')) AND domain = $1 AND type = $2' , [ domain , type ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extra = $2' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extra = $2' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type ; if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE type = $1' , [ type ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { var pendingOps = 0 ; for ( var i in data ) { pendingOps ++ ; obj . SetRaw ( data [ i ] , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingOps == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE extra = $1' , [ id ] , function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ 'nt' + id ] , func ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE domain = $1' , [ domain ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) {
2024-08-13 17:46:37 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = \'node\') AND (extraex IS NULL)' , null , function ( err , docs ) {
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
2024-08-13 18:55:59 +01:00
var r = [ ] ; if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . host != null && docs [ i ] . intelamt != null ) { r . push ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } } func ( err , r ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ) ;
} ;
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extraex = $2' , [ domainid , 'uuid/' + uuid ] , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( docs != null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } }
func ( err , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) { if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND type = $2' , [ domainid , type ] , function ( err , response ) { func ( ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] == null ) || ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] > max ) , response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) } ) ; } }
// Database actions on the events collection
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events' , null , func ) ;
} ;
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ;
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO events VALUES (NULL, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING id' , [ event . time , ( ( typeof event . domain == 'string' ) ? event . domain : null ) , event . action , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , event . userid ? event . userid : null , JSON . stringify ( event ) ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2023-09-07 19:35:03 +01:00
if ( func ) { func ( ) ; }
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . id ) ) {
for ( var i in event . ids ) {
if ( event . ids [ i ] != '*' ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
2023-09-07 19:35:03 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO eventids VALUES ($1, $2)' , [ docs [ 0 ] . id , event . ids [ i ] ] , function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ) ;
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + 'JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND (target IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + '))' ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC " ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $2" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND (target IN (" + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + "))" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $2" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + 'JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND (target IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + '))' ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND (target IN (" + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + "))" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) {
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events WHERE ((domain = $1) AND (time BETWEEN $2 AND $3)) ORDER BY time' , [ domain , start , end ] , func ) ;
} else {
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE ((domain = $1) AND (target IN (' + dbMergeSqlArray ( ids ) + ')) AND (time BETWEEN $2 AND $3)) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time' , [ domain , start , end ] , func ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
} ;
//obj.GetUserLoginEvents = function (domain, userid, func) { } // TODO
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = $1 AND domain = $2" ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
2024-11-18 00:12:57 +01:00
query = query + " AND action = $3) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND ((userid = $3) OR (userid IS NULL)) " ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain , userid ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + "AND (action = $4) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $5" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + "ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = $1 AND nodeid = $2' , [ domain , nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = $1 AND userid = $2' , [ domain , userid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-08-15 14:11:30 -07:00
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM events WHERE action = \'authfail\' AND domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND time > $3' , [ domainid , userid , lastlogin ] , function ( err , response ) { func ( err == null ? response [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(*)' ] : 0 ) ; } ) ; }
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
// Database actions on the power collection
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power' , null , func ) ; } ;
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { obj . dbCounters . powerSet ++ ; if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; } sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO power VALUES (NULL, $1, $2, $3)' , [ event . time , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , JSON . stringify ( event ) ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power WHERE ((nodeid = $1) OR (nodeid = \'*\')) ORDER BY time ASC' , [ nodeid ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) { if ( nodeid == null ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power WHERE nodeid = $1' , [ nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) { var expire = new Date ( smbios . time ) ; expire . setMonth ( expire . getMonth ( ) + 6 ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO smbios VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET time = $2, expire = $3, doc = $4' , [ smbios . _id , smbios . time , expire , JSON . stringify ( smbios ) ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM smbios WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO serverstats VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (time) DO UPDATE SET expire = $2, doc = $3' , [ data . time , data . expire , JSON . stringify ( data ) ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) { var t = new Date ( ) ; t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM serverstats WHERE time > $1' , [ t ] , func ) ; } ; // TODO: Expire old entries
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = "cfile" ORDER BY id' , func ) ; }
// Get database information (TODO: Complete this)
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
obj . stats = { c : 4 } ;
2022-08-22 10:19:24 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . meshcentral = ( err == null ? response [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(*)' ] : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM serverstats' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . serverstats = ( err == null ? response [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(*)' ] : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM power' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . power = ( err == null ? response [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(*)' ] : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM smbios' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . smbios = ( err == null ? response [ 0 ] [ 'COUNT(*)' ] : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
// Plugin operations
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2023-11-06 20:01:42 +01:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO plugin VALUES (NULL, $1)' , [ JSON . stringify ( plugin ) ] , func ) ; } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT JSON_INSERT(doc, "$._id", id) as doc FROM plugin' , null , func ) ; } ; // Get all plugins
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT JSON_INSERT(doc, "$._id", id) as doc FROM plugin WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Get plugin
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM plugin WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
2023-11-07 18:17:24 +01:00
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'UPDATE plugin SET doc=JSON_SET(doc,"$.status",$1) WHERE id=$2' , [ status , id ] , func ) ; } ;
2023-11-06 20:01:42 +01:00
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; sqlDbQuery ( 'UPDATE plugin SET doc=json_patch(doc,$1) WHERE id=$2' , [ JSON . stringify ( args ) , id ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-08-15 00:33:50 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _ACEBASE ) {
2022-08-13 18:49:33 -07:00
// Database actions on the main collection. AceBase: https://github.com/appy-one/acebase
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . Set = function ( data , func ) {
data = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( data ) ;
var xdata = performTypedRecordEncrypt ( data ) ;
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( xdata . _id ) ) . set ( common . aceEscapeFieldNames ( xdata ) ) . then ( function ( ref ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } )
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . Get = function ( id , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . get ( function ( snapshot ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
if ( snapshot . exists ( ) ) { func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( [ common . aceUnEscapeFieldNames ( snapshot . val ( ) ) ] ) ) ; } else { func ( null , [ ] ) ; }
} ) ;
} ;
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . get ( function ( snapshot ) {
const val = snapshot . val ( ) ;
const docs = Object . keys ( val ) . map ( function ( key ) { return val [ key ] ; } ) ;
func ( null , common . aceUnEscapeAllFieldNames ( docs ) ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ) ;
} ;
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . get ( { include : [ 'hash' ] } , function ( snapshot ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
if ( snapshot . exists ( ) ) { func ( null , snapshot . val ( ) ) ; } else { func ( null , null ) ; }
} ) ;
} ;
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) { const x = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ; docs . push ( x ) ; }
func ( null , common . aceUnEscapeAllFieldNames ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
if ( meshes . length == 0 ) { func ( null , [ ] ) ; return ; }
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
var query = obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . skip ( skip ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
if ( id ) { query = query . filter ( '_id' , '==' , id ) ; }
if ( extrasids == null ) {
query = query . filter ( 'meshid' , 'in' , meshes ) ;
query . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
} else {
// TODO: This is a slow query as we did not find a filter-or-filter, so we query everything and filter manualy.
query . get ( function ( snapshots ) {
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) { const x = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ; if ( ( extrasids . indexOf ( x . _id ) >= 0 ) || ( meshes . indexOf ( x . meshid ) >= 0 ) ) { docs . push ( x ) ; } }
func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
var query = obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , 'in' , nodes ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
if ( id ) { query = query . filter ( '_id' , '==' , id ) ; }
query . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
} ;
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; }
func ( null , common . aceUnEscapeAllFieldNames ( performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( '_id' , 'in' , ids ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , 'user' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'email' , '==' , email ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , 'user' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'email' , '==' , email ) . filter ( 'emailVerified' , '==' , true ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { var r = { } ; for ( var i in data ) { const ref = obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( data [ i ] . _id ) ) ; r [ ref . key ] = common . aceEscapeFieldNames ( data [ i ] ) ; } obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . set ( r ) . then ( function ( ref ) { func ( ) ; } ) ; } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'meshid' , '==' , id ) . remove ( ) ; obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( 'nt' + id ) ) . remove ( ) ; } ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , 'node' ) . filter ( 'host' , 'exists' ) . filter ( 'host' , '!=' , null ) . filter ( 'intelamt' , 'exists' ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , 'node' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainid ) . filter ( 'mtype' , '!=' , mtype ) . filter ( 'intelamt.uuid' , '==' , uuid ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) { if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , type ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainid ) . get ( { snapshots : false } , function ( snapshots ) { func ( ( snapshots . length > max ) , snapshots . length ) ; } ) ; } }
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// Database actions on the events collection
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) {
obj . file . ref ( 'events' ) . get ( function ( snapshot ) {
const val = snapshot . val ( ) ;
const docs = Object . keys ( val ) . map ( function ( key ) { return val [ key ] ; } ) ;
func ( null , docs ) ;
} )
} ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) {
if ( typeof event . account == 'object' ) { event = Object . assign ( { } , event ) ; event . account = common . aceEscapeFieldNames ( event . account ) ; }
obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ;
obj . file . ref ( 'events' ) . push ( event ) . then ( function ( userRef ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// This request is slow since we have not found a .filter() that will take two arrays and match a single item.
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) {
const doc = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ;
if ( ( doc . ids == null ) || ( ! Array . isArray ( doc . ids ) ) ) continue ;
var found = false ;
for ( var j in doc . ids ) { if ( ids . indexOf ( doc . ids [ j ] ) >= 0 ) { found = true ; } } // Check if one of the items in both arrays matches
if ( found ) { delete doc . ids ; if ( typeof doc . account == 'object' ) { doc . account = common . aceUnEscapeFieldNames ( doc . account ) ; } docs . push ( doc ) ; }
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) {
const doc = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ;
if ( ( doc . ids == null ) || ( ! Array . isArray ( doc . ids ) ) ) continue ;
var found = false ;
for ( var j in doc . ids ) { if ( ids . indexOf ( doc . ids [ j ] ) >= 0 ) { found = true ; } } // Check if one of the items in both arrays matches
if ( found ) { delete doc . ids ; if ( typeof doc . account == 'object' ) { doc . account = common . aceUnEscapeFieldNames ( doc . account ) ; } docs . push ( doc ) ; }
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// This request is slow since we have not found a .filter() that will take two arrays and match a single item.
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
// TODO: Request a new AceBase feature for a 'array:contains-one-of' filter:
// obj.file.indexes.create('events', 'ids', { type: 'array' });
// db.query('events').filter('ids', 'array:contains-one-of', ids)
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . take ( limit ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) {
const doc = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ;
if ( ( doc . ids == null ) || ( ! Array . isArray ( doc . ids ) ) ) continue ;
var found = false ;
for ( var j in doc . ids ) { if ( ids . indexOf ( doc . ids [ j ] ) >= 0 ) { found = true ; } } // Check if one of the items in both arrays matches
if ( found ) { delete doc . ids ; if ( typeof doc . account == 'object' ) { doc . account = common . aceUnEscapeFieldNames ( doc . account ) ; } docs . push ( doc ) ; }
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . take ( limit ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
const docs = [ ] ;
for ( var i in snapshots ) {
const doc = snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ;
if ( ( doc . ids == null ) || ( ! Array . isArray ( doc . ids ) ) ) continue ;
var found = false ;
for ( var j in doc . ids ) { if ( ids . indexOf ( doc . ids [ j ] ) >= 0 ) { found = true ; } } // Check if one of the items in both arrays matches
if ( found ) { delete doc . ids ; if ( typeof doc . account == 'object' ) { doc . account = common . aceUnEscapeFieldNames ( doc . account ) ; } docs . push ( doc ) ; }
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'userid' , 'in' , userid ) . filter ( 'ids' , 'in' , ids ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' , 'ids' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'userid' , 'in' , userid ) . filter ( 'ids' , 'in' , ids ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' , 'ids' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'userid' , 'in' , userid ) . filter ( 'ids' , 'in' , ids ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' , 'ids' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'userid' , 'in' , userid ) . filter ( 'ids' , 'in' , ids ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' , 'type' , 'ids' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'ids' , 'in' , ids ) . filter ( 'msgid' , 'in' , msgids ) . filter ( 'time' , 'between' , [ start , end ] ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'node' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetUserLoginEvents = function ( domain , userid , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'action' , 'in' , [ 'authfail' , 'login' ] ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . filter ( 'msgArgs' , 'exists' ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { include : [ 'action' , 'time' , 'msgid' , 'msgArgs' , 'tokenName' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , 'etype' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'ids' , 'node' , 'nodeid' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , 'etype' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'ids' , 'node' , 'nodeid' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
if ( filter != null ) {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . filter ( 'action' , '==' , filter ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , 'etype' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'ids' , 'node' , 'nodeid' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , 'etype' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'ids' , 'node' , 'nodeid' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . take ( limit ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' , 'etype' , '_id' , 'domain' , 'ids' , 'node' , 'nodeid' ] } , function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
} ;
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) {
if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) {
if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domain ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'events' ) . filter ( 'domain' , '==' , domainid ) . filter ( 'userid' , '==' , userid ) . filter ( 'time' , '>' , lastlogin ) . sort ( 'time' , false ) . get ( { snapshots : false } , function ( snapshots ) { func ( null , snapshots . length ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// Database actions on the power collection
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'power' ) . get ( function ( snapshot ) {
const val = snapshot . val ( ) ;
const docs = Object . keys ( val ) . map ( function ( key ) { return val [ key ] ; } ) ;
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) {
if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; }
obj . file . ref ( 'power' ) . push ( event ) . then ( function ( userRef ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
} ;
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'power' ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , 'in' , [ '*' , nodeid ] ) . sort ( 'time' ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'nodeid' , 's' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'power' ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) {
if ( nodeid == null ) return ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'power' ) . filter ( 'nodeid' , '==' , nodeid ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
if ( obj . smbiosfile != null ) {
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'smbios' ) . get ( function ( snapshot ) {
const val = snapshot . val ( ) ;
const docs = Object . keys ( val ) . map ( function ( key ) { return val [ key ] ; } ) ;
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) {
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral/' + encodeURIComponent ( smbios . _id ) ) . set ( smbios ) . then ( function ( ref ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } )
} ;
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'smbios' ) . filter ( '_id' , '==' , id ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'smbios' ) . filter ( '_id' , '==' , id ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
} ;
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) {
obj . file . ref ( 'stats' ) . push ( data ) . then ( function ( userRef ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
} ;
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) {
var t = new Date ( ) ;
t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'stats' ) . filter ( 'time' , '>' , t ) . get ( { exclude : [ '_id' , 'cpu' ] } , function ( snapshots ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . query ( 'meshcentral' ) . filter ( 'type' , '==' , 'cfile' ) . sort ( '_id' ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) {
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
// Get database information
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
obj . stats = { c : 5 } ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . file . ref ( 'meshcentral' ) . count ( ) . then ( function ( count ) { obj . stats . meshcentral = count ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . ref ( 'events' ) . count ( ) . then ( function ( count ) { obj . stats . events = count ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . ref ( 'power' ) . count ( ) . then ( function ( count ) { obj . stats . power = count ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . ref ( 'smbios' ) . count ( ) . then ( function ( count ) { obj . stats . smbios = count ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
obj . file . ref ( 'stats' ) . count ( ) . then ( function ( count ) { obj . stats . serverstats = count ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
// Plugin operations
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { plugin . type = 'plugin' ; obj . file . ref ( 'plugin' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( plugin . _id ) ) . set ( plugin ) . then ( function ( ref ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) {
obj . file . ref ( 'plugin' ) . get ( { exclude : [ 'type' ] } , function ( snapshot ) {
const val = snapshot . val ( ) ;
const docs = Object . keys ( val ) . map ( function ( key ) { return val [ key ] ; } ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return a . name < b . name ? - 1 : 1 } ) ;
func ( null , docs ) ;
} ) ;
} ; // Get all plugins
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . query ( 'plugin' ) . filter ( '_id' , '==' , id ) . get ( function ( snapshots ) { const docs = [ ] ; for ( var i in snapshots ) { docs . push ( snapshots [ i ] . val ( ) ) ; } func ( null , docs ) ; } ) ; } ; // Get plugin
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . ref ( 'plugin' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . remove ( ) . then ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
2022-09-17 00:04:53 +02:00
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { obj . file . ref ( 'plugin' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . update ( { status : status } ) . then ( function ( ref ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) } ;
2022-09-16 22:38:40 +02:00
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; obj . file . ref ( 'plugin' ) . child ( encodeURIComponent ( id ) ) . set ( args ) . then ( function ( ref ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) } ;
2022-08-13 18:32:17 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) {
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Database actions on the main collection (Postgres)
obj . Set = function ( value , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
value = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( value ) ;
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO main VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET type = $2, domain = $3, extra = $4, extraex = $5, doc = $6;' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ] , func ) ;
obj . SetRaw = function ( value , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO main VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET type = $2, domain = $3, extra = $4, extraex = $5, doc = $6;' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ] , func ) ;
obj . Get = function ( _id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ _id ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT domain, doc FROM main' , null , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = $1 AND domain = $2' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
if ( limit == 0 ) { limit = 0xFFFFFFFF ; }
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra = ANY ($4)) LIMIT $5 OFFSET $6' , [ id , type , domain , meshes , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
if ( extrasids == null ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra = ANY ($3)) LIMIT $4 OFFSET $5' , [ type , domain , meshes , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } , true ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND ((extra = ANY ($3)) OR (id = ANY ($4))) LIMIT $5 OFFSET $6' , [ type , domain , meshes , extrasids , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
obj . CountAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra = ANY ($4))' , [ id , type , domain , meshes ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
if ( extrasids == null ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra = ANY ($3))' , [ type , domain , meshes ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } , true ) ;
} else {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND ((extra = ANY ($3)) OR (id = ANY ($4)))' , [ type , domain , meshes , extrasids ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } ) ;
} ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id = $1) AND (type = $2) AND (domain = $3) AND (extra = ANY ($4))' , [ id , type , domain , nodes ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = $1) AND (domain = $2) AND (extra = ANY ($3))' , [ type , domain , nodes ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = $1' , [ type ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (id = ANY ($1)) AND domain = $2 AND type = $3' , [ ids , domain , type ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extra = $2' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extra = $2' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE type = $1' , [ type ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { var pendingOps = 0 ; for ( var i in data ) { pendingOps ++ ; obj . SetRaw ( data [ i ] , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingOps == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE extra = $1' , [ id ] , function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = $1' , [ 'nt' + id ] , func ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE domain = $1' , [ domain ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
2024-08-13 18:55:59 +01:00
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = \'node\') AND (extraex IS NULL)' , null , function ( err , docs ) { var r = [ ] ; if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . host != null && docs [ i ] . intelamt != null ) { r . push ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } } func ( err , r ) ; } ) ; } ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND extraex = $2' , [ domainid , 'uuid/' + uuid ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) { if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM main WHERE domain = $1 AND type = $2' , [ domainid , type ] , function ( err , response ) { func ( ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] == null ) || ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] > max ) , response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) } ) ; } }
// Database actions on the events collection
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ;
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO events VALUES (DEFAULT, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING id' , [ event . time , ( ( typeof event . domain == 'string' ) ? event . domain : null ) , event . action , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , event . userid ? event . userid : null , event ] , function ( err , docs ) {
2024-03-31 13:52:16 +01:00
if ( func ) { func ( ) ; }
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
if ( docs . id ) {
for ( var i in event . ids ) {
if ( event . ids [ i ] != '*' ) {
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO eventids VALUES ($1, $2)' , [ docs . id , event . ids [ i ] ] , function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ;
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
} ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND (target = ANY ($2))" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $2) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $2" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND (target = ANY ($2))" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND (target = ANY ($3))" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $4" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4 " ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND (target = ANY ($3))" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $4) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $5" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) {
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2022-02-02 11:08:03 -08:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events WHERE ((domain = $1) AND (time BETWEEN $2 AND $3)) ORDER BY time' , [ domain , start , end ] , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} else {
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE ((domain = $1) AND (target = ANY ($2)) AND (time BETWEEN $3 AND $4)) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time' , [ domain , ids , start , end ] , func ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
} ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
//obj.GetUserLoginEvents = function (domain, userid, func) { } // TODO
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = $1 AND domain = $2" ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $3) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $3" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = $1 AND domain = $2 AND ((userid = $3) OR (userid IS NULL))" ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain , userid ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = $4) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $5" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $4" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = $1 AND nodeid = $2' , [ domain , nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = $1 AND userid = $2' , [ domain , userid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-19 12:11:28 -08:00
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM events WHERE action = \'authfail\' AND domain = $1 AND userid = $2 AND time > $3' , [ domainid , userid , lastlogin ] , function ( err , response , raw ) { func ( err == null ? parseInt ( raw . rows [ 0 ] . count ) : 0 ) ; } ) ; }
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Database actions on the power collection
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { obj . dbCounters . powerSet ++ ; if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; } sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO power VALUES (DEFAULT, $1, $2, $3)' , [ event . time , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , event ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-11-04 11:53:54 -07:00
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power WHERE ((nodeid = $1) OR (nodeid = \'*\')) ORDER BY time ASC' , [ nodeid ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) { if ( nodeid == null ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power WHERE nodeid = $1' , [ nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) { var expire = new Date ( smbios . time ) ; expire . setMonth ( expire . getMonth ( ) + 6 ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO smbios VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET time = $2, expire = $3, doc = $4' , [ smbios . _id , smbios . time , expire , smbios ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM smbios WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO serverstats VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (time) DO UPDATE SET expire = $2, doc = $3' , [ data . time , data . expire , data ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-11-08 10:31:52 -08:00
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) { var t = new Date ( ) ; t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM serverstats WHERE time > $1' , [ t ] , func ) ; } ; // TODO: Expire old entries
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = "cfile" ORDER BY id' , func ) ; }
// Get database information (TODO: Complete this)
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
obj . stats = { c : 4 } ;
2022-01-19 12:11:28 -08:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main' , null , function ( err , response , raw ) { obj . stats . meshcentral = ( err == null ? parseInt ( raw . rows [ 0 ] . count ) : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM serverstats' , null , function ( err , response , raw ) { obj . stats . serverstats = ( err == null ? parseInt ( raw . rows [ 0 ] . count ) : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM power' , null , function ( err , response , raw ) { obj . stats . power = ( err == null ? parseInt ( raw . rows [ 0 ] . count ) : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM smbios' , null , function ( err , response , raw ) { obj . stats . smbios = ( err == null ? parseInt ( raw . rows [ 0 ] . count ) : 0 ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
// Plugin operations
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2023-11-07 18:17:24 +01:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO plugin VALUES (DEFAULT, $1)' , [ plugin ] , func ) ; } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( "SELECT doc::jsonb || ('{\"_id\":' || plugin.id || '}')::jsonb as doc FROM plugin" , null , func ) ; } ; // Get all plugins
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( "SELECT doc::jsonb || ('{\"_id\":' || plugin.id || '}')::jsonb as doc FROM plugin WHERE id = $1" , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Get plugin
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM plugin WHERE id = $1' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
2023-11-07 18:17:24 +01:00
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( "UPDATE plugin SET doc= jsonb_set(doc::jsonb,'{status}',$1) WHERE id=$2" , [ status , id ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; sqlDbQuery ( 'UPDATE plugin SET doc= doc::jsonb || ($1) WHERE id=$2' , [ args , id ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-11-03 23:42:01 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) ) {
2020-02-03 18:58:58 -08:00
// Database actions on the main collection (MariaDB or MySQL)
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . Set = function ( value , func ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
2020-03-26 19:33:13 -07:00
value = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( value ) ;
2020-11-03 02:58:29 -08:00
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
2020-11-03 02:58:29 -08:00
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'REPLACE INTO main VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , JSON . stringify ( performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ) ] , func ) ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2021-03-27 00:26:18 -07:00
obj . SetRaw = function ( value , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
var extra = null , extraex = null ;
if ( value . meshid ) { extra = value . meshid ; } else if ( value . email ) { extra = 'email/' + value . email ; } else if ( value . nodeid ) { extra = value . nodeid ; }
if ( ( value . type == 'node' ) && ( value . intelamt != null ) && ( value . intelamt . uuid != null ) ) { extraex = 'uuid/' + value . intelamt . uuid ; }
if ( value . _id == null ) { value . _id = require ( 'crypto' ) . randomBytes ( 16 ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; }
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'REPLACE INTO main VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' , [ value . _id , ( value . type ? value . type : null ) , ( ( value . domain != null ) ? value . domain : null ) , extra , extraex , JSON . stringify ( performTypedRecordEncrypt ( value ) ) ] , func ) ;
2021-03-27 00:26:18 -07:00
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . Get = function ( _id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = ?' , [ _id ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT domain, doc FROM main' , null , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ?' , [ type , domain ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
if ( limit == 0 ) { limit = 0xFFFFFFFF ; }
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ( meshes == null ) || ( meshes . length == 0 ) ) { meshes = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
if ( ( extrasids == null ) || ( extrasids . length == 0 ) ) { extrasids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = ? AND type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN (?) LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' , [ id , type , domain , meshes , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} else {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ? AND (extra IN (?) OR id IN (?)) LIMIT ? OFFSET ?' , [ type , domain , meshes , extrasids , limit , skip ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
obj . CountAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( ( meshes == null ) || ( meshes . length == 0 ) ) { meshes = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
if ( ( extrasids == null ) || ( extrasids . length == 0 ) ) { extrasids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE id = ? AND type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN (?)' , [ id , type , domain , meshes ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } ) ;
} else {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(doc) FROM main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ? AND (extra IN (?) OR id IN (?))' , [ type , domain , meshes , extrasids ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } ) ;
} ;
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ( nodes == null ) || ( nodes . length == 0 ) ) { nodes = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
if ( id && ( id != '' ) ) {
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id = ? AND type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN (?)' , [ id , type , domain , nodes ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
} else {
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = ? AND domain = ? AND extra IN (?)' , [ type , domain , nodes ] , function ( err , docs ) { if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { delete docs [ i ] . type } } func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
} ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = ?' , [ type ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) {
if ( ( ids == null ) || ( ids . length == 0 ) ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE id IN (?) AND domain = ? AND type = ?' , [ ids , domain , type ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = ? AND extra = ?' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = ? AND extra = ?' , [ domain , 'email/' + email ] , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; }
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE type = ?' , [ type ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-03-27 00:26:18 -07:00
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { var pendingOps = 0 ; for ( var i in data ) { pendingOps ++ ; obj . SetRaw ( data [ i ] , function ( ) { if ( -- pendingOps == 0 ) { func ( ) ; } } ) ; } } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
2021-05-06 22:35:24 -04:00
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE extra = ?' , [ id ] , function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE id = ?' , [ 'nt' + id ] , func ) ; } ) ; } ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM main WHERE domain = ?' , [ domain ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
2024-08-13 18:55:59 +01:00
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE (type = "node") AND (extraex IS NULL)' , null , function ( err , docs ) { var r = [ ] ; if ( err == null ) { for ( var i in docs ) { if ( docs [ i ] . host != null && docs [ i ] . intelamt != null ) { r . push ( docs [ i ] ) ; } } } func ( err , r ) ; } ) ; } ;
2021-07-31 10:05:32 -07:00
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE domain = ? AND extraex = ?' , [ domainid , 'uuid/' + uuid ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) { if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM main WHERE domain = ? AND type = ?' , [ domainid , type ] , function ( err , response ) { func ( ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] == null ) || ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] > max ) , response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) } ) ; } }
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Database actions on the events collection
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events' , null , func ) ; } ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
var batchQuery = [ [ 'INSERT INTO events VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' , [ null , event . time , ( ( typeof event . domain == 'string' ) ? event . domain : null ) , event . action , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , event . userid ? event . userid : null , JSON . stringify ( event ) ] ] ] ;
for ( var i in event . ids ) { if ( event . ids [ i ] != '*' ) { batchQuery . push ( [ 'INSERT INTO eventids VALUE (LAST_INSERT_ID(), ?)' , [ event . ids [ i ] ] ] ) ; } }
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
sqlDbBatchExec ( batchQuery , function ( err , docs ) { if ( func != null ) { func ( err , docs ) ; } } ) ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = ?" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = ? AND target IN (?)" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain ] ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = ?" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ? " ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = ? AND target IN (?)" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = ? AND userid = ?" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = ? AND userid = ? AND target IN (?)" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events " ;
var dataarray = [ domain , userid ] ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "WHERE (domain = ? AND userid = ?" ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
query = query + "JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE (domain = ? AND userid = ? AND target IN (?)" ;
dataarray . push ( ids ) ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
query = query + ") GROUP BY id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
2020-02-03 16:50:44 -08:00
} ;
2021-09-09 10:09:18 -07:00
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) {
if ( ids . indexOf ( '*' ) >= 0 ) {
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events WHERE ((domain = ?) AND (time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) ORDER BY time' , [ domain , start , end ] , func ) ;
} else {
2022-06-24 11:12:43 -07:00
if ( ids . length == 0 ) { ids = '' ; } // MySQL can't handle a query with IN() on an empty array, we have to use an empty string instead.
2021-09-09 10:09:18 -07:00
sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM events JOIN eventids ON id = fkid WHERE ((domain = ?) AND (target IN (?)) AND (time BETWEEN ? AND ?)) GROUP BY id ORDER BY time' , [ domain , ids , start , end ] , func ) ;
} ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
//obj.GetUserLoginEvents = function (domain, userid, func) { } // TODO
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = ? AND domain = ?" ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var query = "SELECT doc FROM events WHERE (nodeid = ? AND domain = ? AND ((userid = ?) OR (userid IS NULL))" ;
var dataarray = [ nodeid , domain , userid ] ;
if ( filter != null ) {
query = query + " AND action = ?) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
dataarray . push ( filter ) ;
} else {
query = query + ") ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?" ;
dataarray . push ( limit ) ;
sqlDbQuery ( query , dataarray , func ) ;
} ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = ? AND nodeid = ?' , [ domain , nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM events WHERE domain = ? AND userid = ?' , [ domain , userid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) { sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM events WHERE action = "authfail" AND domain = ? AND userid = ? AND time > ?' , [ domainid , userid , lastlogin ] , function ( err , response ) { func ( err == null ? response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] : 0 ) ; } ) ; }
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Database actions on the power collection
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { obj . dbCounters . powerSet ++ ; if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; } sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO power VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?)' , [ null , event . time , event . nodeid ? event . nodeid : null , JSON . stringify ( event ) ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-07-27 16:09:11 -04:00
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM power WHERE ((nodeid = ?) OR (nodeid = "*")) ORDER BY time ASC' , [ nodeid ] , func ) ; } ;
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power' , null , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) { if ( nodeid == null ) return ; sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM power WHERE nodeid = ?' , [ nodeid ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios' , null , func ) ; } ;
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) { var expire = new Date ( smbios . time ) ; expire . setMonth ( expire . getMonth ( ) + 6 ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'REPLACE INTO smbios VALUE (?, ?, ?, ?)' , [ smbios . _id , smbios . time , expire , JSON . stringify ( smbios ) ] , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM smbios WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , function ( err , docs ) { } ) ; } ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM smbios WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'REPLACE INTO serverstats VALUE (?, ?, ?)' , [ data . time , data . expire , JSON . stringify ( data ) ] , func ) ; } ;
2022-06-26 17:00:53 -07:00
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) { var t = new Date ( ) ; t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ; sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM serverstats WHERE time > ?' , [ t ] , func ) ; } ;
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT doc FROM main WHERE type = "cfile" ORDER BY id' , func ) ; }
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2020-02-02 14:02:50 -08:00
// Get database information (TODO: Complete this)
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
obj . stats = { c : 4 } ;
2022-08-12 15:53:35 -07:00
sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM main' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . meshcentral = Number ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(time) FROM serverstats' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . serverstats = Number ( response [ 'COUNT(time)' ] ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM power' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . power = Number ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
sqlDbExec ( 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM smbios' , null , function ( err , response ) { obj . stats . smbios = Number ( response [ 'COUNT(id)' ] ) ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( obj . stats ) ; } } ) ;
2020-02-02 14:02:50 -08:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
// Plugin operations
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2023-11-06 20:01:42 +01:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'INSERT INTO plugin VALUE (?, ?)' , [ null , JSON . stringify ( plugin ) ] , func ) ; } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT JSON_INSERT(doc, "$._id", id) as doc FROM plugin' , null , func ) ; } ; // Get all plugins
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'SELECT JSON_INSERT(doc, "$._id", id) as doc FROM plugin WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Get plugin
2021-04-22 17:37:54 -04:00
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'DELETE FROM plugin WHERE id = ?' , [ id ] , func ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
2023-11-07 18:17:24 +01:00
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { sqlDbQuery ( 'UPDATE meshcentral.plugin SET doc=JSON_SET(doc,"$.status",?) WHERE id=?' , [ status , id ] , func ) ; } ;
2023-11-06 20:01:42 +01:00
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; sqlDbQuery ( 'UPDATE meshcentral.plugin SET doc=JSON_MERGE_PATCH(doc,?) WHERE id=?' , [ JSON . stringify ( args ) , id ] , func ) ; } ;
2020-02-02 14:02:50 -08:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) {
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the main collection (MongoDB)
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// Bulk operations
if ( parent . config . settings . mongodbbulkoperations ) {
obj . Set = function ( data , func ) { // Fast Set operation using bulkWrite(), this is much faster then using replaceOne()
if ( obj . filePendingSet == false ) {
// Perform the operation now
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . filePendingSet = true ; obj . filePendingSets = null ;
if ( func != null ) { obj . filePendingCbs = [ func ] ; }
obj . file . bulkWrite ( [ { replaceOne : { filter : { _id : data . _id } , replacement : performTypedRecordEncrypt ( common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( data ) ) , upsert : true } } ] , fileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
} else {
// Add this operation to the pending list
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileSetPending ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
if ( obj . filePendingSets == null ) { obj . filePendingSets = { } }
obj . filePendingSets [ data . _id ] = data ;
if ( func != null ) { if ( obj . filePendingCb == null ) { obj . filePendingCb = [ func ] ; } else { obj . filePendingCb . push ( func ) ; } }
} ;
obj . Get = function ( id , func ) { // Fast Get operation using a bulk find() to reduce round trips to the database.
// Encode arguments into return function if any are present.
var func2 = func ;
if ( arguments . length > 2 ) {
var parms = [ func ] ;
for ( var parmx = 2 ; parmx < arguments . length ; ++ parmx ) { parms . push ( arguments [ parmx ] ) ; }
var func2 = function _func2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) {
var userCallback = _func2 . userArgs . shift ( ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg2 ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg1 ) ;
userCallback . apply ( obj , _func2 . userArgs ) ;
} ;
func2 . userArgs = parms ;
if ( obj . filePendingGets == null ) {
// No pending gets, perform the operation now.
obj . filePendingGets = { } ;
obj . filePendingGets [ id ] = [ func2 ] ;
obj . file . find ( { _id : id } ) . toArray ( fileBulkReadCompleted ) ;
} else {
// Add get to pending list.
if ( obj . filePendingGet == null ) { obj . filePendingGet = { } ; }
if ( obj . filePendingGet [ id ] == null ) { obj . filePendingGet [ id ] = [ func2 ] ; } else { obj . filePendingGet [ id ] . push ( func2 ) ; }
} ;
} else {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . Set = function ( data , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
data = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( data ) ;
obj . file . replaceOne ( { _id : data . _id } , performTypedRecordEncrypt ( data ) , { upsert : true } , func ) ;
} ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . Get = function ( id , func ) {
if ( arguments . length > 2 ) {
var parms = [ func ] ;
for ( var parmx = 2 ; parmx < arguments . length ; ++ parmx ) { parms . push ( arguments [ parmx ] ) ; }
var func2 = function _func2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) {
var userCallback = _func2 . userArgs . shift ( ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg2 ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg1 ) ;
userCallback . apply ( obj , _func2 . userArgs ) ;
} ;
func2 . userArgs = parms ;
obj . file . find ( { _id : id } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; }
func2 ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
obj . file . find ( { _id : id } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . find ( { _id : id } ) . project ( { _id : 0 , hash : 1 } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type , domain : domain } ) . project ( { type : 0 } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( extrasids == null ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , meshid : { $in : meshes } } ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
var f = obj . file . find ( x , { type : 0 } ) ;
if ( skip > 0 ) f = f . skip ( skip ) ; // Skip records
if ( limit > 0 ) f = f . limit ( limit ) ; // Limit records
f . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} else {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , $or : [ { meshid : { $in : meshes } } , { _id : { $in : extrasids } } ] } ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
var f = obj . file . find ( x , { type : 0 } ) ;
if ( skip > 0 ) f = f . skip ( skip ) ; // Skip records
if ( limit > 0 ) f = f . limit ( limit ) ; // Limit records
f . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} ;
2022-08-31 14:16:59 -07:00
obj . CountAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , func ) {
if ( extrasids == null ) {
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , meshid : { $in : meshes } } ;
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
var f = obj . file . find ( x , { type : 0 } ) ;
f . count ( function ( err , count ) { func ( err , count ) ; } ) ;
} else {
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , $or : [ { meshid : { $in : meshes } } , { _id : { $in : extrasids } } ] } ;
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
var f = obj . file . find ( x , { type : 0 } ) ;
f . count ( function ( err , count ) { func ( err , count ) ; } ) ;
} ;
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
var x = { type : type , domain : domain , nodeid : { $in : nodes } } ;
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
obj . file . find ( x , { type : 0 } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
} ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type , domain : domain , _id : { $in : ids } } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2020-09-25 13:58:36 -07:00
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'user' , domain : domain , email : email } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'user' , domain : domain , email : email , emailVerified : true } ) . toArray ( function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// Bulk operations
if ( parent . config . settings . mongodbbulkoperations ) {
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { // Fast remove operation using a bulk find() to reduce round trips to the database.
if ( obj . filePendingRemoves == null ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
// No pending removes, perform the operation now.
obj . dbCounters . fileRemove ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . filePendingRemoves = { } ;
obj . filePendingRemoves [ id ] = [ func ] ;
obj . file . deleteOne ( { _id : id } , fileBulkRemoveCompleted ) ;
} else {
// Add remove to pending list.
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileRemovePending ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
if ( obj . filePendingRemove == null ) { obj . filePendingRemove = { } ; }
if ( obj . filePendingRemove [ id ] == null ) { obj . filePendingRemove [ id ] = [ func ] ; } else { obj . filePendingRemove [ id ] . push ( func ) ; }
} ;
} else {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { obj . dbCounters . fileRemove ++ ; obj . file . deleteOne ( { _id : id } , func ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { obj . file . deleteMany ( { } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { obj . file . deleteMany ( { type : type } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
2021-03-27 00:26:18 -07:00
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { obj . file . insertMany ( data , func ) ; } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
2019-05-20 18:03:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id ) { obj . file . deleteMany ( { meshid : id } , { multi : true } ) ; obj . file . deleteOne ( { _id : 'nt' + id } ) ; } ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { obj . file . deleteMany ( { domain : domain } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
2021-01-27 02:23:36 -08:00
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'node' , host : { $exists : true , $ne : null } , intelamt : { $exists : true } } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2021-07-31 10:05:32 -07:00
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'node' , domain : domainid , mtype : mtype , 'intelamt.uuid' : uuid } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2019-05-30 12:40:10 -07:00
// TODO: Starting in MongoDB 4.0.3, you should use countDocuments() instead of count() that is deprecated. We should detect MongoDB version and switch.
// https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.countDocuments/
//obj.isMaxType = function (max, type, domainid, func) { if (max == null) { func(false); } else { obj.file.countDocuments({ type: type, domain: domainid }, function (err, count) { func((err != null) || (count > max)); }); } }
2019-11-18 17:31:42 -08:00
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) {
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
if ( obj . file . countDocuments ) {
2019-11-18 17:31:42 -08:00
if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { obj . file . countDocuments ( { type : type , domain : domainid } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err != null ) || ( count > max ) , count ) ; } ) ; }
} else {
if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { obj . file . count ( { type : type , domain : domainid } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err != null ) || ( count > max ) , count ) ; } ) ; }
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the events collection
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) { obj . eventsfile . find ( { } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// Bulk operations
if ( parent . config . settings . mongodbbulkoperations ) {
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) { // Fast MongoDB event store using bulkWrite()
if ( obj . eventsFilePendingSet == false ) {
// Perform the operation now
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . eventsFilePendingSet = true ; obj . eventsFilePendingSets = null ;
if ( func != null ) { obj . eventsFilePendingCbs = [ func ] ; }
obj . eventsfile . bulkWrite ( [ { insertOne : { document : event } } ] , eventsFileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
} else {
// Add this operation to the pending list
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . eventsSetPending ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
if ( obj . eventsFilePendingSets == null ) { obj . eventsFilePendingSets = [ ] }
obj . eventsFilePendingSets . push ( event ) ;
if ( func != null ) { if ( obj . eventsFilePendingCb == null ) { obj . eventsFilePendingCb = [ func ] ; } else { obj . eventsFilePendingCb . push ( func ) ; } }
} ;
} else {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) { obj . dbCounters . eventsSet ++ ; obj . eventsfile . insertOne ( event , func ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , ids : { $in : ids } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , ids : { $in : ids } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } , { userid : userid } ] } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } , { userid : userid } ] } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
2021-09-09 14:50:59 -07:00
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) { obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } ] , msgid : { $in : msgids } , time : { $gte : start , $lte : end } } ) . project ( { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . GetUserLoginEvents = function ( domain , userid , func ) { obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , action : { $in : [ 'authfail' , 'login' ] } , userid : userid , msgArgs : { $exists : true } } ) . project ( { action : 1 , time : 1 , msgid : 1 , msgArgs : 1 , tokenName : 1 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid , userid : { $in : [ userid , null ] } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata ) . project ( { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . toArray ( func ) ;
} ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) { obj . eventsfile . deleteMany ( { domain : domain } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ; obj . eventsfile . deleteMany ( { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ; obj . eventsfile . deleteMany ( { domain : domain , userid : userid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) {
2019-11-18 17:31:42 -08:00
if ( obj . eventsfile . countDocuments ) {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . countDocuments ( { action : 'authfail' , userid : userid , domain : domainid , time : { "$gte" : lastlogin } } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err == null ) ? count : 0 ) ; } ) ;
2019-11-18 17:31:42 -08:00
} else {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . count ( { action : 'authfail' , userid : userid , domain : domainid , time : { "$gte" : lastlogin } } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err == null ) ? count : 0 ) ; } ) ;
2019-11-18 17:31:42 -08:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the power collection
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) { obj . powerfile . find ( { } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// Bulk operations
if ( parent . config . settings . mongodbbulkoperations ) {
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { // Fast MongoDB event store using bulkWrite()
if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; }
if ( obj . powerFilePendingSet == false ) {
// Perform the operation now
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . powerSet ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . powerFilePendingSet = true ; obj . powerFilePendingSets = null ;
if ( func != null ) { obj . powerFilePendingCbs = [ func ] ; }
obj . powerfile . bulkWrite ( [ { insertOne : { document : event } } ] , powerFileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
} else {
// Add this operation to the pending list
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . powerSetPending ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
if ( obj . powerFilePendingSets == null ) { obj . powerFilePendingSets = [ ] }
obj . powerFilePendingSets . push ( event ) ;
if ( func != null ) { if ( obj . powerFilePendingCb == null ) { obj . powerFilePendingCb = [ func ] ; } else { obj . powerFilePendingCb . push ( func ) ; } }
} ;
} else {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { obj . dbCounters . powerSet ++ ; if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; } obj . powerfile . insertOne ( event , func ) ; } ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
2019-07-31 16:49:23 -07:00
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) { obj . powerfile . find ( { nodeid : { $in : [ '*' , nodeid ] } } ) . project ( { _id : 0 , nodeid : 0 , s : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) { obj . powerfile . deleteMany ( { } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) { if ( nodeid == null ) return ; obj . powerfile . deleteMany ( { nodeid : nodeid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) { obj . smbiosfile . find ( { } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
2019-12-09 11:30:08 -08:00
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) { obj . smbiosfile . updateOne ( { _id : smbios . _id } , { $set : smbios } , { upsert : true } , func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) { obj . smbiosfile . deleteOne ( { _id : id } ) ; } ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) { obj . smbiosfile . find ( { _id : id } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
2019-12-09 11:30:08 -08:00
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) { obj . serverstatsfile . insertOne ( data , func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) { var t = new Date ( ) ; t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ; obj . serverstatsfile . find ( { time : { $gt : t } } , { _id : 0 , cpu : 0 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ;
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'cfile' } ) . sort ( { _id : 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; }
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
// Get database information
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
obj . stats = { c : 6 } ;
2022-08-08 11:32:35 -07:00
obj . getStats ( function ( r ) { obj . stats . recordTypes = r ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } )
obj . file . stats ( ) . then ( function ( stats ) { obj . stats [ stats . ns ] = { size : stats . size , count : stats . count , avgObjSize : stats . avgObjSize , capped : stats . capped } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } , function ( ) { if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . eventsfile . stats ( ) . then ( function ( stats ) { obj . stats [ stats . ns ] = { size : stats . size , count : stats . count , avgObjSize : stats . avgObjSize , capped : stats . capped } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } , function ( ) { if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . powerfile . stats ( ) . then ( function ( stats ) { obj . stats [ stats . ns ] = { size : stats . size , count : stats . count , avgObjSize : stats . avgObjSize , capped : stats . capped } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } , function ( ) { if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . smbiosfile . stats ( ) . then ( function ( stats ) { obj . stats [ stats . ns ] = { size : stats . size , count : stats . count , avgObjSize : stats . avgObjSize , capped : stats . capped } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } , function ( ) { if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . stats ( ) . then ( function ( stats ) { obj . stats [ stats . ns ] = { size : stats . size , count : stats . count , avgObjSize : stats . avgObjSize , capped : stats . capped } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } , function ( ) { if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
// Correct database information of obj.getDbStats before returning it
function getDbStatsEx ( data ) {
var r = { } ;
if ( data . recordTypes != null ) { r = data . recordTypes ; }
try { r . smbios = data [ 'meshcentral.smbios' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . power = data [ 'meshcentral.power' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . events = data [ 'meshcentral.events' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . serverstats = data [ 'meshcentral.serverstats' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
return r ;
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
// Plugin operations
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2020-02-02 14:02:50 -08:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { plugin . type = 'plugin' ; obj . pluginsfile . insertOne ( plugin , func ) ; } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) { obj . pluginsfile . find ( { type : 'plugin' } ) . project ( { type : 0 } ) . sort ( { name : 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ; // Get all plugins
2021-09-19 22:50:00 -04:00
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { id = require ( 'mongodb' ) . ObjectId ( id ) ; obj . pluginsfile . find ( { _id : id } ) . sort ( { name : 1 } ) . toArray ( func ) ; } ; // Get plugin
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { id = require ( 'mongodb' ) . ObjectId ( id ) ; obj . pluginsfile . deleteOne ( { _id : id } , func ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { id = require ( 'mongodb' ) . ObjectId ( id ) ; obj . pluginsfile . updateOne ( { _id : id } , { $set : { status : status } } , func ) ; } ;
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; id = require ( 'mongodb' ) . ObjectId ( id ) ; obj . pluginsfile . updateOne ( { _id : id } , { $set : args } , func ) ; } ;
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
2020-02-02 12:37:27 -08:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} else {
// Database actions on the main collection (NeDB and MongoJS)
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . Set = function ( data , func ) {
obj . dbCounters . fileSet ++ ;
data = common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( data ) ;
var xdata = performTypedRecordEncrypt ( data ) ; obj . file . update ( { _id : xdata . _id } , xdata , { upsert : true } , func ) ;
} ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . Get = function ( id , func ) {
if ( arguments . length > 2 ) {
var parms = [ func ] ;
for ( var parmx = 2 ; parmx < arguments . length ; ++ parmx ) { parms . push ( arguments [ parmx ] ) ; }
var func2 = function _func2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) {
var userCallback = _func2 . userArgs . shift ( ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg2 ) ;
_func2 . userArgs . unshift ( arg1 ) ;
userCallback . apply ( obj , _func2 . userArgs ) ;
} ;
func2 . userArgs = parms ;
2020-03-26 19:33:13 -07:00
obj . file . find ( { _id : id } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; }
func2 ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
} else {
2020-03-26 19:33:13 -07:00
obj . file . find ( { _id : id } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( docs != null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) && ( docs [ 0 ] . links != null ) ) { docs [ 0 ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; }
func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . GetAll = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2019-08-06 17:58:29 -07:00
obj . GetHash = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . find ( { _id : id } , { _id : 0 , hash : 1 } , func ) ; } ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeField = function ( type , domain , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type , domain : domain } , { type : 0 } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
//obj.GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function (meshes, domain, type, id, skip, limit, func) {
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
//var x = { type: type, domain: domain, meshid: { $in: meshes } };
//if (id) { x._id = id; }
//obj.file.find(x, { type: 0 }, function (err, docs) { func(err, performTypedRecordDecrypt(docs)); });
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNoTypeFieldMeshFiltered = function ( meshes , extrasids , domain , type , id , skip , limit , func ) {
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( extrasids == null ) {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , meshid : { $in : meshes } } ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
2020-10-06 19:47:28 -07:00
obj . file . find ( x , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} else {
2022-08-31 11:28:36 -07:00
const x = { type : type , domain : domain , $or : [ { meshid : { $in : meshes } } , { _id : { $in : extrasids } } ] } ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
2020-10-06 19:47:28 -07:00
obj . file . find ( x , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
2020-03-29 22:40:13 -07:00
} ;
2020-10-30 17:08:07 -07:00
obj . GetAllTypeNodeFiltered = function ( nodes , domain , type , id , func ) {
var x = { type : type , domain : domain , nodeid : { $in : nodes } } ;
if ( id ) { x . _id = id ; }
obj . file . find ( x , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ;
} ;
2019-10-02 17:19:33 -07:00
obj . GetAllType = function ( type , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetAllIdsOfType = function ( ids , domain , type , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : type , domain : domain , _id : { $in : ids } } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
obj . GetUserWithEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'user' , domain : domain , email : email } , { type : 0 } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2020-09-25 13:58:36 -07:00
obj . GetUserWithVerifiedEmail = function ( domain , email , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'user' , domain : domain , email : email , emailVerified : true } , function ( err , docs ) { func ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs ) ) ; } ) ; } ;
2020-05-26 12:46:48 -07:00
obj . Remove = function ( id , func ) { obj . file . remove ( { _id : id } , func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveAll = function ( func ) { obj . file . remove ( { } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllOfType = function ( type , func ) { obj . file . remove ( { type : type } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
2021-03-27 00:26:18 -07:00
obj . InsertMany = function ( data , func ) { obj . file . insert ( data , func ) ; } ; // Insert records directly, no link escaping
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveMeshDocuments = function ( id ) { obj . file . remove ( { meshid : id } , { multi : true } ) ; obj . file . remove ( { _id : 'nt' + id } ) ; } ;
2020-03-04 14:57:03 -08:00
obj . MakeSiteAdmin = function ( username , domain ) { obj . Get ( 'user/' + domain + '/' + username , function ( err , docs ) { if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length == 1 ) ) { docs [ 0 ] . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; obj . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . DeleteDomain = function ( domain , func ) { obj . file . remove ( { domain : domain } , { multi : true } , func ) ; } ;
2022-12-10 12:02:33 -08:00
obj . SetUser = function ( user ) { if ( user == null ) return ; if ( user . subscriptions != null ) { var u = Clone ( user ) ; if ( u . subscriptions ) { delete u . subscriptions ; } obj . Set ( u ) ; } else { obj . Set ( user ) ; } } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . dispose = function ( ) { for ( var x in obj ) { if ( obj [ x ] . close ) { obj [ x ] . close ( ) ; } delete obj [ x ] ; } } ;
obj . getLocalAmtNodes = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'node' , host : { $exists : true , $ne : null } , intelamt : { $exists : true } } , func ) ; } ;
2021-07-31 10:05:32 -07:00
obj . getAmtUuidMeshNode = function ( domainid , mtype , uuid , func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'node' , domain : domainid , mtype : mtype , 'intelamt.uuid' : uuid } , func ) ; } ;
2019-06-05 15:24:07 -07:00
obj . isMaxType = function ( max , type , domainid , func ) { if ( max == null ) { func ( false ) ; } else { obj . file . count ( { type : type , domain : domainid } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err != null ) || ( count > max ) , count ) ; } ) ; } }
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the events collection
obj . GetAllEvents = function ( func ) { obj . eventsfile . find ( { } , func ) ; } ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
obj . StoreEvent = function ( event , func ) { obj . eventsfile . insert ( event , func ) ; } ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetEvents = function ( ids , domain , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , ids : { $in : ids } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ;
} else {
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , ids : { $in : ids } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . exec ( func ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit , func ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetUserEvents = function ( ids , domain , userid , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } , { userid : userid } ] } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} else {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetUserEventsWithLimit = function ( ids , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } , { userid : userid } ] } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . exec ( func ) ;
} else {
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit , func ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
} ;
2021-09-09 10:09:18 -07:00
obj . GetEventsTimeRange = function ( ids , domain , msgids , start , end , func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2021-09-09 14:50:59 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } ] , msgid : { $in : msgids } , time : { $gte : start , $lte : end } } , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ;
2021-09-09 10:09:18 -07:00
} else {
2021-09-09 14:50:59 -07:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , $or : [ { ids : { $in : ids } } ] , msgid : { $in : msgids } , time : { $gte : start , $lte : end } } , { type : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , node : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } , func ) ;
2021-09-09 10:09:18 -07:00
} ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . GetUserLoginEvents = function ( domain , userid , func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , action : { $in : [ 'authfail' , 'login' ] } , userid : userid , msgArgs : { $exists : true } } , { action : 1 , time : 1 , msgid : 1 , msgArgs : 1 , tokenName : 1 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ;
2021-03-01 13:23:37 -08:00
} else {
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( { domain : domain , action : { $in : [ 'authfail' , 'login' ] } , userid : userid , msgArgs : { $exists : true } } , { action : 1 , time : 1 , msgid : 1 , msgArgs : 1 , tokenName : 1 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } , func ) ;
2021-03-01 13:23:37 -08:00
} ;
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . GetNodeEventsWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . exec ( func ) ;
} else {
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit , func ) ;
} ;
obj . GetNodeEventsSelfWithLimit = function ( nodeid , domain , userid , limit , filter , func ) {
var finddata = { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid , userid : { $in : [ userid , null ] } } ;
if ( filter != null ) finddata . action = filter ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) {
2024-03-31 13:50:38 +01:00
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit ) . exec ( func ) ;
} else {
obj . eventsfile . find ( finddata , { type : 0 , etype : 0 , _id : 0 , domain : 0 , ids : 0 , node : 0 , nodeid : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : - 1 } ) . limit ( limit , func ) ;
} ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . RemoveAllEvents = function ( domain ) { obj . eventsfile . remove ( { domain : domain } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . RemoveAllNodeEvents = function ( domain , nodeid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( nodeid == null ) ) return ; obj . eventsfile . remove ( { domain : domain , nodeid : nodeid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveAllUserEvents = function ( domain , userid ) { if ( ( domain == null ) || ( userid == null ) ) return ; obj . eventsfile . remove ( { domain : domain , userid : userid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
obj . GetFailedLoginCount = function ( userid , domainid , lastlogin , func ) { obj . eventsfile . count ( { action : 'authfail' , userid : userid , domain : domainid , time : { "$gte" : lastlogin } } , function ( err , count ) { func ( ( err == null ) ? count : 0 ) ; } ) ; }
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the power collection
obj . getAllPower = function ( func ) { obj . powerfile . find ( { } , func ) ; } ;
2019-12-09 11:30:08 -08:00
obj . storePowerEvent = function ( event , multiServer , func ) { if ( multiServer != null ) { event . server = multiServer . serverid ; } obj . powerfile . insert ( event , func ) ; } ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . getPowerTimeline = function ( nodeid , func ) { if ( obj . databaseType == DB _NEDB ) { obj . powerfile . find ( { nodeid : { $in : [ '*' , nodeid ] } } , { _id : 0 , nodeid : 0 , s : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ; } else { obj . powerfile . find ( { nodeid : { $in : [ '*' , nodeid ] } } , { _id : 0 , nodeid : 0 , s : 0 } ) . sort ( { time : 1 } , func ) ; } } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . removeAllPowerEvents = function ( ) { obj . powerfile . remove ( { } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2022-01-09 18:44:43 -08:00
obj . removeAllPowerEventsForNode = function ( nodeid ) { if ( nodeid == null ) return ; obj . powerfile . remove ( { nodeid : nodeid } , { multi : true } ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the SMBIOS collection
2020-09-08 11:58:23 -07:00
if ( obj . smbiosfile != null ) {
obj . GetAllSMBIOS = function ( func ) { obj . smbiosfile . find ( { } , func ) ; } ;
obj . SetSMBIOS = function ( smbios , func ) { obj . smbiosfile . update ( { _id : smbios . _id } , smbios , { upsert : true } , func ) ; } ;
obj . RemoveSMBIOS = function ( id ) { obj . smbiosfile . remove ( { _id : id } ) ; } ;
obj . GetSMBIOS = function ( id , func ) { obj . smbiosfile . find ( { _id : id } , func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
// Database actions on the Server Stats collection
2019-12-09 11:30:08 -08:00
obj . SetServerStats = function ( data , func ) { obj . serverstatsfile . insert ( data , func ) ; } ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
obj . GetServerStats = function ( hours , func ) { var t = new Date ( ) ; t . setTime ( t . getTime ( ) - ( 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours ) ) ; obj . serverstatsfile . find ( { time : { $gt : t } } , { _id : 0 , cpu : 0 } , func ) ; } ;
// Read a configuration file from the database
obj . getConfigFile = function ( path , func ) { obj . Get ( 'cfile/' + path , func ) ; }
// Write a configuration file to the database
obj . setConfigFile = function ( path , data , func ) { obj . Set ( { _id : 'cfile/' + path , type : 'cfile' , data : data . toString ( 'base64' ) } , func ) ; }
// List all configuration files
obj . listConfigFiles = function ( func ) { obj . file . find ( { type : 'cfile' } ) . sort ( { _id : 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ; }
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
// Get database information
obj . getDbStats = function ( func ) {
2020-09-08 11:58:23 -07:00
obj . stats = { c : 5 } ;
2022-08-08 11:32:35 -07:00
obj . getStats ( function ( r ) { obj . stats . recordTypes = r ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } )
obj . file . count ( { } , function ( err , count ) { obj . stats . meshcentral = { count : count } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . eventsfile . count ( { } , function ( err , count ) { obj . stats . events = { count : count } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . powerfile . count ( { } , function ( err , count ) { obj . stats . power = { count : count } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
obj . serverstatsfile . count ( { } , function ( err , count ) { obj . stats . serverstats = { count : count } ; if ( -- obj . stats . c == 0 ) { delete obj . stats . c ; func ( getDbStatsEx ( obj . stats ) ) ; } } ) ;
// Correct database information of obj.getDbStats before returning it
function getDbStatsEx ( data ) {
var r = { } ;
if ( data . recordTypes != null ) { r = data . recordTypes ; }
try { r . smbios = data [ 'smbios' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . power = data [ 'power' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . events = data [ 'events' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
try { r . serverstats = data [ 'serverstats' ] . count ; } catch ( ex ) { }
return r ;
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
// Plugin operations
2020-08-24 13:26:27 -07:00
if ( obj . pluginsActive ) {
2019-12-08 20:46:25 -08:00
obj . addPlugin = function ( plugin , func ) { plugin . type = 'plugin' ; obj . pluginsfile . insert ( plugin , func ) ; } ; // Add a plugin
obj . getPlugins = function ( func ) { obj . pluginsfile . find ( { 'type' : 'plugin' } , { 'type' : 0 } ) . sort ( { name : 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ; } ; // Get all plugins
2019-11-25 14:12:43 -08:00
obj . getPlugin = function ( id , func ) { obj . pluginsfile . find ( { _id : id } ) . sort ( { name : 1 } ) . exec ( func ) ; } ; // Get plugin
obj . deletePlugin = function ( id , func ) { obj . pluginsfile . remove ( { _id : id } , func ) ; } ; // Delete plugin
obj . setPluginStatus = function ( id , status , func ) { obj . pluginsfile . update ( { _id : id } , { $set : { status : status } } , func ) ; } ;
obj . updatePlugin = function ( id , args , func ) { delete args . _id ; obj . pluginsfile . update ( { _id : id } , { $set : args } , func ) ; } ;
2019-11-22 14:25:13 -05:00
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
2022-10-24 16:58:05 -07:00
// Get all configuration files
obj . getAllConfigFiles = function ( password , func ) {
obj . GetAllType ( 'cfile' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( err != null ) { func ( null ) ; return ; }
var r = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < docs . length ; i ++ ) {
var name = docs [ i ] . _id . split ( '/' ) [ 1 ] ;
var data = obj . decryptData ( password , docs [ i ] . data ) ;
if ( data != null ) { if ( r == null ) { r = { } ; } r [ name ] = data ; }
func ( r ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-09 13:41:14 -07:00
func ( obj ) ; // Completed function setup
2019-02-02 14:54:36 -08:00
2019-02-01 15:16:46 -08:00
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
// Return a human readable string with current backup configuration
obj . getBackupConfig = function ( ) {
var r = '' , backupPath = parent . backuppath ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ) { backupPath = parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ; }
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
let dbname = 'meshcentral' ;
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
if ( parent . args . mongodbname ) { dbname = parent . args . mongodbname ; }
2021-06-22 08:40:26 -07:00
else if ( ( typeof parent . args . mariadb == 'object' ) && ( typeof parent . args . mariadb . database == 'string' ) ) { dbname = parent . args . mariadb . database ; }
else if ( ( typeof parent . args . mysql == 'object' ) && ( typeof parent . args . mysql . database == 'string' ) ) { dbname = parent . args . mysql . database ; }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
else if ( typeof parent . config . settings . sqlite3 == 'string' ) { dbname = parent . config . settings . sqlite3 + '.sqlite' } ;
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
const currentDate = new Date ( ) ;
const fileSuffix = currentDate . getFullYear ( ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getMonth ( ) + 1 , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getDate ( ) , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getHours ( ) , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getMinutes ( ) , 2 ) ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newAutoBackupFile = ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname == 'string' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname : 'meshcentral-autobackup-' ) + fileSuffix ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
r += 'DB Name: ' + dbname + '\r\n' ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
r += 'DB Type: ' + DB _LIST [ obj . databaseType ] + '\r\n' ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
r += 'BackupPath: ' + backupPath + '\r\n' ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
r += 'BackupFile: ' + obj . newAutoBackupFile + '.zip\r\n' ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup == null ) {
r += 'No Settings/AutoBackup\r\n' ;
} else {
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupintervalhours != null ) {
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
r += 'Backup Interval (Hours): ' ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupintervalhours != 'number' ) { r += 'Bad backupintervalhours type\r\n' ; }
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
else { r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupintervalhours + '\r\n' ; }
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . keeplastdaysbackup != null ) {
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
r += 'Keep Last Backups (Days): ' ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . keeplastdaysbackup != 'number' ) { r += 'Bad keeplastdaysbackup type\r\n' ; }
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
else { r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . keeplastdaysbackup + '\r\n' ; }
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . zippassword != null ) {
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
r += 'ZIP Password: ' ;
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . zippassword != 'string' ) { r += 'Bad zippassword type, Backups will not be encrypted\r\n' ; }
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
else if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . zippassword == "" ) { r += 'Blank zippassword, Backups will fail\r\n' ; }
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
else { r += 'Set\r\n' ; }
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . mongodumppath != null ) {
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
r += 'MongoDump Path: ' ;
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . mongodumppath != 'string' ) { r += 'Bad mongodumppath type\r\n' ; }
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
else { r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . mongodumppath + '\r\n' ; }
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . mysqldumppath != null ) {
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
r += 'MySqlDump Path: ' ;
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . mysqldumppath != 'string' ) { r += 'Bad mysqldump type\r\n' ; }
2024-08-15 11:32:24 +01:00
else { r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . mysqldumppath + '\r\n' ; }
2021-04-24 19:51:10 -04:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupotherfolders ) {
r += 'Backup other folders: ' ;
r += parent . filespath + ', ' + parent . recordpath + '\r\n' ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupwebfolders ) {
r += 'Backup webfolders: ' ;
if ( parent . webViewsOverridePath ) { r += parent . webViewsOverridePath } ;
if ( parent . webPublicOverridePath ) { r += ', ' + parent . webPublicOverridePath } ;
if ( parent . webEmailsOverridePath ) { r += ',' + parent . webEmailsOverridePath } ;
r += '\r\n' ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupignorefilesglob != [ ] ) {
r += 'Backup IgnoreFilesGlob: ' ;
{ r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupignorefilesglob + '\r\n' ; }
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupskipfoldersglob != [ ] ) {
r += 'Backup SkipFoldersGlob: ' ;
{ r += parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupskipfoldersglob + '\r\n' ; }
2024-09-10 21:54:44 +01:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 == 'object' ) {
2024-09-10 22:01:44 +01:00
r += 'S3 Backups: Enabled\r\n' ;
2024-09-10 21:54:44 +01:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav == 'object' ) {
2024-09-10 22:01:44 +01:00
r += 'WebDAV Backups: Enabled\r\n' ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
r += 'WebDAV backup path: ' + ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . foldername == 'string' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . foldername : 'MeshCentral-Backups' ) + '\r\n' ;
r += 'WebDAV maximum files: ' + ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . maxfiles == 'number' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . maxfiles : 'no limit' ) + '\r\n' ;
2024-09-10 21:54:44 +01:00
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive == 'object' ) {
2024-09-10 22:01:44 +01:00
r += 'Google Drive Backups: Enabled\r\n' ;
2024-09-10 21:54:44 +01:00
2019-06-07 16:44:00 -07:00
return r ;
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
function buildSqlDumpCommand ( ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
var props = ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) ? parent . args . mariadb : parent . args . mysql ;
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
var mysqldumpPath = 'mysqldump' ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && parent . config . settings . autobackup . mysqldumppath ) {
2024-11-05 14:26:05 +01:00
mysqldumpPath = path . normalize ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . mysqldumppath ) ;
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
var cmd = '\"' + mysqldumpPath + '\" --user=\'' + props . user + '\'' ;
// Windows will treat ' as part of the pw. Linux/Unix requires it to escape.
cmd += ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) ? ' --password=\"' + props . password + '\"' : ' --password=\'' + props . password + '\'' ;
if ( props . host ) { cmd += ' -h ' + props . host ; }
if ( props . port ) { cmd += ' -P ' + props . port ; }
2021-11-17 19:12:18 -05:00
if ( props . awsrds ) { cmd += ' --single-transaction' ; }
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
// SSL options different on mariadb/mysql
var sslOptions = '' ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) {
2021-05-01 15:56:18 -04:00
if ( props . ssl ) {
sslOptions = ' --ssl' ;
2021-05-02 15:30:38 -04:00
if ( props . ssl . cacertpath ) sslOptions = ' --ssl-ca=' + props . ssl . cacertpath ;
2024-11-15 23:04:19 +01:00
if ( props . ssl . dontcheckserveridentity != true ) { sslOptions += ' --ssl-verify-server-cert' } else { sslOptions += ' --ssl-verify-server-cert=false' } ;
2021-05-02 14:43:55 -04:00
if ( props . ssl . clientcertpath ) sslOptions += ' --ssl-cert=' + props . ssl . clientcertpath ;
if ( props . ssl . clientkeypath ) sslOptions += ' --ssl-key=' + props . ssl . clientkeypath ;
2021-05-01 15:56:18 -04:00
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
} else {
2021-05-01 15:56:18 -04:00
if ( props . ssl ) {
sslOptions = ' --ssl-mode=required' ;
2021-05-02 15:30:38 -04:00
if ( props . ssl . cacertpath ) sslOptions = ' --ssl-ca=' + props . ssl . cacertpath ;
if ( props . ssl . dontcheckserveridentity != true ) sslOptions += ' --ssl-mode=verify_identity' ;
else sslOptions += ' --ssl-mode=required' ;
2021-05-02 14:43:55 -04:00
if ( props . ssl . clientcertpath ) sslOptions += ' --ssl-cert=' + props . ssl . clientcertpath ;
if ( props . ssl . clientkeypath ) sslOptions += ' --ssl-key=' + props . ssl . clientkeypath ;
2021-05-01 15:56:18 -04:00
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
cmd += sslOptions ;
var dbname = ( props . database ) ? props . database : 'meshcentral' ;
cmd += ' ' + dbname
return cmd ;
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
function buildMongoDumpCommand ( ) {
const dburl = parent . args . mongodb ;
var mongoDumpPath = 'mongodump' ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && parent . config . settings . autobackup . mongodumppath ) {
2024-11-05 14:26:05 +01:00
mongoDumpPath = path . normalize ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . mongodumppath ) ;
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
var cmd = '"' + mongoDumpPath + '"' ;
if ( dburl ) { cmd = '\"' + mongoDumpPath + '\" --uri=\"' + dburl + '\"' ; }
return cmd ;
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
// Check that the server is capable of performing a backup
obj . checkBackupCapability = function ( func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( ( parent . config . settings . autobackup == null ) || ( parent . config . settings . autobackup == false ) ) { func ( ) ; return ; } ;
let backupPath = parent . backuppath ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ) { backupPath = parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ; }
try { parent . fs . mkdirSync ( backupPath ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
if ( parent . fs . existsSync ( backupPath ) == false ) { func ( 1 , "Backup folder \"" + backupPath + "\" does not exist, auto-backup will not be performed." ) ; return ; }
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGOJS ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) ) {
// Check that we have access to MongoDump
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
var cmd = buildMongoDumpCommand ( ) ;
2021-04-10 14:23:07 -04:00
cmd += ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) ? ' --archive=\"nul\"' : ' --archive=\"/dev/null\"' ;
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
2021-04-07 17:27:23 -04:00
child _process . exec ( cmd , { cwd : backupPath } , function ( error , stdout , stderr ) {
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
try {
if ( ( error != null ) && ( error != '' ) ) {
2021-01-09 00:40:03 -08:00
if ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) {
func ( 1 , "Unable to find mongodump.exe, MongoDB database auto-backup will not be performed." ) ;
} else {
func ( 1 , "Unable to find mongodump, MongoDB database auto-backup will not be performed." ) ;
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
} else {
func ( ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) ) {
2021-04-10 17:21:02 -04:00
// Check that we have access to mysqldump
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
var cmd = buildSqlDumpCommand ( ) ;
cmd += ' > ' + ( ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) ? '\"nul\"' : '\"/dev/null\"' ) ;
2021-04-10 17:21:02 -04:00
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
child _process . exec ( cmd , { cwd : backupPath } , function ( error , stdout , stdin ) {
try {
if ( ( error != null ) && ( error != '' ) ) {
if ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) {
func ( 1 , "Unable to find mysqldump.exe, MySQL/MariaDB database auto-backup will not be performed." ) ;
} else {
func ( 1 , "Unable to find mysqldump, MySQL/MariaDB database auto-backup will not be performed." ) ;
} else {
func ( ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) {
// Check that we have access to pg_dump
parent . config . settings . autobackup . pgdumppath = path . normalize ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . pgdumppath ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . pgdumppath : 'pg_dump' ) ;
let cmd = '"' + parent . config . settings . autobackup . pgdumppath + '"'
+ ' --dbname=postgresql://' + parent . config . settings . postgres . user + ":" + parent . config . settings . postgres . password
+ "@" + parent . config . settings . postgres . host + ":" + parent . config . settings . postgres . port + "/" + databaseName
+ ' > ' + ( ( parent . platform == 'win32' ) ? '\"nul\"' : '\"/dev/null\"' ) ;
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
child _process . exec ( cmd , { cwd : backupPath } , function ( error , stdout , stdin ) {
try {
if ( ( error != null ) && ( error != '' ) ) {
func ( 1 , "Unable to find pg_dump, PostgreSQL database auto-backup will not be performed." ) ;
} else {
func ( ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
} ) ;
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
} else {
func ( ) ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
// MongoDB pending bulk read operation, perform fast bulk document reads.
function fileBulkReadCompleted ( err , docs ) {
// Send out callbacks with results
if ( docs != null ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
if ( docs [ i ] . links != null ) { docs [ i ] = common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) ; }
const id = docs [ i ] . _id ;
if ( obj . filePendingGets [ id ] != null ) {
for ( var j in obj . filePendingGets [ id ] ) {
if ( typeof obj . filePendingGets [ id ] [ j ] == 'function' ) { obj . filePendingGets [ id ] [ j ] ( err , performTypedRecordDecrypt ( [ docs [ i ] ] ) ) ; }
delete obj . filePendingGets [ id ] ;
// If there are not results, send out a null callback
for ( var i in obj . filePendingGets ) { for ( var j in obj . filePendingGets [ i ] ) { obj . filePendingGets [ i ] [ j ] ( err , [ ] ) ; } }
// Move on to process any more pending get operations
obj . filePendingGets = obj . filePendingGet ;
obj . filePendingGet = null ;
if ( obj . filePendingGets != null ) {
var findlist = [ ] ;
for ( var i in obj . filePendingGets ) { findlist . push ( i ) ; }
obj . file . find ( { _id : { $in : findlist } } ) . toArray ( fileBulkReadCompleted ) ;
// MongoDB pending bulk remove operation, perform fast bulk document removes.
function fileBulkRemoveCompleted ( err ) {
// Send out callbacks
for ( var i in obj . filePendingRemoves ) {
for ( var j in obj . filePendingRemoves [ i ] ) {
if ( typeof obj . filePendingRemoves [ i ] [ j ] == 'function' ) { obj . filePendingRemoves [ i ] [ j ] ( err ) ; }
// Move on to process any more pending get operations
obj . filePendingRemoves = obj . filePendingRemove ;
obj . filePendingRemove = null ;
if ( obj . filePendingRemoves != null ) {
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileRemoveBulk ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
var findlist = [ ] , count = 0 ;
for ( var i in obj . filePendingRemoves ) { findlist . push ( i ) ; count ++ ; }
obj . file . deleteMany ( { _id : { $in : findlist } } , { multi : true } , fileBulkRemoveCompleted ) ;
// MongoDB pending bulk write operation, perform fast bulk document replacement.
function fileBulkWriteCompleted ( ) {
// Callbacks
if ( obj . filePendingCbs != null ) {
for ( var i in obj . filePendingCbs ) { if ( typeof obj . filePendingCbs [ i ] == 'function' ) { obj . filePendingCbs [ i ] ( ) ; } }
obj . filePendingCbs = null ;
if ( obj . filePendingSets != null ) {
// Perform pending operations
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . fileSetBulk ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
var ops = [ ] ;
obj . filePendingCbs = obj . filePendingCb ;
obj . filePendingCb = null ;
for ( var i in obj . filePendingSets ) { ops . push ( { replaceOne : { filter : { _id : i } , replacement : performTypedRecordEncrypt ( common . escapeLinksFieldNameEx ( obj . filePendingSets [ i ] ) ) , upsert : true } } ) ; }
obj . file . bulkWrite ( ops , fileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
obj . filePendingSets = null ;
} else {
// All done, no pending operations.
obj . filePendingSet = false ;
// MongoDB pending bulk write operation, perform fast bulk document replacement.
function eventsFileBulkWriteCompleted ( ) {
// Callbacks
if ( obj . eventsFilePendingCbs != null ) { for ( var i in obj . eventsFilePendingCbs ) { obj . eventsFilePendingCbs [ i ] ( ) ; } obj . eventsFilePendingCbs = null ; }
if ( obj . eventsFilePendingSets != null ) {
// Perform pending operations
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . eventsSetBulk ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
var ops = [ ] ;
2021-08-26 14:48:17 -07:00
for ( var i in obj . eventsFilePendingSets ) { ops . push ( { insertOne : { document : obj . eventsFilePendingSets [ i ] } } ) ; }
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . eventsFilePendingCbs = obj . eventsFilePendingCb ;
obj . eventsFilePendingCb = null ;
obj . eventsFilePendingSets = null ;
obj . eventsfile . bulkWrite ( ops , eventsFileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
} else {
// All done, no pending operations.
obj . eventsFilePendingSet = false ;
// MongoDB pending bulk write operation, perform fast bulk document replacement.
function powerFileBulkWriteCompleted ( ) {
// Callbacks
if ( obj . powerFilePendingCbs != null ) { for ( var i in obj . powerFilePendingCbs ) { obj . powerFilePendingCbs [ i ] ( ) ; } obj . powerFilePendingCbs = null ; }
if ( obj . powerFilePendingSets != null ) {
// Perform pending operations
2021-03-01 19:32:19 -08:00
obj . dbCounters . powerSetBulk ++ ;
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
var ops = [ ] ;
2021-08-26 14:48:17 -07:00
for ( var i in obj . powerFilePendingSets ) { ops . push ( { insertOne : { document : obj . powerFilePendingSets [ i ] } } ) ; }
2021-02-25 19:13:51 -08:00
obj . powerFilePendingCbs = obj . powerFilePendingCb ;
obj . powerFilePendingCb = null ;
obj . powerFilePendingSets = null ;
obj . powerfile . bulkWrite ( ops , powerFileBulkWriteCompleted ) ;
} else {
// All done, no pending operations.
obj . powerFilePendingSet = false ;
2020-12-28 19:25:21 -08:00
// Perform a server backup
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
obj . performBackup = function ( func ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Entering performBackup' ) ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
try {
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
if ( obj . performingBackup ) return 'Backup alreay in progress.' ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupintervalhours == - 1 ) { if ( func ) { func ( 'Unable to create backup if backuppath is set to the data folder.' ) ; return 'Backup aborted.' } } ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
obj . performingBackup = true ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
let backupPath = parent . backuppath ;
let dataPath = parent . datapath ;
2019-05-22 15:22:10 -07:00
2019-05-24 10:33:40 -07:00
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ) { backupPath = parent . config . settings . autobackup . backuppath ; }
try { parent . fs . mkdirSync ( backupPath ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
const currentDate = new Date ( ) ;
const fileSuffix = currentDate . getFullYear ( ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getMonth ( ) + 1 , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getDate ( ) , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getHours ( ) , 2 ) + '-' + padNumber ( currentDate . getMinutes ( ) , 2 ) ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newAutoBackupFile = path . join ( backupPath , ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname == 'string' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname : 'meshcentral-autobackup-' ) + fileSuffix + '.zip' ) ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGOJS ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MONGODB ) ) {
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
// Perform a MongoDump
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
const dbname = ( parent . args . mongodbname ) ? ( parent . args . mongodbname ) : 'meshcentral' ;
const dburl = parent . args . mongodb ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newDBDumpFile = path . join ( backupPath , ( dbname + '-mongodump-' + fileSuffix + '.archive' ) ) ;
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
var cmd = buildMongoDumpCommand ( ) ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
cmd += ( dburl ) ? ' --archive=\"' + obj . newDBDumpFile + '\"' :
' --db=\"' + dbname + '\" --archive=\"' + obj . newDBDumpFile + '\"' ;
2021-07-06 23:59:22 -04:00
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
const dumpProcess = child _process . exec (
cmd ,
{ cwd : parent . parentpath } ,
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
( error ) => { if ( error ) { obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; console . log ( 'ERROR: Unable to perform MongoDB backup: ' + error + '\r\n' ) ; obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ; } }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
) ;
dumpProcess . on ( 'exit' , ( code ) => {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( code != 0 ) { console . log ( ` Mongodump child process exited with code ${ code } ` ) ; obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( ( obj . databaseType == DB _MARIADB ) || ( obj . databaseType == DB _MYSQL ) ) {
2021-04-10 18:18:27 -04:00
// Perform a MySqlDump backup
const newBackupFile = 'mysqldump-' + fileSuffix ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newDBDumpFile = path . join ( backupPath , newBackupFile + '.sql' ) ;
2021-05-01 15:08:29 -04:00
var cmd = buildSqlDumpCommand ( ) ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
cmd += ' --result-file=\"' + obj . newDBDumpFile + '\"' ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
2021-04-10 18:18:27 -04:00
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
const dumpProcess = child _process . exec (
cmd ,
{ cwd : parent . parentpath } ,
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
( error ) => { if ( error ) { obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; console . log ( 'ERROR: Unable to perform MySQL backup: ' + error + '\r\n' ) ; obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ; } }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
) ;
dumpProcess . on ( 'exit' , ( code ) => {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( code != 0 ) { console . log ( ` MySQLdump child process exited with code ${ code } ` ) ; obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _SQLITE ) {
//.db3 suffix to escape escape backupfile glob to exclude the sqlite db files
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newDBDumpFile = path . join ( backupPath , databaseName + '-sqlitedump-' + fileSuffix + '.db3' ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
// do a VACUUM INTO in favor of the backup API to compress the export, see https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . file . exec ( 'VACUUM INTO \'' + obj . newDBDumpFile + '\'' , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) { console . log ( 'SQLite start-backup error: ' + err ) ; obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; } ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//always finish/clean up
obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( obj . databaseType == DB _POSTGRESQL ) {
// Perform a PostgresDump backup
const newBackupFile = databaseName + '-pgdump-' + fileSuffix + '.sql' ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . newDBDumpFile = path . join ( backupPath , newBackupFile ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
let cmd = '"' + parent . config . settings . autobackup . pgdumppath + '"'
+ ' --dbname=postgresql://' + parent . config . settings . postgres . user + ":" + parent . config . settings . postgres . password
+ "@" + parent . config . settings . postgres . host + ":" + parent . config . settings . postgres . port + "/" + databaseName
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
+ " --file=" + obj . newDBDumpFile ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
const child _process = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
const dumpProcess = child _process . exec (
cmd ,
{ cwd : dataPath } ,
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
( error ) => { if ( error ) { obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; console . log ( 'ERROR: Unable to perform PostgreSQL dump: ' + error . message + '\r\n' ) ; obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ; } }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
) ;
dumpProcess . on ( 'exit' , ( code ) => {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( code != 0 ) { console . log ( ` PostgreSQLdump child process exited with code: ` + code ) ; obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _DBDUMP ; }
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ;
2021-04-10 18:18:27 -04:00
} ) ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
} else {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//NeDB backup, no db dump needed, just make a file backup
obj . createBackupfile ( func ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; } ;
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
return 'Starting auto-backup...' ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} ;
obj . createBackupfile = function ( func ) {
parent . debug ( 'db' , 'Entering createFileBackup' ) ;
let archiver = require ( 'archiver' ) ;
let archive = null ;
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
let zipLevel = Math . min ( Math . max ( Number ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . zipcompression ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . zipcompression : 5 ) , 1 ) , 9 ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//if password defined, create encrypted zip
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . zippassword == 'string' ) ) {
try {
//Only register format once, otherwise it triggers an error
if ( archiver . isRegisteredFormat ( 'zip-encrypted' ) == false ) { archiver . registerFormat ( 'zip-encrypted' , require ( 'archiver-zip-encrypted' ) ) ; }
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
archive = archiver . create ( 'zip-encrypted' , { zlib : { level : zipLevel } , encryptionMethod : 'aes256' , password : parent . config . settings . autobackup . zippassword } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( func ) { func ( 'Creating encrypted ZIP' ) ; }
} catch ( ex ) { // registering encryption failed, do not fall back to non-encrypted, fail backup and skip old backup removal as a precaution to not lose any backups
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _ZIPMODULE ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( func ) { func ( 'Zipencryptionmodule failed, aborting' ) ; }
console . log ( 'Zipencryptionmodule failed, aborting' ) ;
} else {
if ( func ) { func ( 'Creating a NON-ENCRYPTED ZIP' ) ; }
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
archive = archiver ( 'zip' , { zlib : { level : zipLevel } } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
//original behavior, just a filebackup if dbdump fails : (obj.backupStatus == 0 || obj.backupStatus == BACKUPFAIL_DBDUMP)
if ( obj . backupStatus == 0 ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
// Zip the data directory with the dbdump|NeDB files
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
let output = parent . fs . createWriteStream ( obj . newAutoBackupFile ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
output . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( obj . backupStatus == 0 ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//remove dump archive file, because zipped and otherwise fills up
if ( obj . databaseType != DB _NEDB ) {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
try { parent . fs . unlink ( obj . newDBDumpFile , function ( ) { } ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'Failed to clean up dbdump file' ) } ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . performCloudBackup ( obj . newAutoBackupFile , func ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
// Remove old backups
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup && ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . keeplastdaysbackup == 'number' ) ) {
let cutoffDate = new Date ( ) ;
cutoffDate . setDate ( cutoffDate . getDate ( ) - parent . config . settings . autobackup . keeplastdaysbackup ) ;
parent . fs . readdir ( parent . backuppath , function ( err , dir ) {
try {
if ( ( err == null ) && ( dir . length > 0 ) ) {
let fileName = ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname == 'string' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname : 'meshcentral-autobackup-' ;
for ( var i in dir ) {
var name = dir [ i ] ;
if ( name . startsWith ( fileName ) && name . endsWith ( '.zip' ) ) {
var timex = name . substring ( 23 , name . length - 4 ) . split ( '-' ) ;
if ( timex . length == 5 ) {
var fileDate = new Date ( parseInt ( timex [ 0 ] ) , parseInt ( timex [ 1 ] ) - 1 , parseInt ( timex [ 2 ] ) , parseInt ( timex [ 3 ] ) , parseInt ( timex [ 4 ] ) ) ;
if ( fileDate && ( cutoffDate > fileDate ) ) { try { parent . fs . unlink ( parent . path . join ( parent . backuppath , name ) , function ( ) { } ) ; } catch ( ex ) { } }
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} catch ( ex ) { console . log ( ex ) ; }
} ) ;
console . log ( 'Auto-backup completed.' ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Auto-backup completed.' ) ; } ;
} else {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
console . log ( 'Zipbackup failed (' + ( + obj . backupStatus ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( - 4 ) + '), deleting incomplete backup: ' + obj . newAutoBackupFile ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Zipbackup failed (' + ( + obj . backupStatus ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( - 4 ) + '), deleting incomplete backup: ' + obj . newAutoBackupFile ) } ;
try { parent . fs . unlink ( obj . newAutoBackupFile , function ( ) { } ) ; parent . fs . unlink ( obj . newDBDumpFile , function ( ) { } ) ; } catch ( ex ) { console . log ( 'Failed to delete incomplete backup files' ) } ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} ;
obj . performingBackup = false ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus = 0x0 ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} ) ;
output . on ( 'end' , function ( ) { } ) ;
output . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( ( obj . backupStatus & BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ) == 0 ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
console . log ( 'Output error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Output error: ' + err ) ; } ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
archive . abort ( ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
archive . on ( 'warning' , function ( err ) {
//if files added to the archiver object aren't reachable anymore (e.g. sqlite-journal files)
//an ENOENT warning is given, but the archiver module has no option to/does not skip/resume
//so the backup needs te be aborted as it otherwise leaves an incomplete zip and never 'ends'
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( ( obj . backupStatus & BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ) == 0 ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
console . log ( 'Zip warning: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Zip warning: ' + err ) ; } ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
archive . abort ( ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
archive . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( ( obj . backupStatus & BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ) == 0 ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
console . log ( 'Zip error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Zip error: ' + err ) ; } ;
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
obj . backupStatus |= BACKUPFAIL _ZIPCREATE ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
archive . abort ( ) ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
} ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
archive . pipe ( output ) ;
let globIgnoreFiles ;
//slice in case exclusion gets pushed
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
globIgnoreFiles = parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupignorefilesglob ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupignorefilesglob . slice ( ) : [ ] ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
if ( parent . config . settings . sqlite3 ) { globIgnoreFiles . push ( datapathFoldername + '/' + databaseName + '.sqlite*' ) ; } ; //skip sqlite database file, and temp files with ext -journal, -wal & -shm
//archiver.glob doesn't seem to use the third param, archivesubdir. Bug?
//workaround: go up a dir and add data dir explicitly to keep the zip tidy
archive . glob ( ( datapathFoldername + '/**' ) , {
cwd : datapathParentPath ,
ignore : globIgnoreFiles ,
2024-11-10 14:49:11 +01:00
skip : ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupskipfoldersglob ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupskipfoldersglob : [ ] )
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
} ) ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupwebfolders ) {
if ( parent . webViewsOverridePath ) { archive . directory ( parent . webViewsOverridePath , 'meshcentral-views' ) ; }
if ( parent . webPublicOverridePath ) { archive . directory ( parent . webPublicOverridePath , 'meshcentral-public' ) ; }
if ( parent . webEmailsOverridePath ) { archive . directory ( parent . webEmailsOverridePath , 'meshcentral-emails' ) ; }
} ;
if ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupotherfolders ) {
archive . directory ( parent . filespath , 'meshcentral-files' ) ;
archive . directory ( parent . recordpath , 'meshcentral-recordings' ) ;
} ;
2024-11-05 14:26:05 +01:00
//add dbdump to the root of the zip
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
if ( obj . newDBDumpFile != null ) archive . file ( obj . newDBDumpFile , { name : path . basename ( obj . newDBDumpFile ) } ) ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
archive . finalize ( ) ;
} else {
//failed somewhere before zipping
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
console . log ( 'Backup failed (' + ( + obj . backupStatus ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( - 4 ) + ')' ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Backup failed (' + ( + obj . backupStatus ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( - 4 ) + ')' ) } ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
//Just in case something's there
2024-11-05 16:05:15 +00:00
try { parent . fs . unlink ( obj . newDBDumpFile , function ( ) { } ) ; } catch ( ex ) { } ;
obj . backupStatus = 0x0 ;
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
obj . performingBackup = false ;
} ;
} ;
2019-05-17 12:40:15 -07:00
2020-08-21 01:57:03 -07:00
// Perform cloud backup
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
obj . performCloudBackup = function ( filename , func ) {
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
// WebDAV Backup
if ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup == 'object' ) && ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav == 'object' ) ) {
const xdateTimeSort = function ( a , b ) { if ( a . xdate > b . xdate ) return 1 ; if ( a . xdate < b . xdate ) return - 1 ; return 0 ; }
// Fetch the folder name
var webdavfolderName = 'MeshCentral-Backups' ;
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . foldername == 'string' ) { webdavfolderName = parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . foldername ; }
// Clean up our WebDAV folder
function performWebDavCleanup ( client ) {
if ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . maxfiles == 'number' ) && ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . maxfiles > 1 ) ) {
2024-11-03 19:44:15 +01:00
let fileName = ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname == 'string' ) ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . backupname : 'meshcentral-autobackup-' ;
//only files matching our backupfilename
let directoryItems = client . getDirectoryContents ( webdavfolderName , { deep : false , glob : "/**/" + fileName + "*.zip" } ) ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
directoryItems . then (
function ( files ) {
for ( var i in files ) { files [ i ] . xdate = new Date ( files [ i ] . lastmod ) ; }
files . sort ( xdateTimeSort ) ;
while ( files . length >= parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . maxfiles ) {
client . deleteFile ( files . shift ( ) . filename ) . then ( function ( state ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV file deleted.' ) ; }
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV (deleteFile) error: ' + err ) ; }
} ) ;
) . catch ( function ( err ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV (getDirectoryContents) error: ' + err ) ; }
} ) ;
// Upload to the WebDAV folder
function performWebDavUpload ( client , filepath ) {
2023-09-06 13:53:28 +01:00
require ( 'fs' ) . stat ( filepath , function ( err , stat ) {
var fileStream = require ( 'fs' ) . createReadStream ( filepath ) ;
fileStream . on ( 'close' , function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV upload completed' ) ; } } )
fileStream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV (fileUpload) error: ' + err ) ; } } )
fileStream . pipe ( client . createWriteStream ( '/' + webdavfolderName + '/' + require ( 'path' ) . basename ( filepath ) , { headers : { "Content-Length" : stat . size } } ) ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Uploading using WebDAV...' ) ; }
} ) ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
if ( func ) { func ( 'Attempting WebDAV upload...' ) ; }
const { createClient } = require ( 'webdav' ) ;
2023-09-06 13:53:28 +01:00
const client = createClient ( parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . url , {
username : parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . username ,
password : parent . config . settings . autobackup . webdav . password ,
maxContentLength : Infinity ,
maxBodyLength : Infinity
} ) ;
client . exists ( webdavfolderName ) . then ( function ( a ) {
if ( a ) {
performWebDavCleanup ( client ) ;
performWebDavUpload ( client , filename ) ;
} else {
client . createDirectory ( webdavfolderName , { recursive : true } ) . then ( function ( a ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV folder created' ) ; }
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
performWebDavUpload ( client , filename ) ;
2023-09-06 13:53:28 +01:00
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV (createDirectory) error: ' + err ) ; }
} ) ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
2023-09-06 13:53:28 +01:00
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'WebDAV (exists) error: ' + err ) ; }
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
} ) ;
// Google Drive Backup
if ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup == 'object' ) && ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive == 'object' ) ) {
obj . Get ( 'GoogleDriveBackup' , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err != null ) || ( docs . length != 1 ) || ( docs [ 0 ] . state != 3 ) ) return ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Attempting Google Drive upload...' ) ; }
const { google } = require ( 'googleapis' ) ;
const oAuth2Client = new google . auth . OAuth2 ( docs [ 0 ] . clientid , docs [ 0 ] . clientsecret , "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" ) ;
oAuth2Client . on ( 'tokens' , function ( tokens ) { if ( tokens . refresh _token ) { docs [ 0 ] . token = tokens . refresh _token ; parent . db . Set ( docs [ 0 ] ) ; } } ) ; // Update the token in the database
oAuth2Client . setCredentials ( docs [ 0 ] . token ) ;
const drive = google . drive ( { version : 'v3' , auth : oAuth2Client } ) ;
const createdTimeSort = function ( a , b ) { if ( a . createdTime > b . createdTime ) return 1 ; if ( a . createdTime < b . createdTime ) return - 1 ; return 0 ; }
// Called once we know our folder id, clean up and upload a backup.
var useGoogleDrive = function ( folderid ) {
// List files to see if we need to delete older ones
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive . maxfiles == 'number' ) {
drive . files . list ( {
q : 'trashed = false and \'' + folderid + '\' in parents' ,
fields : 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime)' ,
} , function ( err , res ) {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( 'GoogleDrive (files.list) error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'GoogleDrive (files.list) error: ' + err ) ; }
return ;
// Delete any old files if more than 10 files are present in the backup folder.
res . data . files . sort ( createdTimeSort ) ;
while ( res . data . files . length >= parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive . maxfiles ) { drive . files . delete ( { fileId : res . data . files . shift ( ) . id } , function ( err , res ) { } ) ; }
} ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'Uploading to Google Drive...' ) ; }
// Upload the backup
drive . files . create ( {
requestBody : { name : require ( 'path' ) . basename ( filename ) , mimeType : 'text/plain' , parents : [ folderid ] } ,
media : { mimeType : 'application/zip' , body : require ( 'fs' ) . createReadStream ( filename ) } ,
2020-08-21 11:47:34 -07:00
} , function ( err , res ) {
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
if ( err ) {
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
console . log ( 'GoogleDrive (files.create) error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'GoogleDrive (files.create) error: ' + err ) ; }
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
return ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
//console.log('Upload done.');
if ( func ) { func ( 'Google Drive upload completed.' ) ; }
2020-08-21 11:47:34 -07:00
} ) ;
2020-08-21 01:57:03 -07:00
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
// Fetch the folder name
var folderName = 'MeshCentral-Backups' ;
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive . foldername == 'string' ) { folderName = parent . config . settings . autobackup . googledrive . foldername ; }
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
// Find our backup folder, create one if needed.
drive . files . list ( {
q : 'mimeType = \'application/vnd.google-apps.folder\' and name=\'' + folderName + '\' and trashed = false' ,
fields : 'nextPageToken, files(id, name)' ,
2020-08-21 01:57:03 -07:00
} , function ( err , res ) {
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
if ( err ) {
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
console . log ( 'GoogleDrive error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'GoogleDrive error: ' + err ) ; }
2020-09-08 13:02:05 -07:00
return ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
if ( res . data . files . length == 0 ) {
// Create a folder
drive . files . create ( { resource : { 'name' : folderName , 'mimeType' : 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder' } , fields : 'id' } , function ( err , file ) {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( 'GoogleDrive (folder.create) error: ' + err ) ;
if ( func ) { func ( 'GoogleDrive (folder.create) error: ' + err ) ; }
return ;
useGoogleDrive ( file . data . id ) ;
} ) ;
} else { useGoogleDrive ( res . data . files [ 0 ] . id ) ; }
2020-08-21 01:57:03 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-09-10 12:43:48 -07:00
2024-07-29 14:41:36 +01:00
// S3 Backup
if ( ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup == 'object' ) && ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 == 'object' ) ) {
var s3folderName = 'MeshCentral-Backups' ;
if ( typeof parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . foldername == 'string' ) { s3folderName = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . foldername ; }
// Construct the config object
var accessKey = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . accesskey ,
secretKey = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . secretkey ,
endpoint = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . endpoint ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . endpoint : 's3.amazonaws.com' ,
port = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . port ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . port : 443 ,
useSsl = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . ssl ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . ssl : true ,
bucketName = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . bucketname ,
pathPrefix = s3folderName ,
threshold = parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . maxfiles ? parent . config . settings . autobackup . s3 . maxfiles : 0 ,
fileToUpload = filename ;
// Create a MinIO client
const Minio = require ( 'minio' ) ;
var minioClient = new Minio . Client ( {
endPoint : endpoint ,
port : port ,
useSSL : useSsl ,
accessKey : accessKey ,
secretKey : secretKey
} ) ;
// List objects in the specified bucket and path prefix
var listObjectsPromise = new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
var items = [ ] ;
var stream = minioClient . listObjects ( bucketName , pathPrefix , true ) ;
stream . on ( 'data' , function ( item ) {
if ( ! item . name . endsWith ( '/' ) ) { // Exclude directories
items . push ( item ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'end' , function ( ) {
resolve ( items ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
listObjectsPromise . then ( function ( objects ) {
// Count the number of files
var fileCount = objects . length ;
// Return if no files to carry on uploading
if ( fileCount === 0 ) { return Promise . resolve ( ) ; }
// Sort the files by LastModified date (oldest first)
objects . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return new Date ( a . lastModified ) - new Date ( b . lastModified ) ; } ) ;
// Check if the threshold is zero and return if
if ( threshold === 0 ) { return Promise . resolve ( ) ; }
// Check if the number of files exceeds the threshold (maxfiles) is 0
if ( fileCount >= threshold ) {
// Calculate how many files need to be deleted to make space for the new file
var filesToDelete = fileCount - threshold + 1 ; // +1 to make space for the new file
if ( func ) { func ( 'Deleting ' + filesToDelete + ' older ' + ( filesToDelete == 1 ? 'file' : 'files' ) + ' from S3 ...' ) ; }
// Create an array of promises for deleting files
var deletePromises = objects . slice ( 0 , filesToDelete ) . map ( function ( fileToDelete ) {
return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
minioClient . removeObject ( bucketName , fileToDelete . name , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
reject ( err ) ;
} else {
if ( func ) { func ( 'Deleted file: ' + fileToDelete . name + ' from S3' ) ; }
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Wait for all deletions to complete
return Promise . all ( deletePromises ) ;
} else {
return Promise . resolve ( ) ; // No deletion needed
} ) . then ( function ( ) {
// Determine the upload path by combining the pathPrefix with the filename
var fileName = require ( 'path' ) . basename ( fileToUpload ) ;
var uploadPath = require ( 'path' ) . join ( pathPrefix , fileName ) ;
// Upload a new file
var uploadPromise = new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'Uploading file ' + uploadPath + ' to S3' ) ; }
minioClient . fPutObject ( bucketName , uploadPath , fileToUpload , function ( err , etag ) {
if ( err ) {
reject ( err ) ;
} else {
if ( func ) { func ( 'Uploaded file: ' + uploadPath + ' to S3' ) ; }
resolve ( etag ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return uploadPromise ;
} ) . catch ( function ( error ) {
if ( func ) { func ( 'Error managing files in S3: ' + error ) ; }
} ) ;
2020-08-21 01:57:03 -07:00
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Transfer NeDB data into the current database
obj . nedbtodb = function ( func ) {
2023-09-07 19:31:26 +01:00
var nedbDatastore = null ;
try { nedbDatastore = require ( '@yetzt/nedb' ) ; } catch ( ex ) { } // This is the NeDB with fixed security dependencies.
if ( nedbDatastore == null ) { nedbDatastore = require ( 'nedb' ) ; } // So not to break any existing installations, if the old NeDB is present, use it.
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
var datastoreOptions = { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral.db' ) , autoload : true } ;
// If a DB encryption key is provided, perform database encryption
if ( ( typeof parent . args . dbencryptkey == 'string' ) && ( parent . args . dbencryptkey . length != 0 ) ) {
// Hash the database password into a AES256 key and setup encryption and decryption.
var nedbKey = parent . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( parent . args . dbencryptkey ) . digest ( 'raw' ) . slice ( 0 , 32 ) ;
datastoreOptions . afterSerialization = function ( plaintext ) {
const iv = parent . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , nedbKey , iv ) ;
var ciphertext = aes . update ( plaintext ) ;
ciphertext = Buffer . concat ( [ iv , ciphertext , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return ciphertext . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
datastoreOptions . beforeDeserialization = function ( ciphertext ) {
const ciphertextBytes = Buffer . from ( ciphertext , 'base64' ) ;
const iv = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 0 , 16 ) ;
const data = ciphertextBytes . slice ( 16 ) ;
const aes = parent . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-cbc' , nedbKey , iv ) ;
var plaintextBytes = Buffer . from ( aes . update ( data ) ) ;
plaintextBytes = Buffer . concat ( [ plaintextBytes , aes . final ( ) ] ) ;
return plaintextBytes . toString ( ) ;
// Setup all NeDB collections
var nedbfile = new nedbDatastore ( datastoreOptions ) ;
var nedbeventsfile = new nedbDatastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-events.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
var nedbpowerfile = new nedbDatastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-power.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
var nedbserverstatsfile = new nedbDatastore ( { filename : parent . getConfigFilePath ( 'meshcentral-stats.db' ) , autoload : true , corruptAlertThreshold : 1 } ) ;
// Transfered record counts
var normalRecordsTransferCount = 0 ;
var eventRecordsTransferCount = 0 ;
var powerRecordsTransferCount = 0 ;
var statsRecordsTransferCount = 0 ;
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer = 0 ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Transfer the data from main database
nedbfile . find ( { } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
performTypedRecordDecrypt ( docs )
for ( var i in docs ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
normalRecordsTransferCount ++ ;
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . Set ( common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( docs [ i ] ) , function ( ) { obj . pendingTransfer -- ; } ) ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Transfer events
nedbeventsfile . find ( { } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
eventRecordsTransferCount ++ ;
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . StoreEvent ( docs [ i ] , function ( ) { obj . pendingTransfer -- ; } ) ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Transfer power events
nedbpowerfile . find ( { } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
powerRecordsTransferCount ++ ;
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . storePowerEvent ( docs [ i ] , null , function ( ) { obj . pendingTransfer -- ; } ) ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Transfer server stats
nedbserverstatsfile . find ( { } , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( ( err == null ) && ( docs . length > 0 ) ) {
for ( var i in docs ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . pendingTransfer ++ ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
statsRecordsTransferCount ++ ;
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
obj . SetServerStats ( docs [ i ] , function ( ) { obj . pendingTransfer -- ; } ) ;
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
// Only exit when all the records are stored.
setInterval ( function ( ) {
2023-09-15 14:38:17 +01:00
if ( obj . pendingTransfer == 0 ) { func ( "Done. " + normalRecordsTransferCount + " record(s), " + eventRecordsTransferCount + " event(s), " + powerRecordsTransferCount + " power change(s), " + statsRecordsTransferCount + " stat(s)." ) ; }
2021-01-04 16:26:25 -08:00
} , 200 )
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-17 12:40:15 -07:00
function padNumber ( number , digits ) { return Array ( Math . max ( digits - String ( number ) . length + 1 , 0 ) ) . join ( 0 ) + number ; }
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
// Called when a node has changed
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
function dbNodeChange ( nodeChange , added ) {
2024-09-05 15:39:45 +01:00
if ( parent . webserver == null ) return ;
2020-03-26 19:33:13 -07:00
common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( nodeChange . fullDocument ) ;
2020-11-12 18:42:26 -08:00
const node = performTypedRecordDecrypt ( [ nodeChange . fullDocument ] ) [ 0 ] ;
2021-02-22 16:54:30 -08:00
parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , node . meshid ] , obj , { etype : 'node' , action : ( added ? 'addnode' : 'changenode' ) , node : parent . webserver . CloneSafeNode ( node ) , nodeid : node . _id , domain : node . domain , nolog : 1 } ) ;
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
// Called when a device group has changed
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
function dbMeshChange ( meshChange , added ) {
2019-07-15 10:24:31 -07:00
if ( parent . webserver == null ) return ;
2019-07-10 14:27:38 -07:00
common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( meshChange . fullDocument ) ;
2020-11-12 18:42:26 -08:00
const mesh = performTypedRecordDecrypt ( [ meshChange . fullDocument ] ) [ 0 ] ;
2019-05-31 11:38:35 -07:00
// Update the mesh object in memory
const mmesh = parent . webserver . meshes [ mesh . _id ] ;
2022-08-22 10:42:50 -07:00
if ( mmesh != null ) {
// Update an existing device group
for ( var i in mesh ) { mmesh [ i ] = mesh [ i ] ; }
for ( var i in mmesh ) { if ( mesh [ i ] == null ) { delete mmesh [ i ] ; } }
} else {
// Device group not present, create it.
parent . webserver . meshes [ mesh . _id ] = mesh ;
2019-05-31 11:38:35 -07:00
// Send the mesh update
2024-11-15 16:54:28 -05:00
var mesh2 = Object . assign ( { } , mesh ) ; // Shallow clone
if ( mesh2 . deleted ) { mesh2 . action = 'deletemesh' ; } else { mesh2 . action = ( added ? 'createmesh' : 'meshchange' ) ; }
mesh2 . meshid = mesh2 . _id ;
mesh2 . nolog = 1 ;
delete mesh2 . type ;
delete mesh2 . _id ;
parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , mesh2 . meshid ] , obj , parent . webserver . CloneSafeMesh ( mesh2 ) ) ;
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
// Called when a user account has changed
2019-05-29 14:36:14 -07:00
function dbUserChange ( userChange , added ) {
2019-07-15 10:24:31 -07:00
if ( parent . webserver == null ) return ;
2020-11-28 18:03:09 -08:00
common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( userChange . fullDocument ) ;
2020-11-12 18:42:26 -08:00
const user = performTypedRecordDecrypt ( [ userChange . fullDocument ] ) [ 0 ] ;
2022-08-22 10:42:50 -07:00
2019-05-31 11:38:35 -07:00
// Update the user object in memory
const muser = parent . webserver . users [ user . _id ] ;
2022-08-22 10:42:50 -07:00
if ( muser != null ) {
// Update an existing user
for ( var i in user ) { muser [ i ] = user [ i ] ; }
for ( var i in muser ) { if ( user [ i ] == null ) { delete muser [ i ] ; } }
} else {
// User not present, create it.
parent . webserver . users [ user . _id ] = user ;
2019-05-31 11:38:35 -07:00
// Send the user update
2019-06-11 11:33:44 -07:00
var targets = [ '*' , 'server-users' , user . _id ] ;
if ( user . groups ) { for ( var i in user . groups ) { targets . push ( 'server-users:' + i ) ; } }
2022-01-11 13:10:36 -08:00
parent . DispatchEvent ( targets , obj , { etype : 'user' , userid : user . _id , username : user . name , account : parent . webserver . CloneSafeUser ( user ) , action : ( added ? 'accountcreate' : 'accountchange' ) , domain : user . domain , nolog : 1 } ) ;
2019-05-28 17:25:23 -07:00
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
// Called when a user group has changed
function dbUGrpChange ( ugrpChange , added ) {
if ( parent . webserver == null ) return ;
common . unEscapeLinksFieldName ( ugrpChange . fullDocument ) ;
const usergroup = ugrpChange . fullDocument ;
// Update the user group object in memory
2020-11-28 18:03:09 -08:00
const uusergroup = parent . webserver . userGroups [ usergroup . _id ] ;
2022-08-22 10:42:50 -07:00
if ( uusergroup != null ) {
// Update an existing user group
for ( var i in usergroup ) { uusergroup [ i ] = usergroup [ i ] ; }
for ( var i in uusergroup ) { if ( usergroup [ i ] == null ) { delete uusergroup [ i ] ; } }
} else {
// Usergroup not present, create it.
parent . webserver . userGroups [ usergroup . _id ] = usergroup ;
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
// Send the user group update
2024-11-15 16:54:28 -05:00
var usergroup2 = Object . assign ( { } , usergroup ) ; // Shallow clone
usergroup2 . action = ( added ? 'createusergroup' : 'usergroupchange' ) ;
usergroup2 . ugrpid = usergroup2 . _id ;
usergroup2 . nolog = 1 ;
delete usergroup2 . type ;
delete usergroup2 . _id ;
parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , usergroup2 . ugrpid ] , obj , usergroup2 ) ;
2020-01-02 00:30:14 -08:00
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
function dbMergeSqlArray ( arr ) {
var x = '' ;
2024-11-15 23:14:58 +01:00
for ( var i in arr ) { if ( x != '' ) { x += ',' ; } x += '\'' + arr [ i ] + '\'' ; }
2022-08-15 16:28:06 -07:00
return x ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
return obj ;
2020-01-29 21:12:09 +01:00
} ;