2023-12-22 23:18:17 +00:00
/ *
Copyright 2019 - 2021 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
function trimIdentifiers ( val )
for ( var v in val )
if ( ! val [ v ] || val [ v ] == 'None' || val [ v ] == '' ) { delete val [ v ] ; }
function trimResults ( val )
var i , x ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < val . length ; ++ i )
for ( x in val [ i ] )
if ( x . startsWith ( '_' ) )
delete val [ i ] [ x ] ;
if ( val [ i ] [ x ] == null || val [ i ] [ x ] == 0 )
delete val [ i ] [ x ] ;
function brief ( headers , obj )
var i , x ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < obj . length ; ++ x )
for ( i in obj [ x ] )
if ( ! headers . includes ( i ) )
delete obj [ x ] [ i ] ;
return ( obj ) ;
function dataHandler ( c )
this . str += c . toString ( ) ;
function linux _identifiers ( )
var identifiers = { } ;
var ret = { } ;
var values = { } ;
if ( ! require ( 'fs' ) . existsSync ( '/sys/class/dmi/id' ) ) {
if ( require ( 'fs' ) . existsSync ( '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model' ) ) {
if ( require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) . startsWith ( 'Raspberry' ) ) {
identifiers [ 'board_vendor' ] = 'Raspberry Pi' ;
identifiers [ 'board_name' ] = require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
identifiers [ 'board_serial' ] = require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/serial-number' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
} else {
throw ( 'Unknown board' ) ;
} else {
throw ( 'this platform does not have DMI statistics' ) ;
} else {
var entries = require ( 'fs' ) . readdirSync ( '/sys/class/dmi/id' ) ;
for ( var i in entries )
if ( require ( 'fs' ) . statSync ( '/sys/class/dmi/id/' + entries [ i ] ) . isFile ( ) )
ret [ entries [ i ] ] = require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/sys/class/dmi/id/' + entries [ i ] ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
catch ( z )
if ( ret [ entries [ i ] ] == 'None' ) { delete ret [ entries [ i ] ] ; }
entries = null ;
identifiers [ 'bios_date' ] = ret [ 'bios_date' ] ;
identifiers [ 'bios_vendor' ] = ret [ 'bios_vendor' ] ;
identifiers [ 'bios_version' ] = ret [ 'bios_version' ] ;
identifiers [ 'bios_serial' ] = ret [ 'product_serial' ] ;
identifiers [ 'board_name' ] = ret [ 'board_name' ] ;
identifiers [ 'board_serial' ] = ret [ 'board_serial' ] ;
identifiers [ 'board_vendor' ] = ret [ 'board_vendor' ] ;
identifiers [ 'board_version' ] = ret [ 'board_version' ] ;
identifiers [ 'product_uuid' ] = ret [ 'product_uuid' ] ;
identifiers [ 'product_name' ] = ret [ 'product_name' ] ;
try {
identifiers [ 'bios_mode' ] = ( require ( 'fs' ) . statSync ( '/sys/firmware/efi' ) . isDirectory ( ) ? 'UEFI' : 'Legacy' ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { identifiers [ 'bios_mode' ] = 'Legacy' ; }
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
2024-01-25 17:21:40 +00:00
child . stdin . write ( 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i "model name" | ' + "tr '\\n' ':' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'\nexit\n" ) ;
2023-12-22 23:18:17 +00:00
child . waitExit ( ) ;
identifiers [ 'cpu_name' ] = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
2024-01-25 17:21:40 +00:00
if ( identifiers [ 'cpu_name' ] == "" ) { // CPU BLANK, check lscpu instead
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'lscpu | grep -i "model name" | ' + "tr '\\n' ':' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
identifiers [ 'cpu_name' ] = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
2023-12-22 23:18:17 +00:00
child = null ;
// Fetch GPU info
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "lspci | grep ' VGA ' | tr '\\n' '`' | awk '{ a=split($0,lines" + ',"`"); printf "["; for(i=1;i<a;++i) { split(lines[i],gpu,"r: "); printf "%s\\"%s\\"", (i==1?"":","),gpu[2]; } printf "]"; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
try { identifiers [ 'gpu_name' ] = JSON . parse ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ) ; } catch ( xx ) { }
child = null ;
// Fetch Storage Info
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "lshw -class disk | tr '\\n' '`' | awk '" + '{ len=split($0,lines,"*"); printf "["; for(i=2;i<=len;++i) { model=""; caption=""; size=""; clen=split(lines[i],item,"`"); for(j=2;j<clen;++j) { split(item[j],tokens,":"); split(tokens[1],key," "); if(key[1]=="description") { caption=substr(tokens[2],2); } if(key[1]=="product") { model=substr(tokens[2],2); } if(key[1]=="size") { size=substr(tokens[2],2); } } if(model=="") { model=caption; } if(caption!="" || model!="") { printf "%s{\\"Caption\\":\\"%s\\",\\"Model\\":\\"%s\\",\\"Size\\":\\"%s\\"}",(i==2?"":","),caption,model,size; } } printf "]"; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
try { identifiers [ 'storage_devices' ] = JSON . parse ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ) ; } catch ( xx ) { }
values . identifiers = identifiers ;
values . linux = ret ;
trimIdentifiers ( values . identifiers ) ;
child = null ;
var dmidecode = require ( 'lib-finder' ) . findBinary ( 'dmidecode' ) ;
if ( dmidecode != null )
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( dmidecode + " -t memory | tr '\\n' '`' | " ) ;
child . stdin . write ( " awk '{ " ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("[");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' c=split($0, lines, "``");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(i=1;i<=c;++i)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' d=split(lines[i], val, "`");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' split(val[1], tokens, ",");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' split(tokens[2], dmitype, " ");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' dmi = dmitype[3]+0; ' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(dmi == 5 || dmi == 6 || dmi == 16 || dmi == 17)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' ccx="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s{\\"%s\\": {", comma, val[2]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(j=3;j<d;++j)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' sub(/^[ \\t]*/,"",val[j]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(split(val[j],tmp,":")>1)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' sub(/^[ \\t]*/,"",tmp[2]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' gsub(/ /,"",tmp[1]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s\\"%s\\": \\"%s\\"", ccx, tmp[1], tmp[2]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' ccx=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("}}");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("]");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "}'\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
var j = JSON . parse ( child . stdout . str ) ;
var i , key , key2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < j . length ; ++ i )
for ( key in j [ i ] )
delete j [ i ] [ key ] [ 'ArrayHandle' ] ;
delete j [ i ] [ key ] [ 'ErrorInformationHandle' ] ;
for ( key2 in j [ i ] [ key ] )
if ( j [ i ] [ key ] [ key2 ] == 'Unknown' || j [ i ] [ key ] [ key2 ] == 'Not Specified' || j [ i ] [ key ] [ key2 ] == '' )
delete j [ i ] [ key ] [ key2 ] ;
if ( j . length > 0 ) {
var mem = { } ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < j . length ; ++ i )
for ( key in j [ i ] )
if ( mem [ key ] == null ) { mem [ key ] = [ ] ; }
mem [ key ] . push ( j [ i ] [ key ] ) ;
values . linux . memory = mem ;
catch ( e )
{ }
child = null ;
var usbdevices = require ( 'lib-finder' ) . findBinary ( 'usb-devices' ) ;
if ( usbdevices != null )
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( usbdevices + " | tr '\\n' '`' | " ) ;
child . stdin . write ( " awk '" ) ;
child . stdin . write ( '{' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("[");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' len=split($0, group, "``");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(i=1;i<=len;++i)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma2="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' xlen=split(group[i], line, "`");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' scount=0;' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(x=1;x<xlen;++x)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(line[x] ~ "^S:")' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' ++scount;' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(scount>0)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s{", comma); comma=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(x=1;x<xlen;++x)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(line[x] ~ "^T:")' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma3="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s\\"hardware\\": {", comma2); comma2=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' sub(/^T:[ \\t]*/, "", line[x]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' gsub(/= */, "=", line[x]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' blen=split(line[x], tokens, " ");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(y=1;y<blen;++y)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' match(tokens[y],/=/);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' h=substr(tokens[y],1,RSTART-1);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' v=substr(tokens[y],RSTART+1);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' sub(/#/, "", h);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s\\"%s\\": \\"%s\\"", comma3, h, v); comma3=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("}");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(line[x] ~ "^S:")' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' sub(/^S:[ \\t]*/, "", line[x]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' match(line[x], /=/);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' h=substr(line[x],1,RSTART-1);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' v=substr(line[x],RSTART+1);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s\\"%s\\": \\"%s\\"", comma2, h,v); comma2=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("}");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("]");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "}'\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
values . linux . usb = JSON . parse ( child . stdout . str ) ;
catch ( x )
{ }
child = null ;
var pcidevices = require ( 'lib-finder' ) . findBinary ( 'lspci' ) ;
if ( pcidevices != null )
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , dataHandler ) ;
child . stdin . write ( pcidevices + " -m | tr '\\n' '`' | " ) ;
child . stdin . write ( " awk '" ) ;
child . stdin . write ( '{' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("[");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' comma="";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' alen=split($0, lines, "`");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' for(a=1;a<alen;++a)' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' match(lines[a], / /);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' blen=split(lines[a], meta, "\\"");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' bus=substr(lines[a], 1, RSTART);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' gsub(/ /, "", bus);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("%s{\\"bus\\": \\"%s\\"", comma, bus); comma=",";' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf(", \\"device\\": \\"%s\\"", meta[2]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf(", \\"manufacturer\\": \\"%s\\"", meta[4]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf(", \\"description\\": \\"%s\\"", meta[6]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' if(meta[8] != "")' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' {' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf(", \\"subsystem\\": {");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("\\"manufacturer\\": \\"%s\\"", meta[8]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf(", \\"description\\": \\"%s\\"", meta[10]);' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("}");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("}");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' }' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( ' printf("]");' ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "}'\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
values . linux . pci = JSON . parse ( child . stdout . str ) ;
catch ( x )
{ }
child = null ;
return ( values ) ;
function windows _wmic _results ( str )
var lines = str . trim ( ) . split ( '\r\n' ) ;
var keys = lines [ 0 ] . split ( ',' ) ;
var i , key , keyval ;
var tokens ;
var result = [ ] ;
console . log ( 'Lines: ' + lines . length , 'Keys: ' + keys . length ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i )
var obj = { } ;
console . log ( 'i: ' + i ) ;
tokens = lines [ i ] . split ( ',' ) ;
for ( key = 0 ; key < keys . length ; ++ key )
var tmp = Buffer . from ( tokens [ key ] , 'binary' ) . toString ( ) ;
console . log ( tokens [ key ] , tmp ) ;
tokens [ key ] = tmp == null ? '' : tmp ;
if ( tokens [ key ] . trim ( ) )
obj [ keys [ key ] . trim ( ) ] = tokens [ key ] . trim ( ) ;
delete obj . Node ;
result . push ( obj ) ;
return ( result ) ;
function windows _volumes ( )
var promise = require ( 'promise' ) ;
var p1 = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
var p2 = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
p1 . _p2 = p2 ;
p2 . _p1 = p1 ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe' , [ 'powershell' , '-noprofile' , '-nologo' , '-command' , '-' ] ) ;
p1 . child = child ;
child . promise = p1 ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'Get-Volume | Select-Object -Property DriveLetter,FileSystemLabel,FileSystemType,Size,DriveType | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation\nexit\n' ) ;
child . on ( 'exit' , function ( c )
var a , i , tokens , key ;
var ret = { } ;
a = this . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\r\n' ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < a . length ; ++ i )
tokens = a [ i ] . split ( ',' ) ;
if ( tokens [ 0 ] != '' && tokens [ 1 ] != undefined )
ret [ tokens [ 0 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ] =
name : tokens [ 1 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ,
type : tokens [ 2 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ,
size : tokens [ 3 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ,
removable : tokens [ 4 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] == 'Removable'
} ;
this . promise . _res ( { r : ret , t : tokens } ) ;
} ) ;
p1 . then ( function ( j )
var ret = j . r ;
var tokens = j . t ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe' , [ 'powershell' , '-noprofile' , '-nologo' , '-command' , '-' ] ) ;
p2 . child = child ;
child . promise = p2 ;
child . tokens = tokens ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'Get-BitLockerVolume | Select-Object -Property MountPoint,VolumeStatus,ProtectionStatus | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation\nexit\n' ) ;
child . on ( 'exit' , function ( )
var i ;
var a = this . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\r\n' ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < a . length ; ++ i )
tokens = a [ i ] . split ( ',' ) ;
key = tokens [ 0 ] . split ( ':' ) . shift ( ) . split ( '"' ) . pop ( ) ;
if ( ret [ key ] != null )
ret [ key ] . volumeStatus = tokens [ 1 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ;
ret [ key ] . protectionStatus = tokens [ 2 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] ;
2024-01-08 06:22:17 +00:00
try {
var str = '' ;
var foundMarkedLine = false ;
var password = '' ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe' , [ '/c' , 'manage-bde -protectors -get ' , tokens [ 0 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 1 ] , ' -Type recoverypassword' ] , { } ) ;
child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { str += chunk . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { str += chunk . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
var lines = str . split ( /\r?\n/ ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( lines [ i ] . trim ( ) !== '' && lines [ i ] . includes ( 'Password:' ) && ! lines [ i ] . includes ( 'Numerical Password:' ) ) {
if ( i + 1 < lines . length && lines [ i + 1 ] . trim ( ) !== '' ) {
password = lines [ i + 1 ] . trim ( ) ;
foundMarkedLine = true ;
if ( foundMarkedLine ) break ;
ret [ key ] . recoveryPassword = ( foundMarkedLine ? password : '' ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { }
2023-12-22 23:18:17 +00:00
this . promise . _res ( ret ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return ( p2 ) ;
function windows _identifiers ( )
var ret = { windows : { } } ;
var items , item , i ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] = { } ;
var values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_Bios" , [ 'ReleaseDate' , 'Manufacturer' , 'SMBIOSBIOSVersion' , 'SerialNumber' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_date' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'ReleaseDate' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_vendor' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'Manufacturer' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_version' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'SMBIOSBIOSVersion' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_serial' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'SerialNumber' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_mode' ] = 'Legacy' ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard" , [ 'Product' , 'SerialNumber' , 'Manufacturer' , 'Version' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'board_name' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'Product' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'board_serial' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'SerialNumber' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'board_vendor' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'Manufacturer' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'board_version' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'Version' ] ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct" , [ 'UUID' , 'Name' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'product_uuid' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'UUID' ] ;
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'product_name' ] = values [ 0 ] [ 'Name' ] ;
trimIdentifiers ( ret . identifiers ) ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory" ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
trimResults ( values ) ;
ret . windows . memory = values ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
trimResults ( values ) ;
ret . windows . osinfo = values [ 0 ] ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskPartition" ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
trimResults ( values ) ;
ret . windows . partitions = values ;
for ( var i in values ) {
if ( values [ i ] . Description == 'GPT: System' ) {
ret [ 'identifiers' ] [ 'bios_mode' ] = 'UEFI' ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor" , [ 'Caption' , 'DeviceID' , 'Manufacturer' , 'MaxClockSpeed' , 'Name' , 'SocketDesignation' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret . windows . cpu = values ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController" , [ 'Name' , 'CurrentHorizontalResolution' , 'CurrentVerticalResolution' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret . windows . gpu = values ;
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive" , [ 'Caption' , 'DeviceID' , 'Model' , 'Partitions' , 'Size' , 'Status' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
ret . windows . drives = values ;
// Insert GPU names
ret . identifiers . gpu _name = [ ] ;
for ( var gpuinfo in ret . windows . gpu )
if ( ret . windows . gpu [ gpuinfo ] . Name ) { ret . identifiers . gpu _name . push ( ret . windows . gpu [ gpuinfo ] . Name ) ; }
// Insert Storage Devices
ret . identifiers . storage _devices = [ ] ;
for ( var dv in ret . windows . drives )
ret . identifiers . storage _devices . push ( { Caption : ret . windows . drives [ dv ] . Caption , Model : ret . windows . drives [ dv ] . Model , Size : ret . windows . drives [ dv ] . Size } ) ;
try { ret . identifiers . cpu _name = ret . windows . cpu [ 0 ] . Name ; } catch ( x ) { }
return ( ret ) ;
function macos _identifiers ( )
var ret = { identifiers : { } } ;
var child ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep board-id | awk -F= \'{ split($2, res, "\\""); print res[2]; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . board _name = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | awk -F= \'{ split($2, res, "\\""); print res[2]; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . board _serial = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep manufacturer | awk -F= \'{ split($2, res, "\\""); print res[2]; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . board _vendor = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep version | awk -F= \'{ split($2, res, "\\""); print res[2]; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . board _version = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'ioreg -d2 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep IOPlatformUUID | awk -F= \'{ split($2, res, "\\""); print res[2]; }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . product _uuid = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( 'sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
ret . identifiers . cpu _name = child . stdout . str . trim ( ) ;
trimIdentifiers ( ret . identifiers ) ;
child = null ;
return ( ret ) ;
function win _chassisType ( )
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\System32\\wbem\\wmic.exe' , [ 'wmic' , 'SystemEnclosure' , 'get' , 'ChassisTypes' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
var tok = child . stdout . str . split ( '{' ) [ 1 ] . split ( '}' ) [ 0 ] ;
var val = tok . split ( ',' ) [ 0 ] ;
return ( parseInt ( val ) ) ;
catch ( e )
return ( 2 ) ; // unknown
function win _systemType ( )
var CSV = '/FORMAT:"' + require ( 'util-language' ) . wmicXslPath + 'csv"' ;
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\System32\\wbem\\wmic.exe' , [ 'wmic' , 'ComputerSystem' , 'get' , 'PCSystemType' , CSV ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
return ( parseInt ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( ',' ) . pop ( ) ) ) ;
function win _formFactor ( chassistype )
var ret = 'DESKTOP' ;
switch ( chassistype )
case 11 : // Handheld
case 30 : // Tablet
case 31 : // Convertible
case 32 : // Detachable
ret = 'TABLET' ;
break ;
case 9 : // Laptop
case 10 : // Notebook
case 14 : // Sub Notebook
ret = 'LAPTOP' ;
break ;
default :
ret = win _systemType ( ) == 2 ? 'MOBILE' : 'DESKTOP' ;
break ;
return ( ret ) ;
switch ( process . platform )
case 'linux' :
module . exports = { _ObjectID : 'identifiers' , get : linux _identifiers } ;
break ;
case 'win32' :
module . exports = { _ObjectID : 'identifiers' , get : windows _identifiers , chassisType : win _chassisType , formFactor : win _formFactor , systemType : win _systemType } ;
break ;
case 'darwin' :
module . exports = { _ObjectID : 'identifiers' , get : macos _identifiers } ;
break ;
default :
module . exports = { get : function ( ) { throw ( 'Unsupported Platform' ) ; } } ;
break ;
module . exports . isDocker = function isDocker ( )
if ( process . platform != 'linux' ) { return ( false ) ; }
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "cat /proc/self/cgroup | tr '\n' '`' | awk -F'`' '{ split($1, res, " + '"/"); if(res[2]=="docker"){print "1";} }\'\nexit\n' ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
return ( child . stdout . str != '' ) ;
} ;
module . exports . isBatteryPowered = function isBatteryOperated ( )
var ret = false ;
switch ( process . platform )
default :
break ;
case 'linux' :
var devices = require ( 'fs' ) . readdirSync ( '/sys/class/power_supply' ) ;
for ( var i in devices )
if ( require ( 'fs' ) . readFileSync ( '/sys/class/power_supply/' + devices [ i ] + '/type' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) == 'Battery' )
ret = true ;
break ;
break ;
case 'win32' :
var GM = require ( '_GenericMarshal' ) ;
var stats = GM . CreateVariable ( 12 ) ;
var kernel32 = GM . CreateNativeProxy ( 'Kernel32.dll' ) ;
kernel32 . CreateMethod ( 'GetSystemPowerStatus' ) ;
if ( kernel32 . GetSystemPowerStatus ( stats ) . Val != 0 )
if ( stats . toBuffer ( ) [ 1 ] != 128 && stats . toBuffer ( ) [ 1 ] != 255 )
ret = true ;
// No Battery detected, so lets check if there is supposed to be one
var formFactor = win _formFactor ( win _chassisType ( ) ) ;
return ( formFactor == 'LAPTOP' || formFactor == 'TABLET' || formFactor == 'MOBILE' ) ;
break ;
case 'darwin' :
var child = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( '/bin/sh' , [ 'sh' ] ) ;
child . stdout . str = '' ; child . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stderr . str = '' ; child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
child . stdin . write ( "pmset -g batt | tr '\\n' '`' | awk -F'`' '{ if(NF>2) { print \"true\"; }}'\nexit\n" ) ;
child . waitExit ( ) ;
if ( child . stdout . str . trim ( ) != '' ) { ret = true ; }
break ;
return ( ret ) ;
} ;
module . exports . isVM = function isVM ( )
var ret = false ;
var id = this . get ( ) ;
if ( id . linux && id . linux . sys _vendor )
switch ( id . linux . sys _vendor )
case 'VMware, Inc.' :
case 'QEMU' :
case 'Xen' :
ret = true ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( id . identifiers . bios _vendor )
switch ( id . identifiers . bios _vendor )
case 'VMware, Inc.' :
case 'Xen' :
case 'SeaBIOS' :
ret = true ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( id . identifiers . board _vendor && id . identifiers . board _vendor == 'VMware, Inc.' ) { ret = true ; }
if ( id . identifiers . board _name )
switch ( id . identifiers . board _name )
case 'VirtualBox' :
case 'Virtual Machine' :
ret = true ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( process . platform == 'win32' && ! ret )
for ( var i in id . identifiers . gpu _name )
if ( id . identifiers . gpu _name [ i ] . startsWith ( 'VMware ' ) )
ret = true ;
break ;
if ( ! ret ) { ret = this . isDocker ( ) ; }
return ( ret ) ;
} ;
if ( process . platform == 'win32' )
module . exports . volumes _promise = windows _volumes ;
// bios_date = BIOS->ReleaseDate
// bios_vendor = BIOS->Manufacturer
// bios_version = BIOS->SMBIOSBIOSVersion
// board_name = BASEBOARD->Product = ioreg/board-id
// board_serial = BASEBOARD->SerialNumber = ioreg/serial-number | ioreg/IOPlatformSerialNumber
// board_vendor = BASEBOARD->Manufacturer = ioreg/manufacturer
// board_version = BASEBOARD->Version