2022-03-14 22:43:47 -07:00
/ *
Copyright 2022 Intel Corporation
@ author Bryan Roe
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
function trimObject ( j )
var i ;
for ( i in j )
if ( j [ i ] == null || ( typeof ( j [ i ] ) == 'string' && j [ i ] == '' ) || i . startsWith ( '__' ) ) { delete j [ i ] ; }
if ( j [ 'SerialNumber' ] < 0 ) { var tmp = Buffer . alloc ( 4 ) ; tmp . writeInt32LE ( j [ 'SerialNumber' ] ) ; j [ 'SerialNumber' ] = tmp . readUInt32LE ( ) ; }
return ( j ) ;
function getVolumes ( )
var v = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , 'SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume' ) ;
var i ;
var ret = { } ;
for ( i in v )
ret [ v [ i ] . DeviceID ] = trimObject ( v [ i ] ) ;
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try {
v = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2\\Security\\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' , 'SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume' ) ;
for ( i in v )
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2024-12-06 13:56:15 +00:00
var tmp = trimObject ( v [ i ] ) ;
for ( var k in tmp )
ret [ tmp . DeviceID ] [ k ] = tmp [ k ] ;
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2024-12-06 13:56:15 +00:00
} catch ( ex ) { }
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return ( ret ) ;
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function windows _volumes ( )
var promise = require ( 'promise' ) ;
var p1 = new promise ( function ( res , rej ) { this . _res = res ; this . _rej = rej ; } ) ;
var ret = { } ;
var values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2' , 'SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk' , [ 'DeviceID' , 'VolumeName' , 'FileSystem' , 'Size' , 'FreeSpace' , 'DriveType' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < values . length ; ++ i ) {
var drive = values [ i ] [ 'DeviceID' ] . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ;
ret [ drive ] = {
name : ( values [ i ] [ 'VolumeName' ] ? values [ i ] [ 'VolumeName' ] : "" ) ,
type : ( values [ i ] [ 'FileSystem' ] ? values [ i ] [ 'FileSystem' ] : "Unknown" ) ,
size : ( values [ i ] [ 'Size' ] ? values [ i ] [ 'Size' ] : 0 ) ,
sizeremaining : ( values [ i ] [ 'FreeSpace' ] ? values [ i ] [ 'FreeSpace' ] : 0 ) ,
removable : ( values [ i ] [ 'DriveType' ] == 2 ) ,
cdrom : ( values [ i ] [ 'DriveType' ] == 5 )
} ;
try {
values = require ( 'win-wmi' ) . query ( 'ROOT\\CIMV2\\Security\\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' , 'SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume' , [ 'DriveLetter' , 'ConversionStatus' , 'ProtectionStatus' ] ) ;
if ( values [ 0 ] ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < values . length ; ++ i ) {
var drive = values [ i ] [ 'DriveLetter' ] . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ;
var statuses = {
0 : 'FullyDecrypted' ,
1 : 'FullyEncrypted' ,
2 : 'EncryptionInProgress' ,
3 : 'DecryptionInProgress' ,
4 : 'EncryptionPaused' ,
5 : 'DecryptionPaused'
} ;
ret [ drive ] . volumeStatus = statuses . hasOwnProperty ( values [ i ] . ConversionStatus ) ? statuses [ values [ i ] . ConversionStatus ] : 'FullyDecrypted' ;
ret [ drive ] . protectionStatus = ( values [ i ] . ProtectionStatus == 0 ? 'Off' : ( values [ i ] . ProtectionStatus == 1 ? 'On' : 'Unknown' ) ) ;
try {
var foundIDMarkedLine = false , foundMarkedLine = false , identifier = '' , password = '' ;
var keychild = require ( 'child_process' ) . execFile ( process . env [ 'windir' ] + '\\system32\\cmd.exe' , [ '/c' , 'manage-bde -protectors -get ' + drive + ': -Type recoverypassword' ] , { } ) ;
keychild . stdout . str = '' ; keychild . stdout . on ( 'data' , function ( c ) { this . str += c . toString ( ) ; } ) ;
keychild . waitExit ( ) ;
var lines = keychild . stdout . str . trim ( ) . split ( '\r\n' ) ;
for ( var x = 0 ; x < lines . length ; x ++ ) { // Loop each line
var abc = lines [ x ] . trim ( ) ;
var englishidpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Numerical Password:' ) ) ; // English ID
var germanidpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Numerisches Kennwort:' ) ) ; // German ID
var frenchidpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Mot de passe num' ) ) ; // French ID
var englishpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Password:' ) && ! abc . includes ( 'Numerical Password:' ) ) ; // English Password
var germanpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Kennwort:' ) && ! abc . includes ( 'Numerisches Kennwort:' ) ) ; // German Password
var frenchpass = ( abc !== '' && abc . includes ( 'Mot de passe :' ) && ! abc . includes ( 'Mot de passe num' ) ) ; // French Password
if ( englishidpass || germanidpass || frenchidpass || englishpass || germanpass || frenchpass ) {
var nextline = lines [ x + 1 ] . trim ( ) ;
if ( x + 1 < lines . length && ( nextline !== '' && ( nextline . startsWith ( 'ID:' ) || nextline . startsWith ( 'ID :' ) ) ) ) {
identifier = nextline . replace ( 'ID:' , '' ) . replace ( 'ID :' , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
foundIDMarkedLine = true ;
} else if ( x + 1 < lines . length && nextline !== '' ) {
password = nextline ;
foundMarkedLine = true ;
ret [ drive ] . identifier = ( foundIDMarkedLine ? identifier : '' ) ; // Set Bitlocker Identifier
ret [ drive ] . recoveryPassword = ( foundMarkedLine ? password : '' ) ; // Set Bitlocker Password
} catch ( ex ) { } // just carry on as we cant get bitlocker key
p1 . _res ( ret ) ;
} catch ( ex ) { p1 . _res ( ret ) ; } // just return volumes as cant get encryption/bitlocker
return ( p1 ) ;
module . exports = {
getVolumes : function ( ) { try { return ( getVolumes ( ) ) ; } catch ( x ) { return ( { } ) ; } } ,
volumes _promise : windows _volumes
} ;