2019-12-05 14:34:23 -05:00
<!doctypehtml><html dir=ltr xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"><meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8"http-equiv=Content-Type><meta name=viewport content="user-scalable=1,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-capable content=yes><meta name=format-detection content="telephone=no"><link rel="shortcut icon"type=image/x-icon href= {{{ domainurl }}} favicon.ico><link keeplink=1 type=text/css href=styles/style.css media=screen rel=stylesheet title=CSS><link type=text/css href=styles/ol.css media=screen rel=stylesheet title=CSS><link type=text/css href=styles/ol3-contextmenu.min.css media=screen rel=stylesheet title=CSS><script src=scripts/common-0.0.1.js></script><script src=scripts/meshcentral.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-0.2.0.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-wsman-0.2.0.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-desktop-0.0.2.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-terminal-0.0.2.js></script><script src=scripts/zlib.js></script><script src=scripts/zlib-inflate.js></script><script src=scripts/zlib-adler32.js></script><script src=scripts/zlib-crc32.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-redir-ws-0.1.0.js></script><script src=scripts/amt-wsman-ws-0.2.0.js></script><script src=scripts/agent-redir-ws-0.1.1.js></script><script src=scripts/agent-redir-rtc-0.1.0.js></script><script src=scripts/agent-desktop-0.0.2.js></script><script src=scripts/qrcode.min.js></script><script keeplink=1 src=scripts/u2f-api.js></script><script keeplink=1 src=scripts/charts.js></script><script keeplink=1 src=scripts/filesaver.js></script><body id=body onload='"undefined"!=typeof startup&&startup()'oncontextmenu=handleContextMenu(event) style=display:none;min-width:495px> {{{ StartGeoLocation }}} <script keeplink=1 src=scripts/ol.js></script><script keeplink=1 src=scripts/ol3-contextmenu.js></script> {{{ EndGeoLocation }}} <title> {{{ title }}} </title><div id=contextMenu class="contextMenu noselect"style=display:none><div id=cxinfo class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(1,event)><b>Information</b></div><div id=cxdesktop class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(3,event)>Desktop</div><div id=cxterminal class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(2,event)>Terminal</div><div id=cxfiles class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(4,event)>Dossiers</div><div id=cxevents class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(5,event)>Événements</div><div id=cxconsole class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(6,event)>Console</div><hr id=cxmgroupsplit><div id=cxmdesktop class=cmtext onclick=cmaction(7,event) style=display:none>Multi-bureau</div></div><div id=meshContextMenu class="contextMenu noselect"style=display:none;min-width:0><div id=cxselectall class=cmtext onclick=cmmeshaction(1,event)>Tout Sélectionner</div><div id=cxselectnone class=cmtext onclick=cmmeshaction(2,event)>Rien sélectionner</div></div><div id=termShellContextMenu class="contextMenu noselect"style=display:none;min-width:0><div id=cxtermnorm class=cmtext onclick=cmtermaction(1,event)><b>Admin Shell</b></div><div id=cxtermps class=cmtext onclick=cmtermaction(6,event)>Admin PowerShell</div><div id=cxtermunorm class=cmtext style=display:none onclick=cmtermaction(8,event)>Shell utilisateur</div><div id=cxtermups class=cmtext style=display:none onclick=cmtermaction(9,event)>User PowerShell</div></div><div id=termShellContextMenuLinux class="contextMenu noselect"style=display:none;min-width:0><div id=cxtermnorm class=cmtext onclick=cmtermaction(1,event)><b>Root Shell</b></div><div id=cxtermps class=cmtext onclick=cmtermaction(8,event)>Shell utilisateur</div></div><div id=container><div id=notifiyBox class=notifiyBox style=display:none></div><div id=masthead class=noselect><div class=title> {{{ title }}} </div><div class=title2> {{{ title2 }}} </div><div style=float:right><div id=notificationCount onclick=clickNotificationIcon() class=unselectable style=display:none title="Click to view current notifications">0</div></div><p id=logoutControl><span id=logoutControlSpan style=color:#fff></span><span id=idleTimeoutNotify style=color:#ff0></span></div><div id=page_leftbar><div style=height:16px></div><div id=Left
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Process server-side web state
var webState = ' {{{ webstate }}} ';
if (webState != '') { webState = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(webState)); }
for (var i in webState) { localStorage.setItem(i, webState[i]); }
if (!webState.loctag) { delete localStorage.removeItem('loctag'); }
var args;
var autoReconnect = true;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var powerStatetable = ['', "Alimenté", "Endormir", "Endormir", "Endormir", "Hibernation", "Éteindre", "Présent"];
var StatusStrs = ["Débranché", "Connecting...", "Traitement...", "Connected", "Intel® AMT Connected"];
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var sort = 0;
var searchFocus = 0;
var mapSearchFocus = 0;
var userSearchFocus = 0;
var consoleFocus = 0;
var showRealNames = false;
var meshserver = null;
var meshes = { };
var meshcount = 0;
var nodes = null;
var filetree = { };
var userinfo = null;
var serverinfo = null;
var events = [];
var users = null;
var wssessions = null;
var nodeShortIdent = 0;
var desktop;
var desktopsettings = { encoding: 2, showfocus: false, showmouse: true, showcad: true, quality: 40, scaling: 1024, framerate: 50, localkeymap: false };
var multidesktopsettings = { quality: 20, scaling: 128, framerate: 1000 };
var terminal;
var files;
var debugLevel = parseInt(' {{{ debuglevel }}} ');
var features = parseInt(' {{{ features }}} ');
var sessionTime = parseInt(' {{{ sessiontime }}} ');
var domain = ' {{{ domain }}} ';
var domainUrl = ' {{{ domainurl }}} ';
var authCookie = ' {{{ authCookie }}} ';
var authRelayCookie = ' {{{ authRelayCookie }}} ';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var logoutControls = {{{ log outControls }}} ;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var authCookieRenewTimer = null;
var multiDesktop = { };
var multiDesktopFilter = null;
var serverPublicNamePort = ' {{{ serverDnsName }}} : {{{ serverPublicPort }}} ';
var amtScanResults = null;
var debugmode = 0;
var clickOnce = (((features & 256) != 0) && detectClickOnce());
var attemptWebRTC = ((features & 128) != 0);
var passRequirements = ' {{{ passRequirements }}} ';
if (passRequirements != '') { passRequirements = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(passRequirements)); }
var deskAspectRatio = 0;
try { deskAspectRatio = parseInt(getstore('deskAspectRatio', '0')); } catch (ex) { }
var uiMode = parseInt(getstore('uiMode', 1));
var webPageStackMenu = false;
var webPageFullScreen = true;
var nightMode = (getstore('_nightMode', '0') == '1');
var sessionActivity = Date.now();
var updateSessionTimer = null;
var pluginHandlerBuilder = {{{ pluginHandler }}} ;
var pluginHandler = null;
if (pluginHandlerBuilder != null) { pluginHandler = new pluginHandlerBuilder(); }
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
var installedPluginList = null;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Console Message Display Timers
var p11DeskConsoleMsgTimer = null;
var p12TermConsoleMsgTimer = null;
var p13FilesConsoleMsgTimer = null;
function startup() {
if ((features & 32) == 0) {
// Guard against other site's top frames (web bugs).
var loc = null;
try { loc = top.location.toString().toLowerCase(); } catch (e) { }
if (top != self && (loc == null || top.active == false)) { top.location = self.location; return; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
// Setup logout control
var logoutControl = '';
if (logoutControls.name != null) { logoutControl = format("Bienvenue { 0}.", logoutControls.name); }
if (logoutControls.logoutUrl != null) { logoutControl += format(' <a href=\"' + logoutControls.logoutUrl + '\" style="color:white">' + "Déconnexion" + '</a>'); }
QH('logoutControlSpan', logoutControl);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Check if we are in debug mode
args = parseUriArgs();
if (!args.locale) { var x = getstore('loctag', 0); if ((x != null) && (x != '*')) { args.locale = x; } }
debugmode = args.debug;
if (args.webrtc != null) { attemptWebRTC = (args.webrtc == 1); }
QV('p13AutoConnect', debugmode); // Files
QV('autoconnectbutton2', debugmode); // Terminal
QV('autoconnectbutton1', debugmode); // Desktop
//QV('DeskClip', debugmode); // Clipboard feature, not completed so show in in debug mode only.
if (nightMode) { QC('body').add('night'); }
2019-12-04 19:52:16 -05:00
// Debug
QV('cxtermunorm', debugmode == 1);
QV('cxtermups', debugmode == 1);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Setup page visuals
if (args.hide) {
var hide = parseInt(args.hide);
QV('masthead', !(hide & 1));
QV('topbar', !(hide & 2));
QV('footer', !(hide & 4));
QV('p10title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p11title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p12title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p13title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p14title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p15title', !(hide & 8));
QV('p16title', !(hide & 8));
//if (hide & 16) {
// QV('page_leftbar', false);
// QS('page_content').left = '0px';
// Fix the main grid to zero-height elements we want to hide.
QS('container')['grid-template-rows'] = ((hide & 1) ? '0' : '66') + 'px ' + ((hide & 2) ? '0' : '24') + 'px auto ' + ((hide & 4) ? '0' : '45') + 'px';
QS('container')['-ms-grid-rows'] = ((hide & 1) ? '0' : '66') + 'px ' + ((hide & 2) ? '0' : '24') + 'px auto ' + ((hide & 4) ? '0' : '45') + 'px';
// Adjust height of remote desktop, files and Intel AMT
var xh = (((hide & 1) ? 0 : 66) + ((hide & 2) ? 0 : 24) + ((hide & 4) ? 0 : 45) + ((hide & 8) ? 0 : 60)); // 0 to 195
QS('p3users')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (124 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p3events')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (124 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('deskarea3x')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (75 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('deskarea3x')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (75 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p5filetable')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (160 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p13filetable')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (124 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('serverMainStats')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (110 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('serverMainStats')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (110 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('xdevices')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (124 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('xdevicesmap')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (124 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p15agentConsole')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (84 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p15agentConsole')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (84 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p15agentConsoleText')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (81 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p15agentConsoleText')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (81 + xh) + 'px)';
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
QS('p43iframe')['height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (84 + xh) + 'px)';
QS('p43iframe')['max-height'] = 'calc(100vh - ' + (84 + xh) + 'px)';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// We are looking at a single device, remove all the back buttons
if (' {{ currentNode }} ' != '') {
QV('p10BackButton', false);
QV('p11BackButton', false);
QV('p12BackButton', false);
QV('p13BackButton', false);
QV('p14BackButton', false);
QV('p15BackButton', false);
QV('p16BackButton', false);
// Setup the context menu
document.onclick = function (e) { hideContextMenu(); }
document.onkeypress = ondockeypress;
document.onkeydown = ondockeydown;
document.onkeyup = ondockeyup;
//window.addEventListener('focus', ondocfocus, false);
window.addEventListener('blur', ondocblur, false);
window.onresize = function () { masterUpdate(512); }
setTimeout(function() { masterUpdate(512); }, 200);
// Connect to the mesh server
meshserver = MeshServerCreateControl(domainUrl, authCookie);
meshserver.onStateChanged = onStateChanged;
meshserver.onMessage = onMessage;
meshserver.trace = (args.trace == 1);
// Setup page controls
Q('sortselect').selectedIndex = sort = getstore('sort', 0);
Q('sizeselect').selectedIndex = getstore('_viewsize', 1);
Q('SearchInput').value = getstore('_search', '');
showRealNames = (getstore('showRealNames', 0) == 1);
Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked = showRealNames;
Q('viewselect').value = getstore('_deviceView', 1);
Q('DeskControl').checked = (getstore('DeskControl', 1) == 1);
QV('accountChangeEmailAddressSpan', (features & 0x200000) == 0);
// Display the page devices
for (var j = 1; j < 5; j++) { Q('devViewButton' + j).classList.remove('viewSelectorSel'); }
Q('devViewButton' + Q('viewselect').value).classList.add('viewSelectorSel');
// Setup upload drag & drop
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('drop', p5fileDragDrop, false);
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('dragover', p5fileDragOver, false);
Q('p5filetable').addEventListener('dragleave', p5fileDragLeave, false);
//Q('p5fileCatchAllInput').addEventListener('drop', p5fileDragDrop, false);
//Q('p5fileCatchAllInput').addEventListener('dragover', p5fileDragOver, false);
//Q('p5fileCatchAllInput').addEventListener('dragleave', p5fileDragLeave, false);
// Setup upload drag & drop
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('drop', p13fileDragDrop, false);
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('dragover', p13fileDragOver, false);
Q('p13filetable').addEventListener('dragleave', p13fileDragLeave, false);
// Timeline update interval
setInterval(updateDeviceTimeline, 120000); // Check every 2 minutes
// Load desktop settings
var t = localStorage.getItem('desktopsettings');
if (t != null) { desktopsettings = JSON.parse(t); }
t = localStorage.getItem('multidesktopsettings');
if (t != null) { multidesktopsettings = JSON.parse(t); }
// Terminal special keys
var x = '';
for (var c = 1; c < 27; c++) x += '<option value=\'' + c + '\'>' + "Ctrl" + '-' + String.fromCharCode(64 + c) + ' (' + c + ')</option>';
QH('specialkeylist', x);
// Setup server stats panels
// Setup the user interface in the right mode
// If SSPI or LDAP authentication not used, allow batch account creation.
QV('p4UserBatchCreate', (features & 0x00080000) == 0);
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleAspectRatio(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { deskAspectRatio = ((deskAspectRatio + 1) % 3); putstore('deskAspectRatio', deskAspectRatio); }
// If FullScreen, toggle menu to be horisontal or vertical
function toggleStackMenu(toggle) {
if (webPageFullScreen == true) {
if (toggle === 1) {
webPageStackMenu = !webPageStackMenu;
putstore('webPageStackMenu', webPageStackMenu);
if (webPageStackMenu == false) {
} else {
if (xxcurrentView >= 10) QC('column_l').remove('room4submenu');
// Toggle user interface menu
function showUserInterfaceSelectMenu() {
try { Q('uiViewButton' + uiMode).classList.add('uiSelectorSel'); } catch (ex) { }
QV('uiMenu', (QS('uiMenu').display == 'none'));
if (nightMode) { Q('uiViewButton4').classList.add('uiSelectorSel'); }
function userInterfaceSelectMenu(s) {
if (s) { uiMode = s; putstore('uiMode', uiMode); }
webPageFullScreen = (uiMode < 3);
webPageStackMenu = (uiMode > 1);
if (webPageStackMenu && (xxcurrentView >= 10)) { QC('column_l').add('room4submenu'); } else { QC('column_l').remove('room4submenu'); }
function toggleNightMode() {
nightMode = !nightMode;
if (nightMode) { QC('body').add('night'); } else { QC('body').remove('night'); }
putstore('_nightMode', nightMode?'1':'0');
// Toggle the web page to full screen
function toggleFullScreen(toggle) {
if (toggle === 1) { webPageFullScreen = !webPageFullScreen; putstore('webPageFullScreen', webPageFullScreen); }
var hide = 0;
if (args.hide) { hide = parseInt(args.hide); }
if (webPageFullScreen == false) {
if (xxcurrentView >= 10) QC('column_l').add('room4submenu');
QV('UserDummyMenuSpan', false);
//QV('page_leftbar', false);
} else {
if (hide & 16) QC('body').add('arg_hide'); // This is replacement for QV('page_leftbar', !(hide & 16));
QV('page_leftbar', !(hide & 16));
QV('MainMenuSpan', !(hide & 16));
if (xxcurrentView >= 10) QC('column_l').remove('room4submenu');
QV('UserDummyMenuSpan', (xxcurrentView < 10) && webPageFullScreen);
QV('body', true);
function getNodeFromId(id) { if (nodes != null) { for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == id) return nodes[i]; } } return null; }
function reload() {
var x = window.location.href;
if (x.endsWith('/#')) { x = x.substring(0, x.length - 2); }
window.location.href = x;
function onStateChanged(server, state, prevState, errorCode) {
if (state == 0) {
// Control web socket disconnected
setDialogMode(0); // Close any dialog boxes if present
go(0); // Go to disconnection panel
// Clean up
powerTimeline = null;
powerTimelineReq = null;
powerTimelineNode = null;
powerTimelineUpdate = null;
deleteAllNotifications(); // Close and clear notifications if present
hideContextMenu(); // Hide the context menu if present
QV('verifyEmailId2', false);
QV('logoutControl', false);
if (errorCode == 'noauth') { QH('p0span', "Unable to perform authentication"); return; }
if (prevState == 2) { if (autoReconnect) { setTimeout(serverPoll, 5000); } } else { QH('p0span', "Unable to connect web socket"); }
if (authCookieRenewTimer != null) { clearInterval(authCookieRenewTimer); authCookieRenewTimer = null; }
} else if (state == 2) {
// Fetch list of meshes, nodes, files
meshserver.send( { action: 'meshes' });
meshserver.send( { action: 'nodes', id: ' {{ currentNode }} ' });
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if (pluginHandler != null) { meshserver.send( { action: 'plugins' }); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (' {{ currentNode }} ' == '') { meshserver.send( { action: 'files' }); }
if (' {{ viewmode }} ' == '') { go(1); }
authCookieRenewTimer = setInterval(function () { meshserver.send( { action: 'authcookie' }); }, 1800000); // Request a cookie refresh every 30 minutes.
// Poll the server, if it responds, refresh the page.
function serverPoll() {
var xdr = null;
try { xdr = new XDomainRequest(); } catch (e) { }
if (!xdr) xdr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xdr.open('HEAD', window.location.href);
xdr.timeout = 15000;
xdr.onload = function () { reload(); };
xdr.onerror = xdr.ontimeout = function () { setTimeout(serverPoll, 10000); };
// Return true if this browser supports clickonce
function detectClickOnce() {
for (var i in window.navigator.mimeTypes) { if (window.navigator.mimeTypes[i].type == 'application/x-ms-application') { return true; } }
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase();
return (userAgent.indexOf('.NET CLR 3.5') >= 0) || (userAgent.indexOf('(WINDOWS NT ') >= 0);
function updateSiteAdmin() {
var noServerBackup = ' {{{ noServerBackup }}} ';
var siteRights = userinfo.siteadmin;
if (noServerBackup == 1) { siteRights &= 0xFFFFFFFA; } // If not server backups allowed, remove server backup and restore permissions
// Update account actions
QV('p2AccountSecurity', ((features & 4) == 0) && (serverinfo.domainauth == false) && ((features & 4096) != 0)); // Hide Account Security if in single user mode, domain authentication to 2 factor auth not supported.
QV('p2AccountActions', ((features & 4) == 0) && (serverinfo.domainauth == false)); // Hide Account Actions if in single user mode or domain authentication
QV('p2AccountImage', ((features & 4) == 0) && (serverinfo.domainauth == false)); // If account actions are not visible, also remove the image on that panel
QV('p2ServerActions', siteRights & 21);
QV('LeftMenuMyServer', siteRights & 21); // 16 + 4 + 1
QV('MainMenuMyServer', siteRights & 21);
QV('p2ServerActionsBackup', siteRights & 1);
QV('p2ServerActionsRestore', siteRights & 4);
QV('p2ServerActionsVersion', siteRights & 16);
QV('MainMenuMyFiles', siteRights & 8);
QV('LeftMenuMyFiles', siteRights & 8);
if (((siteRights & 8) == 0) && (xxcurrentView == 5)) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); }
if (currentNode != null) { gotoDevice(currentNode._id, xxcurrentView, true); }
// Update user management state
if ((userinfo.siteadmin & 2) != 0)
// We are user administrator
if (users == null) { meshserver.send( { action: 'users' }); }
if (wssessions == null) { meshserver.send( { action: 'wssessioncount' }); }
} else {
// We are not user administrator
users = null;
wssessions = null;
if (xxcurrentView == 4 || ((xxcurrentView >= 30) && (xxcurrentView < 40))) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); currentUser = null; }
meshserver.send( { action: 'events', limit: parseInt(p3limitdropdown.value) });
QV('ServerConsole', userinfo.siteadmin === 0xFFFFFFFF);
QV('ServerTrace', userinfo.siteadmin === 0xFFFFFFFF);
if ((xxcurrentView == 115) && (userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { go(6); }
if ((xxcurrentView == 6) && ((userinfo.siteadmin & 21) == 0)) { go(1); }
// If we are site administrator, register to get server statistics
if ((siteRights & 21) != 0) { meshserver.send( { action: 'serverstats', interval: 10000 }); }
// To boost the speed of the web page when even floods occur, this method perform a delayed update on the web page.
var updateNaggleTimer = null;
var updateNaggleFlags = 0;
function masterUpdate(flags) {
updateNaggleFlags |= flags;
if (updateNaggleTimer == null) {
updateNaggleTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (updateNaggleFlags & 512) { center(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 1) { onSearchInputChanged(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 2) { onSortSelectChange(false); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 128) { updateMeshes(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 4) { updateDevices(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 8) { drawNotifications(); }
2019-12-03 20:44:08 -05:00
{{{ StartGeoLocationJS }}} if (updateNaggleFlags & 16) { updateMapMarkers(); } {{{ EndGeoLocationJS }}}
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (updateNaggleFlags & 32) { eventsUpdate(); }
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
{{{ StartGeoLocationJS }}} if (updateNaggleFlags & 64) { refreshMap(false, true); } {{{ EndGeoLocationJS }}}
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (updateNaggleFlags & 256) { drawDeviceTimeline(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 1024) { deviceEventsUpdate(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 2048) { userEventsUpdate(); }
if (updateNaggleFlags & 4096) { p20updateMesh(); }
updateNaggleTimer = null;
updateNaggleFlags = 0;
}, 150);
var backupCodesWarningDone = false;
function updateSelf() {
QV('verifyEmailId', (userinfo.emailVerified !== true) && (userinfo.email != null) && (serverinfo.emailcheck == true));
QV('verifyEmailId2', (userinfo.emailVerified !== true) && (userinfo.email != null) && (serverinfo.emailcheck == true));
QV('manageOtp', (userinfo.otpsecret == 1) || (userinfo.otphkeys > 0));
QV('authAppSetupCheck', userinfo.otpsecret == 1);
QV('authKeySetupCheck', userinfo.otphkeys > 0);
QV('authCodesSetupCheck', userinfo.otpkeys > 0);
masterUpdate(4 + 128 + 4096);
// Check if backup codes should really be enabled
if ((backupCodesWarningDone == false) && !(userinfo.otpkeys > 0) && (((userinfo.otpsecret == 1) && !(userinfo.otphkeys > 0)) || ((userinfo.otpsecret != 1) && (userinfo.otphkeys == 1)))) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var n = { text: "Veuillez ajouter un autre facteur. Si le facteur actuel est perdu, il n'y a pas moyen de récupérer ce compte.", title: "Two factor authentication" };
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
backupCodesWarningDone = true;
// If we can't create new groups, hide all links that can do that.
var newGroupsAllowed = ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 64) == 0));
QV('p2createMeshLink1', newGroupsAllowed);
QV('p2createMeshLink2', newGroupsAllowed);
QV('getStarted1', newGroupsAllowed);
QV('getStarted2', !newGroupsAllowed);
if (typeof userinfo.passchange == 'number') {
if (userinfo.passchange == -1) { QH('p2nextPasswordUpdateTime', "- Réinitialiser à la prochaine connexion."); }
else if ((passRequirements != null) && (typeof passRequirements.reset == 'number')) {
var seconds = (userinfo.passchange) + (passRequirements.reset * 86400) - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
if (seconds < 0) { QH('p2nextPasswordUpdateTime', "- Réinitialiser à la prochaine connexion."); }
else if (seconds < 3600) { QH('p2nextPasswordUpdateTime', format("- Réinitialisation en { 0} minute { 1}.", Math.floor(seconds / 60), addLetterS(Math.floor(seconds / 60)))); }
else if (seconds < 86400) { QH('p2nextPasswordUpdateTime', format("- Réinitialisation dans { 0} heure { 1}.", Math.floor(seconds / 3600), addLetterS(Math.floor(seconds / 3600)))); }
else { QH('p2nextPasswordUpdateTime', format("- Réinitialiser dans le { 0} jour { 1}."), Math.floor(seconds / 86400), addLetterS(Math.floor(seconds / 86400))); }
function addLetterS(x) { return (x > 1) ? 's' : ''; }
function setSessionActivity() { sessionActivity = Date.now(); QH('idleTimeoutNotify', ''); }
function checkIdleSessionTimeout() {
var delta = (Date.now() - sessionActivity);
if (delta > serverinfo.timeout) { window.location.href = 'logout'; } else {
var ds = Math.round((serverinfo.timeout - delta) / 1000);
if (ds <= 60) {
QH('idleTimeoutNotify', '<br />' + format(" { 0} second { 1} until disconnect", ds, addLetterS(ds)));
} else {
ds = Math.round(ds / 60);
if (ds <= 5) { QH('idleTimeoutNotify', '<br />' + format(" { 0} minute { 1} until disconnect", ds, addLetterS(ds))); }
function onMessage(server, message) {
switch (message.action) {
case 'trace': {
case 'traceinfo': {
if (typeof message.traceSources == 'object') {
if ((message.traceSources != null) && (message.traceSources.length > 0)) {
serverTraceSources = message.traceSources;
QH('p41traceStatus', EscapeHtml(message.traceSources.join(', ')));
} else {
serverTraceSources = [];
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('p41traceStatus', "Aucun");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'serverstats': {
2019-11-26 17:11:09 -05:00
case 'serverwarnings': {
if ((message.warnings != null) && (message.warnings.length > 0)) {
var x = '';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
for (var i in message.warnings) { x += '<div style=color:red;padding-bottom:6px><b>' + "ATTENTION:" + message.warnings[i] + '</b></div>'; }
2019-11-26 17:11:09 -05:00
QH('serverWarnings', x);
QV('serverWarningsDiv', true);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'servertimelinestats': {
case 'authcookie': {
// Got an authentication cookie refresh
authCookie = message.cookie;
authRelayCookie = message.rcookie;
case 'serverinfo': {
serverinfo = message.serverinfo;
if (serverinfo.timeout) { setInterval(checkIdleSessionTimeout, 10000); checkIdleSessionTimeout(); }
if (debugmode == 1) { console.log('Server time: ', printDateTime(new Date(serverinfo.serverTime))); }
case 'userinfo': {
userinfo = message.userinfo;
case 'users': {
users = { };
for (var m in message.users) { users[message.users[m]._id] = message.users[m]; }
case 'wssessioncount': {
wssessions = message.wssessions;
case 'meshes': {
meshes = { };
for (var m in message.meshes) { meshes[message.meshes[m]._id] = message.meshes[m]; }
masterUpdate(4 + 128);
case 'files': {
filetree = setupBackPointers(message.filetree);
case 'nodes': {
nodes = [];
for (var m in message.nodes) {
if (!meshes[m]) { console.log('Invalid mesh (1): ' + m); continue; }
for (var n in message.nodes[m]) {
if (message.nodes[m][n]._id == null) { console.log('Invalid node (' + n + '): ' + JSON.stringify(message.nodes)); continue; }
message.nodes[m][n].namel = message.nodes[m][n].name.toLowerCase();
if (message.nodes[m][n].rname) { message.nodes[m][n].rnamel = message.nodes[m][n].rname.toLowerCase(); } else { message.nodes[m][n].rnamel = message.nodes[m][n].namel; }
message.nodes[m][n].meshnamel = meshes[m].name.toLowerCase();
message.nodes[m][n].meshid = m;
message.nodes[m][n].state = (message.nodes[m][n].state)?(message.nodes[m][n].state):0;
message.nodes[m][n].desc = message.nodes[m][n].desc;
message.nodes[m][n].ip = message.nodes[m][n].ip;
if (!message.nodes[m][n].icon) message.nodes[m][n].icon = 1;
message.nodes[m][n].ident = ++nodeShortIdent;
masterUpdate(1 | 2 | 4 | 64);
if (xxcurrentView == -1) { if (' {{ viewmode }} ' != '') { go(parseInt(' {{ viewmode }} ')); } else { setDialogMode(0); go(1); } }
if (' {{ currentNode }} ' != '') { gotoDevice(' {{ currentNode }} ',parseInt(' {{ viewmode }} '));}
case 'powertimeline': {
if (message.nodeid != powerTimelineReq) break;
powerTimelineNode = message.nodeid;
powerTimeline = message.timeline;
powerTimelineUpdate = Date.now() + 300000; // Update every 5 minutes
for (var i in powerTimeline) { if (i % 2 == 1) { powerTimeline[i] = powerTimeline[i] * 1000; } } // Decompress time
if (currentNode._id == message.nodeid) { masterUpdate(256); }
case 'getsysinfo': {
if (message.nodeid != powerTimelineReq) break;
//console.log('getsysinfo', message); // ***********************
if (message.noinfo === true) {
QH('p17info', "No information for this device.");
} else {
var x = '', s = { };
if (message.hardware) {
if (message.hardware.identifiers) {
var ident = message.hardware.identifiers;
x += '<div class=DevSt style=margin-bottom:3px><b>' + "BIOS" + '</b></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (ident.bios_vendor) { x += addDetailItem("Vendeur", ident.bios_vendor, s); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (ident.bios_version) { x += addDetailItem("Version", ident.bios_version, s); }
x += '<br />';
// Motherboard
x += '<div class=DevSt style=margin-bottom:3px><b>' + "Carte mère" + '</b></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (ident.board_vendor) { x += addDetailItem("Vendeur", ident.board_vendor, s); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (ident.board_name) { x += addDetailItem("Nom", ident.board_name, s); }
if (ident.board_serial && (ident.board_serial != '')) { x += addDetailItem("Serial", ident.board_serial, s); }
if (ident.board_version) { x += addDetailItem("Version", ident.board_version, s); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (ident.product_uuid) { x += addDetailItem("Identifiant", ident.product_uuid, s); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<br />';
if (message.hardware.windows) {
if (message.hardware.windows.memory) {
// Memory
x += '<div class=DevSt style=margin-bottom:3px><b>' + "Mémoire" + '</b></div>';
// Sort Memory
function memorySort(a, b) { if (a.BankLabel > b.BankLabel) return 1; if (a.BankLabel < b.BankLabel) return -1; return 0; }
x += '<table style=width:100%>';
for (var i in message.hardware.windows.memory) {
var m = message.hardware.windows.memory[i];
x += '<tr><td VALIGN=Top style=width:38px><img src="images/ram2.png" />'
x += '<td><div style=background-color:lightgray;border-radius:5px;padding:8px>';
x += '<div><b>' + m.BankLabel + '</b></div>';
if (m.Capacity) { x += addDetailItem("Capacity / Speed", format(" { 0} Mb, { 1} Mhz", (m.Capacity / 1024 / 1024), m.Speed), s); }
if (m.PartNumber) { x += addDetailItem("Numéro d'article", ((m.Manufacturer && m.Manufacturer != 'Undefined')?(m.Manufacturer + ', '):'') + m.PartNumber, s); }
x += '</div>';
x += '</table><br />';
if (message.hardware.windows.osinfo) {
// Operating System
var m = message.hardware.windows.osinfo;
x += '<div class=DevSt style=margin-bottom:3px><b>' + "Système opérateur" + '</b></div>';
if (m.Caption) { x += addDetailItem("Nom", m.Caption, s); }
if (m.Version) { x += addDetailItem("Version", m.Version, s); }
if (m.OSArchitecture) { x += addDetailItem("Architecture", m.OSArchitecture, s); }
x += '<br />';
// Disks
//x += '<div class=DevSt style=margin-bottom:3px><b>Disks</b></div>';
//x += '<br />';
QH('p17info', x);
case 'lastconnect': {
var node = getNodeFromId(message.nodeid);
if (node != null) {
node.lastconnect = message.time;
node.lastaddr = message.addr;
if ((currentNode._id == node._id) && (Q('MainComputerState').innerHTML == '')) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('MainComputerState', '<span>' + "Dernière connexion:" + '<br />' + printDateTime(new Date(node.lastconnect)) + '</span>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'msg': {
// Check if this is a message from a node
if (message.nodeid != null) {
var index = -1;
if (nodes != null) { for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == message.nodeid) { index = i; break; } } }
if (index != -1) {
// Node was found, dispatch the message
if (message.type == 'console') { p15consoleReceive(nodes[index], message.value, message.source); } // This is a console message.
else if (message.type == 'notify') { // This is a notification message.
var n = getstore('notifications', 0);
if (((n & 8) == 0) && (message.amtMessage != null)) { break; } // Intel AMT desktop & terminal messages should be ignored.
var n = { text: message.value, title: message.title, icon: message.icon };
if (message.nodeid != null) { n.nodeid = message.nodeid; }
if (message.tag != null) { n.tag = message.tag; }
if (message.username != null) { n.username = message.username; }
} else if (message.type == 'ps') {
} else if (message.type == 'services') {
} else if ((message.type == 'getclip') && (xxdialogTag == 'clipboard') && (currentNode != null) && (currentNode._id == message.nodeid)) {
Q('d2clipText').value = message.data;
} else if ((message.type == 'setclip') && (xxdialogTag == 'clipboard') && (currentNode != null) && (currentNode._id == message.nodeid)) {
// Display success/fail on the clipboard dialog box.
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('dlgClipStatus', message.success ? '<span style=color:green>' + "Succès" + '</span>' : '<span style=color:red>' + "Échoué" + '</span>')
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setTimeout(function () { try { QH('dlgClipStatus', ''); } catch (ex) { } }, 2000);
} else {
if (message.type == 'notify') { // This is a notification message.
var n = { text: message.value, title: message.title, icon: message.icon };
if (message.tag != null) { n.tag = message.tag; }
if (message.username != null) { n.username = message.username; }
case 'getnetworkinfo': {
if ((currentNode._id == message.nodeid) && (xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'if' + message.nodeid)) {
if (message.netif == null) {
QH('d2netinfo', "No network interface information available for this device.");
} else {
var x = '<div class=dialogText>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (currentNode.lastconnect) { x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière connexion de l'agent", printDateTime(new Date(currentNode.lastconnect))); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (currentNode.lastaddr) {
var splitip = currentNode.lastaddr.split(':');
if (splitip.length > 2) {
// IPv6
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière adresse de l'agent", currentNode.lastaddr + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="Copy address to clipboard" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(currentNode.lastaddr) + '\") width=10 height=10>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
// IPv4
if (isPrivateIP(currentNode.lastaddr)) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière adresse de l'agent", splitip[0] + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(splitip[0]) + '\") width=10 height=10>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière adresse de l'agent", '<a href="https://iplocation.com/?ip=' + splitip[0] + '" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="MeshIPLoopup">' + splitip[0] + '</a> <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(splitip[0]) + '\") width=10 height=10>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière mise à jour des interfaces", printDateTime(new Date(message.updateTime)));
for (var i in message.netif) {
var net = message.netif[i];
x += '<hr />'
if (net.name) { x += addHtmlValue2("Nom", '<b>' + EscapeHtml(net.name) + '</b>'); }
if (net.desc) { x += addHtmlValue2("Description", EscapeHtml(net.desc).replace('(R)', '®').replace('(r)', '®')); }
if (net.dnssuffix) { x += addHtmlValue2("DNS suffix", EscapeHtml(net.dnssuffix) + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy name to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.dnssuffix) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (net.mac) { x += addHtmlValue2("Adresse MAC", '<a href="https://dnslytics.com/mac-address-lookup/' + net.mac.substring(0, 6) + '" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="MeshMACLoopup">' + EscapeHtml(net.mac.toLowerCase()) + '</a> <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy MAC address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.mac.toLowerCase()) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (net.v4addr) { x += addHtmlValue2("IPv4 address", EscapeHtml(net.v4addr) + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.v4addr) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
if (net.v4mask) { x += addHtmlValue2("IPv4 mask", EscapeHtml(net.v4mask) + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.v4mask) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
if (net.v4gateway) { x += addHtmlValue2("IPv4 gateway", EscapeHtml(net.v4gateway) + ' <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.v4gateway) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (net.gatewaymac) { x += addHtmlValue2("Passerelle MAC", '<a href="https://dnslytics.com/mac-address-lookup/' + net.gatewaymac.substring(0, 6) + '" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="MeshMACLoopup">' + EscapeHtml(net.gatewaymac.toLowerCase()) + '</a> <img src="images/link4.png" title="' + "Copy MAC address to clipboard" + '" style="cursor:pointer" onclick=copyTextToClip2(\"' + encodeURIComponent(net.gatewaymac.toLowerCase()) + '\") width=10 height=10>'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
QH('d2netinfo', x);
case 'serverversion': {
if ((xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'MeshCentralServerUpdate')) {
var x = '<div class=dialogText>';
if (!message.current) { message.current = "Inconnue"; }
if (!message.latest) { message.latest = "Inconnue"; }
x += addHtmlValue2("Current Version", '<b>' + EscapeHtml(message.current) + '</b>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue2("Dernière version", '<b>' + EscapeHtml(message.latest) + '</b>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
if ((message.latest.indexOf('.') == -1) || (message.current == message.latest) || ((features & 2048) == 0)) {
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Version", 1, null, x);
} else {
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Version", 3, server_showVersionDlgEx, x + '<br /><label><input id=d2updateCheck type=checkbox onclick=server_showVersionDlgUpdate() /> ' + "Check and click OK to start server self-update." + '</label>');
case 'servererrors': {
if ((xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'MeshCentralServerErrors')) {
if (message.data == null) {
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Server Errors", 1, null, "Server has no error log.");
} else {
var x = '<div class="dialogText dialogTextLog"><pre id=d2ServerErrorsLogPre>' + message.data + '<pre></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Server Errors", 3, server_showErrorsDlgEx, x + '<br /><div style=float:right><img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="' + "Download error log" + '" style=cursor:pointer onclick=d2CopyServerErrorsToClip()></div><div><label><input id=d2updateCheck type=checkbox onclick=server_showVersionDlgUpdate() /> ' + "Check and click OK to clear error log." + '</label></div>');
case 'serverconsole': {
p15consoleReceive('serverconsole', message.value);
case 'events': {
if ((message.nodeid != null) && (message.nodeid == currentNode._id)) {
currentDeviceEvents = message.events;
} else if ((message.user != null) && (message.user == currentUser.name)) {
currentUserEvents = message.events;
} else {
events = message.events;
case 'getcookie': {
if (message.tag == 'clickonce') {
var basicPort = ' {{{ serverRedirPort }}} ' == '' ? ' {{{ serverPublicPort }}} ' : ' {{{ serverRedirPort }}} ';
var rdpurl = 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':' + basicPort + '/clickonce/minirouter/MeshMiniRouter.application?WS=wss%3A%2F%2F' + window.location.hostname + '%2Fmeshrelay.ashx%3Fauth=' + message.cookie + '&CH= {{{ webcerthash }}} &AP=' + message.protocol + ((debugmode == 1) ? '' : '&HOL=1');
var newWindow = window.open(rdpurl, '_blank');
newWindow.opener = null;
case 'getNotes': {
var n = Q('d2devNotes');
if (n && (message.id == decodeURIComponent(n.attributes['noteid'].value))) {
if (message.notes) { QH('d2devNotes', decodeURIComponent(message.notes)); } else { QH('d2devNotes', ''); }
var ro = (n.attributes['ro'].value == 'true');
if (ro == false) { // If we have permissions, set read/write on this note.
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
case 'otpauth-request': {
if ((xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'otpauth-request')) {
var secret = message.secret;
if (secret.length == 52) { secret = secret.split(/(.............)/).filter(Boolean).join(' '); }
else if (secret.length == 32) { secret = secret.split(/(....)/).filter(Boolean).join(' '); secret = secret.substring(0, 20) + '<br/>' + secret.substring(20) }
QH('d2optinfo', '<table style=width:380px><tr><td style=vertical-align:top>' + "Install <a href=\"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.authenticator2\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=_blank>Google Authenticator</a> or a compatible application and scan the barcode, use <a href=\"' + message.url + '\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=_blank> this link</a> or enter the secret. Then, enter the current 6 digit token below to activate 2-Step login." + '<br /><br />Secret<br /><tt id=d2optsecret secret=\"' + message.secret + '\" style=font-size:12px>' + secret + '</tt><br /><br /></td><td style=width:1px;vertical-align:top><a href=\"' + message.url + '\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=_blank><div id="qrcode"></div></a></td><tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;border-top:1px solid black"><br />' + "Enter the token here for 2-step login:" + ' <input type=text onkeypress=\"return (event.keyCode == 8) || (event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57)\" onkeyup=account_addOtpCheck(event) onkeydown=account_addOtpCheck() maxlength=6 id=d2otpauthinput type=text></td></table>');
new QRCode(Q('qrcode'), { text: message.url, width: 128, height: 128, colorDark: '#000000', colorLight: '#EEE', correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H });
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
case 'otpauth-setup': {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Authenticator App", 1, null, message.success ? ('<b style=color:green>' + "Authenticator app activation successful." + '</b> ' + "Vous aurez maintenant besoin d'un jeton valide pour vous connecter à nouveau.") : ('<b style=color:red>' + "2-step login activation failed." + '</b> ' + "Clear the secret from the application and try again. You only have a few minutes to enter the proper code."));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'otpauth-clear': {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Authenticator App", 1, null, message.success ? ('<b>' + "Authenticator application removed." + '</b> ' + "Vous pouvez réactiver cette fonctionnalité à tout moment.") : ('<b style=color:red>' + "2-step login activation removal failed." + '</b> ' + "Try again."));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'otpauth-getpasswords': {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "One time tokens can be used as secondary authentication. Generate a set, print them and keep them in a safe place.";
x += '<div style="border-radius:6px;border: 2px dashed #888;width:100%;margin-top:8px"><div style="padding:8px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:20px;font-weight:bold"><table class=selecttext style=width:100%;text-align:center>';
if (message.passwords) {
var j = 0, clipb = '';
for (var i in message.passwords) {
if (++j % 2) { x += '<tr>'; }
var p = '' + message.passwords[i].p;
while (p.length < 8) { p = '0' + p; }
if (message.passwords[i].u === true) {
x += '<td>' + p.substring(0, 4) + ' ' + p.substring(4);
if (clipb != '') { clipb += ' '; }
clipb += p;
} else {
x += '<td><strike style=color:#BBB>' + p.substring(0, 4) + ' ' + p.substring(4); + '</strike>';
} else {
x += '<tr><td>' + "No Active Tokens";
x += '</table></div></div><br />';
x += '<div><input type=button value=' + "Close" + ' onclick=setDialogMode(0) style=float:right></input>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<input type=button value="' + "Générer de nouveaux jetons" + '" onclick="account_manageOtp(1);"></input>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (message.passwords != null) {
x += '<input type=button value="' + "Clear Tokens" + '" onclick="account_manageOtp(2);"></input>';
x += ' <img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="' + "Copy valid codes to clipboard" + '" style=cursor:pointer onclick=copyTextToClip2("' + encodeURIComponent(clipb) + '")>';
x += '</div><br />';
setDialogMode(2, "Manage Backup Codes", 8, null, x, 'otpauth-manage');
case 'otp-hkey-get': {
if (xxdialogMode && (xxdialogTag != 'otpauth-hardware-manage')) return;
var start = '<div style="border-radius:6px;border:2px solid #CCC;background-color:#BBB;width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;margin-bottom:6px"><div style="margin:3px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold"><table style=width:100%;text-align:left>';
var end = '</table></div></div>';
var x = "<a href=\"https://www.yubico.com/\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Hardware keys</a> are used as secondary login authentication.";
x += '<div style="max-height:150px;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:6px;margin-bottom:6px">';
if (message.keys && message.keys.length > 0) {
for (var i in message.keys) {
var key = message.keys[i], type = (key.type == 2)?'OTP':'WebAuthn';
2019-11-29 01:29:22 -05:00
x += start + '<tr style=margin:5px><td style=width:30px><img width=24 height=18 src="images/hardware-key-' + type + '-24.png" style=margin-top:4px><td style=width:250px>' + key.name + '<td><input type=button value="' + "Retirer" + '" onclick=account_removehkey(' + key.i + ')></input>' + end;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
x += start + '<tr style=text-align:center><td>' + "No Keys Configured" + end;
x += '</div>';
x += '<div><input type=button value="' + "Close" + '" onclick=setDialogMode(0) style=float:right></input>';
if ((features & 0x00020000) != 0) { x += '<input id=d2addkey3 type=button value="' + "Add Key" + '" onclick="account_addhkey(3);"></input>'; }
if ((features & 0x00004000) != 0) { x += '<input id=d2addkey2 type=button value="' + "Add YubiKey® OTP" + '" onclick="account_addhkey(2);"></input>'; }
x += '</div><br />';
setDialogMode(2, "Manage Security Keys", 8, null, x, 'otpauth-hardware-manage');
if (u2fSupported() == false) { QE('d2addkey1', false); }
case 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add': {
if (message.result) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-get' }); // Success, ask for the full list of keys.
} else {
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 1, null, '<br />' + "Error, Unable to add key." + '<br /><br />');
case 'otp-hkey-setup-response': {
if (xxdialogMode && (xxdialogTag != 'otpauth-hardware-manage')) return;
if (message.result == true) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-get' }); // Success, ask for the full list of keys.
} else {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 1, null, '<br />' + "ERREUR: Impossible d'ajouter la clé." + '<br /><br />', 'otpauth-hardware-manage');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'webauthn-startregister': {
if (xxdialogMode && (xxdialogTag != 'otpauth-hardware-manage')) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var x = "Appuyez sur le bouton de la clé maintenant." + '<br /><br /><div style=width:100%;text-align:center><img width=120 height=117 src="images/hardware-keypress-120.png" /></div><input id=dp1keyname style=display:none value=' + message.name + ' />';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 2, null, x);
var publicKey = message.request;
message.request.challenge = Uint8Array.from(atob(message.request.challenge), function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0) })
message.request.user.id = Uint8Array.from(atob(message.request.user.id), function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0) })
navigator.credentials.create( { publicKey: publicKey })
.then(function(newCredentialInfo) {
// Public key credential
var r = { rawId: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(newCredentialInfo.rawId))), response: { attestationObject: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(newCredentialInfo.response.attestationObject))), clientDataJSON: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(newCredentialInfo.response.clientDataJSON))) }, type: newCredentialInfo.type };
meshserver.send( { action: 'webauthn-endregister', response: r });
}, function(error) {
// Error
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 1, null, "ERREUR:" + error);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'event': {
if (!message.event.nolog) {
if (currentNode && (message.event.nodeid == currentNode._id)) {
// If this event has a nodeid and we are looking at this node, update the log in real time.
var eventLimit = parseInt(p16limitdropdown.value);
while (currentDeviceEvents.length > eventLimit) { currentDeviceEvents.pop(); } // Remove element(s) at the end
if (currentUser && (message.event.userid == currentUser._id)) {
// If this event has a userid and we are looking at this user, update the log in real time.
var eventLimit = parseInt(p31limitdropdown.value);
while (currentUserEvents.length > eventLimit) { currentUserEvents.pop(); } // Remove element(s) at the end
// Add this event to the master events log.
var eventLimit = parseInt(p3limitdropdown.value);
while (events.length > eventLimit) { events.pop(); } // Remove element(s) at the end
if (message.event.noact) break; // Take no action on this event
switch (message.event.action) {
case 'userWebState': {
// New user web state, update the web page as needed
if (localStorage != null) {
var oldShowRealNames = localStorage.getItem('showRealNames');
var oldUiMode = localStorage.getItem('uiMode');
var oldSort = localStorage.getItem('sort');
var oldLoctag = localStorage.getItem('loctag');
var webstate = JSON.parse(message.event.state);
for (var i in webstate) { localStorage.setItem(i, webstate[i]); }
// Update the web page
if ((webstate.deskAspectRatio != null) && (webstate.deskAspectRatio != deskAspectRatio)) { deskAspectRatio = webstate.deskAspectRatio; deskAdjust(); }
if ((webstate.showRealNames != null) && (webstate.showRealNames != oldShowRealNames)) { showRealNames = Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked = (webstate.showRealNames == '1'); masterUpdate(6); }
if ((webstate.uiMode != null) && (webstate.uiMode != oldUiMode)) { userInterfaceSelectMenu(parseInt(webstate.uiMode)); }
if ((webstate.sort != null) && (webstate.sort != oldSort)) { document.getElementById('sortselect').selectedIndex = sort = parseInt(webstate.sort); masterUpdate(6); }
if ((webstate.loctag != null) && (webstate.loctag != oldLoctag)) { if (webstate.loctag != null) { args.locale = webstate.loctag; } else { delete args.locale; } masterUpdate(0xFFFFFFFF); }
case 'servertimelinestats': { addServerTimelineStats(message.event.data); break; }
case 'accountcreate':
case 'accountchange': {
// An account was created or changed
if (userinfo.name == message.event.account.name) {
var newsiteadmin = message.event.account.siteadmin?message.event.account.siteadmin:0;
var oldsiteadmin = userinfo.siteadmin?userinfo.siteadmin:0;
if ((message.event.account.quota != userinfo.quota) || (((userinfo.siteadmin & 8) == 0) && ((message.event.account.siteadmin & 8) != 0))) { meshserver.send( { action: 'files' }); }
var oldgroups = userinfo.groups;
userinfo = message.event.account;
if (oldsiteadmin != newsiteadmin) updateSiteAdmin();
if ((userinfo.siteadmin & 2) != 0) {
// Compare our groups
var og = oldgroups ? oldgroups : [];
var ng = userinfo.groups ? userinfo.groups : [];
if (og.join(',') != ng.join(',')) {
// Our groups have changed, re-ask for a list of users.
users = wssessions = null;
meshserver.send( { action: 'users' });
meshserver.send( { action: 'wssessioncount' });
if (users == null) break;
// Check if the account is part of our user group
if ((userinfo.groups == null) || (userinfo.groups.length == 0) || (findOne(message.event.account.groups, userinfo.groups) == true)) {
users[message.event.account._id] = message.event.account; // Part of our groups, update this user.
} else {
delete users[message.event.account._id]; // No longer part of our groups, remove this user.
case 'accountremove': {
// An account was removed
if (users == null) break;
delete users['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()];
case 'createmesh': {
// A new mesh was created
if ((meshes[message.event.meshid] == null) && (message.event.links[userinfo._id] != null)) { // Check if this is a mesh create for a mesh we own. If site administrator, we get all messages so need to ignore some.
meshes[message.event.meshid] = { _id: message.event.meshid, name: message.event.name, mtype: message.event.mtype, desc: message.event.desc, links: message.event.links };
masterUpdate(4 + 128);
meshserver.send( { action: 'files' });
case 'meshchange': {
// Update mesh information
if (meshes[message.event.meshid] == null) {
// This is a new mesh for us
meshes[message.event.meshid] = { _id: message.event.meshid, name: message.event.name, mtype: message.event.mtype, desc: message.event.desc, links: message.event.links };
meshserver.send( { action: 'nodes' }); // Request a refresh of all nodes (TODO: We could optimize this to only request nodes for the new mesh).
} else {
// This is an existing mesh
if (message.event.name != null) {
meshes[message.event.meshid].name = message.event.name;
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i].meshid == message.event.meshid) { nodes[i].meshnamel = message.event.name.toLowerCase(); } }
if (message.event.desc != null) { meshes[message.event.meshid].desc = message.event.desc; }
if (message.event.flags != null) { meshes[message.event.meshid].flags = message.event.flags; }
if (message.event.consent != null) { meshes[message.event.meshid].consent = message.event.consent; }
if (message.event.links) { meshes[message.event.meshid].links = message.event.links; }
if (message.event.amt) { meshes[message.event.meshid].amt = message.event.amt; }
// Check if we lost rights to this mesh in this change.
if (meshes[message.event.meshid].links[userinfo._id] == null) {
if ((xxcurrentView == 20) && (currentMesh == meshes[message.event.meshid])) go(2);
delete meshes[message.event.meshid];
// Delete all nodes in that mesh
var newnodes = [];
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i].meshid != message.event.meshid) { newnodes.push(nodes[i]); } }
nodes = newnodes;
// If we are looking at a node in the deleted mesh, move back to "My Devices"
if (xxcurrentView >= 10 && xxcurrentView < 20 && currentNode && currentNode.meshid == message.event.meshid) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); }
masterUpdate(4 + 128);
if (currentNode && (currentNode.meshid == message.event.meshid)) { currentNode = null; if ((xxcurrentView >= 10) && (xxcurrentView < 20)) { go(1); } }
//meshserver.send( { action: 'files' }); // TODO: Why do we need to do this??
// If we are looking at a mesh that is now deleted, move back to "My Account"
if (xxcurrentView == 20 && currentMesh._id == message.event.meshid) { masterUpdate(4096); }
case 'deletemesh': {
// Delete the mesh
if (meshes[message.event.meshid]) {
delete meshes[message.event.meshid];
meshserver.send( { action: 'files' });
// Delete all nodes in that mesh
var newnodes = [];
if (nodes != null) { for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i].meshid != message.event.meshid) { newnodes.push(nodes[i]); } } }
nodes = newnodes;
// If we are looking at a mesh that is now deleted, move back to "My Account"
if (xxcurrentView >= 20 && xxcurrentView < 30 && currentMesh._id == message.event.meshid) { setDialogMode(0); go(2); }
// If we are looking at a node in the deleted mesh, move back to "My Devices"
if (xxcurrentView >= 10 && xxcurrentView < 20 && currentNode && currentNode.meshid == message.event.meshid) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); }
case 'addnode': {
var node = message.event.node;
if (!meshes[node.meshid]) break; // This is a node for a mesh we don't know. Happens when we are site administrator, we get all messages.
if (getNodeFromId(node._id) != null) break; // This node is already known.
node.namel = node.name.toLowerCase();
if (node.rname) { node.rnamel = node.rname.toLowerCase(); } else { node.rnamel = node.namel; }
node.meshnamel = meshes[node.meshid].name.toLowerCase();
node.state = 0;
if (!node.icon) node.icon = 1;
node.ident = ++nodeShortIdent;
if (nodes == null) { }
// Web page update
masterUpdate(1 | 2 | 4 | 16);
case 'removenode': {
var index = -1;
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == message.event.nodeid) { index = i; break; } }
if (index != -1) {
var node = nodes[index];
if (currentNode == node) {
if (xxcurrentView >= 10 && xxcurrentView < 20) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); }
currentNode = null;
// TODO: Correctly disconnect from this node (Desktop/Terminal/Files...)
nodes.splice(index, 1);
// Web page update
masterUpdate(4 | 16);
case 'changenode': {
var index = -1;
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == message.event.nodeid) { index = i; break; } }
if (index != -1) {
var node = nodes[index];
// Change the node
node.name = message.event.node.name;
node.rname = message.event.node.rname;
node.users = message.event.node.users;
node.host = message.event.node.host;
node.desc = message.event.node.desc;
node.ip = message.event.node.ip;
node.osdesc = message.event.node.osdesc;
node.publicip = message.event.node.publicip;
node.iploc = message.event.node.iploc;
node.wifiloc = message.event.node.wifiloc;
node.gpsloc = message.event.node.gpsloc;
node.tags = message.event.node.tags;
node.userloc = message.event.node.userloc;
if (message.event.node.agent != null) {
if (node.agent == null) node.agent = { };
if (message.event.node.agent.ver != null) { node.agent.ver = message.event.node.agent.ver; }
if (message.event.node.agent.id != null) { node.agent.id = message.event.node.agent.id; }
if (message.event.node.agent.caps != null) { node.agent.caps = message.event.node.agent.caps; }
if (message.event.node.agent.core != null) { node.agent.core = message.event.node.agent.core; } else { if (node.agent.core) { delete node.agent.core; } }
node.agent.tag = message.event.node.agent.tag;
if (message.event.node.intelamt != null) {
if (node.intelamt == null) node.intelamt = { };
if (message.event.node.intelamt.state != null) { node.intelamt.state = message.event.node.intelamt.state; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.host != null) { node.intelamt.user = message.event.node.intelamt.host; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.user != null) { node.intelamt.user = message.event.node.intelamt.user; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.tls != null) { node.intelamt.tls = message.event.node.intelamt.tls; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.ver != null) { node.intelamt.ver = message.event.node.intelamt.ver; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.tag != null) { node.intelamt.tag = message.event.node.intelamt.tag; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.uuid != null) { node.intelamt.uuid = message.event.node.intelamt.uuid; }
if (message.event.node.intelamt.realm != null) { node.intelamt.realm = message.event.node.intelamt.realm; }
if (message.event.node.av != null) { node.av = message.event.node.av; }
node.namel = node.name.toLowerCase();
if (node.rname) { node.rnamel = node.rname.toLowerCase(); } else { node.rnamel = node.namel; }
if (message.event.node.icon) { node.icon = message.event.node.icon; }
// Web page update
masterUpdate(2 | 4 | 8 | 16);
if ((currentNode == node) && (xxdialogMode != null) && (xxdialogTag == '@xxmap')) { p10showNodeLocationDialog(); }
case 'nodemeshchange': {
var index = -1;
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == message.event.nodeid) { index = i; break; } }
if (index != -1) {
var node = nodes[index];
if (meshes[message.event.newMeshId] == null) {
// We don't see the new mesh, remove this device
// TODO: Correctly disconnect from this node (Desktop/Terminal/Files...)
if (currentNode == node) { if (xxcurrentView >= 10 && xxcurrentView < 20) { setDialogMode(0); go(1); } currentNode = null; }
nodes.splice(index, 1);
masterUpdate(4 | 16);
} else {
// We see the new mesh, move this device
node.meshid = message.event.newMeshId;
node.meshnamel = meshes[message.event.newMeshId].name.toLowerCase();
masterUpdate(1 | 2 | 4);
} else {
// This is a new device, add it.
var node = message.event.node;
if (!meshes[node.meshid]) break; // This is a node for a mesh we don't know. Happens when we are site administrator, we get all messages.
node.namel = node.name.toLowerCase();
if (node.rname) { node.rnamel = node.rname.toLowerCase(); } else { node.rnamel = node.namel; }
node.meshnamel = meshes[node.meshid].name.toLowerCase();
node.state = 0;
if (!node.icon) node.icon = 1;
node.ident = ++nodeShortIdent;
if (nodes == null) { }
// Web page update
masterUpdate(1 | 2 | 4 | 16);
case 'nodeconnect': {
// Indicated a node has changed connectivity state
var index = -1;
for (var i in nodes) { if (nodes[i]._id == message.event.nodeid) { index = i; break; } }
if (index != -1) {
var node = nodes[index];
// Event the connection change if needed
var n = getstore('notifications', 0); // Account notification settings
// Per-group notification settings
if (message.event.meshid && userinfo.links && userinfo.links[message.event.meshid] && userinfo.links[message.event.meshid].notify) {
n &= userinfo.links[message.event.meshid].notify;
} else {
n = 0;
// Show the notification
if (n & 2) {
if (((node.conn & 1) == 0) && ((message.event.conn & 1) != 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Agent connected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (((node.conn & 2) == 0) && ((message.event.conn & 2) != 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Intel AMT détecté", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (((node.conn & 4) == 0) && ((message.event.conn & 4) != 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Intel AMT CIRA connected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
if (((node.conn & 16) == 0) && ((message.event.conn & 16) != 0)) { addNotification( { text: "MQTT connected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
if (n & 4) {
if (((node.conn & 1) != 0) && ((message.event.conn & 1) == 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Agent disconnected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (((node.conn & 2) != 0) && ((message.event.conn & 2) == 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Intel AMT non détecté", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (((node.conn & 4) != 0) && ((message.event.conn & 4) == 0)) { addNotification( { text: "Intel AMT CIRA disconnected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
if (((node.conn & 16) != 0) && ((message.event.conn & 16) == 0)) { addNotification( { text: "MQTT disconnected", title: node.name, icon: node.icon, nodeid: node._id }); }
// Change the node connection state
node.conn = message.event.conn;
node.pwr = message.event.pwr;
// Web page update
masterUpdate(4 | 16);
case 'wssessioncount': {
// Update the active web socket session count for a user
if (wssessions != null) {
if (message.event.count == 0 && wssessions['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()]) {
delete wssessions['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()];
} else {
wssessions['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()] = message.event.count;
case 'login': {
// Update the last login time
if (users != null && users['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()]) {
users['user/' + domain + '/' + message.event.username.toLowerCase()].login = Math.floor(new Date(message.event.time).getTime() / 1000);
case 'scanamtdevice': {
// Populate the Intel AMT scan dialog box with the result of the RMCP scan
if ((xxdialogMode == null) || (!Q('dp1range')) || (Q('dp1range').value != message.event.range)) return;
var x = '';
if (message.event.results == null) {
// The scan could not occur because of an error. Likely the user range was invalid.
x = '<div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px>' + "Unable to scan this address range." + '</div><div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px;color:gray;line-height:1.5>' + "Sample IP range values<br /><br /><br />" + '</div>';
} else {
// Go thru all the results and populate the dialog box
amtScanResults = message.event.results;
for (var i in message.event.results) {
var r = message.event.results[i], shortname = r.hostname;
if (shortname.length > 20) { shortname = shortname.substring(0, 20) + '...'; }
var str = '<b title="' + EscapeHtml(r.hostname) + '">' + EscapeHtml(shortname) + '</b> - v' + r.ver;
if (r.state == 2) { if (r.tls == 1) { str += "avec TLS."; } else { str += "sans TLS."; } } else { str += ' not activated.'; }
x += '<div style=width:100%;margin-bottom:2px;background-color:lightgray><div style=padding:4px><div style=display:inline-block;margin-right:5px><input class=DevScanCheckbox name=dp1checkbox tag="' + EscapeHtml(i) + '" type=checkbox onclick=addAmtScanToMeshCheckbox() /></div><div class=j1 style=display:inline-block></div><div style=display:inline-block;margin-left:5px;overflow-x:auto;white-space:nowrap>' + str + '</div></div></div>';
// If no results where found, display a nice message
if (x == '') { x = '<div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px>Scan returned no results.</div><div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px;color:gray;line-height:1.5>Sample IP range values<br /><br /><br /></div>'; }
// Set the html in the dialog box and re-enable the scan button
QH('dp1results', x);
QE('dp1range', true);
QE('dp1rangebutton', true);
case 'notify': {
var n = { text: message.event.value, title: message.event.title, icon: message.event.icon };
if (message.event.tag != null) { n.tag = message.event.tag; }
case 'traceinfo': {
if (typeof message.event.traceSources == 'object') {
if ((message.event.traceSources != null) && (message.event.traceSources.length > 0)) {
serverTraceSources = message.event.traceSources;
QH('p41traceStatus', EscapeHtml(message.event.traceSources.join(', ')));
} else {
serverTraceSources = [];
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('p41traceStatus', "Aucun");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'sysinfohash': {
// If the sysinfo document has changed and we are looking at it, request an update.
if ((currentNode != null) && (message.event.nodeid == powerTimelineReq)) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'getsysinfo', nodeid: message.event.nodeid });
case 'stopped': { // Server is stopping.
// Disconnect
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
case 'updatePluginList': {
installedPluginList = message.event.list;
case 'pluginStateChange': {
if (pluginHandler == null) break;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
//console.log('Unknown message.event.action', message.event.action);
case 'createInviteLink': { // Agent installation invitation link
if (xxdialogTag != message.meshid) break;
var servername = serverinfo.name;
if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1) || ((features & 2) != 0)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
var domainUrlNoSlash = domainUrl.substring(0, domainUrl.length - 1);
var url;
if (serverinfo.https == true) {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'agentinvite?c=' + message.cookie;
} else {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 80) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'agentinvite?c=' + message.cookie;
Q('agentInvitationLink').href = url;
var t = format(" { 0} hour { 1}", message.expire, addLetterS(message.expire));
if (message.expire == 24) { t = "1 jour"; }
if (message.expire == 168) { t = "1 semaine"; }
if (message.expire == 5040) { t = "1 mois"; }
if (message.expire == 0) { t = "Illimité"; }
QH('agentInvitationLink', format("Invitation Link ( { 0})", t));
QV('agentInvitationLinkDiv', true);
case 'getmqttlogin': {
if ((currentNode == null) || (currentNode._id != message.nodeid) || (xxdialogMode != null)) return;
var x = "These settings can be used to connect MQTT for this device." + '<br /><br />';
delete message.action;
delete message.nodeid;
x += '<textarea readonly=readonly style=width:100%;resize:none;height:100px;overflow:auto;font-size:12px readonly>' + JSON.stringify(message) + '</textarea>';
x += addHtmlValue('Username', '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + message.user + '" />');
x += addHtmlValue('Password', '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + message.pass + '" />');
x += addHtmlValue('WS URL', '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + message.wsUrl + '" />');
if (message.mpsUrl && message.mpsCertHash) {
x += addHtmlValue('MPS URL', '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + message.mpsUrl + '" />');
x += addHtmlValue('MPS Cert Hash', '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + message.mpsCertHash + '" />');
setDialogMode(2, "MQTT Credentials", 1, null, x);
case 'stopped': { // Server is stopping.
// Disconnect
autoReconnect = false;
QH('p0span', message.msg);
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
case 'updatePluginList': {
installedPluginList = message.list;
case 'pluginVersionsAvailable': {
if (pluginHandler == null) break;
case 'downgradePluginVersions': {
var vSelect = '<select id="lastPluginVersion">';
message.info.versionList.forEach(function(v) { vSelect += '<option value="' + v.zipball_url + '">' + v.name + '</option>'; });
vSelect += '</select>';
setDialogMode(2, "Plugin Action", 3, pluginActionEx, format('Select the version to downgrade the plugin: { 0}', message.info.name) + '<hr />' + vSelect + '<hr />' + "Please be aware that downgrading is not recommended. Please only do so in the event that a recent upgrade has broken something." + + '<input id="lastPluginAct" type="hidden" value="downgrade" /><input id="lastPluginId" type="hidden" value="' + message.info.id + '" />');
case 'pluginError': {
setDialogMode(2, "Plugin Error", 1, null, message.msg);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
case 'plugin': {
if ((pluginHandler == null) || (typeof message.plugin != 'string')) break;
try { pluginHandler[message.plugin][message.method](server, message); } catch (e) { console.log('Error loading plugin handler ('+ e + ')'); }
//console.log('Unknown message.action', message.action);
function onRealNameCheckBox() {
showRealNames = Q('RealNameCheckBox').checked;
putstore('showRealNames', showRealNames ? 1 : 0);
function onDeviceViewChange(i) {
if (i != null) { Q('viewselect').value = i; }
for (var j = 1; j < 5; j++) { Q('devViewButton' + j).classList.remove('viewSelectorSel'); }
Q('devViewButton' + Q('viewselect').value).classList.add('viewSelectorSel');
putstore('_deviceView', Q('viewselect').value);
putstore('_viewsize', Q('sizeselect').value);
setTimeout(function () { masterUpdate(512); }, 200);
function ondockeypress(e) {
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q('DeskControl').checked) {
// Check what keys we are allows to send
if (currentNode != null) {
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0)));
if (inputAllowed == false) return false;
var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0)));
if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || ((e.keyCode < 32) && (e.keyCode != 8) && (e.keyCode != 13)) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; }
return desktop.m.handleKeys(e);
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) { return terminal.m.TermHandleKeys(e); }
if (!xxdialogMode && ((xxcurrentView == 15) || (xxcurrentView == 115))) return agentConsoleHandleKeys(e);
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 4) {
if (e.ctrlKey == true || e.altKey == true || e.metaKey == true) return;
var processed = 0;
if (e.key) {
if (e.key.length === 1 && userSearchFocus == 0) { Q('UserSearchInput').value = ((Q('UserSearchInput').value + e.key)); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 8 && userSearchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('UserSearchInput').value; Q('UserSearchInput').value = x.substring(0, x.length - 1); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 27) { Q('UserSearchInput').value = ''; processed = 1; }
} else {
if (e.charCode != 0 && userSearchFocus == 0) { Q('UserSearchInput').value = ((Q('UserSearchInput').value + String.fromCharCode(e.charCode))); processed = 1; }
if (processed > 0) { if (processed == 1) { onUserSearchInputChanged(); } return haltEvent(e); }
if (xxdialogMode || xxcurrentView != 1) return;
if (e.ctrlKey == true && e.charCode == 96) {
showRealNames = !showRealNames;
Q('RealNameCheckBox').value = showRealNames;
putstore('showRealNames', showRealNames ? 1 : 0);
if (e.ctrlKey == true || e.altKey == true || e.metaKey == true) return;
if (Q('viewselect').value < 3) {
var processed = 0;
if (e.key) {
if (e.key.length === 1 && searchFocus == 0) { Q('SearchInput').value = ((Q('SearchInput').value + e.key)); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 8 && searchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('SearchInput').value; Q('SearchInput').value = x.substring(0, x.length - 1); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 27) { Q('SearchInput').value = ''; processed = 1; }
} else {
if (e.charCode != 0 && searchFocus == 0) { Q('SearchInput').value = ((Q('SearchInput').value + String.fromCharCode(e.charCode))); processed = 1; }
if (processed > 0) { if (processed == 1) { masterUpdate(5); } return haltEvent(e); }
if (Q('viewselect').value == 3) {
if (e.key) {
if (e.key.length === 1 && mapSearchFocus == 0) { Q('mapSearchLocation').value = ((Q('mapSearchLocation').value + e.key)); processed = 1; }
//if (e.keyCode == 8 && mapSearchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('mapSearchLocation').value; Q('mapSearchLocation').value = x.substring(0, x.length - 1); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 27) { Q('mapSearchLocation').value = ''; mapCloseSearchWindow(); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode == 13) { getSearchLocation(); }
} else {
if (e.charCode != 0 && mapSearchFocus == 0) { Q('mapSearchLocation').value = ((Q('mapSearchLocation').value + String.fromCharCode(e.charCode))); processed = 1; }
function ondockeydown(e) {
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q('DeskControl').checked) {
// Check what keys we are allows to send
if (currentNode != null) {
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0)));
if (inputAllowed == false) return false;
var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0)));
if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || ((e.keyCode < 32) && (e.keyCode != 8) && (e.keyCode != 13)) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; }
return desktop.m.handleKeyDown(e);
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) { terminal.m.TermHandleKeyDown(e); if ((e.keyCode >= 37) && (e.keyCode <= 40)) { haltEvent(e); } }
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 13 && e.keyCode == 116 && p13filetree != null) { haltEvent(e); return false; } // F5 Refresh on files
if (!xxdialogMode && ((xxcurrentView == 15) || (xxcurrentView == 115))) { return agentConsoleHandleKeys(e); }
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 4) {
if (e.keyCode === 8 && userSearchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('UserSearchInput').value; Q('UserSearchInput').value = (x.substring(0, x.length - 1)); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode === 27) { Q('UserSearchInput').value = ''; processed = 1; }
if (processed > 0) { if (processed == 1) { masterUpdate(5); } return haltEvent(e); }
if (xxdialogMode || xxcurrentView != 1 || e.ctrlKey == true || e.altKey == true || e.metaKey == true) return;
var processed = 0;
if (Q('viewselect').value < 3) {
if (e.keyCode === 8 && searchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('SearchInput').value; Q('SearchInput').value = (x.substring(0, x.length - 1)); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode === 27) { Q('SearchInput').value = ''; processed = 1; }
if (processed > 0) { if (processed == 1) { masterUpdate(5); } return haltEvent(e); }
if (Q('viewselect').value == 3) {
if (e.keyCode === 8 && mapSearchFocus == 0) { var x = Q('mapSearchLocation').value; Q('mapSearchLocation').value = (x.substring(0, x.length - 1)); processed = 1; }
if (e.keyCode === 27) { Q('mapSearchLocation').value = ''; mapCloseSearchWindow(); processed = 1; }
function ondockeyup(e) {
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q('DeskControl').checked) {
// Check what keys we are allows to send
if (currentNode != null) {
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
var inputAllowed = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0)));
if (inputAllowed == false) return false;
var limitedInputAllowed = ((meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0)));
if (limitedInputAllowed == true) { if ((e.altKey == true) || (e.ctrlKey == true) || ((e.keyCode < 32) && (e.keyCode != 8) && (e.keyCode != 13)) || (e.keyCode > 90)) return false; }
return desktop.m.handleKeyUp(e);
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 12 && terminal && terminal.State == 3) { return terminal.m.TermHandleKeyUp(e); }
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 13 && e.keyCode == 116 && p13filetree != null) { p13folderup(9999); haltEvent(e); return false; } // F5 Refresh on files
if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 4) { if ((e.keyCode === 8 && searchFocus == 0) || e.keyCode === 27) { return haltEvent(e); } }
if (xxdialogMode && e.keyCode == 27) { dialogclose(0); }
if (xxdialogMode || xxcurrentView != 0 || e.ctrlKey == true || e.altKey == true || e.metaKey == true) return;
if (Q('viewselect').value < 3) { if ((e.keyCode === 8 && searchFocus == 0) || e.keyCode === 27) { return haltEvent(e); } }
if (Q('viewselect').value == 3) { if ((e.keyCode === 8 && mapSearchFocus == 0) || e.keyCode === 27) { return haltEvent(e); } }
//function ondocfocus() { }
// TODO: Add handleReleaseKeys() for Intel AMT.
function ondocblur() { if (!xxdialogMode && xxcurrentView == 11 && desktop && Q('DeskControl').checked && desktop.m.handleReleaseKeys) { return desktop.m.handleReleaseKeys(); } }
// Highlights the device being hovered
function devMouseHover(element, over) {
var view = Q('viewselect').value;
if (view == 1) {
var e = element.children[1].children[1];
if (over == 1) {
} else if (view == 2) {
var e = element;
if (over == 1) {
var deviceHeaderId = 0;
var deviceHeaderTotal = 0;
var deviceHeadersTitles = { };
var deviceHeaderCount;
var deviceHeaders = { };
var oldviewmode = 0;
function updateDevices() {
if (nodes == null) { return; }
var r = '', c = 0, current = null, count = 0, displayedMeshes = { }, view = Q('viewselect').value, groups = { }, groupCount = { };
QV('xdevices', view < 4);
QV('xdevicesmap', view == 4);
QV('devListToolbar', view < 3);
QV('kvmListToolbar', view == 3);
QV('devMapToolbar', view == 4);
QV('devListToolbarSize', view == 3);
QV('NoMeshesPanel', meshcount == 0);
//QV('devListToolbarView', (meshcount != 0) && (nodes.length > 0));
QV('devListToolbarViewIcons', (meshcount != 0) && (nodes.length > 0));
QV('devListToolbarSort', (meshcount != 0) && (nodes.length > 0) && (view < 4));
if ((meshcount == 0) || (nodes.length == 0)) { view = 1; sort = 0; }
if (view == 4) {
setTimeout( function() { if (xxmap.map != null) { xxmap.map.updateSize(); } }, 200);
} else {
// 3 wide, list view or desktop view
deviceHeaderId = 0;
deviceHeaderCount = { };
deviceHeaderTotal = 0;
deviceHeaders = { };
deviceHeadersTitles = { };
var kvmDivs = [];
// Perform node sort
if (sort == 0) { nodes.sort(meshSort); }
else if (sort == 1) { nodes.sort(powerSort); }
else if (sort == 2) { if (showRealNames == true) { nodes.sort(deviceHostSort); } else { nodes.sort(deviceSort); } }
// Save the list of currently checked nodeid's
var checkedNodeids = [], elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DeviceCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].checked) { checkedNodeids.push(elements[i].value); } }
if ((oldviewmode < 3) && (view == 3)) { multiDesktopFilter = checkedNodeids; }
else if ((oldviewmode == 3) && (view < 3)) { checkedNodeids = multiDesktopFilter; }
// Compute the width of the device view.
var totalDeviceViewWidth = Q('column_l').clientWidth - 60;
var deviceBoxWidth = Math.floor(totalDeviceViewWidth / 301);
deviceBoxWidth = 301 + Math.floor((totalDeviceViewWidth - (deviceBoxWidth * 301)) / deviceBoxWidth);
if ((view == 2) && (sort != 3)) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
r += '<table style=width:100%;margin-top:4px cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><th style=color:gray><th style=color:gray;width:120px>' + "Utilisateur" + '<th style=color:gray;width:120px>' + "Address" + '<th style=color:gray;width:100px>' + "Connectivity"; //<th style=color:gray;width:100px>State';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Go thru the list of nodes and display them
for (var i in nodes) {
var node = nodes[i];
if (node.v == false) continue;
var mesh2 = meshes[node.meshid], meshlinks = mesh2.links[userinfo._id];
if (meshlinks == null) continue;
var meshrights = meshlinks.rights;
if ((view == 3) && (mesh2.mtype == 1)) continue;
if (sort == 0) {
// Mesh header
if (node.meshid != current) {
var extra = '';
if (view == 2) { r += '<tr><td colspan=5>'; }
if (meshes[node.meshid].mtype == 1) { extra = '<span class=devHeaderx>' + ", Intel® AMT only" + '</span>'; }
if ((view == 1) && (current != null)) { if (c == 2) { r += '<td><div style=width:301px></div></td>'; } if (r != '') { r += '</tr></table>'; } }
if (view == 2) { r += '<div>'; }
r += '<div class=DevSt style=width:100%;padding-top:4px><span style=float:right>';
r += '<span id=DevxHeader' + deviceHeaderId + ' class=devHeaderx></span>' + extra;
r += '</span><span id=MxMESH tabindex=0 style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoMesh("' + node.meshid + '") onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoMesh(\'' + node.meshid + '\')">' + EscapeHtml(meshes[node.meshid].name) + '</span>' + getMeshActions(mesh2, meshrights) + '</div>';
if (view == 2) { r += '</div>'; }
current = node.meshid;
displayedMeshes[current] = 1;
c = 0;
} else if (sort == 1) {
// Power header
var pwr = node.pwr?node.pwr:0;
if (pwr !== current) {
if ((view == 1) && (current !== null)) { if (c == 2) { r += '<td><div style=width:301px></div></td>'; } if (r != '') { r += '</tr></table>'; } }
if (view == 2) { r += '<tr><td>'; }
r += '<div class=DevSt style=width:100%;padding-top:4px><span id=DevxHeader' + deviceHeaderId + ' class=devHeaderx style=float:right></span><span>' + PowerStateStr2(node.pwr) + '</span></div>';
current = pwr;
c = 0;
} else if (sort == 2) {
// Device header
if (current == null) { current = '1'; }
var title = EscapeHtml(node.name);
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (title.length == 0) { title = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((node.rname != null) && (node.rname.length > 0)) { title += ' / ' + EscapeHtml(node.rname); }
var name = EscapeHtml(node.name);
if (showRealNames == true && node.rname != null) name = EscapeHtml(node.rname);
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (name.length == 0) { name = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Node
var icon = node.icon;
if ((!node.conn) || (node.conn == 0)) { icon += ' gray'; }
if (view == 1) {
r += '<div id=devs onmouseover=devMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=devMouseHover(this,0) style=display:inline-block;width:' + deviceBoxWidth + 'px;height:50px;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px><div style=width:22px;height:50%;float:left;padding-top:12px><input class="' + node.meshid + ' DeviceCheckbox" onclick=p1updateInfo() value=devid_' + node._id + ' type=checkbox></div><div style=height:100%;cursor:pointer tabindex=0 onclick=gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event)"><div class="i' + icon + '" style=width:50px;float:left></div><div style=height:100%><div class=g1></div><div class=e2><div class=e1 style=width:' + (deviceBoxWidth - 100) + 'px title="' + title + '">' + name + '</div><div>' + NodeStateStr(node) + '</div></div><div class=g2></div></div></div></div>';
} else if (view == 2) {
var states = [];
if (node.conn) {
if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "Agent" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 2) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT CIRA is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "CIRA" + '</span>'); }
else if ((node.conn & 4) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT is routable." + '\">' + "AMT" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 8) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is reachable using another agent as relay." + '\">' + "Relay" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 16) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "MQTT connection to the device is active." + '\">' + "MQTT" + '</span>'); }
r += '<tr><td><div id=devs class=bar18 tabindex=0 onmouseover=devMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=devMouseHover(this,0) style=height:18px;width:100%;font-size:medium onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event)">';
r += '<div class=deviceBarCheckbox><input class="' + node.meshid + ' DeviceCheckbox" onclick=p1updateInfo() value=devid_' + node._id + ' type=checkbox></div>';
r += '<div class=deviceBarIcon onclick=gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event)><div class=\"j' + icon + '\" style=width:16px;margin-top:1px;margin-left:2px;height:16px></div></div>';
r += '<div class=g1 style=height:18px;float:left></div><div class=g2 style=height:18px;float:right></div>';
r += '<div style=cursor:pointer;font-size:14px title="' + title + '" onclick=gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event)><span style=width:300px>' + name + '</span></div></div></td>';
r += '<td style=text-align:center>' + getUserShortStr(node);
r += '<td style=text-align:center>' + (node.ip != null ? node.ip : '');
r += '<td style=text-align:center>' + states.join(' + ');
//r += '<td style=text-align:center>' + (node.pwr != null ? powerStateStrings[node.pwr] : '');
r += '</tr>';
} else if ((view == 3) && (node.conn & 1) && (((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256)) != 0) && ((node.agent.caps & 1) != 0)) { // Check if we have rights and agent is capable of KVM.
if ((multiDesktopFilter) && ((multiDesktopFilter.length == 0) || (multiDesktopFilter.indexOf('devid_' + node._id) >= 0))) {
r += '<div id=devs style=display:inline-block;margin:1px;background-color:lightgray;border-radius:5px;position:relative><div tabindex=0 style=padding:3px;cursor:pointer onclick=gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',11,null,event) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',11,null,event)">';
//r += '<input class="' + node.meshid + ' DeviceCheckbox" onclick=p1updateInfo() value=devid_' + node._id + ' type=checkbox style=float:left>';
r += '<div class="j' + icon + '" style=width:16px;float:left></div> ' + name + '</div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
r += '<span onclick=gotoDevice(\'' + node._id + '\',null,null,event)></span><div id=xkvmid_' + node._id.split('/')[2] + '><div id=skvmid_' + node._id.split('/')[2] + ' tabindex=0 style="position:absolute;color:white;left:5px;top:27px;text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #000;z-index:1000;cursor:default" onclick=toggleKvmDevice(\'' + node._id + '\') onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') toggleKvmDevice(\'' + node._id + '\')">' + "Débranché" + '</div></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
r += '</div>';
// If we are displaying devices by group, put the device in the right group.
if ((sort == 3) && (r != '')) {
if (node.tags) {
for (var j in node.tags) {
var tag = node.tags[j];
if (groups[tag] == null) { groups[tag] = r; groupCount[tag] = 1; } else { groups[tag] += r; groupCount[tag] += 1; }
if (view == 3) break;
r = '';
if (typeof deviceHeaderCount[node.state] == 'undefined') { deviceHeaderCount[node.state] = 1; } else { deviceHeaderCount[node.state]++; }
2019-10-27 15:07:45 -04:00
// Above 32 devices, gray out the auto connect feature.
if (kvmDivs.length >= 32) { Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked = false; }
QE('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox', kvmDivs.length < 32);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// If displaying devices by groups, sort the group names and display the devices.
if (sort == 3) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (view == 2) { r = '<table style=width:100%;margin-top:4px cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><th style=color:gray><th style=color:gray;width:120px>' + "Utilisateur" + '<th style=color:gray;width:120px>' + "Address" + '<th style=color:gray;width:100px>' + "Connectivity"; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var groupNames = [];
for (var i in groups) { groupNames.push(i); }
groupNames.sort(function (a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); });
for (var j in groupNames) {
var i = groupNames[j];
if (view == 2) {
r += '<tr><td colspan=4><div class=DevSt style=width:100%;padding-top:4px><span class=devHeaderx style=float:right>' + groupCount[i] + ' node' + ((groupCount[i] > 1) ? 's' : '') + '</span><span>' + i + '</span></div>' + groups[i];
} else {
r += '<div class=DevSt style=width:100%;padding-top:4px><span class=devHeaderx style=float:right>' + groupCount[i] + ' node' + ((groupCount[i] > 1) ? 's' : '') + '</span><span>' + i + '</span></div>' + groups[i];
// If there is nothing to display, explain the problem
if ((r == '') && (meshcount > 0) && (Q('SearchInput').value != '')) {
if (sort == 3) {
r = '<div style="margin:30px">' + "No devices are included in any groups, click on a device\'s \"Groups\" to add to a group." + '</div>';
} else {
r = '<div style="margin:30px">' + "Aucun appareil ne correspond à cette recherche." + '</div>';
if ((view == 1) && (c == 2)) r += '<td><div style=width:301px></div></td>'; // Adds device padding
// Display all empty device groups, we need to do this because users can add devices to these at any time.
if ((sort == 0) && (Q('SearchInput').value == '') && (view < 3)) {
for (var i in meshes) {
var mesh = meshes[i], meshlink = mesh.links[userinfo._id];
if (meshlink != null) {
var meshrights = meshlink.rights;
if (displayedMeshes[mesh._id] == null) {
if ((current != '') && (r != '')) { r += '</tr></table>'; }
r += '<table style=width:100%;padding-top:4px cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=3 class=DevSt><span id=MxMESH style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoMesh("' + mesh._id + '")>' + EscapeHtml(mesh.name) + '</span><span>';
r += getMeshActions(mesh, meshrights);
r += '</span></td></tr><tr>';
if (mesh.mtype == 1) {
r += '<td><div style=padding:10px><i>' + "No Intel® AMT devices in this mesh";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return addDeviceToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "ajoute un" + '</a>'; }
if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
r += '<td><div style=padding:10px><i>' + "Aucun appareil dans ce groupe";
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) { r += ', <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return addAgentToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "ajoute un" + '</a>'; }
r += '.</i></div></td>';
current = mesh._id;
r += '</tr></table><div style=height:1px></div>'; // This height of 1 div fixes a problem in Linux firefox browsers
// Add a "Add Device Group" option
r += '<div style=border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:1px;border-top-color:#DDDDDD;cursor:pointer;font-size:10px>';
if ((view < 3) && (sort == 0) && (meshcount > 0) && ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 64) == 0))) {
r += '<a href=# onclick="return account_createMesh()" title=\"' + "Create a new group of devices." + '\" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Ajouter un groupe" + '</a> ';
if ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.siteadmin & 128) == 0)) {
r += '<a href=# onclick=\'return p10showMeshCmdDialog(0)\' style=cursor:pointer title=\"' + "Download MeshCmd, a command line tool that performs many functions." + '\">' + "MeshCmd" + '</a> ';
if (navigator.platform.toLowerCase() == 'win32') { r += '<a href=# onclick=\'return p10showMeshRouterDialog()\' style=cursor:pointer title=\"' + "Download MeshCentral Router, a TCP port mapping tool." + '\">' + "Router" + '</a> '; }
r += '</div><br/>';
QH('xdevices', r);
// Re-check nodeid's
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DeviceCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
if (checkedNodeids) { for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { elements[i].checked = (checkedNodeids.indexOf(elements[i].value) >= 0); } }
for (var i in deviceHeaders) { QH(i, deviceHeaders[i]); }
for (var i in deviceHeadersTitles) { Q(i).title = deviceHeadersTitles[i]; }
// Take care of KVM surfaces in desktop view mode
if (view == 3) {
// Figure out and adjust the size to fill the width of the div
var vsize = [ { x: 180, y: 101 }, { x: 302, y: 169 }, { x: 454, y: 255 }][Q('sizeselect').selectedIndex];
//var realw = vsize.x + 2, tw = Q('xdevices').clientWidth - 30, xw = Math.floor(tw / realw);
var realw = vsize.x + 2, tw = totalDeviceViewWidth - 5, xw = Math.floor(tw / realw);
xw = realw + Math.floor((tw - (xw * realw)) / xw);
vsize.y = vsize.y * (xw / vsize.x);
vsize.x = xw;
for (var i in multiDesktop) { multiDesktop[i].xxdelete = true; }
for (var i in kvmDivs) {
var id = kvmDivs[i], shortid = id.split('/')[2], desk = multiDesktop[id];
if (desk != null) {
// This device already has a canvas, use it.
desk.m.CanvasId.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:black;width:' + vsize.x + 'px;height:' + vsize.y + 'px');
Q('xkvmid_' + shortid).appendChild(desk.m.CanvasId);
delete desk.xxdelete;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('skvmid_' + shortid, ["Débranché", "Connecting...", "Traitement...", '', ''][((desk.m.State == null)?desk.m.state:desk.m.State)]);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
var node = getNodeFromId(id);
if ((desktopNode == node) && (desktop != null)) { // Check if the main desktop is this device, if it is, use that.
// This device already has a canvas, use it.
var c = desktop.m.CanvasId;
c.setAttribute('id', 'kvmid_' + shortid);
c.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:black;width:' + vsize.x + 'px;height:' + vsize.y + 'px');
c.setAttribute('onclick', 'toggleKvmDevice(\'' + id + '\')');
Q('xkvmid_' + shortid).appendChild(c);
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('skvmid_' + shortid, ["Débranché", "Connecting...", "Traitement...", '', ''][((desktop.m.State == null)?desktop.m.state:desktop.m.State)]);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel) { desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel(1, multidesktopsettings.quality, multidesktopsettings.scaling, multidesktopsettings.framerate); }
desktop.shortid = shortid;
desktop.onStateChanged = onMultiDesktopStateChange;
multiDesktop[id] = desktop;
desktop = desktopNode = currentNode = null;
// Setup a replacement desktop
QH('DeskParent', '<canvas id="Desk" oncontextmenu="return false" onmousedown=dmousedown(event) onmouseup=dmouseup(event) onmousemove=dmousemove(event)></canvas>');
} else {
// This is a new device, create a canvas for it.
var c = document.createElement('canvas');
c.setAttribute('id', 'kvmid_' + shortid);
c.setAttribute('width', 640);
c.setAttribute('height', 480);
c.setAttribute('oncontextmenu', 'return false');
c.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:black;width:' + vsize.x + 'px;height:' + vsize.y + 'px');
c.setAttribute('onclick', 'toggleKvmDevice(\'' + id + '\')');
try { Q('xkvmid_' + shortid).appendChild(c); } catch (ex) { }
// Check if we need to auto-connect
if (Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked == true) { setTimeout(function() { connectMultiDesktop(node, 1); }, 100); }
for (var i in multiDesktop) {
// If a device is no longer viewed, disconnect it.
if (multiDesktop[i].xxdelete == true) { multiDesktop[i].Stop(); delete multiDesktop[i]; }
else if (debugmode && multiDesktop[i].m && multiDesktop[i].m.onScreenSizeChange) {
mdeskAdjust(multiDesktop[i].m, multiDesktop[i].m.ScreenWidth, multiDesktop[i].m.ScreenHeight, multiDesktop[i].m.CanvasId); // Adjust screen size change
} else {
Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked = false;
oldviewmode = view;
2019-10-27 15:07:45 -04:00
function toggleKvmDevice(node) {
if (typeof node == 'string') { node = getNodeFromId(node); } // Convert nodeid to node if needed
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid], meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256)) { // Requires remote control rights or desktop view only rights
//var conn = 0;
//if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) { conn = 1; } else if ((node.conn & 6) != 0) { conn = 2; } // Check what type of connect we can do (Agent vs AMT)
if (node.conn & 1) { connectMultiDesktop(node, 1); }
function getUserShortStr(node) {
if (node == null || node.users == null || node.users.length == 0) return '';
if (node.users.length > 1) { return '<span title="' + EscapeHtml(node.users.join(', ')) + '">' + nobreak(format(" { 0} users", node.users.length)) + '</span>'; }
var u = node.users[0], su = u, i = u.indexOf('\\');
if (i > 0) { su = u.substring(i + 1); }
su = EscapeHtml(su);
if (su.length > 15) { su = su.substring(0, 14) + '…'; }
return '<span title="' + EscapeHtml(u) + '">' + su + '</span>';
function autoConnectDesktops() { if (Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked == true) { connectAllKvmFunction(); } }
2019-10-27 15:07:45 -04:00
function connectAllKvmFunction(force) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
if (force !== true) { // We need to count how many devices will need to be connected, if it's a lot, prompt first.
var count = 0;
for (var i in nodes) {
var node = nodes[i], nodeid = nodes[i]._id;
if (multiDesktop[nodeid] == null) {
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid], meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
if ((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256)) { // Requires remote control rights or desktop view only rights
//var conn = 0;
//if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) { conn = 1; } else if ((node.conn & 6) != 0) { conn = 2; } // Check what type of connect we can do (Agent vs AMT)
if (node.conn & 1) { count++; }
if (count > 8) { setDialogMode(2, "Connect All", 3, function() { connectAllKvmFunction(true); }, format("Are you sure you want to connect to { 0} devices?", count)); return; }
// Perform connect all
for (var i in nodes) { if (multiDesktop[nodes[i]._id] == null) { toggleKvmDevice(nodes[i]._id); } }
function disconnectAllKvmFunction() { if (xxdialogMode) return false; for (var nodeid in multiDesktop) { multiDesktop[nodeid].Stop(); } multiDesktop = { }; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function onMultiDesktopStateChange(desk, state) { try { QH('skvmid_' + desk.shortid, ["Débranché", "Connecting...", "Traitement...", '', ''][state]); } catch (ex) { } }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function showMultiDesktopSettings() {
QV('d7amtkvm', false);
QV('d7meshkvm', true);
d7bitmapquality.value = multidesktopsettings.quality;
d7bitmapscaling.value = multidesktopsettings.scaling;
if (multidesktopsettings.framerate) { d7framelimiter.value = multidesktopsettings.framerate; } else { d7framelimiter.value = 1000; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(7, "Paramètres du bureau à distance", 3, showMultiDesktopSettingsChanged);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function showMultiDesktopSettingsChanged() {
multidesktopsettings.quality = d7bitmapquality.value;
multidesktopsettings.scaling = d7bitmapscaling.value;
multidesktopsettings.framerate = d7framelimiter.value;
localStorage.setItem('multidesktopsettings', JSON.stringify(multidesktopsettings));
// Make changes to all current connections
for (var i in multiDesktop) { multiDesktop[i].m.SendCompressionLevel(1, multidesktopsettings.quality, multidesktopsettings.scaling, multidesktopsettings.framerate); }
function connectMultiDesktop(node, contype) {
var nodeid = node._id, shortid = nodeid.split('/')[2];
var desk = multiDesktop[nodeid];
if (desk == null) {
if (Q('kvmid_' + shortid) == null) return; // Check if this device is being displayed, if not, exit now.
if (contype == 2) {
// Setup the Intel AMT remote desktop
if ((node.intelamt.user == null) || (node.intelamt.user == '')) { return; }
desk = CreateAmtRedirect(CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('kvmid_' + shortid), authCookie);
desk.shortid = shortid;
//desk.debugmode = debugmode;
desk.onStateChanged = onMultiDesktopStateChange;
desk.m.bpp = 1;
desk.m.useZRLE = true;
desk.m.showmouse = true;
desk.m.onKvmData = function (data) { console.log('KVM Data received in multi-desktop mode, this is not supported.'); }; // KVM Data Channel not supported in multi-desktop right now.
//desk.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
if (debugmode > 0) { desk.m.onScreenSizeChange = mdeskAdjust; } // Multi-Desktop Adjust
desk.Start(nodeid, 16994, '*', '*', 0);
desk.contype = 2;
multiDesktop[nodeid] = desk;
} else if (contype == 1) {
// Setup the Mesh Agent remote desktop
desk = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('kvmid_' + shortid), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl);
desk.shortid = shortid;
desk.attemptWebRTC = attemptWebRTC;
desk.onStateChanged = onMultiDesktopStateChange;
//desk.onConsoleMessageChange = function () { console.log('CONSOLEMSG:', desk.consoleMessage); }
desk.m.CompressionLevel = multidesktopsettings.quality;
desk.m.ScalingLevel = multidesktopsettings.scaling;
desk.m.FrameRateTimer = multidesktopsettings.framerate;
//desk.m.onDisplayinfo = deskDisplayInfo;
//desk.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
if (debugmode > 0) { desk.m.onScreenSizeChange = mdeskAdjust; } // Multi-Desktop Adjust
desk.contype = 1;
multiDesktop[nodeid] = desk;
} else {
// Disconnect and clean up the remote desktop
delete multiDesktop[nodeid];
function getMeshActions(mesh, meshrights) {
if ((meshrights & 4) == 0) return '';
var r = '';
if ((features & 1024) == 0) { // If CIRA is allowed
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer that is located on the internet." + '\" onclick=\'return addCiraDeviceToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Ajouter CIRA" + '</a>';
if (mesh.mtype == 1) {
if ((features & 1) == 0) { // If not WAN-Only
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer that is located on the local network." + '\" onclick=\'return addDeviceToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Add Local" + '</a>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer by scanning the local network." + '\" onclick=\'return addAmtScanToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Scan réseau" + '</a>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (mesh.amt && (mesh.amt.type == 2)) { // CCM activation
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Perform Intel AMT client control mode (CCM) activation." + '\" onclick=\'return showCcmActivation(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Activation" + '</a>';
} else if (mesh.amt && (mesh.amt.type == 3) && ((features & 0x00100000) != 0)) { // ACM activation
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Perform Intel AMT admin control mode (ACM) activation." + '\" onclick=\'return showAcmActivation(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Activation" + '</a>';
if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Add a new computer to this mesh by installing the mesh agent." + '\" onclick=\'return addAgentToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Ajouter un agent" + '</a>';
if ((features & 2) == 0) { r += ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer;font-size:10px title=\"' + "Invitez quelqu'un à installer l'agent de maillage sur ce maillage." + '\" onclick=\'return inviteAgentToMesh(\"' + mesh._id + '\")\'>' + "Inviter" + '</a>'; }
return r;
function addDeviceToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var mesh = meshes[meshid];
var x = format("Add a new Intel® AMT device to device group \" { 0}\".", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Device Name", '<input id=dp1devicename style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=off onchange=validateDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateDeviceToMesh() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Hostname", '<input id=dp1hostname style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=off placeholder=\"' + "Identique au nom de l'appareil" + '\" onchange=validateDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateDeviceToMesh() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Nom d'utilisateur", '<input id=dp1username style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=off placeholder=\"' + "admin" + '\" onchange=validateDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateDeviceToMesh() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=dp1password type=password style=width:230px autocomplete=off maxlength=32 onchange=validateDeviceToMesh() onkeyup=validateDeviceToMesh() />');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Sécurité", '<select id=dp1tls style=width:236px><option value=0>' + "Pas de sécurité TLS" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Sécurité TLS requise" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Add Intel® AMT device", 3, addDeviceToMeshEx, x, meshid);
return false;
// Intel AMT CCM Activation
function showCcmActivation(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var servername = serverinfo.name, mesh = meshes[meshid];
if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1) || ((features & 2) != 0)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
var url, domainUrlNoSlash = domainUrl.substring(0, domainUrl.length - 1);
if (serverinfo.https == true) {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'wss://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl;
} else {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 80) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'ws://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl;
var x = format("Perform Intel AMT client control mode (CCM) activation to group \" { 0}\" by downloading the MeshCMD tool and running it like this:", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += '<textarea readonly=readonly style=width:100%;resize:none;height:100px;overflow:auto;font-size:12px readonly>meshcmd amtccm --url ' + url + 'amtactivate?id=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + ' --serverhttpshash ' + serverinfo.tlshash + '</textarea>';
setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT activation", 9, null, x);
return false;
// Intel AMT ACM Activation
function showAcmActivation(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var servername = serverinfo.name, mesh = meshes[meshid];
if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1) || ((features & 2) != 0)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
var url, domainUrlNoSlash = domainUrl.substring(0, domainUrl.length - 1);
if (serverinfo.https == true) {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'wss://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl;
} else {
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 80) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
url = 'ws://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl;
var x = format("Perform Intel AMT admin control mode (ACM) activation to group \" { 0}\" by downloading the MeshCMD tool and running it like this:", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += '<textarea readonly=readonly style=width:100%;resize:none;height:100px;overflow:auto;font-size:12px readonly>meshcmd amtacm --url ' + url + 'amtactivate?id=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + ' --serverhttpshash ' + serverinfo.tlshash + '</textarea>';
if (serverinfo.amtAcmFqdn != null) {
x += ('<div style=margin-top:8px>' + "Intel AMT will need to be set with a Trusted FQDN in MEBx or have a wired LAN on the network:" + ' <b>' + serverinfo.amtAcmFqdn.join(', ') + '</b></div>');
setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT activation", 9, null, x);
return false;
// Display the Intel AMT scanning dialog box
function addAmtScanToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = "Enter a range of IP addresses to scan for Intel AMT devices." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("IP Range", '<input id=dp1range style=width:184px value="" onkeyup=addAmtScanToMeshKeyUp(event) /><input id=dp1rangebutton type=button value=\"' + "Analyse" + '\" onclick=addAmtScanToMeshButton()></input>');
x += '<div id=dp1results style="width:100%;height:200px;background-color:white;border:1px gray solid;overflow-y:scroll"></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Rechercher des périphériques Intel® AMT", 3, addAmtScanToMeshEx, x, meshid);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
QH('dp1results', '<div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px;color:gray;line-height:1.5>Sample IP range values<br /><br /><br /></div>');
return false;
function addAmtScanToMeshKeyUp(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) { haltEvent(e); addAmtScanToMeshButton(); }
// Called when OK is pressed on the Intel AMT scanning box
function addAmtScanToMeshEx(button, meshid) {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DevScanCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) {
if (elements[i].checked) {
var ipaddr = elements[i].getAttribute('tag');
var amtinfo = amtScanResults[ipaddr];
meshserver.send( { action: 'addamtdevice', meshid: meshid, devicename: ipaddr, hostname: amtinfo.hostname, amtusername: '', amtpassword: '', amttls: amtinfo.tls });
// If the user presses the "Scan" button on the Intel AMT scanning dialog box, start a scan.
function addAmtScanToMeshButton() {
QE('dp1range', false);
QE('dp1rangebutton', false);
QH('dp1results', '<div style=width:100%;text-align:center;margin-top:12px>' + "Balayage..." + '</div>');
meshserver.send( { action: 'scanamtdevice', range: Q('dp1range').value });
// Called when a scanned computer is checked or unchecked.
function addAmtScanToMeshCheckbox() {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DevScanCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].checked) checkcount++; }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', checkcount > 0);
function addCiraDeviceToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var mesh = meshes[meshid];
// Replace non alphabetic characters (@ and $) with 'X' because MPS username cannot accept it.
var meshidx = meshid.split('/')[2].replace(/\@/g, 'X').replace(/\$/g, 'X');
var y = '<select id=dlgAddCiraSel onclick=dlgAddCiraSelClick() style=width:230px><option value=0>' + "MeshCommander Script" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Nom d'utilisateur / mot de passe manuel" + '</option>';
if ((features & 16) == 0) { y += ('<option value=2>' + "Certificat manuel" + '</option></select>'); } // Only display this option if Intel AMT CIRA with Mutual-Auth is allowed.
var x = '';
x += addHtmlValue("Setup Method", y);
x += '<hr>';
// Setup CIRA using a MeshCommander script (Pretty Simple)
x += '<div id=dlgAddCira0>' + format("To add a new Intel® AMT device to device group \" { 0}\" with CIRA, download the following script files and use <a href='http://meshcommander.com' rel='noreferrer noopener' target='_blank'>MeshCommander</a> to run the script to configure computers.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
//x += addHtmlValue('Setup CIRA', '<a href="mescript.ashx?type=1&meshid=' + meshidx.substring(0, 16) + '" download>cira_setup.mescript</a>');
x += addHtmlValue("Setup CIRA", '<a href="mescript.ashx?type=1&meshid=' + meshid + '" download>cira_setup.mescript</a>');
x += addHtmlValue("Cleanup CIRA", '<a href="mescript.ashx?type=2" download>cira_clean.mescript</a>');
x += '</div>';
// Setup CIRA with user/pass authentication (Somewhat difficult)
x += '<div id=dlgAddCira1 style=display:none>' + format("To add a new Intel® AMT device to device group \" { 0}\" with CIRA, load the following certificate as trusted root within Intel AMT", EscapeHtml(mesh.name));
if (serverinfo.mpspass) { x += ("et authentifiez-vous sur le serveur en utilisant ce nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe." + '<br /><br />'); } else { x += ("et vous authentifier sur le serveur en utilisant ce nom d'utilisateur et n'importe quel mot de passe." + '<br /><br />'); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Certificat Racine", '<a href=\"' + "MeshServerRootCert.cer" + '\" download>' + "Fichier de Certificate Racine" + '</a>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("Nom d'utilisateur", '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + meshidx.substring(0, 16) + '" />');
if (serverinfo.mpspass) { x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + EscapeHtml(serverinfo.mpspass) + '" />'); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (serverinfo != null) { x += addHtmlValue("Serveur MPS", '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + EscapeHtml(serverinfo.mpsname) + ':' + serverinfo.mpsport + '" />'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
// Setup CIRA with certificate authentication (Really difficult, only if TLS offload is not used)
if ((features & 16) == 0) {
x += '<div id=dlgAddCira2 style=display:none>' + format("To add a new Intel® AMT device to device group \" { 0}\" with CIRA, load the following certificate as trusted root within Intel AMT, authenticate using a client certificate with the following common name and connect to the following server.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Certificat Racine", '<a href="MeshServerRootCert.cer" download>' + "Fichier de Certificate Racine" + '</a>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("Organisation", '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + meshidx + '" />');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (serverinfo != null) { x += addHtmlValue("Serveur MPS", '<input style=width:230px readonly value="' + EscapeHtml(serverinfo.mpsname) + ':' + serverinfo.mpsport + '" />'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Add Intel® AMT CIRA device", 2, null, x, 'fileDownload');
return false;
function dlgAddCiraSelClick() {
var val = Q('dlgAddCiraSel').value;
QV('dlgAddCira0', val == 0);
QV('dlgAddCira1', val == 1);
QV('dlgAddCira2', val == 2);
// Return true is the input string looks like an email address
function checkEmail(str) {
var x = str.split('@');
var ok = ((x.length == 2) && (x[0].length > 0) && (x[1].split('.').length > 1) && (x[1].length > 2));
if (ok == true) { var y = x[1].split('.'); for (var i in y) { if (y[i].length == 0) { ok = false; } } }
return ok;
function inviteAgentToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '', mesh = meshes[meshid];
if (features & 64) {
x += addHtmlValue("Type d'invitation", '<select id=d2InviteType onchange=d2ChangedInviteType() style=width:236px><option value=0>Link invitation</option><option value=1>Email invitation</option></select>') + '<hr />';
x += '<div id=emailInviteDiv style=display:none>' + format("Invitez quelqu'un à installer l'agent de maillage. Un email doit être envoyé avec le lien vers l’ installation de l’ agent de maillage pour le groupe de périphériques \" { 0}\".", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Nom: (optionnel)", '<input id=agentInviteName value="" style=width:230px maxlength=64 />');
x += addHtmlValue("Email", '<input id=agentInviteEmail style=width:230px placeholder=\"' + "example@email.com" + '\" onkeyup=validateAgentInvite()></input>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Système opérateur", '<select id=agentInviteNameOs onchange=d2ChangedInviteType() style=width:236px><option value=4>' + "Envoyer le lien d'installation" + '</option><option value=0 selected>' + "Any supported" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Windows only" + '</option><option value=3>' + "Apple MacOS only" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Linux only" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div id=d2agentexpirediv>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Expiration du lien", '<select id=agentInviteExpire style=width:236px><option value=1>' + "1 heure" + '</option><option value=8>' + "8 heures" + '</option><option value=24>' + "1 jour" + '</option><option value=168>' + "1 semaine" + '</option><option value=5040>' + "1 mois" + '</option><option value=0>' + "Illimité" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
x += addHtmlValue("Installation Type", '<select id=agentInviteType style=width:236px><option value=0>' + "Background and interactive" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Background only" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Interactive only" + '</option></select>');
x += addHtmlValue("Message" + '<br />' + "(optional)", '<textarea id=agentInviteMessage value="" style=width:230px;height:100px;resize:none maxlength=1024 /></textarea>');
x += '</div>';
x += '<div id=urlInviteDiv>' + format("Invitez quelqu'un à installer l'agent de maillage en partageant un lien d'invitation. Ce lien renvoie l'utilisateur aux instructions d'installation du groupe de périphériques \" { 0}\". Le lien est public et aucun compte n'est requis pour ce serveur.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Expiration du lien", '<select id=d2inviteExpire style=width:236px onchange=d2RequestInvitationLink()><option value=1>' + "1 heure" + '</option><option value=8>' + "8 heures" + '</option><option value=24>' + "1 jour" + '</option><option value=168>' + "1 semaine" + '</option><option value=5040>' + "1 mois" + '</option><option value=0>' + "Illimité" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div id=agentInvitationLinkDiv style="text-align:center;font-size:large;margin:16px;display:none"><a href=# id=agentInvitationLink target="_blank" style=cursor:pointer></a> <img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title=\"' + "Copy link to clipboard" + '\" style=cursor:pointer onclick=d2CopyInviteToClip()></div></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Inviter", 3, performAgentInvite, x, meshid);
if (features & 64) { Q('d2InviteType').focus(); d2ChangedInviteType(); } else { Q('d2inviteExpire').focus(); validateAgentInvite(); }
return false;
function d2RequestInvitationLink() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'createInviteLink', meshid: xxdialogTag, expire: parseInt(Q('d2inviteExpire').value), flags: 0 });
function d2ChangedInviteType() {
QV('urlInviteDiv', Q('d2InviteType').value == 0);
QV('d2agentexpirediv', Q('agentInviteNameOs').value == 4);
QV('emailInviteDiv', Q('d2InviteType').value == 1);
function d2CopyInviteToClip() { copyTextToClip(Q('agentInvitationLink').href); }
function validateAgentInvite() {
if ((features & 64) && (Q('d2InviteType').value == 1)) {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', checkEmail(Q('agentInviteEmail').value));
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', true);
} else {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', false);
function performAgentInvite(button, meshid) {
if ((features & 64) && (Q('d2InviteType').value == 1)) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'inviteAgent', meshid: meshid, email: Q('agentInviteEmail').value, name: Q('agentInviteName').value, os: Q('agentInviteNameOs').value, flags: Q('agentInviteType').value, msg: Q('agentInviteMessage').value, expire: parseInt(Q('agentInviteExpire').value) });
function addAgentToMesh(meshid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var mesh = meshes[meshid], x = '', installType = 0;
x += addHtmlValue("Système opérateur", '<select id=aginsSelect onchange=addAgentToMeshClick() style=width:236px><option value=0>' + "Windows" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Linux / BSD" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Apple MacOS" + '</option><option value=3>' + "Windows (UnInstall)" + '</option><option value=4>' + "Linux / BSD (UnInstall)" + '</option></select>');
x += '<div id=aginsTypeDiv>';
x += addHtmlValue("Installation Type", '<select id=aginsType onchange=addAgentToMeshClick() style=width:236px><option value=0>' + "Background & interactive" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Background only" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Interactive only" + '</option></select>');
x += '</div><hr>';
// \/:*?"<>|
var meshfilename = mesh.name
meshfilename = meshfilename.split('\\').join('').split('/').join('').split(':').join('').split('*').join('').split('?').join('').split('"').join('').split('<').join('').split('>').join('').split('|').join('').split(' ').join('').split('\'').join('');
// Windows agent install
//x += "<div id=agins_windows>To add a new computer to device group \"" + EscapeHtml(mesh.name) + "\", download the mesh agent and configuration file and install the agent on the computer to manage.<br /><br />";
x += '<div id=agins_windows>' + format("To add a new computer to device group \" { 0}\", download the mesh agent and install it the computer to manage. This agent has server and device group information embedded within it.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '<a id=aginsw32lnk href="meshagents?id=3&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '&installflags=0" download onclick="setDialogMode(0)" title=\"' + "32bit version of the MeshAgent" + '\">' + "Windows (.exe)" + '</a> <img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="Copy Windows 32bit agent URL to clipboard" style=cursor:pointer onclick=copyAgentUrl("meshagents?id=3&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '&installflags=",1)>');
x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '<a id=aginsw64lnk href="meshagents?id=4&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '&installflags=0" download onclick="setDialogMode(0)" title=\"' + "64bit version of the MeshAgent" + '\">' + "Windows x64 (.exe)" + '</a> <img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="Copy Windows 64bit agent URL to clipboard" style=cursor:pointer onclick=copyAgentUrl("meshagents?id=4&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '&installflags=",1)>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (debugmode > 0) { x += addHtmlValue("Fichier de Paramètres", '<a id=aginswmshlnk href="meshsettings?id=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '&installflags=0" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">' + format(" { 0} settings (.msh)", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '</a>'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
// Linux agent install
x += '<div id=agins_linux style=display:none>' + format("To add a computer to { 0} run the following command. Root credentials will be needed.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br />';
x += '<textarea id=agins_linux_area rows=2 cols=20 readonly=readonly style=width:100%;resize:none;height:120px;overflow:scroll;font-size:12px readonly></textarea>';
x += '<div style=\'font-size:x-small\'>' + "* For BSD, run \"pkg install wget sudo bash\" first." + '</div></div>';
// MacOS agent install
x += '<div id=agins_osx style=display:none>' + format("To add a new computer to device group \" { 0}\", download the mesh agent and install it the computer to manage. This agent installer has server and device group information embedded within it.", EscapeHtml(mesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '<a href="meshosxagent?id=16&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" title="64bit version of MacOS Mesh Agent">MacOS Agent (64bit)</a> <img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title="' + "Copy MacOS agent URL to clipboard" + '" style=cursor:pointer onclick=copyAgentUrl("meshosxagent?id=16&meshid=' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '",0)>');
x += '</div>';
// Windows agent uninstall
x += '<div id=agins_windows_un style=display:none>' + "To remove a mesh agent, download the file below, run it and click \"uninstall\"." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '<a href="meshagents?id=3" download onclick="setDialogMode(0)" title="' + "32bit version of the MeshAgent" + '">' + "Windows (.exe)" + '</a>');
x += addHtmlValue("Mesh Agent", '<a href="meshagents?id=4" download onclick="setDialogMode(0)" title="' + "64bit version of the MeshAgent" + '">' + "Windows x64 (.exe)" + '</a>');
x += '</div>';
// Linux agent uninstall
x += '<div id=agins_linux_un style=display:none>' + "To remove a mesh agent, run the following command. Root credentials will be needed." + '<br />';
x += '<textarea id=agins_linux_area_un rows=2 cols=20 readonly=readonly style=width:100%;resize:none;height:120px;overflow:scroll;font-size:12px readonly></textarea>';
x += '</div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Add Mesh Agent", 2, null, x, 'fileDownload');
var servername = serverinfo.name;
if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1) || ((features & 2) != 0)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
var domainUrlNoSlash = domainUrl.substring(0, domainUrl.length - 1);
if (serverinfo.https == true)
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443)?'':(':' + serverinfo.port);
if ((features & 0x2000) == 0)
Q('agins_linux_area').value = '(wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo -E ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\' || ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n';
Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = '(wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n';
// Server asked that agent be installed to preferably not use a HTTP proxy.
Q('agins_linux_area').value = 'wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\' || ./meshinstall.sh https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n';
Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = 'wget https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy --no-check-certificate -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n';
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 80) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
if ((features & 0x2000) == 0)
Q('agins_linux_area').value = '(wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo -E ./meshinstall.sh http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n';
Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = '(wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 -O ./meshinstall.sh || wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy -O ./meshinstall.sh) && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n';
// Server asked that agent be installed to preferably not use a HTTP proxy.
Q('agins_linux_area').value = 'wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrlNoSlash + ' \'' + meshid.split('/')[2] + '\'\r\n';
Q('agins_linux_area_un').value = 'wget http://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + 'meshagents?script=1 --no-proxy -O ./meshinstall.sh && chmod 755 ./meshinstall.sh && sudo ./meshinstall.sh uninstall\r\n';
return false;
function copyAgentUrl(url,addflag) {
var servername = serverinfo.name;
if ((servername.indexOf('.') == -1) || ((features & 2) != 0)) { servername = window.location.hostname; } // If the server name is not set or it's in LAN-only mode, use the URL hostname as server name.
var domainUrlNoSlash = domainUrl.substring(0, domainUrl.length - 1);
var portStr = (serverinfo.port == 443) ? '' : (':' + serverinfo.port);
var c = 'https://' + servername + portStr + domainUrl + url;
if (addflag == 1) c += Q('aginsType').value;
function addAgentToMeshClick() {
var v = Q('aginsSelect').value;
QV('agins_windows', v == 0);
QV('agins_linux', v == 1);
QV('agins_osx', v == 2);
QV('agins_windows_un', v == 3);
QV('agins_linux_un', v == 4);
QV('aginsTypeDiv', v == 0);
// Fix the links if needed
Q('aginsw32lnk').href = (Q('aginsw32lnk').href.split('installflags=')[0]) + 'installflags=' + Q('aginsType').value;
Q('aginsw64lnk').href = (Q('aginsw64lnk').href.split('installflags=')[0]) + 'installflags=' + Q('aginsType').value;
if (debugmode > 0) { Q('aginswmshlnk').href = (Q('aginswmshlnk').href.split('installflags=')[0]) + 'installflags=' + Q('aginsType').value; }
function validateDeviceToMesh() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', (Q('dp1devicename').value.length > 0) && (passwordcheck(Q('dp1password').value)));
function addDeviceToMeshEx(button, meshid) {
var amtuser = Q('dp1username').value;
if (amtuser == '') amtuser = 'admin';
var host = Q('dp1hostname').value;
if (host == '') host = Q('dp1devicename').value;
meshserver.send( { action: 'addamtdevice', meshid: meshid, devicename: Q('dp1devicename').value, hostname: host, amtusername: amtuser, amtpassword: Q('dp1password').value, amttls: Q('dp1tls').value });
function deviceHeaderSet() {
if (deviceHeaderId == 0) { deviceHeaderId = 1; return; }
deviceHeaders['DevxHeader' + deviceHeaderId] = ((deviceHeaderTotal == 1) ? "1 appareil" : format(" { 0} appareil", deviceHeaderTotal));
//var title = '';
//for (x in deviceHeaderCount) { if (title.length > 0) title += ', '; title += deviceHeaderCount[x] + ' ' + PowerStateStr2(x); }
//deviceHeadersTitles["DevxHeader" + deviceHeaderId] = title;
deviceHeaderCount = { };
deviceHeaderTotal = 0;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var powerStateStrings = ['', '<span title=\"' + "Device is powered on." + '\">' + "Alimenté" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is in sleep state (S1)." + '\">' + "Dormir" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is in sleep state (S2)." + '\">' + "Dormir" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is in deep sleep state (S3)." + '\">' + "Deep Sleep" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is in hibernating state (S4)." + '\">' + "Hibernation" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is in powered off state (S5)." + '\">' + "Soft-Off" + '</span>', '<span title=\"' + "Device is detected but power state could not be obtained." + '\">' + "Présent" + '</span>'];
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var powerStateStrings2 = ['', "Device is powered", "Device is in sleep state (S1)", "Device is in sleep state (S2)", "Device is in deep sleep state (S3)", "Device is hibernating (S4)", "Device is in soft-off state (S5)", "Device is present, but power state cannot be determined"];
var powerColorTable = ['pwsTransparent', 'pwsBlack', 'pwsBlue', 'pwsBlue2', 'pwsLightblue', 'pwsBlueviolet', 'pwsDarkgreen', 'pwsLightseagreen', 'pwsLightseagreen2'];
function NodeStateStr(node) {
var states = [];
if (node.state > 0 && node.state < powerStatetable.length) state.push(powerStatetable[node.state]);
if (node.conn) {
if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "Agent" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 2) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT CIRA is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "CIRA" + '</span>'); }
else if ((node.conn & 4) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT is routable." + '\">' + "AMT" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 8) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is reachable using another agent as relay." + '\">' + "Relay" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.conn & 16) != 0) { states.push('<span title=\"' + "MQTT connection to the device is active." + '\">' + "MQTT" + '</span>'); }
if ((node.pwr != null) && (node.pwr != 0)) { states.push(powerStateStrings[node.pwr]); }
return states.join(', ');
function PowerStateStr(x) {
if (x < powerStatetable.length) return powerStatetable[x];
return '';
function PowerStateStr2(x) {
if ((x != 0) && (x < powerStatetable.length)) return powerStatetable[x];
return "Inconnue";
function selectallButtonFunction() {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DeviceCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].checked === true) checkcount++; }
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { elements[i].checked = (checkcount == 0); }
function p1updateInfo() {
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DeviceCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].checked === true) { checkcount++; } }
if (checkcount > 0) {
QE('GroupActionButton', true);
Q('SelectAllButton').value = "Rien sélectionner";
QV('cxmgroupsplit', true);
QV('cxmdesktop', true);
} else {
QE('GroupActionButton', false);
Q('SelectAllButton').value = "Tout Sélectionner";
QV('cxmgroupsplit', false);
QV('cxmdesktop', false);
function groupActionFunction() {
2019-10-26 13:57:40 -04:00
var addedOptions = '', nodeids = getCheckedDevices();
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
// Check if any of the selected devices have a MQTT connection active
if (features & 0x00400000) {
for (var i in nodeids) { if ((getNodeFromId(nodeids[i]).conn & 16) != 0) { addedOptions += '<option value=103>' + "Envoyer un Message MQTT" + '</option>'; break; } }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
// Display the "Uninstall Agent" option if allowed and we selected connected devices.
for (var i in nodeids) {
var node = getNodeFromId(nodeids[i]);
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
if (((node.conn & 1) != 0) && ((meshrights & 32768) != 0)) { addedOptions += '<option value=104>' + "Uninstall Agent" + '</option>'; break; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var x = "Select an operation to perform on all selected devices. Actions will be performed only with proper rights." + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Opération", '<select id=d2groupop><option value=100>' + "Wake-up devices" + '</option><option value=4>' + "Sleep devices" + '</option><option value=3>' + "Réinitialiser les appareils" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Éteindre les appareils" + '</option><option value=102>' + "Déplacer vers un groupe d'appareils" + '</option>' + addedOptions + '<option value=101>' + "Delete devices" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Action de groupe", 3, groupActionFunctionEx, x);
// Get the list of checked devices, removes any duplicates.
function getCheckedDevices() {
var nodeids = [], elements = document.getElementsByClassName("DeviceCheckbox"), checkcount = 0;
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) { if (elements[i].checked) { if (elements[i].value) { var nid = elements[i].value.substring(6); if (nodeids.indexOf(nid) == -1) { nodeids.push(nid); } } } }
return nodeids;
function groupActionFunctionEx() {
var op = Q('d2groupop').value;
if (op == 100) {
// Group wake
meshserver.send( { action: 'wakedevices', nodeids: getCheckedDevices() });
} else if (op == 101) {
// Group delete, ask for confirmation
var x = "Confirm delete selected devices(s)?" + '<br /><br />';
x += '<label><input id=d2check type=checkbox onchange=d2groupActionFunctionDelEx() />' + "Confirm" + '</label>';
setDialogMode(2, "Delete Nodes", 3, groupActionFunctionDelEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
} else if (op == 102) {
// Move computers to a different group
} else if (op == 103) {
// Send MQTT Message
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
} else if (op == 104) {
// Uninstall agent
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
// Power operation
meshserver.send( { action: 'poweraction', nodeids: getCheckedDevices(), actiontype: parseInt(op) });
function d2groupActionFunctionDelEx() { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d2check').checked); }
function groupActionFunctionDelEx() { meshserver.send( { action: 'removedevices', nodeids: getCheckedDevices() }); }
function onSortSelectChange(skipsave) {
sort = document.getElementById('sortselect').selectedIndex;
if (!skipsave) { putstore('sort', sort); }
function meshSort(a, b) { if (a.meshnamel > b.meshnamel) return 1; if (a.meshnamel < b.meshnamel) return -1; if (a.meshid == b.meshid) { if (showRealNames == true) { if (a.rnamel > b.rnamel) return 1; if (a.rnamel < b.rnamel) return -1; return 0; } else { if (a.namel > b.namel) return 1; if (a.namel < b.namel) return -1; return 0; } } return 0; }
function powerSort(a, b) { var ap = a.pwr?a.pwr:0; var bp = b.pwr?b.pwr:0; if (ap > bp) return -1; if (ap < bp) return 1; if (ap == bp) { if (showRealNames == true) { if (a.rnamel > b.rnamel) return 1; if (a.rnamel < b.rnamel) return -1; return 0; } else { if (a.namel > b.namel) return 1; if (a.namel < b.namel) return -1; return 0; } } return 0; }
function deviceSort(a, b) { if (a.namel > b.namel) return 1; if (a.namel < b.namel) return -1; return 0; }
function deviceHostSort(a, b) { if (a.rnamel > b.rnamel) return 1; if (a.rnamel < b.rnamel) return -1; return 0; }
function onSearchFocus(x) { searchFocus = x; }
function onMapSearchFocus(x) { mapSearchFocus = x; }
function onUserSearchFocus(x) { userSearchFocus = x; }
function onConsoleFocus(x) { consoleFocus = x; }
function onSearchInputChanged() {
var x = Q('SearchInput').value.toLowerCase().trim(); putstore('_search', x);
var userSearch = null, ipSearch = null, groupSearch = null;
if (x.startsWith('user:')) { userSearch = x.substring(5); }
else if (x.startsWith('u:')) { userSearch = x.substring(2); }
else if (x.startsWith('ip:')) { ipSearch = x.substring(3); }
else if (x.startsWith('group:')) { groupSearch = x.substring(6); }
else if (x.startsWith('g:')) { groupSearch = x.substring(2); }
if (x == '') {
// No search
for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = true; }
} else if (ipSearch != null) {
// IP address search
for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = ((nodes[d].ip != null) && (nodes[d].ip.indexOf(ipSearch) >= 0)); }
} else if (groupSearch != null) {
// Group filter
for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = (meshes[nodes[d].meshid].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(groupSearch) >= 0); }
} else if (userSearch != null) {
// User search
for (var d in nodes) {
nodes[d].v = false;
if (nodes[d].users && nodes[d].users.length > 0) { for (var i in nodes[d].users) { if (nodes[d].users[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(userSearch) >= 0) { nodes[d].v = true; } } }
} else {
// Device name search
try {
var rs = x.split(/\s+/).join('|'), rx = new RegExp(rs); // In some cases (like +), this can throw an exception.
for (var d in nodes) {
nodes[d].v = (rx.test(nodes[d].name.toLowerCase())) || (nodes[d].rnamel != null && rx.test(nodes[d].rnamel.toLowerCase()));
if ((nodes[d].v == false) && nodes[d].tags) {
for (var s in nodes[d].tags) {
if (rx.test(nodes[d].tags[s].toLowerCase())) {
nodes[d].v = true;
} else {
nodes[d].v = false;
} catch (ex) { for (var d in nodes) { nodes[d].v = true; } }
var contextelement = null;
function handleContextMenu(event) {
var scrollLeft = (window.pageXOffset !== null) ? window.pageXOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft;
var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset !== null) ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop;
var elem = document.elementFromPoint(event.pageX - scrollLeft, event.pageY - scrollTop);
if (elem && elem != null && elem.id == 'connectbutton2' && currentNode && currentNode.agent && (currentNode.agent.id > 0) && (currentNode.agent.id < 5)) {
contextelement = elem;
var contextmenudiv = document.getElementById('termShellContextMenu');
contextmenudiv.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.display = 'block';
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
} else if (elem && elem != null && elem.id == 'connectbutton2' && currentNode && currentNode.agent && (currentNode.agent.id > 4)) {
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
contextelement = elem;
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
var contextmenudiv = document.getElementById('termShellContextMenuLinux');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
contextmenudiv.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.display = 'block';
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
} else if (elem && elem != null && elem.id == 'MxMESH') {
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
contextelement = elem;
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
var contextmenudiv = document.getElementById('meshContextMenu');
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
contextmenudiv.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
contextmenudiv.style.display = 'block';
/*} else if (elem && elem != null && elem.classList.contains('pluginTab')) {
contextelement = elem;
var contextmenudiv = document.getElementById('pluginTabContextMenu');
contextmenudiv.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.display = 'block';*/
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
while (elem && elem != null && elem.id != 'devs') { elem = elem.parentElement; }
if (!elem || elem == null) return true;
contextelement = elem;
var contextmenudiv = document.getElementById('contextMenu');
contextmenudiv.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
contextmenudiv.style.display = 'block';
// Get the node and set the menu options
var nodeid = contextelement.children[1].attributes.onclick.value;
var node = getNodeFromId(nodeid.substring(12, nodeid.length - 18));
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid];
var meshlinks = mesh.links[userinfo._id];
var meshrights = meshlinks.rights;
var consoleRights = ((meshrights & 16) != 0);
// Check if we have terminal and file access
var terminalAccess = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 512) == 0));
var fileAccess = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 1024) == 0));
QV('cxdesktop', ((mesh.mtype == 1) || (node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 1) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2))) && ((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256)));
QV('cxterminal', ((mesh.mtype == 1) || (node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 2) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2))) && (meshrights & 8) && terminalAccess);
QV('cxfiles', ((mesh.mtype == 2) && ((node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 4) != 0))) && (meshrights & 8) && fileAccess);
QV('cxevents', (node.intelamt != null) && ((node.intelamt.state == 2) || (node.conn & 2)) && (meshrights & 8));
QV('cxconsole', (consoleRights && (mesh.mtype == 2) && ((node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 8) != 0))) && (meshrights & 8));
return haltEvent(event);
function cmaction(action,event) {
var nodeid = contextelement.children[1].attributes.onclick.value;
nodeid = nodeid.substring(12, nodeid.length - 18);
if (action == 7) { Q('viewselect').value = 3; Q('viewselect').onchange(); Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').checked = true; Q('autoConnectDesktopCheckbox').onclick(); } // Multi-Desktop
if ((action > 0) && (action < 7)) {
var panel = [0, 10, 12, 11, 13, 16, 15][action]; // (invalid), General, Desktop, Terminal, Files, Events, Console
if (event && (event.shiftKey == true)) {
// Open the device in a different tab
window.open(window.location.origin + '?node=' + nodeid.split('/')[2] + '&viewmode=' + panel + '&hide=16', 'meshcentral:' + nodeid);
} else {
// Go to the right panel
gotoDevice(nodeid, panel);
// If possible, connect...
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
if ((currentNode.conn & 1) && (mesh.mtype == 2)) {
if ((panel == 11) && (desktop == null) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 1)) { connectDesktop(null, 1); } // Desktop
if ((panel == 12) && (terminal == null) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 2)) { connectTerminal(null, 1); } // Terminal
if ((panel == 13) && (files == null)) { connectFiles(null); } // files
function cmmeshaction(action) {
var meshid = contextelement.attributes.onclick.value.substring(10, contextelement.attributes.onclick.value.length - 2);
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('DeviceCheckbox');
if ((action == 1) || (action == 2)) {
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if ((elements[i].attributes) && (elements[i].attributes['class']['value'].split(' ')[0] == meshid)) { elements[i].checked = (action == 1); }
//if (action == 3) { window.location = "multidesktop.aspx?mesh=" + meshid + "&auto=1"; }
function cmtermaction(action) {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
connectTerminal(null, 1, { protocol: action });
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
function pluginTabClose() {
var pluginTab = contextelement;
var pname = pluginTab.getAttribute('x-data-plugin-sname');
var pdiv = Q('plugin-'+pname);
QV('p42', true);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function hideContextMenu() {
QV('contextMenu', false);
QV('meshContextMenu', false);
QV('termShellContextMenu', false);
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
QV('termShellContextMenuLinux', false);
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
//QV('pluginTabContextMenu', false);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
contextelement = null;
// Maps code starts from here. Initialize all the variables
var xxmap = {
map: null,
contextmenu: null,
activeInteractions: [], // Save Modified features in this list
showindex: 0,
markersSource: null, // Initialize a Source Vector
markersLayer: null,
mapLayer: null, // Create a tile and use OSM source
mapView: null, // Sets the initial view
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
{{{ StartGeoLocationJS }}}
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Add a feature for every Node and change style if connection status changes
function updateMapMarkers(selectedMesh) {
if ((xxmap != null) && (xxmap.map == null)) { try { loadmap(); } catch (ex) { console.error('loadmap() exception', ex); } }
if (xxmap == null) return;
var boundingBox = null;
for (var i in nodes) {
try {
var loc = map_parseNodeLoc(nodes[i]), feature = xxmap.markersSource.getFeatureById(nodes[i]._id);
if ((loc != null) && ((nodes[i].meshid == selectedMesh) || (selectedMesh == null))) { // Draw markers for devices with locations
var lat = loc[0], lon = loc[1], type = loc[2];
if (boundingBox == null) { boundingBox = [ lat, lon, lat, lon, 0 ]; } else { if (lat < boundingBox[0]) { boundingBox[0] = lat; } if (lon < boundingBox[1]) { boundingBox[1] = lon; } if (lat > boundingBox[2]) { boundingBox[2] = lat; } if (lon > boundingBox[3]) { boundingBox[3] = lon; } }
if (feature == null) { addFeature(nodes[i]); boundingBox[4] = 1; } else { updateFeature(nodes[i], feature); feature.setStyle(markerStyle(nodes[i], loc[2])); } // Update Feature
} else {
if (feature) { xxmap.markersSource.removeFeature(feature); }
} catch (ex) { console.error('updateMapMarkers() exception', ex, JSON.stringify(nodes[i])); }
return boundingBox;
// Show node details on hovering over a feature
var map_cm_popup = new ol.Overlay( { element: Q('xmap-info-window'), positioning: 'bottom-center', stopEvent: false });
// Edit Marker item
var map_cm_editMarker = { text: "Modify node location", callback: function (obj) { modifyMarkerloc(obj.data); } };
// Clear Marker item
var map_cm_clearMarker = { text: "Remove node location", callback: function (obj) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: obj.data.a, userloc: [] }); // Clear the user position marker
// Save Marker item
var map_cm_saveMarker = { text: "Enregistrer l'emplacement", callback: function (obj) { saveMarkerloc(obj.data); } };
// Build a context menu for a feature
var map_cm_nodemenu_items = [
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
{ text: "Informations générales", callback: function (obj) { if (obj.data !=null) { gotoDevice(obj.data, 10); } } },
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
{ text: "Desktop", callback: function (obj) { if (obj.data !=null) { gotoDevice(obj.data, 11); } } },
{ text: "Terminal", callback: function (obj) { if (obj.data !=null) { gotoDevice(obj.data, 12); } } },
{ text: "Intel® AMT", callback: function (obj) { if (obj.data !=null) { gotoDevice(obj.data, 14); } } },
{ text: "Zoom-in to extent", callback: function(obj) { var coords = obj.data.getGeometry().getCoordinates(); zoomToLocation(coords, 19); } },
{ text: "Zoom-out to extent", callback: function(obj) { var coords = obj.data.getGeometry().getCoordinates(); zoomToLocation(coords, 2); } }
// Context menu for clicks other than on feature
var contextmenu_items = [
{ text: "Rafraîchir", callback: function () { refreshMap(true, true); } },
{ text: "Zoom to fit extent", callback: function () { zoomToFitExtent(); } },
{ text: "Centré la carte ici", callback: function(obj) { xxmap.mapView.animate( { center: obj.coordinate } ); } },
{ text: "Place node here", callback: function(obj) { placeNode(obj.coordinate); } }
function stringToIntHash(str) {
var hash = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + str.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; }
return hash;
// Get the lat/lon from a node
function map_parseNodeLoc(node) {
var loc = null, t = 0;
if (node.iploc) { loc = node.iploc; t = 1; }
if (node.wifiloc) { loc = node.wifiloc; t = 2; }
if (node.gpsloc) { loc = node.gpsloc; t = 3; }
if (node.userloc) { loc = node.userloc; t = 4; }
if ((loc == null) || (typeof loc != 'string')) return null;
loc = loc.split(',');
if (t == 1) {
// If this is IP location, randomize the position a little.
return [ parseFloat(loc[0]) + (stringToIntHash(node._id.substring(0, 20)) / 100000000000), parseFloat(loc[1]) + (stringToIntHash(node._id.substring(20)) / 100000000000), t ];
} else {
// Return the real position
return [ parseFloat(loc[0]), parseFloat(loc[1]), t ];
// Load the entire map
function loadmap() {
if (xxmap == null) return;
2019-12-05 14:34:23 -05:00
if ((features & 0x8000) == 0) { xxmap = null; return; } // Geolocation not supported
QV('viewselectmapoption', true);
QV('devViewButton4', true);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
try {
// Initialize a Source Vector
xxmap.markersSource = new ol.source.Vector();
xxmap.markersLayer = new ol.layer.Vector( {
source: xxmap.markersSource
// Create a tile and use OSM source
xxmap.mapLayer = new ol.layer.Tile( { source: new ol.source.OSM() });
xxmap.mapView = new ol.View( { // Set the initial view
center: ol.proj.transform([0, 0], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
zoom: 2,
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 20,
extent: ol.proj.transformExtent([-100000, -69.55, 100000, 69.55], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857')
xxmap.map = new ol.Map( {
target: 'xdevicesmap',
layers: [xxmap.mapLayer, xxmap.markersLayer],
view: xxmap.mapView
// Goto information tab if a user clicks on a feature
xxmap.map.on('click', function(evt) {
var feature = xxmap.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(feat, layer) { return feat; });
if (feature) {
var nodeid = feature.getId();
if (nodeid != null) { gotoDevice(nodeid, 10); } // Goto general info tab
else { // For pointer
var nodeFeatgoto = getCorrespondingFeature(feature); gotoDevice(nodeFeatgoto.getId(), 10);
// On hover feature show the name of the node. Also add pointer style
xxmap.map.on('pointermove', function(evt) {
var feature = xxmap.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(feat, layer) { return feat; });
if (feature) {
xxmap.map.getTargetElement().style.cursor = 'pointer';
var coord = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
// map_cm_popup.setPosition(evt.coordinate);
var featid = feature.getId();
if (featid) {
QH('xmap-info-window', feature.get('name'));
} else {
var nodeFeat = getCorrespondingFeature(feature); // Return the node feature associated to pointer.
QH('xmap-info-window', nodeFeat.get('name'));
} else {
xxmap.map.getTargetElement().style.cursor = '';
QH('xmap-info-window', '');
// Initialize context menu for openlayers
var contextmenu = new ContextMenu( {
width: 160,
defaultItems: false, // defaultItems are Zoom In/Zoom Out
items: contextmenu_items
// On right click open the context menu
contextmenu.on("open", function (evt) {
var feature = xxmap.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(ft, l) { return ft; });
xxmap.contextmenu.clear(); //Clear the context menu
if (feature) {
var featId = feature.getId();
if (featId) { addContextMenuItems(feature); } // Node feature will have an id
else { // If the feature is a pointer, Get its corresponding Node feature
var nodeFeature = getCorrespondingFeature(feature); //return the node feature associated to pointer.
if (nodeFeature) { addContextMenuItems(nodeFeature); }
else { xxmap.contextmenu.extend(contextmenu_items); }
else { xxmap.contextmenu.extend(contextmenu_items); }
if (xxmap.contextmenu == null) { xxmap.contextmenu = contextmenu; }
//addMeshOptions(); // Adds Mesh names to mesh dropdown
} catch (ex) {
QV('viewselectmapoption', false);
QV('devViewButton4', false);
xxmap = null;
// Add feature on to Map for a Node
function addFeature(node, lat, lon) {
var existingfeature = getModifiedFeature(node._id); // Check if Corresponding feature was Modified ( Modifed feature are in active interactions list)
if (existingfeature) { xxmap.markersSource.addFeature(existingfeature); } // Add that existing feature
else { // Add new feature for this node
if (!lat && !lon) { var loc = map_parseNodeLoc(node); lat = loc[0]; lon = loc[1]; }
// Fix the longiture and send an event to patch the db to correct coordinate format. It will cause second unnecessary updateFeature on this node to the map.
if (lon > 180) { lon = 180 - lon; meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: node._id, userloc: [ lat, lon ] }); }
if ((lat < 90) && (lat > -90) && (lon < 180) && (lon > -180)) { // Check valid lat/lon
var feature = new ol.Feature( { geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform([lon, lat], 'EPSG:4326','EPSG:3857')), name: node.name, status: node.conn, lat: lat, lon: lon });
feature.setId(node._id); // Set id for the device as nodeid
xxmap.markersSource.addFeature(feature); // Add the feature to Marker Source
// Removing any feature from map
function removeFeature(node) {
var feature = xxmap.markersSource.getFeatureById(node._id);
if (feature) { xxmap.markersSource.removeFeature(feature); }
// Update feature
function updateFeature(node, feature) {
if (node.conn != feature.get('status') ) { // Update status if changed
// Since this is IP address location, add some fixed randomness to the location. Avoid pin pile-up.
var loc = map_parseNodeLoc(node);
if (loc != null) {
var lat = loc[0], lon = loc[1];
if ((lat != feature.get('lat')) || (lon != feature.get('lon'))) { // Update lat and lon if changed
feature.set('lat', lat); feature.set('lon', lon);
var modifiedCoordinates = ol.proj.transform([parseFloat(lon), parseFloat(lat)], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
if (node.name != feature.get('name') ) { feature.set('name', node.name); } // Update name
// Enable dragging of a marker after edit option is clicked in context menu
function modifyMarkerloc(ft) {
var featid = ft.getId();
if (featid) {
ft.setStyle(markerStyle(getNodeFromId(ft.a), 4)); // Switch to a user marker
if ( !getActiveInteractions(ft)) {
var dragInteration = new ol.interaction.Modify( {
features: new ol.Collection([ft]),
pixelTolerance: 10
xxmap.activeInteractions.push( { featureid: featid, feature:ft, interaction: dragInteration }); // Also keep track of Interactions
// This will be called when save location option is clicked in context menu
function saveMarkerloc(ft) {
var featid = ft.getId()
if (featid) {
var actInteraction = getActiveInteractions(ft);
if (actInteraction) { // Check if the interaction exists
xxmap.map.removeInteraction(actInteraction); //Clear Interaction for that node
var coord = ft.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
var v = ol.proj.transform(coord, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
if (v[0] > 180) { v[0] = 180 - v[0]; }
var vx = [ v[1], v[0] ]; // Flip the coordinates around, lat/long
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: featid, userloc: vx }); // Send them to server to save changes
// Style the Markers
function markerStyle(node, type) {
if (type == null) {
type = 0;
if (node.iploc) { type = 1; }
if (node.wifiloc) { type = 2; }
if (node.gpsloc) { type = 3; }
if (node.userloc) { type = 4; }
var types = ['', '-ip','-wifi','-gps','-user'];
var color = connStateColor(node);
var style = new ol.style.Style( {
image: new ol.style.Icon( { color: color, anchor: [0.5, 1], src: 'images/mapmarker' + types[type] + '.png' })
//stroke: new ol.style.Stroke( { color: '#000', width: 20 })
//text: new ol.style.Text( { text: 'bob!', textAlign: 'right', offsetX: -10, fill: new ol.style.Fill( { color: '#000' }), stroke: new ol.style.Stroke( { color: '#fff', width: 2 }) })
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
//deviceMark.setStyle(new ol.style.Style( {
// text: new ol.style.Text( {
// //font: '12px helvetica,sans-serif',
// text: currentNode.name,
// textAlign: 'right',
// offsetX: -10,
// fill: new ol.style.Fill( { color: '#000' }),
// stroke: new ol.style.Stroke( { color: '#fff', width: 2 })
// }),
// image: new ol.style.Icon(( { color: [113, 140, 0], src: 'images/dot.png' })) }));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
return [ style ];
// TODO: Add more connection status types. Currently we only change color if connection status changes
function connStateColor(nodeConn) {
if (nodeConn.conn == 1 || nodeConn.conn == 3 || nodeConn.conn == 5) { return '#00ffdd'; } // Green for connected devices
return '#C70039'; // Red if the Agent is not connected
// Add save/edit option to context menu
function addContextMenuItems(feature) {
if (getActiveInteractions(feature)) { // If this feature is modified then display save option in contextmenu
map_cm_saveMarker.data = feature;
} else {
map_cm_editMarker.data = feature;
var node = getNodeFromId(feature.a);
if (node.userloc) {
map_cm_clearMarker.data = feature;
map_cm_nodemenu_items.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.text == "Zoom-in to extent" || item.text == "Zoom-out to extent") { item.data = feature; }
else { if (item != '-') { item.data = feature.getId(); } }
// Return a active Interaction if it exists in activeInteractions list
function getActiveInteractions(feature) {
var featid = feature.getId();
for (var i = 0; i < xxmap.activeInteractions.length; i++) {
if (xxmap.activeInteractions[i].featureid == featid) { return xxmap.activeInteractions[i].interaction; }
return false;
// Return Modified feature based on Id
function getModifiedFeature(featid) {
if (featid) {
for (var i = 0; i < xxmap.activeInteractions.length; i++) {
if (xxmap.activeInteractions[i].featureid == featid) { return xxmap.activeInteractions[i].feature; }
return null;
// Remove Interaction
function removeInteraction(ftid) {
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < xxmap.activeInteractions.length; i++) {
if (xxmap.activeInteractions[i].featureid === ftid) { index = i; break; }
if (index >= 0) { xxmap.activeInteractions.splice(index, 1); }
// Check if pointer coordinates are equal to features and return node feature
function getCorrespondingFeature(pointerFeat) {
var pointerCoord = pointerFeat.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
for (var i = 0; i < xxmap.activeInteractions.length ; i++) {
var modifiedFeatures = xxmap.activeInteractions[i].feature;
var fearCoord = modifiedFeatures.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
if (fearCoord[0].toFixed(5) == pointerCoord[0].toFixed(5) && fearCoord[1].toFixed(5) == pointerCoord[1].toFixed(5) ) { return modifiedFeatures; }
return null;
// Refresh the map and clear list
function refreshMap(reset, rebound) {
if (reset) {
xxmap.map = null;
xxmap.markersSource = null;
xxmap.mapView = null;
xxmap.mapLayer = null;
xxmap.activeInteractions = []; // Clear Active Interaction list
var box = updateMapMarkers();
if ((box != null) && (rebound || (box[4] == 1))) {
var clat = (box[0] + box[2]) / 2;
var clon = (box[1] + box[3]) / 2;
var cscale = Math.max(Math.abs(box[0] - box[2]), Math.abs(box[1] - box[3]));
var view = xxmap.map.getView();
view.setCenter(ol.proj.transform([clon, clat], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));
var i = 360, j = -2;
while (i > cscale) { j++; i = i / 2; }
// Called When Place a node option is clicked from context menu
function placeNode(coords) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
var x = '<div style=margin-bottom:6px><label for=selectnode-search>' + "Chercher" + '</label>  <input type=text placeholder="' + "Device name" + '" id="selectnode-search" onchange=onPlaceNodeInputChange() onkeyup=onPlaceNodeInputChange() autocomplete=off style=width:120px></div><div id=placenode style="height:254px;overflow-y:auto;width:100%;margin:12px 1px 4px 1px;"><div id=noNodesMapPlace style=text-align:center;width:100%;display:none>' + "Aucun périphérique trouvé." + '</div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
for (var i in nodes) {
x += '<div class=noselect id=' + nodes[i]._id + '-rowid onclick=selectNodeToPlace(event,\''+ nodes[i]._id +'\') style=background-color:lightgray;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:2px><input name=PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox id=' + nodes[i]._id + '-checkid type=checkbox style=width:16px;display:inline />';
x += '<div class=j' + nodes[i].icon + ' style=width:16px;height:16px;margin-top:2px;margin-right:4px;display:inline-block></div><div style=width:16px;display:inline>' + nodes[i].name + '</div></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Select a node to place", 3, placeNodeEx, x + '</div>', coords);
function placeNodeEx(button, coords) {
var elements = document.getElementsByName('PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox');
for (var i in elements) {
if (elements[i].checked) {
var node = getNodeFromId(elements[i].id.substring(0, elements[i].id.length - 8));
if (node) {
var feature = xxmap.markersSource.getFeatureById(i);
var v = ol.proj.transform(coords, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
var vx = [ v[1], v[0] ]; // Flip the coordinates around, lat/long
if (feature) {
var activeInteraction = getActiveInteractions(feature);
if (activeInteraction) {
} else { // If this feature is not saved after its location is changed, then send updated coords to server.
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: node._id, userloc: vx }); // Send them to server to save changes
} else {
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: node._id, userloc: vx }); // This Node is not yet added to maps.
// Called when the user changes the search box
function onPlaceNodeInputChange() {
// Update the list of devices in the "place on map" table
function updatePlaceNodeTable(inputSearch) {
var elements = document.getElementsByName('PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox'), count = 0;
for (var i in nodes) {
var visible = ((nodes[i].namel.indexOf(inputSearch) >= 0 || inputSearch == '') || (nodes[i].rnamel != null && nodes[i].rnamel.indexOf(inputSearch) >= 0));
if (visible) { count++; }
QV(nodes[i]._id + '-rowid', visible);
QV('noNodesMapPlace', count == 0);
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
//for (var i in nodes) {
// if ((nodes[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputSearch) >= 0 || inputSearch == '') || (nodes[i].rnamel != null && nodes[i].rnamel.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputSearch) >= 0)) {
// console.log(selected.indexOf(nodes[i]._id));
// x += '<div class=noselect id=' + nodes[i]._id + '-rowid onclick=selectNodeToPlace(event,\''+ nodes[i]._id +'\') style=background-color:lightgray;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:2px><input name=PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox id=' + nodes[i]._id + '-checkid type=checkbox style=width:16px;display:inline ' + ((selected.indexOf(nodes[i]._id) >= 0)?'checked':'') + ' />';
// x += '<div class=j' + nodes[i].icon + ' style=width:16px;height:16px;margin-top:2px;margin-right:4px;display:inline-block></div><div style=width:16px;display:inline>' + nodes[i].name + '</div></div>';
// }
//if (x == '') { x = '<div style=text-align:center;width:100%>No devices found.</div>'; }
//QH('placenode', '');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Called when a user clicks on a device to toggle selection for placement on map.
function selectNodeToPlace(e, id) {
// Toggle checkbox if needed
if (e.target.name != 'PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox') { var inputElement = Q(id + '-checkid'); inputElement.checked = !inputElement.checked; }
// Check button state
var elements = document.getElementsByName('PlaceMapDeviceCheckbox'), checkcount = 0;
for (var i in elements) { if (elements[i].checked) checkcount++; }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', checkcount > 0);
// Add option for available meshes in mesh Dropdown
function addMeshOptions(addMeshid, meshName) {
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
//var meshOptions = Q('select-mesh');
//if (addMeshid && meshName) {
// var option = document.createElement('option');
// option.value =addMeshid;
// option.text = meshName;
// meshOptions.add(option); // Add specific option
//else {
// for (var i in meshes) { // Add all options
// var option = document.createElement('option');
// option.value = i;
// option.text = meshes[i].name;
// meshOptions.add(option);
// }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Remove/Modify options in Mesh dropdown (if modMeshname is defined then Modify else Remove)
function meshOptionRmvMod(delMeshid, modMeshname) {
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
//var meshOptions = Q('select-mesh');
//if (delMeshid) {
// var index=-1;
// for (var i = 1; i < meshOptions.options.length; i++) {
// if (meshOptions[i].value === delMeshid) { index=i; }
// }
// if (index > 0) {
// if (modMeshname) {
// meshOptions[index].innerHTML=modMeshname; // If Mesh name is Modified
// }
// else { meshOptions.remove(index); }
// }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
//Check if there is any mesh created
function meshExists() {
for (var i in meshes) { if (meshes[i]) { return true; } }
return false;
// Reset Mesh dropdown option to 'All' when a current view mesh is deleted.
function setMeshView(emeshid) {
var selectMeshElement=Q('select-mesh');
var selectedIndex = selectMeshElement.selectedIndex;
if (selectMeshElement[selectedIndex].value == emeshid) { selectMeshElement[0].selected = true; onSelectMeshChange(); }
// Clear all mesh options except 'All'
function clearMeshOptions() {
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
//var meshOptions=Q('select-mesh');
//for(var i = meshOptions.options.length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i--) { meshOptions.remove(i); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Make a http get call- Replace this with AJAX get if jquery is used
function getSearchLocation() {
try {
var searchdata = Q('mapSearchLocation').value.trim();
if (searchdata.length > 0) {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Compatible with Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE7+, Firefox.
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { formatSearchData(xmlhttp.responseText); } }
xmlhttp.open('GET', 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=' + searchdata + '&format=json', true); // Get request
} catch (e) { }
// Format data recieved from nominatim API and display it on content window
function formatSearchData(data) {
try {
var dataInfo = JSON.parse(data), count = 0, x = '<div class="xmapItem">';
for (var i = 0; i < dataInfo.length; i++) {
if (dataInfo[i].display_name && dataInfo[i].boundingbox[0] && dataInfo[i].boundingbox[1] && dataInfo[i].boundingbox[2] && dataInfo[i].boundingbox[3]) {
var itemclass = (i % 2 == 0)?'xmapItemSel1':'xmapItemSel1';
x += '<div class="' + itemclass + '" onclick=mapGotoSelectedLocation(this)><div>' + dataInfo[i].display_name + '</div><div style=display:none>' + dataInfo[i].boundingbox[0] + '!#!' + dataInfo[i].boundingbox[1] + '!#!' + dataInfo[i].boundingbox[2] + '!#!' + dataInfo[i].boundingbox[3] + '</div></div>';
x += '</div>';
if (count == 1) {
// If only one result is returned then zoom to that location
var extent = [ parseFloat(dataInfo[0].boundingbox[2]), parseFloat(dataInfo[0].boundingbox[0]), parseFloat(dataInfo[0].boundingbox[3]), parseFloat(dataInfo[0].boundingbox[1]) ];
} else {
if (count == 0) { x = '<div style=width:200px>' + "No location found." + '<div>'; }
QV('xmapSearchResultsDlg', true);
QH('xmapSearchResults', x);
catch (e) { }
// Zoom into the bounding box
function mapGotoSelectedLocation(obj) {
var objchildren = obj.children;
var boundingBox = objchildren[1].innerHTML.split('!#!');
var extent = [parseFloat(boundingBox[2]), parseFloat(boundingBox[0]), parseFloat(boundingBox[3]), parseFloat(boundingBox[1])];
//Q('search-location').value = objchildren[0].innerHTML;
// Close the search window
function mapCloseSearchWindow() {
QH('xmapSearchResults', '');
QV('xmapSearchResultsDlg', false);
// Zoom to specific cordinates
function zoomToLocation(coordinates, zoomVal) {
var view = xxmap.map.getView();
function zoomToFitExtent() {
var features = xxmap.markersSource.getFeatures();
if (features.length > 0) {
var extent = xxmap.markersSource.getExtent();
xxmap.map.getView().fit(extent, xxmap.map.getSize());
function zoomToExtent(extent) {
var boundingExtent = ol.proj.transformExtent(extent, ol.proj.get('EPSG:4326'), ol.proj.get('EPSG:3857'));
xxmap.map.getView().fit(boundingExtent, xxmap.map.getSize());
2019-12-02 17:00:28 -05:00
{{{ EndGeoLocationJS }}}
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function refreshDevice(nodeid) {
if (!currentNode || currentNode._id != nodeid) return;
gotoDevice(nodeid, xxcurrentView, true);
function getNodeRights(nodeid) {
var node = getNodeFromId(nodeid), mesh = meshes[node.meshid];
return mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
var currentNode;
var powerTimelineNode = null;
var powerTimelineReq = null;
var powerTimelineUpdate = null;
var powerTimeline = null;
function getCurrentNode() { return currentNode; };
function gotoDevice(nodeid, panel, refresh, event) {
// Remind the user to verify the email address
if ((userinfo.emailVerified !== true) && (serverinfo.emailcheck == true) && (userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access a device until a email address is verified. This is required for password recovery. Go to the \"My Account\" tab to change and verify an email address."); return; }
// Remind the user to add two factor authentication
if ((features & 0x00040000) && !((userinfo.otpsecret == 1) || (userinfo.otphkeys > 0) || (userinfo.otpkeys > 0))) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access a device until two-factor authentication is enabled. This is required for extra security. Go to the \"My Account\" tab and look at the \"Account Security\" section."); return; }
if (event && (event.shiftKey == true)) {
// Open the device in a different tab
window.open(window.location.origin + '?node=' + nodeid.split('/')[2] + '&viewmode=10&hide=16', 'meshcentral:' + nodeid);
var node = getNodeFromId(nodeid);
var mesh = meshes[node.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
if (!currentNode || currentNode._id != node._id || refresh == true) {
currentNode = node;
// Add node name
var nname = EscapeHtml(node.name);
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (nname.length == 0) { nname = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (((meshrights & 4) != 0) && ((!mesh.flags) || ((mesh.flags & 2) == 0))) { nname = '<span tabindex=0 title=\"' + "Click here to edit the server-side device name" + '\" onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(0) onkeyup="if (event.key == \'Enter\') showEditNodeValueDialog(0)" style=cursor:pointer>' + nname + ' <img class=hoverButton src="images/link5.png" /></span>'; }
nname += '<span style=color:#AAA;font-size:small> - ' + EscapeHtml(mesh.name) + '</span>';
QH('p10deviceName', nname);
QH('p11deviceName', nname);
QH('p12deviceName', nname);
QH('p13deviceName', nname);
QH('p14deviceName', nname);
QH('p15deviceName', "Console - " + nname);
QH('p16deviceName', nname);
QH('p17deviceName', nname);
QH('p19deviceName', nname);
// Node attributes
var x = '<table style=width:100%>';
// Attribute: Mesh
x += addDeviceAttribute('<span title=\"' + "The name of the device group this computer belong to." + '\">' + "Groupe" + '</span>', '<a href=# title=\"' + "Le nom du groupe de périphériques auquel cet ordinateur appartient" + '\" onclick=gotoMesh("' + node.meshid + '") style=cursor:pointer>' + EscapeHtml(meshes[node.meshid].name) + '</a>');
// Attribute: Name
if ((node.rname != null) && (node.name != node.rname)) { x += addDeviceAttribute('<span title="The name of this computer as set in the operating system">Name</span>', '<span title="The name of this computer as set in the operating system">' + EscapeHtml(node.rname) + '</span>'); }
// Attribute: Host
if ((features & 1) == 0) { // If not WAN-only, local hostname is in use
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
if (node.host) {
x += addDeviceAttribute("Hostname", '<span onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(1) style=cursor:pointer>' + EscapeHtml(node.host) + '</span>');
} else {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addDeviceAttribute("Hostname", '<span onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(1) style=cursor:pointer><i>' + "Aucun" + '</i></span>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
x += addDeviceAttribute("Hostname", EscapeHtml(node.host));
// Attribute: Description
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var description = node.desc?EscapeHtml(node.desc):('<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
x += addDeviceAttribute("Description", '<span onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(2) style=cursor:pointer>' + description + ' <img class=hoverButton src="images/link5.png" /></span>');
} else {
x += addDeviceAttribute("Description", description);
// Attribute: Mesh Agent
var agentsStr = ["Inconnue", "Windows 32bit console", "Windows 64bit console", "Windows 32bit service", "Windows 64bit service", "Linux 32bit", "Linux 64bit", "MIPS", "XENx86", "Android ARM", "Linux ARM", "MacOS 32bit", "Android x86", "PogoPlug ARM", "Android APK", "Linux Poky x86-32bit", "MacOS 64bit", "ChromeOS", "Linux Poky x86-64bit", "Linux NoKVM x86-32bit", "Linux NoKVM x86-64bit", "Windows MinCore console", "Windows MinCore service", "NodeJS", "ARM-Linaro", "ARMv6l / ARMv7l", "ARMv8 64bit", "ARMv6l / ARMv7l / NoKVM", "Inconnue", "Inconnue", "FreeBSD x86-64"];
if ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.id != null) && (node.agent.ver != null)) {
var str = '';
if (node.agent.id <= agentsStr.length) { str = agentsStr[node.agent.id]; } else { str = agentsStr[0]; }
if (node.agent.ver != 0) { str += ' v' + node.agent.ver; }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Mesh Agent", str);
// Attribute: Intel AMT
if (node.intelamt != null) {
var str = '';
var provisioningStates = { 0: nobreak("Not Activated (Pre)"), 1: nobreak("Not Activated (In)"), 2: nobreak("Activé") };
if (node.intelamt.ver != null && node.intelamt.state == null) { str += '<i>' + "Etat inconnu" + '</i>, v' + node.intelamt.ver; } else
if ((node.intelamt.ver == null) && (node.intelamt.state == 2)) { str += '<i>' + "Activé" + '</i>'; }
else if ((node.intelamt.ver == null) || (node.intelamt.state == null)) { str += '<i>' + "Version et état inconnus" + '</i>'; }
else {
str += provisioningStates[node.intelamt.state];
if ((node.intelamt.state == 2) && node.intelamt.flags) { if (node.intelamt.flags & 2) { str += ' <span title=\"' + "Intel AMT is activated in Client Control Mode" + '\">' + "CCM" + '</span>'; } else if (node.intelamt.flags & 4) { str += ' <span title=\"' + "Intel AMT is activated in Admin Control Mode" + '\">' + "ACM" + '</span>'; } }
str += (', v' + node.intelamt.ver);
if (node.intelamt.tls == 1) { str += ', <span title=\"' + "Intel AMT is setup with TLS network security" + '\">' + "TLS" + '</span>'; }
if (node.intelamt.state == 2) {
if (node.intelamt.user == null || node.intelamt.user == '') {
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
str += ', <i style=color:#FF0000;cursor:pointer title=\"' + "Edit Intel® AMT credentials" + '\" onclick=editDeviceAmtSettings("' + node._id + '")>' + "No Credentials" + '</i>';
} else {
str += ', <i style=color:#FF0000>' + "No Credentials" + '</i>';
str += ' ';
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
str += '<img src=images/link4.png height=10 width=10 title=\"' + "Edit Intel® AMT credentials" + '\" style=cursor:pointer onclick=editDeviceAmtSettings("' + node._id + '")>';
var meName = '<span title=\"Intel® Manageability Engine\">' + "Intel® ME" + '<span>';
if (typeof node.intelamt.sku == 'number') {
if ((node.intelamt.sku & 8) != 0) { meName = '<span title=\"' + "Intel® Active Management Technology" + '\">' + "Intel® AMT" + '<span>'; }
else if ((node.intelamt.sku & 16) != 0) { meName = '<span title=\"' + "Intel® Standard Manageability" + '\">' + "Intel® SM" + '<span>'; }
x += addDeviceAttribute(meName, str);
if (mesh.mtype == 2) {
// Attribute: Mesh Agent Tag
if ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.tag != null)) {
var tag = EscapeHtml(node.agent.tag);
if (tag.startsWith('mailto:')) { tag = '<a href="' + tag + '">' + tag.substring(7) + '</a>'; }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Agent Tag", tag);
} else {
// Attribute: Intel AMT Tag
if ((node.intelamt != null) && (node.intelamt.tag != null)) {
var tag = EscapeHtml(node.intelamt.tag);
if (tag.startsWith('mailto:')) { tag = '<a href="' + tag + '">' + tag.substring(7) + '</a>'; }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Intel® AMT Tag", tag);
// Attribute: Intel AMT
//if (node.intelamt && node.intelamt.user) { x += addDeviceAttribute('Intel® AMT', node.intelamt.user); }
// Operating system description
if (node.osdesc) { x += addDeviceAttribute("Système opérateur", node.osdesc); }
// Antivirus
if (node.av && node.av.length > 0) {
var y = [];
for (var i in node.av) {
if (node.av[i].product) {
var avx = EscapeHtml(node.av[i].product);
if (node.av[i].enabled !== true) { avx += ' - <span style=color:red>' + "Disabled" + '</span>'; }
if (node.av[i].updated !== true) { avx += ' - <span style=color:red>' + "Périmé" + '</span>'; }
if ((node.av[i].enabled == true) && (node.av[i].updated == true)) { avx += ' - <span style=color:green>' + "OK" + '</span>'; }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Antivirus", y.join('<br />'));
// Active Users
if (node.users && node.conn && (node.users.length > 0) && (node.conn & 1)) { x += addDeviceAttribute(format("Active User { 0}", ((node.users.length > 1)?'s':'')), node.users.join(', ')); }
// Attribute: Connectivity (Only show this if more than just the agent is connected).
var connectivity = node.conn;
if (connectivity && connectivity > 1) {
var cstate = [];
if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) cstate.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "Mesh Agent" + '</span>');
if ((node.conn & 2) != 0) cstate.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT CIRA is connected and ready for use." + '\">' + "Intel® AMT CIRA" + '</span>');
else if ((node.conn & 4) != 0) cstate.push('<span title=\"' + "Intel® AMT is routable and ready for use." + '\">' + "Intel® AMT" + '</span>');
if ((node.conn & 8) != 0) cstate.push('<span title=\"' + "Mesh agent is reachable using another agent as relay." + '\">' + "Mesh Relay" + '</span>');
if ((node.conn & 16) != 0) { cstate.push('<span title=\"' + "MQTT connection to the device is active." + '\">' + "MQTT" + '</span>'); }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Connectivity", cstate.join(', '));
// Node grouping tags
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var groupingTags = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (node.tags != null) { groupingTags = ''; for (var i in node.tags) { groupingTags += '<span class="tagSpan">' + node.tags[i] + '</span>'; } }
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
x += addDeviceAttribute('Tags', '<span onclick=showEditNodeValueDialog(3) style=cursor:pointer>' + groupingTags + ' <img class=hoverButton src="images/link5.png" /></span>');
} else {
x += addDeviceAttribute('Tags', groupingTags);
x += '</table><br />';
// Show action button, only show if we have permissions 4, 8, 64
if ((meshrights & 76) != 0) { x += '<input type=button value=\"' + "Actions" + '\" title=\"' + "Effectuer des actions d'alimentation sur le périphérique" + '\" onclick=deviceActionFunction() />'; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<input type=button value=\"' + "Remarques" + '\" title=\"' + "View notes about this device" + '\" onclick=showNotes(' + ((meshrights & 128) == 0) + ',"' + encodeURIComponent(node._id) + '") />';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<input type=button value=\"' + "Log Event" + '\" title=\"' + "Écrire un événement pour ce périphérique" + '\" onclick=writeDeviceEvent("' + encodeURIComponent(node._id) + '") />';
//if ((connectivity & 1) && (meshrights & 8) && (node.agent.id < 5)) { x += '<input type=button value=Toast title="Display a text message of the remote device" onclick=deviceToastFunction() />'; }
QH('p10html', x);
// Show node last 7 days timeline
// Show bottom buttons
x = '<div class="p10html3right">';
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
// TODO: Show change group only if there is another mesh of the same type.
x += ' <a href=# onclick=p10showChangeGroupDialog(["' + node._id + '"]) title=\"' + "Move this device to a different device group" + '\">' + "Change Group" + '</a>';
x += ' <a href=# onclick=p10showDeleteNodeDialog("' + node._id + '") title=\"' + "Retirer ce périphérique" + '\">' + "Delete Device" + '</a>';
x += '</div><div class="p10html3left">';
if (mesh.mtype == 2) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showNodeNetInfoDialog("' + node._id + '") title=\"' + "Show device network interface information" + '\">' + "Interfaces" + '</a> ';
if (xxmap != null) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showNodeLocationDialog("' + node._id + '") title=\"' + "Show device locations information" + '\">' + "Location" + '</a> ';
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (mesh.mtype == 2)) x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showMeshCmdDialog(1,"' + node._id + '") title=\"' + "Traffic router used to connect to a device thru this server" + '.\">' + "Router" + '</a> ';
// RDP link, show this link only of the remote machine is Windows.
if (((connectivity & 1) != 0) && (clickOnce == true) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && ((meshrights & 8) != 0)) {
if ((node.agent.id > 0) && (node.agent.id < 5)) { x += '<a href=# onclick=p10clickOnce("' + node._id + '","RDP2",3389) title=\"' + "Requiert Microsoft ClickOnce dans votre navigateur" + '.\">' + "RDP" + '</a> '; }
if (node.agent.id > 4) {
x += '<a href=# onclick=p10clickOnce("' + node._id + '","PSSH",22) title=\"' + "Requiert Microsoft ClickOnce dans votre navigateur." + '\">' + "Putty" + '</a> ';
x += '<a href=# onclick=p10clickOnce("' + node._id + '","WSCP",22) title=\"' + "Requiert Microsoft ClickOnce dans votre navigateur." + '\">' + "WinSCP" + '</a> ';
// MQTT options
if ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (features & 0x00400000)) { x += '<a href=# onclick=p10showMqttLoginDialog("' + node._id + '") title=\"' + "Get MQTT login credentials for this device." + '\">' + "MQTT Login" + '</a> '; }
x += '</div><br>'
QH('p10html3', x);
// Set the node power state
var powerstate = PowerStateStr(node.state);
//if (node.state == 0) { powerstate = 'Unknown State'; }
if ((connectivity & 1) != 0) { if (powerstate.length > 0) { powerstate += '<br/>'; } powerstate += '<span style=font-size:12px title=\"' + "Agent connected" + '\">' + "Agent connected" + '</span>'; }
if ((connectivity & 2) != 0) { if (powerstate.length > 0) { powerstate += '<br/>'; } powerstate += '<span style=font-size:12px title=\"' + "Intel® AMT connected" + '\">' + "Intel® AMT connected" + '</span>'; }
else if ((connectivity & 4) != 0) { if (powerstate.length > 0) { powerstate += '<br/>'; } powerstate += '<span style=font-size:12px title=\"' + "Intel® AMT detected" + '\">' + "Intel® AMT detected" + '</span>'; }
if ((connectivity & 16) != 0) { if (powerstate.length > 0) { powerstate += '<br/>'; } powerstate += '<span style=font-size:12px title=\"' + "MQTT connected" + '\">' + "MQTT channel connected" + '</span>'; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((powerstate == '') && node.lastconnect) { powerstate = '<span style=font-size:12px>' + "Dernière connexion:" + '<br />' + printDateTime(new Date(node.lastconnect)) + '</span>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QH('MainComputerState', powerstate);
// Set the node icon
Q('MainComputerImage').setAttribute('src', 'images/icons256-' + node.icon + '-1.png');
Q('MainComputerImage').className = ((!node.conn) || (node.conn == 0)?'gray':'');
// Check if we have terminal and file access
var terminalAccess = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 512) == 0));
var fileAccess = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 1024) == 0));
var amtAccess = ((meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((meshrights & 2048) == 0));
// Setup/Refresh the desktop tab
if (terminalAccess) { setupTerminal(); }
if (fileAccess) { setupFiles(); }
var consoleRights = ((meshrights & 16) != 0);
if (consoleRights) { setupConsole(); } else { if (panel == 15) { panel = 10; } }
// Show or hide the tabs
// mesh.mtype: 1 = Intel AMT only, 2 = Mesh Agent
// node.agent.caps (bitmask): 1 = Desktop, 2 = Terminal, 4 = Files, 8 = Console
QV('MainDevDesktop', (((mesh.mtype == 1) && ((typeof node.intelamt.sku !== 'number') || ((node.intelamt.sku & 8) != 0)))
|| ((mesh.mtype == 2) && ((node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 1) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2)))))
&& ((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256))
QV('MainDevTerminal', ((mesh.mtype == 1) || (node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 2) != 0) || (node.intelamt && (node.intelamt.state == 2))) && (meshrights & 8) && terminalAccess);
QV('MainDevFiles', ((mesh.mtype == 2) && ((node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 4) != 0))) && (meshrights & 8) && fileAccess);
QV('MainDevAmt', (node.intelamt != null) && ((node.intelamt.state == 2) || (node.conn & 2)) && (meshrights & 8) && amtAccess);
QV('MainDevConsole', (consoleRights && (mesh.mtype == 2) && ((node.agent == null) || (node.agent.caps == null) || ((node.agent.caps & 8) != 0))) && (meshrights & 8));
2019-12-03 20:44:08 -05:00
QV('MainDevPlugins', false);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QV('p15uploadCore', (node.agent != null) && (node.agent.caps != null) && ((node.agent.caps & 16) != 0));
QH('p15coreName', ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.core != null))?node.agent.core:'');
// Setup/Refresh Intel AMT tab
var amtFrameNode = Q('p14iframe').contentWindow.getCurrentMeshNode();
if ((amtFrameNode != null) && (amtFrameNode._id != currentNode._id)) { Q('p14iframe').contentWindow.disconnect(); }
var online = ((node.conn & 6) != 0)?true:false; // If CIRA (2) or AMT (4) connected, enable Commander
// Display "action" button on desktop/terminal/files
QV('deskActionsBtn', (meshrights & 72) != 0); // 72 = Wake-up + Remote Control permissions
QV('termActionsBtn', (meshrights & 72) != 0);
QV('filesActionsBtn', (meshrights & 72) != 0);
// Request the power timeline
if ((powerTimelineNode != currentNode._id) && (powerTimelineReq != currentNode._id)) {
QH('p10html2', '');
powerTimelineReq = currentNode._id;
meshserver.send( { action: 'powertimeline', nodeid: currentNode._id });
meshserver.send( { action: 'lastconnect', nodeid: currentNode._id });
meshserver.send( { action: 'getsysinfo', nodeid: currentNode._id });
QH('p17info', '');
// Reset the desktop tools
QV('DeskTools', false);
// Ask for device events
// Update the web page title
if ((currentNode) && (xxcurrentView >= 10) && (xxcurrentView < 20)) {
document.title = decodeURIComponent(' {{{ extitle }}} ') + ' - ' + currentNode.name + ' - ' + mesh.name;
} else {
document.title = decodeURIComponent(' {{{ extitle }}} ');
// Clear user consent status if present
// Device refresh plugin handler
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if (pluginHandler != null) { pluginHandler.callHook('onDeviceRefreshEnd', nodeid, panel, refresh, event); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setupDesktop(); // Always refresh the desktop, even if we are on the same device, we need to do some canvas switching.
if (!panel) panel = 10;
function writeDeviceEvent(nodeid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter un événement", 3, writeDeviceEventEx, '<textarea id=d2devEvent style=background-color:#fcf3cf;width:100%;height:200px;resize:none;overflow-y:scroll></textarea><span style=font-size:10px>' + "This will add an entry to this device\'s event log." + '<span>', nodeid);
function writeDeviceEventEx(buttons, tag) { meshserver.send( { action: 'setDeviceEvent', nodeid: decodeURIComponent(tag), msg: encodeURIComponent(Q('d2devEvent').value) }); }
function showNotes(readonly, noteid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Remarques", 2, showNotesEx, '<textarea id=d2devNotes ro=' + readonly + ' noteid=' + noteid + ' readonly style=background-color:#fcf3cf;width:100%;height:200px;resize:none;overflow-y:scroll></textarea><span style=font-size:10px>' + "Device group notes can be viewed and changed by other device group administrators." + '<span>', noteid);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'getNotes', id: decodeURIComponent(noteid) });
function showNotesEx(buttons, tag) { meshserver.send( { action: 'setNotes', id: decodeURIComponent(tag), notes: encodeURIComponent(Q('d2devNotes').value) }); }
2019-10-30 19:16:17 -04:00
function deviceChat(e) {
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var url = '/messenger?id=meshmessenger/' + encodeURIComponent(currentNode._id) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(userinfo._id) + '&title=' + currentNode.name;
if ((authCookie != null) && (authCookie != '')) { url += '&auth=' + authCookie; }
2019-10-30 19:16:17 -04:00
if (e && (e.shiftKey == true)) {
window.open(url, 'meshmessenger:' + currentNode._id);
} else {
window.open(url, 'meshmessenger:' + currentNode._id, 'directories=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=400,height=560');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'meshmessenger', nodeid: decodeURIComponent(currentNode._id) });
2019-11-28 15:34:45 -05:00
function deviceToggleBackground() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'deskBackground', nodeid: currentNode._id, op: 1 }); // Toggle desktop background image
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function deviceUrlFunction() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
setDialogMode(2, "Open Page on Device", 3, deviceUrlFunctionEx, '<input id=d2devurl placeholder="http://server.com" style=width:100%;overflow-y:scroll></input>');
function deviceUrlFunctionEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'openUrl', nodeid: currentNode._id, url: Q('d2devurl').value });
function deviceToastFunction() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
setDialogMode(2, "Device Notification", 3, deviceToastFunctionEx, '<textarea id=d2devToast style=width:100%;height:80px;resize:none;overflow-y:scroll></textarea>');
function deviceToastFunctionEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'toast', nodeids: [ currentNode._id ], title: 'MeshCentral', msg: Q('d2devToast').value });
function deviceActionFunction() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var meshrights = meshes[currentNode.meshid].links[userinfo._id].rights;
var x = "Select an operation to perform on this device." + '<br /><br />';
var y = '<select id=d2deviceop style=float:right;width:250px>';
if ((meshrights & 64) != 0) { y += '<option value=100>' + "Wake-up" + '</option>'; } // Wake-up permission
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((meshrights & 8) != 0) { y += '<option value=4>' + "Endormir" + '</option><option value=3>' + "Réinitialiser" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Éteindre" + '</option>'; } // Remote control permission
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((currentNode.conn & 16) != 0) { y += '<option value=103>' + "Envoyer un Message MQTT" + '</option>'; }
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
if (((currentNode.conn & 1) != 0) && ((meshrights & 32768) != 0)) { y += '<option value=104>' + "Uninstall Agent" + '</option>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
y += '</select>';
x += addHtmlValue("Opération", y);
setDialogMode(2, "Device Action", 3, deviceActionFunctionEx, x);
function deviceActionFunctionEx() {
var op = Q('d2deviceop').value;
if (op == 100) {
// Device wake
meshserver.send( { action: 'wakedevices', nodeids: [currentNode._id] });
} else if (op == 103) {
// Send MQTT Message
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
} else if (op == 104) {
// Uninstall agent
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
// Power operation
meshserver.send( { action: 'poweraction', nodeids: [ currentNode._id ], actiontype: parseInt(op) });
// Called when MeshCommander needs new credentials or updated credentials.
function updateAmtCredentials(forceDialog) {
var node = getNodeFromId(currentNode._id);
if ((forceDialog == true) || (node.intelamt.user == null) || (node.intelamt.user == '')) {
editDeviceAmtSettings(currentNode._id, updateAmtCredentialsEx);
} else {
function updateAmtCredentialsEx(button, tag) {
// Look to see if we need to update the device timeline
function updateDeviceTimeline() {
if ((meshserver.State != 2) || (powerTimelineNode == null) || (powerTimelineUpdate == null) || (currentNode == null)) return;
if ((powerTimelineNode == powerTimelineReq) && (currentNode._id == powerTimelineNode) && (powerTimelineUpdate < Date.now())) {
powerTimelineUpdate = null;
meshserver.send( { action: 'powertimeline', nodeid: currentNode._id });
meshserver.send( { action: 'lastconnect', nodeid: currentNode._id });
// Draw device power bars. The bars are 766px wide.
function drawDeviceTimeline() {
if ((currentNode == null) || (xxcurrentView < 10) || (xxcurrentView > 19)) return;
var timeline = null, now = Date.now();
if (currentNode._id == powerTimelineNode) { timeline = powerTimeline; }
// Calculate when the timeline starts
var d = new Date();
d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
d = new Date(d.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6));
var timelineStart = d.getTime();
// De-compact the timeline
var timeline2 = [];
if (timeline != null && timeline.length > 1) {
timeline2.push([ 0, timeline[1], timeline[0] ]); // Start, End, Power
var ct = timeline[1];
for (var i = 2; i < timeline.length; i += 2) {
var power = timeline[i], dt = now;
if (timeline.length > (i + 1)) { dt = timeline[i + 1]; }
timeline2.push([ ct, ct + dt, power ]); // Start, End, Power
ct = ct + dt;
// Draw the timeline
var x = '', count = 1, date = new Date();
var totalWidth = Q('masthead').offsetWidth - (160 + 9 + 9 + 14); // Compute the total width of the power bar
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
var datavalue = '', start = date.getTime(), end = start + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
for (var j in timeline2) {
var block = timeline2[j];
if (isTimeBlockInside(start, end, block[0], block[1]) == true) {
var ts = Math.max(start, block[0]);
var te = Math.min(Math.min(end, block[1]), now);
var width = Math.round(((te - ts) * totalWidth) / 86400000);
if (width > 0) {
var title = format(' { 0} from { 1} to { 2}.', powerStateStrings2[block[2]], printTime(new Date(ts)), printTime(new Date(te)));
datavalue += '<div class="pwState ' + powerColor(block[2]) + '" title="' + title + '" style="width:' + width + 'px;"></div>';
x += '<tr class=' + (((count % 2) == 0)?'altBack':'') + '><td><div> ' + printDate(date) + '<div></div></div></td><td><div>' + datavalue + '</div></td></tr>';
date = new Date(date.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // Substract one day
QH('p10html2', '<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0><thead><tr style=><th scope=col style=text-align:center;width:150px>' + "Day" + '</th><th scope=col style=text-align:center><a download href="devicepowerevents.ashx?id=' + currentNode._id + '" onclick="setDialogMode(0)"><img title=\"' + "Download power events" + '\" src="images/link4.png" /></a>' + "7 Day Power State" + '</th></tr></thead><tbody>' + x + '</tbody></table>');
// Return a color for the given power state
function powerColor(x) { if (x < powerColorTable.length) { return powerColorTable[x]; } return 'pwsYellow'; }
// Return true if the time block is visible within the start/end period
function isTimeBlockInside(start, end, blockStart, blockEnd) {
if ((blockStart < start) && (blockEnd > end)) return true; // Block is wider than timespan
if ((blockStart > start) && (blockStart < end)) return true;
if ((blockEnd > start) && (blockEnd < end)) return true;
return false;
function addDeviceAttribute(name, value) { return '<tr><td class=style7>' + name + '</td><td class=style9>' + value + '</td></tr>'; }
function editDeviceAmtSettings(nodeid, func, arg) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '', node = getNodeFromId(nodeid), buttons = 3, meshrights = getNodeRights(nodeid);
if ((meshrights & 4) == 0) return;
x += addHtmlValue("Nom d'utilisateur", '<input id=dp10username style=width:230px maxlength=32 autocomplete=nope placeholder="admin" onchange=validateDeviceAmtSettings() onkeyup=validateDeviceAmtSettings() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=dp10password type=password style=width:230px autocomplete=nope maxlength=32 onchange=validateDeviceAmtSettings() onkeyup=validateDeviceAmtSettings() />');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Sécurité", '<select id=dp10tls style=width:236px><option value=0>' + "Pas de sécurité TLS" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Sécurité TLS requise" + '</option></select>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((node.intelamt.user != null) && (node.intelamt.user != '')) { buttons = 7; }
setDialogMode(2, "Edit Intel® AMT credentials", buttons, editDeviceAmtSettingsEx, x, { node: node, func: func, arg: arg });
if ((node.intelamt.user != null) && (node.intelamt.user != '')) { Q('dp10username').value = node.intelamt.user; } else { Q('dp10username').value = 'admin'; }
Q('dp10tls').value = node.intelamt.tls;
function validateDeviceAmtSettings() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', passwordcheck(Q('dp10password').value));
function editDeviceAmtSettingsEx(button, tag) {
if (button == 2) {
// Delete button pressed, remove credentials
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: tag.node._id, intelamt: { user: '', pass: '' } });
} else {
// Change Intel AMT credentials
var amtuser = Q('dp10username').value;
if (amtuser == '') amtuser = 'admin';
var amtpass = Q('dp10password').value;
if (amtpass == '') amtuser = '';
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: tag.node._id, intelamt: { user: amtuser, pass: amtpass, tls: Q('dp10tls').value } });
tag.node.intelamt.user = amtuser;
tag.node.intelamt.tls = Q('dp10tls').value;
if (tag.func) { setTimeout(function () { tag.func(null, tag.arg); }, 300); }
function p10showSendMqttMsgDialog(nodeids) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = addHtmlValue("Topic", '<input id=dp2topic style=width:230px maxlength=64 onchange=p10validateSendMqttMsgDialog() onkeyup=p10validateSendMqttMsgDialog(event,1) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Message", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><textarea id=dp2msg maxlength=4096 style=width:100%;height:150px;resize:none onchange=p10validateSendMqttMsgDialog() onkeyup=p10validateSendMqttMsgDialog(event,1)></textarea></div>');
setDialogMode(2, "Envoyer un message MQTT", 3, p10showSendMqttMsgDialogEx, x, nodeids);
return false;
function p10validateSendMqttMsgDialog() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', (Q('dp2topic').value.length > 0) && (Q('dp2msg').value.length > 0));
function p10showSendMqttMsgDialogEx(b, nodeids) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'sendmqttmsg', nodeids: nodeids, topic: Q('dp2topic').value, msg: Q('dp2msg').value });
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
function p10showSendUninstallAgentDialog(nodeids) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '';
if (nodeids.length > 1) { x = format("Are you sure you want to uninstall the selected { 0} agents?", nodeids.length); } else { x = "Are you sure you want to uninstall selected agent?"; }
x += '<br /><br />';
2019-10-25 17:41:14 -04:00
if (nodeids.length > 1) { x += "This will not remove the devices from the server, but the devices will not longer be able to connect to the server. All remote access to the devices will be lost. The devices must be connected for this command to work."; } else { x += "This will not remove this device from the server, but the device will not longer be able to connect to the server. All remote access to the device will be lost. The device must be connect for this command to work."; }
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
x += '<br /><br /><label style=color:red><input id=p10check type=checkbox onchange=p10validateDeleteNodeDialog() />' + "Confirm" + '</label>';
setDialogMode(2, "Uninstall agent", 3, p10showSendUninstallAgentDialogEx, x, nodeids);
return false;
function p10validateSendUninstallAgentDialog() { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('p10check').checked); }
function p10showSendUninstallAgentDialogEx(b, nodeids) { meshserver.send( { action: 'uninstallagent', nodeids: nodeids }); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p10showChangeGroupDialog(nodeids) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var targetMeshId = null;
if (nodeids.length == 1) { try { targetMeshId = meshes[getNodeFromId(nodeids[0])]._id; } catch (ex) { } }
// List all available alternative groups
var y = '<select id=p10newGroup style=width:236px>', count = 0;
for (var i in meshes) {
var meshrights = meshes[i].links[userinfo._id].rights;
if ((meshes[i]._id != targetMeshId) && (meshrights & 4)) { count++; y += '<option value=\'' + meshes[i]._id + '\'>' + meshes[i].name + '</option>'; }
y += '</select>';
if (count > 0) {
var x = (nodeids.length == 1) ? ("Select a new group for this device" + '<br /><br />') : ("Select a new group for selected devices" + '<br /><br />');
x += addHtmlValue("Nouveau Group", y);
setDialogMode(2, "Change Group", 3, p10showChangeGroupDialogEx, x, nodeids);
} else {
setDialogMode(2, "Change Group", 1, null, "No other device group of same type exists.");
return false;
function p10showChangeGroupDialogEx(b, nodeids) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'changeDeviceMesh', nodeids: nodeids, meshid: Q('p10newGroup').value });
function p10showDeleteNodeDialog(nodeid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = format("Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le noeud { 0}?", EscapeHtml(currentNode.name)) + '<br /><br /><label><input id=p10check type=checkbox onchange=p10validateDeleteNodeDialog() />' + "Confirm" + '</label>';
setDialogMode(2, "Delete Node", 3, p10showDeleteNodeDialogEx, x, nodeid);
return false;
function p10validateDeleteNodeDialog() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('p10check').checked);
function p10showDeleteNodeDialogEx(buttons, nodeid) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'removedevices', nodeids: [ nodeid ] });
function p10clickOnce(nodeid, protocol, port) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'getcookie', nodeid: nodeid, tcpport: port, tag: 'clickonce', protocol: protocol });
return false;
// Show current location
var d2map = null;
function p10showNodeLocationDialog() {
if ((xxdialogMode != null) && (xxdialogTag == '@xxmap')) { setDialogMode(0); } else { if (xxdialogMode) return false; }
var markers = [], types = ['iploc', 'wifiloc', 'gpsloc', 'userloc'], boundingBox = null;
for (var loctype in types) {
if (currentNode[types[loctype]] != null) {
var loc = currentNode[types[loctype]].split(','), lat = parseFloat(loc[0]), lon = parseFloat(loc[1]);
if ((lat < 90) && (lat > -90) && (lon < 180) && (lon > -180)) { // Check valid lat/lon
var deviceMark = new ol.Feature( { geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat([lon, lat])) });
deviceMark.setStyle(markerStyle(currentNode, parseInt(loctype) + 1));
if (boundingBox == null) { boundingBox = [ lat, lon, lat, lon, 0 ]; } else { if (lat < boundingBox[0]) { boundingBox[0] = lat; } if (lon < boundingBox[1]) { boundingBox[1] = lon; } if (lat > boundingBox[2]) { boundingBox[2] = lat; } if (lon > boundingBox[3]) { boundingBox[3] = lon; } }
// Setup the device mark layer
var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector( { features: markers });
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector( { source: vectorSource });
//var x = '<div><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/preview/@' + lat + ',' + lng + ',12z" rel="noreferrer noopener" target=_blank>Open in Google maps</a></div>';
var x = '<div id=d2map style=width:100%;height:300px></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Device Location", 1, null, x, '@xxmap');
var clng = 0, clat = 0, zoom = 8;
if (boundingBox != null) {
var clat = (boundingBox[0] + boundingBox[2]) / 2;
var clng = (boundingBox[1] + boundingBox[3]) / 2;
var cscale = Math.max(Math.abs(boundingBox[0] - boundingBox[2]), Math.abs(boundingBox[1] - boundingBox[3]));
var i = 360, zoom = -2;
while (i > cscale) { zoom++; i = i / 2; }
if (markers.length == 1) { zoom = 8; }
// Setup the map
d2map = new ol.Map( {
target: 'd2map',
interactions: ol.interaction.defaults( { dragPan:false, mouseWheelZoom:false}),
layers: [ new ol.layer.Tile( { source: new ol.source.OSM() }), vectorLayer ],
view: new ol.View( { center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([clng, clat]), zoom: zoom })
return false;
// Show network interfaces
function p10showNodeNetInfoDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Interfaces réseau", 1, null, '<div id=d2netinfo>' + "Chargement..." + '</div>', 'if' + currentNode._id );
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: currentNode._id });
return false;
// Show MeshCentral Router dialog
function p10showMeshRouterDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '<div>' + "MeshCentral Router is a Windows tool for TCP port mapping. You can, for example, RDP into a remote device thru this server." + '</div><br />';
x += addHtmlValue('Win32 Executable', '<a style=cursor:pointer download href="meshagents?meshaction=winrouter" onclick="setDialogMode(0)">MeshCentralRouter.exe</a>');
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Router", 1, null, x, 'fileDownload');
// Request MQTT login credentials
function p10showMqttLoginDialog(nodeid) { meshserver.send( { action: 'getmqttlogin', nodeid: nodeid }); }
// Show MeshCmd dialog
function p10showMeshCmdDialog(mode, nodeid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var y = '<select id=aginsSelect onclick=meshCmdOsClick() style=width:236px>';
y += '<option value=3>' + "Windows (32bit)" + '</option>';
y += '<option value=4>' + "Windows (64bit)" + '</option>';
y += '<option value=5>' + "Linux x86 (32bit)" + '</option>';
y += '<option value=6>' + "Linux x86 (64bit)" + '</option>';
y += '<option value=16>' + "MacOS (64bit)" + '</option>';
y += '<option value=25>' + "Linux ARM, Raspberry Pi (32bit)" + '</option>';
y += '</select>';
var x = '';
if (mode == 0) { x += '<div>MeshCmd is a command line tool that performs lots of different operations. The action file can optionally be downloaded and edited to provide server information and credentials.<br /><br />'; }
if (mode == 1) { x += '<div>Download "meshcmd" with an action file to route traffic thru this server to this device. Make sure to edit meshaction.txt and add your account password or make any changes needed.<br /><br />'; }
x += addHtmlValue('Operating System', y);
x += addHtmlValue('MeshCmd', '<a id=meshcmddownloadid href="meshagents?meshcmd=3" download></a>');
if (mode == 0) { x += addHtmlValue('Action File', '<a href="meshagents?meshaction=generic" download>MeshAction (.txt)</a>'); }
if (mode == 1) { x += addHtmlValue('Action File', '<a href="meshagents?meshaction=route&nodeid=' + nodeid + '" download>MeshAction (.txt)</a>'); }
x += '</div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, [ "Download MeshCmd", "Routeur réseau" ][mode], 9, null, x, 'fileDownload');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function meshCmdOsClick() {
var os = Q('aginsSelect').value, osn = '', osurl = '';
//Q('meshcmddownloadid').href = 'meshagents?meshcmd=' + os;
if (os == 3) { osn = 'MeshCmd (Win32 executable)'; }
if (os == 4) { osn = 'MeshCmd (Win64 executable)'; }
if (os == 5) { osn = 'MeshCmd (Linux x86, 32bit)'; }
if (os == 6) { osn = 'MeshCmd (Linux x86, 64bit)'; }
if (os == 16) { osn = 'MeshCmd (MacOS, 64bit)'; }
if (os == 25) { osn = 'MeshCmd (Linux ARM, 32bit)'; }
QH('meshcmddownloadid', osn);
Q('meshcmddownloadid').setAttribute('href', 'meshagents?meshcmd=' + os);
function p10showiconselector() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
if ((meshrights & 4) == 0) return;
var x = '<br><div style=display:inline-block;width:40px></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i1 onclick=p10setIcon(1) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(1)"></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i2 onclick=p10setIcon(2) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(2)"></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i3 onclick=p10setIcon(3) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(3)"></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i4 onclick=p10setIcon(4) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(4)"></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i5 onclick=p10setIcon(5) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(5)"></div>';
x += '<div tabindex=0 style=display:inline-block class=i6 onclick=p10setIcon(6) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p10setIcon(6)"></div><br><br>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Sélection de l'icôn", 0, null, x);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QV('id_dialogclose', true);
function p10setIcon(icon) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: currentNode._id, icon: icon });
var showEditNodeValueDialog_modes = ["Device Name", "Hostname", "Description", "Tags"];
var showEditNodeValueDialog_modes2 = ['name', 'host', 'desc', 'tags'];
var showEditNodeValueDialog_modes3 = ['', '', '', "Tag1, Tag2, Tag3"];
function showEditNodeValueDialog(mode) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = addHtmlValue(showEditNodeValueDialog_modes[mode], '<input id=dp10devicevalue maxlength=64 placeholder="' + showEditNodeValueDialog_modes3[mode] + '" onchange=p10editdevicevalueValidate(' + mode + ',event) onkeyup=p10editdevicevalueValidate(' + mode + ',event) />');
setDialogMode(2, "Edit Device", 3, showEditNodeValueDialogEx, x, mode);
var v = currentNode[showEditNodeValueDialog_modes2[mode]];
if (v == null) v = '';
if (Array.isArray(v)) { v = v.join(', '); }
Q('dp10devicevalue').value = v;
function showEditNodeValueDialogEx(button, mode) {
var x = { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: currentNode._id };
x[showEditNodeValueDialog_modes2[mode]] = Q('dp10devicevalue').value;
function p10editdevicevalueValidate(mode, e) {
var x = ((mode > 1) || (Q('dp10devicevalue').value.length > 0));
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', x);
if ((e != null) && (x == true) && (e.keyCode == 13)) { dialogclose(1); }
var desktopNode;
function setupDesktop() {
// Setup the remote desktop
if ((desktopNode != currentNode) && (desktop != null)) { desktop.Stop(); desktopNode = null; desktop = null; }
// If the device desktop is already connected in multi-desktop, use that.
if ((desktopNode != currentNode) || (desktop == null)) {
var xdesk = multiDesktop[currentNode._id];
if (xdesk != null) {
// This device already has a canvas, use it.
QH('DeskParent', '');
var c = xdesk.m.CanvasId;
c.setAttribute('id', 'Desk');
c.setAttribute('onmousedown', 'dmousedown(event)');
c.setAttribute('onmouseup', 'dmouseup(event)');
c.setAttribute('onmousemove', 'dmousemove(event)');
desktop = xdesk;
if (desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel) { desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel(1, desktopsettings.quality, desktopsettings.scaling, desktopsettings.framerate); }
desktop.onStateChanged = onDesktopStateChange;
desktopNode = currentNode;
onDesktopStateChange(desktop, desktop.State);
delete multiDesktop[currentNode._id];
} else {
// Device is not already connected, just setup a blank canvas
QH('DeskParent', '<canvas id=Desk oncontextmenu="return false" onmousedown=dmousedown(event) onmouseup=dmouseup(event) onmousemove=dmousemove(event)></canvas>');
desktopNode = currentNode;
// Setup the mouse wheel
Q('Desk').addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function (e) { return dmousewheel(e); });
Q('Desk').addEventListener('mousewheel', function (e) { return dmousewheel(e); });
desktopNode = currentNode;
// On some browsers like IE, we can't save screen shots. Hide the scheenshot/capture buttons.
if (!Q('Desk')['toBlob']) { QV('deskSaveBtn', false); }
// Show and enable the right buttons
function updateDesktopButtons() {
var mesh = meshes[currentNode.meshid];
var deskState = 0;
if (desktop != null) { deskState = desktop.State; }
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
// Show the right buttons
QV('disconnectbutton1span', (deskState != 0));
QV('connectbutton1span', (deskState == 0) && ((meshrights & 8) || (meshrights & 256)) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 1));
(deskState == 0) &&
(meshrights & 8) &&
((mesh.mtype == 1) ||
((currentNode.intelamt != null) &&
(currentNode.intelamt.state == 2) &&
(currentNode.intelamt.ver != null) &&
(typeof currentNode.intelamt.sku == 'number') &&
((currentNode.intelamt.sku & 8) != 0))
// Show the right settings
QV('d7amtkvm', (currentNode.intelamt != null && ((currentNode.intelamt.ver != null) || (mesh.mtype == 1))) && ((deskState == 0) || (desktop.contype == 2)));
QV('d7meshkvm', (webRtcDesktop) || ((mesh.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 1) && ((deskState == false) || (desktop.contype == 1))));
// Enable buttons
var inputAllowed = (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) == 0));
var online = ((currentNode.conn & 1) != 0); // If Agent (1) connected, enable remote desktop
QE('connectbutton1', online);
var hwonline = ((currentNode.conn & 6) != 0); // If CIRA (2) or AMT (4) connected, enable hardware terminal
QE('connectbutton1h', hwonline);
QE('deskSaveBtn', deskState == 3);
QV('deskFocusBtn', (desktop != null) && (desktop.contype == 2) && (deskState != 0) && (desktopsettings.showfocus));
QV('DeskClip', (currentNode.agent) && (currentNode.agent.id != 11) && (currentNode.agent.id != 16) && ((desktop == null) || (desktop.contype != 2))); // Clipboard not supported on MacOS
QE('DeskClip', deskState == 3);
QE('DeskType', deskState == 3);
QV('DeskWD', inputAllowed);
QE('DeskWD', deskState == 3);
QV('deskkeys', inputAllowed);
QE('deskkeys', deskState == 3);
// Display this only if we have Chat & Notify permissions
QV('DeskChatButton', ((meshrights & 16384) != 0) && (browserfullscreen == false) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online);
QV('DeskNotifyButton', ((meshrights & 16384) != 0) && (browserfullscreen == false) && (currentNode.agent) && (currentNode.agent.id < 5) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online);
QV('DeskToolsButton', (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online);
QV('DeskOpenWebButton', (browserfullscreen == false) && (inputAllowed) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && online);
2019-11-28 15:34:45 -05:00
QV('DeskBackgroundButton', (deskState == 3) && (desktop.contype == 1) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.id != 11) && (currentNode.agent.id != 16) && online);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QV('DeskControlSpan', inputAllowed)
QV('deskActionsBtn', (browserfullscreen == false));
QV('deskActionsSettings', (browserfullscreen == false));
if (meshrights & 8) { Q('DeskControl').checked = (getstore('DeskControl', 1) == 1); } else { Q('DeskControl').checked = false; }
if (online == false) QV('DeskTools', false);
// Debug
var autoConnectDesktopTimer = null;
function autoConnectDesktop(e) { if (autoConnectDesktopTimer == null) { autoConnectDesktopTimer = setInterval(connectDesktop, 100); } else { clearInterval(autoConnectDesktopTimer); autoConnectDesktopTimer = null; } }
function connectDesktop(e, contype) {
if (desktop == null) {
desktopNode = currentNode;
if (contype == 2) {
// Setup the Intel AMT remote desktop
if ((desktopNode.intelamt.user == null) || (desktopNode.intelamt.user == '')) { editDeviceAmtSettings(desktopNode._id, connectDesktop, 2); return; }
desktop = CreateAmtRedirect(CreateAmtRemoteDesktop('Desk'), authCookie);
desktop.debugmode = debugmode;
desktop.onStateChanged = onDesktopStateChange;
desktop.m.bpp = (desktopsettings.encoding == 1 || desktopsettings.encoding == 3) ? 1 : 2;
desktop.m.useZRLE = (desktopsettings.encoding < 3);
desktop.m.localKeyMap = desktopsettings.localkeymap;
desktop.m.showmouse = desktopsettings.showmouse;
desktop.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
desktop.m.onKvmData = function (x) {
//console.log('onKvmData (' + x.length + '): ' + x);
// Send the presense probe only once if needed.
if (x.length == 0) { if (!desktop.m._sentPresence) { desktop.m._sentPresence = true; desktop.m.sendKvmData(JSON.stringify( { action: 'present', ver: 1 })); } return; }
var data = null;
try { data = JSON.parse(x); } catch (e) { }
if ((data != null) && (data.action != null)) {
if (data.action == 'restart') {
// Clear WebRTC channel
desktop.m.sendKvmData(JSON.stringify( { action: 'present', ver: 1 }));
} else if ((data.action == 'present') && (webRtcDesktop == null)) {
// Setup WebRTC channel
webRtcDesktop = { platform: data.platform };
var configuration = null; // { "iceServers": [ { 'urls': 'stun:stun.services.mozilla.com' }, { 'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' } ] };
if (typeof RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { webRtcDesktop.webrtc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration); }
else if (typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { webRtcDesktop.webrtc = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration); }
webRtcDesktop.webchannel = webRtcDesktop.webrtc.createDataChannel("DataChannel", { }); // { ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 2 }
webRtcDesktop.webchannel.onopen = function () {
// Switch to software KVM
//if (urlvars && urlvars['kvmdatatrace']) { console.log('WebRTC Data Channel Open'); }
console.log('WebRTC Data Channel Open');
Q('deskstatus').textContent = StatusStrs[desktop.State] + ", Soft-KVM";
webRtcDesktop.webRtcActive = true;
webRtcDesktop.softdesktop = CreateKvmDataChannel(webRtcDesktop.webchannel, CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk', Q('id_mainarea')), desktop.m);
webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
if (desktopsettings.quality) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.CompressionLevel = desktopsettings.quality; } // Number from 1 to 100. 50 or less is best.
if (desktopsettings.scaling) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.ScalingLevel = desktopsettings.scaling; }
// Check if we can get remote file access
// ###BEGIN### { DesktopInbandFiles}
QV('go24', true); // Files
downloadFile = null;
p24files = webRtcDesktop.softdesktop;
p24targetpath = '';
webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.onControlMsg = onFilesControlData;
webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.sendCtrlMsg(JSON.stringify( { action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: '' })); // Ask for the root folder
// ###END### { DesktopInbandFiles}
webRtcDesktop.webchannel.onclose = function (event) {
//if (urlvars['kvmdatatrace']) { console.log('WebRTC Data Channel Closed'); }
console.log('WebRTC Data Channel Closed');
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.onicecandidate = function (e) {
if (e.candidate == null) {
desktop.m.sendKvmData(JSON.stringify( { action: 'offer', ver: 1, sdp: webRtcDesktop.webrtcoffer.sdp }));
} else {
webRtcDesktop.webrtcoffer.sdp += ('a=' + e.candidate.candidate + '\r\n'); // New candidate, add it to the SDP
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function () {
if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.webrtc != null) && ((webRtcDesktop.webrtc.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected') || (webRtcDesktop.webrtc.iceConnectionState == 'failed'))) { /*console.log('WebRTC ICE Failed');*/ webRtcDesktopReset(); }
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.createOffer(function (offer) {
// Got the offer
webRtcDesktop.webrtcoffer = offer;
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.setLocalDescription(offer, function () { }, webRtcDesktopReset);
}, webRtcDesktopReset, { mandatory: { OfferToReceiveAudio: false, OfferToReceiveVideo: false } });
} else if ((data.action == 'answer') && (webRtcDesktop != null)) {
// Complete the WebRTC channel
webRtcDesktop.webrtc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription( { type: 'answer', sdp: data.sdp }), function () { }, webRtcDesktopReset);
desktop.Start(desktopNode._id, 16994, '*', '*', 0);
desktop.contype = 2;
} else {
// Setup the Mesh Agent remote desktop
desktop = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateAgentRemoteDesktop('Desk'), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl);
desktop.debugmode = debugmode;
desktop.m.debugmode = debugmode;
desktop.attemptWebRTC = attemptWebRTC;
desktop.onStateChanged = onDesktopStateChange;
desktop.onConsoleMessageChange = function () {
if (desktop.consoleMessage) {
QH('p11DeskConsoleMsg', EscapeHtml(desktop.consoleMessage).split('\n').join('<br />'));
QV('p11DeskConsoleMsg', true);
p11DeskConsoleMsgTimer = setTimeout(p11clearConsoleMsg, 8000);
desktop.m.CompressionLevel = desktopsettings.quality; // Number from 1 to 100. 50 or less is best.
desktop.m.ScalingLevel = desktopsettings.scaling;
desktop.m.FrameRateTimer = desktopsettings.framerate;
desktop.m.onDisplayinfo = deskDisplayInfo;
desktop.m.onScreenSizeChange = deskAdjust;
desktop.contype = 1;
} else {
// Disconnect and clean up the remote desktop
desktopNode = desktop = null;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if (pluginHandler != null) { pluginHandler.callHook('onDesktopDisconnect'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p11clearConsoleMsg() { QV('p11DeskConsoleMsg', false); if (p11DeskConsoleMsgTimer) { clearTimeout(p11DeskConsoleMsgTimer); p11DeskConsoleMsgTimer = null; } }
function p12clearConsoleMsg() { QV('p12TermConsoleMsg', false); if (p12TermConsoleMsgTimer) { clearTimeout(p12TermConsoleMsgTimer); p12TermConsoleMsgTimer = null; } }
function p13clearConsoleMsg() { QV('p13FilesConsoleMsg', false); if (p13FilesConsoleMsgTimer) { clearTimeout(p13FilesConsoleMsgTimer); p13FilesConsoleMsgTimer = null; } }
var webRtcDesktop = null;
function webRtcDesktopReset() {
if (webRtcDesktop == null) return;
if (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.Stop(); webRtcDesktop.softdesktop = null; }
if (webRtcDesktop.webchannel != null) { try { webRtcDesktop.webchannel.close(); } catch (e) { } webRtcDesktop.webchannel = null; }
if (webRtcDesktop.webrtc != null) { try { webRtcDesktop.webrtc.close(); } catch (e) { } webRtcDesktop.webrtc = null; }
webRtcDesktop = null;
// Switch back to hardware KVM
if (desktop && desktop.m) {
Q('deskstatus').textContent = StatusStrs[desktop.State];
// ###BEGIN### { DesktopInbandFiles}
p24files = null;
p24downloadFileCancel() // If any downloads are in process, cancel them.
p24uploadFileCancel(); // If any uploads are in process, cancel them.
QV('go24', false); // Files
if (currentView == 24) { go(14); }
// ###END### { DesktopInbandFiles}
function onDesktopStateChange(xdesktop, state) {
var xstate = state;
if ((xstate == 3) && (xdesktop.contype == 2)) { xstate++; }
var str = StatusStrs[xstate];
if ((desktop != null) && (desktop.webRtcActive == true)) { str += ", WebRTC"; }
//if (desktop.m.stopInput == true) { str += ', Loopback'; }
QH('deskstatus', str);
switch (state) {
case 0:
// Disconnect and clean up the remote desktop
desktopNode = desktop = null;
QV('DeskFocus', false);
QV('termdisplays', false);
QV('deskRecordIcon', false);
deskFocusBtn.value = "All Focus";
if (fullscreen == true) { deskToggleFull(); }
deskPreferedStickyDisplay = 0;
case 2:
case 3:
if (desktop && (desktop.serverIsRecording == true)) { QV('deskRecordIcon', true); }
desktop.startTime = new Date();
if (updateSessionTimer == null) { updateSessionTimer = setInterval(updateSessionTime, 1000); }
//console.log('Unknown onDesktopStateChange state', state);
setTimeout(deskAdjust, 50);
function updateSessionTime() {
// Desktop
var seconds = 0;
if (desktop && desktop.startTime) {
seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - desktop.startTime) / 1000);
QH('DeskTimer', zeroPad(Math.floor(seconds / 3600), 2) + ':' + zeroPad((Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60), 2) + ':' + zeroPad((seconds % 60), 2));
} else {
QH('DeskTimer', '');
// Terminal
seconds = 0;
if (terminal && terminal.startTime) {
seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - terminal.startTime) / 1000);
QH('TermTimer', zeroPad(Math.floor(seconds / 3600), 2) + ':' + zeroPad((Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60), 2) + ':' + zeroPad((seconds % 60), 2));
} else {
QH('TermTimer', '');
if ((desktop == null) && (terminal == null)) { clearInterval(updateSessionTimer); updateSessionTimer = null; }
function showDesktopSettings() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(7, "Paramètres du bureau à distance", 3, showDesktopSettingsChanged);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function showDesktopSettingsChanged() {
desktopsettings.encoding = d7desktopmode.value;
desktopsettings.showfocus = d7showfocus.checked;
desktopsettings.showmouse = d7showcursor.checked;
desktopsettings.quality = d7bitmapquality.value;
desktopsettings.scaling = d7bitmapscaling.value;
desktopsettings.framerate = d7framelimiter.value;
desktopsettings.localkeymap = d7localKeyMap.checked;
localStorage.setItem('desktopsettings', JSON.stringify(desktopsettings));
if (desktop) {
if (desktop.contype == 1) {
if (desktop.State != 0) {
desktop.m.SendCompressionLevel(1, desktopsettings.quality, desktopsettings.scaling, desktopsettings.framerate);
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
if (desktopsettings.showfocus == false) { desktop.m.focusmode = 0; deskFocusBtn.value = "All Focus"; }
if (desktop.State != 0) { desktop.Stop(); setTimeout(function () { connectDesktop(null, 2); }, 50); }
function applyDesktopSettings() {
var r = '', ops = (features & 512)?[90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,5,1]:[60,50,40,30,20,10,5,1];
for (var i in ops) { r += '<option value=' + ops[i] + '>' + ops[i] + '%</option>'; }
QH('d7bitmapquality', r);
d7desktopmode.value = desktopsettings.encoding;
d7showfocus.checked = desktopsettings.showfocus;
d7showcursor.checked = desktopsettings.showmouse;
d7bitmapquality.value = 40; // Default value
if (ops.indexOf(parseInt(desktopsettings.quality)) >= 0) { d7bitmapquality.value = desktopsettings.quality; }
d7bitmapscaling.value = desktopsettings.scaling;
if (desktopsettings.framerate) { d7framelimiter.value = desktopsettings.framerate; }
if (desktopsettings.localkeymap) { d7localKeyMap.checked = desktopsettings.localkeymap; }
QV('deskFocusBtn', (desktop != null) && (desktop.contype == 2) && (desktop.state != 0) && (desktopsettings.showfocus));
// Enter browser fullscreen
function enterBrowserFullscreen(elem) {
if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen(); }
else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { elem.msRequestFullscreen(); }
else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) { elem.mozRequestFullScreen(); }
else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); }
// Exit browser fullscreen
function exitBrowserFullscreen() {
if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); }
else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); }
else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); }
else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); }
// Return true if the browser is fullscreen. This is a delayed method that will return true/false late. Not very useful.
function isBrowserFullscreen() {
if (!document.fullscreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement && !document.msFullscreenElement) { return false; } else { return true; }
var fullscreen = false;
var browserfullscreen = false;
function deskToggleFull(e) {
fullscreen = !fullscreen;
if (fullscreen) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QS('deskarea3x')['height'] = '100%';
QS('deskarea3x')['max-height'] = '100%';
// If shift is pressed, enter browser full screen.
if (e.shiftKey == true) { enterBrowserFullscreen(Q('deskarea0')); browserfullscreen = true; }
} else {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QS('deskarea3x')['height'] = null;
QS('deskarea3x')['max-height'] = null;
if (browserfullscreen == true) { exitBrowserFullscreen(); browserfullscreen = false; }
function deskToggleFocus() {
desktop.m.focusmode = (desktop.m.focusmode + 64) % 192;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
Q('deskFocusBtn').value = ["All Focus", "Small Focus", "Grande mise au point"][desktop.m.focusmode / 64];
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function deskAdjust() {
var parentH = Q('DeskParent').clientHeight, parentW = Q('DeskParent').clientWidth;
var deskH = Q('Desk').height, deskW = Q('Desk').width;
if (deskAspectRatio == 2) {
// Scale mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
} else if (deskAspectRatio == 1) {
// Zoomed mode
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = '0px';
QS('Desk').height = deskH + 'px';
QS('Desk').width = deskW + 'px';
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'scroll';
} else {
// Fixed aspect ratio
if ((parentH / parentW) > (deskH / deskW)) {
var hNew = ((deskH * parentW) / deskW) + 'px';
//if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
//} else {
// QS('deskarea3x').height = hNew;
//QS('deskarea3x').height = null;
QS('Desk').height = hNew;
QS('Desk').width = '100%';
} else {
var wNew = ((deskW * parentH) / deskH) + 'px';
if (webPageFullScreen || fullscreen) {
QS('Desk').height = null;
} else {
QS('Desk').height = '100%';
QS('Desk').width = wNew;
QS('Desk')['margin-top'] = null;
QS('DeskParent').overflow = 'hidden';
function mdeskAdjust(mod, sw, sh, cv) {
if (!mod || !sw || !sh || !cv) return;
// Check if we are in single desktop mode
if (cv.id == 'Desk') { deskAdjust(); return; }
// Figure out and adjust the size to fill the width of the div
var vsize = [ { x: 180, y: 101 }, { x: 302, y: 169 }, { x: 454, y: 255 }][Q('sizeselect').selectedIndex];
var realw = vsize.x + 2, tw = Q('xdevices').clientWidth - 30, xw = Math.floor(tw / realw);
xw = realw + Math.floor((tw - (xw * realw)) / xw);
vsize.y = vsize.y * (xw / vsize.x);
vsize.x = xw;
var mh = vsize.y, mw = vsize.x;
if (mod.State != 0) { mh = vsize.y; mw = (sw / sh) * vsize.y; }
QS(cv.id)['max-height'] = mh + 'px';
QS(cv.id)['max-width'] = mw + 'px';
QS(cv.id)['margin-top'] = '0';
QS(cv.id)['margin-bottom'] = '0';
// Remote desktop special key combos for Windows
function deskSendKeys() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
var ks = Q('deskkeys').value;
if (ks == 0) { // WIN+Down arrow
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0xff54,1],[0xff54,0],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, Down arrow press, Down arrow release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,40],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP,40],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B]]); // Agent: L-Winkey press, Down arrow press, Down arrow release, L-Winkey release
} else if (ks == 1) { // WIN+Up arrow
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0xff52,1],[0xff52,0],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, Up arrow press, Up arrow release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,38],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP,38],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B]]); // MeshAgent: L-Winkey press, Up arrow press, Up arrow release, L-Winkey release
} else if (ks == 2) { // WIN+L arrow
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0x6c,1],[0x6c,0],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, 'l' press, 'l' release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.sendCtrlMsg(' { "action":"lock"}');
//desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,76],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP,76],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B]]); // MeshAgent: L-Winkey press, 'L' press, 'L' release, L-Winkey release
//desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC(desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B);
//desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC(desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 76);
//desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC(desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 76);
//desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC(desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B);
} else if (ks == 3) { // WIN+M arrow
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0x6d,1],[0x6d,0],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, 'm' press, 'm' release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,77],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP,77],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B]]); // MeshAgent: L-Winkey press, 'M' press, 'M' release, L-Winkey release
} else if (ks == 4) { // Shift+WIN+M arrow
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe1,1],[0xffe7,1],[0x6d,1],[0x6d,0],[0xffe7,0],[0xffe1,0]]); // Intel AMT: Shift-left down, Meta-left down, 'm' press, 'm' release, Meta-left release, Shift-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,16],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN,77],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP,77],[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B],[desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]]); // MeshAgent: L-shift press, L-Winkey press, 'M' press, 'M' release, L-Winkey release, L-shift release
} else if (ks == 5) { // WIN
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN,0x5B], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP,0x5B]]); // MeshAgent: L-Winkey press, L-Winkey release
} else if (ks == 6) { // WIN+R
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7,1],[0x72,1],[0x72,0],[0xffe7,0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, 'r' press, 'r' release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 82], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 82], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B]]); // MeshAgent: L-Winkey press, 'R' press, 'R' release, L-Winkey release
} else if (ks == 7) { // ALT-F4
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe9,1],[0xffc1,1],[0xffc1,0],[0xffe9,0]]); // Intel AMT: Alt down, 'F4' press, 'F4' release, Alt release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 18], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 115], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 115], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 18]]); // MeshAgent: Alt press, 'F4' press, 'F4' release, Alt release
} else if (ks == 8) { // CTRL-W
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe3,1],[0x77,1],[0x77,0],[0xffe3,0]]); // Intel AMT: Ctrl down, 'w' press, 'w' release, Ctrl release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 17], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 87], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 87], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 17]]); // MeshAgent: Ctrl press, 'W' press, 'W' release, Ctrl release
} else if (ks == 9) { // ALT-TAB
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe9, 1], [0xff09, 1], [0xff09, 0], [0xffe9, 0]]); // Intel AMT: Alt down, 'TAB' press, 'TAB' release, Alt release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 18], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 9], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 9], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 18]]); // MeshAgent: Alt press, 'TAB' press, 'TAB' release, Alt release
} else if (ks == 10) { // CTRL-ALT-DEL
} else if (ks == 11) { // WIN-LEFT
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7, 1], [0xff51, 1], [0xff51, 0], [0xffe7, 0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, Left arrow press, Left arrow release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 37], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 37], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B]]);
} else if (ks == 12) { // WIN-RIGHT
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
desktop.m.sendkey([[0xffe7, 1], [0xff53, 1], [0xff53, 0], [0xffe7, 0]]); // Intel AMT: Meta-left down, Right arrow press, Right arrow release, Meta-left release
} else {
desktop.m.SendKeyMsgKC([[desktop.m.KeyAction.EXDOWN, 0x5B], [desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 39], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 39], [desktop.m.KeyAction.EXUP, 0x5B]]);
// Remote desktop typing
function showDeskType() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
var x = '<div>' + "Enter text and click OK to remotely type it using a US english keyboard. Make sure to place the remote cursor at the correct position before proceeding." + '<div>';
x += '<textarea id=d2typeText style="margin-top:5px;width:100%;height:184px;resize:none" maxlength=2000></textarea>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Entrée au clavier à distance", 3, showDeskTypeEx, x);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var AmtDeskTypeTimer = null;
var AmtDeskTypeContent = null;
var DeskTypeTranslate = { 39: 222, 42: 106, 43: 107, 44: 188, 45: 189, 46: 190, 47: 191, 59: 186, 61: 187, 91: 219, 92: 220, 93: 221, 96: 192, 191: 111 };
var DeskTypeShiftTranslate = { 33: 49, 34: 222, 35: 51, 36: 52, 37: 53, 38: 55, 40: 57, 41: 48, 58: 186, 60: 188, 62: 190, 63: 191, 64: 50, 94: 54, 95: 189, 106: 56, 107: 187, 123: 219, 124: 220, 125: 221, 126: 192 };
function showDeskTypeEx() {
var txt = Q('d2typeText').value, ltxt = Q('d2typeText').value.toUpperCase(), x = [], shift = false;
if (desktop.contype == 2) {
// Intel AMT
for (var i in txt) { var a = txt.charCodeAt(i); x.push([a, 1], [a, 0]); }
AmtDeskTypeContent = x;
AmtDeskTypeTimer = setInterval(function () {
var key = AmtDeskTypeContent.shift();
if (desktop) { desktop.m.sendkey(key[0], key[1]); }
if ((desktop == null) || (AmtDeskTypeContent.length == 0)) { clearInterval(AmtDeskTypeTimer); AmtDeskTypeContent = null; }
}, 10);
} else {
// MeshAgent
for (var i in txt) {
var a = txt.charCodeAt(i), b = ltxt.charCodeAt(i);
if (((a >= 65) && (a <= 90)) || ((a >= 97) && (a <= 122))) {
if ((a == b) && (shift == false)) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 16]); shift = true; } // LShift down
if ((a != b) && (shift == true)) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); shift = false; } // LShift up
} else if ((a >= 48) && (a <= 57)) {
if (shift == true) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); shift = false; } // Shift up
} else if (DeskTypeTranslate[a]) {
if (shift == true) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); shift = false; } // Shift up
b = DeskTypeTranslate[a];
} else if (DeskTypeShiftTranslate[a]) {
if (shift == false) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, 16]); shift = true; } // LShift down
b = DeskTypeShiftTranslate[a];
x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.DOWN, b], [desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, b]);
if (shift == true) { x.push([desktop.m.KeyAction.UP, 16]); shift = false; } // Shift up
// Show clipboard dialog
function showDeskClip() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
var x = '';
x += '<input id=dlgClipGet type=button value="Get Clipboard" style=width:120px onclick=showDeskClipGet()>';
x += '<input id=dlgClipSet type=button value="Set Clipboard" style=width:120px onclick=showDeskClipSet()>';
x += '<div id=dlgClipStatus style="display:inline-block;margin-left:8px" ></div>';
x += '<textarea id=d2clipText style="width:100%;height:184px;resize:none" maxlength=65535></textarea>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<input type=button value="Close" style=width:80px;float:right onclick=dialogclose(0)><div style=height:26px;margin-top:3px><span id=linuxClipWarn style=display:none>' + "Le presse-papier à distance est valide pendant 60 secondes." + '</span> </div><div></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Presse-papier à distance", 8, null, x, 'clipboard');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function showDeskClipGet() {
if (desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'getclip', nodeid: currentNode._id });
function showDeskClipSet() {
if (desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'setclip', nodeid: currentNode._id, data: Q('d2clipText').value });
QV('linuxClipWarn', currentNode && currentNode.agent && (currentNode.agent.id > 4) && (currentNode.agent.id != 21) && (currentNode.agent.id != 22));
function sendCAD() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
// Show process dialogs
function toggleDeskTools() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (QS('DeskTools').display == 'none') {
QV('DeskTools', true);
Q('DeskTools').nodeid = currentNode._id;
QH('DeskToolsProcesses', '');
QH('DeskToolsServices', '');
QV('deskToolsTopTabService', false);
} else {
QV('DeskTools', false);
var deskToolTabSelection = 0;
function changeDeskToolTab(tabnum) {
deskToolTabSelection = tabnum;
QV('DeskToolsProcessTab', tabnum == 0);
QV('DeskToolsServiceTab', tabnum == 1);
QS('deskToolsTopTabProcess')['bottom'] = (tabnum == 0) ? '0px' : '3px';
QS('deskToolsTopTabService')['bottom'] = (tabnum == 1) ? '0px' : '3px';
QS('deskToolsTopTabProcess')['color'] = (tabnum == 0) ? 'black' : 'gray';
QS('deskToolsTopTabService')['color'] = (tabnum == 1) ? 'black' : 'gray';
// Refresh all of the desktop tool panels
function refreshDeskTools(x) {
var sel = (x == null) ? deskToolTabSelection : x;
QV('DeskToolsRefreshButton', false);
setTimeout(refreshDeskToolsEx, 500);
if (sel == 0) meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'ps', nodeid: currentNode._id });
if (sel == 1) meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'services', nodeid: currentNode._id });
function refreshDeskToolsEx() { QV('DeskToolsRefreshButton', true); }
var deskTools = { sort: 1, ssort: 1, msg: null, smsg: null };
function sortProcess(sort) { deskTools.sort = sort; showDeskToolsProcesses(deskTools.msg); }
function sortService(sort) { deskTools.ssort = sort; showDeskToolsServices(deskTools.smsg); }
function sortProcessPid(a, b) { if (a.p > b.p) return 1; if (a.p < b.p) return (-1); return sortProcessName(a, b); }
function sortProcessName(a, b) { if (a.d > b.d) return 1; if (a.d < b.d) return (-1); return 0; }
function showDeskToolsProcesses(message) {
deskTools.msg = message;
if (message == null) { QH('DeskToolsProcesses', ''); return; }
if (Q('DeskTools').nodeid != message.nodeid) return;
var p = [], processes = null;
try { processes = JSON.parse(message.value); } catch (e) { }
if (processes != null) {
for (var pid in processes) { p.push( { p:parseInt(pid), c:processes[pid].cmd, d:processes[pid].cmd.toLowerCase(), u: processes[pid].user } ); }
if (deskTools.sort == 0) { p.sort(sortProcessPid); } else if (deskTools.sort == 1) { p.sort(sortProcessName); }
var x = '';
for (var i in p) {
if (p[i].p != 0) {
var c = p[i].c;
if (c.length > 30) { c = '<span title="' + c + '">' + c.substring(0,30) + '...</span>' }
x += '<div class=deskToolsBar><div style=width:50px;float:left;text-align:right;padding-right:5px>' + p[i].p + '</div><a href=# style=float:right;padding-right:5px;cursor:pointer title="Stop process" onclick=\'return stopProcess(' + p[i].p + ',"' + p[i].c + '")\'><img width=10 height=10 src="images/trash.png"></a><div style=float:right;padding-right:5px>' + (p[i].u ? p[i].u : '') + '</div><div>' + c + '</div></div>';
QH('DeskToolsProcesses', x);
function showDeskToolsServices(message) {
deskTools.smsg = message;
if (message == null) { QH('DeskToolsProcesses', ''); return; }
if (Q('DeskTools').nodeid != message.nodeid) return;
QV('deskToolsTopTabService', true);
var s = [], services = null;
try { services = JSON.parse(message.value); } catch (e) { }
deskTools.services = services;
if (services != null) {
for (var i in services) {
if (services[i].status) {
// Windows
s.push( { p: capitalizeFirstLetter(services[i].status.state.toLowerCase()), d: services[i].displayName, i: i });
} else if (services[i].serviceType) {
// Linux (TODO: This the service status is not displayed, not sure start/stop/restart will work).
s.push( { p: services[i].serviceType, d: services[i].name, i: i });
if (deskTools.ssort == 0) { s.sort(sortProcessPid); } else if (deskTools.ssort == 1) { s.sort(sortProcessName); }
var x = '';
for (var i in s) {
if (s[i].p != 0) {
var c = s[i].d;
if (c.length > 30) { c = '<span title="' + c + '">' + c.substring(0, 30) + '...</span>' }
x += '<div onclick=showServiceDetailsDialog(' + s[i].i + ') class=deskToolsBar><div style=width:70px;float:left;padding-right:5px>' + s[i].p + '</div><div>' + c + '</div></div>';
QH('DeskToolsServices', x);
function showServiceDetailsDialog(index) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var service = deskTools.services[index];
if (service != null) {
var x = '';
if (service.name) { x += addHtmlValue("Nom", service.name); }
if (service.displayName) { x += addHtmlValue("Display name", service.displayName); }
if (service.status) {
if (service.status.state) { x += addHtmlValue("State", capitalizeFirstLetter(service.status.state.toLowerCase())); }
if (service.status.pid) { x += addHtmlValue("PID", service.status.pid); }
var serviceTypes = [];
if (service.status.isFileSystemDriver === true) { serviceTypes.push("FileSystemDriver"); }
if (service.status.isInteractive === true) { serviceTypes.push("Interactive"); }
if (service.status.isKernelDriver === true) { serviceTypes.push("KernelDriver"); }
if (service.status.isOwnProcess === true) { serviceTypes.push("OwnProcess"); }
if (service.status.isSharedProcess === true) { serviceTypes.push("SharedProcess"); }
if (serviceTypes.length > 0) { x += addHtmlValue("Type", serviceTypes.join(', ')); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<br/><div style=float:right;margin-bottom:12px><input type=button value=\"' + "Close" + '\" onclick=showServiceDetailsDialogEx(0,' + index + ')></div><div style=margin-bottom:12px><input type=button value=\"' + "Lancé" + '\" onclick=showServiceDetailsDialogEx(1,' + index + ')><input type=button value=\"' + "Arrêtez" + '\" onclick=showServiceDetailsDialogEx(2,' + index + ')><input type=button value=\"' + "Redémarrer" + '\" onclick=showServiceDetailsDialogEx(3,' + index + ')></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Service Details", 8, null, x, name);
function showServiceDetailsDialogEx(action, index) {
if (action == 0) return;
var service = deskTools.services[index];
if (service != null) {
if (action == 1) { meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'serviceStart', nodeid: currentNode._id, serviceName: service.name }); }
if (action == 2) { meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'serviceStop', nodeid: currentNode._id, serviceName: service.name }); }
if (action == 3) { meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'serviceRestart', nodeid: currentNode._id, serviceName: service.name }); }
setTimeout(function () { refreshDeskTools(1) }, 1000);
// Toggle mouse and keyboard input
function toggleKvmControl() { putstore('DeskControl', (Q("DeskControl").checked?1:0)); }
// Save the desktop image to file
function deskSaveImage() {
if (xxdialogMode || desktop == null || desktop.State != 3) return;
var d = new Date(), n = 'Desktop-' + currentNode.name + '-' + d.getFullYear() + '-' + ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
Q('Desk')['toBlob'](function (blob) { saveAs(blob, n + '.jpg'); });
function deskDisplayInfo(sender, displays, selDisplay) {
var displayCount = 0, displaySelector = '';
for (var i in displays) {
displaySelector += '<option' + ((selDisplay == i) ? ' selected' : '') + ' value=' + i + '>' + displays[i] + '</option>';
if ((deskPreferedStickyDisplay == i) && (selDisplay != deskPreferedStickyDisplay)) { desktop.m.SetDisplay(i); }
QH('termdisplays', displaySelector);
QV('termdisplays', displayCount > 1);
function deskGetDisplayNumbers(e) { desktop.m.GetDisplayNumbers(); }
var deskPreferedStickyDisplay = 0;
function deskSetDisplay(e) { desktop.m.SetDisplay(deskPreferedStickyDisplay = parseInt(Q('termdisplays').value)); Q('termdisplays').blur(); }
// Double click detection. This is important for MacOS.
var dblClickDetectArgs = { t:0, x:0, y:0 };
function dblClickDetect(e) {
if (e.buttons != 1) return;
var t = Date.now();
if (((t - dblClickDetectArgs.t) < 250) && (Math.abs(e.clientX - dblClickDetectArgs.x) < 2) && (Math.abs(e.clientY - dblClickDetectArgs.y) < 2)) {
if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null && Q('DeskControl').checked) { if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null)) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.mousedblclick(e); desktop.m.sendKeepAlive(); } else { desktop.m.mousedblclick(e); } }
dblClickDetectArgs.t = t;
dblClickDetectArgs.x = e.clientX;
dblClickDetectArgs.y = e.clientY;
function dmousedown(e) { setSessionActivity(); e.addx = Q('DeskParent').scrollLeft; e.addy = Q('DeskParent').scrollTop; if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null && Q('DeskControl').checked) { if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null)) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.mousedown(e); desktop.m.sendKeepAlive(); } else { desktop.m.mousedown(e); } } dblClickDetect(e); }
function dmouseup(e) { setSessionActivity(); e.addx = Q('DeskParent').scrollLeft; e.addy = Q('DeskParent').scrollTop; if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null && Q('DeskControl').checked) if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null)) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.mouseup(e); desktop.m.sendKeepAlive(); } else { desktop.m.mouseup(e); } }
function dmousemove(e) { setSessionActivity(); e.addx = Q('DeskParent').scrollLeft; e.addy = Q('DeskParent').scrollTop; if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null && Q('DeskControl').checked) { if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null)) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.mousemove(e); desktop.m.sendKeepAlive(); } else { desktop.m.mousemove(e); } } }
function dmousewheel(e) { setSessionActivity(); e.addx = Q('DeskParent').scrollLeft; e.addy = Q('DeskParent').scrollTop; if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null && Q('DeskControl').checked) { if ((webRtcDesktop != null) && (webRtcDesktop.softdesktop != null)) { webRtcDesktop.softdesktop.m.mousewheel(e); desktop.m.sendKeepAlive(); } else { if (desktop.m.mousewheel) { desktop.m.mousewheel(e); } } haltEvent(e); return true; } return false; }
function drotate(x) { if (!xxdialogMode && desktop != null) { desktop.m.setRotation(desktop.m.rotation + x); deskAdjust(); deskAdjust(); } }
function stopProcess(id, name) { setDialogMode(2, "Process Control", 3, stopProcessEx, format("Stop process # { 0} \" { 1}\"?", id, name), id); return false; }
function stopProcessEx(buttons, tag) { meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'pskill', nodeid: currentNode._id, value: tag }); setTimeout(refreshDeskTools, 300); }
var terminalNode;
function setupTerminal() {
// Setup the terminal
if ((terminalNode != currentNode) && (terminal != null)) { terminal.Stop(); terminal = null; }
terminalNode = currentNode;
// Show and enable the right buttons
function updateTerminalButtons() {
var mesh = meshes[terminalNode.meshid];
var termState = ((terminal != null) && (terminal.state != 0));
// Show the right buttons
QV('disconnectbutton2span', (termState == true));
QV('connectbutton2span', (termState == false) && (mesh.mtype == 2) && (currentNode.agent.caps & 2));
QV('connectbutton2hspan', (termState == false) && ((terminalNode.intelamt != null) && (mesh.mtype == 1 || terminalNode.intelamt.state == 2) && ((terminalNode.intelamt.ver != null) || (mesh.mtype == 1))));
// Enable buttons
var online = ((terminalNode.conn & 1) != 0); // If Agent (1) connected, enable Terminal
QE('connectbutton2', online);
var hwonline = ((terminalNode.conn & 6) != 0); // If CIRA (2) or AMT (4) connected, enable hardware terminal
QE('connectbutton2h', hwonline);
// Key buttons
QE('ctrlcbutton', termState);
QE('ctrlxbutton', termState);
QE('escbutton', termState);
QE('bsbutton', termState);
QE('pastebutton', termState);
QE('specialkeylist', termState);
QE('specialkeylistinput', termState);
// Terminal settings
QV('terminalSettingsButtons', (terminal) && (terminal.contype == 2));
if (terminal) {
Q('id_ttypebutton').value = terminalEmulations[terminal.m.terminalEmulation];
Q('id_tfxkeysbutton').value = fxEmulations[terminal.m.fxEmulation];
Q('id_tcrbutton').value = (terminal.m.lineFeed == '\r\n')?"CR+LF":"LF";
// Called when the terminal state changes
function onTerminalStateChange(xterminal, state) {
var xstate = state;
if ((xstate == 3) && (xterminal.contype == 2)) { xstate++; }
var str = StatusStrs[xstate];
if (terminal.webRtcActive == true) { str += ", WebRTC"; }
QH('termstatus', str);
switch (state) {
case 0:
// Disconnected, clear the terminal
QE('termSizeList', true);
QH('termtitle', '');
QV('termRecordIcon', false);
if (terminal != null) { terminal.Stop(); terminal = null; }
case 3:
QE('termSizeList', false);
if (xterminal && (xterminal.serverIsRecording == true)) { QV('termRecordIcon', true); }
terminal.startTime = new Date();
if (updateSessionTimer == null) { updateSessionTimer = setInterval(updateSessionTime, 1000); }
QE('termSizeList', false);
//console.log('Unhandled onTerminalStateChange state', state);
var autoConnectTerminalTimer = null;
function autoConnectTerminal(e) { if (autoConnectTerminalTimer == null) { autoConnectTerminalTimer = setInterval(connectTerminal, 100); } else { clearInterval(autoConnectTerminalTimer); autoConnectTerminalTimer = null; } }
function connectTerminal(e, contype, options) {
if (!terminal) {
if (contype == 2) {
// Setup the Intel AMT terminal
if ((terminalNode.intelamt.user == null) || (terminalNode.intelamt.user == '')) { editDeviceAmtSettings(terminalNode._id, connectTerminal, 2); return; }
var termoptions = { };
if (Q('termSizeList').value == 2) { termoptions.width = 100; termoptions.height = 30; }
terminal = CreateAmtRedirect(CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', termoptions), authCookie);
terminal.debugmode = debugmode;
terminal.m.debugmode = debugmode;
terminal.m.onTitleChange = function (sender, title) { QH('termtitle', ' - ' + EscapeHtml(title)); }
terminal.onStateChanged = onTerminalStateChange;
terminal.Start(terminalNode._id, 16994, '*', '*', 0);
terminal.contype = 2;
Q('id_ttypebutton').value = terminalEmulations[terminal.m.terminalEmulation];
} else {
// Setup a mesh agent terminal
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
var termoptions = { protocol: ((options != null) && (typeof options.protocol == 'number'))?options.protocol:1 };
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ([1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22].indexOf(currentNode.agent.id) == -1) {
if (Q('termSizeList').value == 2) { termoptions.width = 100; termoptions.height = 30; termoptions.xterm = true; }
if (Q('termSizeList').value == 3) {
// TODO: Try to improve terminal auto-size.
termoptions.width = Math.floor((Q('column_l').clientWidth - 60) / 10);
termoptions.height = Math.floor((Q('column_l').clientHeight - 120) / 20);
termoptions.xterm = true;
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
// If shift is pressed
if ((e && (e.shiftKey == true))) {
if (currentNode.agent.id > 4) {
if (termoptions.protocol == 1) { termoptions.protocol = 7; } // Switch to user shell
} else {
if (termoptions.protocol == 1) { termoptions.protocol = 6; } // Switch to Powershell
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
terminal = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateAmtRemoteTerminal('Term', termoptions), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl);
terminal.debugmode = debugmode;
terminal.m.debugmode = debugmode;
terminal.m.onTitleChange = function (sender, title) { QH('termtitle', ' - ' + EscapeHtml(title)); }
terminal.m.lineFeed = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22].indexOf(currentNode.agent.id) >= 0) ? '\r\n' : '\r'; // On windows, send \r\n, on Linux only \r
terminal.attemptWebRTC = attemptWebRTC;
terminal.onStateChanged = onTerminalStateChange;
terminal.onConsoleMessageChange = function () {
if (terminal.consoleMessage) {
QH('p12TermConsoleMsg', EscapeHtml(terminal.consoleMessage).split('\n').join('<br />'));
QV('p12TermConsoleMsg', true);
p12TermConsoleMsgTimer = setTimeout(p12clearConsoleMsg, 8000);
terminal.contype = 1;
terminal.m.terminalEmulation = 0;
terminal.m.fxEmulation = 0;
Q('id_ttypebutton').value = terminalEmulations[0];
} else {
//QH('Term', '');
terminal = null;
Q('connectbutton2').blur(); // Deselect the connect button so the button does not get key presses.
var terminalEmulations = ["Terminal UTF8", "Extended ASCII", "Intel ASCII"];
function termToggleType() {
if (!terminal || xxdialogMode) return;
terminal.m.terminalEmulation = (terminal.m.terminalEmulation + 1) % 3;
Q('id_ttypebutton').value = terminalEmulations[terminal.m.terminalEmulation];
Q('id_ttypebutton').blur(); // Deselect the connect button so the button does not get key presses.
var fxEmulations = ["Intel (F10 = ESC+[OM)", "Alternate (F10 = ESC+0)", "VT100+ (F10 = ESC+[OY)"];
function termToggleFx() {
if (!terminal || xxdialogMode) return;
terminal.m.fxEmulation = (terminal.m.fxEmulation + 1) % 3;
Q('id_tfxkeysbutton').value = fxEmulations[terminal.m.fxEmulation];
Q('id_tfxkeysbutton').blur(); // Deselect the connect button so the button does not get key presses.
function termToggleCr() {
if (!terminal || xxdialogMode) return;
if (terminal.m.lineFeed == '\n') { terminal.m.lineFeed = '\r\n'; } else { terminal.m.lineFeed = '\n'; }
Q('id_tcrbutton').value = (terminal.m.lineFeed == '\r\n') ? "CR+LF" : "LF";
function termSendKey(key, id) {
if (!terminal || xxdialogMode) return;
Q(id).blur(); // Deselect the connect button so the button does not get key presses.
function showTermPasteDialog() {
if (!terminal || xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Coller", 3, showTermPasteDialogEx, '<textarea id=d2pasteText style="width:100%;height:184px;resize:none"></textarea>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function showTermPasteDialogEx() {
if (!terminal) return;
// Send special key
function sendSpecialKey() {
var filesNode;
function setupFiles() {
// Setup the files tab
var samenode = (filesNode == currentNode);
filesNode = currentNode;
var online = ((filesNode.conn & 1) != 0)?true:false; // If Agent (1) connected, enable Terminal
QE('p13Connect', online);
if (((samenode == false) || (online == false)) && files) { files.Stop(); files = null; }
function onFilesStateChange(xfiles, state) {
p13Connect.value = (state == 0) ? "Connect" : "Disconnect";
var str = StatusStrs[state];
if (files.webRtcActive == true) { str += ", WebRTC"; }
Q('p13Status').textContent = str;
switch (state) {
case 0:
// Disconnected, clear the files
QH('p13files', '');
p13filetree = null;
p13filetreelocation = [];
QH('p13currentpath', '');
QE('p13FolderUp', false);
QV('filesRecordIcon', false);
if (files != null) { files.Stop(); files = null; }
case 3:
p13targetpath = '';
if (files) {
files.sendText( { action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: '' });
if (files.serverIsRecording == true) { QV('filesRecordIcon', true); }
//console.log('Unknown onFilesStateChange state', state);
function CreateRemoteFiles(onFileUpdate) {
var obj = { protocol: 5 };
obj.onFileUpdate = onFileUpdate;
obj.xxStateChange = function(state) { }
obj.ProcessData = function(data) { obj.onFileUpdate(data); }
return obj;
// Debug Only
var autoConnectFilesTimer = null;
function autoConnectFiles(e) { if (autoConnectFilesTimer == null) { autoConnectFilesTimer = setInterval(connectFiles, 100); } else { clearInterval(autoConnectFilesTimer); autoConnectFilesTimer = null; } }
function connectFiles(e) {
if (!files) {
// Setup a mesh agent files
files = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateRemoteFiles(p13gotFiles), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl);
files.attemptWebRTC = attemptWebRTC;
files.onStateChanged = onFilesStateChange;
files.onConsoleMessageChange = function () {
if (files.consoleMessage) {
QH('p13FilesConsoleMsg', EscapeHtml(files.consoleMessage).split('\n').join('<br />'));
QV('p13FilesConsoleMsg', true);
p13FilesConsoleMsgTimer = setTimeout(p13clearConsoleMsg, 8000);
} else {
//QH('Term', '');
files = null;
p13clipboard = p13clipboardFolder = null;
p13clipboardCut = 0;
var p13filetree = null;
var p13targetpath = null;
var p13filetreelocation = [];
function p13gotFiles(data) {
if ((data.length > 0) && (data.charCodeAt(0) != 123)) { p13gotDownloadBinaryData(data); return; }
//console.log('p13gotFiles', data);
data = JSON.parse(decode_utf8(data));
if (data.action == 'download') { p13gotDownloadCommand(data); return; }
data.path = data.path.replace(/\//g, '\\');
if ((p13filetree != null) && (data.path == p13filetree.path)) {
// This is an update to the same folder
var checkedNames = p13getCheckedNames();
p13filetree = data;
} else {
// Make both paths use the same seperator not start with /
var x1 = data.path.replace(/\//g, '\\'), x2 = p13targetpath.replace(/\//g, '\\');
while ((x1.length > 0) && (x1[0] == '\\')) { x1 = x1.substring(1); }
while ((x2.length > 0) && (x2[0] == '\\')) { x2 = x2.substring(1); }
if ((x1 == x2) || ((data.path == '\\') && (p13targetpath == ''))) {
// This is a different folder
p13filetree = data;
function p13getCheckedNames() {
// Save all existing checked boxes
var checkedNames = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { checkedNames.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n) }; }
return checkedNames;
function p13updateFiles(checkedNames) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var html1 = '', html2 = '', displayPath = '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p13folderup(0)">' + "Racine" + '</a>', fullPath = 'Root';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Work on parsing the file path
var x = p13filetree.path.split('\\');
p13filetreelocation = [];
for (var i in x) { if (x[i] != '') { p13filetreelocation.push(x[i]); } } // Remove empty spaces
for (var i in p13filetreelocation) { displayPath += ' / <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p13folderup(' + (parseInt(i) + 1) + ')">' + p13filetreelocation[i] + '</a>' } // Setup the path we display
var newlinkpath = p13filetreelocation.join('/');
// Sort the files
var filetreexx = p13sort_files(p13filetree.dir);
// Display all files and folders at this location
for (var i in filetreexx) {
// Figure out the name and shortname
var f = filetreexx[i], name = f.n, shortname;
shortname = name;
if (name.length > 70) { shortname = '<span title="' + EscapeHtml(name) + '">' + EscapeHtml(name.substring(0, 70)) + ("..." + '</span>'); } else { shortname = EscapeHtml(name); }
name = EscapeHtml(name);
// Figure out the date
var fdatestr = '';
if (f.d != null) { var fdate = new Date(f.d), fdatestr = printDateTime(fdate) + ' '; }
// Figure out the size
var fsize = '';
if (f.s != null) { fsize = getFileSizeStr(f.s); }
var h = '';
if (f.t < 3) {
var right = '', title = '';
h = '<div class=filelist file=999><input file=999 style=float:left name=fd class=fcb type=checkbox onchange=p13setActions() value=\'' + f.nx + '\'> <span style=float:right title=\"' + title + '\">' + right + '</span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + ' onclick=p13folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")></div><a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p13folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")\'>' + shortname + '</a></span></div>';
} else {
var link = shortname;
if (f.s > 0) { link = '<a hrf=# rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=cursor:pointer onclick=\"return p13downloadfile(\'' + encodeURIComponent(newlinkpath + '/' + name) + '\',\'' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '\',' + f.s + ')\">' + shortname + '</a>'; }
h = '<div class=filelist file=3><input file=3 style=float:left name=fd class=fcb type=checkbox onchange=p13setActions() value=\'' + f.nx + '\'> <span class=fsize>' + fdatestr + '</span><span style=float:right>' + fsize + '</span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + '></div>' + link + '</span></div>';
if (f.t < 3) { html1 += h; } else { html2 += h; }
// Display the files and path
QH('p13files', html1 + html2);
QH('p13currentpath', displayPath);
QE('p13FolderUp', p13filetreelocation.length != 0);
// Re-check all boxes if needed using names
if (checkedNames != null) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkedNames.indexOf(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n) >= 0) { checkboxes[i].checked = true; } } }
// Update the actions buttons
function p13folderset(x) {
p13targetpath = joinPaths(p13filetree.path, p13filetree.dir[x].n).split('\\').join('/');
files.sendText( { action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath });
function p13folderup(x) {
if (x == null) { p13filetreelocation.pop(); } else { while (p13filetreelocation.length > x) { p13filetreelocation.pop(); } }
p13targetpath = p13filetreelocation.join('/');
files.sendText( { action: 'ls', reqid: 1, path: p13targetpath });
return false;
var p13sortorder;
function p13sort_filename(a, b) { if (a.ln > b.ln) return (1 * p13sortorder); if (a.ln < b.ln) return (-1 * p13sortorder); return 0; }
function p13sort_timestamp(a, b) { if (a.d > b.d) return (1 * p13sortorder); if (a.d < b.d) return (-1 * p13sortorder); return 0; }
function p13sort_bysize(a, b) { if (a.s == b.s) return p13sort_filename(a, b); return (((a.s - b.s)) * p13sortorder); }
function p13sort_files(files) {
var r = [], sortselection = Q('p13sortdropdown').value;
for (var i in files) { files[i].nx = i; if (files[i].s == null) { files[i].s = 0; } if (files[i].n == null) { files[i].n = i; } files[i].ln = files[i].n.toLowerCase(); r.push(files[i]); }
p13sortorder = 1;
if (sortselection > 3) { p13sortorder = -1; sortselection -= 3; }
if (sortselection == 1) { r.sort(p13sort_filename); }
else if (sortselection == 2) { r.sort(p13sort_bysize); }
else if (sortselection == 3) { r.sort(p13sort_timestamp); }
return r;
function p13setActions() {
if (p13filetree == null) {
QE('p13DeleteFileButton', false);
QE('p13NewFolderButton', false);
QE('p13UploadButton', false);
QE('p13RenameFileButton', false);
QE('p13ViewFileButton', false);
QE('p13SelectAllButton', false);
Q('p13SelectAllButton').value = "Tout Sélectionner";
QE('p13RefreshButton', false);
QE('p13CutButton', false);
QE('p13CopyButton', false);
QE('p13PasteButton', false);
} else {
var cc = p13getFileSelCount(), tc = p13getFileCount(), sfc = p13getFileSelCount(false); // In order: number of entires selected, number of total entries, number of selected entires that are files (not folders)
var winAgent = ((currentNode.agent.id > 0) && (currentNode.agent.id < 5));
QE('p13DeleteFileButton', (cc > 0) && ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13NewFolderButton', ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13UploadButton', ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13RenameFileButton', (cc == 1) && ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13ViewFileButton', (cc == 1) && (sfc == 1) && ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13SelectAllButton', tc > 0);
Q('p13SelectAllButton').value = (cc > 0 ? "Rien sélectionner" : "Tout Sélectionner");
QE('p13RefreshButton', true);
QE('p13CutButton', (cc > 0) && (cc == sfc) && ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13CopyButton', (cc > 0) && (cc == sfc) && ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)));
QE('p13PasteButton', ((p13filetreelocation.length > 0) || (winAgent == false)) && ((p13clipboard != null) && (p13clipboard.length > 0)));
function p13getFileSelCount(includeDirs) { var cc = 0; var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && ((includeDirs != false) || (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '3'))) cc++; } return cc; }
function p13getFileSelDirCount() { var cc = 0, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '999')) cc++; } return cc; }
function p13getFileCount() { var cc = 0; var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); return checkboxes.length; }
function p13selectallfile() { var nv = (p13getFileSelCount() == 0), checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = nv; } p13setActions(); }
function p13createfolder() { setDialogMode(2, "Nouveau Dossier", 3, p13createfolderEx, '<input type=text id=p13renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p13fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% />'); focusTextBox('p13renameinput'); p13fileNameCheck(); }
function p13createfolderEx() { files.sendText( { action: 'mkdir', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + Q('p13renameinput').value }); p13folderup(999); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function p13deletefile() { var cc = p13getFileSelCount(), rec = (p13getFileSelDirCount() > 0) ? '<br /><br /><label><input type=checkbox id=p13recdeleteinput>' + "Suppression récursive" + '</label><br>' : '<input type=checkbox id=p13recdeleteinput style=\'display:none\'>'; setDialogMode(2, "Delete", 3, p13deletefileEx, (cc > 1) ? (format("Delete { 0} selected items?", cc) + rec) : ("Delete selected item?" + rec)); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p13deletefileEx() { var delfiles = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { delfiles.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n); } } files.sendText( { action: 'rm', reqid: 1, path: p13filetreelocation.join('/'), delfiles: delfiles, rec: Q('p13recdeleteinput').checked }); p13folderup(999); }
function p13renamefile() { var renamefile, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { renamefile = p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n; } } setDialogMode(2, "Renommer", 3, p13renamefileEx, '<input type=text id=p13renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p13fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% value="' + renamefile + '" />', { action: 'rename', path: p13filetreelocation.join('/'), oldname: renamefile}); focusTextBox('p13renameinput'); p13fileNameCheck(); }
function p13renamefileEx(b, t) { t.newname = Q('p13renameinput').value; files.sendText(t); p13folderup(999); }
function p13fileNameCheck(e) { var x = isFilenameValid(Q('p13renameinput').value); QE('idx_dlgOkButton', x); if ((x == true) && (e != null) && (e.keyCode == 13)) { dialogclose(1); } }
function p13uploadFile() { setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 3, p13uploadFileEx, '<input type=file name=files id=p13uploadinput style=width:100% multiple=multiple onchange="updateUploadDialogOk(\'p13uploadinput\')" />'); updateUploadDialogOk('p13uploadinput'); }
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
function updateUploadDialogOk(x) { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('p13uploadinput').files.length > 0); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p13uploadFileEx() { p13doUploadFiles(Q('p13uploadinput').files); }
function p13viewfile() {
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
if (p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].s <= 204800) {
p13downloadfile(encodeURIComponent(p13filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n), encodeURIComponent(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n), p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].s, 'viewer');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
} else { messagebox("Éditeur de fichier", "Only files less than 200k can be edited."); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var p13clipboard = null, p13clipboardFolder = null, p13clipboardCut = 0;
function p13copyFile(cut) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fd'); p13clipboard = []; p13clipboardCut = cut, p13clipboardFolder = p13targetpath; for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '3')) { p13clipboard.push(p13filetree.dir[checkboxes[i].value].n); } } p13updateClipview(); }
function p13pasteFile() {
var x = '';
if ((p13clipboard != null) && (p13clipboard.length > 0)) {
if (p13clipboardCut == 0) {
if (p13clipboard.length > 1) { x = format("Confirm copy of { 0} entries's to this location?", p13clipboard.length); } else { x = format("Confirm copy of 1 entrie to this location?"); }
} else {
if (p13clipboard.length > 1) { x = format("Confirm move of { 0} entries's to this location?", p13clipboard.length); } else { x = format("Confirm move of 1 entrie to this location?"); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Coller", 3, p13pasteFileEx, x);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p13pasteFileEx() { files.sendText( { action: (p13clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move'), reqid: 1, scpath: p13clipboardFolder, dspath: p13targetpath, names: p13clipboard }); p13folderup(999); if (p13clipboardCut == 1) { p13clipboard = null, p13clipboardFolder = null, p13clipboardCut = 0; p13updateClipview(); } }
function p13updateClipview() {
var x = '';
if ((p13clipboard != null) && (p13clipboard.length > 0)) {
if (p13clipboardCut == 0) {
if (p13clipboard.length > 1) {
x = format("Holding { 0} entries for copy" + ', <a href=# onclick="return p13clearClip()" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Clear" + '</a>.', p13clipboard.length);
} else {
x = format("Holding 1 entrie for copy" + ', <a href=# onclick="return p13clearClip()" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Clear" + '</a>.');
} else {
if (p13clipboard.length > 1) {
x = format("Holding { 0} entries for move" + ', <a href=# onclick="return p13clearClip()" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Clear" + '</a>.', p13clipboard.length);
} else {
x = format("Holding 1 entrie for move" + ', <a href=# onclick="return p13clearClip()" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Clear" + '</a>.');
QH('p13bottomstatus', x);
function p13clearClip() { p13clipboard = null; p13clipboardFolder = null; p13clipboardCut = 0; p13updateClipview(); return false; }
function p13fileDragDrop(e) {
QV('p13bigfail', false);
QV('p13bigok', false);
if (e.dataTransfer == null || e.dataTransfer.files.length == 0 || p13filetree == null) return;
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) { if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0)) { files.push(e.dataTransfer.files[i]); } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
var p13dragtimer = null;
function p13fileDragOver(e) {
if (p13dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(p13dragtimer); p13dragtimer = null; }
var ac = (p13filetree != null); // Set to true if we can accept the file
QV('p13bigok', ac);
QV('p13bigfail', !ac);
function p13fileDragLeave(e) {
if (e.target.id != 'p13filetable') {
QV('p13bigfail', false);
QV('p13bigok', false);
} else {
p13dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('p13bigfail',false); QV('p13bigok',false); p13dragtimer=null; }, 10);
var downloadFile; // Global state for file download
// Called by the html page to start a download, arguments are: path, file name and file size.
function p13downloadfile(x, y, z, tag) {
if (xxdialogMode || downloadFile || !files) return;
downloadFile = { path: decodeURIComponent(x), file: decodeURIComponent(y), size: z, tsize: 0, data: '', state: 0, id: Math.random(), tag: tag }
//console.log('p13downloadFileCancel', downloadFile);
files.sendText( { action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: downloadFile.id, path: downloadFile.path });
setDialogMode(2, "Download File", 10, p13downloadFileCancel, '<div>' + downloadFile.file + '</div><br /><progress id=d2progressBar style=width:100% value=0 max=' + z + ' />');
// Called by the html page to cancel the download
function p13downloadFileCancel() { setDialogMode(0); files.sendText( { action: 'download', sub: 'cancel', id: downloadFile.id }); downloadFile = null; }
// Called by the transport when download control command is received
function p13gotDownloadCommand(cmd) {
//console.log('p13gotDownloadCommand', cmd);
if ((downloadFile == null) || (cmd.id != downloadFile.id)) return;
if (cmd.sub == 'start') { downloadFile.state = 1; files.sendText( { action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: downloadFile.id }); }
else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); }
// Called by the transport when binary data is received
function p13gotDownloadBinaryData(data) {
if (!downloadFile || downloadFile.state == 0) return;
if (data.length > 4) {
downloadFile.tsize += (data.length - 4); // Add to the total bytes received
downloadFile.data += data.substring(4); // Append the data
Q('d2progressBar').value = downloadFile.tsize; // Change the progress bar
if ((ReadInt(data, 0) & 1) != 0) { // Check end flag
if (downloadFile.tag == 'viewer') {
// View the file in the dialog box
//setDialogMode(2, downloadFile.file, 9, null, '<div style="height:400px;max-height:400px;overflow:auto"><pre>' + EscapeHtml(downloadFile.data) + '</pre></div>');
setDialogMode(2, EscapeHtml(downloadFile.file), 3, p13editSaveBack, '<textarea id=p13fileeditarea style="height:400px;max-height:400px;width:100%;overflow:auto;resize:none">' + EscapeHtml(downloadFile.data) + '</textarea>', downloadFile.file);
QS('dialog').width = 'auto';
QS('dialog').left = '100px';
QS('dialog').right = '100px';
downloadFile = null;
} else {
// Save the file to disk
saveAs(data2blob(downloadFile.data), downloadFile.file); downloadFile = null; setDialogMode(0); // Save the file
} else {
files.sendText( { action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: downloadFile.id }); // Send the ACK
function p13editSaveBack(b, tag) {
var data = new TextEncoder().encode(Q('p13fileeditarea').value);
p13uploadFileContinue(1, [ { name: tag, size: data.byteLength, type: 'text/plain', xdata: data }]);
var downloadFile; // Global state for file download
// Called by the html page to start a download, arguments are: path, file name and file size.
function p13downloadfile(x, y, z) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
downloadFile = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateRemoteFiles(p13gotDownloadData), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl); // Create our websocket file transport
downloadFile.ctrlMsgAllowed = false;
downloadFile.onStateChanged = onFileDownloadStateChange;
downloadFile.xpath = decodeURIComponent(x);
downloadFile.xfile = decodeURIComponent(y);
downloadFile.xsize = z;
downloadFile.xtsize = 0;
downloadFile.xstate = 0;
setDialogMode(2, "Download File", 10, p13downloadFileCancel, '<div>' + downloadFile.xfile + '</div><br /><progress id=d2progressBar style=width:100% value=0 max=' + z + ' />');
// Called by the html page to cancel the download
function p13downloadFileCancel(button, tag) {
delete downloadFile;
downloadFile = null;
// Called by the file transport to indicate when the transport connection state has changed
function onFileDownloadStateChange(xdownloadFile, state) {
switch (state) {
case 0: // Transport as disconnected. If this is not part of an abort, we need to save the file
setDialogMode(0); // Close any dialog boxes if present
if ((downloadFile != null) && (downloadFile.xstate == 1)) { saveAs(data2blob(downloadFile.xdata), downloadFile.xfile); } // Save the file
case 3: // Transport as connected, send a command to indicate we want to start a file download
downloadFile.send(JSON.stringify( { action: 'download', reqid: 1, path: downloadFile.xpath }));
console.log('Unknown onFileDownloadStateChange state', state);
// Called by the transport when data is received
function p13gotDownloadData(data) {
if (downloadFile.xstate == 0) { // If state is 0, this is a command confirming if the file will be transfered.
var cmd = JSON.parse(data);
if (cmd.action == 'downloadstart') { // Yes, the file is about to start
downloadFile.xstate = 1; // Switch to state 1, we will start receiving the file data
downloadFile.xdata = ''; // Start with empty data
downloadFile.send('a'); // Send the first ACK
} else if (cmd.action == 'downloaderror') { // Problem opening this file, cancel
} else { // We are in the process of receiving the file
downloadFile.xtsize += (data.length); // Add to the total bytes received
downloadFile.xdata += data; // Append the data
Q('d2progressBar').value = downloadFile.xtsize; // Change the progress bar
downloadFile.send('a'); // Send the ACK
var uploadFile;
function p13doUploadFiles(files) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
// Check if we are going to overwrite any files
var winAgent = ((currentNode.agent.id > 0) && (currentNode.agent.id < 5));
var targetFiles = [], overWriteCount = 0;
for (var i in p13filetree.dir) { if (winAgent) { targetFiles.push(p13filetree.dir[i].n.toLowerCase()); } else { targetFiles.push(p13filetree.dir[i].n); } }
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (winAgent) {
if (targetFiles.indexOf(files[i].name.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { overWriteCount++; }
} else {
if (targetFiles.indexOf(files[i].name) >= 0) { overWriteCount++; }
if (overWriteCount == 0) {
// If no overwrite, go ahead with upload
p13uploadFileContinue(1, files);
} else {
// Otherwise, prompt for confirmation
setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 3, p13uploadFileContinue, format("Upload will overwrite { 0} file { 1}. Continue?", overWriteCount, addLetterS(overWriteCount)), files);
function p13uploadFileContinue(b, files) {
uploadFile = { };
uploadFile.xpath = p13filetreelocation.join('/');
uploadFile.xfiles = files;
uploadFile.xfilePtr = -1;
setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 10, p13uploadFileCancel, '<div id=p13dfileName>' + "Connecting..." + '</div><br /><progress id=d2progressBar style=width:100% value=0 max=0 />');
function onFileUploadStateChange(xdownloadFile, state) {
switch (state) {
case 0:
setTimeout(function () { p13folderup(9999); }, 200); // Delay the file refresh
case 3:
// Connect again
function p13uploadReconnect() {
uploadFile.ws = CreateAgentRedirect(meshserver, CreateRemoteFiles(p13gotUploadData), serverPublicNamePort, authCookie, authRelayCookie, domainUrl);
uploadFile.ws.attemptWebRTC = false;
uploadFile.ws.ctrlMsgAllowed = false;
uploadFile.ws.onStateChanged = onFileUploadStateChange;
// Push the next file
function p13uploadNextFile() {
if (uploadFile.xfiles.length > uploadFile.xfilePtr) {
uploadFile.xptr = 0;
var file = uploadFile.xfiles[uploadFile.xfilePtr];
QH('p13dfileName', file.name);
Q('d2progressBar').max = file.size;
Q('d2progressBar').value = 0;
if (file.xdata == null) {
// Load the data
uploadFile.xreader = new FileReader();
uploadFile.xreader.onload = function () {
uploadFile.xdata = uploadFile.xreader.result;
uploadFile.ws.sendText(JSON.stringify( { action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name: file.name, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength }));
} else {
// Data already loaded
uploadFile.xdata = file.xdata;
uploadFile.ws.sendText(JSON.stringify( { action: 'upload', reqid: uploadFile.xfilePtr, path: uploadFile.xpath, name: file.name, size: uploadFile.xdata.byteLength }));
} else {
// Used to cancel the entire transfer.
function p13uploadFileCancel(button, tag) {
if (uploadFile != null) {
if (uploadFile.ws != null) {
uploadFile.ws = null;
uploadFile = null;
setDialogMode(0); // Close any dialog boxes if present
// Receive upload ack from the mesh agent, use this to keep sending more data
function p13gotUploadData(data) {
var cmd = JSON.parse(data);
if ((uploadFile == null) || (parseInt(uploadFile.xfilePtr) != parseInt(cmd.reqid))) { return; }
if (cmd.action == 'uploadstart') {
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { p13uploadNextPart(true); } // Send 8 more blocks of 4 k to full the websocket.
} else if (cmd.action == 'uploadack') {
} else if (cmd.action == 'uploaderror') {
// Push the next part of the file into the websocket. If dataPriming is true, push more data only if it's not the last block of the file.
function p13uploadNextPart(dataPriming) {
var data = uploadFile.xdata;
var start = uploadFile.xptr;
var end = uploadFile.xptr + 4096;
if (end > data.byteLength) { if (dataPriming == true) { return; } end = data.byteLength; }
if (start == data.byteLength) {
if (uploadFile.ws != null) { uploadFile.ws.Stop(); uploadFile.ws = null; }
if (uploadFile.xfiles.length > uploadFile.xfilePtr + 1) { p13uploadReconnect(); } else { p13uploadFileCancel(); }
} else {
var datapart = data.slice(start, end);
uploadFile.xptr = end;
Q('d2progressBar').value = end;
var currentDeviceEvents = null;
function deviceEventsUpdate() {
var x = '', dateHeader = null;
for (var i in currentDeviceEvents) {
var event = currentDeviceEvents[i], time = new Date(event.time);
if (event.msg) {
if (event.h == null) { event.h = Math.random(); }
if (printDate(time) != dateHeader) {
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
dateHeader = printDate(time);
x += '<table class=p3eventsTable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=4 class=DevSt>' + dateHeader + '</td></tr>';
var icon = 'si3';
if (event.etype == 'user') icon = 'm2';
if (event.etype == 'server') icon = 'si3';
var msg = EscapeHtml(event.msg).split('(R)').join('®');
if (event.username) {
if ((userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (event.userid)) {
msg = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoUser("' + encodeURIComponent(event.userid) + '");haltEvent(event);\'>' + EscapeHtml(event.username) + '</a> → ' + msg;
} else {
msg = EscapeHtml(event.username) + ' → ' + msg;
if (event.etype == 'relay' || event.action == 'relaylog') icon = 'relayIcon16';
x += '<tr onclick=showEventDetails(' + event.h + ',1) onmouseover=eventMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=eventMouseHover(this,0) style=cursor:pointer><td style=width:18px><div class=' + icon + '></div></td><td class=g1> </td><td class=style10>' + printTime(time) + ' - ' + msg + '</td><td class=g2> </td></tr><tr style=height:2px></tr>';
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
if (x == '') x = '<br><i>' + "Aucun événement trouvé" + '</i><br><br>';
QH('p16events', x);
function refreshDeviceEvents() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'events', nodeid: currentNode._id, limit: parseInt(p16limitdropdown.value) });
function showEventDetails(h, mode) {
var eventList, xevent;
if (mode == 1) { eventList = currentDeviceEvents; }
if (mode == 2) { eventList = events; }
if (mode == 3) { eventList = currentUserEvents; }
for (var i in eventList) { if (eventList[i].h == h) { xevent = eventList[i]; break; } }
if (xevent) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '<div style=overflow-y:auto>';
for (var i in xevent) {
if ((i == 'h') || (i == '_id') || (i == 'ids') || (i == 'domain') || (xevent[i] == null) || (typeof xevent[i] == 'object')) continue;
x += addHtmlValue3(EscapeHtml(i), EscapeHtml(xevent[i]));
x += '</div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Event Details", 9, null, x);
function agentConsoleHandleKeys(e) {
if ((e.ctrlKey) || (e.altKey)) { return true; }
var processed = 0, box = Q('p15consoleText');
if (e.key) {
if (e.keyCode == 13 && consoleFocus == 0) { p15consoleSend(e); processed = 1; }
else if (e.keyCode == 8 && consoleFocus == 0) { var x = box.value; box.value = x.substring(0, x.length - 1); processed = 1; }
else if (e.keyCode == 27) { box.value = ''; processed = 1; }
else if ((e.keyCode == 38) || (e.keyCode == 40)) { // Arrow up || Arrow down
var hindex = consoleHistory.indexOf(box.value);
//console.log(hindex, consoleHistory);
if ((e.keyCode == 38) && ((consoleHistory.length - 1) > hindex)) { box.value = consoleHistory[hindex + 1]; }
else if ((e.keyCode == 40) && (hindex > 0)) { box.value = consoleHistory[hindex - 1]; }
else if ((e.keyCode == 40) && (hindex == 0)) { box.value = ''; }
processed = 1;
else if (e.key.length === 1) {
//box.value = ((box.value + e.key));
insertTextAtCursor(box, e.key);
processed = 1;
} else {
if (e.charCode != 0 && consoleFocus == 0) { box.value = ((box.value + String.fromCharCode(e.charCode))); processed = 1; }
if (processed > 0) { return haltEvent(e); }
// Insert text at the cursor location on the
function insertTextAtCursor(ctrl, val) {
if (document.selection) { ctrl.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = val; }
else if (ctrl.selectionStart || ctrl.selectionStart == '0') {
var start = ctrl.selectionStart, end = ctrl.selectionEnd;
ctrl.value = ctrl.value.substring(0, start) + val + ctrl.value.substring(end, ctrl.value.length);
ctrl.setSelectionRange(end + 1, end + 1);
} else { ctrl.value += myValue; }
var consoleNode;
var consoleServerText = '';
function setupConsole() {
if (xxcurrentView == 115) {
// Setup server console
var samenode = (consoleNode == 'server');
consoleNode = 'server';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('p15deviceName', "Console de mon serveur");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QE('p15consoleText', true);
QH('p15statetext', '');
QH('p15coreName', '');
QV('p15outputselecttd', false);
if (samenode == false) {
QH('p15agentConsoleText', consoleServerText);
Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollTop = Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollHeight;
} else {
// Setup the console
var samenode = (consoleNode == currentNode);
consoleNode = currentNode;
var mesh = meshes[consoleNode.meshid];
var meshrights = mesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
if ((meshrights & 16) != 0) {
if (consoleNode.consoleText == null) { consoleNode.consoleText = ''; }
if (samenode == false) {
QH('p15agentConsoleText', consoleNode.consoleText);
Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollTop = Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollHeight;
var online = (((consoleNode.conn & 1) != 0) || ((consoleNode.conn & 16) != 0)) ? true : false;
var onlineText = ((consoleNode.conn & 1) != 0) ? "Agent is online" : "Agent is offline"
if ((consoleNode.conn & 16) != 0) { onlineText += ", MQTT is online" }
QH('p15statetext', onlineText);
QE('p15consoleText', online);
QE('p15uploadCore', ((consoleNode.conn & 1) != 0));
QV('p15outputselecttd', (consoleNode.conn & 17) == 17);
} else {
QH('p15statetext', "Accès refusé");
QE('p15consoleText', false);
QE('p15uploadCore', false);
QV('p15outputselecttd', false);
// Clear the console for this node
function p15consoleClear() {
QH('p15agentConsoleText', '');
if (xxcurrentView == 115) {
consoleServerText = '';
} else {
consoleNode.consoleText = '';
// Send a command to the agent
var consoleHistory = [];
function p15consoleSend(e) {
if (e && e.keyCode != 13) return;
var v = Q('p15consoleText').value, t = '<div style=color:green>> ' + EscapeHtml(v) + '<br/></div>';
if (xxcurrentView == 115) {
// Send the command to the server - TODO: In the future, we may support multiple servers.
consoleServerText += t;
meshserver.send( { action: 'serverconsole', value: v });
} else {
if (((consoleNode.conn & 16) != 0) && ((Q('p15outputselect').value == 2) || ((consoleNode.conn & 1) == 0))) {
// Send the command to MQTT
t = '<div style=color:orange>' + "MQTT" + '> ' + EscapeHtml(v) + '<br/></div>';
consoleNode.consoleText += t;
meshserver.send( { action: 'sendmqttmsg', topic: 'console', nodeids: [ consoleNode._id ], msg: v });
} else {
// Send the command to the mesh agent
consoleNode.consoleText += t;
meshserver.send( { action: 'msg', type: 'console', nodeid: consoleNode._id, value: v });
Q('p15agentConsoleText').innerHTML += t;
Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollTop = Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollHeight;
Q('p15consoleText').value = '';
// Add command to history list
if (v.length > 0) {
// Move this command to the top if it already exists
var j = consoleHistory.indexOf(v);
if (j >= 0) { consoleHistory.splice(j, 1); }
// Handle Mesh Agent console data
function p15consoleReceive(node, data, source) {
if (node === 'serverconsole') {
// Server console data
data = '<div>' + data + '</div>'
consoleServerText += data;
if (consoleNode == 'server') {
Q('p15agentConsoleText').innerHTML += data;
Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollTop = Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollHeight;
} else {
// Agent console data
if (source == 'MQTT') { data = '<div style=color:red>' + "MQTT" + '> ' + EscapeHtml(data) + '<br/></div>'; } else { data = '<div>' + data + '</div>' }
if (node.consoleText == null) { node.consoleText = data; } else { node.consoleText += data; }
if (consoleNode == node) {
Q('p15agentConsoleText').innerHTML += data;
Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollTop = Q('p15agentConsoleText').scrollHeight;
// Save console text to file
function p15downloadConsoleText() {
saveAs(new Blob([Q('p15agentConsoleText').innerText], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "console.txt");
// Called then user presses the "Change Core" button
function p15uploadCore(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (e.shiftKey == true) { meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type: 'default' }); } // Upload default core
else if (e.altKey == true) { meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type: 'clear' }); } // Clear the core
else if (e.ctrlKey == true) { p15uploadCore2(); } // Upload the core from a file
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
else { setDialogMode(2, "Effectuer une action sur l'agent", 3, p15uploadCoreEx, addHtmlValue("Action", '<select id=d3coreMode style=width:230px><option value=1>' + "Upload default server core" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Clear the core" + '</option><option value=6>' + "Upload recovery core" + '</option><option value=3>' + "Upload a core file" + '</option><option value=4>' + "Soft disconnect agent" + '</option><option value=5>' + "Déconnexion forcée de l'agent" + '</option></select>')); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p15uploadCoreEx() {
if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 1) {
// Upload default core
meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type: 'default' });
} else if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 2) {
// Clear the core
meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type: 'clear' });
} else if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 3) {
// Upload file as core
} else if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 4) {
// Soft disconnect the mesh agent
meshserver.send( { action: 'agentdisconnect', nodeid: consoleNode._id, disconnectMode: 1 });
} else if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 5) {
// Hard disconnect the mesh agent
meshserver.send( { action: 'agentdisconnect', nodeid: consoleNode._id, disconnectMode: 2 });
} else if (Q('d3coreMode').value == 6) {
// Upload a recovery core
meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type:'recovery' });
// Called then user opts to upload a file as core
function p15uploadCore2() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
Q('d3localmodeform').action = 'uploadmeshcorefile.ashx';
Q('d3auth').value = authCookie;
Q('d3attrib').value = currentNode._id;
setDialogMode(3, "Upload Mesh Agent Core", 3, p15uploadCoreEx2);
function p15uploadCoreEx2() {
var mode = Q('d3uploadMode').value;
if (mode == 1) {
// Upload local mesh agent core
} else {
// Upload server mesh agent code
var files = d3getFileSel();
if (files.length == 1) { meshserver.send( { action: 'uploadagentcore', nodeid: consoleNode._id, type: 'custom', path: d3filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + files[0] }); }
function account_manageAuthApp() {
if (xxdialogMode || ((features & 4096) == 0)) return;
if (userinfo.otpsecret == 1) { account_removeOtp(); } else { account_addOtp(); }
return false;
function account_addOtp() {
if (xxdialogMode || (userinfo.otpsecret == 1) || ((features & 4096) == 0)) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Authenticator App", 2, function () { meshserver.send( { action: 'otpauth-setup', secret: Q('d2optsecret').attributes.secret.value, token: Q('d2otpauthinput').value }); }, ('<div id=d2optinfo>' + "Chargement..." + '</div>'), 'otpauth-request');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'otpauth-request' });
function account_addOtpCheck(e) {
var tokenIsValid = (Q('d2otpauthinput').value.length == 6);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', tokenIsValid);
if (e && (e.keyCode == 13) && tokenIsValid) { dialogclose(1); }
function account_removeOtp() {
if (xxdialogMode || (userinfo.otpsecret != 1) || ((features & 4096) == 0)) return;
setDialogMode(2, "Authenticator App", 3, function () { meshserver.send( { action: 'otpauth-clear' }); }, "Confirm removal of authenticator application 2-step login?");
function account_manageOtp(action) {
if ((xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'otpauth-manage')) { dialogclose(0); }
if (xxdialogMode || ((features & 4096) == 0)) return false;
if ((userinfo.otpsecret == 1) || (userinfo.otphkeys > 0)) { meshserver.send( { action: 'otpauth-getpasswords', subaction: action }); }
return false;
function account_manageHardwareOtp() {
if ((xxdialogMode == 2) && (xxdialogTag == 'otpauth-hardware-manage')) { dialogclose(0); }
if (xxdialogMode || ((features & 4096) == 0)) return false;
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-get' });
return false;
function account_addhkey(type) {
if (type == 3) {
var x = "Type in the name of the key to add." + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Nom de la clé", '<input id=dp1keyname style=width:230px maxlength=20 autocomplete=off placeholder="' + "MaClé" + '" onkeyup=account_addhkeyValidate(event,2) />');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else if (type == 2) {
var x = "Type in a key name, select the OTP box and press the button on the YubiKey™." + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Nom de la clé", '<input id=dp1keyname style=width:230px maxlength=20 autocomplete=off placeholder="' + "MaClé" + '" onkeyup=account_addhkeyValidate(event,1) />');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("YubiKey™ OTP", '<input id=dp1key style=width:230px autocomplete=off onkeyup=account_addhkeyValidate(event,2) />');
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 3, account_addhkeyEx, x, type);
function account_addhkeyValidate(e,action) {
if ((e != null) && (e.keyCode == 13)) { if (action == 2) { dialogclose(1); } else { Q('dp1key').focus(); } }
function account_addhkeyEx(button, type) {
var name = Q('dp1keyname').value;
if (name == '') { name = 'MyKey'; }
if (type == 2) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-yubikey-add', name: name, otp: Q('dp1key').value });
setDialogMode(2, "Ajouter une clé de sécurité", 0, null, '<br />' + "Checking..." + '<br /><br /><br />', 'otpauth-hardware-manage');
} else if (type == 3) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'webauthn-startregister', name: name });
function account_removehkey(index) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-remove', index: index });
meshserver.send( { action: 'otp-hkey-get' });
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var loclist = { 'af': "Afrikaans", 'sq': "Albanian", 'ar': "Arabic (Standard)", 'ar-dz': "Arabic (Algeria)", 'ar-bh': "Arabic (Bahrain)", 'ar-eg': "Arabic (Egypt)", 'ar-iq': "Arabic (Iraq)", 'ar-jo': "Arabic (Jordan)", 'ar-kw': "Arabic (Kuwait)", 'ar-lb': "Arabic (Lebanon)", 'ar-ly': "Arabic (Libya)", 'ar-ma': "Arabic (Morocco)", 'ar-om': "Arabic (Oman)", 'ar-qa': "Arabic (Qatar)", 'ar-sa': "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", 'ar-sy': "Arabic (Syria)", 'ar-tn': "Arabic (Tunisia)", 'ar-ae': "Arabic (U.A.E.)", 'ar-ye': "Arabic (Yemen)", 'an': "Aragonese", 'hy': "Armenian", 'as': "Assamese", 'ast': "Asturian", 'az': "Azerbaijani", 'eu': "Basque", 'bg': "Bulgarian", 'be': "Belarusian", 'bn': "Bengali", 'bs': "Bosnian", 'br': "Breton", 'my': "Burmese", 'ca': "Catalan", 'ch': "Chamorro", 'ce': "Chechen", 'zh': "Chinese", 'zh-hk': "Chinese (Hong Kong)", 'zh-cn': "Chinese (PRC)", 'zh-sg': "Chinese (Singapore)", 'zh-tw': "Chinese (Taiwan)", 'cv': "Chuvash", 'co': "Corsican", 'cr': "Cree", 'hr': "Croatian", 'cs': "Czech", 'da': "Danish", 'nl': "Dutch (Standard)", 'nl-be': "Dutch (Belgian)", 'en': "English", 'en-au': "English (Australia)", 'en-bz': "English (Belize)", 'en-ca': "English (Canada)", 'en-ie': "English (Ireland)", 'en-jm': "English (Jamaica)", 'en-nz': "English (New Zealand)", 'en-ph': "English (Philippines)", 'en-za': "English (South Africa)", 'en-tt': "English (Trinidad & Tobago)", 'en-gb': "Anglais (Royaume Uni)", 'en-us': "Anglais (États Unis)", 'en-zw': "Anglais (Zimbabwe)", 'eo': "Esperanto", 'et': "Estonian", 'fo': "Faeroese", 'fa': "Farsi (Persan)", 'fj': "Fijian", 'fi': "Finlandais", 'fr': "Français (standard)", 'fr-be': "Français (Belgique)", 'fr-ca': "Français (Canada)", 'fr-fr': "Français (France)", 'fr-lu': "Français (Luxembourg)", 'fr-mc': "Français (Monaco)", 'fr-ch': "Français (Suisse)", 'fy': "Frison", 'fur': "Frioulan", 'gd': "Gaélique (écossais)", 'gd-ie': "Gaélique (irlandais)", 'gl': "Galicien", 'ka': "Géorgien", 'de': "German (Standard)", 'de-at': "German (Austria)", 'de-de': "German (Germany)", 'de-li': "German (Liechtenstein)", 'de-lu': "German (Luxembourg)", 'de-ch': "German (Switzerland)", 'el': "Grec", 'gu': "Gujarati", 'ht': "Haïtien", 'he': "Hebrew", 'hi': "Hindi", 'hu': "Hungarian", 'is': "Islandais", 'id': "Indonesian", 'iu': "Inuktitut", 'ga': "Irlandais", 'it': "Italien (standard)", 'it-ch': "Italien (Suisse)", 'ja': "Japonais", 'kn': "Kannada", 'ks': "Kashmiri", 'kk': "Kazakh", 'km': "Khmer", 'ky': "Kirghiz", 'tlh': "Klingon", 'ko': "Coréen", 'ko-kp': "Coréen (Corée du Nord)", 'ko-kr': "Coréen (Corée du Sud)", 'la': "Latin", 'lv': "Latvian", 'lt': "Lituanien", 'lb': "Luxembourgeois", 'mk': "ARY Macédonien", 'ms': "Malay", 'ml': "Malayalam", 'mt': "Maltese", 'mi': "Maori", 'mr': "Marathi", 'mo': "Moldavian", 'nv': "Navajo", 'ng': "Ndonga", 'ne': "Népalais", 'no': "Norvégien", 'nb': "Norvégien (Bokmal)", 'nn': "Norvégien (Nynorsk)", 'oc': "Occitan", 'or': "Oriya", 'om': "Oromo", 'fa-ir': "Persian/Iran", 'pl': "Polish", 'pt': "Portuguese", 'pt-br': "Portuguese (Brazil)", 'pa': "Punjabi", 'pa-in': "Punjabi (India)", 'pa-pk': "Punjabi (Pakistan)", 'qu': "Quechua", 'rm': "Rhaeto-Romanic", 'ro': "Roumain", 'ro-mo': "Roumain (Moldavie)", 'ru': "Russe", 'ru-mo': "Russe (Moldavie)", 'sz': "Sami (Lappish)", 'sg': "Sango", 'sa': "Sanskrit", 'sc': "Sardinian", 'sd': "Sindhi", 'si': "Cingalais", 'sr': "Serbian", 'sk': "Slovaque", 'sl': "Slovène", 'so': "Somani", 'sb': "Sorbian", 'es': "Espagnol", 'es-ar': "Spanish (Argentina)", 'es-bo': "Spanish (Bolivia)", 'es-cl': "Spanish (Chile)", 'es-co': "Spanish (Colombia)", 'es-cr': "Spanish (Costa Rica)", 'es-do': "Spanish (Dominican Republic)", 'es-ec': "Spanish (Ecuador)", 'es-sv': "Spanish (El Salvador)", 'es-gt': "Spanish (Guatemala)", 'es-hn': "Spanish (Honduras)", 'es-mx': "Spanish (Mexico)", 'es-ni': "Spanish (Nicaragua)", 'es-pa': "Spanish (Panama)", 'es-py': "Spanish (Paraguay)", 'es-pe': "Spanish (Peru)", 'es-pr': "Spanish (Puerto Rico)", 'es-es': "Spanish (Spain)", 'es-uy': "Spanish (Uruguay)", 'es-ve': "Spanish (Venezuela)",
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function account_showLocalizationSettings() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var n = getstore('loctag', 0), y = '';
var x = '<select id=d2locselect style=width:240px><option value=\"*\">' + "User browser value" + '</option>';
for (var i in loclist) { x += '<option value="' + i + '"' + ((n == i)?' selected':'') + '>' + i + ' - ' + loclist[i] + '</option>'; }
x += '</select>';
if (serverinfo.languages && serverinfo.languages.length > 0) {
y += "Changing the language will require a refresh of the page." + '<br /><br />';
var z = '<select id=d2langselect style=width:240px><option value=\"*\">' + "User browser value" + '</option>';
for (var i in serverinfo.languages) {
var lang = serverinfo.languages[i];
z += '<option value="' + lang + '"' + ((userinfo.lang == lang)?' selected':'') + '>' + lang + ' - ' + loclist[lang] + '</option>';
z += '</select>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
y += addHtmlValue("Langages", z);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
y += addHtmlValue("Dates & Time", x);
setDialogMode(2, "Localization Settings", 3, account_showLocalizationSettingsEx, y);
return false;
function account_showLocalizationSettingsEx() {
// Set user language
var lang = Q('d2langselect').value;
if ((lang == '*') && (userinfo.lang == null)) { lang = userinfo.lang; }
if (lang != userinfo.lang) { meshserver.send( { action: 'changelang', lang: lang }); }
// Set date localization
var n = getstore('loctag', 0);
var m = Q('d2locselect').value;
if (n != m) {
if (m != '*') { args.locale = m; } else { delete args.locale; }
putstore('loctag', args.locale);
masterUpdate(0xFFFFFFFF); // Refresh everything.
function account_enableNotifications() {
if (Notification) { Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) { QV('accountEnableNotificationsSpan', permission != 'granted'); }); }
return false;
function account_showAccountNotifySettings() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '';
x += '<div><label><input id=p2notifyPlayNotifySound type=checkbox />' + "Notification sound." + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=p2notifyIntelDeviceConnect type=checkbox />' + "Device connections." + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=p2notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect type=checkbox />' + "Device disconnections." + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=p2notifyIntelAmtKvmActions type=checkbox />' + "Intel® AMT desktop and serial events." + '</label></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Notification Settings", 3, account_showAccountNotifySettingsEx, x);
var n = getstore('notifications', 0);
Q('p2notifyPlayNotifySound').checked = (n & 1);
Q('p2notifyIntelDeviceConnect').checked = (n & 2);
Q('p2notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect').checked = (n & 4);
Q('p2notifyIntelAmtKvmActions').checked = (n & 8);
return false;
function account_showAccountNotifySettingsEx() {
var n = 0;
n += Q('p2notifyPlayNotifySound').checked ? 1 : 0;
n += Q('p2notifyIntelDeviceConnect').checked ? 2 : 0;
n += Q('p2notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect').checked ? 4 : 0;
n += Q('p2notifyIntelAmtKvmActions').checked ? 8 : 0;
putstore('notifications', n);
function account_showVerifyEmail() {
if (xxdialogMode || (userinfo.emailVerified == true) || (serverinfo.emailcheck != true)) return false;
var x = "Click ok to send a verification mail to:" + '<br /><div style=padding:8px><b>' + EscapeHtml(userinfo.email) + '</b></div>' + "Please wait a few minute to receive the verification.";
setDialogMode(2, "Email Verification", 3, account_showVerifyEmailEx, x);
return false;
function account_showVerifyEmailEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'verifyemail', email: userinfo.email });
function account_showChangeEmail() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = "Change your account email address here." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue('Email', '<input id=dp2email style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=account_validateEmail() onkeyup=account_validateEmail(event) />');
setDialogMode(2, "Email Address Change", 3, account_changeEmail, x);
if (userinfo.email != null) { Q('dp2email').value = userinfo.email; }
return false;
function account_validateEmail(e, email) {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', validateEmail(Q('dp2email').value) && (Q('dp2email').value != userinfo.email));
if ((e != null) && (e.keyCode == 13)) { dialogclose(1); }
function account_changeEmail() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'changeemail', email: Q('dp2email').value });
function account_showDeleteAccount() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = "To delete this account, type in the account password in both boxes below and hit ok." + '<br /><br />';
x += '<form method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=deleteaccount /><input type=hidden name=authcookie value=" + authCookie + " /><table style=margin-left:80px><tr>';
x += '<td align=right>' + "Mot de passe:" + '</td><td><input id=apassword1 type=password name=apassword1 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateDeleteAccount() onkeyup=account_validateDeleteAccount() /></td>';
x += '</tr><tr><td align=right>' + "Mot de passe:" + '</td><td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=apassword2 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateDeleteAccount() onkeyup=account_validateDeleteAccount() /></td>';
x += '</tr></table><br /><div style=padding:10px;margin-bottom:4px>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgCancelButton type=button value=Cancel style=float:right;width:80px;margin-left:5px onclick=dialogclose(0)>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgOkButton type=submit value=OK style="float:right;width:80px" onclick=dialogclose(1)>';
x += '</div><br /></form>';
setDialogMode(2, "Delete Account", 0, null, x);
return false;
function account_showChangePassword() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = "Change your account password by entering the old password and new password twice in the boxes below.";
if (features & 0x00010000) { "Un indice de mot de passe peut être utilisé mais n'est pas recommandé."; }
x += '<br /><br />';
//x += "<form action='" + domainUrl + "changepassword' method=post>";
x += '<table style=margin-left:60px>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<tr><td align=right>' + nobreak("Ancien mot de passe:") + '</td><td><input id=apassword0 type=password name=apassword0 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /> <b></b></td></tr>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<tr><td align=right>' + nobreak("Nouveau mot de passe:") + '</td><td><input id=apassword1 type=password name=apassword1 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /> <b><span id=dxPassWarn></span></b></td></tr>';
x += '<tr><td align=right>' + nobreak("Nouveau mot de passe:") + '</td><td><input id=apassword2 type=password name=apassword2 autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td></tr>';
if (features & 0x00010000) { x += '<tr><td align=right>' + "Password hint:" + '</td><td><input id=apasswordhint name=apasswordhint maxlength=250 type=text autocomplete=off onchange=account_validateNewPassword() onkeyup=account_validateNewPassword() onkeydown=account_validateNewPassword() /></td></tr>'; }
x += '</table>'
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<br /><span style=font-size:x-small>' + "Exigences:" + r.join(', ') + '.</span>'; }
x += '<br />';
//x += '<br /><div style=padding:10px;margin-bottom:4px>';
//x += '<input id=account_dlgCancelButton type=button value=Cancel style=float:right;width:80px;margin-left:5px onclick=dialogclose(0)>';
//x += '<input id=account_dlgOkButton type=submit value=OK style="float:right;width:80px" onclick=dialogclose(1)>';
//x += '</div><br /></form>';
setDialogMode(2, "Change Password", 3, account_showChangePasswordEx, x);
return false;
function account_showChangePasswordEx() {
if (Q('apassword1').value == Q('apassword2').value) {
var r = { action: 'changepassword', oldpass: Q('apassword0').value, newpass: Q('apassword1').value };
if (features & 0x00010000) { r.hint = Q('apasswordhint').value; }
function account_createMesh() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
// Check if we are disallowed from creating a device group
if ((userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((userinfo.siteadmin & 64) != 0)) { setDialogMode(2, "Nouveau Group", 1, null, "This account does not have the rights to create a new device group."); return false; }
// Remind the user to verify the email address
if ((userinfo.emailVerified !== true) && (serverinfo.emailcheck == true) && (userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access a device until a email address is verified. This is required for password recovery. Go to the \"My Account\" tab to change and verify an email address."); return false; }
// Remind the user to add two factor authentication
if ((features & 0x00040000) && !((userinfo.otpsecret == 1) || (userinfo.otphkeys > 0) || (userinfo.otpkeys > 0))) { setDialogMode(2, "Account Security", 1, null, "Unable to access a device until two-factor authentication is enabled. This is required for extra security. Go to the \"My Account\" tab and look at the \"Account Security\" section."); return false; }
// We are allowed, let's prompt to information
var x = "Create a new device group using the options below." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("Nom", '<input id=dp2meshname style=width:230px maxlength=64 onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,1) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><select id=dp2meshtype style=width:100% onchange=account_validateMeshCreate() onkeyup=account_validateMeshCreate(event,2) ><option value=2>' + "Gérer à l'aide d'un agent logiciel" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Intel® AMT only, no agent" + '</option></select></div>');
x += addHtmlValue("Description", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><textarea id=dp2meshdesc maxlength=1024 style=width:100%;resize:none></textarea></div>');
setDialogMode(2, "Nouveau Group", 3, account_createMeshEx, x);
return false;
function account_validateMeshCreate(e, x) {
if ((x == 1) && (e != null) && (e.key == "Enter") && (Q('dp2meshname').value.length > 0)) { Q('dp2meshtype').focus(); }
if ((x == 2) && (e != null) && (e.key == "Enter")) { Q('dp2meshdesc').focus(); }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('dp2meshname').value.length > 0);
function account_createMeshEx(button, tag) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'createmesh', meshname: Q('dp2meshname').value, meshtype: Q('dp2meshtype').value, desc: Q('dp2meshdesc').value });
function account_validateDeleteAccount() {
QE('account_dlgOkButton', (Q('apassword1').value.length > 0) && (Q('apassword1').value == Q('apassword2').value));
function account_validateNewPassword() {
var r = '', ok = (Q('apassword0').value.length > 0) && (Q('apassword1').value.length > 0) && (Q('apassword1').value == Q('apassword2').value) && (Q('apassword0').value != Q('apassword1').value);
if ((features & 0x00010000) && (Q('apasswordhint').value == Q('apassword1').value)) { ok = false; }
if (Q('apassword1').value != '') {
if (passRequirements == null || passRequirements == '') {
// No password requirements, display password strength
var passStrength = checkPasswordStrength(Q('apassword1').value);
if (passStrength >= 80) { r = '<span style=color:green>' + "Strong" + '<span>'; } else if (passStrength >= 60) { r = '<span style=color:blue>' + "Bien" + '<span>'; } else { r = '<span style=color:red>' + "Faible" + '<span>'; }
} else {
// Password requirements provided, use that
var passReq = checkPasswordRequirements(Q('apassword1').value, passRequirements);
if (passReq == false) { ok = false; r = '<span style=color:red>' + "Politique" + '<span>' }
QH('dxPassWarn', r);
//QE('account_dlgOkButton', ok);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
// Return a password strength score
function checkPasswordStrength(password) {
var r = 0, letters = { }, varCount = 0, variations = { digits: /\d/.test(password), lower: /[a-z]/.test(password), upper: /[A-Z]/.test(password), nonWords: /\W/.test(password) }
if (!password) return 0;
for (var i = 0; i< password.length; i++) { letters[password[i]] = (letters[password[i]] || 0) + 1; r += 5.0 / letters[password[i]]; }
for (var c in variations) { varCount += (variations[c] == true) ? 1 : 0; }
return parseInt(r + (varCount - 1) * 10);
// Check password requirements
function checkPasswordRequirements(password, requirements) {
if ((requirements == null) || (requirements == '') || (typeof requirements != 'object')) return true;
if (requirements.min) { if (password.length < requirements.min) return false; }
if (requirements.max) { if (password.length > requirements.max) return false; }
var num = 0, lower = 0, upper = 0, nonalpha = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
if (/\d/.test(password[i])) { num++; }
if (/[a-z]/.test(password[i])) { lower++; }
if (/[A-Z]/.test(password[i])) { upper++; }
if (/\W/.test(password[i])) { nonalpha++; }
if (requirements.num && (num < requirements.num)) return false;
if (requirements.lower && (lower < requirements.lower)) return false;
if (requirements.upper && (upper < requirements.upper)) return false;
if (requirements.nonalpha && (nonalpha < requirements.nonalpha)) return false;
return true;
function updateMeshes() {
var r = '';
var c = 0, count = 0;
for (i in meshes) {
// Mesh positioning
if (c > 1) { r += '</tr><tr>'; c = 0; }
// Mesh rights
var meshrights = 0;
if (meshes[i].links[userinfo._id]) { meshrights = meshes[i].links[userinfo._id].rights; }
var rights = "Partial Rights";
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) rights = "Administrateur Complet"; else if (meshrights == 0) rights = "No Rights";
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Print the mesh information
r += '<div onmouseover=devMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=devMouseHover(this,0) style=display:inline-block;width:431px;height:50px;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;float:left><div style=float:left;width:30px;height:100%></div><div tabindex=0 style=height:100%;cursor:pointer onclick=gotoMesh(\'' + i + '\') onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoMesh(\'' + i + '\')"><div class=mi style=float:left;width:50px;height:50px></div><div style=height:100%><div class=g1></div><div class=e2 style=width:300px><div class=e1>' + EscapeHtml(meshes[i].name) + '</div><div>' + rights + '</div></div><div class=g2 style=float:left></div></div></div></div>';
meshcount = count;
QH('p2meshes', r);
QV('p2noMeshFound', count == 0);
function gotoMesh(meshid) {
currentMesh = meshes[meshid];
return false;
function server_showRestoreDlg() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = "Restore the server using a backup, <span style=color:red>this will delete the existing server data</span>. Only do this if you know what you are doing." + '<br /><br />';
x += '<form action="/restoreserver.ashx" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><div>';
x += '<input type=hidden name=auth value=' + authCookie + '>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgFileInput type=file name=datafile style=width:100% accept=".zip,application/octet-stream,application/zip,application/x-zip,application/x-zip-compressed" onchange=account_validateServerRestore()>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgCancelButton type=button value=' + "Annuler" + ' style=float:right;width:80px;margin-left:5px onclick=dialogclose(0)>';
x += '<input id=account_dlgOkButton type=submit value=' + "OK" + ' style=float:right;width:80px onclick=dialogclose(1)>';
x += '</div><br /><br /></form>';
setDialogMode(2, "Restaurer le serveur", 0, null, x);
return false;
function account_validateServerRestore() {
QE('account_dlgOkButton', Q('account_dlgFileInput').files.length == 1);
function server_showVersionDlg() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Version", 1, null, "Chargement...", 'MeshCentralServerUpdate');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'serverversion' });
return false;
function server_showVersionDlgUpdate() { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d2updateCheck').checked); }
function server_showVersionDlgEx() { meshserver.send( { action: 'serverupdate' }); }
function server_showErrorsDlg() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "MeshCentral Errors", 1, null, "Chargement...", 'MeshCentralServerErrors');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'servererrors' });
return false;
function server_showErrorsDlgUpdate() { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d2updateCheck').checked); }
function server_showErrorsDlgEx() { meshserver.send( { action: 'serverclearerrorlog' }); }
function d2CopyServerErrorsToClip() { saveAs(new Blob([Q('d2ServerErrorsLogPre').innerText], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "servererrors.txt"); }
var currentMesh;
function p20updateMesh() {
if (currentMesh == null) return;
QH('p20meshName', EscapeHtml(currentMesh.name));
var meshtype = format(" # { 0} Inconnue", currentMesh.mtype);
var meshrights = 0;
try { meshrights = currentMesh.links[userinfo._id].rights; } catch (ex) { }
if (currentMesh.mtype == 1) meshtype = "Intel® AMT only, no agent";
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) meshtype = "Géré à l'aide d'un agent logiciel";
var x = '';
x += addHtmlValue("Nom", addLinkConditional(EscapeHtml(currentMesh.name), 'p20editmesh(1)', (meshrights & 1) != 0));
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Description", addLinkConditional(((currentMesh.desc && currentMesh.desc != '')?EscapeHtml(currentMesh.desc):('<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>')), 'p20editmesh(2)', (meshrights & 1) != 0));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Display group type
x += addHtmlValue("Type", meshtype);
//x += addHtmlValue('Identifier', currentMesh._id.split('/')[2]);
// Display features
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) {
var meshFeatures = [];
if (currentMesh.flags) {
if (currentMesh.flags & 1) { meshFeatures.push("Auto-Remove"); }
if (currentMesh.flags & 2) { meshFeatures.push("Hostname Sync"); }
meshFeatures = meshFeatures.join(', ');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshFeatures == '') { meshFeatures = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("Features", addLinkConditional(meshFeatures, 'p20editmeshfeatures()', meshrights & 1));
// Display user consent
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) {
meshFeatures = [];
var consent = 0;
if (currentMesh.consent) { consent = currentMesh.consent; }
if (serverinfo.consent) { consent |= serverinfo.consent; }
if ((consent & 0x0040) && (consent & 0x0008)) { meshFeatures.push("Desktop Prompt+Toolbar"); } else if (consent & 0x0040) { meshFeatures.push("Desktop Toolbar"); } else if (consent & 0x0008) { meshFeatures.push("Desktop Prompt"); } else { if (consent & 0x0001) { meshFeatures.push("Desktop Notify"); } }
if (consent & 0x0010) { meshFeatures.push("Terminal Prompt"); } else { if (consent & 0x0002) { meshFeatures.push("Terminal Notify"); } }
if (consent & 0x0020) { meshFeatures.push("Files Prompt"); } else { if (consent & 0x0004) { meshFeatures.push("Files Notify"); } }
if (consent == 7) { meshFeatures = ["Toujours aviser"]; }
if ((consent & 56) == 56) { meshFeatures = ["Always Prompt"]; }
meshFeatures = meshFeatures.join(', ');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshFeatures == '') { meshFeatures = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'; }
x += addHtmlValue("Consentement de l'utilisateur", addLinkConditional(meshFeatures, 'p20editmeshconsent()', meshrights & 1));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Display user consent
var meshNotify = 0, meshNotifyStr = [];
if (userinfo.links && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id] && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify) { meshNotify = userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify; }
if (meshNotify & 2) { meshNotifyStr.push("Connect"); }
if (meshNotify & 4) { meshNotifyStr.push("Disconnect"); }
if (meshNotify & 8) { meshNotifyStr.push("Intel® AMT"); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshNotifyStr.length == 0) { meshNotifyStr.push('<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("Notifications", addLink(meshNotifyStr.join(', '), 'p20editMeshNotify()'));
// Intel AMT setup
var intelAmtPolicy = "No Policy";
if (currentMesh.amt) {
if (currentMesh.amt.type == 1) { intelAmtPolicy = 'Deactivate Client Control Mode (CCM)'; }
else if (currentMesh.amt.type == 2) {
intelAmtPolicy = "Simple Client Control Mode (CCM)";
if (currentMesh.amt.cirasetup == 2) { intelAmtPolicy += "+ CIRA"; }
} else if (currentMesh.amt.type == 3) {
intelAmtPolicy = "Simple Admin Control Mode (ACM)";
if (currentMesh.amt.cirasetup == 2) { intelAmtPolicy += "+ CIRA"; }
x += addHtmlValue("Intel® AMT", addLinkConditional(intelAmtPolicy, 'p20editMeshAmt()', meshrights & 1));
// Display group note support
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshrights & 1) { x += '<br><input type=button value=' + "Remarques" + ' title=\"' + "View notes about this device group" + '\" onclick=showNotes(false,"' + encodeURIComponent(currentMesh._id) + '") />'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<br style=clear:both><br>';
var currentMeshLinks = currentMesh.links[userinfo._id];
if (currentMeshLinks && ((currentMeshLinks.rights & 2) != 0)) { x += '<a href=# onclick="return p20showAddMeshUserDialog()" style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px><img src=images/icon-addnew.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Ajouter des utilisateurs" + '</a>'; }
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) {
if (currentMesh.mtype == 1) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return addCiraDeviceToMesh(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer that is located on the internet." + '\"><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Installer CIRA" + '</a>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return addDeviceToMesh(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Add a new Intel® AMT computer that is located on the local network." + '\"><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Install local" + '</a>';
if (currentMesh.amt && (currentMesh.amt.type == 2)) { // CCM activation
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return showCcmActivation(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Perform Intel AMT client control mode (CCM) activation." + '\"><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Activation" + '</a>';
} else if (currentMesh.amt && (currentMesh.amt.type == 3) && ((features & 0x00100000) != 0)) { // ACM activation
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return showAcmActivation(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Perform Intel AMT admin control mode (ACM) activation." + '\"><img src=images/icon-installmesh.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Activation" + '</a>';
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return addAgentToMesh(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Add a new computer to this mesh by installing the mesh agent." + '\"><img src=images/icon-addnew.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Installer" + '</a>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<a href=# onclick=\'return inviteAgentToMesh(\"' + currentMesh._id + '\")\' style=cursor:pointer;margin-right:10px title=\"' + "Invitez quelqu'un à installer l'agent de maillage sur ce maillage." + '\"><img src=images/icon-addnew.png border=0 height=12 width=12> ' + "Inviter" + '</a>';
x += '<table style="color:black;background-color:#EEE;border-color:#AAA;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-collapse:collapse" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tbody><tr style=background-color:#AAAAAA;font-weight:bold><th scope=col style=text-align:left;width:430px>' + "User Authorizations" + '</th><th scope=col style=text-align:left></th></tr>';
// Sort the users for this mesh
var count = 1, sortedusers = [];
for (var i in currentMesh.links) {
var uname = i.split('/')[2];
if (currentMesh.links[i].name) { uname = currentMesh.links[i].name; }
if (i == userinfo._id) { uname = userinfo.name; }
sortedusers.push( { id: i, name: uname, rights: currentMesh.links[i].rights });
sortedusers.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.name > b.name) return 1; if (a.name < b.name) return -1; return 0; });
// Display all users for this mesh
for (var i in sortedusers) {
var trash = '', rights = "Partial Rights", r = sortedusers[i].rights;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (r == 0xFFFFFFFF) rights = "Administrateur Complet"; else if (r == 0) rights = "No Rights";
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((sortedusers[i].id != userinfo._id) && (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF || (((meshrights & 2) != 0)))) { trash = '<a href=# onclick=\'return p20deleteUser(event,"' + encodeURIComponent(sortedusers[i].id) + '")\' title=\"' + "Supprimer les droits d'utilisateur sur ce groupe de périphériques" + '\" style=cursor:pointer><img src=images/trash.png border=0 height=10 width=10></a>'; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<tr tabindex=0 onclick=p20viewuser("' + encodeURIComponent(sortedusers[i].id) + '") onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') p20viewuser(\'' + encodeURIComponent(sortedusers[i].id) + '\')" style=cursor:pointer' + (((count % 2) == 0) ? ';background-color:#DDD' : '') + '><td><div title=\"' + "Utilisateur" + '\" class=m2></div><div> ' + EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(sortedusers[i].name)) + '<div></div></div></td><td><div style=float:right>' + trash + '</div><div>' + rights + '</div></td></tr>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</tbody></table>';
// If we are full administrator on this mesh, allow deletion of the mesh
if (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) { x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;text-align:right><span><a href=# onclick=p20showDeleteMeshDialog() style=cursor:pointer>' + "Delete Group" + '</a></span></div>'; }
QH('p20info', x);
function p20editMeshAmt() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '', acmoption = '';
if ((features & 0x100000) != 0) { acmoption = '<option value=3>' + "Simple Admin Control Mode (ACM)" + '</option>'; }
if (currentMesh.mtype == 1) {
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<select id=dp20amtpolicy style=width:230px onchange=p20editMeshAmtChange()><option value=0>' + "No Policy" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Simple Client Control Mode (CCM)" + '</option>' + acmoption + '</select>');
} else {
x += addHtmlValue("Type", '<select id=dp20amtpolicy style=width:230px onchange=p20editMeshAmtChange()><option value=0>' + "No Policy" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Deactivate Client Control Mode (CCM)" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Simple Client Control Mode (CCM)" + '</option>' + acmoption + '</select>');
x += '<div id=dp20amtpolicydiv></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Intel® AMT Policy", 3, p20editMeshAmtEx, x);
if (currentMesh.amt) { Q('dp20amtpolicy').value = currentMesh.amt.type; }
// Set the current Intel AMT policy
if (currentMesh.amt && (currentMesh.amt.type == 2) || (currentMesh.amt.type == 3)) {
Q('dp20amtpolicypass').value = currentMesh.amt.password;
if ((currentMesh.amt.type == 2) && (currentMesh.amt.badpass != null)) { Q('dp20amtbadpass').value = currentMesh.amt.badpass; }
if ((features & 0x400) == 0) { Q('dp20amtcira').value = currentMesh.amt.cirasetup; }
function p20editMeshAmtChange() {
var ptype = Q('dp20amtpolicy').value, x = '';
if (ptype >= 2) {
x = addHtmlValue("Mot de passe*", '<input id=dp20amtpolicypass type=password style=width:230px maxlength=32 onchange=dp20amtValidatePolicy() onkeyup=dp20amtValidatePolicy() autocomplete=off />')
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe*", '<input id=dp20amtpolicypass2 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=32 onchange=dp20amtValidatePolicy() onkeyup=dp20amtValidatePolicy() autocomplete=off />')
if ((ptype == 2) && (currentMesh.mtype == 2)) { x += addHtmlValue("Password mismatch", '<select id=dp20amtbadpass style=width:230px><option value=0>' + "Do nothing" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Reactivate Intel® AMT" + '</option></select>'); }
if ((features & 0x400) == 0) {
if (ptype == 2) {
x += addHtmlValue('<span title="' + "Client Initiated Remote Access" + '">' + "CIRA" + '</span>', '<select id=dp20amtcira style=width:230px><option value=0>' + "Don\'t configure" + '</option><option value=1>' + "Don\'t connect to server" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Connect to server" + '</option></select>');
} else {
x += addHtmlValue('<span title="' + "Client Initiated Remote Access" + '">' + "CIRA" + '</span>', '<select id=dp20amtcira style=width:230px><option value=0>' + "Don\'t configure" + '</option><option value=2>' + "Connect to server" + '</option></select>');
x += '<br/><span style="font-size:10px">' + "* Leave blank to assign a random password to each device." + '</span><br/>';
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) {
if (ptype == 2) {
x += '<span style="font-size:10px">' + "This policy will not impact devices with Intel® AMT in ACM mode." + '</span><br/>';
x += '<span style="font-size:10px">' + "This is not a secure policy as agents will be performing activation." + '</span>';
} else {
x += '<span style="font-size:10px">' + "During activation, the agent will have access to admin password infomation." + '</span>';
QH('dp20amtpolicydiv', x);
setTimeout(dp20amtValidatePolicy, 1);
function dp20amtValidatePolicy() {
var ok = true, ptype = Q('dp20amtpolicy').value;
if ((ptype == 2) || (ptype == 3)) {
var pass = Q('dp20amtpolicypass').value, pass2 = Q('dp20amtpolicypass2').value;
ok = ((pass === pass2) && ((pass === '') ? true : passwordcheck(pass)));
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
function p20editMeshAmtEx() {
var ptype = parseInt(Q('dp20amtpolicy').value), amtpolicy = { type: ptype };
if (ptype == 2) {
amtpolicy = { type: ptype, password: Q('dp20amtpolicypass').value };
if (currentMesh.mtype == 2) { amtpolicy.badpass = parseInt(Q('dp20amtbadpass').value); }
if ((features & 0x400) == 0) { amtpolicy.cirasetup = parseInt(Q('dp20amtcira').value); } else { amtpolicy.cirasetup = 1; }
} else if (ptype == 3) {
amtpolicy = { type: ptype, password: Q('dp20amtpolicypass').value };
if ((features & 0x400) == 0) { amtpolicy.cirasetup = parseInt(Q('dp20amtcira').value); } else { amtpolicy.cirasetup = 1; }
meshserver.send( { action: 'meshamtpolicy', meshid: currentMesh._id, amtpolicy: amtpolicy });
function p20showDeleteMeshDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = format("Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le groupe { 0}? La suppression du groupe de périphériques supprimera également toutes les informations relatives aux périphériques de ce groupe.", EscapeHtml(currentMesh.name)) + '<br /><br />';
x += '<label><input id=p20check type=checkbox onchange=p20validateDeleteMeshDialog() />' + "Confirm" + '</label>';
setDialogMode(2, "Delete Group", 3, p20showDeleteMeshDialogEx, x);
return false;
function p20validateDeleteMeshDialog() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('p20check').checked);
function p20showDeleteMeshDialogEx(buttons, tag) {
meshserver.send( { action: 'deletemesh', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname: currentMesh.name });
function p20editmesh(focus) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = addHtmlValue("Nom", '<input id=dp20meshname style=width:230px maxlength=32 onchange=p20editmeshValidate() onkeyup=p20editmeshValidate(event) />');
x += addHtmlValue("Description", '<div style=width:230px;margin:0;padding:0><textarea id=dp20meshdesc maxlength=1024 style=width:100%;resize:none></textarea></div>');
setDialogMode(2, "Edit Device Group", 3, p20editmeshEx, x);
Q('dp20meshname').value = currentMesh.name;
if (currentMesh.desc) Q('dp20meshdesc').value = currentMesh.desc;
if (focus == 2) { Q('dp20meshdesc').focus(); } else { Q('dp20meshname').focus(); }
function p20editmeshEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'editmesh', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname: Q('dp20meshname').value, desc: Q('dp20meshdesc').value });
function p20editmeshValidate(e) {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('dp20meshname').value.length > 0);
if (e && e.key == 'Enter') { Q('dp20meshdesc').focus(); }
function p20editmeshconsent() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '', consent = (currentMesh.consent) ? currentMesh.consent : 0;
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px"><b>' + "Desktop" + '</b></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag1 ' + ((consent & 0x0001) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Notifier l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag2 ' + ((consent & 0x0008) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Demander le consentement de l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag7 ' + ((consent & 0x0040) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Afficher la barre d'outils de connexion" + '</label></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:8px"><b>' + "Terminal" + '</b></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag3 ' + ((consent & 0x0002) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Notifier l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag4 ' + ((consent & 0x0010) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Demander le consentement de l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:8px"><b>' + "Dossiers" + '</b></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag5 ' + ((consent & 0x0004) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Notifier l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag6 ' + ((consent & 0x0020) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Demander le consentement de l'utilisateur" + '</label></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Edit Device Group User Consent", 3, p20editmeshconsentEx, x);
if (serverinfo.consent) {
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0001) { Q('d20flag1').checked = true; }
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0008) { Q('d20flag2').checked = true; }
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0002) { Q('d20flag3').checked = true; }
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0010) { Q('d20flag4').checked = true; }
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0004) { Q('d20flag5').checked = true; }
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0020) { Q('d20flag6').checked = true; }
2019-11-28 15:34:45 -05:00
if (serverinfo.consent & 0x0040) { Q('d20flag7').checked = true; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QE('d20flag1', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0001));
QE('d20flag2', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0008));
QE('d20flag3', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0002));
QE('d20flag4', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0010));
QE('d20flag5', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0004));
QE('d20flag6', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0020));
2019-11-28 15:34:45 -05:00
if (debugmode == 1) { QE('d20flag7', !(serverinfo.consent & 0x0040)); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p20editmeshconsentEx() {
var consent = 0;
if (Q('d20flag1').checked) { consent += 0x0001; }
if (Q('d20flag2').checked) { consent += 0x0008; }
if (Q('d20flag3').checked) { consent += 0x0002; }
if (Q('d20flag4').checked) { consent += 0x0010; }
if (Q('d20flag5').checked) { consent += 0x0004; }
if (Q('d20flag6').checked) { consent += 0x0020; }
2019-11-28 15:34:45 -05:00
if (Q('d20flag7').checked) { consent += 0x0040; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'editmesh', meshid: currentMesh._id, consent: consent });
function p20editmeshfeatures() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var flags = (currentMesh.flags)?currentMesh.flags:0;
var x = '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag1 ' + ((flags & 1) ? 'checked' : '') + '>Remove device on disconnect</label><br></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=d20flag2 ' + ((flags & 2) ? 'checked' : '') + '>Sync server device name to hostname</label><br></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Edit Device Group Features", 3, p20editmeshfeaturesEx, x);
function p20editmeshfeaturesEx() {
var flags = 0;
if (Q('d20flag1').checked) { flags += 1; }
if (Q('d20flag2').checked) { flags += 2; }
meshserver.send( { action: 'editmesh', meshid: currentMesh._id, flags: flags });
function p20showAddMeshUserDialog(userid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '';
if (userid == null) {
x += "Autoriser les utilisateurs à gérer ce groupe et les périphériques de ce groupe.";
if (features & 0x00080000) { x += "Les utilisateurs doivent se connecter une fois sur ce serveur avant de pouvoir être ajoutés à un groupe de périphériques.." }
x += '<br /><br /><div style=\'position:relative\'>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Noms", '<input id=dp20username style=width:230px maxlength=32 onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() onkeyup=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() placeholder="user1, user2, user3" />');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div id=dp20usersuggest class=suggestionBox style=\'top:30px;left:130px;display:none\'></div>';
x += '</div><br>';
} else {
userid = decodeURIComponent(userid);
var uname = userid.split('/')[2];
if (users && users[userid]) { uname = users[userid].name; }
if (userinfo._id == userid) { uname = userinfo.name; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += format("Autorisations de groupe pour l'utilisateur { 0}.", uname) + '<br /><br />';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div style="height:120px;overflow-y:scroll;border:1px solid gray">';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20fulladmin>' + "Administrateur Complet" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20editmesh>' + "Edit Device Group" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20manageusers>' + "Manage Device Group Users" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20managecomputers>' + "Manage Device Group Computers" + '</label><br>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20remotecontrol>' + "Télécommande" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20remoteview style=margin-left:12px>' + "Remote View Only" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20remotelimitedinput style=margin-left:12px>' + "Limited Input Only" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20noterminal style=margin-left:12px>' + "No Terminal Access" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20nofiles style=margin-left:12px>' + "Pas d'accès au fichier" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20noamt style=margin-left:12px>' + "No Intel® AMT" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20meshagentconsole>' + "Mesh Agent Console" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20meshserverfiles>' + "Server Files" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20wakedevices>' + "Wake Devices" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20editnotes>' + "Edit Device Notes" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20limitevents>' + "Show Only Own Events" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20chatnotify>' + "Chat & Notify" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() id=p20uninstall>' + "Uninstall Agent" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '</div>';
if (userid == null) {
setDialogMode(2, "Add Users to Device Group", 3, p20showAddMeshUserDialogEx, x);
} else {
setDialogMode(2, "Edit User Device Group Permissions", 7, p20showAddMeshUserDialogEx, x, userid);
var cmeshrights = currentMesh.links[userinfo._id].rights, meshrights = currentMesh.links[userid].rights;
if (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
Q('p20fulladmin').checked = true;
} else {
if (meshrights & 1) { Q('p20editmesh').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 2) { Q('p20manageusers').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 4) { Q('p20managecomputers').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 8) {
Q('p20remotecontrol').checked = true;
if (meshrights & 256) { Q('p20remoteview').checked = true; }
2019-11-13 17:58:57 -05:00
if (meshrights & 512) { Q('p20noterminal').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 1024) { Q('p20nofiles').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 2048) { Q('p20noamt').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 4096) { Q('p20remotelimitedinput').checked = true; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (meshrights & 16) { Q('p20meshagentconsole').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 32) { Q('p20meshserverfiles').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 64) { Q('p20wakedevices').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 128) { Q('p20editnotes').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 8192) { Q('p20limitevents').checked = true; }
if (meshrights & 16384) { Q('p20chatnotify').checked = true; }
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
if (meshrights & 32768) { Q('p20uninstall').checked = true; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
return false;
function p20setname(name) {
name = decodeURIComponent(name);
var xusers = Q('dp20username').value.split(',');
for (var i in xusers) { xusers[i] = xusers[i].trim(); }
xusers[xusers.length - 1] = name;
Q('dp20username').value = xusers.join(', ');
return false;
function p20validateAddMeshUserDialog() {
var meshrights = currentMesh.links[userinfo._id].rights;
var ok = true;
if (Q('dp20username')) {
var xusers = Q('dp20username').value.split(',');
for (var i in xusers) {
var xuser = xusers[i] = xusers[i].trim();
if (xuser.length == 0) { ok = false; } else if (xuser.indexOf('"') >= 0) { ok = false; }
// Fill the suggestion box
var showsuggestbox = false, exactMatch = false;
if (users != null) {
var lastuser = xusers[xusers.length - 1].trim(), lastuserl = lastuser.toLowerCase(), matchingUsers = [];
if (lastuser.length > 0) {
for (var i in users) {
if (users[i].name === lastuser) { exactMatch = true; break; }
if (users[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(lastuserl) >= 0) { matchingUsers.push(users[i].name); if (matchingUsers.length >= 8) break; }
if ((exactMatch == false) && (matchingUsers.length > 0)) {
var x = '';
for (var i in matchingUsers) { x += '<a href=# onclick=\'p20setname("' + encodeURIComponent(matchingUsers[i]) + '")\'>' + matchingUsers[i] + '</a><br />'; }
QH('dp20usersuggest', x);
showsuggestbox = true;
QV('dp20usersuggest', showsuggestbox);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
var nc = !Q('p20fulladmin').checked;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QE('p20fulladmin', meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF);
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
QE('p20editmesh', nc && (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF));
QE('p20manageusers', nc);
QE('p20managecomputers', nc);
QE('p20remotecontrol', nc);
QE('p20meshagentconsole', nc);
QE('p20meshserverfiles', nc);
QE('p20wakedevices', nc);
QE('p20editnotes', nc);
QE('p20limitevents', nc);
QE('p20remoteview', nc && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked);
QE('p20remotelimitedinput', nc && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked && !Q('p20remoteview').checked);
QE('p20noterminal', nc && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked);
QE('p20nofiles', nc && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked);
QE('p20noamt', nc && Q('p20remotecontrol').checked);
QE('p20chatnotify', nc);
QE('p20uninstall', nc);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p20showAddMeshUserDialogEx(b, t) {
if (b == 2) {
p20viewuserEx(b, t);
} else {
var meshadmin = 0;
if (Q('p20fulladmin').checked == true) { meshadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else {
if (Q('p20editmesh').checked == true) meshadmin += 1;
if (Q('p20manageusers').checked == true) meshadmin += 2;
if (Q('p20managecomputers').checked == true) meshadmin += 4;
if (Q('p20remotecontrol').checked == true) meshadmin += 8;
if (Q('p20meshagentconsole').checked == true) meshadmin += 16;
if (Q('p20meshserverfiles').checked == true) meshadmin += 32;
if (Q('p20wakedevices').checked == true) meshadmin += 64;
if (Q('p20editnotes').checked == true) meshadmin += 128;
if (Q('p20remoteview').checked == true) meshadmin += 256;
if (Q('p20noterminal').checked == true) meshadmin += 512;
if (Q('p20nofiles').checked == true) meshadmin += 1024;
if (Q('p20noamt').checked == true) meshadmin += 2048;
if (Q('p20remotelimitedinput').checked == true) meshadmin += 4096;
if (Q('p20limitevents').checked == true) meshadmin += 8192;
if (Q('p20chatnotify').checked == true) meshadmin += 16384;
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
if (Q('p20uninstall').checked == true) meshadmin += 32768;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (t == null) {
var users = Q('dp20username').value.split(','), users2 = [];
for (var i in users) { users2.push(users[i].trim()); }
meshserver.send( { action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname: currentMesh.name, usernames: users2, meshadmin: meshadmin });
} else {
meshserver.send( { action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname: currentMesh.name, usernames: [ t.split('/')[2] ], meshadmin: meshadmin });
function p20viewuser(userid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var xuserid = decodeURIComponent(userid);
var cmeshrights = currentMesh.links[userinfo._id].rights, meshrights = currentMesh.links[xuserid].rights;
if (((userinfo._id) != xuserid) && (cmeshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF || (((cmeshrights & 2) != 0) && (meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF)))) {
} else {
var r = [];
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (meshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF) r.push("Administrateur Complet (tous droits)"); else {
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((meshrights & 1) != 0) r.push("Edit Device Group");
if ((meshrights & 2) != 0) r.push("Manage Device Group Users");
if ((meshrights & 4) != 0) r.push("Manage Device Group Computers");
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((meshrights & 8) != 0) r.push("Télécommande");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((meshrights & 16) != 0) r.push("Agent Console");
if ((meshrights & 32) != 0) r.push("Server Files");
if ((meshrights & 64) != 0) r.push("Wake Devices");
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((meshrights & 128) != 0) r.push("Modifier les notes");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 256) != 0) r.push("Remote View Only");
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 512) != 0) r.push("No Terminal");
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 1024) != 0) r.push("Aucun fichier");
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && (meshrights & 2048) != 0) r.push("No Intel® AMT");
if (((meshrights & 8) != 0) && ((meshrights & 4096) != 0) && ((meshrights & 256) == 0)) r.push("Limited Input");
if ((meshrights & 8192) != 0) r.push("Self Events Only");
if ((meshrights & 16384) != 0) r.push("Chat & Notify");
2019-10-24 16:13:18 -04:00
if ((meshrights & 32768) != 0) r.push("Uninstall");
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (r.length == 0) { r.push("No Rights"); }
var uname = xuserid.split('/')[2];
if (users && users[xuserid]) { uname = users[xuserid].name; }
if (userinfo._id == xuserid) { uname = userinfo.name; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var buttons = 1, x = addHtmlValue("Nom", EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(uname)));
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (xuserid.split('/')[2] != uname) { x += addHtmlValue("User Identifier", EscapeHtml(xuserid.split('/')[2])); }
x += addHtmlValue("Permissions", r.join(", "));
if (((userinfo._id) != xuserid) && (cmeshrights == 0xFFFFFFFF || (((cmeshrights & 2) != 0) && (meshrights != 0xFFFFFFFF)))) buttons += 4;
setDialogMode(2, "Device Group User", buttons, p20viewuserEx, x, xuserid);
function p20viewuserEx(button, userid) {
if (button != 2) return;
var uname = userid.split('/')[2];
if (users && users[userid]) { uname = users[userid].name; }
if (userinfo._id == userid) { uname = userinfo.name; }
setDialogMode(2, "Remote Mesh User", 3, p20viewuserEx2, format("Confirm removal of user { 0}?", EscapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(uname))), userid);
function p20deleteUser(e, userid) { haltEvent(e); p20viewuserEx(2, decodeURIComponent(userid)); return false; }
function p20viewuserEx2(button, userid) { meshserver.send( { action: 'removemeshuser', meshid: currentMesh._id, meshname: currentMesh.name, userid: userid }); }
function p20editMeshNotify() {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var meshNotify = 0;
if (userinfo.links && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id] && userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify) { meshNotify = userinfo.links[currentMesh._id].notify; }
var x = 'Notification settings must also be turned on in account settings.<br /><br />';
x += '<div><label><input id=p20notifyIntelDeviceConnect type=checkbox />Device connections.</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=p20notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect type=checkbox />Device disconnections.</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input id=p20notifyIntelAmtKvmActions type=checkbox />Intel® AMT desktop and serial events.</label></div>';
setDialogMode(2, "Notification Settings", 3, p20editMeshNotifyEx, x);
Q('p20notifyIntelDeviceConnect').checked = (meshNotify & 2);
Q('p20notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect').checked = (meshNotify & 4);
Q('p20notifyIntelAmtKvmActions').checked = (meshNotify & 8);
return false;
function p20editMeshNotifyEx() {
var meshNotify = 0;
meshNotify += Q('p20notifyIntelDeviceConnect').checked ? 2 : 0;
meshNotify += Q('p20notifyIntelDeviceDisconnect').checked ? 4 : 0;
meshNotify += Q('p20notifyIntelAmtKvmActions').checked ? 8 : 0;
meshserver.send( { action: 'changemeshnotify', meshid: currentMesh._id, notify: meshNotify });
var filetreelinkpath;
var filetreelocation = [];
function updateFiles() {
QV('MainMenuMyFiles', ((features & 8) == 0));
if ((features & 8) != 0) return; // If running on a server without files, exit now.
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var html1 = '', html2 = '', displayPath = '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p5folderup(0)">' + "Racine" + '</a>', fullPath = 'Root', publicPath, filetreex = filetree, folderdepth = 1;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Navigate to path location, build the paths at the same time
var filetreelocation2 = [], oldlinkpath = filetreelinkpath, checkedBoxes = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { checkedBoxes.push(checkboxes[i].value) }; } // Save all existing checked boxes
filetreelinkpath = '';
for (var i in filetreelocation) {
if ((filetreex.f != null) && (filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]] != null)) {
fullPath += ' / ' + filetreelocation[i];
if ((folderdepth == 1)) {
var sp = filetreelocation[i].split('/');
publicPath = window.location + sp[0] + 'files/' + sp[2];
//if (filetreelocation[i] === userinfo._id) { filetreelinkpath += 'self'; } else { filetreelinkpath += (sp[0] + '/' + sp[2]); }
filetreelinkpath += filetreelocation[i];
} else {
if (filetreelinkpath != '') { filetreelinkpath += '/' + filetreelocation[i]; if (folderdepth > 2) { publicPath += '/' + filetreelocation[i]; } }
filetreex = filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]];
displayPath += ' / <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p5folderup(' + folderdepth + ')">' + (filetreex.n != null?filetreex.n:filetreelocation[i]) + '</a>';
} else {
filetreelocation = filetreelocation2; // In case we could not go down the full path, we set the new path location here.
var publicfolder = fullPath.toLowerCase().startsWith('root / ' + userinfo._id + ' / public');
// Sort the files
var filetreexx = p5sort_files(filetreex.f);
// Display all files and folders at this location
for (var i in filetreexx) {
// Figure out the name and shortname
var f = filetreexx[i], name = f.n, shortname;
shortname = name;
if (name.length > 70) { shortname = '<span title="' + EscapeHtml(name) + '">' + EscapeHtml(name.substring(0, 70)) + "..." + '</span>'; } else { shortname = EscapeHtml(name); }
name = EscapeHtml(name);
// Figure out the date
var fdatestr = '';
if (f.d != null) { var fdate = new Date(f.d), fdatestr = printDateTime(fdate) + ' '; }
// Figure out the size
var fsize = '';
if (f.s != null) { fsize = getFileSizeStr(f.s); }
var h = '';
if (f.t < 3 || f.t == 4) {
var right = (f.t == 1 || f.t == 4)?p5getQuotabar(f):'', title = '';
2019-10-30 17:30:34 -04:00
h = '<div class=filelist file=999><input file=999 style=float:left name=fc class=fcb type=checkbox onchange=p5setActions() value="' + name + '"> <span style=float:right title=\"' + title + '\">' + right + '</span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + ' onclick=p5folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")></div><a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p5folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")\'>' + shortname + '</a></span></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else {
var link = shortname, publiclink = '';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (publicfolder) { publiclink = ' (<a style=cursor:pointer title="Display public link" onclick=\'return p5showPublicLink("' + publicPath + '/' + f.nx + '")\'>' + "Lien" + '</a>)'; }
2019-10-30 17:30:34 -04:00
if (f.s > 0) { link = '<a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" download href="downloadfile.ashx?link=' + encodeURIComponent(filetreelinkpath + '/' + f.nx) + '">' + shortname + '</a>' + publiclink; }
h = '<div class=filelist file=3><input file=3 style=float:left name=fc class=fcb type=checkbox onchange=p5setActions() value="' + f.nx + '"> <span class=fsize>' + fdatestr + '</span><span style=float:right>' + fsize + '</span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + '></div>' + link + '</span></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (f.t < 3) { html1 += h; } else { html2 += h; }
//if (f.parent == null) { }
QH('p5rightOfButtons', p5getQuotabar(filetreex));
QH('p5files', html1 + html2);
QH('p5currentpath', displayPath);
QE('p5FolderUp', filetreelocation.length != 0);
QV('p5PublicShare', publicfolder);
// Re-check all boxes if needed
if (oldlinkpath == filetreelinkpath) {
checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = (checkedBoxes.indexOf(checkboxes[i].value) >= 0); }
function getNiceSize(bytes) {
if (bytes <= 0) return "Storage limit exceed";
if (bytes < 2048) return format(" { 0} octets restants", bytes);
if (bytes < 2097152) return format(" { 0} kilobytes remaining", Math.round(bytes / 1024));
if (bytes < 2147483648) return format(" { 0} megabytes remaining", Math.round(bytes / 1024 / 1024));
return format(" { 0} gigabytes remaining", Math.round(bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024));
function getNiceSize2(bytes) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (bytes <= 0) return "Aucun";
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (bytes < 2048) return format(" { 0} b", bytes);
if (bytes < 2097152) return format(" { 0} Kb", Math.round(bytes / 1024));
if (bytes < 2147483648) return format(" { 0} Mb", Math.round(bytes / 1024 / 1024));
return format(" { 0} Gb", Math.round(bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024));
function p5getQuotabar(f) {
while (f.t > 1 && f.t != 4) { f = f.parent; }
if ((f.t != 1 && f.t != 4) || (f.maxbytes == null)) return '';
var tf = Math.floor(f.s / 1024), tq = (f.maxbytes - f.s);
var title;
if (f.c > 1) { title = format(" { 0}k in { 1} files. { 2}k maximum", tf, f.c, (Math.floor(f.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024))); } else { title = format(" { 0}k in 1 file. { 1}k maximum", tf, (Math.floor(f.maxbytes / 1024 / 1024))); }
return '<span title="' + title + '">' + getNiceSize(tq) + ' <progress style=height:10px;width:100px value=' + f.s + ' max=' + f.maxbytes + ' /></span>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function p5showPublicLink(u) { setDialogMode(2, "Lien public", 1, null, '<input type=text style=width:100% value="' + u + '" readonly />'); return false; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
var sortorder;
function p5sort_filename(a, b) { if (a.ln > b.ln) return (1 * sortorder); if (a.ln < b.ln) return (-1 * sortorder); return 0; }
function p5sort_timestamp(a, b) { if (a.d > b.d) return (1 * sortorder); if (a.d < b.d) return (-1 * sortorder); return 0; }
function p5sort_bysize(a, b) { if (a.s == b.s) return p5sort_filename(a, b); return (((a.s - b.s)) * sortorder); }
function p5sort_files(files) {
var r = [], sortselection = Q('p5sortdropdown').value;
for (var i in files) { files[i].nx = i; if (files[i].n == null) { files[i].n = i; } files[i].ln = files[i].n.toLowerCase(); r.push(files[i]); }
sortorder = 1;
if (sortselection > 3) { sortorder = -1; sortselection -= 3; }
if (sortselection == 1) { r.sort(p5sort_filename); }
else if (sortselection == 2) { r.sort(p5sort_bysize); }
else if (sortselection == 3) { r.sort(p5sort_timestamp); }
return r;
function p5setActions() {
var cc = getFileSelCount(), tc = getFileCount(), sfc = getFileSelCount(false); // In order: number of entires selected, number of total entries, number of selected entires that are files (not folders)
QE('p5DeleteFileButton', (cc > 0) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
QE('p5NewFolderButton', filetreelocation.length > 0);
QE('p5UploadButton', filetreelocation.length > 0);
QE('p5RenameFileButton', (cc == 1) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
//QE('p5ViewFileButton', (cc == 1) && (sfc == 1) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
QE('p5SelectAllButton', tc > 0);
Q('p5SelectAllButton').value = (cc > 0 ? "Rien sélectionner" : "Tout Sélectionner");
QE('p5CutButton', (sfc > 0) && (cc == sfc));
QE('p5CopyButton', (sfc > 0) && (cc == sfc));
QE('p5PasteButton', (p5clipboard != null) && (p5clipboard.length > 0) && (filetreelocation.length > 0));
function getFileSelCount(includeDirs) { var cc = 0, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && ((includeDirs != false) || (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '3'))) cc++; } return cc; }
function getFileSelDirCount() { var cc = 0, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '999')) cc++; } return cc; }
function getFileCount() { var cc = 0; var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); return checkboxes.length; }
function p5selectallfile() { var nv = (getFileSelCount() == 0), checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = nv; } p5setActions(); }
function setupBackPointers(x) { if (x.f != null) { var fs = 0, fc = 0; for (var i in x.f) { setupBackPointers(x.f[i]); x.f[i].parent = x; if (x.f[i].s) { fs += x.f[i].s; } if (x.f[i].c) { fc += x.f[i].c; } if (x.f[i].t == 3) { fc++; } } x.s = fs; x.c = fc; } return x; }
function getFileSizeStr(size) { if (size == 1) return "1 octet"; return format(" { 0} octets", size); }
function p5folderup(x) { if (x == null) { filetreelocation.pop(); } else { while (filetreelocation.length > x) { filetreelocation.pop(); } } updateFiles(); return false; }
function p5folderset(x) { filetreelocation.push(decodeURIComponent(x)); updateFiles(); return false; }
function p5createfolder() { setDialogMode(2, "Nouveau Dossier", 3, p5createfolderEx, '<input type=text id=p5renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p5fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% />'); focusTextBox('p5renameinput'); p5fileNameCheck(); }
function p5createfolderEx() { meshserver.send( { action: 'fileoperation', fileop: 'createfolder', path: filetreelocation, newfolder: Q('p5renameinput').value}); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function p5deletefile() { var cc = getFileSelCount(), rec = (getFileSelDirCount() > 0) ? '<br /><br /><label><input type=checkbox id=p5recdeleteinput>' + "Suppression récursive" + '</label><br>' : '<input type=checkbox id=p5recdeleteinput style=\'display:none\'>'; setDialogMode(2, "Delete", 3, p5deletefileEx, (cc > 1) ? (format("Delete { 0} selected items?", cc) + rec) : ("Delete selected item?" + rec)); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p5deletefileEx() { var delfiles = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { delfiles.push(checkboxes[i].value); } } meshserver.send( { action: 'fileoperation', fileop: 'delete', path: filetreelocation, delfiles: delfiles, rec: Q('p5recdeleteinput').checked }); }
function p5renamefile() { var renamefile, checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { renamefile = checkboxes[i].value; } } setDialogMode(2, "Renommer", 3, p5renamefileEx, '<input type=text id=p5renameinput maxlength=64 onkeyup=p5fileNameCheck(event) style=width:100% value="' + renamefile + '" />', { action: 'fileoperation', fileop: 'rename', path: filetreelocation, oldname: renamefile}); focusTextBox('p5renameinput'); p5fileNameCheck(); }
function p5renamefileEx(b, t) { t.newname = Q('p5renameinput').value; meshserver.send(t); }
function p5fileNameCheck(e) { var x = isFilenameValid(Q('p5renameinput').value); QE('idx_dlgOkButton', x); if ((x == true) && (e && e.keyCode == 13)) { dialogclose(1); } }
var isFilenameValid = (function() { var x1=/^[^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+$/, x2=/^\./, x3=/^(nul|prn|con|lpt[0-9]|com[0-9])(\.|$)/i; return function isFilenameValid(fname) { return x1.test(fname)&&!x2.test(fname)&&!x3.test(fname)&&(fname[0] != '.'); } })();
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
function p5uploadFile() { setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 3, p5uploadFileEx, '<form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=uploadfile.ashx target=fileUploadFrame><input type=text name=link style=display:none id=p5uploadpath value=\"' + encodeURIComponent(filetreelinkpath) + '\" /><input type=file name=files id=p5uploadinput style=width:100% multiple=multiple onchange="p5updateUploadDialogOk(\'p5uploadinput\')" /><input type=hidden name=authCookie value=' + authCookie + ' /><input type=submit id=p5loginSubmit style=display:none /><span id=p5confirmOverwriteSpan style=display:none><br /><label><input type=checkbox id=p5confirmOverwrite onchange="p5updateUploadDialogOk(\'p5uploadinput\')" />' + "Confirm overwrite?" + '</label></span></form>'); p5updateUploadDialogOk('p5uploadinput'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p5uploadFileEx() { Q('p5loginSubmit').click(); }
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
function p5updateUploadDialogOk() {
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
var xallfiles = Q('p5uploadinput').files, files = [];
for (var i in xallfiles) { if ((xallfiles[i].size != null) && (xallfiles[i].size != 0)) { files.push(xallfiles[i]); } }
// Check if these files are duplicates of existing files.
var filetreex = filetree, allfiles = [], overWriteCount = 0;
for (var i in filetreelocation) {
if ((filetreex.f != null) && (filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]] != null)) { filetreex = filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]]; }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', xallfiles.length > 0);
if (xallfiles.length > 0) {
if (filetreex.f != null) {
for (var i in filetreex.f) { allfiles.push(i); }
for (var i = 0; i < xallfiles.length; i++) {
if (allfiles.indexOf(xallfiles[i].name) >= 0) { overWriteCount++; } // TODO: If the server is Windows, we need to lowercase both names.
QV('p5confirmOverwriteSpan', overWriteCount > 0);
if (overWriteCount > 0) {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('p5confirmOverwrite').checked);
} else {
Q('p5confirmOverwrite').checked = false;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p5viewfile() {
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
console.log(filetreelocation.join('/') + '/' + checkboxes[i].value); // TODO: Download and show this file
var p5clipboard = null, p5clipboardFolder = null, p5clipboardCut = 0;
2019-10-30 17:30:34 -04:00
function p5copyFile(cut) {
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc'); p5clipboard = []; p5clipboardCut = cut, p5clipboardFolder = Clone(filetreelocation);
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if ((checkboxes[i].checked) && (checkboxes[i].attributes.file.value == '3')) {
console.log('yy', checkboxes[i].value);
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function p5pasteFile() { var x = ''; if ((p5clipboard != null) && (p5clipboard.length > 0)) { x = format("Confim { 0} of { 1} entrie { 2} to this location?", (p5clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move'), p5clipboard.length, ((p5clipboard.length > 1)?'s':'')) } setDialogMode(2, "Coller", 3, p5pasteFileEx, x); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function p5pasteFileEx() { meshserver.send( { action: 'fileoperation', fileop: (p5clipboardCut == 0?'copy':'move'), scpath: p5clipboardFolder, path: filetreelocation, names: p5clipboard }); p5folderup(999); if (p5clipboardCut == 1) { p5clipboard = null, p5clipboardFolder = null, p5clipboardCut = 0; p5updateClipview(); } }
function p5updateClipview() { var x = ''; if ((p5clipboard != null) && (p5clipboard.length > 0)) { x = format("Holding { 0} entrie { 1} for { 2}", p5clipboard.length, ((p5clipboard.length > 1)?'s':''), (p5clipboardCut == 0?"copy":"move")) + ', <a href=# onclick="return p5clearClip()" style=cursor:pointer>' + "Clear" + '</a>.' } QH('p5bottomstatus', x); p5setActions(); }
function p5clearClip() { p5clipboard = null; p5clipboardFolder = null; p5clipboardCut = 0; p5updateClipview(); return false; }
function p5fileDragDrop(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
//QV('p5fileCatchAllInput', false);
// Check if these are files we can upload, remove all folders.
if (e.dataTransfer == null) return;
var files = [];
for (var i in e.dataTransfer.files) { if ((e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != null) && (e.dataTransfer.files[i].size != 0)) { files.push(e.dataTransfer.files[i]); } }
if (files.length == 0) return;
// Check if these files are duplicates of existing files.
var filetreex = filetree, allfiles = [], overWriteCount = 0;
for (var i in filetreelocation) {
if ((filetreex.f != null) && (filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]] != null)) { filetreex = filetreex.f[filetreelocation[i]]; }
if (filetreex.f != null) {
for (var i in filetreex.f) { allfiles.push(i); }
for (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) {
if (allfiles.indexOf(e.dataTransfer.files[i].name) >= 0) { overWriteCount++; } // TODO: If the server is Windows, we need to lowercase both names.
if (overWriteCount == 0) {
// If no overwrite, go ahead with upload
p5PerformUpload(1, files);
} else {
// Otherwise, prompt for confirmation
setDialogMode(2, "Upload File", 3, p5PerformUpload, format("Upload will overwrite { 0} file { 1}. Continue?", overWriteCount, addLetterS(overWriteCount)), files);
function p5PerformUpload(b, files) {
// For Chrome & Firefox
var error = 0;
p5uploadFile(); // Display the the dialog box
try { Q('p5uploadinput').files = files; } catch (ex) { error = 1; } // Set the files in the dialog box
if (error == 0) { p5uploadFileEx(); } // Press the submit button
setDialogMode(0); // Close the dialog box
// For IE browser - This will not work with very large files
if (error == 1) {
if (filetreelocation.length == 0) return;
var names = [], sizes = [], types = [], datas = [], readercount = files.length, totalSize = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { totalSize += files[i].size; }
if (totalSize > 1300000) { p5uploadFile(); return; } // File is too large, not sure what the real maximum is.
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var reader = new FileReader(), file = files[i];
reader.onload = function (event) {
if (--readercount == 0) {
Q('p5fileDragName').value = names.join('*');
Q('p5fileDragSize').value = sizes.join('*');
Q('p5fileDragType').value = types.join('*');
Q('p5fileDragData').value = datas.join('*'); // This will not work for large files, there is a limit on the data size in a field.
Q('p5fileDragLink').value = encodeURIComponent(filetreelinkpath);
Q('p5fileDragAuthCookie').value = authCookie;
var p5dragtimer = null;
function p5fileDragOver(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (p5dragtimer != null) { clearTimeout(p5dragtimer); p5dragtimer = null; }
var ac = true; // TODO: Set to true if we can accept the file
if (filetreelocation.length == 0) { ac = false; }
QV('bigok', ac);
QV('bigfail', !ac);
//QV('p5fileCatchAllInput', ac);
function p5fileDragLeave(e) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (e.target.id != 'p5filetable') {
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QV('bigfail', false);
QV('bigok', false);
//QV('p5fileCatchAllInput', false);
} else {
p5dragtimer = setTimeout(function () { QV('bigfail',false); QV('bigok',false); p5dragtimer=null; }, 10);
function p5fileCatchAllInputChanged(e) {
Q('p5fileDragLink2').value = encodeURIComponent(filetreelinkpath);
// Highlights the device being hovered
function eventMouseHover(e, over) {
e.children[2].style['background-color'] = ((over == 0) ? '#c9c9c9' : '#b9b9b9');
if (over == 1) { e.children[1].classList.add('g1s'); e.children[3].classList.add('g2s'); }
function eventsUpdate() {
var x = '', dateHeader = null;
for (var i in events) {
var event = events[i], time = new Date(event.time);
if (event.msg) {
if (event.h == null) { event.h = Math.random(); }
if (printDate(time) != dateHeader) {
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
dateHeader = printDate(time);
x += '<table class=p3eventsTable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=4 class=DevSt>' + dateHeader + '</td></tr>';
var icon = 'si3';
if (event.etype == 'user') icon = 'm2';
if (event.etype == 'server') icon = 'si3';
var msg = EscapeHtml(event.msg).split('(R)').join('®');
if (event.nodeid) {
var node = getNodeFromId(event.nodeid);
if (node != null) {
icon = 'si' + node.icon;
msg = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoDevice("' + event.nodeid + '",10);haltEvent(event);\'>' + EscapeHtml(node.name) + '</a> → ' + msg;
if (event.username) {
if ((userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (event.userid)) {
msg = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoUser("' + encodeURIComponent(event.userid) + '");haltEvent(event);\'>' + EscapeHtml(event.username) + '</a> → ' + msg;
} else {
msg = EscapeHtml(event.username) + ' → ' + msg;
if (event.etype == 'relay' || event.action == 'relaylog') icon = 'relayIcon16';
x += '<tr onclick=showEventDetails(' + event.h + ',2) onmouseover=eventMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=eventMouseHover(this,0) style=cursor:pointer><td style=width:18px><div class=' + icon + '></div></td><td class=g1> </td><td class=style10>' + printTime(time) + ' - ' + msg + '</td><td class=g2> </td></tr><tr style=height:2px></tr>';
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
if (x == '') x = '<br><i>' + "Aucun événement trouvé" + '</i><br><br>';
QH('p3events', x);
function refreshEvents() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'events', limit: parseInt(p3limitdropdown.value) });
function p3showDownloadEventsDialog(mode) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "Download the list of events with one of the file formats below." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("CSV Format", '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p3downloadEventsDialogCSV(' + mode + ')">' + "eventslist.csv" + '</a>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Format JSON", '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick="return p3downloadEventsDialogJSON(' + mode + ')">' + "eventslist.json" + '</a>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Event List Export", 1, null, x, mode);
function p3downloadEventsDialogCSV(mode) {
var csv, eventList;
if (mode == 1) { eventList = currentDeviceEvents; }
if (mode == 2) { eventList = events; }
if (mode == 3) { eventList = currentUserEvents; }
csv = "time, type, action, user, message" + '\r\n';
for (var i in eventList) { csv += '\"' + eventList[i].time + '\",\"' + eventList[i].etype + '\",\"' + ((eventList[i].action != null) ? eventList[i].action : '') + '\",\"' + ((eventList[i].username != null) ? eventList[i].username : '') + '\",\"' + ((eventList[i].msg != null) ? eventList[i].msg : '') + '\"\r\n'; }
saveAs(new Blob([csv], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "eventslist.csv");
return false;
function p3downloadEventsDialogJSON(mode) {
var r = [], eventList;
if (mode == 1) { eventList = currentDeviceEvents; }
if (mode == 2) { eventList = events; }
if (mode == 3) { eventList = currentUserEvents; }
for (var i in eventList) { r.push(events[i]); }
saveAs(new Blob([JSON.stringify(r)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "eventslist.json");
return false;
function updateUsers() {
QV('MainMenuMyUsers', (users != null) && ((features & 4) == 0));
QV('LeftMenuMyUsers', (users != null) && ((features & 4) == 0));
QV('UserNewAccountButton', ((features & 4) == 0) && (serverinfo.domainauth == false));
if ((users == null) || ((features & 4) != 0)) { QH('p3users', ''); return; }
// Sort the list of user id's
var sortedUserIds = [], maxUsers = 100, hiddenUsers = 0;
for (var i in users) { sortedUserIds.push(i); }
// Get search
var userSearch = Q('UserSearchInput').value.toLowerCase();
var emailSearch = userSearch;
if (userSearch.startsWith('email:')) { userSearch = null; emailSearch = emailSearch.substring(6); }
else if (userSearch.startsWith('name:')) { emailSearch = null; userSearch = userSearch.substring(5); }
else if (userSearch.startsWith('e:')) { userSearch = null; emailSearch = emailSearch.substring(2); }
else if (userSearch.startsWith('n:')) { emailSearch = null; userSearch = userSearch.substring(2); }
// Display the users using the sorted list
var x = '<table class=p3usersTable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>', addHeader = true;
x += '<th>' + "Nom" + '<th style=width:80px>Groups<th style=width:120px>' + nobreak("Dernier accès") + '<th style=width:120px>' + "Permissions";
// Online users
for (var i in sortedUserIds) {
var user = users[sortedUserIds[i]], sessions = null;
if (wssessions != null) { sessions = wssessions[user._id]; }
if ((sessions != null) &&
((userSearch != null) && ((userSearch == '') || (user.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(userSearch) >= 0)) ||
((emailSearch != null) && ((user.email != null) && (user.email.toLowerCase().indexOf(emailSearch) >= 0))))
) {
if (maxUsers > 0) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (addHeader) { x += '<tr><td class=userTableHeader colspan=4>' + "Utilisateurs en ligne"; addHeader = false; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addUserHtml(user, sessions);
} else {
addHeader = true;
// Offline users
for (var i in sortedUserIds) {
var user = users[sortedUserIds[i]], sessions = null;
if (wssessions != null) { sessions = wssessions[user._id]; }
if ((sessions == null) &&
((userSearch != null) && ((userSearch == '') || (user.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(userSearch) >= 0)) ||
((emailSearch != null) && ((user.email != null) && (user.email.toLowerCase().indexOf(emailSearch) >= 0))))
) {
if (maxUsers > 0) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (addHeader) { x += '<tr><td class=userTableHeader colspan=4>' + "Utilisateurs hors ligne"; addHeader = false; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += addUserHtml(user, sessions);
} else {
x += '</table>';
if (hiddenUsers == 1) { x += '<br />' + "1 more user not shown, use search box to look for users..." + '<br />'; }
else if (hiddenUsers > 1) { x += '<br />' + format(" { 0} more users not shown, use search box to look for users...", hiddenUsers) + '<br />'; }
if (maxUsers == 100) { x += '<br />' + "No users found." + '<br />'; }
QH('p3users', x);
// Update current user panel if needed
if ((currentUser != null) && (xxcurrentView == 30)) { gotoUser(encodeURIComponent(currentUser._id),true); }
function addUserHtml(user, sessions) {
var x = '', gray = ' gray', icon = 'm2', msg = '', self = (user.name != userinfo.name), lastAccess = '', permissions = '';
if (sessions != null) {
gray = '';
if (self) {
msg = '<span style=float:right;margin-top:1px;margin-right:4px title=' + "Chat" + '><a href=# onclick=userChat(event,\"" + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + "\",\"" + encodeURIComponent(user.name) + "\")><img src=\'images/icon-chat.png\' height=16 width=16 style=padding-top:2px /></a></span>';
msg += '<span style=float:right;margin-top:1px;margin-left:4px;margin-right:4px title=Notify><a href=# onclick=\'return showUserAlertDialog(event,\"" + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + "\")\'><img src=\'images/icon-notify.png\' height=16 width=16 style=padding-top:2px /></a></span>';
if (sessions == 1) { lastAccess += nobreak("1 session"); } else { lastAccess += nobreak(format(" { 0} sessions", sessions)); }
} else {
if (user.login) { lastAccess += '<span title=\"' + format("Last login: { 0}", printDateTime(new Date(user.login * 1000))) + '\">' + printDate(new Date(user.login * 1000)) + '</span>'; }
if (self) { permissions += '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return showUserAdminDialog(event,\"' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\")\'>'; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { permissions += "Verrouiller" + ', '; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
permissions += '<span title=\'' + "Server Permissions" + '\'>';
var urights = user.siteadmin & (0xFFFFFFFF - 224);
if ((user.siteadmin == null) || (urights == 0)) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
permissions += "Utilisateur";
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
} else if (urights == 8) {
permissions += "User + Files";
} else if (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
permissions += "Administrator";
} else if ((urights & 2) != 0) {
permissions += "Manager";
} else {
permissions += "Partiel";
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & (64 + 128)) != 0)) { permissions += '*'; }
permissions += '</span>';
//if ((user.quota != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 8) != 0)) { msg += ", " + (user.quota / 1024) + " k"; }
if (self) { permissions += '</a>'; }
var groups = 0
if (user.links) { for (var i in user.links) { groups++; } }
var username = EscapeHtml(user.name), emailVerified = '';
if (serverinfo.emailcheck == true) { emailVerified = ((user.emailVerified != true) ? ' <b style=color:red title="Email is not verified">✗</b>' : ' <b style=color:green title="Email is verified">✓</b>'); }
if (user.email != null) {
if (((features & 0x200000) == 0) || (user.email.toLowerCase() != user.name.toLowerCase())) {
// Username & email are different
username += ', <a href=# onclick=\'return doemail(event,\"' + user.email + '\")\'>' + user.email + '</a>' + emailVerified;
} else {
// Username & email are the same
username += ' <a href=# onclick=\'return doemail(event,\"' + user.email + '\")\'><img src="images/mail12.png" height=9 width=12 title="Send email to user" style="margin-top:2px" /></a>' + emailVerified;
if ((user.otpsecret > 0) || (user.otphkeys > 0)) { username += ' <img src="images/key12.png" height=12 width=11 title="2nd factor authentication enabled" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { username += ' <img src="images/padlock12.png" height=12 width=8 title="Account is locked" style="margin-top:2px" />'; }
x += '<tr tabindex=0 onmouseover=userMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=userMouseHover(this,0) onkeypress="if (event.key==\'Enter\') gotoUser(\'' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\')"><td style=cursor:pointer onclick=gotoUser(\"' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '\")>';
x += '<div class=bar>';
x += '<div class=baricon><div class="' + icon + gray + '"></div></div>';
x += '<div class=g1></div><div class=g2></div>';
x += '<div><span>' + username + '</span>' + msg + '</div></div><td style=text-align:center>' + groups + '<td style=text-align:center>' + lastAccess + '<td style=text-align:center>' + permissions;
return x;
// Highlights the user being hovered
function userMouseHover(element, over) {
var e = element.children[0].children[0];
if (over == 1) { e.children[1].classList.add('g1s'); e.children[2].classList.add('g2s'); }
element.children[0].children[0].style['background-color'] = ((over == 0) ? '#c9c9c9' : '#b9b9b9');
function userChat(e, userid, name) {
var url = '/messenger?id=meshmessenger/' + userid + '/' + encodeURIComponent(userinfo._id) + '&title=' + name;
if ((authCookie != null) && (authCookie != '')) { url += '&auth=' + authCookie; }
window.open(url, 'meshmessenger:' + userid);
meshserver.send( { action: 'meshmessenger', userid: decodeURIComponent(userid) });
return false;
function showUserAlertDialog(e, userid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, format("Notify { 0}", EscapeHtml(users[decodeURIComponent(userid)].name)), 3, showUserAlertDialogEx, "Envoyez une notification à cet utilisateur." + '<textarea id=d2notifyText maxlength=2048 style="width:100%;height:184px;resize:none"></textarea>', userid);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
return false;
function showUserAlertDialogEx(button, userid) { meshserver.send( { action: 'notifyuser', userid: decodeURIComponent(userid), msg: Q('d2notifyText').value }); }
function doemail(e, addr) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
window.open('mailto:' + addr);
return false;
function p4batchAccountCreate() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "Create many accounts at once by importing a JSON file with the following format:" + '<br /><pre>[\r\n { "user":"x1","pass":"x","email":"x1@x"},\r\n { "user":"x2","pass":"x","resetNextLogin":true}\r\n]</pre><input style=width:370px type=file id=d4importFile accept=".json" onchange=p4batchAccountCreateValidate() />';
setDialogMode(2, "User Account Import", 3, p4batchAccountCreateEx, x);
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false);
function p4batchAccountCreateValidate() {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d4importFile').value != null);
function p4batchAccountCreateEx() {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function (r) {
var j = null;
try { j = JSON.parse(r.target.result); } catch (ex) { setDialogMode(2, "User Account Import", 1, null, format("Invalid JSON file: { 0}.", ex)); return; }
if ((j != null) && (Array.isArray(j))) {
var ok = true;
for (var i in j) {
if ((typeof j[i].user != 'string') || (j[i].user.length < 1) || (j[i].user.length > 64)) { ok = false; }
if ((typeof j[i].pass != 'string') || (j[i].pass.length < 1) || (j[i].pass.length > 256)) { ok = false; }
if (checkPasswordRequirements(j[i].pass, passRequirements) == false) { ok = false; }
if ((j[i].email != null) && ((typeof j[i].email != 'string') || (j[i].email.length < 1) || (j[i].email.length > 128))) { ok = false; }
if (ok == false) { setDialogMode(2, "User Account Import", 1, null, "Invalid JSON file format."); } else { meshserver.send( { action: 'adduserbatch', users: j }); }
} else { setDialogMode(2, "User Account Import", 1, null, "Invalid JSON file format."); }
function p4downloadUserInfo() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "Download the list of users with one of the file formats below." + '<br /><br />';
x += addHtmlValue("CSV Format", '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p4downloadUserInfoCSV()\'>' + "userlist.csv" + '</a>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Format JSON", '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p4downloadUserInfoJSON()\'>' + "userlist.json" + '</a>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "User List Export", 1, null, x);
function p4downloadUserInfoCSV() {
var csv = "id, name, email, creation, lastlogin, groups, authfactors" + '\r\n';
for (var i in users) {
var multiFactor = false, factors = [];
if ((users[i].otpsecret > 0) || (users[i].otphkeys > 0)) {
multiFactor = true;
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (users[i].otpsecret > 0) { factors.push('AuthApp'); }
if (users[i].otphkeys > 0) { factors.push('SecurityKey'); }
if (users[i].otpkeys > 0) { factors.push('BackupCodes'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
csv += '\"' + users[i]._id + '\",\"' + users[i].name + '\",\"' + (users[i].email ? users[i].email : '') + '\",\"' + (users[i].creation ? new Date(users[i].creation * 1000) : '') + '\",\"' + (users[i].login ? new Date(users[i].login * 1000) : '') + '\",\"' + (users[i].groups ? users[i].groups.join(',') : '') + '\",\"' + (multiFactor ? factors.join(',') : '') + '\"\r\n';
saveAs(new Blob([csv], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "userlist.csv");
return false;
function p4downloadUserInfoJSON() {
var r = []
for (var i in users) { r.push(users[i]); }
saveAs(new Blob([JSON.stringify(r)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "userlist.json");
return false;
function showUserBroadcastDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = "Broadcast a message to all connected users." + '<textarea id=broadcastMessage value="" maxlength="256"/></textarea>';
setDialogMode(2, "Diffusion d'un Message", 3, showUserBroadcastDialogEx, x);
function showUserBroadcastDialogEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'userbroadcast', msg: Q('broadcastMessage').value });
function showCreateNewAccountDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '';
if ((features & 0x200000) == 0) { x += addHtmlValue("Nom", '<input id=p4name maxlength=64 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />'); }
x += addHtmlValue("Email", '<input id=p4email maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=p4pass1 type=password maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=p4pass2 type=password maxlength=256 onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() onkeyup=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() />');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<div><label><input id=p4randomPassword onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() type=checkbox />' + "Mot de passe aléatoire." + '</label></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div><label><input id=p4resetNextLogin onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() type=checkbox />' + "Force password reset on next login." + '</label></div>';
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) {
x += '<div><label><input id=p4verifiedEmail onchange=showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate() type=checkbox />' + "Email is verified." + '</label></div>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<div><label><input id=p4invitationEmail type=checkbox />' + "Envoyer un email d'invitation." + '</label></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>' + format("Exigences: { 0}.", r.join(', ')) + '</div>'; }
setDialogMode(2, "Create Account", 3, showCreateNewAccountDialogEx, x);
if ((features & 0x200000) == 0) { Q('p4name').focus(); } else { Q('p4email').focus(); }
function showCreateNewAccountDialogValidate(x) {
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
var ve = true;
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) {
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
ve = validateEmail(Q('p4email').value);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QE('p4verifiedEmail', ve);
QE('p4invitationEmail', ve && Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked && Q('p4verifiedEmail').checked);
if (ve == false) { Q('p4verifiedEmail').checked = false; }
if ((Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked == false) || (Q('p4verifiedEmail').checked == false)) { Q('p4invitationEmail').checked = false; }
QE('p4pass1', !Q('p4randomPassword').checked);
QE('p4pass2', !Q('p4randomPassword').checked);
if ((x == null) && (Q('p4email').value.length > 0) && (ve == false)) { QE('idx_dlgOkButton', false); return; }
var ok = true;
if ((features & 0x200000) == 0) { ok &= (!Q('p4name') || ((Q('p4name').value.length > 0) && (Q('p4name').value.indexOf(' ') == -1))); }
if (Q('p4randomPassword').checked == false) { ok &= (Q('p4pass1').value.length > 0 && Q('p4pass1').value == Q('p4pass2').value && checkPasswordRequirements(Q('p4pass1').value, passRequirements)); }
if (ok && passRequirements) { if (checkPasswordRequirements(Q('p4pass1').value, passRequirements) == false) { ok = false; } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
function showCreateNewAccountDialogEx() {
var username = ((features & 0x200000) == 0) ? Q('p4name').value : Q('p4email').value;
var x = { action: 'adduser', username: username, email: Q('p4email').value, pass: Q('p4pass1').value, resetNextLogin: Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked, randomPassword: Q('p4randomPassword').checked };
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) {
x.emailVerified = Q('p4verifiedEmail').checked;
x.emailInvitation = Q('p4invitationEmail').checked;
function showUserGroupDialog(e, userid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
userid = decodeURIComponent(userid);
var user = users[userid.toLowerCase()], groups = "";
if (user.groups != null) { groups = user.groups.join(', ') }
var x = "Enter a comma seperate list of administrative realms names." + '<br /><br />';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addHtmlValue("Realms", '<input id=dp4usergroups style=width:230px value="' + groups + '" placeholder=\"' + "Nom1, Nom2, Nom3" + '\" maxlength=256 onchange=p4validateUserGroups() onkeyup=p4validateUserGroups() />');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
setDialogMode(2, "Administrative Realms", 3, showUserGroupDialogEx, x, user);
return false;
function p4validateUserGroups() {
var groups = Q('dp4usergroups').value;
var k = 0, i = groups.indexOf('\"') + groups.indexOf('/') + groups.indexOf('>') + groups.indexOf('<') + groups.indexOf('\'');
var g = groups.split(',');
for (var j in g) { if (g[j].trim().length == 0) k++; }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', (groups == '') || ((i == -5) && (k < 1)));
function showUserGroupDialogEx(event, user) {
var groups = Q('dp4usergroups').value, g = groups.split(','), g2 = [];
for (var j in g) { var x = g[j].trim(); if (x.length > 0) { g2.push(x); } }
meshserver.send( { action: 'edituser', id: user._id, groups: g2 });
function showUserAdminDialog(e, userid) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
userid = decodeURIComponent(userid);
var x = '<div><div id=d2AdminPermissions>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_fileaccess>' + "Server Files" + '</label>, <input type=number onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() maxlength=10 id=ua_fileaccessquota>k max, blank for default<br><hr/>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_fulladmin>' + "Administrateur Complet" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_serverbackup>' + "Server Backup" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_serverrestore>' + "Server Restore" + '</label><br>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_serverupdate>' + "Mises à jour du serveur" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_manageusers>' + "Gérer les utilisateurs" + '</label><br>';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<hr/></div><label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_lockedaccount>' + "Verrouiller le compte" + '</label><br>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_nonewgroups>' + "No New Device Groups" + '</label><br>';
x += '<label><input type=checkbox onchange=showUserAdminDialogValidate() id=ua_nomeshcmd>' + "No Tools (MeshCmd/Router)" + '</label><br>';
x += '</div>';
var user = users[userid.toLowerCase()];
setDialogMode(2, "Server Permissions", 3, showUserAdminDialogEx, x, user);
if (user.siteadmin && user.siteadmin != 0) {
Q('ua_fulladmin').checked = (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
Q('ua_serverbackup').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1) != 0)); // Server Backup
Q('ua_manageusers').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 2) != 0)); // Manage Users
Q('ua_serverrestore').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 4) != 0)); // Server Restore
Q('ua_fileaccess').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 8) != 0)); // Server Files
Q('ua_serverupdate').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 16) != 0)); // Server Update
Q('ua_lockedaccount').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0)); // Account locked
Q('ua_nonewgroups').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 64) != 0)); // No New Groups
Q('ua_nomeshcmd').checked = ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 128) != 0)); // No Tools (MeshCMD / Router)
QE('ua_fulladmin', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_serverbackup', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_manageusers', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_serverrestore', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_fileaccess', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_fileaccessquota', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QE('ua_serverupdate', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF);
QV('d2AdminPermissions', userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF)
QE('ua_lockedaccount', (userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (userinfo._id != user._id));
QE('ua_nonewgroups', (userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (userinfo._id != user._id));
QE('ua_nomeshcmd', (userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (userinfo._id != user._id));
Q('ua_fileaccessquota').value = (user.quota != null)?(user.quota / 1024):'';
return false;
function showUserAdminDialogValidate() {
if (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
QE('ua_serverbackup', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_manageusers', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_serverrestore', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_fileaccess', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_serverupdate', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_lockedaccount', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_nonewgroups', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_nomeshcmd', !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
QE('ua_fileaccessquota', Q('ua_fileaccess').checked && !Q('ua_fulladmin').checked);
function showUserAdminDialogEx(button, user) {
var siteadmin = 0, quota = parseInt(Q('ua_fileaccessquota').value);
if (Q('ua_fulladmin').checked == true) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else {
if (Q('ua_serverbackup').checked == true) siteadmin += 1;
if (Q('ua_manageusers').checked == true) siteadmin += 2;
if (Q('ua_serverrestore').checked == true) siteadmin += 4;
if (Q('ua_fileaccess').checked == true) siteadmin += 8;
if (Q('ua_serverupdate').checked == true) siteadmin += 16;
if (Q('ua_lockedaccount').checked == true) siteadmin += 32;
if (Q('ua_nonewgroups').checked == true) siteadmin += 64;
if (Q('ua_nomeshcmd').checked == true) siteadmin += 128;
var x = { action: 'edituser', id: user._id, siteadmin: siteadmin };
if (isNaN(quota) == false) { x.quota = (quota * 1024); }
function onUserSearchInputChanged() { updateUsers(); }
var currentUser = null;
function gotoUser(userid, force) {
if (xxdialogMode && !force) return;
var user = currentUser = users[decodeURIComponent(userid)];
if (user == null) { setDialogMode(0); go(4); return; }
QH('p30userName', user.name);
QH('p31userName', user.name);
var self = (user.name == userinfo.name), activeSessions = 0;
if (wssessions != null && wssessions[user._id]) { activeSessions = wssessions[user._id]; }
// Change user grayscale
if (activeSessions == 0) { Q('MainUserImage').classList.add('gray'); }
// Server permissions
var msg = [], premsg = '';
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && ((user.siteadmin & 32) != 0) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { premsg = '<img src="images/padlock12.png" height=12 width=8 title="Account is locked" style="margin-top:2px" /> '; msg.push("Compte verrouillé"); }
if ((user.siteadmin == null) || ((user.siteadmin & (0xFFFFFFFF - 224)) == 0)) { msg.push("No server rights"); } else if (user.siteadmin == 8) { msg.push("Access to server files"); } else if (user.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) { msg.push("Administrateur complet"); } else { msg.push("Partial rights"); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if ((user.siteadmin != null) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & (64 + 128)) != 0)) { msg.push("Restrictions"); }
// Show user attributes
var x = '<div style=min-height:80px><table style=width:100%>';
var email = user.email?EscapeHtml(user.email):'<i>' + "Not set" + '</i>', everify = '';
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) { everify = ((user.emailVerified == true) ? '<b style=color:green;cursor:pointer title=\"' + "Email is verified" + '\">✓</b> ' : '<b style=color:red;cursor:pointer title=\"' + "Email not verified" + '\">✗</b> '); }
if (user.name.toLowerCase() != user._id.split('/')[2]) { x += addDeviceAttribute("User Identifier", user._id.split('/')[2]); }
if (((features & 0x200000) == 0) && ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) || (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF))) { // If we are not site admin, we can't change a admin email.
x += addDeviceAttribute("Email", everify + '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=p30showUserEmailChangeDialog(event,\"' + userid + '\")>' + email + '</a> <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return doemail(event,\"' + user.email + '\")\'><img class=hoverButton src="images/link1.png" /></a>');
} else {
x += addDeviceAttribute("Email", everify + email + ' <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return doemail(event,\"' + user.email + '\")\'><img class=hoverButton src="images/link1.png" /></a>');
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += addDeviceAttribute("Droits du serveur", premsg + '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return showUserAdminDialog(event,\"' + userid + '\")\'>' + msg.join(', ') + '</a>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (user.quota) x += addDeviceAttribute("Server Quota", EscapeHtml(parseInt(user.quota) / 1024) + ' k');
x += addDeviceAttribute("Creation", printDateTime(new Date(user.creation * 1000)));
if (user.login) x += addDeviceAttribute("Dernière connexion", printDateTime(new Date(user.login * 1000)));
if (user.passchange == -1) { x += addDeviceAttribute("Mot de passe", "Sera changé lors de la prochaine connexion."); }
else if (user.passchange) { x += addDeviceAttribute("Mot de passe", format("Dernière modification: { 0}", printDateTime(new Date(user.passchange * 1000)))); }
// Device Groups
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var linkCount = 0, linkCountStr = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '<i>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (user.links) {
for (var i in user.links) { linkCount++; }
if (linkCount == 1) { linkCountStr = "1 groupe"; } else if (linkCount > 1) { linkCountStr = format(" { 0} groups", linkCount); }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Device Groups", linkCountStr);
// Administrative Realms
if ((userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (userinfo.siteadmin & 2)) {
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
var userGroups = '<i>' + "Aucun" + '</i>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (user.groups) { userGroups = ''; for (var i in user.groups) { userGroups += '<span class="tagSpan">' + user.groups[i] + '</span>'; } }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Admin Realms", addLinkConditional(userGroups, 'showUserGroupDialog(event,\"' + userid + '\")', (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) || ((userinfo.groups == null) && (userinfo._id != user._id) && (user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF))));
var multiFactor = 0;
if ((user.otpsecret > 0) || (user.otphkeys > 0)) {
multiFactor = 1;
var factors = [];
if (user.otpsecret > 0) { factors.push("Authentication App"); }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
if (user.otphkeys > 0) { factors.push("Clef de sécurité"); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (user.otpkeys > 0) { factors.push("Backup Codes"); }
x += addDeviceAttribute("Sécurité", '<img src="images/key12.png" height=12 width=11 title=\"' + "Authentification 2e facteur activée" + '\" style="margin-top:2px" /> ' + factors.join(', '));
x += '</table></div><br />';
// Add action buttons
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
x += '<input type=button value=\"' + "Remarques" + '\" title=\"' + "View notes about this user" + '\" onclick=showNotes(false,"' + userid + '") />';
if (!self && (activeSessions > 0)) { x += '<input type=button value=\"' + "Notify" + '\" title=\"' + "Envoyer une notification utilisateur" + '\" onclick=showUserAlertDialog(event,"' + userid + '") />'; }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Setup the panel
QH('p30html', x);
// Draw the user timeline
// Check if we can delete this user
var deletePossible = true;
if (user._id == userinfo._id) deletePossible = false;
if (user.siteadmin && user.siteadmin > 0 && userinfo.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) deletePossible = false;
// Show bottom buttons
x = '<div style=float:right;font-size:x-small>';
if (deletePossible) x += '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p30showDeleteUserDialog()\' title="Remove this user">Delete User</a>';
x += '</div><div style=font-size:x-small>';
if (userinfo.siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF) x += '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return p30showUserChangePassDialog(' + multiFactor + ')\' title="Change the password for this user">Change Password</a>';
x += '</div><br>'
QH('p30html3', x);
// Update user's connection state
x = '';
if (activeSessions == 1) { x = "1 session active"; } else if (activeSessions > 1) { x = format(" { 0} sessions actives", activeSessions); }
QH('MainUserState', x);
// Update user events (TODO: do this only if we change users)
QH('p31events', '');
// Display the user's email change dialog box
function p30showUserEmailChangeDialog(event) {
if (xxdialogMode) return false;
var x = '';
x += addHtmlValue("Email", '<input id=dp30email style=width:230px maxlength=32 onchange=p30validateEmail() onkeyup=p30validateEmail() />');
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) { x += addHtmlValue("Statut", '<select id=dp30verified style=width:230px onchange=p30validateEmail()><option value=0>Not verified</option><option value=1>Verified</option></select>'); }
setDialogMode(2, format("Change Email for { 0}", EscapeHtml(currentUser.name)), 3, p30showUserEmailChangeDialogEx, x);
Q('dp30email').value = (currentUser.email?currentUser.email:'');
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) { Q('dp30verified').value = currentUser.emailVerified?1:0; }
return false;
// Perform validation on the user's email change dialog box
function p30validateEmail() {
var v = Q('dp30email').value, x = v.split('@');
x = (x.length == 2) && (x[0].length > 0) && (x[1].split('.').length > 1) && (x[1].length > 2) && (v.length < 1024) && ((v != userinfo.email) || ((serverinfo.emailcheck == true) && (Q('dp30verified').value != (userinfo.emailVerified?1:0))));
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', x);
// Send to the server the new user's email address and validation status
function p30showUserEmailChangeDialogEx() {
var x = { action: 'edituser', id: currentUser._id, email: Q('dp30email').value };
if (serverinfo.emailcheck) { x.emailVerified = (Q('dp30verified').value == 1); }
// Display the user's password change dialog box
function p30showUserChangePassDialog(multiFactor) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
var x = '';
2019-10-30 13:25:36 -04:00
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=p4pass1 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=p30showUserChangePassDialogValidate(1) onkeyup=p30showUserChangePassDialogValidate(1)></input>');
x += addHtmlValue("Mot de passe", '<input id=p4pass2 type=password style=width:230px maxlength=256 onchange=p30showUserChangePassDialogValidate(1) onkeyup=p30showUserChangePassDialogValidate(1)></input>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (features & 0x00010000) { x += addHtmlValue("Password hint", '<input id=p4hint type=text style=width:230px maxlength=256></input>'); }
if (passRequirements) {
var r = [], rc = 0;
for (var i in passRequirements) { if ((i != 'reset') && (i != 'hint')) { r.push(i + ':' + passRequirements[i]); rc++; } }
if (rc > 0) { x += '<div style=font-size:x-small;padding:6px>' + format("Exigences: { 0}.", r.join(', ')) + '</div>'; }
x += '<div><label><input id=p4resetNextLogin type=checkbox />' + "Force password reset on next login." + '</label></div>';
if (multiFactor == 1) { x += '<div><label><input id=p4twoFactorRemove type=checkbox />' + "Remove all 2nd factor authentication." + '</label></div>'; }
setDialogMode(2, format("Change Password for { 0}", EscapeHtml(currentUser.name)), 3, p30showUserChangePassDialogEx, x, multiFactor);
if (currentUser.passchange == -1) { Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked = true; }
function p30showUserChangePassDialogValidate() {
var ok = true;
if ((Q('p4pass1').value != '') || (Q('p4pass2').value != '')) {
if (Q('p4pass1').value != Q('p4pass2').value) { ok = false; } else {
if (passRequirements) { if (checkPasswordRequirements(Q('p4pass1').value, passRequirements) == false) { ok = false; } }
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', ok);
function p30showUserChangePassDialogEx(b, tag) {
var removeMultiFactor = false;
if ((tag == 1) && (Q('p4twoFactorRemove').checked == true)) { removeMultiFactor = true; }
if (Q('p4pass1').value == Q('p4pass2').value) {
var r = { action: 'changeuserpass', userid: currentUser._id, pass: Q('p4pass1').value, removeMultiFactor: removeMultiFactor, resetNextLogin: Q('p4resetNextLogin').checked };
if (features & 0x00010000) { r.hint = Q('p4hint').value; }
function p30showDeleteUserDialog() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
setDialogMode(2, format("Delete User { 0}", EscapeHtml(currentUser.name)), 3, p30showDeleteUserDialogEx, format('Confirm deletion of user { 0}?', EscapeHtml(currentUser.name)));
function p30showDeleteUserDialogEx() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'deleteuser', userid: currentUser._id, username: currentUser.name });
// Draw device power bars. The bars are 766px wide.
function drawUserTimeline() {
var timeline = null, now = Date.now();
//if (currentNode._id == powerTimelineNode) { timeline = powerTimeline; }
timeline = [];
// Calculate when the timeline starts
var d = new Date();
d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
d = new Date(d.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6));
var timelineStart = d.getTime();
// De-compact the timeline
var timeline2 = [];
if (timeline != null && timeline.length > 1) {
timeline2.push([ 0, timeline[1], timeline[0] ]); // Start, End, Power
var ct = timeline[1];
for (var i = 2; i < timeline.length; i += 2) {
var power = timeline[i], dt = now;
if (timeline.length > (i + 1)) { dt = timeline[i + 1]; }
timeline2.push([ ct, ct + dt, power ]); // Start, End, Power
ct = ct + dt;
// Draw the timeline
var x = '', count = 1, date = new Date();
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
var datavalue = '', start = date.getTime(), end = start + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
for (var j in timeline2) {
var block = timeline2[j];
if (isTimeBlockInside(start, end, block[0], block[1]) == true) {
var ts = Math.max(start, block[0]);
var te = Math.min(Math.min(end, block[1]), now);
var width = Math.round((te - ts) / 112794);
if (width > 0) {
var title = powerStateStrings2[block[2]] + ' from ' + printTime(new Date(ts)) + ' to ' + printTime(new Date(te)) + '.';
datavalue += '<div title="' + title + '" style=display:table-cell;width:' + width + 'px;background-color:' + powerColor(block[2]) + ';height:16px></div>';
x += '<tr style=' + (((count % 2) == 0)?'background-color:#DDD':'') + '><td><div> ' + printDate(date) + '<div></div></div></td><td><div>' + datavalue + '</div></td></tr>';
date = new Date(date.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // Substract one day
QH('p30html2', '<table style="color:black;background-color:#EEE;border-color:#AAA;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-collapse:collapse" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tbody><tr style=background-color:#AAAAAA;font-weight:bold><th scope=col style=text-align:center;width:150px>Day</th><th scope=col style=text-align:center>7 Day Login State</th></tr>' + x + '</tbody></table>');
var currentUserEvents = null;
function userEventsUpdate() {
var x = '', dateHeader = null;
for (var i in currentUserEvents) {
var event = currentUserEvents[i], time = new Date(event.time);
if (event.msg) {
if (event.h == null) { event.h = Math.random(); }
if (printDate(time) != dateHeader) {
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
dateHeader = printDate(time);
x += '<table class=p3eventsTable cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=4 class=DevSt>' + dateHeader + '</td></tr>';
var icon = 'si3';
if (event.etype == 'user') icon = 'm2';
if (event.etype == 'server') icon = 'si3';
var msg = EscapeHtml(event.msg).split('(R)').join('®');
if (event.nodeid) {
var node = getNodeFromId(event.nodeid);
if (node != null) {
icon = 'si' + node.icon;
msg = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoDevice("' + event.nodeid + '",10);haltEvent(event);\'>' + EscapeHtml(node.name) + '</a> → ' + msg;
if (event.username && (event.username != currentUser.name)) {
if ((userinfo.siteadmin & 2) && (event.userid)) {
msg = '<a href=# onclick=\'gotoUser("' + encodeURIComponent(event.userid) + '");haltEvent(event);\'>' + EscapeHtml(event.username) + '</a> → ' + msg;
} else {
msg = EscapeHtml(event.username) + ' → ' + msg;
if (event.etype == 'relay' || event.action == 'relaylog') icon = 'relayIcon16';
x += '<tr onclick=showEventDetails(' + event.h + ',3) onmouseover=eventMouseHover(this,1) onmouseout=eventMouseHover(this,0) style=cursor:pointer><td style=width:18px><div class=' + icon + '></div></td><td class=g1> </td><td class=style10>' + printTime(time) + ' - ' + msg + '</td><td class=g2> </td></tr><tr style=height:2px></tr>';
if (dateHeader != null) x += '</table>';
if (x == '') x = '<br><i>' + "Aucun événement trouvé" + '</i><br><br>';
QH('p31events', x);
function refreshUsersEvents() {
meshserver.send( { action: 'events', limit: parseInt(p31limitdropdown.value), user: currentUser.name });
function d3init() {
Q('d3localFile').value = '';
function d3modechange() {
var mode = Q('d3uploadMode').value;
QV('d3localmode', mode == 1);
QV('d3servermode', mode == 2);
if (mode == 1) { d3setActions(); } else { d3updatefiles(); }
var d3filetreelinkpath;
var d3filetreelocation = [];
function d3updatefiles() {
if (Q('d3uploadMode').value == 1) return;
var html1 = '', html2 = '', filetreex = filetree, folderdepth = 1;
// Navigate to path location, build the paths at the same time
var d3filetreelocation2 = [], oldlinkpath = d3filetreelinkpath, checkedBoxes = [], checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fc');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { checkedBoxes.push(checkboxes[i].value) }; } // Save all existing checked boxes
d3filetreelinkpath = '';
for (var i in d3filetreelocation) {
if ((filetreex.f != null) && (filetreex.f[d3filetreelocation[i]] != null)) {
if ((folderdepth == 1)) {
var sp = d3filetreelocation[i].split('/');
publicPath = window.location + sp[0] + 'files/' + sp[2];
if (d3filetreelocation[i] === userinfo._id) { d3filetreelinkpath += 'self'; } else { d3filetreelinkpath += (sp[0] + '/' + sp[2]); }
} else {
if (d3filetreelinkpath != '') { d3filetreelinkpath += '/' + d3filetreelocation[i]; if (folderdepth > 2) { publicPath += '/' + d3filetreelocation[i]; } }
filetreex = filetreex.f[d3filetreelocation[i]];
} else {
d3filetreelocation = d3filetreelocation2; // In case we could not go down the full path, we set the new path location here.
// Sort the files
var filetreexx = p5sort_files(filetreex.f);
// Display all files and folders at this location
for (var i in filetreexx) {
// Figure out the name and shortname
var f = filetreexx[i], name = f.n, shortname;
shortname = name;
if (name.length > 70) { shortname = '<span title="' + EscapeHtml(name) + '">' + EscapeHtml(name.substring(0, 70)) + ("..." + '</span>'); } else { shortname = EscapeHtml(name); }
name = EscapeHtml(name);
// Figure out the size
var fsize = '';
if (f.s != null) { fsize = getFileSizeStr(f.s); }
var h = '';
if (f.t < 3) {
var title = '';
h = '<div class=filelist file=999><span style=float:right title=\"' + title + '\"></span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + ' onclick=d3folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")></div> <a href=# style=cursor:pointer onclick=\'return d3folderset(\"' + encodeURIComponent(f.nx) + '\")\'>' + shortname + '</a></span></div>';
} else {
var link = shortname;
//if (f.s > 0) { link = "<a rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"downloadfile.ashx?link=" + encodeURIComponent(filetreelinkpath + '/' + f.nx) + "\">" + shortname + "</a>"; }
h = '<div class=filelist file=3><input style=float:left name=fcx class=fcb type=checkbox onchange=d3setActions() value="' + f.nx + '"> <span style=float:right>' + fsize + '</span><span><div class=fileIcon' + f.t + '></div>' + link + '</span></div>';
if (f.t < 3) { html1 += h; } else { html2 += h; }
QH('d3serverfiles', html1 + html2);
QE('p3FolderUp', d3filetreelocation.length > 0);
function d3folderset(x) { d3filetreelocation.push(decodeURIComponent(x)); d3updatefiles(); return false; }
function d3folderup(x) { if (x == null) { d3filetreelocation.pop(); } else { while (d3filetreelocation.length > x) { d3filetreelocation.pop(); } } d3updatefiles(); }
function d3getFileSel() { var cc = []; var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('fcx'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { cc.push(checkboxes[i].value) } } return cc; }
function d3setActions() {
var mode = Q('d3uploadMode').value;
if (mode == 1) {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', Q('d3localFile').value.length > 0);
} else {
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', d3getFileSel().length == 1);
var notifications = [];
// Toggle showing notifications
function clickNotificationIcon(show) {
//addNotification( { icon:0, text:'test' });
if (show == true) { QV('notifiyBox', true); } else if (show == false) { QV('notifiyBox', false); } else { QV('notifiyBox', QS('notifiyBox')['display'] == 'none'); }
// Set the notification count on the upper right oft he screen
function setNotificationCount(c) {
if (parseInt(Q('notificationCount').innerHTML) == c) return; // If the count did not change, exit now.
QH('notificationCount', c);
QS('notificationCount')['background-color'] = (c == 0)?'lightblue':'orange';
QV('notificationCount', c > 0);
// Refresh the notification box
function drawNotifications() {
var r = '';
if (notifications.length == 0) {
r = '<div style=margin:5px>' + "Il n'y a actuellement aucune notification" + '</div>';
} else {
for (var i in notifications) {
var n = notifications[i];
var t = '';
if (n.title != null) { t = '<b>' + n.title + '</b>: ' }
var d = new Date(n.time);
var icon = 0;
if (n.nodeid != null) {
var node = getNodeFromId(n.nodeid);
if (node != null) { icon = node.icon; t = '<b>' + node.name + '</b>: ' }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
r += '<div title="' + format("Survenu à { 0}", printDateTime(d)) + '" id="notifyx' + n.id + '" class=notification style="cursor:pointer;border-top:1px solid ' + ((r == '') ? 'transparent' : 'orange') + '">';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
if (icon) { r += '<div class=j' + icon + ' onclick="notificationSelected(' + n.id + ')" style=margin:5px;float:left></div>'; }
r += '<div onclick="notificationDelete(' + n.id + ')" class=unselectable title="Clear this notification" style=margin:5px;float:right;color:orange><b>X</b></div><div onclick="notificationSelected(' + n.id + ')" style=margin:5px>' + t + n.text + '</div></div>';
var deleteall = '';
if (notifications.length > 1) { deleteall = '<div id="notifyRemoveAll" onclick="deleteAllNotifications()" style="cursor:pointer;border-top:1px solid orange;margin:5px;color:orange;text-align:right;padding-right:3px">Clear all</div>'; }
QH('notifiyBox', '<div class=customScroll style="max-height:170px;overflow-y:auto;margin:5px">' + r + '</div>' + deleteall );
// A notification was selected
function notificationSelected(id, del) {
var j = -1;
for (var i in notifications) { if (notifications[i].id == id) { j = i; } }
if (j != -1) {
notificationSelectedEx(notifications[j], id);
if (del && notifications[j]) {
if (notifications[j].notification) { notifications[j].notification.close(); delete notifications[j].notification; }
function notificationSelectedEx(n, id) {
if (n.nodeid != null) {
if (n.tag == 'desktop') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 12); // Desktop
else if (n.tag == 'terminal') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 11); // Terminal
else if (n.tag == 'files') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 13); // Files
else if (n.tag == 'intelamt') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 14); // Intel AMT
else if (n.tag == 'console') gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 15); // Files
else gotoDevice(n.nodeid, 10); // General
} else {
if ((n.tag != null) && n.tag.startsWith('meshmessenger/')) {
window.open('/messenger?id=' + n.tag + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(n.username), n.tag.split('/')[2]);
// Remove one notification
function notificationDelete(id) {
var j = -1, e = Q('notifyx' + id);
if (e != null) {
for (var i in notifications) { if (notifications[i].id == id) { j = i; } }
if (j != -1) {
if (notifications[j].notification) { notifications[j].notification.close(); delete notifications[j].notification; }
notifications.splice(j, 1);
if (notifications.length == 0) { QV('notifiyBox', false); }
if (notifications.length == 1) { QV('notifyRemoveAll', false); }
if ((notifications.length > 0) && (j == 0)) {
var n = notifications[0];
QS('notifyx' + n.id)['border-top'] = '1px solid transparent';
// Add a new notification and play the notification sound
function addNotification(n) {
// Show notification within the web page.
if (n.time == null) { n.time = Date.now(); }
if (n.id == null) { n.id = Math.random(); }
var notifySettings = getstore('notifications', 0);
if (notifySettings & 1) { Q('chimes').play(); }
// If web notifications are granted, use it.
var notification = null;
if (Notification && (Notification.permission == 'granted')) {
var text = n.text.split('®').join('').split('<b>').join('').split('</b>').join('').split('<br />').join('\r\n'); // Clean up any HTML codes
if (n.nodeid) {
var node = getNodeFromId(n.nodeid);
if (node) { notification = new Notification(' {{{ title }}} - ' + node.name, { tag: n.tag, body: text, icon: '/images/notify/icons128-' + node.icon + '.png' }); }
} else {
if (n.icon == null) { n.icon = 0; }
var title = n.title;
if (title == null) { title = ''; } else { title = ' - ' + n.title; }
notification = new Notification(' {{{ title }}} ' + title, { tag: n.tag, body: text, icon: '/images/notify/icons128-' + n.icon + '.png' });
notification.id = n.id;
notification.xtag = n.tag;
notification.nodeid = n.nodeid;
notification.username = n.username;
notification.onclick = function (e) { notificationSelected(e.target.id, true); }
n.notification = notification;
// Remove all notifications
function deleteAllNotifications() {
notifications = [];
QV('notifiyBox', false);
// MyServer General
function setupGeneralServerStats() {
window.serverStatCpu = new Chart(document.getElementById('serverCpuChart').getContext('2d'), {
type: 'doughnut',
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
data: { datasets: [ { data: [0, 0], backgroundColor: ['#AAAAAA', '#00AA00'] }], labels: ["Used", "Libre"] },
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
options: { responsive: true, legend: { position: 'none', }, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, width: '60px' }
window.serverStatMemory = new Chart(document.getElementById('serverMemoryChart').getContext('2d'), {
type: 'doughnut',
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
data: { datasets: [ { data: [0, 0], backgroundColor: ['#AAAAAA', '#00AA00'] }], labels: ["Used", "Libre"] },
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
options: { responsive: true, legend: { position: 'none', }, animation: { animateScale: true, animateRotate: true }, width: '60px' }
var lastServerStats = null;
function updateGeneralServerStats(message) {
if (message != null) { lastServerStats = message; } else { message = lastServerStats; }
if (message == null) return;
// Paint the pie graphs
if (typeof message.cpuavg == 'object') {
var m = Math.min(message.cpuavg[0], 1);
window.serverStatCpu.config.data.datasets[0].data = [m, 1 - m];
QH('serverCpuChartText', '<div style=margin-bottom:5px>CPU Load</div><div><b title=\"' + "CPU load in the last minute" + '\">' + (Math.round(message.cpuavg[0] * 100.0) / 100.0) + '</b>, <b title=\"' + "CPU load in the last 5 minutes" + '\">' + (Math.round(message.cpuavg[1] * 100.0) / 100.0) + '</b>, <b title=\"' + "CPU load in the last 15 minutes" + '\">' + (Math.round(message.cpuavg[2] * 100.0) / 100.0) + '</b></div>');
QS('serverCpuChartView')['display'] = 'inline-block';
if ((typeof message.totalmem == 'number') && (typeof message.freemem == 'number')) {
window.serverStatMemory.config.data.datasets[0].data = [message.totalmem - message.freemem, message.freemem];
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
QH('serverMemoryChartText', '<div style=margin-bottom:5px>' + "Mémoire" + '</div><div><b>' + getNiceSize2(message.freemem) + '</b> ' + "libre" + ', <b>' + getNiceSize2(message.totalmem) + '</b> ' + "total" + '</div>');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QS('serverMemoryChartView')['display'] = 'inline-block';
// Display all of the server values
var x = '<div style=width:100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';
if (typeof message.values == 'object') {
for (var i in message.values) {
x += '<div class=userTableHeader style=margin-bottom:4px;width:200px>' + i + '</div>';
for (var j in message.values[i]) {
x += '<div style=display:inline-block><table class=serverStateTableCell><tr><td class=h1></td><td><span>' + j + '</span><span style=float:right>' + message.values[i][j] + '</span></td><td class=h2></td></tr></table></div>';
x += '</div>';
QH('serverStatsTable', x);
// MyServer Stats
var serverTimelineStats = null;
var serverTimelineConfig = {
type: 'line',
data: { labels: [], datasets: [ { label: '', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, .5)', borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)', data: [], fill: true }] },
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
elements: { line: { cubicInterpolationMode: 'monotone' } },
scales: {
xAxes: [ { type: 'time', time: { tooltipFormat: 'll HH:mm' }, display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: '' } }],
yAxes: [ { type: 'linear', display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: '' } }]
function refreshServerTimelineStats(stats) { meshserver.send( { action: 'servertimelinestats', hours: 24 * 30 }); }
function pastDate(hours) { var t = new Date(); t.setTime(t.getTime() - (60 * 60 * 1000 * hours)); return t; }
function setServerTimelineStats(stats) { serverTimelineStats = stats; updateServerTimelineStats(); }
function addServerTimelineStats(stats) {
if (serverTimelineStats == null) return;
var chartType = Q('p40type').value;
if (chartType == 0) {
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.conn.ca });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.conn.cu });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.conn.us });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.conn.rs });
if (stats.conn.am != null) { serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[4].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.conn.am }); }
} else if (chartType == 1) {
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.mem.external / (1024 * 1024) });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.mem.heapUsed / (1024 * 1024) });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.mem.heapTotal / (1024 * 1024) });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.mem.rss / (1024 * 1024) });
} /* else if (chartType == 2) {
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.db.meshes });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.db.nodes });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.db.users });
serverTimelineConfig.data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: stats.time, y: stats.db.total });
} */
function updateServerTimelineHours() {
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.yAxes[0].type = (Q('p40log').checked ? 'logarithmic' : 'linear');
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.xAxes[0].time = { min: pastDate(Q('p40time').value) };
function setupServerTimelineStats() { window.serverMainStats = new Chart(document.getElementById('serverMainStats').getContext('2d'), serverTimelineConfig); }
function updateServerTimelineStats() {
var data, chartType = Q('p40type').value, timeAfter = pastDate(Q('p40time').value);
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.xAxes[0].time = { min: timeAfter };
if (chartType == 0) { // Connections
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.labelString = "Connection Count";
data = {
labels: [pastDate(0), timeAfter],
datasets: [
{ label: "Agents", data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(158, 151, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(158, 151, 16)', fill: true },
{ label: "Utilisateurs", data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(16, 84, 158, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(16, 84, 158)', fill: true },
{ label: "User Sessions", data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)', fill: true },
{ label: "Relay Sessions", data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(39, 158, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(39, 158, 16)', fill: true },
{ label: "Intel AMT", data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(134, 16, 158, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(134, 16, 158)', fill: true }
for (var i = 0; i < serverTimelineStats.length; i++) {
var t = new Date(serverTimelineStats[i].time);
if (serverTimelineStats[i].conn) {
data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].conn.ca });
data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].conn.cu });
data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].conn.us });
data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].conn.rs });
if (serverTimelineStats[i].conn.am != null) { data.datasets[4].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].conn.am }); }
} else if (chartType == 1) { // Memory
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.labelString = "Mégaoctets";
data = {
labels: [pastDate(0), timeAfter],
datasets: [
{ label: 'External', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(158, 151, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(158, 151, 16)', fill: true },
{ label: 'Heap Used', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(16, 84, 158, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(16, 84, 158)', fill: true },
{ label: 'Heap Total', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)', fill: true },
{ label: 'RSS', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(39, 158, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(39, 158, 16)', fill: true }
for (var i = 0; i < serverTimelineStats.length; i++) {
data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].mem.external / (1024 * 1024) });
data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].mem.heapUsed / (1024 * 1024) });
data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].mem.heapTotal / (1024 * 1024) });
data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].mem.rss / (1024 * 1024) });
} /*else if (chartType == 2) { // Database
serverTimelineConfig.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.labelString = 'Records';
data = {
labels: [pastDate(0), timeAfter],
datasets: [
{ label: 'Groups', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(158, 151, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(158, 151, 16)', fill: true },
{ label: 'Devices', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(16, 84, 158, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(16, 84, 158)', fill: true },
{ label: 'Users', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 99, 132, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)', fill: true },
{ label: 'Records', data: [], backgroundColor: 'rgba(39, 158, 16, .1)', borderColor: 'rgb(39, 158, 16)', fill: true }
for (var i = 0; i < serverTimelineStats.length; i++) {
data.datasets[0].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].db.meshes });
data.datasets[1].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].db.nodes });
data.datasets[2].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].db.users });
data.datasets[3].data.push( { x: serverTimelineStats[i].time, y: serverTimelineStats[i].db.total });
serverTimelineConfig.data = data;
function p40downloadEvents() {
var csv = "time, conn.agent, conn.users, conn.usersessions, conn.relaysession, conn.intelamt, mem.external, mem.heapused, mem.heaptotal, mem.rss" + '\r\n';
for (var i = 0; i < serverTimelineStats.length; i++) {
if (serverTimelineStats[i].conn && serverTimelineStats[i].mem) {
csv += new Date(serverTimelineStats[i].time) + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].conn.ca + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].conn.cu + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].conn.us + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].conn.rs + ', ' + (serverTimelineStats[i].conn.am ? serverTimelineStats[i].conn.am : '') + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].mem.external + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].mem.heapUsed + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].mem.heapTotal + ', ' + serverTimelineStats[i].mem.rss + '\r\n';
saveAs(new Blob([csv], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "ServerStats.csv");
// My Server Tracing
var serverTrace = [];
var serverTraceSources = [];
function displayServerTrace() {
var x = '', max = parseInt(Q('p41limitdropdown').value);
if (serverTrace.length > max) { serverTrace.splice(max); }
for (var i in serverTrace) { x += '<div class=traceEvent>' + EscapeHtml(new Date(serverTrace[i].time).toLocaleTimeString()) + ' - <b>' + EscapeHtml(serverTrace[i].source.toUpperCase()) + '</b>: ' + EscapeHtml(serverTrace[i].args.join(', ')) + '</div>' }
QH('p41events', x);
function clearServerTracing() { serverTrace = []; displayServerTrace(); }
function setServerTracing() {
var x = '';
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px"><b>' + "Core Server" + '</b></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c1 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('cookie') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Cookie encoder" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c2 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('dispatch') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Message Dispatcher" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c3 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('main') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Main Server Messages" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c4 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('peer') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "MeshCentral Server Peering" + '</label></div>';
2019-10-28 13:35:58 -04:00
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c15 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('agent') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "MeshAgent traffic" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c14 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('agentupdate') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "MeshAgent update" + '</label></div>';
2019-11-15 20:55:05 -05:00
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c16 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('cert') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Server Certificate" + '</label></div>';
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px"><b>' + "Serveur Web" + '</b></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c5 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('web') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Serveur Web" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c6 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('webrequest') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Demandes de serveur Web" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c7 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('relay') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Relais Web Socket" + '</label></div>';
//x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c8 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('webrelaydata') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Traffic Relay 2 Data" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px"><b>' + "Intel AMT" + '</b></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c9 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('webrelay') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "Connection Relay" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c10 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('mps') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "CIRA Server" + '</label></div>';
x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c11 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('mpscmd') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + "CIRA Server Commands" + '</label></div>';
//x += '<div style="width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid gray;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px"><b>Legacy</b></div>';
//x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c12 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('swarm') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + ">' + "Legacy Swarm Server" + '</label></div>";
//x += '<div><label><input type=checkbox id=p41c13 ' + ((serverTraceSources.indexOf('swarmcmd') >= 0) ? 'checked' : '') + ">' + "Legacy Swarm Server Commands" + '</label></div>";
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
setDialogMode(2, "Suivi du serveur", 7, setServerTracingEx, x);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function setServerTracingEx(b) {
2019-11-15 20:55:05 -05:00
var sources = [], allsources = ['cookie', 'dispatch', 'main', 'peer', 'web', 'webrequest', 'relay', 'webrelaydata', 'webrelay', 'mps', 'mpscmd', 'swarm', 'swarmcmd', 'agentupdate', 'agent', 'cert'];
if (b == 1) { for (var i = 1; i < 17; i++) { try { if (Q('p41c' + i).checked) { sources.push(allsources[i - 1]); } } catch (ex) { } } }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'traceinfo', traceSources: sources });
function p41downloadServerTrace() {
var csv = "time, source, message" + '\r\n';
for (var i in serverTrace) { csv += '\"' + new Date(serverTrace[i].time).toLocaleTimeString() + '\",\"' + serverTrace[i].source + '\",\"' + serverTrace[i].args.join(', ') + '\"\r\n'; }
saveAs(new Blob([csv], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), "servertrace.csv");
return false;
// null = Hidden, 1 = Generic Message
var xxdialogMode;
var xxdialogFunc;
var xxdialogButtons;
var xxdialogTag;
var xxcurrentView = -1;
// Display a dialog box
// Parameters: Dialog Mode (0 = none), Dialog Title, Buttons (1 = OK, 2 = Cancel, 3 = OK & Cancel), Call back function(0 = Cancel, 1 = OK), Dialog Content (Mode 2 only)
function setDialogMode(x, y, b, f, c, tag) {
QV('uiMenu', false);
xxdialogMode = x;
xxdialogFunc = f;
xxdialogButtons = b;
xxdialogTag = tag;
QS('dialog').width = null; // Reset dialog size
QS('dialog').left = null;
QS('dialog').right = null;
QE('idx_dlgOkButton', true);
QV('idx_dlgOkButton', b & 1);
QV('idx_dlgCancelButton', b & 2);
QV('id_dialogclose', (b & 2) || (b & 8));
QV('idx_dlgDeleteButton', b & 4);
QV('idx_dlgButtonBar', b & 7);
if (y) QH('id_dialogtitle', y);
for (var i = 1; i < 24; i++) { QV('dialog' + i, i == x); } // Edit this line when more dialogs are added
QV('dialog', x);
if (c) { if (x == 2) { QH('id_dialogOptions', c); } else { QH('id_dialogMessage', c); } }
function dialogclose(x) {
var f = xxdialogFunc, b = xxdialogButtons, t = xxdialogTag;
if (((b & 8) || x) && f) f(x, t);
function center() {
if (xxcurrentView == 11) { deskAdjust(); }
else if (xxcurrentView == 10) { masterUpdate(256); }
else if (xxcurrentView == 1) { masterUpdate(4); }
function messagebox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t, 1); }
function statusbox(t, m) { setSessionActivity(); QH('id_dialogMessage', m); setDialogMode(1, t); }
function goBack() {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
if (fullscreen) { deskToggleFull(); }
if ((xxcurrentView >= 10) && (xxcurrentView < 20)) { go(1); } // Return to My Devices
if ((xxcurrentView >= 20) && (xxcurrentView < 30)) { go(2); } // Return to My Account
if ((xxcurrentView >= 30) && (xxcurrentView < 40)) { go(4); } // Return to My Users
function go(x, event) {
if (xxdialogMode) return;
QV('uiMenu', false);
// If "shift" is pressed, open a new tab.
if (event && (event.shiftKey == true) && (x != 15) && (' {{ currentNode }} ' == '')) {
// Open the device in a different tab
if ((x >= 10) && (x <= 19)) {
if (currentNode) { window.open(window.location.origin + '?node=' + currentNode._id.split('/')[2] + '&viewmode=' + x + '&hide=16', 'meshcentral:' + currentNode._id); }
} else if (x < 10) {
window.open(window.location.origin + '?viewmode=' + x + '&hide=0', 'meshcentral:' + x);
if (xxcurrentView == x) return;
// Edit this line when adding a new screen
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
for (var i = 0; i < 44; i++) { QV('p' + i, i == x); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
xxcurrentView = x;
// Remove top bar selection
var mainBarItems = ['MainMenuMyDevices', 'MainMenuMyAccount', 'MainMenuMyEvents', 'MainMenuMyFiles', 'MainMenuMyUsers', 'MainMenuMyServer'];
for (var i in mainBarItems) {
// Remove left bar selection
var leftBarItems = ['LeftMenuMyDevices', 'LeftMenuMyAccount', 'LeftMenuMyEvents', 'LeftMenuMyFiles', 'LeftMenuMyUsers', 'LeftMenuMyServer'];
for (var i in leftBarItems) {
// Define class for Menu(s) as fully or semi active.
var mainMenuActiveClass = (x < 9 ? 'fullselect' : 'semiselect');
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
var leftMenuActiveClass = (((x < 9) || (x == 115) || (x == 40) || (x == 41) || (x == 42)) ? 'lbbuttonsel2' : 'lbbuttonsel');
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// My Devices
if (x == 1 || (x >= 10 && x < 20)) QC('MainMenuMyDevices').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
if (x == 1 || (x >= 10 && x < 20)) QC('LeftMenuMyDevices').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
// My Account
if (x == 2 || (x >= 20 && x < 30)) QC('MainMenuMyAccount').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
if (x == 2 || (x >= 20 && x < 30)) QC('LeftMenuMyAccount').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
// My Events
if (x == 3) QC('MainMenuMyEvents').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
if (x == 3) QC('LeftMenuMyEvents').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
// My Users
if (x == 4 || (x >= 30 && x < 40)) QC('MainMenuMyUsers').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
if (x == 4 || (x >= 30 && x < 40)) QC('LeftMenuMyUsers').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
// My Files
if (x == 5) QC('MainMenuMyFiles').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
if (x == 5) QC('LeftMenuMyFiles').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
// My Server
if ((x == 6) || (x == 115)) QC('MainMenuMyServer').add(mainMenuActiveClass);
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
if ((x == 6) || (x == 115) || (x == 40) || (x == 41) || (x == 42) || (x == 43)) QC('LeftMenuMyServer').add(leftMenuActiveClass);
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
QV('ServerPlugins', pluginHandler != null);
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// column_l max-height
if (webPageStackMenu && (x >= 10)) { QC('column_l').add('room4submenu'); } else { QC('column_l').remove('room4submenu'); }
// If we are going to panel 0 in "full screen mode", hide the left bar.
QV('topbar', x != 0);
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if ((x == 0) && (webPageFullScreen)) { QC('body').add('arg_hide'); }
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
QV('MainSubMenuSpan', x >= 10 && x < 20);
QV('UserDummyMenuSpan', (x < 10) && (x != 6) && webPageFullScreen);
QV('MeshSubMenuSpan', x >= 20 && x < 30);
QV('UserSubMenuSpan', x >= 30 && x < 40);
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
QV('ServerSubMenuSpan', x == 6 || x == 115 || x == 40 || x == 41 || x == 42 || x == 43);
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
var panels = { 10: 'MainDev', 11: 'MainDevDesktop', 12: 'MainDevTerminal', 13: 'MainDevFiles', 14: 'MainDevAmt', 15: 'MainDevConsole', 16: 'MainDevEvents', 17: 'MainDevInfo', 19: 'MainDevPlugins', 20: 'MeshGeneral', 30: 'UserGeneral', 31: 'UserEvents', 6: 'ServerGeneral', 40: 'ServerStats', 41: 'ServerTrace', 42: 'ServerPlugins', 115: 'ServerConsole' };
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
for (var i in panels) {
QC(panels[i]).add((x == i) ? 'style3sel' : 'style3x');
// If going to the remote desktop tab, adjust the tab.
if (x == 11) { deskAdjust(); }
// Panel 115 is weird, it's panel 15 for device console but used as a server console.
if (x == 115) { QV('p15', true); }
QV('p15uploadCore', x != 115);
QV('p15BackButton', x != 115);
if ((x == 15) || (x == 115)) { setupConsole(); }
if (x == 1) masterUpdate(4);
// Setup web notifications
if ((x == 2) && Notification) { QV('accountEnableNotificationsSpan', Notification.permission != 'granted'); }
// Fetch the server timeline stats if needed
if ((x == 40) && (serverTimelineStats == null)) { refreshServerTimelineStats(); }
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
// MyServer Plugins
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
if (x == 42) { refreshPluginLatest(); }
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Update the web page title
if ((currentNode) && (x >= 10) && (x < 20)) {
document.title = decodeURIComponent(' {{{ extitle }}} ') + ' - ' + currentNode.name + ' - ' + meshes[currentNode.meshid].name;
} else {
document.title = decodeURIComponent(' {{{ extitle }}} ');
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
// Plugin Management
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
function updatePluginList(versInfo) {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if (Array.isArray(versInfo)) { versInfo.forEach(function(v) { updatePluginList(v); }); }
QV('pluginNoneNotice', installedPluginList.length == 0);
if (installedPluginList.length) {
if (versInfo != null) {
if (installedPluginList['version_info'] == null) installedPluginList['version_info'] = [];
installedPluginList['version_info'][versInfo.id] = versInfo;
var tr = Q('p42tbl').querySelectorAll('.p42tblRow');
if (tr.length) {
for (var i in Object.values(tr)) {
var statusMap = {
0: {
'text': 'Disabled',
'color': '858483'
1: {
'text': 'Installed',
'color': '00aa00'
var statusAvailability = {
0: {
'install': 'Install',
'delete': 'Delete'
1: {
'disable': 'Disable',
'upgrade': 'Upgrade',
// 'downgrade': 'Downgrade' // disabling until plugins have prior versions available for better testing
2019-12-02 15:36:06 -05:00
var vers_not_compat = ' [ <span onclick="return setDialogMode(2, \'Compatibility Issue\', 1, null, \'This plugin version is not compatible with your MeshCentral installation, please upgrade MeshCentral first.\');" title="Version incompatible, please upgrade your MeshCentral installation first" style="cursor: pointer; color:red;"> ! </span> ]';
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
var tbl = Q('p42tbl');
installedPluginList.forEach(function(p) {
var cant_action = [];
if (p.hasAdminPanel == true && p.status) {
2019-12-04 19:52:16 -05:00
p.nameHtml = '<a onclick="return goPlugin(\'' + p.shortName + '\', \'' + p.name.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + '\');">' + p.name + '</a>';
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
} else {
p.nameHtml = p.name;
p.statusText = statusMap[p.status].text;
p.statusColor = statusMap[p.status].color;
if (p.versionHistoryUrl == null) { cant_action.push('downgrade'); }
if (!p.status) { p.version = ' - '; } // It isn't technically installed, so no version number
p.upgradeAvail = "Checking...";
if (installedPluginList['version_info'] != null && installedPluginList['version_info'][p._id] != null) {
var vin = installedPluginList['version_info'][p._id];
if (vin.hasUpdate) {
p.upgradeAvail = '<a title="View Changelog" target="_blank" href="' + vin.changelogUrl + '">' + vin.version + '</a>';
} else {
if (p.status) p.upgradeAvail = "Up to date";
else p.upgradeAvail = '<a title="View Changelog" target="_blank" href="' + vin.changelogUrl + '">' + vin.version + '</a>';
if (!vin.meshCentralCompat) {
p.upgradeAvail += vers_not_compat;
p.actions = '<select onchange="return pluginAction(this,\'' + p._id + '\');"><option value=""> --</option>';
var entries = Object.entries(statusAvailability[p.status]);
for (var k in entries) {
2019-11-26 13:54:45 -05:00
if (cant_action.indexOf(entries[k][0]) === -1) {
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
p.actions += '<option value="' + entries[k][0] + '">' + entries[k][1] + '</option>';
p.actions += '</select>';
2019-12-02 15:36:06 -05:00
let tpl = '<td><img style=margin-top:3px src=images/plugin24.png></td><td class=gradTable1> </td><td class=gradTable2>' + p.nameHtml + '</td><td class=gradTable2>' + p.description + '</td><td class=gradTable2 style=text-align:center><a href="' + p.homepage + '" target="_blank">Home</a></td><td class=gradTable2 style=text-align:center>' + p.version + '</td><td style=text-align:center class="pluginUpgradeAvailable gradTable2">' + p.upgradeAvail + '</td><td class=gradTable2 style="text-align:center;color:#' + p.statusColor + '">' + p.statusText + '</td><td class="pluginAction gradTable2" style=text-align:center>' + p.actions + '</td><td class=gradTable3> </td>';
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
let tr = tbl.insertRow(-1);
tr.innerHTML = tpl;
tr.setAttribute('data-id', p._id);
tr.setAttribute('id', 'pluginRow-' + p._id);
} else {
var tr = Q('p42tbl').querySelectorAll('.p42tblRow');
for (var i in Object.values(tr)) { tr[i].parentNode.removeChild(tr[i]); }
if (versInfo == null) refreshPluginLatest();
function refreshPluginLatest() {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'pluginLatestCheck' });
function distributeCore() {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
meshserver.send( { action: 'distributeCore', nodes: nodes }); // All nodes the user has access to
QV('pluginRestartNotice', false);
function pluginActionEx() {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
var act = Q('lastPluginAct').value, id = Q('lastPluginId').value, pVersUrl = Q('lastPluginVersion').value;
switch(act) {
case 'upgrade':
case 'install':
meshserver.send( { 'action': 'installplugin', 'id': id, 'version_only': false });
case 'downgrade':
Q('lastPluginVersion').querySelectorAll('option').forEach(function(opt) {
if (opt.value == pVersUrl) pVers = opt.text;
meshserver.send( { 'action': 'installplugin', 'id': id, 'version_only': { 'name': pVers, 'url': pVersUrl }});
case 'delete':
meshserver.send( { 'action': 'removeplugin', 'id': id });
case 'disable':
meshserver.send( { 'action': 'disableplugin', 'id': id });
QV('pluginRestartNotice', true);
function pluginAction(elem, id) {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
if (elem.value == 'downgrade') {
meshserver.send( { 'action': 'getpluginversions', 'id': id });
} else {
var plugin = null;
for (var i in installedPluginList) { if (installedPluginList[i]._id == id) { plugin = installedPluginList[i]; } }
setDialogMode(2, "Plugin Action", 3, pluginActionEx, format("Are you sure you want to { 0} the plugin: { 1}", elem.value, plugin.name) + '<input id="lastPluginAct" type="hidden" value="' + elem.value + '" /><input id="lastPluginId" type="hidden" value="' + id + '" /><input id="lastPluginVersion" type="hidden" value="" />');
elem.value = '';
function goPlugin(pname, title) {
2019-11-25 18:58:07 -05:00
if (pluginHandler == null) return;
2019-11-25 21:06:41 -05:00
if (pname == null) { Q('p43iframe').src = ''; } else { QH('p43title', title); Q('p43iframe').src = '/pluginadmin.ashx?pin=' + pname; go(43); }
2019-11-25 17:12:43 -05:00
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
// Generic methods
function joinPaths() { var x = []; for (var i in arguments) { var w = arguments[i]; if ((w != null) && (w != '')) { while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); } while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); } x.push(w); } } return x.join('/'); }
2019-10-25 17:41:14 -04:00
function putstore(name, val) {
try {
if ((typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') || (localStorage.getItem(name) == val)) return;
if (val == null) { localStorage.removeItem(name); } else { localStorage.setItem(name, val); } } catch (e) { }
if (name[0] != '_') {
var s = { };
for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; ++i) {
var k = localStorage.key(i);
if (k[0] != '_') {
s[k] = localStorage.getItem(k);
if ((k != 'desktopsettings') && (typeof s[k] == 'string') && (s[k].length > 64)) { delete s[k]; }
meshserver.send( { action: 'userWebState', state: JSON.stringify(s) });
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function getstore(name, val) { try { if (typeof (localStorage) === 'undefined') return val; var v = localStorage.getItem(name); if ((v == null) || (v == null)) return val; return v; } catch (e) { return val; } }
function addLink(x, f) { return '<span tabindex=0 style=cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none onclick=\'' + f + '\' onkeypress=\"if (event.key==\'Enter\') { ' + f + '} \">' + x + ' <img class=hoverButton src=images/link5.png></span>'; }
function addLinkConditional(x, f, c) { if (c) return addLink(x, f); return x; }
function haltEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }
function addOption(q, t, i) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = t; option.value = i; Q(q).add(option); }
function passwordcheck(p) { return (p.length > 7) && (/\d/.test(p)) && (/[a-z]/.test(p)) && (/[A-Z]/.test(p)) && (/\W/.test(p)); }
function methodcheck(r) { if (r && r != null && r.Body && r.Body.ReturnValueStr != 'SUCCESS') { messagebox("Erreur d'appel", r.Header.Method + ': ' + r.Body.ReturnValueStr.replace('_', ' ')); return true; } return false; }
function TableStart() { return '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width:100%;border-radius:8px><tr><td width=200px><p><td>'; }
function TableStart2() { return '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style=width:100%;border-radius:8px><tr><td><p><td>'; }
function TableEntry(n, v) { return '<tr><td><p>' + n + '<td>' + v; }
function FullTable(x, e) { var r = TableStart(); for (i in x) { if (i && x[i]) r += TableEntry(i, x[i]); } return r + TableEnd(e); }
function TableEnd(n) { return '<tr><td colspan=2><p>' + (n?n:'') + '</table>'; }
function AddButton(v, f) { return '<input type=button value="' + v + '" onclick="' + f + '" style=margin:4px>'; }
function AddButton2(v, f) { return '<input type=button value="' + v + '" onclick="' + f + '">'; }
function AddRefreshButton(f) { return '<input type=button name=refreshbtn value=Refresh onclick="refreshButtons(false);' + f + '" style=margin:4px ' + (refreshButtonsState==false?'disabled':'') + '>'; }
2019-12-01 18:21:33 -05:00
function MoreStart() { return '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer;color:blue id=morexxx1 onclick=QV(\"morexxx1\",false);QV(\"morexxx2\",true)>▼ ' + "Plus" + '</a><div id=morexxx2 style=display:none><br><hr>'; };
2019-10-24 13:45:58 -04:00
function MoreEnd() { return '<a href=# style=cursor:pointer;color:blue onclick=QV(\"morexxx2\",false);QV(\"morexxx1\",true)>▲ ' + "Moins" + '</a></div>'; };
function getSelectedOptions(sel) { var opts = [], opt; for (var i = 0, len = sel.options.length; i < len; i++) { opt = sel.options[i]; if (opt.selected) { opts.push(opt.value); } } return opts; }
function getInstance(x, y) { for (var i in x) { if (x[i]['InstanceID'] == y) return x[i]; } return null; }
function getItem(x, y, z) { for (var i in x) { if (x[i][y] == z) return x[i]; } return null; }
function guidToStr(g) { return g.substring(6, 8) + g.substring(4, 6) + g.substring(2, 4) + g.substring(0, 2) + '-' + g.substring(10, 12) + g.substring(8, 10) + '-' + g.substring(14, 16) + g.substring(12, 14) + '-' + g.substring(16, 20) + '-' + g.substring(20); }
function getUrlVars() { var j, hash, vars = [], hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { j = hashes[i].indexOf('='); if (j > 0) { vars[hashes[i].substring(0, j)] = hashes[i].substring(j + 1, hashes[i].length); } } return vars; }
//function getDocWidth() { if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) return document.documentElement.clientWidth; return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth; }
//function addHtmlValue(t, v) { return '<div style=height:20px><div style=float:right;width:220px><b>' + v + '</b></div><div>' + t + '</div></div>'; }
function addHtmlValue(t, v) { return '<table><td style=width:120px>' + t + '<td><b>' + v + '</b></table>'; }
function addHtmlValue2(t, v) { return '<div><div style=display:inline-block;float:right>' + v + '</div><div style=display:inline-block>' + t + '</div></div>'; }
function addHtmlValue3(t, v) { return '<div><b>' + t + '</b></div><div style=margin-left:16px>' + v + '</div>'; }
function parseUriArgs() { var name, r = { }, parsedUri = window.document.location.href.split(/[\?&|\=]/); parsedUri.splice(0, 1); for (x in parsedUri) { switch (x % 2) { case 0: { name = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); break; } case 1: { r[name] = decodeURIComponent(parsedUri[x]); var x = parseInt(r[name]); if (x == r[name]) { r[name] = x; } break; } default: { break; } } } return r; }
function focusTextBox(x) { setTimeout(function() { Q(x).selectionStart = Q(x).selectionEnd = 65535; Q(x).focus(); }, 0); }
function validateEmail(v) { var emailReg = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9] { 1,3}\.[0-9] { 1,3}\.[0-9] { 1,3}\.[0-9] { 1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z] { 2,}))$/; return emailReg.test(v); } // New version
function isPrivateIP(a) { return (a.startsWith('10.') || a.startsWith('172.16.') || a.startsWith('192.168.')); }
function u2fSupported() { return (window.u2f && ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/') > 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/') > 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera/') > 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari/') > 0))); }
function findOne(arr1, arr2) { if ((arr1 == null) || (arr2 == null)) return false; return arr2.some(function (v) { return arr1.indexOf(v) >= 0; }); };
function copyTextToClip(txt) { function selectElementText(e) { if (document.selection) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(e); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(e); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); window.getSelection().addRange(range); } } var e = document.createElement('DIV'); e.textContent = txt; document.body.appendChild(e); selectElementText(e); document.execCommand('copy'); e.remove(); }
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function printTime(d) { return d.toLocaleTimeString(args.locale); }
function printDateTime(d) { return d.toLocaleString(args.locale); }
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function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/ { (\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); };
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