2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
/ * *
* @ description Meshcentral web server
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire
* @ version v0 . 0.1
* /
"use strict" ;
/ *
class SerialTunnel extends require ( 'stream' ) . Duplex {
constructor ( options ) { super ( options ) ; this . forwardwrite = null ; }
updateBuffer ( chunk ) { this . push ( chunk ) ; }
_write ( chunk , encoding , callback ) { if ( this . forwardwrite != null ) { this . forwardwrite ( chunk ) ; } else { console . err ( "Failed to fwd _write." ) ; } if ( callback ) callback ( ) ; } // Pass data written to forward
_read ( size ) { } // Push nothing, anything to read should be pushed from updateBuffer()
* /
// Older NodeJS does not support the keyword "class", so we do without using this syntax
// TODO: Validate that it's the same as above and that it works.
function SerialTunnel ( options ) {
var obj = new require ( 'stream' ) . Duplex ( options ) ;
obj . forwardwrite = null ;
obj . updateBuffer = function ( chunk ) { this . push ( chunk ) ; }
obj . _write = function ( chunk , encoding , callback ) { if ( obj . forwardwrite != null ) { obj . forwardwrite ( chunk ) ; } else { console . err ( "Failed to fwd _write." ) ; } if ( callback ) callback ( ) ; } // Pass data written to forward
obj . _read = function ( size ) { } // Push nothing, anything to read should be pushed from updateBuffer()
return obj ;
// ExpressJS login sample
// https://github.com/expressjs/express/blob/master/examples/auth/index.js
// Polyfill startsWith/endsWith for older NodeJS
if ( ! String . prototype . startsWith ) { String . prototype . startsWith = function ( searchString , position ) { position = position || 0 ; return this . substr ( position , searchString . length ) === searchString ; } ; }
if ( ! String . prototype . endsWith ) { String . prototype . endsWith = function ( searchString , position ) { var subjectString = this . toString ( ) ; if ( typeof position !== 'number' || ! isFinite ( position ) || Math . floor ( position ) !== position || position > subjectString . length ) { position = subjectString . length ; } position -= searchString . length ; var lastIndex = subjectString . lastIndexOf ( searchString , position ) ; return lastIndex !== - 1 && lastIndex === position ; } ; }
// Construct a HTTP web server object
module . exports . CreateWebServer = function ( parent , db , args , secret , certificates ) {
var obj = { } ;
// Modules
obj . fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
obj . net = require ( 'net' ) ;
obj . tls = require ( 'tls' ) ;
obj . path = require ( 'path' ) ;
2017-09-29 14:26:51 -07:00
obj . constants = require ( 'constants' ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . bodyParser = require ( 'body-parser' ) ;
obj . session = require ( 'express-session' ) ;
obj . exphbs = require ( 'express-handlebars' ) ;
obj . crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
obj . common = require ( './common.js' ) ;
obj . express = require ( 'express' ) ;
obj . meshAgentHandler = require ( './meshagent.js' ) ;
obj . meshRelayHandler = require ( './meshrelay.js' )
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
obj . meshUserHandler = require ( './meshuser.js' )
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . interceptor = require ( './interceptor' ) ;
// Variables
obj . parent = parent ;
obj . filespath = parent . filespath ;
obj . db = db ;
obj . app = obj . express ( ) ;
obj . app . use ( require ( 'compression' ) ( ) ) ;
obj . tlsServer = null ;
obj . tcpServer ;
obj . certificates = certificates ;
obj . args = args ;
obj . users = { } ;
obj . meshes = { } ;
2017-09-27 12:43:20 -07:00
obj . userAllowedIp = args . userallowedip ; // List of allowed IP addresses for users
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
// Mesh Rights
// Site rights
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Perform hash on web certificate and agent certificate
2017-10-18 16:28:05 -07:00
obj . webCertificateHash = parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( obj . certificates . web . cert ) . publicKey , { md : parent . certificateOperations . forge . md . sha384 . create ( ) , encoding : 'binary' } ) ;
obj . webCertificateHashBase64 = new Buffer ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( obj . certificates . web . cert ) . publicKey , { md : parent . certificateOperations . forge . md . sha384 . create ( ) , encoding : 'binary' } ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) . replace ( /\+/g , '@' ) . replace ( /\//g , '$' ) ;
2017-10-31 16:19:58 -07:00
obj . agentCertificateHashHex = parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( obj . certificates . agent . cert ) . publicKey , { md : parent . certificateOperations . forge . md . sha384 . create ( ) , encoding : 'hex' } ) ;
2017-10-18 16:28:05 -07:00
obj . agentCertificateHashBase64 = new Buffer ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . getPublicKeyFingerprint ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( obj . certificates . agent . cert ) . publicKey , { md : parent . certificateOperations . forge . md . sha384 . create ( ) , encoding : 'binary' } ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) . replace ( /\+/g , '@' ) . replace ( /\//g , '$' ) ;
obj . agentCertificateAsn1 = parent . certificateOperations . forge . asn1 . toDer ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateToAsn1 ( parent . certificateOperations . forge . pki . certificateFromPem ( parent . certificates . agent . cert ) ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Main lists
obj . wsagents = { } ;
2017-09-20 14:44:22 -07:00
obj . wssessions = { } ; // UserId --> Array Of Sessions
obj . wssessions2 = { } ; // "UserId + SessionRnd" --> Session (Note that the SessionId is the UserId + / + SessionRnd)
obj . wsPeerSessions = { } ; // ServerId --> Array Of "UserId + SessionRnd"
obj . wsPeerSessions2 = { } ; // "UserId + SessionRnd" --> ServerId
obj . wsPeerSessions3 = { } ; // ServerId --> UserId --> [ SessionId ]
obj . sessionsCount = { } ; // Merged session counters, used when doing server peering. UserId --> SessionCount
obj . wsrelays = { } ; // Id -> Relay
obj . wsPeerRelays = { } ; // Id -> { ServerId, Time }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Setup randoms
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 48 , function ( err , buf ) { obj . httpAuthRandom = buf ; } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 16 , function ( err , buf ) { obj . httpAuthRealm = buf . toString ( 'hex' ) ; } ) ;
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 48 , function ( err , buf ) { obj . relayRandom = buf ; } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
function EscapeHtml ( x ) { if ( typeof x == "string" ) return x . replace ( /&/g , '&' ) . replace ( />/g , '>' ) . replace ( /</g , '<' ) . replace ( /"/g , '"' ) . replace ( /'/g , ''' ) ; if ( typeof x == "boolean" ) return x ; if ( typeof x == "number" ) return x ; }
function EscapeHtmlBreaks ( x ) { if ( typeof x == "string" ) return x . replace ( /&/g , '&' ) . replace ( />/g , '>' ) . replace ( /</g , '<' ) . replace ( /"/g , '"' ) . replace ( /'/g , ''' ) . replace ( /\r/g , '<br />' ) . replace ( /\n/g , '' ) . replace ( /\t/g , ' ' ) ; if ( typeof x == "boolean" ) return x ; if ( typeof x == "number" ) return x ; }
2017-09-25 11:00:57 -07:00
if ( obj . args . notls || obj . args . tlsoffload ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Setup the HTTP server without TLS
obj . expressWs = require ( 'express-ws' ) ( obj . app ) ;
} else {
// Setup the HTTP server with TLS
//var certOperations = require('./certoperations.js').CertificateOperations();
//var webServerCert = certOperations.GetWebServerCertificate('./data', 'SampleServer.org', 'US', 'SampleOrg');
2017-09-07 16:01:44 -07:00
obj . tlsServer = require ( 'https' ) . createServer ( { cert : obj . certificates . web . cert , key : obj . certificates . web . key , ca : obj . certificates . calist , rejectUnauthorized : true } , obj . app ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . expressWs = require ( 'express-ws' ) ( obj . app , obj . tlsServer ) ;
// Setup middleware
obj . app . engine ( 'handlebars' , obj . exphbs ( { } ) ) ; // defaultLayout: 'main'
obj . app . set ( 'view engine' , 'handlebars' ) ;
obj . app . use ( obj . bodyParser . urlencoded ( { extended : false } ) ) ;
obj . app . use ( obj . session ( {
resave : false , // don't save session if unmodified
saveUninitialized : false , // don't create session until something stored
secret : secret // If multiple instances of this server are behind a load-balancer, this secret must be the same for all instances
} ) ) ;
// Session-persisted message middleware
obj . app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( req . session != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var err = req . session . error ;
var msg = req . session . success ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
var passhint = req . session . passhint ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
delete req . session . error ;
delete req . session . success ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
delete req . session . passhint ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . locals . message = '' ;
if ( err ) res . locals . message = '<p class="msg error">' + err + '</p>' ;
if ( msg ) res . locals . message = '<p class="msg success">' + msg + '</p>' ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
if ( passhint ) res . locals . passhint = EscapeHtml ( passhint ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Fetch all users from the database, keep this in memory
obj . db . GetAllType ( 'user' , function ( err , docs ) {
var domainUserCount = { } ;
for ( var i in parent . config . domains ) { domainUserCount [ i ] = 0 ; }
for ( var i in docs ) { var u = obj . users [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = docs [ i ] ; domainUserCount [ u . domain ] ++ ; }
for ( var i in parent . config . domains ) {
if ( domainUserCount [ i ] == 0 ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( parent . config . domains [ i ] . newaccounts == 0 ) { parent . config . domains [ i ] . newaccounts = 2 ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
console . log ( 'Server ' + ( ( i == '' ) ? '' : ( i + ' ' ) ) + 'has no users, next new account will be site administrator.' ) ;
} ) ;
// Fetch all meshes from the database, keep this in memory
obj . db . GetAllType ( 'mesh' , function ( err , docs ) { for ( var i in docs ) { obj . meshes [ docs [ i ] . _id ] = docs [ i ] ; } } ) ;
// Authenticate the user
obj . authenticate = function ( name , pass , domain , fn ) {
if ( ! module . parent ) console . log ( 'authenticating %s:%s:%s' , domain . id , name , pass ) ;
var user = obj . users [ 'user/' + domain . id + '/' + name . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
// Query the db for the given username
if ( ! user ) return fn ( new Error ( 'cannot find user' ) ) ;
// Apply the same algorithm to the POSTed password, applying the hash against the pass / salt, if there is a match we found the user
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( user . salt == null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
fn ( new Error ( 'invalid password' ) ) ;
} else {
2017-11-02 18:44:27 -07:00
if ( user . passtype != null ) {
// IIS default clear or weak password hashing (SHA-1)
2017-11-02 18:53:27 -07:00
require ( './pass' ) . iishash ( user . passtype , pass , user . salt , function ( err , hash ) {
2017-11-02 18:44:27 -07:00
if ( err ) return fn ( err ) ;
2017-11-02 18:53:27 -07:00
if ( hash == user . hash ) {
// Update the password to the stronger format.
require ( './pass' ) . hash ( pass , function ( err , salt , hash ) { if ( err ) throw err ; user . salt = salt ; user . hash = hash ; delete user . passtype ; obj . db . SetUser ( user ) ; } ) ;
return fn ( null , user . _id ) ;
2017-11-02 18:44:27 -07:00
fn ( new Error ( 'invalid password' ) , null , user . passhint ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
2017-11-02 18:53:27 -07:00
// Default strong password hashing (pbkdf2 SHA384)
require ( './pass' ) . hash ( pass , user . salt , function ( err , hash ) {
2017-11-02 18:44:27 -07:00
if ( err ) return fn ( err ) ;
if ( hash == user . hash ) return fn ( null , user . _id ) ;
fn ( new Error ( 'invalid password' ) , null , user . passhint ) ;
} ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2017-11-02 18:44:27 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
/ *
obj . restrict = function ( req , res , next ) {
console . log ( 'restrict' , req . url ) ;
var domain = getDomain ( req ) ;
if ( req . session . userid ) {
next ( ) ;
} else {
req . session . error = 'Access denied!' ;
res . redirect ( domain . url + 'login' ) ;
* /
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
// Check if the source IP address is allowed for a given allowed list, return false if not
function checkUserIpAddressEx ( req , res , allowedIpList ) {
if ( allowedIpList == null ) { return true ; }
2017-09-27 12:43:20 -07:00
try {
var ip = null , type = 0 ;
if ( req . connection ) { ip = req . connection . remoteAddress ; type = 1 ; } // HTTP(S) request
else if ( req . _socket ) { ip = req . _socket . remoteAddress ; type = 2 ; } // WebSocket request
if ( ip . startsWith ( '::ffff:' ) ) { ip = ip . substring ( 7 ) ; } // Fix IPv4 IP's encoded in IPv6 form
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( ( ip != null ) && ( allowedIpList . indexOf ( ip ) >= 0 ) ) { return true ; }
2017-09-27 12:43:20 -07:00
if ( type == 1 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; }
else if ( type == 2 ) { try { req . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
} catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; }
return false ;
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
// Check if the source IP address is allowed, return domain if allowed
function checkUserIpAddress ( req , res , rootonly ) {
if ( obj . userAllowedIp != null ) {
if ( typeof obj . userAllowedIp == 'string' ) { if ( obj . userAllowedIp == "" ) { obj . userAllowedIp = null ; return true ; } else { obj . userAllowedIp = obj . userAllowedIp . split ( ',' ) ; } }
if ( checkUserIpAddressEx ( req , res , obj . userAllowedIp ) == false ) return null ;
if ( rootonly == true ) return ;
var domain ;
if ( req . url ) { domain = getDomain ( req ) ; } else { domain = getDomain ( res ) ; }
if ( domain . userallowedip == null ) return domain ;
if ( checkUserIpAddressEx ( req , res , domain . userallowedip ) == false ) return null ;
return domain ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Return the current domain of the request
function getDomain ( req ) {
var x = req . url . split ( '/' ) ;
if ( x . length < 2 ) return parent . config . domains [ '' ] ;
if ( parent . config . domains [ x [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) return parent . config . domains [ x [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
return parent . config . domains [ '' ] ;
function handleLogoutRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' } ) ;
// Destroy the user's session to log them out will be re-created next request
if ( req . session . userid ) {
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ]
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' ] , obj , { etype : 'user' , username : user . name , action : 'logout' , msg : 'Account logout' , domain : domain . id } )
req . session . destroy ( function ( ) {
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} ) ;
function handleLoginRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
obj . authenticate ( req . body . username , req . body . password , domain , function ( err , userid , passhint ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( userid ) {
var user = obj . users [ userid ] ;
// Save login time
user . login = Date . now ( ) ;
obj . db . SetUser ( user ) ;
// Regenerate session when signing in to prevent fixation
req . session . regenerate ( function ( ) {
// Store the user's primary key in the session store to be retrieved, or in this case the entire user object
// req.session.success = 'Authenticated as ' + user.name + 'click to <a href="/logout">logout</a>. You may now access <a href="/restricted">/restricted</a>.';
delete req . session . loginmode ;
req . session . userid = userid ;
req . session . domainid = domain . id ;
req . session . currentNode = '' ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
if ( req . session . passhint ) { delete req . session . passhint ; }
if ( req . body . viewmode ) { req . session . viewmode = req . body . viewmode ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( req . body . host ) {
obj . db . GetAllType ( 'node' , function ( err , docs ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < docs . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( docs [ i ] . name == req . body . host ) {
req . session . currentNode = docs [ i ] . _id ;
break ;
console . log ( "CurrentNode: " + req . session . currentNode ) ;
// This redirect happens after finding node is completed
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' ] , obj , { etype : 'user' , username : user . name , action : 'login' , msg : 'Account login' , domain : domain . id } )
} else {
delete req . session . loginmode ;
req . session . error = '<b style=color:#8C001A>Login failed, check username and password.</b>' ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
if ( ( passhint != null ) && ( passhint . length > 0 ) ) {
req . session . passhint = passhint ;
} else {
if ( req . session . passhint ) { delete req . session . passhint ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} ) ;
function handleCreateAccountRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
if ( domain . newaccounts == 0 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ! req . body . username || ! req . body . email || ! req . body . password1 || ! req . body . password2 || ( req . body . password1 != req . body . password2 ) || req . body . username == '~' ) {
req . session . loginmode = 2 ;
req . session . error = '<b style=color:#8C001A>Unable to create account.</b>' ; ;
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} else {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
// Check if there is domain.newAccountToken, check if supplied token is valid
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( ( domain . newaccountspass != null ) && ( domain . newaccountspass != '' ) && ( req . body . anewaccountpass != domain . newaccountspass ) ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
req . session . loginmode = 2 ;
req . session . error = '<b style=color:#8C001A>Invalid account creation token.</b>' ;
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check if user exists
if ( obj . users [ 'user/' + domain . id + '/' + req . body . username . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) {
req . session . loginmode = 2 ;
req . session . error = '<b style=color:#8C001A>Username already exists.</b>' ;
} else {
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
var hint = req . body . apasswordhint ;
if ( hint . length > 250 ) hint = hint . substring ( 0 , 250 ) ;
var user = { type : 'user' , _id : 'user/' + domain . id + '/' + req . body . username . toLowerCase ( ) , name : req . body . username , email : req . body . email , creation : Date . now ( ) , login : Date . now ( ) , domain : domain . id , passhint : hint } ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var usercount = 0 ;
for ( var i in obj . users ) { if ( obj . users [ i ] . domain == domain . id ) { usercount ++ ; } }
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( usercount == 0 ) { user . siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF ; if ( domain . newaccounts == 2 ) { domain . newaccounts = 0 ; } } // If this is the first user, give the account site admin.
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . users [ user . _id ] = user ;
req . session . userid = user . _id ;
req . session . domainid = domain . id ;
// Create a user, generate a salt and hash the password
2017-11-02 18:53:27 -07:00
require ( './pass' ) . hash ( req . body . password1 , function ( err , salt , hash ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( err ) throw err ;
user . salt = salt ;
user . hash = hash ;
obj . db . SetUser ( user ) ;
} ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , 'server-users' ] , obj , { etype : 'user' , username : user . name , account : user , action : 'accountcreate' , msg : 'Account created, email is ' + req . body . email , domain : domain . id } )
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
function handleDeleteAccountRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check if the user is logged and we have all required parameters
if ( ! req . session || ! req . session . userid || ! req . body . apassword1 || ( req . body . apassword1 != req . body . apassword2 ) || ( req . session . domainid != domain . id ) ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; return ; }
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( ! user ) return ;
// Check if the password is correct
obj . authenticate ( user . name , req . body . apassword1 , domain , function ( err , userid ) {
var user = obj . users [ userid ] ;
if ( user ) {
obj . db . Remove ( user . _id ) ;
delete obj . users [ user . _id ] ;
req . session . destroy ( function ( ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; } ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , 'server-users' ] , obj , { etype : 'user' , username : user . name , action : 'accountremove' , msg : 'Account removed' , domain : domain . id } )
} else {
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
} ) ;
// Handle password changes
function handlePasswordChangeRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check if the user is logged and we have all required parameters
if ( ! req . session || ! req . session . userid || ! req . body . apassword1 || ( req . body . apassword1 != req . body . apassword2 ) || ( req . session . domainid != domain . id ) ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; return ; }
// Update the password
2017-11-02 18:53:27 -07:00
require ( './pass' ) . hash ( req . body . apassword1 , function ( err , salt , hash ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( err ) throw err ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
var hint = req . body . apasswordhint ;
if ( hint . length > 250 ) hint = hint . substring ( 0 , 250 ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
user . salt = salt ;
user . hash = hash ;
user . passchange = Date . now ( ) ;
2017-09-08 11:37:37 -07:00
user . passhint = req . body . apasswordhint ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . db . SetUser ( user ) ;
req . session . viewmode = 2 ;
res . redirect ( domain . url ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , 'server-users' ] , obj , { etype : 'user' , username : user . name , action : 'passchange' , msg : 'Account password changed: ' + user . name , domain : domain . id } )
} ) ;
// Indicates that any request to "/" should render "default" or "login" depending on login state
function handleRootRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ! obj . args ) { res . sendStatus ( 500 ) ; return ; }
var domain = getDomain ( req ) ;
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' } ) ;
// Check if we have an incomplete domain name in the path
if ( domain . id != '' && req . url . split ( '/' ) . length == 2 ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; return ; }
if ( obj . args . nousers == true ) {
// If in single user mode, setup things here.
if ( req . session && req . session . loginmode ) { delete req . session . loginmode ; }
req . session . userid = 'user/' + domain . id + '/~' ;
req . session . domainid = domain . id ;
req . session . currentNode = '' ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( obj . users [ req . session . userid ] == null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Create the dummy user ~ with impossible password
obj . users [ req . session . userid ] = { type : 'user' , _id : req . session . userid , name : '~' , email : '~' , domain : domain . id , siteadmin : 0xFFFFFFFF } ;
obj . db . SetUser ( obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ) ;
} else if ( obj . args . user && ( ! req . session || ! req . session . userid ) && obj . users [ 'user/' + domain . id + '/' + obj . args . user . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) {
// If a default user is active, setup the session here.
if ( req . session && req . session . loginmode ) { delete req . session . loginmode ; }
req . session . userid = 'user/' + domain . id + '/' + obj . args . user . toLowerCase ( ) ;
req . session . domainid = domain . id ;
req . session . currentNode = '' ;
// If a user is logged in, serve the default app, otherwise server the login app.
if ( req . session && req . session . userid ) {
if ( req . session . domainid != domain . id ) { req . session . destroy ( function ( ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; } ) ; return ; } // Check is the session is for the correct domain
var viewmode = 1 ;
if ( req . session . viewmode ) {
viewmode = req . session . viewmode ;
delete req . session . viewmode ;
var currentNode = '' ;
if ( req . session . currentNode ) {
currentNode = req . session . currentNode ;
delete req . session . currentNode ;
var user ;
var logoutcontrol ;
2017-10-03 18:31:20 -07:00
if ( obj . args . nousers != true ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ]
logoutcontrol = 'Welcome ' + user . name + '.' ;
var features = 0 ;
if ( obj . args . wanonly == true ) { features += 1 ; } // WAN-only mode
if ( obj . args . lanonly == true ) { features += 2 ; } // LAN-only mode
if ( obj . args . nousers == true ) { features += 4 ; } // Single user mode
if ( domain . userQuota == - 1 ) { features += 8 ; } // No server files mode
2017-09-25 11:00:57 -07:00
if ( obj . args . tlsoffload == true ) { features += 16 ; } // No mutual-auth CIRA
2017-10-03 18:31:20 -07:00
if ( ( ! obj . args . user ) && ( obj . args . nousers != true ) ) { logoutcontrol += ' <a href=' + domain . url + 'logout?' + Math . random ( ) + ' style=color:white>Logout</a>' ; } // If a default user is in use or no user mode, don't display the logout button
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/default' ) , { viewmode : viewmode , currentNode : currentNode , logoutControl : logoutcontrol , title : domain . title , title2 : domain . title2 , domainurl : domain . url , domain : domain . id , debuglevel : parent . debugLevel , serverDnsName : obj . certificates . CommonName , serverRedirPort : args . redirport , serverPublicPort : args . port , noServerBackup : ( args . noserverbackup == 1 ? 1 : 0 ) , features : features , mpspass : args . mpspass , webcerthash : obj . webCertificateHashBase64 } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} else {
// Send back the login application
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/login' ) , { loginmode : req . session . loginmode , rootCertLink : getRootCertLink ( ) , title : domain . title , title2 : domain . title2 , newAccount : domain . newaccounts , newAccountPass : ( ( ( domain . newaccountspass == null ) || ( domain . newaccountspass == '' ) ) ? 0 : 1 ) , serverDnsName : obj . certificates . CommonName , serverPublicPort : obj . args . port } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Get the link to the root certificate if needed
function getRootCertLink ( ) {
// TODO: This is not quite right, we need to check if the HTTPS certificate is issued from MeshCentralRoot, if so, add this download link.
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( obj . args . notls == null && obj . certificates . RootName . substring ( 0 , 16 ) == 'MeshCentralRoot-' ) { return '<a href=/MeshServerRootCert.cer title="Download the root certificate for this server">Root Certificate</a>' ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
return '' ;
// Renter the terms of service.
function handleTermsRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' } ) ;
if ( req . session && req . session . userid ) {
if ( req . session . domainid != domain . id ) { req . session . destroy ( function ( ) { res . redirect ( domain . url ) ; } ) ; return ; } // Check is the session is for the correct domain
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/terms' ) , { logoutControl : 'Welcome ' + user . name + '. <a href=' + domain . url + 'logout?' + Math . random ( ) + ' style=color:white>Logout</a>' } ) ;
} else {
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/terms' ) , { title : domain . title , title2 : domain . title2 } ) ;
// Returns the server root certificate encoded in base64
function getRootCertBase64 ( ) {
var rootcert = obj . certificates . root . cert ;
var i = rootcert . indexOf ( "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n" ) ;
if ( i >= 0 ) { rootcert = rootcert . substring ( i + 29 ) ; }
i = rootcert . indexOf ( "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ) ;
if ( i >= 0 ) { rootcert = rootcert . substring ( i , 0 ) ; }
return new Buffer ( rootcert , 'base64' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Returns the mesh server root certificate
function handleRootCertRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( checkUserIpAddress ( req , res , true ) == false ) { return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=' + certificates . RootName + '.cer' } ) ;
res . send ( new Buffer ( getRootCertBase64 ( ) , 'base64' ) ) ;
// Returns an mescript for Intel AMT configuration
function handleMeScriptRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
if ( checkUserIpAddress ( req , res , true ) == false ) { return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( req . query . type == 1 ) {
var filename = 'cira_setup.mescript' ;
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=' + filename } ) ;
var serverNameSplit = obj . certificates . CommonName . split ( '.' ) ;
if ( ( serverNameSplit . length == 4 ) && ( parseInt ( serverNameSplit [ 0 ] ) == serverNameSplit [ 0 ] ) && ( parseInt ( serverNameSplit [ 1 ] ) == serverNameSplit [ 1 ] ) && ( parseInt ( serverNameSplit [ 2 ] ) == serverNameSplit [ 2 ] ) && ( parseInt ( serverNameSplit [ 3 ] ) == serverNameSplit [ 3 ] ) ) {
// Server name is an IPv4 address
var filepath = obj . parent . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'public/scripts/cira_setup_script_ip.mescript' ) ;
readEntireTextFile ( filepath , function ( data ) {
if ( data == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
var scriptFile = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
// Change a few things in the script
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 2 ] . vars . CertBin . value = getRootCertBase64 ( ) ; // Set the root certificate
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . IP . value = obj . certificates . CommonName ; // Set the server IPv4 address name
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . ServerName . value = obj . certificates . CommonName ; // Set the server certificate name
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . Port . value = obj . args . mpsport ; // Set the server MPS port
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . username . value = req . query . meshid ; // Set the username
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . password . value = obj . args . mpspass ? obj . args . mpspass : 'A@xew9rt' ; // Set the password
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 4 ] . vars . AccessInfo1 . value = obj . certificates . CommonName + ':' + obj . args . mpsport ; // Set the primary server name:port to set periodic timer
//scriptFile.scriptBlocks[4].vars.AccessInfo2.value = obj.certificates.CommonName + ':' + obj.args.mpsport; // Set the secondary server name:port to set periodic timer
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( obj . args . ciralocalfqdn != null ) { scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 6 ] . vars . DetectionStrings . value = obj . args . ciralocalfqdn ; } // Set the environment detection local FQDN's
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Compile the script
var scriptEngine = require ( './amtscript.js' ) . CreateAmtScriptEngine ( ) ;
var runscript = scriptEngine . script _blocksToScript ( scriptFile . blocks , scriptFile . scriptBlocks ) ;
scriptFile . mescript = new Buffer ( scriptEngine . script _compile ( runscript ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Send the script
res . send ( new Buffer ( JSON . stringify ( scriptFile , null , ' ' ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// Server name is a hostname
var filepath = obj . parent . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'public/scripts/cira_setup_script_dns.mescript' ) ;
readEntireTextFile ( filepath , function ( data ) {
if ( data == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
var scriptFile = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
// Change a few things in the script
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 2 ] . vars . CertBin . value = getRootCertBase64 ( ) ; // Set the root certificate
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . FQDN . value = obj . certificates . CommonName ; // Set the server DNS name
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . Port . value = obj . args . mpsport ; // Set the server MPS port
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . username . value = req . query . meshid ; // Set the username
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 3 ] . vars . password . value = obj . args . mpspass ? obj . args . mpspass : 'A@xew9rt' ; // Set the password
scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 4 ] . vars . AccessInfo1 . value = obj . certificates . CommonName + ':' + obj . args . mpsport ; // Set the primary server name:port to set periodic timer
//scriptFile.scriptBlocks[4].vars.AccessInfo2.value = obj.certificates.CommonName + ':' + obj.args.mpsport; // Set the secondary server name:port to set periodic timer
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( obj . args . ciralocalfqdn != null ) { scriptFile . scriptBlocks [ 6 ] . vars . DetectionStrings . value = obj . args . ciralocalfqdn ; } // Set the environment detection local FQDN's
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Compile the script
var scriptEngine = require ( './amtscript.js' ) . CreateAmtScriptEngine ( ) ;
var runscript = scriptEngine . script _blocksToScript ( scriptFile . blocks , scriptFile . scriptBlocks ) ;
scriptFile . mescript = new Buffer ( scriptEngine . script _compile ( runscript ) , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'base64' ) ;
// Send the script
res . send ( new Buffer ( JSON . stringify ( scriptFile , null , ' ' ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( req . query . type == 2 ) {
var filename = 'cira_cleanup.mescript' ;
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=' + filename } ) ;
var filepath = obj . parent . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'public/scripts/cira_cleanup.mescript' ) ;
readEntireTextFile ( filepath , function ( data ) {
if ( data == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
res . send ( new Buffer ( data ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Handle user public file downloads
function handleDownloadUserFiles ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
var domainname = 'domain' , spliturl = decodeURIComponent ( req . path ) . split ( '/' ) , filename = '' ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ( spliturl . length < 3 ) || ( obj . common . IsFilenameValid ( spliturl [ 2 ] ) == false ) || ( domain . userQuota == - 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
if ( domain . id != '' ) { domainname = 'domain-' + domain . id ; }
var path = obj . path . join ( obj . filespath , domainname + "/user-" + spliturl [ 2 ] + "/Public" ) ;
for ( var i = 3 ; i < spliturl . length ; i ++ ) { if ( obj . common . IsFilenameValid ( spliturl [ i ] ) == true ) { path += '/' + spliturl [ i ] ; filename = spliturl [ i ] ; } else { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; } }
var stat = null ;
try { stat = obj . fs . statSync ( path ) } catch ( e ) { }
if ( ( stat != null ) && ( ( stat . mode & 0x004000 ) == 0 ) ) {
if ( req . query . download == 1 ) {
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=\"' + filename + '\"' } ) ;
try { res . sendFile ( obj . path . resolve ( _ _dirname , path ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; }
} else {
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/download' ) , { rootCertLink : getRootCertLink ( ) , title : domain . title , title2 : domain . title2 , message : "<a href='" + req . path + "?download=1'>" + filename + "</a>, " + stat . size + " byte" + ( ( stat . size < 2 ) ? '' : 's' ) + "." } ) ;
} else {
res . render ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'views/download' ) , { rootCertLink : getRootCertLink ( ) , title : domain . title , title2 : domain . title2 , message : "Invalid file link, please check the URL again." } ) ;
// Download a file from the server
function handleDownloadFile ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ( req . query . link == null ) || ( req . session == null ) || ( req . session . userid == null ) || ( domain == null ) || ( domain . userQuota == - 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( user == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var file = getServerFilePath ( user , domain , req . query . link ) ;
if ( file == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=\"' + file . name + '\"' } ) ;
try { res . sendFile ( file . fullpath ) ; } catch ( e ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; }
// Upload a MeshCore.js file to the server
function handleUploadMeshCoreFile ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ( domain . id !== '' ) || ( ! req . session ) || ( req . session == null ) || ( ! req . session . userid ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( user . siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; } // Check if we have mesh core upload rights (Full admin only)
var multiparty = require ( 'multiparty' ) ;
var form = new multiparty . Form ( ) ;
form . parse ( req , function ( err , fields , files ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ( fields == null ) || ( fields . attrib == null ) || ( fields . attrib . length != 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
for ( var i in files . files ) {
var file = files . files [ i ] ;
readEntireTextFile ( file . path , function ( data ) {
if ( data == null ) return ;
data = obj . common . IntToStr ( 0 ) + data ; // Add the 4 bytes encoding type & flags (Set to 0 for raw)
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
obj . sendMeshAgentCore ( user , domain , fields . attrib [ 0 ] , data ) ; // Upload the core
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
try { obj . fs . unlinkSync ( file . path ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
} ) ;
res . send ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
// Upload a file to the server
function handleUploadFile ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ( domain . id !== '' ) || ( ! req . session ) || ( req . session == null ) || ( ! req . session . userid ) || ( domain . userQuota == - 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( ( user . siteadmin & 8 ) == 0 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; } // Check if we have file rights
var multiparty = require ( 'multiparty' ) ;
var form = new multiparty . Form ( ) ;
form . parse ( req , function ( err , fields , files ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ( fields == null ) || ( fields . link == null ) || ( fields . link . length != 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var xfile = getServerFilePath ( user , domain , decodeURIComponent ( fields . link [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( xfile == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
// Get total bytes in the path
var totalsize = readTotalFileSize ( xfile . fullpath ) ;
if ( totalsize < xfile . quota ) { // Check if the quota is not already broken
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( fields . name != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Upload method where all the file data is within the fields.
var names = fields . name [ 0 ] . split ( '*' ) , sizes = fields . size [ 0 ] . split ( '*' ) , types = fields . type [ 0 ] . split ( '*' ) , datas = fields . data [ 0 ] . split ( '*' ) ;
if ( ( names . length == sizes . length ) && ( types . length == datas . length ) && ( names . length == types . length ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < names . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( obj . common . IsFilenameValid ( names [ i ] ) == false ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
var filedata = new Buffer ( datas [ i ] . split ( ',' ) [ 1 ] , 'base64' ) ;
if ( ( totalsize + filedata . length ) < xfile . quota ) { // Check if quota would not be broken if we add this file
obj . fs . writeFileSync ( xfile . fullpath + '/' + names [ i ] , filedata ) ;
} else {
// More typical upload method, the file data is in a multipart mime post.
for ( var i in files . files ) {
var file = files . files [ i ] , fpath = xfile . fullpath + '/' + file . originalFilename ;
if ( obj . common . IsFilenameValid ( file . originalFilename ) && ( ( totalsize + file . size ) < xfile . quota ) ) { // Check if quota would not be broken if we add this file
obj . fs . rename ( file . path , fpath ) ;
} else {
try { obj . fs . unlinkSync ( file . path ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
res . send ( '' ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ user . _id ] , obj , 'updatefiles' ) // Fire an event causing this user to update this files
} ) ;
// Subscribe to all events we are allowed to receive
obj . subscribe = function ( userid , target ) {
var user = obj . users [ userid ] ;
var subscriptions = [ userid , 'server-global' ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( user . siteadmin != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( user . siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF ) subscriptions . push ( '*' ) ;
if ( ( user . siteadmin & 2 ) != 0 ) subscriptions . push ( 'server-users' ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( user . links != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
for ( var i in user . links ) { subscriptions . push ( i ) ; }
obj . parent . RemoveAllEventDispatch ( target ) ;
obj . parent . AddEventDispatch ( subscriptions , target ) ;
return subscriptions ;
// Handle a web socket relay request
function handleRelayWebSocket ( ws , req ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( ws , req ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check if this is a logged in user
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
var user , peering = true ;
if ( req . query . auth == null ) {
// Use ExpressJS session
if ( ! req . session || ! req . session . userid ) { return ; } // Web socket attempt without login, disconnect.
if ( req . session . domainid != domain . id ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Invalid domain' ) ; return ; }
user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
} else {
// Get the session from the cookie
if ( obj . parent . multiServer == null ) { return ; }
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
var session = obj . decodeCookie ( req . query . auth ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( session == null ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Invalid cookie' ) ; return ; }
if ( session . domainid != domain . id ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Invalid domain' ) ; return ; }
user = obj . users [ session . userid ] ;
peering = false ; // Don't allow the connection to jump again to a different server
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ! user ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Not a user' ) ; return ; }
Debug ( 1 , 'Websocket relay connected from ' + user . name + ' for ' + req . query . host + '.' ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
2017-10-04 20:35:52 -07:00
ws . pause ( ) ; // Hold this socket until we are ready.
2017-10-25 09:58:14 -07:00
ws . _socket . setKeepAlive ( true , 240000 ) ; // Set TCP keep alive
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Fetch information about the target
obj . db . Get ( req . query . host , function ( err , docs ) {
if ( docs . length == 0 ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Node not found' ) ; return ; }
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var node = docs [ 0 ] ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ! node . intelamt ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Not AMT node' ) ; return ; }
// Check if this user has permission to manage this computer
var meshlinks = user . links [ node . meshid ] ;
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
if ( ( ! meshlinks ) || ( ! meshlinks . rights ) || ( ( meshlinks . rights & MESHRIGHT _REMOTECONTROL ) == 0 ) ) { console . log ( 'ERR: Access denied (2)' ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check what connectivity is available for this node
2017-09-13 11:25:57 -07:00
var state = parent . GetConnectivityState ( req . query . host ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var conn = 0 ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ! state || state . connectivity == 0 ) { Debug ( 1 , 'ERR: No routing possible (1)' ) ; try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { } return ; } else { conn = state . connectivity ; }
// Check what server needs to handle this connection
if ( ( obj . parent . multiServer != null ) && ( peering == true ) ) {
var server = obj . parent . GetRoutingServerId ( req . query . host , 2 ) ; // Check for Intel CIRA connection
if ( server != null ) {
if ( server . serverid != obj . parent . serverId ) {
// Do local Intel CIRA routing using a different server
Debug ( 1 , 'Route Intel AMT CIRA connection to peer server: ' + server . serverid ) ;
obj . parent . multiServer . createPeerRelay ( ws , req , server . serverid , user ) ;
return ;
} else {
server = obj . parent . GetRoutingServerId ( req . query . host , 4 ) ; // Check for local Intel AMT connection
if ( ( server != null ) && ( server . serverid != obj . parent . serverId ) ) {
// Do local Intel AMT routing using a different server
Debug ( 1 , 'Route Intel AMT direct connection to peer server: ' + server . serverid ) ;
obj . parent . multiServer . createPeerRelay ( ws , req , server . serverid , user ) ;
return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// If Intel AMT CIRA connection is available, use it
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ( ( conn & 2 ) != 0 ) && ( parent . mpsserver . ciraConnections [ req . query . host ] != null ) ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var ciraconn = parent . mpsserver . ciraConnections [ req . query . host ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Compute target port, look at the CIRA port mappings, if non-TLS is allowed, use that, if not use TLS
var port = 16993 ;
//if (node.intelamt.tls == 0) port = 16992; // DEBUG: Allow TLS flag to set TLS mode within CIRA
if ( ciraconn . tag . boundPorts . indexOf ( 16992 ) >= 0 ) port = 16992 ; // RELEASE: Always use non-TLS mode if available within CIRA
if ( req . query . p == 2 ) port += 2 ;
// Setup a new CIRA channel
if ( ( port == 16993 ) || ( port == 16995 ) ) {
// Perform TLS - ( TODO: THIS IS BROKEN on Intel AMT v7 but works on v10, Not sure why )
var ser = new SerialTunnel ( ) ;
var chnl = parent . mpsserver . SetupCiraChannel ( ciraconn , port ) ;
// let's chain up the TLSSocket <-> SerialTunnel <-> CIRA APF (chnl)
// Anything that needs to be forwarded by SerialTunnel will be encapsulated by chnl write
ser . forwardwrite = function ( msg ) {
// TLS ---> CIRA
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
chnl . write ( msg . toString ( 'binary' ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} ;
// When APF tunnel return something, update SerialTunnel buffer
chnl . onData = function ( ciraconn , data ) {
// CIRA ---> TLS
Debug ( 3 , 'Relay TLS CIRA data' , data . length ) ;
if ( data . length > 0 ) { try { ser . updateBuffer ( Buffer . from ( data , 'binary' ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
// Handke CIRA tunnel state change
chnl . onStateChange = function ( ciraconn , state ) {
Debug ( 2 , 'Relay TLS CIRA state change' , state ) ;
if ( state == 0 ) { try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
// TLSSocket to encapsulate TLS communication, which then tunneled via SerialTunnel an then wrapped through CIRA APF
var TLSSocket = require ( 'tls' ) . TLSSocket ;
2017-09-29 14:26:51 -07:00
var tlsoptions = { secureProtocol : 'TLSv1_method' , ciphers : 'ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS' , secureOptions : obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _SSLv2 | obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _SSLv3 | obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _COMPRESSION | obj . constants . SSL _OP _CIPHER _SERVER _PREFERENCE , rejectUnauthorized : false , cert : obj . certificates . console . cert , key : obj . certificates . console . key } ;
var tlsock = new TLSSocket ( ser , tlsoptions ) ; // 'TLSv1_2_method' or 'SSLv23_method'
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
tlsock . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { Debug ( 1 , "CIRA TLS Connection Error " , err ) ; } ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
tlsock . on ( 'secureConnect' , function ( ) { Debug ( 2 , "CIRA Secure TLS Connection" ) ; ws . resume ( ) ; } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Decrypted tunnel from TLS communcation to be forwarded to websocket
tlsock . on ( 'data' , function ( data ) {
// AMT/TLS ---> WS
try {
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
data = data . toString ( 'binary' ) ;
if ( ws . interceptor ) { data = ws . interceptor . processAmtData ( data ) ; } // Run data thru interceptor
ws . send ( data ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} catch ( e ) { }
} ) ;
// If TLS is on, forward it through TLSSocket
ws . forwardclient = tlsock ;
ws . forwardclient . xtls = 1 ;
} else {
// Without TLS
ws . forwardclient = parent . mpsserver . SetupCiraChannel ( ciraconn , port ) ;
ws . forwardclient . xtls = 0 ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
ws . resume ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// When data is received from the web socket, forward the data into the associated CIRA cahnnel.
// If the CIRA connection is pending, the CIRA channel has built-in buffering, so we are ok sending anyway.
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
// WS ---> AMT/TLS
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
msg = msg . toString ( 'binary' ) ;
if ( ws . interceptor ) { msg = ws . interceptor . processBrowserData ( msg ) ; } // Run data thru interceptor
if ( ws . forwardclient . xtls == 1 ) { ws . forwardclient . write ( Buffer . from ( msg , 'binary' ) ) ; } else { ws . forwardclient . write ( msg ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} ) ;
// If error, do nothing
ws . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err ) ; } ) ;
// If the web socket is closed, close the associated TCP connection.
ws . on ( 'close' , function ( req ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'Websocket relay closed.' ) ;
if ( ws . forwardclient && ws . forwardclient . close ) { ws . forwardclient . close ( ) ; } // TODO: If TLS is used, we need to close the socket that is wrapped by TLS
} ) ;
ws . forwardclient . onStateChange = function ( ciraconn , state ) {
Debug ( 2 , 'Relay CIRA state change' , state ) ;
if ( state == 0 ) { try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
ws . forwardclient . onData = function ( ciraconn , data ) {
2017-10-18 16:28:05 -07:00
Debug ( 4 , 'Relay CIRA data' , data . length ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ws . interceptor ) { data = ws . interceptor . processAmtData ( data ) ; } // Run data thru interceptor
if ( data . length > 0 ) { try { ws . send ( data ) ; } catch ( e ) { } } // TODO: Add TLS support
ws . forwardclient . onSendOk = function ( ciraconn ) {
// TODO: Flow control? (Dont' really need it with AMT, but would be nice)
// Fetch Intel AMT credentials & Setup interceptor
if ( req . query . p == 1 ) {
Debug ( 3 , 'INTERCEPTOR1' , { host : node . host , port : port , user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ;
ws . interceptor = obj . interceptor . CreateHttpInterceptor ( { host : node . host , port : port , user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ;
else if ( req . query . p == 2 ) {
Debug ( 3 , 'INTERCEPTOR2' , { user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ;
ws . interceptor = obj . interceptor . CreateRedirInterceptor ( { user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ;
return ;
// If Intel AMT direct connection is possible, option a direct socket
if ( ( conn & 4 ) != 0 ) { // We got a new web socket connection, initiate a TCP connection to the target Intel AMT host/port.
Debug ( 2 , 'Opening relay TCP socket connection to ' + req . query . host + '.' ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
// When data is received from the web socket, forward the data into the associated TCP connection.
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'TCP relay data to ' + node . host + ', ' + msg . length + ' bytes' ) ; // DEBUG
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
msg = msg . toString ( 'binary' ) ;
if ( ws . interceptor ) { msg = ws . interceptor . processBrowserData ( msg ) ; } // Run data thru interceptor
ws . forwardclient . write ( new Buffer ( msg , 'binary' ) ) ; // Forward data to the associated TCP connection.
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
} ) ;
// If error, do nothing
ws . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err ) ; } ) ;
// If the web socket is closed, close the associated TCP connection.
ws . on ( 'close' , function ( req ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'Closing relay web socket connection to ' + ws . upgradeReq . query . host + '.' ) ;
if ( ws . forwardclient ) { try { ws . forwardclient . destroy ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { } }
} ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Compute target port
var port = 16992 ;
if ( node . intelamt . tls > 0 ) port = 16993 ; // This is a direct connection, use TLS when possible
if ( req . query . p == 2 ) port += 2 ;
if ( node . intelamt . tls == 0 ) {
// If this is TCP (without TLS) set a normal TCP socket
ws . forwardclient = new obj . net . Socket ( ) ;
ws . forwardclient . setEncoding ( 'binary' ) ;
ws . forwardclient . xstate = 0 ;
ws . forwardclient . forwardwsocket = ws ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
ws . resume ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} else {
// If TLS is going to be used, setup a TLS socket
2017-09-29 14:26:51 -07:00
var tlsoptions = { secureProtocol : 'TLSv1_method' , ciphers : 'ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS' , secureOptions : obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _SSLv2 | obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _SSLv3 | obj . constants . SSL _OP _NO _COMPRESSION | obj . constants . SSL _OP _CIPHER _SERVER _PREFERENCE , rejectUnauthorized : false , cert : obj . certificates . console . cert , key : obj . certificates . console . key } ;
ws . forwardclient = obj . tls . connect ( port , node . host , tlsoptions , function ( ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// The TLS connection method is the same as TCP, but located a bit differently.
Debug ( 2 , 'TLS connected to ' + node . host + ':' + port + '.' ) ;
ws . forwardclient . xstate = 1 ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
ws . resume ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} ) ;
ws . forwardclient . setEncoding ( 'binary' ) ;
ws . forwardclient . xstate = 0 ;
ws . forwardclient . forwardwsocket = ws ;
// When we receive data on the TCP connection, forward it back into the web socket connection.
ws . forwardclient . on ( 'data' , function ( data ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
Debug ( 1 , 'TCP relay data from ' + node . host + ', ' + data . length + ' bytes.' ) ; // DEBUG
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ws . interceptor ) { data = ws . interceptor . processAmtData ( data ) ; } // Run data thru interceptor
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
try { ws . send ( new Buffer ( data , 'binary' ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} ) ;
// If the TCP connection closes, disconnect the associated web socket.
ws . forwardclient . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'TCP relay disconnected from ' + node . host + '.' ) ;
try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
} ) ;
// If the TCP connection causes an error, disconnect the associated web socket.
ws . forwardclient . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'TCP relay error from ' + node . host + ': ' + err . errno ) ;
try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { }
} ) ;
// Fetch Intel AMT credentials & Setup interceptor
if ( req . query . p == 1 ) { ws . interceptor = obj . interceptor . CreateHttpInterceptor ( { host : node . host , port : port , user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ; }
else if ( req . query . p == 2 ) { ws . interceptor = obj . interceptor . CreateRedirInterceptor ( { user : node . intelamt . user , pass : node . intelamt . pass } ) ; }
if ( node . intelamt . tls == 0 ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
// A TCP connection to Intel AMT just connected, start forwarding.
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
ws . forwardclient . connect ( port , node . host , function ( ) {
Debug ( 1 , 'TCP relay connected to ' + node . host + ':' + port + '.' ) ;
ws . forwardclient . xstate = 1 ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
ws . resume ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
// Handle the web socket echo request, just echo back the data sent
function handleEchoWebSocket ( ws , req ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( ws , req ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-10-25 09:58:14 -07:00
ws . _socket . setKeepAlive ( true , 240000 ) ; // Set TCP keep alive
2017-09-27 12:43:20 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// When data is received from the web socket, echo it back
ws . on ( 'message' , function ( data ) {
var cmd = data . toString ( 'utf8' ) ;
if ( cmd == 'close' ) {
try { ws . close ( ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; }
} else {
try { ws . send ( data ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; }
} ) ;
// If error, do nothing
ws . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err ) ; } ) ;
// If closed, do nothing
ws . on ( 'close' , function ( req ) { } ) ;
// Get the total size of all files in a folder and all sub-folders
function readTotalFileSize ( path ) {
var r = 0 , dir = obj . fs . readdirSync ( path ) ;
for ( var i in dir ) {
var stat = obj . fs . statSync ( path + '/' + dir [ i ] )
if ( ( stat . mode & 0x004000 ) == 0 ) { r += stat . size ; } else { r += readTotalFileSize ( path + '/' + dir [ i ] ) ; }
return r ;
// Delete a folder and all sub items.
function deleteFolderRec ( path ) {
if ( obj . fs . existsSync ( path ) == false ) return ;
obj . fs . readdirSync ( path ) . forEach ( function ( file , index ) {
var pathx = path + "/" + file ;
if ( obj . fs . lstatSync ( pathx ) . isDirectory ( ) ) { deleteFolderRec ( pathx ) ; } else { obj . fs . unlinkSync ( pathx ) ; }
} ) ;
obj . fs . rmdirSync ( path ) ;
} ;
// Handle Intel AMT events
// To subscribe, add "http://server:port/amtevents.ashx" to Intel AMT subscriptions.
obj . handleAmtEventRequest = function ( req , res ) {
var domain = getDomain ( req ) ;
try {
if ( req . headers [ 'authorization' ] ) {
var authstr = req . headers [ 'authorization' ] ;
if ( authstr . substring ( 0 , 7 ) == "Digest " ) {
var auth = obj . common . parseNameValueList ( obj . common . quoteSplit ( authstr . substring ( 7 ) ) ) ;
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
if ( ( req . url === auth . uri ) && ( obj . httpAuthRealm === auth . realm ) && ( auth . opaque === obj . crypto . createHmac ( 'SHA384' , obj . httpAuthRandom ) . update ( auth . nonce ) . digest ( 'hex' ) ) ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Read the data, we need to get the arg field
var eventData = '' ;
req . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { eventData += chunk ; } ) ;
req . on ( 'end' , function ( ) {
// Completed event read, let get the argument that must contain the nodeid
var i = eventData . indexOf ( '<m:arg xmlns:m="http://x.com">' ) ;
if ( i > 0 ) {
2017-10-15 17:36:06 -07:00
var nodeid = eventData . substring ( i + 30 , i + 30 + 64 ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( nodeid . length == 64 ) {
var nodekey = 'node/' + domain . id + '/' + nodeid ;
// See if this node exists in the database
obj . db . Get ( nodekey , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( nodes . length == 1 ) {
// Yes, the node exists, compute Intel AMT digest password
var node = nodes [ 0 ] ;
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
var amtpass = obj . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( auth . username . toLowerCase ( ) + ":" + nodeid + ":" + obj . parent . dbconfig . amtWsEventSecret ) . digest ( "base64" ) . substring ( 0 , 12 ) . split ( "/" ) . join ( "x" ) . split ( "\\" ) . join ( "x" ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check the MD5 hash
if ( auth . response === obj . common . ComputeDigesthash ( auth . username , amtpass , auth . realm , "POST" , auth . uri , auth . qop , auth . nonce , auth . nc , auth . cnonce ) ) {
// This is an authenticated Intel AMT event, update the host address
var amthost = req . connection . remoteAddress ;
if ( amthost . substring ( 0 , 7 ) === '::ffff:' ) { amthost = amthost . substring ( 7 ) ; }
if ( node . host != amthost ) {
// Get the mesh for this device
var mesh = obj . meshes [ node . meshid ] ;
if ( mesh ) {
// Update the database
var oldname = node . host ;
node . host = amthost ;
obj . db . Set ( node ) ;
// Event the node change
var event = { etype : 'node' , action : 'changenode' , nodeid : node . _id , domain : domain . id , msg : 'Intel(R) AMT host change ' + node . name + ' from mesh ' + mesh . name + ': ' + oldname + ' to ' + amthost } ;
var node2 = obj . common . Clone ( node ) ;
if ( node2 . intelamt && node2 . intelamt . pass ) delete node2 . intelamt . pass ; // Remove the Intel AMT password before eventing this.
event . node = node2 ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' , node . meshid ] , obj , event ) ;
parent . amtEventHandler . handleAmtEvent ( eventData , nodeid , amthost ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; }
// Send authentication response
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 48 , function ( err , buf ) {
var nonce = buf . toString ( 'hex' ) , opaque = obj . crypto . createHmac ( 'SHA384' , obj . httpAuthRandom ) . update ( nonce ) . digest ( 'hex' ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'WWW-Authenticate' : 'Digest realm="' + obj . httpAuthRealm + '", qop="auth,auth-int", nonce="' + nonce + '", opaque="' + opaque + '"' } ) ;
res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ;
} ) ;
// Handle a server backup request
function handleBackupRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ( domain . id !== '' ) || ( ! req . session ) || ( req . session == null ) || ( ! req . session . userid ) || ( obj . parent . args . noserverbackup == 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( ( user . siteadmin & 1 ) == 0 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; } // Check if we have server backup rights
// Require modules
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
var archive = require ( 'archiver' ) ( 'zip' , { level : 9 } ) ; // Sets the compression method to maximum.
// Good practice to catch this error explicitly
archive . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { throw err ; } ) ;
// Set the archive name
res . attachment ( domain . title + '-Backup-' + new Date ( ) . toLocaleDateString ( ) . replace ( '/' , '-' ) . replace ( '/' , '-' ) + '.zip' ) ;
// Pipe archive data to the file
archive . pipe ( res ) ;
// Append all of the files for this backup
var backupList = [ 'config.json' , 'meshcentral.db' , 'agentserver-cert-private.key' , 'agentserver-cert-public.crt' , 'mpsserver-cert-private.key' , 'mpsserver-cert-public.crt' , 'data/root-cert-private.key' , 'root-cert-public.crt' , 'webserver-cert-private.key' , 'webserver-cert-public.crt' ] ;
for ( var i in backupList ) {
var filename = backupList [ i ] ;
var filepath = obj . path . join ( obj . parent . datapath , filename ) ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( filepath ) ) { archive . file ( filepath , { name : filename } ) ; }
// Finalize the archive (ie we are done appending files but streams have to finish yet)
archive . finalize ( ) ;
// Handle a server restore request
function handleRestoreRequest ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( ( domain . id !== '' ) || ( ! req . session ) || ( req . session == null ) || ( ! req . session . userid ) || ( obj . parent . args . noserverbackup == 1 ) ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( ( user . siteadmin & 4 ) == 0 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; } // Check if we have server restore rights
var multiparty = require ( 'multiparty' ) ;
var form = new multiparty . Form ( ) ;
form . parse ( req , function ( err , fields , files ) {
res . send ( 'Server must be restarted, <a href="' + domain . url + '">click here to login</a>.' ) ;
parent . Stop ( files . datafile [ 0 ] . path ) ;
} ) ;
// Handle a request to download a mesh agent
obj . handleMeshAgentRequest = function ( req , res ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( req . query . id != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Send a specific mesh agent back
var argentInfo = obj . parent . meshAgentBinaries [ req . query . id ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( argentInfo == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=' + argentInfo . rname } ) ;
res . sendFile ( argentInfo . path ) ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
} else if ( req . query . script != null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Send a specific mesh install script back
var scriptInfo = obj . parent . meshAgentInstallScripts [ req . query . script ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( scriptInfo == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=' + scriptInfo . rname } ) ;
res . sendFile ( scriptInfo . path ) ;
2017-10-31 16:19:58 -07:00
} else if ( req . query . meshcmd != null ) {
// Send meshcmd for a specific platform back
var argentInfo = obj . parent . meshAgentBinaries [ req . query . meshcmd ] ;
if ( argentInfo == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
// Load the agent
obj . fs . readFile ( argentInfo . path , function ( err , agentexe ) {
if ( err != null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
// Load meshcmd.js
obj . fs . readFile ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'agents' , 'meshcmd.js' ) , function ( err , meshcmdjs ) {
if ( err != null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=meshcmd' + ( ( req . query . meshcmd <= 4 ) ? '.exe' : '' ) } ) ;
var tail = new Buffer ( 8 ) ;
tail . writeInt32BE ( meshcmdjs . length , 0 ) ;
tail . writeInt32BE ( agentexe . length + meshcmdjs . length + 8 , 4 ) ;
res . send ( Buffer . concat ( [ agentexe , meshcmdjs , tail ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( req . query . meshaction != null ) {
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
var user = obj . users [ req . session . userid ] ;
if ( domain == null || req . query . nodeid == null ) { res . sendStatus ( 404 ) ; return ; }
obj . db . Get ( req . query . nodeid , function ( err , nodes ) {
if ( nodes . length != 1 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var node = nodes [ 0 ] ;
// Create the meshaction.txt file for meshcmd.exe
var meshaction = {
action : req . query . meshaction ,
localPort : 1234 ,
remoteName : node . name ,
remoteNodeId : node . _id ,
remotePort : 3389 ,
username : '' ,
password : '' ,
serverId : obj . agentCertificateHashHex . toUpperCase ( ) , // SHA384 of server HTTPS public key
serverHttpsHash : new Buffer ( obj . webCertificateHash , 'binary' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) . toUpperCase ( ) , // SHA384 of server HTTPS certificate
debugLevel : 0
if ( user != null ) { meshaction . username = user . name ; }
if ( obj . args . lanonly != true ) { meshaction . serverUrl = ( ( obj . args . notls == true ) ? 'ws://' : 'wss://' ) + obj . certificates . CommonName + ':' + obj . args . port + '/' + ( ( domain . id == '' ) ? '' : ( '/' + domain . id ) ) + 'meshrelay.ashx' ; }
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=meshaction.txt' } ) ;
res . send ( JSON . stringify ( meshaction , null , ' ' ) ) ;
} ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
} else {
// Send a list of available mesh agents
var response = '<html><head><title>Mesh Agents</title><style>table,th,td { border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding:3px; }</style></head><body><table>' ;
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
response += '<tr style="background-color:lightgray"><th>ID</th><th>Description</th><th>Link</th><th>Size</th><th>SHA384</th></tr>' ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
for ( var agentid in obj . parent . meshAgentBinaries ) {
var agentinfo = obj . parent . meshAgentBinaries [ agentid ] ;
response += '<tr><td>' + agentinfo . id + '</td><td>' + agentinfo . desc + '</td>' ;
response += '<td><a target=_blank href="' + req . originalUrl + '?id=' + agentinfo . id + '">' + agentinfo . rname + '</a></td>' ;
response += '<td>' + agentinfo . size + '</td><td>' + agentinfo . hash + '</td></tr>' ;
response += '</table></body></html>' ;
res . send ( response ) ;
// Handle a request to download a mesh settings
obj . handleMeshSettingsRequest = function ( req , res ) {
2017-10-02 14:12:29 -07:00
var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( req , res ) ;
if ( domain == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
//if ((domain.id !== '') || (!req.session) || (req.session == null) || (!req.session.userid)) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
2017-10-31 16:19:58 -07:00
// Query the meshid
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . db . Get ( 'mesh/' + domain . id + '/' + req . query . id , function ( err , meshes ) {
if ( meshes . length != 1 ) { res . sendStatus ( 401 ) ; return ; }
var mesh = meshes [ 0 ] ;
// Check if this user has rights to do this
//var user = obj.users[req.session.userid];
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
//if ((user == null) || (mesh.links[user._id] == null) || ((mesh.links[user._id].rights & 1) == 0)) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
//if (domain.id != mesh.domain) { res.sendStatus(401); return; }
2017-10-15 17:36:06 -07:00
var meshidhex = new Buffer ( req . query . id . replace ( /\@/g , '+' ) . replace ( /\$/g , '/' ) , 'base64' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
2017-10-18 16:28:05 -07:00
var serveridhex = new Buffer ( obj . agentCertificateHashBase64 . replace ( /\@/g , '+' ) . replace ( /\$/g , '/' ) , 'base64' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
2017-10-15 17:36:06 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var xdomain = domain . id ;
if ( xdomain != '' ) xdomain += "/" ;
2017-10-15 17:36:06 -07:00
var meshsettings = "MeshName=" + mesh . name + "\r\nMeshType=" + mesh . mtype + "\r\nMeshID=0x" + meshidhex + "\r\nServerID=" + serveridhex + "\r\n" ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( obj . args . lanonly != true ) { meshsettings += "MeshServer=ws" + ( obj . args . notls ? '' : 's' ) + "://" + certificates . CommonName + ":" + obj . args . port + "/" + xdomain + "agent.ashx\r\n" ; } else { meshsettings += "MeshServer=local" ; }
res . set ( { 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' , 'Pragma' : 'no-cache' , 'Expires' : '0' , 'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream' , 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=meshagent.msh' } ) ;
res . send ( meshsettings ) ;
} ) ;
// Add HTTP security headers to all responses
obj . app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
// Two more headers to take a look at:
// 'Public-Key-Pins': 'pin-sha256="X3pGTSOuJeEVw989IJ/cEtXUEmy52zs1TZQrU06KUKg="; max-age=10'
// 'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'
res . removeHeader ( "X-Powered-By" ) ;
if ( obj . args . notls ) {
// Default headers if no TLS is used
res . set ( { 'Referrer-Policy' : 'no-referrer' , 'x-frame-options' : 'SAMEORIGIN' , 'X-XSS-Protection' : '1; mode=block' , 'X-Content-Type-Options' : 'nosniff' , 'Content-Security-Policy' : "default-src http: ws: data: 'self';script-src http: 'unsafe-inline';style-src http: 'unsafe-inline'" } ) ;
} else {
// Default headers if TLS is used
res . set ( { 'Referrer-Policy' : 'no-referrer' , 'x-frame-options' : 'SAMEORIGIN' , 'X-XSS-Protection' : '1; mode=block' , 'X-Content-Type-Options' : 'nosniff' , 'Content-Security-Policy' : "default-src https: wss: data: 'self';script-src https: 'unsafe-inline';style-src https: 'unsafe-inline'" } ) ;
return next ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Setup all HTTP handlers
obj . app . get ( '/backup.zip' , handleBackupRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( '/restoreserver.ashx' , handleRestoreRequest ) ;
2017-09-13 11:25:57 -07:00
if ( parent . multiServer != null ) { obj . app . ws ( '/meshserver.ashx' , function ( ws , req ) { parent . multiServer . CreatePeerInServer ( parent . multiServer , ws , req ) ; } ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
for ( var i in parent . config . domains ) {
var url = parent . config . domains [ i ] . url ;
obj . app . get ( url , handleRootRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'terms' , handleTermsRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'login' , handleLoginRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'logout' , handleLogoutRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'MeshServerRootCert.cer' , handleRootCertRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'mescript.ashx' , handleMeScriptRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'changepassword' , handlePasswordChangeRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'deleteaccount' , handleDeleteAccountRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'createaccount' , handleCreateAccountRequest ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'amtevents.ashx' , obj . handleAmtEventRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'webrelay.ashx' , function ( req , res ) { res . send ( 'Websocket connection expected' ) ; } ) ;
obj . app . ws ( url + 'webrelay.ashx' , handleRelayWebSocket ) ;
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
obj . app . ws ( url + 'control.ashx' , function ( ws , req ) { try { var domain = checkUserIpAddress ( ws , req ) ; if ( domain != null ) { obj . meshUserHandler . CreateMeshUser ( obj , obj . db , ws , req , obj . args , domain ) ; } } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . app . get ( url + 'meshagents' , obj . handleMeshAgentRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'meshsettings' , obj . handleMeshSettingsRequest ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'downloadfile.ashx' , handleDownloadFile ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'uploadfile.ashx' , handleUploadFile ) ;
obj . app . post ( url + 'uploadmeshcorefile.ashx' , handleUploadMeshCoreFile ) ;
obj . app . get ( url + 'userfiles/*' , handleDownloadUserFiles ) ;
obj . app . ws ( url + 'echo.ashx' , handleEchoWebSocket ) ;
2017-10-31 16:19:58 -07:00
obj . app . ws ( url + 'meshrelay.ashx' , function ( ws , req ) { try { obj . meshRelayHandler . CreateMeshRelay ( obj , ws , req , getDomain ( req ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Receive mesh agent connections
obj . app . ws ( url + 'agent.ashx' , function ( ws , req ) { try { var domain = getDomain ( req ) ; obj . meshAgentHandler . CreateMeshAgent ( obj , obj . db , ws , req , obj . args , domain ) ; } catch ( e ) { console . log ( e ) ; } } ) ;
2017-10-15 17:36:06 -07:00
obj . app . get ( url + 'stop' , function ( req , res ) { res . send ( 'Stopping Server, <a href="' + url + '">click here to login</a>.' ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { parent . Stop ( ) ; } , 500 ) ; } ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Indicates to ExpressJS that the public folder should be used to serve static files.
obj . app . use ( url , obj . express . static ( obj . path . join ( _ _dirname , 'public' ) ) ) ;
// Find a free port starting with the specified one and going up.
function CheckListenPort ( port , func ) {
var s = obj . net . createServer ( function ( socket ) { } ) ;
obj . tcpServer = s . listen ( port , function ( ) { s . close ( function ( ) { if ( func ) { func ( port ) ; } } ) ; } ) . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
if ( args . exactports ) { console . error ( 'ERROR: MeshCentral HTTPS web server port ' + port + ' not available.' ) ; process . exit ( ) ; }
else { if ( port < 65535 ) { CheckListenPort ( port + 1 , func ) ; } else { if ( func ) { func ( 0 ) ; } } }
} ) ;
// Start the ExpressJS web server
function StartWebServer ( port ) {
if ( port == 0 || port == 65535 ) return ;
obj . args . port = port ;
if ( obj . tlsServer != null ) {
if ( obj . args . lanonly == true ) {
obj . tcpServer = obj . tlsServer . listen ( port , function ( ) { console . log ( 'MeshCentral HTTPS web server running on port ' + port + '.' ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . tcpServer = obj . tlsServer . listen ( port , function ( ) { console . log ( 'MeshCentral HTTPS web server running on ' + certificates . CommonName + ':' + port + '.' ) ; } ) ;
} else {
obj . tcpServer = obj . app . listen ( port , function ( ) { console . log ( 'MeshCentral HTTP web server running on port ' + port + '.' ) ; } ) ;
// Force mesh agent disconnection
2017-08-31 11:03:02 -07:00
function forceMeshAgentDisconnect ( user , domain , nodeid , disconnectMode ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( nodeid == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var splitnode = nodeid . split ( '/' ) ;
if ( ( splitnode . length != 3 ) || ( splitnode [ 1 ] != domain . id ) ) return ; // Check that nodeid is valid and part of our domain
var agent = obj . wsagents [ nodeid ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( agent == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check we have agent rights
var rights = user . links [ agent . dbMeshKey ] . rights ;
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
if ( ( rights != null ) && ( ( rights & MESHRIGHT _AGENTCONSOLE ) != 0 ) && ( user . siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) { agent . close ( disconnectMode ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Send the core module to the mesh agent
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
obj . sendMeshAgentCore = function ( user , domain , nodeid , core ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( nodeid == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var splitnode = nodeid . split ( '/' ) ;
if ( ( splitnode . length != 3 ) || ( splitnode [ 1 ] != domain . id ) ) return ; // Check that nodeid is valid and part of our domain
var agent = obj . wsagents [ nodeid ] ;
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( agent == null ) return ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Check we have agent rights
var rights = user . links [ agent . dbMeshKey ] . rights ;
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
if ( ( rights != null ) && ( ( rights & MESHRIGHT _AGENTCONSOLE ) != 0 ) && ( user . siteadmin == 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( core == null ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Clear the mesh agent core
agent . agentCoreCheck = 1000 ; // Tell the agent object we are not using a custom core.
agent . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 10 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ;
} else if ( core == '*' ) {
agent . agentCoreCheck = 0 ; // Tell the agent object we are using a default code
// Reset the core to the server default
agent . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 11 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) ) ; // Command 11, ask for mesh core hash.
} else {
agent . agentCoreCheck = 1000 ; // Tell the agent object we are not using a custom core.
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
// Perform a SHA384 hash on the core module
var hash = obj . crypto . createHash ( 'sha384' ) . update ( new Buffer ( core , 'binary' ) ) . digest ( ) . toString ( 'binary' ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Send the code module to the agent
2017-10-14 23:22:19 -07:00
agent . send ( obj . common . ShortToStr ( 10 ) + obj . common . ShortToStr ( 0 ) + hash + core ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Get the server path of a user or mesh object
function getServerRootFilePath ( obj ) {
2017-09-15 11:45:06 -07:00
if ( ( typeof obj != 'object' ) || ( obj . domain == null ) || ( obj . _id == null ) ) return null ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var domainname = 'domain' , splitname = obj . _id . split ( '/' ) ;
if ( splitname . length != 3 ) return null ;
if ( obj . domain !== '' ) domainname = 'domain-' + obj . domain ;
return obj . path . join ( obj . filespath , domainname + "/" + splitname [ 0 ] + "-" + splitname [ 2 ] ) ;
// Read entire file and return it in callback function
function readEntireTextFile ( filepath , func ) {
var called = false ;
try {
obj . fs . open ( filepath , 'r' , function ( err , fd ) {
obj . fs . fstat ( fd , function ( err , stats ) {
var bufferSize = stats . size , chunkSize = 512 , buffer = new Buffer ( bufferSize ) , bytesRead = 0 ;
while ( bytesRead < bufferSize ) {
if ( ( bytesRead + chunkSize ) > bufferSize ) { chunkSize = ( bufferSize - bytesRead ) ; }
obj . fs . readSync ( fd , buffer , bytesRead , chunkSize , bytesRead ) ;
bytesRead += chunkSize ;
obj . fs . close ( fd ) ;
called = true ;
func ( buffer . toString ( 'utf8' , 0 , bufferSize ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) { if ( called == false ) { func ( null ) ; } }
// Debug
function Debug ( lvl ) {
if ( lvl > obj . parent . debugLevel ) return ;
if ( arguments . length == 2 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] ) ; }
else if ( arguments . length == 3 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] ) ; }
else if ( arguments . length == 4 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] , arguments [ 3 ] ) ; }
else if ( arguments . length == 5 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] , arguments [ 3 ] , arguments [ 4 ] ) ; }
else if ( arguments . length == 6 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] , arguments [ 3 ] , arguments [ 4 ] , arguments [ 5 ] ) ; }
else if ( arguments . length == 7 ) { console . log ( arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] , arguments [ 3 ] , arguments [ 4 ] , arguments [ 5 ] , arguments [ 6 ] ) ; }
// Start server on a free port
CheckListenPort ( obj . args . port , StartWebServer ) ;
2017-09-20 14:44:22 -07:00
/ *
obj . wssessions = { } ; // UserId --> Array Of Sessions
obj . wssessions2 = { } ; // "UserId + SessionRnd" --> Session (Note that the SessionId is the UserId + / + SessionRnd)
obj . wsPeerSessions = { } ; // ServerId --> Array Of "UserId + SessionRnd"
obj . wsPeerSessions2 = { } ; // "UserId + SessionRnd" --> ServerId
obj . wsPeerSessions3 = { } ; // ServerId --> UserId --> [ SessionId ]
* /
// Count sessions and event any changes
obj . recountSessions = function ( changedSessionId ) {
if ( changedSessionId == null ) {
// Recount all sessions
// Calculate the session count for all userid's
var newSessionsCount = { } ;
for ( var userid in obj . wssessions ) { newSessionsCount [ userid ] = obj . wssessions [ userid ] . length ; }
for ( var serverid in obj . wsPeerSessions3 ) {
for ( var userid in obj . wsPeerSessions3 [ serverid ] ) {
var c = obj . wsPeerSessions3 [ serverid ] [ userid ] . length ;
if ( newSessionsCount [ userid ] == null ) { newSessionsCount [ userid ] = c ; } else { newSessionsCount [ userid ] += c ; }
// See what session counts have changed, event any changes
for ( var userid in newSessionsCount ) {
var newcount = newSessionsCount [ userid ] ;
var oldcount = obj . sessionsCount [ userid ] ;
if ( oldcount == null ) { oldcount = 0 ; } else { delete obj . sessionsCount [ userid ] ; }
if ( newcount != oldcount ) {
var x = userid . split ( '/' ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' ] , obj , { action : 'wssessioncount' , username : x [ 2 ] , count : newcount , domain : x [ 1 ] , nolog : 1 , nopeers : 1 } )
// If there are any counts left in the old counts, event to zero
for ( var userid in obj . sessionsCount ) {
var oldcount = obj . sessionsCount [ userid ] ;
if ( ( oldcount != null ) && ( oldcount != 0 ) ) {
var x = userid . split ( '/' ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' ] , obj , { action : 'wssessioncount' , username : x [ 2 ] , count : 0 , domain : x [ 1 ] , nolog : 1 , nopeers : 1 } )
// Set the new session counts
obj . sessionsCount = newSessionsCount ;
} else {
// Figure out the userid
var userid = changedSessionId . split ( '/' ) . slice ( 0 , 3 ) . join ( '/' ) ;
// Recount only changedSessionId
var newcount = 0 ;
if ( obj . wssessions [ userid ] != null ) { newcount = obj . wssessions [ userid ] . length ; }
for ( var serverid in obj . wsPeerSessions3 ) { if ( obj . wsPeerSessions3 [ serverid ] [ userid ] != null ) { newcount += obj . wsPeerSessions3 [ serverid ] [ userid ] . length ; } }
var oldcount = obj . sessionsCount [ userid ] ;
if ( oldcount == null ) { oldcount = 0 ; }
// If the count changed, update and event
if ( newcount != oldcount ) {
var x = userid . split ( '/' ) ;
obj . parent . DispatchEvent ( [ '*' ] , obj , { action : 'wssessioncount' , username : x [ 2 ] , count : newcount , domain : x [ 1 ] , nolog : 1 , nopeers : 1 } )
obj . sessionsCount [ userid ] = newcount ;
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
// Generate a cryptographic key used to encode and decode cookies
obj . generateCookieKey = function ( ) {
return new Buffer ( obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 32 ) , 'binary' ) ;
//return Buffer.alloc(32, 0); // Sets the key to zeros, debug only.
// Encode an object as a cookie using a key. (key must be 32 bytes long)
obj . encodeCookie = function ( o , key ) {
try {
if ( key == null ) { key = obj . serverKey ; }
o . time = Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) ; // Add the cookie creation time
var iv = new Buffer ( obj . crypto . randomBytes ( 12 ) , 'binary' ) , cipher = obj . crypto . createCipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , key , iv ) ;
var crypted = Buffer . concat ( [ cipher . update ( JSON . stringify ( o ) , 'utf8' ) , cipher . final ( ) ] ) ;
return Buffer . concat ( [ iv , cipher . getAuthTag ( ) , crypted ] ) . toString ( 'base64' ) . replace ( /\+/g , '@' ) . replace ( /\//g , '$' ) ;
} catch ( e ) { return null ; }
// Decode a cookie back into an object using a key. Return null if it's not a valid cookie. (key must be 32 bytes long)
obj . decodeCookie = function ( cookie , key ) {
try {
if ( key == null ) { key = obj . serverKey ; }
cookie = new Buffer ( cookie . replace ( /\@/g , '+' ) . replace ( /\$/g , '/' ) , 'base64' ) ;
var decipher = obj . crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-256-gcm' , key , cookie . slice ( 0 , 12 ) ) ;
decipher . setAuthTag ( cookie . slice ( 12 , 16 ) ) ;
var o = JSON . parse ( decipher . update ( cookie . slice ( 28 ) , 'binary' , 'utf8' ) + decipher . final ( 'utf8' ) ) ;
if ( ( o . time == null ) || ( o . time == null ) || ( typeof o . time != 'number' ) ) { return null ; }
o . time = o . time * 1000 ; // Decode the cookie creation time
o . dtime = Date . now ( ) - o . time ; // Decode how long ago the cookie was created (in milliseconds)
2017-10-25 09:58:14 -07:00
if ( ( o . dtime > 120000 ) || ( o . dtime < - 30000 ) ) return null ; // The cookie is only valid 120 seconds, or 30 seconds back in time (in case other server's clock is not quite right)
2017-10-23 14:09:58 -07:00
return o ;
} catch ( e ) { return null ; }
obj . serverKey = obj . generateCookieKey ( ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
return obj ;