2022-05-16 18:48:25 -04:00
# This is for running mkdocs locally on windows only.
# Make sure you change directory to your docs folder before starting this process
2022-05-26 13:49:17 -04:00
# Use the "Run Selection" in VSCode to run the code blocks as-needed
2022-05-16 18:48:25 -04:00
#Activate python
python -m venv env
#Install requirements first time only
python -m pip install --upgrade pip #only 1st time
pip install pytest #only 1st time
pip install mkdocs #only 1st time
pip install mkdocs-material #only 1st time
#Run mkdocs and look at changes as you make them
mkdocs serve
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start http://localhost:8010 #Opens Browser
#Stop python