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2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
function createMeshCore(agent) {
var obj = {};
// MeshAgent JavaScript Core Module. This code is sent to and running on the mesh agent.
obj.meshCoreInfo = "MeshCore v3k";
obj.meshCoreCapabilities = 14; // Capability bitmask: 1 = Desktop, 2 = Terminal, 4 = Files, 8 = Console, 16 = JavaScript
var meshServerConnectionState = 0;
var tunnels = {};
var lastSelfInfo = null;
var lastNetworkInfo = null;
var lastPublicLocationInfo = null;
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
var selfInfoUpdateTimer = null;
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
// If we are running in Duktape, agent will be null
if (agent == null) {
// Running in native agent, Import libraries
var db = require('SimpleDataStore').Shared();
var sha = require('SHA256Stream');
var mesh = require('MeshAgent');
var processManager = require('ILibProcessPipe');
if (mesh.hasKVM == 1) { obj.meshCoreCapabilities |= 1; }
} else {
// Running in nodejs
obj.meshCoreInfo += '-NodeJS';
obj.meshCoreCapabilities = 8;
var mesh = agent.getMeshApi();
// Get our location (lat/long) using our public IP address
function getIpLocationDataEx(func) {
try {
host: '', // TODO: Use a HTTP proxy if needed!!!!
port: 80,
path: '', // Use this service to get our geolocation
headers: { Host: "" }
function (resp) {
var geoData = ''; = function (geoipdata) { geoData += geoipdata; };
resp.end = function () {
var location = null;
try { if (typeof geoData == 'string') { var result = JSON.parse(geoData); if (result.ip && result.loc) { location = result; } } } catch (e) { }
if (func) { func(location); }
catch (e) { }
// Remove all Gateway MAC addresses for interface list. This is useful because the gateway MAC is not always populated reliably.
function clearGatewayMac(str) {
if (str == null) return null;
var x = JSON.parse(str);
for (var i in x.netif) { if (x.netif[i].gatewaymac) { delete x.netif[i].gatewaymac } }
return JSON.stringify(x);
function getIpLocationData(func) {
// Get the location information for the cache if possible
var publicLocationInfo = db.Get('publicLocationInfo');
if (publicLocationInfo != null) { publicLocationInfo = JSON.parse(publicLocationInfo); }
if (publicLocationInfo == null) {
// Nothing in the cache, fetch the data
getIpLocationDataEx(function (locationData) {
publicLocationInfo = {};
publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr = lastNetworkInfo;
publicLocationInfo.locationData = locationData;
var x = db.Put('publicLocationInfo', JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo)); // Save to database
if (func) func(locationData);
} else {
// Check the cache
if (clearGatewayMac(publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr) == clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo)) {
// Cache match
if (func) func(publicLocationInfo.locationData);
} else {
// Cache mismatch
getIpLocationDataEx(function (locationData) {
publicLocationInfo = {};
publicLocationInfo.netInfoStr = lastNetworkInfo;
publicLocationInfo.locationData = locationData;
var x = db.Put('publicLocationInfo', JSON.stringify(publicLocationInfo)); // Save to database
if (func) func(locationData);
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
// Polyfill String.endsWith
if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {
String.prototype.endsWith = function (searchString, position) {
var subjectString = this.toString();
if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > subjectString.length) { position = subjectString.length; }
position -= searchString.length;
var lastIndex = subjectString.lastIndexOf(searchString, position);
return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
// Polyfill path.join
obj.path = {
join: function () {
var x = [];
for (var i in arguments) {
var w = arguments[i];
if (w != null) {
while (w.endsWith('/') || w.endsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(0, w.length - 1); }
while (w.startsWith('/') || w.startsWith('\\')) { w = w.substring(1); }
if (x.length == 0) return '/';
return x.join('/');
// Replace a string with a number if the string is an exact number
function toNumberIfNumber(x) { if ((typeof x == 'string') && (+parseInt(x) == x)) { x = parseInt(x); } return x; }
// Convert decimal to hex
function char2hex(i) { return (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(-2).toUpperCase(); }
// Convert a raw string to a hex string
function rstr2hex(input) { var r = '', i; for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { r += char2hex(input.charCodeAt(i)); } return r; }
// Convert a buffer into a string
function buf2rstr(buf) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { r += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return r; }
// Convert a hex string to a raw string // TODO: Do this using Buffer(), will be MUCH faster
function hex2rstr(d) {
if (typeof d != "string" || d.length == 0) return '';
var r = '', m = ('' + d).match(/../g), t;
while (t = m.shift()) r += String.fromCharCode('0x' + t);
return r
// Convert an object to string with all functions
function objToString(x, p, ret) {
if (ret == undefined) ret = '';
if (p == undefined) p = 0;
if (x == null) { return '[null]'; }
if (p > 8) { return '[...]'; }
if (x == undefined) { return '[undefined]'; }
if (typeof x == 'string') { if (p == 0) return x; return '"' + x + '"'; }
if (typeof x == 'buffer') { return '[buffer]'; }
if (typeof x != 'object') { return x; }
var r = '{' + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' ');
for (var i in x) { r += (addPad(p + 2, ret) + i + ': ' + objToString(x[i], p + 2, ret) + (ret ? '\r\n' : ' ')); }
return r + addPad(p, ret) + '}';
// Return p number of spaces
function addPad(p, ret) { var r = ''; for (var i = 0; i < p; i++) { r += ret; } return r; }
// Split a string taking into account the quoats. Used for command line parsing
function splitArgs(str) {
var myArray = [], myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi;
do { var match = myRegexp.exec(str); if (match != null) { myArray.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]); } } while (match != null);
return myArray;
// Parse arguments string array into an object
function parseArgs(argv) {
var results = { '_': [] }, current = null;
for (var i = 1, len = argv.length; i < len; i++) {
var x = argv[i];
if (x.length > 2 && x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-') {
if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
current = x.substring(2);
} else {
if (current != null) { results[current] = toNumberIfNumber(x); current = null; } else { results['_'].push(toNumberIfNumber(x)); }
if (current != null) { results[current] = true; }
return results;
// Parge a URL string into an options object
function parseUrl(url) {
var x = url.split('/');
if (x.length < 4) return null;
var y = x[2].split(':');
var options = {};
var options = { protocol: x[0], hostname: y[0], path: '/' + x.splice(3).join('/') };
if (y.length == 1) { options.port = ((x[0] == 'https:') || (x[0] == 'wss:')) ? 443 : 80; } else { options.port = parseInt(y[1]); }
if (isNaN(options.port) == true) return null;
return options;
// Handle a mesh agent command
function handleServerCommand(data) {
if (typeof data == 'object') {
// If this is a console command, parse it and call the console handler
switch (data.action) {
case 'msg': {
if (data.type == 'console') { // Process a console command
if (data.value && data.sessionid) {
var args = splitArgs(data.value);
processConsoleCommand(args[0].toLowerCase(), parseArgs(args), data.rights, data.sessionid);
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
else if (data.type == 'tunnel') { // Process a new tunnel connection request
if (data.value && data.sessionid) {
// Create a new tunnel object
var tunnel = http.request(parseUrl(data.value));
tunnel.upgrade = onTunnelUpgrade;
tunnel.sessionid = data.sessionid;
tunnel.rights = data.rights;
tunnel.state = 0;
tunnel.url = data.value;
tunnel.protocol = 0;
// Put the tunnel in the tunnels list
var index = 1;
while (tunnels[index]) { index++; }
tunnel.index = index;
tunnels[index] = tunnel;
sendConsoleText('New tunnel connection #' + index + ': ' + tunnel.url + ', rights: ' + tunnel.rights, data.sessionid);
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
case 'wakeonlan': {
// Send wake-on-lan on all interfaces for all MAC addresses in data.macs array. The array is a list of HEX MAC addresses.
sendConsoleText('Server requesting wake-on-lan for: ' + data.macs.join(', '));
// TODO!!!!
case 'location': {
// Update the location information of this node
getIpLocationData(function (location) { mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "location", "type": "publicip", "value": location }); });
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
// Called when a file changed in the file system
function onFileWatcher(a, b) {
//console.log('onFileWatcher', a, b, this.path);
var response = getDirectoryInfo(this.path);
if ((response != undefined) && (response != null)) { this.tunnel.s.write(JSON.stringify(response)); }
// Get a formated response for a given directory path
function getDirectoryInfo(reqpath) {
var response = { path: reqpath, dir: [] };
if (((reqpath == undefined) || (reqpath == '')) && (process.platform == 'win32')) {
// List all the drives in the root, or the root itself
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readDrivesSync(); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Anyway to get drive total size and free space? Could draw a progress bar.
//console.log('a', objToString(results, 0, '.'));
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
var drive = { n: results[i].name, t: 1 };
if (results[i].type == 'REMOVABLE') { drive.dt = 'removable'; } // TODO: See if this is USB/CDROM or something else, we can draw icons.
} else {
// List all the files and folders in this path
if (reqpath == '') { reqpath = '/'; }
var xpath = obj.path.join(reqpath, '*');
var results = null;
try { results = fs.readdirSync(xpath); } catch (e) { }
if (results != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
if ((results[i] != '.') && (results[i] != '..')) {
var stat = null, p = obj.path.join(reqpath, results[i]);
try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { } // TODO: Get file size/date
if ((stat != null) && (stat != undefined)) {
if (stat.isDirectory() == true) {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 2, d: stat.mtime });
} else {
response.dir.push({ n: results[i], t: 3, s: stat.size, d: stat.mtime });
return response;
// Tunnel callback operations
function onTunnelUpgrade(response, s, head) { this.s = s; s.httprequest = this; s.end = onTunnelClosed; = onTunnelData; }
function onTunnelClosed() {
sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " closed.", this.httprequest.sessionid);
if (this.httprequest.protocol == 1) { this.httprequest.process.end(); delete this.httprequest.process; }
delete tunnels[this.httprequest.index];
// Close the watcher if required
if (this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) {
//console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
//this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
delete this.httprequest.watcher;
// If there is a upload or download active on this connection, close the file
if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); this.httprequest.uploadFile = undefined; }
if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.downloadFile); this.httprequest.downloadFile = undefined; }
function onTunnelSendOk() { sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.index + " SendOK.", this.sessionid); }
function onTunnelData(data) {
// If this is upload data, save it to file
if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) {
try { fs.writeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile, data); } catch (e) { this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror' })); return; } // Write to the file, if there is a problem, error out.
this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadack', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid })); // Ask for more data
// If this is a download, send more of the file
if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) {
var buf = new Buffer(4096);
var len = fs.readSync(this.httprequest.downloadFile, buf, 0, 4096, null);
this.httprequest.downloadFilePtr += len;
if (len > 0) { this.write(buf.slice(0, len)); } else { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.downloadFile); this.httprequest.downloadFile = undefined; this.end(); }
// (****) Remote Desktop without using native pipes (TODO: This is in use now because native pipes don't work correctly on Linux)
if (this.httprequest.desktop) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.write(data); return; }
// (****) Remote Terminal without using native pipes (TODO: This is in use now because native pipes don't work correctly on Linux)
if (this.httprequest.terminal) { this.httprequest.terminal.write(data); return; }
if (this.httprequest.state == 0) {
// Check if this is a relay connection
if (data == 'c') { this.httprequest.state = 1; sendConsoleText("Tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " now active", this.httprequest.sessionid); }
} else {
// Handle tunnel data
if (this.httprequest.protocol == 0) { // 1 = SOL, 2 = KVM, 3 = IDER, 4 = Files, 5 = FileTransfer
// Take a look at the protocolab
this.httprequest.protocol = parseInt(data);
if (typeof this.httprequest.protocol != 'number') { this.httprequest.protocol = 0; }
if (this.httprequest.protocol == 1) {
// (****) Remote Terminal without using native pipes (TODO: This is in use now because native pipes don't work correctly on Linux)
if (process.platform == "win32") {
this.httprequest.terminal = processManager.CreateProcess("%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe");
} else {
this.httprequest.terminal = processManager.CreateProcess("/bin/sh", "sh", ILibProcessPipe_SpawnTypes.TERM);
this.httprequest.terminal.tunnel = this;
this.httprequest.terminal.on('data', function (chunk) { this.tunnel.write(chunk); }); = function (chunk) { this.parent.tunnel.write(chunk); }
// Remote terminal using native pipes
if (process.platform == "win32") {
this.httprequest.process = processManager.CreateProcess("%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe");
} else {
this.httprequest.process = processManager.CreateProcess("/bin/sh", "sh", ILibProcessPipe_SpawnTypes.TERM);
this.httprequest.process.tunnel = this; = function (chunk) { this.parent.tunnel.write(chunk); }
if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2) {
// (****) Remote Desktop without using native pipes (TODO: This is in use now because native pipes don't work correctly on Linux)
this.httprequest.desktop = { state: 0, kvm: mesh.getRemoteDesktopStream(), tunnel: this };
this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.tunnel = this;
this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.on('data', function (data) { this.tunnel.write(data); });
this.desktop = this.httprequest.desktop;
this.end = function () { if (--this.desktop.kvm.connectionCount == 0) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end(); } };
if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.hasOwnProperty("connectionCount")) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount++; } else { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount = 1; }
// Remote desktop using native pipes
this.httprequest.desktop = { state: 0, kvm: mesh.getRemoteDesktopStream(), tunnel: this };
this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.parent = this.httprequest.desktop;
this.desktop = this.httprequest.desktop;
this.end = function () {
if (this.desktop.kvm.connectionCount == 0) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.end(); }
if (this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.hasOwnProperty("connectionCount")) { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount++; } else { this.httprequest.desktop.kvm.connectionCount = 1; }
else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 5) {
// Setup files
// NOP
} else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 1) {
// Send data into terminal stdin
//this.write(data); // Echo back the keys (Does not seem to be a good idea)
} else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 2) {
// Send data into remote desktop
// TODO ADD REMOTE DESKTOP (This is test code)
if (this.httprequest.desktop.state == 0) {
this.write(new Buffer(String.fromCharCode(0x11, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4D, 0x45, 0x53, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02)));
this.httprequest.desktop.state = 1;
} else {
} else if (this.httprequest.protocol == 5) {
// Process files commands
var cmd = null;
try { cmd = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { };
if ((cmd == null) || (cmd.action == undefined)) { return; }
//console.log(objToString(cmd, 0, '.'));
switch (cmd.action) {
case 'ls': {
// Close the watcher if required
var samepath = ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (cmd.path == this.httprequest.watcher.path));
if ((this.httprequest.watcher != undefined) && (samepath == false)) {
//console.log('Closing watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
//this.httprequest.watcher.close(); // TODO: This line causes the agent to crash!!!!
delete this.httprequest.watcher;
// Send the folder content to the browser
var response = getDirectoryInfo(cmd.path);
if (cmd.reqid != undefined) { response.reqid = cmd.reqid; }
// Start the directory watcher
if ((cmd.path != '') && (samepath == false)) {
var watcher =, onFileWatcher);
watcher.tunnel = this.httprequest;
watcher.path = cmd.path;
this.httprequest.watcher = watcher;
//console.log('Starting watcher: ' + this.httprequest.watcher.path);
case 'mkdir': {
// Create a new empty folder
case 'rm': {
// Remove many files or folders
for (var i in cmd.delfiles) {
var fullpath = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.delfiles[i]);
try { fs.unlinkSync(fullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'rename': {
// Rename a file or folder
var oldfullpath = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.oldname);
var newfullpath = obj.path.join(cmd.path, cmd.newname);
try { fs.renameSync(oldfullpath, newfullpath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
case 'download': {
// Packet download of a file, agent to browser
if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
var filepath = ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, : cmd.path;
//console.log('Download: ' + filepath);
try { this.httprequest.downloadFile = fs.openSync(filepath, 'rbN'); } catch (e) { this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'downloaderror', reqid: cmd.reqid })); break; }
this.httprequest.downloadFileId = cmd.reqid;
this.httprequest.downloadFilePtr = 0;
if (this.httprequest.downloadFile) { this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'downloadstart', reqid: this.httprequest.downloadFileId })); }
case 'download2': {
// Stream download of a file, agent to browser
if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
var filepath = ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, : cmd.path;
try { this.httprequest.downloadFile = fs.createReadStream(filepath, { flags: 'rbN' }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
this.httprequest.downloadFile.end = function () { }
case 'upload': {
// Upload a file, browser to agent
if (this.httprequest.uploadFile != undefined) { fs.closeSync(this.httprequest.uploadFile); this.httprequest.uploadFile = undefined; }
if (cmd.path == undefined) break;
var filepath = ? obj.path.join(cmd.path, : cmd.path;
try { this.httprequest.uploadFile = fs.openSync(filepath, 'wbN'); } catch (e) { this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploaderror', reqid: cmd.reqid })); break; }
this.httprequest.uploadFileid = cmd.reqid;
if (this.httprequest.uploadFile) { this.write(JSON.stringify({ action: 'uploadstart', reqid: this.httprequest.uploadFileid })); }
//sendConsoleText("Got tunnel #" + this.httprequest.index + " data: " + data, this.httprequest.sessionid);
// Console state
var consoleWebSockets = {};
var consoleHttpRequest = null;
// Console HTTP response
function consoleHttpResponse(response) { = function (data) { sendConsoleText(rstr2hex(buf2rstr(data)), this.sessionid); consoleHttpRequest = null; }
response.close = function () { sendConsoleText('httprequest.response.close', this.sessionid); consoleHttpRequest = null; }
// Process a mesh agent console command
function processConsoleCommand(cmd, args, rights, sessionid) {
try {
var response = null;
switch (cmd) {
case 'help': { // Displays available commands
response = 'Available commands: help, info, args, print, type, dbget, dbset, dbcompact, parseurl, httpget, wsconnect, wssend, wsclose, notify, ls, amt, netinfo, location.';
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
case 'notify': { // Send a notification message to the mesh
if (args['_'].length != 1) {
response = 'Proper usage: notify "message" [--session]'; // Display correct command usage
} else {
var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": args['_'][0], "tag": "console" };
if (args.session) { notification.sessionid = sessionid; } // If "--session" is specified, notify only this session, if not, the server will notify the mesh
mesh.SendCommand(notification); // no sessionid or userid specified, notification will go to the entire mesh
response = 'ok';
case 'info': { // Return information about the agent and agent core module
response = 'Current Core: ' + obj.meshCoreInfo + '.\r\nAgent Time: ' + Date() + '.\r\nUser Rights: 0x' + rights.toString(16) + '.\r\nPlatform Info: ' + process.platform + '.\r\Capabilities: ' + obj.meshCoreCapabilities + '.';
case 'selfinfo': { // Return self information block
response = JSON.stringify(buildSelfInfo());
case 'args': { // Displays parsed command arguments
response = 'args ' + objToString(args, 0, '.');
case 'print': { // Print a message on the mesh agent console, does nothing when running in the background
var r = [];
for (var i in args['_']) { r.push(args['_'][i]); }
console.log(r.join(' '));
response = 'Message printed on agent console.';
case 'type': { // Returns the content of a file
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
response = 'Proper usage: type (filepath) [maxlength]'; // Display correct command usage
} else {
var max = 4096;
if ((args['_'].length > 1) && (typeof args['_'][1] == 'number')) { max = args['_'][1]; }
if (max > 4096) max = 4096;
var buf = new Buffer(max), fd = fs.openSync(args['_'][0], "r"), r = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, max); // Read the file content
response = buf.toString();
var i = response.indexOf('\n');
if ((i > 0) && (response[i - 1] != '\r')) { response = response.split('\n').join('\r\n'); }
if (r == max) response += '...';
case 'dbget': { // Return the data store value for a given key
if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
if (args['_'].length != 1) {
response = 'Proper usage: dbget (key)'; // Display the value for a given database key
} else {
response = db.Get(args['_'][0]);
case 'dbset': { // Set a data store key and value pair
if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
if (args['_'].length != 2) {
response = 'Proper usage: dbset (key) (value)'; // Set a database key
} else {
var r = db.Put(args['_'][0], args['_'][1]);
response = 'Key set: ' + r;
case 'dbcompact': { // Compact the data store
if (db == null) { response = 'Database not accessible.'; break; }
var r = db.Compact();
response = 'Database compacted: ' + r;
case 'parseurl': {
response = objToString(parseUrl(args['_'][0]));
case 'httpget': {
if (consoleHttpRequest != null) {
response = 'HTTP operation already in progress.';
} else {
if (args['_'].length != 1) {
response = 'Proper usage: httpget (url)';
} else {
var options = parseUrl(args['_'][0]);
options.method = 'GET';
if (options == null) {
response = 'Invalid url.';
} else {
try { consoleHttpRequest = http.request(options, consoleHttpResponse); } catch (e) { response = 'Invalid HTTP GET request'; }
consoleHttpRequest.sessionid = sessionid;
if (consoleHttpRequest != null) {
response = 'HTTPGET ' + options.protocol + '//' + options.hostname + ':' + options.port + options.path;
case 'wslist': { // List all web sockets
response = '';
for (var i in consoleWebSockets) {
var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
response += 'Websocket #' + i + ', ' + httprequest.url + '\r\n';
if (response == '') { response = 'no websocket sessions.'; }
case 'wsconnect': { // Setup a web socket
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
response = 'Proper usage: wsconnect (url)\r\nFor example: wsconnect wss://localhost:443/meshrelay.ashx?id=abc'; // Display correct command usage
} else {
var httprequest = null;
try { http.request(parseUrl(args['_'][0])); } catch (e) { response = 'Invalid HTTP websocket request'; }
if (httprequest != null) {
httprequest.upgrade = onWebSocketUpgrade;
var index = 1;
while (consoleWebSockets[index]) { index++; }
httprequest.sessionid = sessionid;
httprequest.index = index;
httprequest.url = args['_'][0];
consoleWebSockets[index] = httprequest;
response = 'New websocket session #' + index;
case 'wssend': { // Send data on a web socket
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
response = 'Proper usage: wssend (socketnumber)\r\n'; // Display correct command usage
for (var i in consoleWebSockets) {
var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
response += 'Websocket #' + i + ', ' + httprequest.url + '\r\n';
} else {
var i = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
if (httprequest != undefined) {
response = 'ok';
} else {
response = 'Invalid web socket number';
case 'wsclose': { // Close a websocket
if (args['_'].length == 0) {
response = 'Proper usage: wsclose (socketnumber)'; // Display correct command usage
} else {
var i = parseInt(args['_'][0]);
var httprequest = consoleWebSockets[i];
if (httprequest != undefined) {
response = 'ok';
} else {
response = 'Invalid web socket number';
case 'tunnels': { // Show the list of current tunnels
response = '';
for (var i in tunnels) { response += 'Tunnel #' + i + ', ' + tunnels[i].url + '\r\n'; }
if (response == '') { response = 'No websocket sessions.'; }
case 'ls': { // Show list of files and folders
response = '';
var xpath = '*';
if (args['_'].length > 0) { xpath = obj.path.join(args['_'][0], '*'); }
response = 'List of ' + xpath + '\r\n';
var results = fs.readdirSync(xpath);
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
var stat = null, p = obj.path.join(args['_'][0], results[i]);
try { stat = fs.statSync(p); } catch (e) { }
if ((stat == null) || (stat == undefined)) {
response += (results[i] + "\r\n");
} else {
response += (results[i] + " " + ((stat.isDirectory()) ? "(Folder)" : "(File)") + "\r\n");
case 'amt': { // Show Intel AMT status
//response = 'KVM: ' + mesh.hasKVM + ', HECI: ' + mesh.hasHECI + ', MicroLMS: ' + mesh.activeMicroLMS + '\r\n';
//response += JSON.stringify(mesh.MEInfo);
if (mesh.hasHECI == 1) {
var meinfo = mesh.MEInfo;
delete meinfo.TrustedHashes;
response = objToString(meinfo, 0, '.');
} else {
response = 'This mesh agent does not support Intel AMT.';
case 'netinfo': { // Show network interface information
response = objToString(mesh.NetInfo, 0, '.');
case 'sendall': { // Send a message to all consoles on this mesh
sendConsoleText(args['_'].join(' '));
case 'location': {
getIpLocationData(function (location) { sendConsoleText("Public IP location:\r\n" + objToString(location, 0, '.'), sessionid); }, args['_'][0]);
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
default: { // This is an unknown command, return an error message
response = 'Unknown command \"' + cmd + '\", type \"help\" for list of avaialble commands.';
} catch (e) { response = 'Command returned an exception error: ' + e; console.log(e); }
if (response != null) { sendConsoleText(response, sessionid); }
// Send a mesh agent console command
function sendConsoleText(text, sessionid) {
if (typeof text == 'object') { text = JSON.stringify(text); }
mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "msg", "type": "console", "value": text, "sessionid": sessionid });
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
// Called before the process exits
//process.exit = function (code) { console.log("Exit with code: " + code.toString()); }
// Called when the server connection state changes
function handleServerConnection(state) {
meshServerConnectionState = state;
if (meshServerConnectionState == 0) {
// Server disconnected
if (selfInfoUpdateTimer != null) { clearInterval(selfInfoUpdateTimer); selfInfoUpdateTimer = null; }
lastSelfInfo = null;
} else {
// Server connected, send mesh core information
if (selfInfoUpdateTimer == null) { selfInfoUpdateTimer = setInterval(sendPeriodicServerUpdate, 60000); } // Should be a long time, like 20 minutes. For now, 1 minute.
// Build a bunch a self information data that will be sent to the server
// We need to do this periodically and if anything changes, send the update to the server.
function buildSelfInfo() {
var r = { "action": "coreinfo", "value": obj.meshCoreInfo, "caps": obj.meshCoreCapabilities };
if (mesh.hasHECI == 1) {
var meinfo = mesh.MEInfo;
var amtPresent = false, intelamt = {};
if (meinfo.Versions && meinfo.Versions.AMT) { intelamt.ver = meinfo.Versions.AMT; amtPresent = true; }
if (meinfo.ProvisioningState) { intelamt.state = meinfo.ProvisioningState; amtPresent = true; }
if (meinfo.flags) { intelamt.flags = meinfo.Flags; amtPresent = true; }
if (meinfo.OsHostname) { = meinfo.OsHostname; amtPresent = true; }
if (amtPresent == true) { r.intelamt = intelamt }
return JSON.stringify(r);
// Called periodically to check if we need to send updates to the server
function sendPeriodicServerUpdate(force) {
// Update the self information data
var selfInfo = buildSelfInfo();
var selfInfoStr = JSON.stringify(selfInfo);
if ((force == true) || (selfInfoStr != lastSelfInfo)) { mesh.SendCommand(selfInfo); lastSelfInfo = selfInfoStr; }
// Update the network interfaces information data
var netInfo = mesh.NetInfo;
netInfo.action = 'netinfo';
var netInfoStr = JSON.stringify(netInfo);
if ((force == true) || (clearGatewayMac(netInfoStr) != clearGatewayMac(lastNetworkInfo))) { mesh.SendCommand(netInfo); lastNetworkInfo = netInfoStr; }
// Update public IP location information, location caching will be used
getIpLocationData(function (location) {
var locationStr = JSON.stringify(location);
if ((force == true) || (locationStr != lastPublicLocationInfo)) { mesh.SendCommand({ "action": "location", "type": "publicip", "value": location }); lastPublicLocationInfo = locationStr; }
2017-08-28 12:27:45 -04:00
// Called on MicroLMS Intel AMT user notification
function handleAmtNotification(notification) {
var amtMessage = notification.messageId;
var amtMessageArg = notification.messageArguments;
var notify = null;
switch (amtMessage) {
case 'iAMT0050': {
// Serial over lan
if (amtMessageArg == '48') {
// Connected
notify = 'Intel&reg; AMT Serial-over-LAN connected';
else if (amtMessageArg == '49') {
// Disconnected
notify = 'Intel&reg; AMT Serial-over-LAN disconnected';
case 'iAMT0052': {
if (amtMessageArg == '1') {
// Connected
notify = 'Intel&reg; AMT KVM connected';
else if (amtMessageArg == '2') {
// Disconnected
notify = 'Intel&reg; AMT KVM disconnected';
if (notify != null) {
var notification = { "action": "msg", "type": "notify", "value": notify, "tag": "general" };
//mesh.SendCommand(notification); // no sessionid or userid specified, notification will go to the entire mesh
//console.log("handleAmtNotification", JSON.stringify(notification));
// Starting function
obj.start = function () {
// Setup the mesh agent event handlers
mesh.lmsNotification = handleAmtNotification;
sendPeriodicServerUpdate(); // TODO: Check if connected before sending
// Parse input arguments
//var args = parseArgs(process.argv);
obj.stop = function () {
function onWebSocketClosed() { sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.httprequest.index + " closed.", this.httprequest.sessionid); delete consoleWebSockets[this.httprequest.index]; }
function onWebSocketData(data) { sendConsoleText("Got WebSocket #" + this.httprequest.index + " data: " + data, this.httprequest.sessionid); }
function onWebSocketSendOk() { sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.index + " SendOK.", this.sessionid); }
function onWebSocketUpgrade(response, s, head) {
sendConsoleText("WebSocket #" + this.index + " connected.", this.sessionid);
this.s = s;
s.httprequest = this;
s.end = onWebSocketClosed; = onWebSocketData;
return obj;
var xexports = null;
try { xexports = module.exports; } catch (e) { }
if (xexports != null) {
// If we are running within NodeJS, export the core
module.exports.createMeshCore = createMeshCore;
} else {
// If we are not running in NodeJS, launch the core