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* [js-md4]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-md4}
* @namespace md4
* @version 0.3.2
* @author Yi-Cyuan Chen [emn178@gmail.com]
* @copyright Yi-Cyuan Chen 2015-2027
* @license MIT
/*jslint bitwise: true */
(function () {
'use strict';
var root = typeof window === 'object' ? window : {};
var NODE_JS = !root.JS_MD4_NO_NODE_JS && typeof process === 'object' && process.versions && process.versions.node;
if (NODE_JS) {
root = global;
var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_MD4_NO_COMMON_JS && typeof module === 'object' && module.exports;
var AMD = typeof define === 'function' && define.amd;
var ARRAY_BUFFER = !root.JS_MD4_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined';
var HEX_CHARS = '0123456789abcdef'.split('');
var EXTRA = [128, 32768, 8388608, -2147483648];
var SHIFT = [0, 8, 16, 24];
var OUTPUT_TYPES = ['hex', 'array', 'digest', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer'];
var blocks = [], buffer8;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(68);
buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer);
* @method hex
* @memberof md4
* @description Output hash as hex string
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {String} Hex string
* @example
* md4.hex('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
* // equal to
* md4('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
* @method digest
* @memberof md4
* @description Output hash as bytes array
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {Array} Bytes array
* @example
* md4.digest('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
* @method array
* @memberof md4
* @description Output hash as bytes array
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {Array} Bytes array
* @example
* md4.array('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
* @method buffer
* @memberof md4
* @description Output hash as ArrayBuffer
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} ArrayBuffer
* @example
* md4.buffer('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
var createOutputMethod = function (outputType) {
return function(message) {
return new Md4(true).update(message)[outputType]();
* @method create
* @memberof md4
* @description Create Md4 object
* @returns {Md4} MD4 object.
* @example
* var hash = md4.create();
* @method update
* @memberof md4
* @description Create and update Md4 object
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {Md4} MD4 object.
* @example
* var hash = md4.update('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
* // equal to
* var hash = md4.create();
* hash.update('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
var createMethod = function () {
var method = createOutputMethod('hex');
method.create = function () {
return new Md4();
method.update = function (message) {
return method.create().update(message);
for (var i = 0; i < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i) {
var type = OUTPUT_TYPES[i];
method[type] = createOutputMethod(type);
return method;
var nodeWrap = function (method) {
var crypto = require('crypto');
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var nodeMethod = function (message) {
if (typeof message === 'string') {
return crypto.createHash('md4').update(message, 'utf8').digest('hex');
} else if (ARRAY_BUFFER && message instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
message = new Uint8Array(message);
} else if (message.length === undefined) {
return method(message);
return crypto.createHash('md4').update(new Buffer(message)).digest('hex');
return nodeMethod;
* Md4 class
* @class Md4
* @description This is internal class.
* @see {@link md4.create}
function Md4(sharedMemory) {
if (sharedMemory) {
blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] =
blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] =
blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] =
blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0;
this.blocks = blocks;
this.buffer8 = buffer8;
} else {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(68);
this.buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
this.blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer);
} else {
this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
this.h0 = this.h1 = this.h2 = this.h3 = this.start = this.bytes = 0;
this.finalized = this.hashed = false;
this.first = true;
* @method update
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Update hash
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {Md4} MD4 object.
* @see {@link md4.update}
Md4.prototype.update = function (message) {
if (this.finalized) {
var notString = typeof message !== 'string';
if (notString && ARRAY_BUFFER && message instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
message = new Uint8Array(message);
var code, index = 0, i, length = message.length || 0, blocks = this.blocks;
var buffer8 = this.buffer8;
while (index < length) {
if (this.hashed) {
this.hashed = false;
blocks[0] = blocks[16];
blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] =
blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] =
blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] =
blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0;
if (notString) {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
buffer8[i++] = message[index];
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
blocks[i >> 2] |= message[index] << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
code = message.charCodeAt(index);
if (code < 0x80) {
buffer8[i++] = code;
} else if (code < 0x800) {
buffer8[i++] = 0xc0 | (code >> 6);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f);
} else if (code < 0xd800 || code >= 0xe000) {
buffer8[i++] = 0xe0 | (code >> 12);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f);
} else {
code = 0x10000 + (((code & 0x3ff) << 10) | (message.charCodeAt(++index) & 0x3ff));
buffer8[i++] = 0xf0 | (code >> 18);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f);
buffer8[i++] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3f);
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
code = message.charCodeAt(index);
if (code < 0x80) {
blocks[i >> 2] |= code << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else if (code < 0x800) {
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xc0 | (code >> 6)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else if (code < 0xd800 || code >= 0xe000) {
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xe0 | (code >> 12)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else {
code = 0x10000 + (((code & 0x3ff) << 10) | (message.charCodeAt(++index) & 0x3ff));
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xf0 | (code >> 18)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
this.lastByteIndex = i;
this.bytes += i - this.start;
if (i >= 64) {
this.start = i - 64;
this.hashed = true;
} else {
this.start = i;
return this;
Md4.prototype.finalize = function () {
if (this.finalized) {
this.finalized = true;
var blocks = this.blocks, i = this.lastByteIndex;
blocks[i >> 2] |= EXTRA[i & 3];
if (i >= 56) {
if (!this.hashed) {
blocks[0] = blocks[16];
blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] =
blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] =
blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] =
blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0;
blocks[14] = this.bytes << 3;
Md4.prototype.hash = function () {
var a, b, c, d, ab, bc, cd, da, blocks = this.blocks;
if (this.first) {
a = blocks[0] - 1;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d = ((a & 0xefcdab89) | (~a & 0x98badcfe)) + blocks[1] + 271733878;
d = (d << 7) | (d >>> 25);
c = ((d & a) | (~d & 0xefcdab89)) + blocks[2] - 1732584194;
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b = ((c & d) | (~c & a)) + blocks[3] - 271733879;
b = (b << 19) | (b >>> 13);
} else {
a = this.h0;
b = this.h1;
c = this.h2;
d = this.h3;
a += ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + blocks[0];
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += ((a & b) | (~a & c)) + blocks[1];
d = (d << 7) | (d >>> 25);
c += ((d & a) | (~d & b)) + blocks[2];
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += ((c & d) | (~c & a)) + blocks[3];
b = (b << 19) | (b >>> 13);
a += ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + blocks[4];
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += ((a & b) | (~a & c)) + blocks[5];
d = (d << 7) | (d >>> 25);
c += ((d & a) | (~d & b)) + blocks[6];
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += ((c & d) | (~c & a)) + blocks[7];
b = (b << 19) | (b >>> 13);
a += ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + blocks[8];
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += ((a & b) | (~a & c)) + blocks[9];
d = (d << 7) | (d >>> 25);
c += ((d & a) | (~d & b)) + blocks[10];
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += ((c & d) | (~c & a)) + blocks[11];
b = (b << 19) | (b >>> 13);
a += ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + blocks[12];
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += ((a & b) | (~a & c)) + blocks[13];
d = (d << 7) | (d >>> 25);
c += ((d & a) | (~d & b)) + blocks[14];
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += ((c & d) | (~c & a)) + blocks[15];
b = (b << 19) | (b >>> 13);
bc = b & c;
a += (bc | (b & d) | (c & d)) + blocks[0] + 1518500249;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
ab = a & b;
d += (ab | (a & c) | bc) + blocks[4] + 1518500249;
d = (d << 5) | (d >>> 27);
da = d & a;
c += (da | (d & b) | ab) + blocks[8] + 1518500249;
c = (c << 9) | (c >>> 23);
cd = c & d;
b += (cd | (c & a) | da) + blocks[12] + 1518500249;
b = (b << 13) | (b >>> 19);
bc = b & c;
a += (bc | (b & d) | cd) + blocks[1] + 1518500249;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
ab = a & b;
d += (ab | (a & c) | bc) + blocks[5] + 1518500249;
d = (d << 5) | (d >>> 27);
da = d & a;
c += (da | (d & b) | ab) + blocks[9] + 1518500249;
c = (c << 9) | (c >>> 23);
cd = c & d;
b += (cd | (c & a) | da) + blocks[13] + 1518500249;
b = (b << 13) | (b >>> 19);
bc = b & c;
a += (bc | (b & d) | cd) + blocks[2] + 1518500249;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
ab = a & b;
d += (ab | (a & c) | bc) + blocks[6] + 1518500249;
d = (d << 5) | (d >>> 27);
da = d & a;
c += (da | (d & b) | ab) + blocks[10] + 1518500249;
c = (c << 9) | (c >>> 23);
cd = c & d;
b += (cd | (c & a) | da) + blocks[14] + 1518500249;
b = (b << 13) | (b >>> 19);
bc = b & c;
a += (bc | (b & d) | cd) + blocks[3] + 1518500249;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
ab = a & b;
d += (ab | (a & c) | bc) + blocks[7] + 1518500249;
d = (d << 5) | (d >>> 27);
da = d & a;
c += (da | (d & b) | ab) + blocks[11] + 1518500249;
c = (c << 9) | (c >>> 23);
b += ((c & d) | (c & a) | da) + blocks[15] + 1518500249;
b = (b << 13) | (b >>> 19);
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks[0] + 1859775393;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks[8] + 1859775393;
d = (d << 9) | (d >>> 23);
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks[4] + 1859775393;
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += (da ^ c) + blocks[12] + 1859775393;
b = (b << 15) | (b >>> 17);
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks[2] + 1859775393;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks[10] + 1859775393;
d = (d << 9) | (d >>> 23);
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks[6] + 1859775393;
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += (da ^ c) + blocks[14] + 1859775393;
b = (b << 15) | (b >>> 17);
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks[1] + 1859775393;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks[9] + 1859775393;
d = (d << 9) | (d >>> 23);
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks[5] + 1859775393;
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += (da ^ c) + blocks[13] + 1859775393;
b = (b << 15) | (b >>> 17);
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks[3] + 1859775393;
a = (a << 3) | (a >>> 29);
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks[11] + 1859775393;
d = (d << 9) | (d >>> 23);
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks[7] + 1859775393;
c = (c << 11) | (c >>> 21);
b += (da ^ c) + blocks[15] + 1859775393;
b = (b << 15) | (b >>> 17);
if (this.first) {
this.h0 = a + 1732584193 << 0;
this.h1 = b - 271733879 << 0;
this.h2 = c - 1732584194 << 0;
this.h3 = d + 271733878 << 0;
this.first = false;
} else {
this.h0 = this.h0 + a << 0;
this.h1 = this.h1 + b << 0;
this.h2 = this.h2 + c << 0;
this.h3 = this.h3 + d << 0;
* @method hex
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as hex string
* @returns {String} Hex string
* @see {@link md4.hex}
* @example
* hash.hex();
Md4.prototype.hex = function () {
var h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
return HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h0 & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 8) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 16) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 28) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h0 >> 24) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h1 & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 8) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 16) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 28) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h1 >> 24) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h2 & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 8) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 16) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 28) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h2 >> 24) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h3 & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 8) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 16) & 0x0F] +
HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 28) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(h3 >> 24) & 0x0F];
* @method toString
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as hex string
* @returns {String} Hex string
* @see {@link md4.hex}
* @example
* hash.toString();
Md4.prototype.toString = Md4.prototype.hex;
* @method digest
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as bytes array
* @returns {Array} Bytes array
* @see {@link md4.digest}
* @example
* hash.digest();
Md4.prototype.digest = function() {
var h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
return [
h0 & 0xFF, (h0 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h0 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h0 >> 24) & 0xFF,
h1 & 0xFF, (h1 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h1 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h1 >> 24) & 0xFF,
h2 & 0xFF, (h2 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h2 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h2 >> 24) & 0xFF,
h3 & 0xFF, (h3 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h3 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h3 >> 24) & 0xFF
* @method array
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as bytes array
* @returns {Array} Bytes array
* @see {@link md4.array}
* @example
* hash.array();
Md4.prototype.array = Md4.prototype.digest;
* @method arrayBuffer
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as ArrayBuffer
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} ArrayBuffer
* @see {@link md4.arrayBuffer}
* @example
* hash.arrayBuffer();
Md4.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer);
blocks[0] = this.h0;
blocks[1] = this.h1;
blocks[2] = this.h2;
blocks[3] = this.h3;
return buffer;
* @method buffer
* @deprecated This maybe confuse with Buffer in node.js. Please use arrayBuffer instead.
* @memberof Md4
* @instance
* @description Output hash as ArrayBuffer
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} ArrayBuffer
* @see {@link md4.buffer}
* @example
* hash.buffer();
Md4.prototype.buffer = Md4.prototype.arrayBuffer;
var exports = createMethod();
if (COMMON_JS) {
module.exports = exports;
} else {
* @method md4
* @description MD4 hash function, export to global in browsers.
* @param {String|Array|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer} message message to hash
* @returns {String} md4 hashes
* @example
* md4(''); // 31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0
* md4('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'); // 1bee69a46ba811185c194762abaeae90
* md4('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'); // 2812c6c7136898c51f6f6739ad08750e
* // It also supports UTF-8 encoding
* md4('中文'); // 223088bf7bd45a16436b15360c5fc5a0
* // It also supports byte `Array`, `Uint8Array`, `ArrayBuffer`
* md4([]); // 31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0
* md4(new Uint8Array([])); // 31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0
root.md4 = exports;
if (AMD) {
define(function () {
return exports;