# Gitting-Started Getting started with Git ## I recommend WSL if using Windows. If using mac you already have terminal :-) There are GUIs for Git, but I have no experience with them. --- Installing WSL: [HERE](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) I recommend Debian OR Alpine Alpine Linux: [HERE](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/alpine-wsl/9p804crf0395) Debian Linux: [HERE](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/debian/9msvkqc78pk6?activetab=pivot:overviewtab) --- Create SSH Key ```ssh-keygen``` --- Get SSH public key ```cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub``` --- Add key to gitea 1. User profile in upper right hand corner 2. Settings 3. SSH/GPG Keys 4. Manage SSH Keys -> Add Key (to the right) 5. Paste whole key in Content, this should add the SSH Key Name in the name field --- Clone git repo 1. Find repo you want 2. Switch to SSH option in cloning 3. ```git clone URL_HERE``` --- Now you can do the git stuff 1. I always do a ```git pull``` to make sure the repo is up to date just in-case anyone has made changes 2. ```git add NEW_FILE``` or ```git add .``` if you'd like to add all files with changes 3. ```git commit -m 'ADD INFO HERE OF WHAT WAS CHANGED/ADDED'``` | If you'd like to push some changes, but not run the pipeline you can just add ```[skip ci]``` anywhere in the commit message 4. ```git push``` ## Your updates will now be pushed, if there's a pipline it might take a while 10/15mins for the updates to be shown --- Other useful git stuff View status of repo (how far ahead/behind from master/main) | ```git status``` View differences | ```git diff```